Europe with Spartacus

By Bill Jonners

Published on Oct 15, 2019


The story is written in collaboration with my friend Fred in Norway and is completely fictional. Ivar is a youngster of the writer's imagination, and so are the men he meets on his `educational journey'.

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Europe with Spartacus

Chapter 3 Oslo-Copenhagen (1975)

Ivar was standing by the rail when the ship left Oslo; one evening and one night more and he would be in Copenhagen, the first European city he would visit on his gap-year travel. He was excited, first time abroad alone. He had visited Denmark once as a kid, but never Copenhagen. Now he had studied the Spartacus guide and he had bought a more traditional guide to find what a tourist should see and do in the Danish capital. He knew that Denmark was probably the most tolerant country in the world regarding sex, and he knew gay people were normally treated well.

The ship gave a farewell to Oslo with three whistle signals. Soon they passed Huk and the beaches he had visited a few days earlier. People waved from both the family beach and from the naturist beach. He had brought a small pair of binoculars and now he was trying to find a special place on the Bygdoy peninsula. His new friend from yesterday had told him that there was an unofficial gay beach out there, not described in any official guidebooks. `Homo-lulu' was the name Roy had put on it. Ivar found the spot, and yes, below a steep slope, not far from the fence to the royal estate, a lot of naked youngsters were gathered in the evening sunshine.

Ivar moved to the other side of the ship and had a fine view to the Harbour Islands he had visited with Thor, the teacher. "I wonder if it will be as easy to make contacts in Copenhagen?" he said to himself. The days in Oslo had been beyond his wildest fantasy.

The wind increased when the ship reached the narrow part of the Oslo Fjord. Ivar had not rented a cabin for the night as he'd hoped to find a free sofa somewhere. However he had seen a lot of backpackers coming onboard so maybe there would be fights over the free seats later on. Ivar was about to find his backpack and move inside when his upper body was hugged from behind by strong arms. The man, taller than him and much broader than him, held him as if in a vice.

"Did the stupid guys scare you the other night?" a man said. Ivar managed turned his head to see the man's face. It was the huge guy that had intervened at the disco when the four guys tried to strip him in the dark corridor.

"No, my friend, not scared but a bit surprised. Maybe it could have been fun to get naked there you know!" Ivar turned around and grinned.

The man still had his arms around Ivar's shoulders. "I guess they envied your success on the dance floor," he smiled. "You were the prince out there, Ivar."

"How do you know my name, sir?" A bit surprised Ivar looked at the man who was in his thirties, with a neck like a bull and biceps that looked as if they were about to rip his t-shirt.

"My friend was the security guy that kept your luggage, and I asked him!" he was told.

"Why?" Ivar put up an innocent look.

"BecauseÉ" The man hesitated. "É you are so damn sexyÉ"

Ivar was not sure what to say. He was not at all familiar with personal compliments.

"My name is Tommy, baby." He held out a huge, strong hand to Ivar. "May I offer you a beer?"

The blushing youngster wasn't sure what to say. "But I have my backpack, and there are no free lockers."

"No problem. Put your stuff in my cabin...well, the cabin I share with two guys. We are going to compete in the deadlift at the Nordic Games this weekend." Tommy lifted Ivar's rucksack with one hand and carried it free from his own body. Ivar swallowed when he walked behind the man in tight sportswear, noting that his buttocks and his upper legs were clearly those of an athlete's hot body.

Tommy finished his third pint before Ivar had bottomed his first. The two shared a sofa in the rear bar as the strong wind made the ship roll. Two men, Tommy's size, came up to them and sat down.

"You've got yourself a princess for the night?" One man said as he looked at Tommy with teasing eyes.

"Shut up, you fucking idiot!" Tommy did not take the joke well. "Meet young Ivar here. He's a great guy from my mother's home area up north. I've invited him to see our competition on Friday."

The two rose like kids and shook Ivar's hand. "Buy us beers as well!" Tommy shouted as the newcomers went up to the bar for drinks.

It was late evening now, and the bar was about to empty. The waves were a bit rough. The ship had passed the shadow of land and the waves from the west made the ship roll. For the last half hour Ivar had been curled in Tommy's arms.

"Are you okay, baby?" Tommy let Ivar lie down on the sofa with his head in his lap. Tommy stroked Ivar's forehead. "You are warm!" The man put a hand inside Ivar's t-shirt and let it stay there. He played with the stiff nipples. Ivar's lower part took the signal very fast. The result was a visible tent in the shorts which Ivar tried to adjust.

"I guess I've had too much to drink," Ivar said. "And I feel so tired. I'd better find my rucksack now."

