European High School Trip

By Terry Green

Published on Jun 29, 2023


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Max and I walked quickly, as we had to be at the conference room. Other students were hauling too. Last night for us had led to positive developments, and I wondered if other guys and gals with our school group were exploring as well. My friend Emily had let me know she was into women, and I thought her and Amy must be having fun also. Sexual liberation is freedom. It is the air of oxygen we breathe in, and this force can't be seen but it is felt. As we age into young men, we are that flower in the garden, that's withstood storms and droughts, to emerge more confident and aware of who we are. I absolutely loved being a young man, and being gay always was something I hid close to the vest, but when an opportunity presented itself I was an aggressive tiger shark.

Yet having now been through high school academically, and preparing for Penn State on a baseball scholarship, I knew the bat wouldn't be the only wood I'd be holding on to. While college would probably lead to a serious relationship, my hope was to churn my wild oats also. I was attracted to the guys on the team I'd play for, and part of me wondered if shortstop Kevin and I would be a couple. While we were in a NYC parochial school, there were quite a lot of us. True I was grateful coach Anders hadn't turned me in for a sexual encounter in the locker room. That scholarship would have been voided, and I'd be off to a community college at best. Per our student conduct code he was supposed to report these incidents, but maybe he was shocked by two guys in the shower room. Whatever his reasons, here I was in London, with another 18 year old. This time I couldn't push too hard, as he was gay but not experienced. Sure I so desired kissing Max, as his luscious lips and those seductive almond brown eyes turned me on. The feelings I had for him were growing, and while my intuition was correct, you don't just nail a virgin without marinating them.

Max and I got to the room with others. Mr Miller was casually dressed, and even our chaperone Mrs Walker aka Karen looked more relaxed. Maybe she got some, or perhaps the responsibility and stress of high school students wasn't as bad as she thought. It was kind of odd to see her smiling and drinking coffee. Mr Miller told us "get some pastries and sodas," as today was a full day at the British Museum of History. A lot of us were most anticipating of this day, and while we were dressed casual, we had to wear our schools t shirts. After all we were representatives of our place of education, but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for us. Some of our group had traveled internationally before, but none had been to the UK.

So far the last couple days had been amazing. As usual the charter bus was in front of the bus, and Max sat with me. We smiled at each other. As the bus moved I texted him, "are you hard right now?" "Yes!" More smiles between us. Who knows maybe we could find a bathroom somewhere in the museum. It would be hot to jerk him off in a stall. We'd have to see if private restrooms or "loos" were available. Yet we listened to the lady explain on the buses microphone, that "her name was Terri, and she was our official docent from the museum and historical society." She didn't look much older than us which was surprising. Yet in minutes she made it clear how knowledgeable and smart she was. So be it as we were with someone good, and while yes our smartphones could be helpful, sometimes it's best to learn from a human being instead.

When we pulled up, we were mesmerized by the facility's size. It was in a beautiful part of the city, and looked like it was multiple blocks. It was overstimulating, but as the worlds premier museum, we all were antsy to see what we would discover. My main fascination was controversial. The Egyptian mummies. This made a lot of people from Egypt and elsewhere mad, because it was quite possible these were stolen when that nation was under British Empire rule. While not as vicious as some, this was not polite or even slightly friendly leadership. To this day Egypt and the UK squabbled over this and more. There had been some releasing of artifacts back to the African nation, but who knew when others would be. I had been fascinated by yes King Tut, which probably is cliche, and how the mummification process started with brain removal through the nose. The pharaohs were quite intriguing, although not for their wives/harems if they died. These ladies would join them "earlier than expected."

Max was more into the Roman occupation of England. He had taught me a considerable amount, and the whole empire back then covered a large part of the globe with no to limited communication resources. Also how they kept supply lines and other systems going, I had to concede with my lover friend to be determined, that they were effective and efficient. There was as expected a lot of vicious bloodshed. Back then you wanted to be with the Romans, but as we now know lots of pockets of resistance existed. Such a strange world we live in. Now we are so lucky to have so much information and fast also. Going in through security, the men and women were polite and very professional. There was a funny moment with a female students belly ring setting off the metal detectors. Finally we were in.

We started with the area involving fiefdoms. This was where the knights, and others would enforce property lines and more with violence. Some of the swords were intricate. One had Egyptian Emerald, and Terri explained that this probably was worth some $20 million pounds. There was a reason it was in a clear glass display then. There were suits of armor we were allowed to touch. Also she went over the weights and how they were constructed. It took months if not years. Also we learned the importance of horse riding, combat tactics, and also how the feudal system worked and also didn't. This was really good brain food, and everyone in our group was into this.

Looking at Max's backside in those shorts, it was obvious the other brain took over. Oh how I wished I could just lube him up and take him. Now my blood was flowing in other areas, and I excused myself from the group. I found a private restroom for handicapped priority, but all personal feelings aside, I simply had to get rid of my pent up libido. Hormones are a real challenge. Sitting on the toilet I tugged my fully erect 8 inches. Touching my full shaved balls with my other hand, images of Max's eyes, lips, hips, cock, and that peach ass were in my thoughts. The room temperature went up. I kept thumping away thinking of the smell of my hands after touching his pubes, along with the sweet aroma of his cum when he exploded. Oh my I was a mess, and as the inevitable happened, I bit my lips down and attempted to ready for it. When the pulse arrived I literally got dizzy with a euphoric reaction, and my cum shot in in the air as I unloaded my tubes of so many reservoirs.

It was a relief. Cleaning up I knew that I had shot out a lot, but also understood the reality we all know as guys. My now more up in the sack balls would drop again with sperm production, and that damn penis would be hard and leading to angst. Maybe it was time to speed things up with Max. Yet how would I do this? Or should I take each day at a time. I was really attracted to him, and so needed to kiss him, suck him with such dedication he'd be addicted ti my skills, and to make love to him with him knowing I was inside his tight succulent ass. Breathing heavy I tried calming myself down, and there was a knock. A lady was saying "I need to go please." That British accent was much more friendly than our yank ones, so I cleared up the area, and allowed her to access this. I saw my group up ahead, and then a loud audible noise went off. This was some type of alarm, and everyone started to walk out. I found Terri and our group. Whatever this was must happen a lot based upon how calm everybody was.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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