European High School Trip

By Terry Green

Published on Jun 7, 2023


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Saying goodbye to my parents and sister at the airport, I felt liberated and scared at NY's JFK Airport. Deep down I was thrilled to be a senior in high school, going on my first international trip. Actually make that my first time on a plane, but this was part of the program I was involved with since 9th grade. Having studied everything from Shakespeare to Roman and Celtic history, this area of study had become my specialty at Father James of the Diocese Secondary. Having just turned 18, I was mostly excited about that being the UK's legal drinking age. Yet our chaperones were sure to follow our every move.

To my fellow students and I, a group of 15, this was the part of the trip that caused us irritation. Our families had shelled out a lot of money, and it was if we had "minders" from North Korea with us. A lot of us were disappointed by this, the tight schedule, and also the fact we had to wear dress clothes. After all we were representing the school, diocese, and a church bigger than any of us. Amanda was blunt. She told the chaperones, "we get it you have a job to do, but the more you watch us, we can be difficult." All of us loved this, but sitting next to me on the 747 was Max. He had shown apprehension about her remarks, but she and everyone else still were going.

Seeing the British "Clipper " as the crew called the airplane, was quite intimidating to say the least. Max had flown before, so I was glad he was next to me. He explained how such a large object could take off. The flight attendants had the lovely British accents I looked forward to more of. Our section of the airplane was handled by a lady named Mrs Victoria. She was kind enough to take pictures of us with our phones. All of us were excited, but I was nervous about the flying. Max noticed this, and reminded me, "this is safer than walking down a street." Smiling at me, he was a very handsome guy. I think at this point he knew deep down I also was gay, but due to our school we had to hide it. Yet I was happy we were roommates during this journey.

There was a lot of activity, as the pilot came over the PA with weather information, and advised us of our upcoming departure. He was correct as ten minutes later the plane had backed up and was going down maybe they were called side runways. Max warned me "takeoff is pretty fast, and when we gain altitude, don't be surprised if your ears pop." "Great." That's all I could say as I looked out the window. Planes were taking off and landing, but as the engines made a loud racket, it was obvious take off maneuvers had begun. He wasn't kidding. Everything we went by at a speed, that it all really was a blur. Then all of a sudden I saw everything drop below us, and we definitely were airborne. It was a rush to be honest, although also a relief. There were lots of beeps. Max had warned me these were chimes used by flight attendants.

It was interesting how we were going up, but yet at the same time, it felt as if we were going still. Whiteness everywhere. Ah the clouds! Then a clearing, to see New York and the Atlantic Ocean. Max explained "we will go north to Canada, and then go due east to London." Asking him questions, now it made sense. One of his uncles was an airline pilot. He had joined our school this year, having arrived from California. We had become friends rather quickly. Then again we had many of the same interests, especially in the arts and fashion. He really was attractive, being of French American descent, and sometimes we played soccer together with others on the school field. To his credit he supported me and others on the baseball team, where I was the starting center fielder. At 6'1 and 190 or so I was quite built, and looked forward to attending Penn State. My parents growing up expected I'd get an academics scholarship, but I had succeeded on the diamond a lot.

Smiling about this, I looked back at my life a bit. For a moment I was that scrappy little league player, but now I was Terry, and I'd be happy to bring the guys on bases home. Our team was solid, and some of our other players got scholarships, and pitcher John Williams had been drafted by the Baltimore Orioles. He took their offer signing their contract. Yet my parents even though I also was drafted, by the Seattle Mariners, had supported my decision to go to Happy Valley. I looked forward to not being red shirted, and allowed to play right away. Batting .422 with 13 homer's, I was ready to help the Nittany Lions become even more successful. Coach Rivera had been the final selling point. He was the best recruiter, no doubt about it.

Dinner was served. Better than I had expected it to be. Max was correct that it would be tasty. Salmon with rice and vegetables. Max and I discussed a number of topics over our meal. He really was good company, and beyond intellectual. In my opinion that's the sexiest quality of anyone, although it didn't hurt that he was a petite blonde with those sparkly blue eyes. I know he caught me looking at him, but played it super chill. He was keeping things close to the vest, but I was certain our nights in the hotel with alcohol could be quite special. My male DNA couldn't resist my thoughts, and despite us being who knows how many miles up, my hardness was truly in full force. No doubt my pheromones had to be encapsulating Max, and the thought of taking him got me feeling randy. Two eighteen year old males in their prime, would be like our 4th of July fireworks.

Looking out over the clouds, I noticed when turning my head he was asleep. Maybe what he said about "flying makes you tired was real." I was gung-ho about this, and was so happy when a flight attendant brought me a bottle of water. Sitting there I pondered the trip, but also what might be going on. I hadn't had a lover in a long time. It wasn't a lonely feeling, but I missed it, as my first time with another guy was when younger. Sure I had a couple one night stands on Grindr, but was looking for something more substantial. A guy who brought meaning, along with my bringing loyalty and passion to.

Somewhere over the Atlantic I crashed out. It just happened, and all of a sudden lights are on. A bit confused, Max said "nice of you to wake sleepy head, we are going to land." Looking around I saw out the window actual land, and everything from cars to houses. The pilot made an announcement, some of which I heard, but all of the seatbelt signs were on. Was nervous about this, and Max saw this. "Hey Terry, thousands of landings every day, which are controlled crashes." I should have got mad at him, but laughed a lot. All of our school students and countless people, were under the control of the pilot and this large plane. As the ground came up there were some mechanical sounds, and the landing was far more smooth than I had imagined. People clapped, especially our school students, as we had arrived to our destination to be explored with vigor.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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