With arms around each other, the two struggled a bit through the corridors and found the correct door. Inside two men were sound asleep in bunk beds, snoring like it was a competition.

"Please stay with me, baby!" Tommy kissed Ivar lightly. "I think we can manage to share the lower bed here." The huge man did not wait for an answer, but just pushed Ivar inside. The cabin smelt of sweat, beer and males, but Ivar was happy for the invitation. Tommy stripped down to white briefs in seconds. Ivar looked at the huge body with admiration and lust. The bulge inside the briefs was not impressive but the man had muscles like iron. The upper arms and the thighs were unbelievable. The body was smooth - no hair at all - but he didn't look shaved.

Tommy stripped to his underwear and found a towel that he wrapped around his hips like a loincloth. "I need a shower before I go to bed. It's just down the corridor," the man said. Ivar had been too occupied with the body inspection. He was still dressed. "You come with me, baby. I have coins for the shower. Take the extra towel!" Again no question, just a command.

Ivar hesitated, but felt comfortable when Tommy lifted him up on the bed. Tommy looked at the youngster with lust, no doubt, and very carefully he undressed him. First he opened Ivar's floral summer shirt, then he lifted the boy's arms to free him from the tight sleeveless t-shirt. He let his fingers pass over Ivar's nipples. "You have the hottest tits I ever..." The man stopped talking and used two fingers to work Ivar's coronas before he gently squeezed the hard nipples. Ivar moaned. He was both ticklish and very sensitive, but now he felt completely like he was this huge man's toy.

"You like this, baby?" Tommy wet his fingers with saliva and continued the massage.

"Great! Great!" Ivar closed his eyes. He had trouble standing still but he knew what was happening when Tommy knelt down, unfastened the belt to his shorts and unbuttoned his fly. Ivar swallowed when the man pushed down the shorts. He was naked but for the mini bikini and a pair of white socks. His throbbing cock moved inside the thin fabric and the wet spot increased as if he was cumming. Ivar put his hands on Tommy's dark, short-cut hair. It was an invitation for more contact, and Tommy took the signal.

Again very carefully Tommy placed his hands inside the boy's underwear and cupped the buttocks. At the same time Ivar's iron-hard cock popped up above the waistband. Even hard, his foreskin covered most of the pink cockhead. The piss-slit was dripping pre-cum.

"Wow! What the hell, baby? You have a real man-cock, but look like a teen. Lucky boy! Lucky boy!" The strange speech was probably meant for his own ears more than Ivar's.

"May I touch you, boy? I'll be kind to you. I'll be kind!" Tommy sounded as if he was afraid of his own lust and strength.

"Please, sir!" Ivar was suddenly overwhelmed by the man's combination of softness and muscles. "I'm all yours. You areÉ oh!" Ivar stopped talking.

Tommy had one hand underneath the young ballsack, and lifted and played with the `eggs'. The other hand found the foreskin and pulled it over the wet glans as far as possible. Then he divided the cockhead and let the pre-cum drip in a long sticky thread from the dark red piss-slit. He collected some and put his finger back into his mouth. He showed a long tongue and licked the end of the boy-cock while he, with his wet fingers, found Ivar's boy-cunt.

Uncertain about what was happening Ivar spread his legs and gave the man access. Once again Tommy spat in his hand and found the tight cunt. Two things happened at the same time. Tommy took Ivar's cock inside his mouth as far as he could and locked his lips. At the back the man opened Ivar's tight cunt and filled the arse with a huge long finger. Ivar screamed, not just because of the pain, but more because he in a way was being double penetrated.

"I am...Damn! I am about..." Ivar cried. With tears in the eyes he tried to figure out what was happening. Near him were two sleeping and snoring men. He himself had been penetrated by a giant who used his mouth and fingers, and he was about to cum...and he couldn't stop.

Ivar felt Tommy rotate his finger inside him. A new feeling of heat filled his body. Tommy curled the finger inside as if he played with a bowling ball, and that was just what Ivar felt when he started to shoot inside Tommy's mouth. Volley after volley of young man-cream filled the athlete's mouth. The heat was intense. Tommy continued the pressure on Ivar's prostate, and the boy had another orgasm, then collapsed in Tommy's arms.

"What happened?" Ivar looked up into Tommy's worried eyes. He rested on a towel inside a changing room close to the shower area.

"Did you faint?" Tommy answered with a question. "You filled my mouth with spunk again and again! A wild cumming in there!"

"Never felt anything like that before?" Tommy asked. "You never been fucked?"

"No, no!" Ivar blushed. "It was heaven. I've heard it's hell the first time!"

