European Vacation

By Dusty Miller

Published on Dec 5, 2019



Establishing my career after university was a rocky road, a patch work of short-term contracts wherever I could find work. But I made a living, and an increasingly better one. I was working my second six-month contract for the same company when the project that I was assigned to had a major hiccup. My boss told me to get lost for three weeks.

"I don't want you to even answer emails. Relax. Go travel or something," he said.

Travel was a good idea. I had never really been anywhere and for the first time in my life I had both the time and the money to do it. I jumped on the idea and ran with it.

Europe in the winter might seem like a strange choice, but the flights were cheap and I had always wanted to go. Since I was going by myself, I signed up with a bus tour company aimed at young people. (I knew a guy in university who had once tried backpacking around Europe by himself with a rail pass and he said it had been the loneliest time of his life.) An organized tour might be a bit confining but in a big group there had to be at least one decent guy to hang out with. And, I didn't have to do any planning or figure out any logistics, I could just go.

It was an eventful trip.

The first boy who caught my eye was Paul. Paul was 22, Australian and apprenticed to a locksmith in Adelaide. He was short, maybe 5'6", blond and blue eyed. He had a boyish face with a broad grin. I met Paul because I was randomly assigned to share a room with him at the hotel in London where the tours started.

I had got to London with little time to spare. My plane landed at Heathrow, I took the express train to Paddington and then the tube to my hotel. Paul's stuff was already in the room when I checked in, but he wasn't around. I had just enough time to buy some condoms and lube at the drugstore, (just in case), before the tour meeting.

There were two bus tours from this company leaving he next morning, with simultaneous group meetings with the tour directors to go over the details for the morning. We were leaving pretty early to catch the first ferry across the Channel. Paul and I were on different tours and I didn't actually meet him until after the meeting, up in our room. He was quiet and shy as we introduced ourselves but agreed to go down to the pub for some supper and pints.

We sat at a table with a pair of other guys I recognized from my tour group and ordered fish and chips and Stella Artois. The other guys were also Australian, in their early thirties, and heavy drinkers. Neither were good looking or all that pleasant company. We talked about the differences between Canada and Australia, chiefly the weather and the French. Paul had never seen snow and couldn't even imagine minus 30 degree cold. I told him I could barely imagine 45 degree heat.

Around nine, I announced I was going to bed 'cos I was jetlagged and wanted at least some sleep before getting up at 5:30. I didn't say that I was already tired of the two older guys. Paul came up with me and the other two stayed at the pub to drink more.

Paul and I didn't talk as we puttered around the room, fiddling with our kit. I went to take a shower and then Paul did the same after me. I was in bed, (naked, I always sleep naked), and reading when he returned with just a towel around him. He was nicely built, with defined pecs covered in tightly curled blonde hairs. He turned away as he dropped the towel and put on clean boxers, but I did get a brief look at his furry ass first and I popped wood at the sight. Then he crawled into his bed and we turned out the lights.

Both of us were silent lying there in the dark but I could tell from his breathing that Paul wasn't asleep yet.

"Do you have a girlfriend at home?" I asked. I had been wondering about this boy all night. He had said nothing and done nothing to make me think he might be gay, but then again nothing had ruled it out either.

"No, do you?"

"No, I'm not the type for that." Let's see if he takes up that hint.

Silence prevailed.

"You're a pretty cool guy," he finally offered.

"Thanks, so are you."

"I wish we were on the same tour."

"Definitely, I'd share a room with you if we were."

"It's kind of funny, don't you reckon?"


"That we could meet and like each other and start being friends but then in the morning we split up and never see each other again in our lives."

"That's really sad, when you put it that way."

"I've always been shy, so I don't normally make friends very quickly. But you don't have that problem."

"No, I've always been able to talk to people."

"You're easy to talk to. I bet you've got loads of mates back home."

"I'm on vacation, I'm here to have fun. And so are you."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Really, anything?"

