Evanescence of the Moon

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jun 25, 2012



If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site running. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com and enjoy.

(Songs played on guitar are going to be the character's "creation")

(This post Twilight Saga. People are older, but look the same. Except Renesmee...she's a young lady now and in a relationship with Jacob.)

Evanescence Of The Moon-3

When I was finally able to leave Forks Hospital, I have to say I was relieved. I couldn't stand hospitals. Ever since a movie fest with Kevin and his friends. Hospitals held zombies, blood thirsty psycho killers, or ghosts....or atleast some type of hungry monster.

I rode in Carlisle's black Mercedes to his house. He drove onto a path that let off at the outer roads of Forks. It changed from just a forest background to an extravagant set up. A tile driveway, a beautiful large glass and stone house. It was white and looked like a mansion that one could just be himself in.

A tall lean boy with golden curls sat next to a raven haired pixie of a girl. Both smiling at eachother while holding hands, and at the car. Carlisle got out first as he said to wait, and came to open my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car, "Jasper and Alice. This is Justice. He is our new Cullen." Carlisle said with a perfect smile.

Before I new it I was being hugged to death by both of them at the same time. When they let me go I couldn't help letting go a desperate gasp of air, leaving them to laugh. "Sorry about that." Alice said, "Welcome to the family, little brother." Jasper said with a cute smile.

"Okay so let's meet everyone else." Carlisle said leading me inside. I walked into a gorgeous room, filled with deathly pale people. They were all so beautiful and each and every family member looked like they could be a model. It took a second until they were on me, with greetings. Introductions, and even hugs. I literally was squeezed breathless. "Sorry about that." A tall bear now known to me as Emmett said, as he let me go last.

"Get a whiff of that." A beautiful blond...Rosealie said. She had a smile on her face as she embraced me again. "So tell us about yourself...." The motherly brunette....Esme said. She led me to a white leather couch and sat next to me, holding my hands in her icy yet loving hands. I sat there for I don't know how long...let's just say it was bright and early when I came here and now the sun was about ready to go down.

"Your probably tired, I'll show you to your room." They led me to my room on the second floor. I got inside to see a perfect white room that you normally see on a catalog. Shiny polished tan wood floors, and white walls. I looked at my bed, blackwood frame. Egyptian Cotton Mattress, with a red and white silk sheets. I layed on the bed for a minute to relax. The thing was when I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.

I dreamt of Kevin...this time as more than a brother.....the problem was that someone else came into the picture. I was sitting in a field of flowers, the stormy weather making the fields swing and sway. My clothes looked old as in the style ...white silk cloth that revealed my torso and connected to my wrists by golden bracelets. I walked the fields as my hair was down, being blown out of my face. "Justice...." "Justice..." I heard echo through the air, Kevin came into view calling my name. He was happy to see me, he kissed me. Wrapping me in his arms, but something stalled me....I could hear something approach.

When I looked I saw a sandy horse sized wolf approaching, it shifted quickly to a young man...I couldn't see his face, I tried and tried. Yet the more I focused the more I woke up out of my dream...suddenly I was pulled from my dream. I awoke suddenly, looking around. In my new room....so it wasn't a dream. Problem being...I wanted to dream. I wanted to meet the man of my dreams....sadly it wasn't my brother.....I don't think I could ever truly feel that way for him.

I felt bad that I couldn't but now that I know what was my hearts true desire....I had to find him....then something hit me....part of me died. It was a dream...no way could he possibly be real.

° ° ° ° °

Edward picked up images...no doubt from Justice, as he could see Renesmee awake and playing checkers with Jacob. He saw the fields, the colors of the vividly dreams. He could even smell them...that was unusual. He then saw Justice standing in the field, being approached by Kevin. The exchange, before he noticed the sandy wolf...he knew who it was immediately. Seth Clearwater.

He could hear the regret Justice had for not being able to reciprocate the same feelings. They were of love...but they weren't of true love..just brotherly and admiration.

Edward sighed feeling bad that he could see it all but not allowed to tell anyone...it wasn't his to tell. He walked to Justice's room, knocking and waiting for the door to open. Justice opened the door slowly, the look of surprise on his face. "Uh..hi." he let out, "Hello. May I come in?" Edward asked, "Sure." Justice said with a small smile trying to be friendly.

Edward and Justice exchanged a few words talking about what was bothering Justice. He confided in Edward, "It seems like to me, that you want to love Kevin that way...but your heart keeps saying that there is someone out there for you. I say...follow your heart." He offered, making Justice smile. He couldn't help but hug Edward as he let the information sink in.

"Thanks." Justice said with a smile, "No problem. Anything for my little brother." Edward said smiling warmly in responce. "It's late...you have a big day tomorrow. Sleep." Edward said as he tucked Justice in for bed.

° ° ° ° °

I awoke to a knock at the door. "May I come in?" It was Carlisle. "Yes." I said as he walked into the room. "We should get started on the tests as soon as possible, but first I had Alice outfit your closet. So take a shower, get dressed, eat, and then we will begin." Carlisle said before leaving.

I walked to the bathroom and took a nice warming shower. I like I was coming alive as I cleansed all my worries and thoughts away. When I finished I brushed my teeth, and I went to my room and picked out a designer outfit....that's what they all were. I put on a black Hanes shirt, and then put on a white jacket with blue trimmings. I put on white pants, that just fit my body so well. Then the shoes a pair of white boots, then a black and blue veil scarf around my neck.

Looking myself in the mirror...I didn't look like myself. If it wasn't for the fact that I was the one it happened to, I wouldn't recognize myself.

I walked down stairs to see a nice cheese omelet with bacon and green peppers on a fine China plate. "I hope this is okay." Esme said with a smile. I hugged her before I said a thanks, and began eating.

° ° ° ° °

When I finished I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth again. A knock on the front door alerted me to company. I opened the door to see Kevin, "Wow." Was all he said looking me up and down. "You look amazing." He said trying to kiss me, I stopped him with a hand to his chest. "Kevin...I can't do this." I said a tear falling from both of our eyes. "What? Why not?" He asked sadly, "I just can't do it. I don't want to make you think that I love you in his way, when I really don't and I keep you from someone who you can truly love." I said, "It's okay. Thanks for letting me know, before I got my heart broken." He said handing me Betsy. "I'll see you around Justice." He said before leaving quickly. I called his name over and over, but he didn't listen.

I let a few tears fall as I played Betsy. Playing "Mad World" by Gary Jules. As the more my tears fell, the more pain I played on my guitar. I seriously didn't know how people did this, but I guessed it took time and strength.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Feel free to review. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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