"Not if you are prepared, and not if you are horny enough!" Tommy caressed the young body. Ivar saw that the man was still naked and he also saw that the man's cock was growing while playing with him.

"Let me suck you, sir! Let me pay back for sending me to heaven!" Ivar let the huge man sit down, and he himself knelt before the athlete's cock, not a tiny one - a very normal one, but not impressive on the huge body.

Tommy moaned when the well-trained cocksucker took his 14 cm (5.5 inches) down his throat without coughing. Suddenly the man woke up and took command. The soft man mouth-fucked the youngster with passion and lust, and Ivar let him do it with tears in the eyes. He felt the ship roll from side to side when the mouth was filled with man-milk, too much to swallow. When Tommy lifted him and then gave him his mouth, the two shared the dripping cum from both face and body.

"We will arrive in Copenhagen in thirty minutes!" A metallic voice was heard from the ship's loudspeakers. The four in cabin 602 had overslept. A naked Ivar with a morning wood touching Tommy's belly was too late to watch the arrival in the middle of Denmark's beautiful capital. He curled close to the warm athlete and was met by a kiss on his forehead, and a huge hand around his stiff cock.

"Please, sir. If you don't let me go, I'm going to piss in the bed!" Ivar tried to find some clothes.

Tommy and his group were in a hurry. They were to register for their competition and breakfast had to wait. Ivar was very relaxed. He was standing by the gangway waiting to leave the ship. Tommy hugged his new friend. "See you on Friday, baby. Give me a hand as I try to beat the record. You have the address? Check that you have it?" Tommy hugged Ivar again, afraid that he wouldn't turn up.

"I'll be there, my friend. You will manage well, I'm sure!" The Norwegian lad, very normal in size and shape, looked undersized between the giants.

Ivar looked around. Amalienborg Castle, the Danish Royal residence was next door to the ship's terminal. Ivar went through the coastal park and crossed the Castle Square. "Impressive!" he thought. He studied the four similar palaces with the red and white Danish flag. If he placed his back to the canal, he could see the marble church in front. He had done his studies, and not only from the Spartacus Guide. But now he was hungry, no breakfast yet after the hot night.

He passed a young armed guard in Royal uniform, his own age and his own size. "Stupid me!" he thought afterwards. He had smiled to the guy, and used a common Norwegian `Hey', and he had got a huge smile back from the blushing stone face. Ivar had been welcomed to Denmark. He couldn't understand why the lad had blushed though.

A fifteen-minute walk and Ivar was close to another harbour, the harbour for tourist boats and old wooden vessels. "Nyhavn" or `new harbour' in English, an area with a lot of restaurants and a high party factor, especially for younger people in summertime. On the sunny side of the harbour there were hundreds of beer-drinking youngsters. Ivar looked at the clock in the middle of the park - eleven in the morning, and already party-time. "I'm far away from home already," he thought.

"What may I bring you, handsome?" A young girl smiled at the blushing Norwegian lad.

Norwegian and Danish are almost the same language, but the Danish pronunciation is very different from Norwegian. And some words are a bit strange too. Ivar knew that if he asked for `breakfast' the Danes would serve him lunch, and that was too early for the youngster who had just woken up. "Please some coffee, and a morning-bread!" he said. He could not understand why the girl grinned.

"Some cheese and jam for yourÉ morning-bread," she teased.

"Yes, please", was his plain answer.

A well-dressed gentleman had already placed himself on the second free chair outside in the sun. "Bring me an Old Dane!" the man told the girl. "Bring one for the young Norwegian too. I think he needs some to recover from last night." The man looked at Ivar. "I heard you had a rough trip last night!" he said.

Again Ivar was a bit disoriented. His last thought this morning was about the storm last night. `A rough trip' was related to anything but the weather.

The girl brought what Ivar had asked for, a roll with cheese and ham, plus coffee. She also brought two small bottles of `dram'. The gentleman twisted off the cap and lifted the bottle. "Bottoms up. Gesuntheit!" he said.

Ivar could only follow. It tasted like what his mother used to buy in the pharmacy for a winter cold, but stronger than the Norwegian Aquavit. Ivar coughed and his eyes filled with tears. The man knocked his back and smiled.

One hour later and the two paid up and left. Well, the man paid the bill for both of them. Ivar tried to protest, but without success. During the hour-long chat, Ivar had talked about his plans and the man had listened. The man had asked if Ivar had a place to stay, as if he were about to offer him a room. Ivar had told him about the bed he had rented in the `gay-friendly' hostel. The man knew the place and the two went into the capital's main market street, heading to the Town Hall Square.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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