"Yes, anything."

"Some stuff I have a hard time talking about."

"You can trust me. I won't judge you. And, I can keep a secret."

"I just don't want you to think badly of me."

"I really doubt that, no matter what's on your mind."

"I, I've never had sex. I'm a virgin."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of."

"My dad practically forced me to go on this trip so I would meet girls on the tour and hopefully finally shag one."

"Nothing wrong with that, if that's what you want."

"It's what he wants for me," he said, a bit sourly.

The only thing left unsaid now was our desire for one another. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I got out of my bed and stepped over to Paul's bed, my erection bobbing up and down before me in the gloom. I put my hand on his chest. He tensed up at my touch, but didn't push me away.

I ran my fingers down through his chest hair to the waist band of his boxers. I didn't put my hand inside yet, I checked for a boner by feeling the outside first and I wasn't disappointed. I rubbed his hardness through his flannel boxer shorts and he moaned.

I slipped my hand inside and felt his cock. He was uncut. I started jacking him. Paul moaned again, louder.

I decided to take another step. I pulled off his blankets and tugged down his boxers to get him completely naked. I climbed between his legs and sucked his dick.

Paul moaned and squirmed. I was relentless. He got closer and closer and then shot blast after blast of cum in my mouth.

I rolled over beside him and started jacking myself. After he recovered himself, he put his hand on my dick and started to jack me, tentatively at first but then more confidently, working his way up to sucking me for awhile. I had to finish myself off when I couldn't wait any longer, but I made sure to get my cum on his face and chest.

We did it all over a second time and then fell asleep, cuddled together.

In the morning, my alarm went off and as I got up to silence it, Paul woke up too. We had just enough time, I figured. I kissed him on the lips and grabbed for his cock. He started to bone up immediately and he jacked me too while we made out. I pushed him into a 69 position and we sucked each other. I brought him off as quickly as I could and then quickly finished myself with my hand.

Then we showered and packed and I gave him my email address on a scrap of paper. He teared up as he wrote his down for me. Then we hugged and went downstairs to the buses and never saw each other again. I liked Paul. I emailed him once but I never got an answer.

The tour got off to a quiet start after attendance and baggage loading, with everyone sleeping on the bus on the way to Dover. The ferry ride was uneventful and then once we were on the bus again, bound for Amsterdam, the tour guide started talking about the sights and the optional excursions and where we would be staying and so on.

My second randomly assigned roommate of the trip was David, a 20-year-old Australian guy. In fact, almost the whole tour group was Australian, since it was their uni summer break, which was unexpected on my part but turned out to be a lot of fun.

David was tall, a couple of inches taller than me, which would put him at about 6'2". He had messy, wavy brown hair and blue eyes and ears that stuck out a bit. His body was slim and fit, with a hairy chest and a treasure trail and what looked to be a decent sized package. He would have been very attractive, except for his bad acne, which was his only flaw.

David and I got along well and he was quite intelligent. I consider myself reasonably well read but he taught me a lot of European history, especially French Revolution, that I didn't know as the tour went on.

The subject of girls didn't come up until about day three or day four. We had just arrived in Lucerne and were staying in the hotel at the top of Mount Pilatus. You had to take both a gondola lift and a cable car to get up to the hotel.

"Who do you fancy on this tour?" he asked.

"I have a couple of ideas," I answered. "Who do you like?"

"No, no. I asked first."

I paused what I was doing, unsure how to answer. I could feel my face get hot and I knew probably looked as guilty as sin. I sat down on the edge of the bed while I considered how to wriggle out of this.

"It doesn't matter to me," he said, a bit knowingly, yet kindly.

"Okay, well, first of all, I'm bi," I said. There it was.

"I figured something like that. It's cool with me."

I breathed out in relief. "I didn't want to freak you out or anything."

"No, it's totally fine. But you still have to tell me who you like," he added, with a mischievous smile.

"Well, I don't chase straight boys, it's a waste of time. And I don't get a gay vibe from anyone else here. Among the girls...I dunno. I haven't really thought about them that much."

"I'm a bit disappointed in the girls too," he said. "The attractive ones are here with their boyfriends or all seem to have boyfriends at home."

"Well, you never know what can happen. Girls behave differently when they travel if they don't think their sins will follow them home."

"Still, I don't want some slag cheating on her boyfriend. I have better standards than that."

"What about Vivian?" Vivian was a cute Asian girl travelling with two guys, neither of whom was her boyfriend.

"She's cute," David said with a smile. "But I don't think she's into me."

"Pour on the charm," I said, as if I had experience in picking up girls to pass on. "You never know."

"You never know, indeed."

David was a fun guy and, like many Australians, was quite willing to get naked in public as part of a good time. He mooned other gondola cars several times on the lift while going up the mountain only to be outdone by a middle-aged couple who were full on fucking in the opposite car coming down. (I know that sounds weird but it really happened - I guess it was their mile high adventure.)

A couple of days later in Innsbruck, after a schnapps-fueled evening, David decided it would be a good idea to streak back to the hotel. I carried his clothes for him. Nobody else did it with him, I think to his disappointment, but I was happy 'cos I finally got a good look at his junk. He was uncut and about four inches soft. My own cock got stiff in my pants as I watched his skinny ass run away down the street.

When we arrived in Venice, the following day, it turned out that there was a mix-up with rooms at the hotel. Our tour guide, Angie, informed us we would get a room with a double bed and a cot instead of two singles like usual.

We all looked around Venice for a bit, checking out the main sights like St Mark's square and the Doge's palace and an obligatory canal boat ride. Venice had this weird vibe, like someone had found an abandoned city and filled it up with crap restaurants and souvenir shops among the ruins. Apparently hardly anyone actually lives there anymore. I guess a walk-up apartment with 700 year old plumbing backing onto an open sewer lacks appeal these days.

When it came time for bed back at the hotel, David suggested we just share the bed. "I wouldn't make my enemies sleep on that thing," he said referring to the cot, which was rusty old junk. "I've shared a bed with a gay friend at home before, no big deal."

"Did he have cold feet?" I asked as I undressed.

"Nope. But let's get one thing straight - I'm the big spoon."

"I think it's more fun to take turns, but that's up to you."

This was all just joking. David had sent no signals of interest and I had no serious thoughts of trying to pursue him. Why ruin a new friendship? And, as I said, chasing straight boys is a waste of time, although I have also learned that if they feel they can trust you - and if they've had a few drinks to give themselves permission - they may just put the moves on you.

Sometime in the night I woke up and realized we were indeed spooning. David had his arm around me and was pressed up against my back. It felt good. I went back to sleep.

At dawn I woke up again. We were still spooning, but now I could feel his boner pressed against my butt. I pushed back a little.

"Suck me," was what he said, once he knew I was awake.

I didn't answer but rolled over and pushed the covers down. He lay on his back with a big tent showing. I tugged off his boxers to reveal a seven-inch, hard cock with the foreskin halfway back. I took him into my mouth and got to it.

I was practiced enough to give a decent blow job and it wasn't long until he was bucking and cumming in my mouth. I swallowed. I rolled on my back beside him and ditched my own boxers. Then I jacked myself to my own orgasm.

When I had finished, David said, "Hot, mate. That was the best blow job I have ever had."

"Anytime," I answered and then looked him in the eye. "I'll suck you off whenever you want."

"I'll want it again later. Now go back to sleep."

He pulled the covers up and then pulled me to him as his little spoon again, but we were both naked now and I could feel his bare cock against my bare butt. I wondered if he would want to fuck me later. I went back to sleep with my cum running down my stomach onto the sheets and drying on my skin and the taste of David's seed still in my mouth.

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