Evanescence of the Moon

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jul 9, 2012


If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site running. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com and enjoy.

Evanescence of the Moon-5

So Seth told me he would explain later, hopefully at the La Push party. He asked me with a look in his eyes...hope? I accepted, I need to understand this whole imprint thing. I waved as they left into the woods, turning to the Cullens all looking at me with a knowing looks. "What?" I asked them, "Oh nothing, nothing at all." Was the general responce that I received. Except Emmett with, "How about them Lakers?" "I'm not much for sports...in fact...I can't stand them." I said, he scoffed playfully.

"Don't worry. I'll be change that!" He promised, "The most you probably will do, is have me infatuated with a hunky sportsman." I joked, immediately blushing causing them to laugh.

I thought of Seth that night and how wrong it was for me to do what I did to Kevin. He was my brother...I didn't want him to stop being my brother. My feelings for him were so mixed and confused. I had to ask Jasper to help me sleep.

° ° ° ° °

Nothing could be seen, you could only hear sobbing. Kevin's sobbing. A knock on the door, "Go Away!" He yelled, "Kevin, you have to come out." Victor said trying to get his son to see sense. He waited for a sound, yet there was none. "I'm coming in." Victor said como g in, opening the blinds to shed what little light Forks offered. "What's up?" He asked sitting next to Kevin, "Justice doesn't want me. I been inlove with him for so long and he doesn't feel the same." Kevin sobbed, "You can't just expect him to love you automatically. Since when has my son been a sulker? Fight for him. Try...if it's not meant to be then okay, but try. It's the same situation that I faced with your mother....she was inlove. A fully committed relationship with a man named James Tyler. The problem was she wanted to feel free, so one won of her episodes of lashing out she met me. I fell for her on sit...she thought I was a pathetic loser."

"Dad...no offense but back then you were." Kevin joked while wiping the tears away.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny, we got a comedian. Point being, I fought for her. I showed her I wasn't leaving and that I would be there for her. Do the same." He said. "You're right. I'm going to fight for him." Kevin said getting up and changing his shirt, "I'm going to go and fight." Was the last thing he said to his father as he went out to the woods. He was thinking of ways to go about this. How would he get Justice to love him?

He walked deeper and deeper thinking, what he failed to notice was the figure following him. A snap of a twig that was sounded purposely, he turned to see a deathly pale man with red eyes and dark brown hair. "Hello...let me introduce myself....I am David Flynn, and you are my new lieutenant." David said as he lunged for Kevin. Lifting him by the neck and then throwing him against a log. "Not even a fight? Just like your brother." David said smirking, "You...you hurt Justice." Kevin stated, "I'll kill you!" He roared pulling back a fist to have it stopped by two pale fingers that belonged to David. "I was wrong forgive me. Now...to get to business." David said as he wrenched Kevin's arm behind him and pulled his head to one side revealing unmarked flesh, he sniffed the vein underneath the skin and bit into Kevin's neck as he had the moment.

He licked the wound to have it seal and brought his lips to other areas to make the process faster. He watched with a sadistic grin as Kevin lay on the floor groaning and screaming in pain for the whole 3 day process.

° ° ° ° °

I stood in my room feeling terrible. Something was happening and I didn't know what...I kept thinking of Kevin. I couldn't stop...I missed him, and was worried about him. I played Betsy to help me to stop thinking about Kevin...no such luck. I couldn't take it and felt like I was going to snap.

I needed to get out. I ran...honestly I shouldn't have. Except I did it, I grabbed Betsy and ran to the beach. I needed to clear my head. I began playing any tune just to clear my head. I kept strumming until I got a call. "Where'd you go?" It was Edward. "To the beach to clear my head." I told him unsure of what to do. "Come home." He said calmly but the worry was apparent in his voice.

I walked to the house slowly, Edward met me outside. "Why do you run?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulder to comfort me. "Because I don't know how to stay. I don't know....I don't feel like myself. I told Kevin a lie. I really just didn't feel like I was worth falling in love with someone as amazing as him...but I can't stop thinking about Seth. I want him....I need him." I told Edward the truth....the real truth. "I always thought there was something wrong somewhere. I'm going to give you the same advice...be with the one your heart wants the most." Edward said. "Hey there you are." Bella said popping up out of nowhere. "What's going on?" She asked looking at Edward. "Justice just needed love advice." Edward said forwardly causing me to blush.

"Seth is a fine catch! You and him will make an awesome couple." Bella said with a smile giving me a hug. "Go get your man." She said before grabbing Betsy. "I'll put her back where she belongs." She said with a smile. I ran to my room to grab my keys and jumped out my window landing on the side of the house. As I jumped into my car, I turned around and floored it.

° ° ° ° °

Finally making it to La Push I began thinking how stupid I was. I don't know what house was Seth's home. I got discouraged and settled for spending time at the beach. I walked the beach having removed my shoes. I could hear something running up behind me, I turned to almost be knocked down by Seth. He hugged me tightly, I found myself hugging back. "You're a little early for the party. It's cool though, I'm just happy to see you again. I been going crazy." He said with a blush to his cheeks.

Time moved quickly, yet it only felt like minutes. As it was nighttime.

We walked holding hands...it just felt right and natural. He pointed out animals and plants. He told me about Quileute beliefs....and the thing that stumped me the most. Imprinting. "Imprinting is when you find your soul mate. The relationship is whatever the imprint needs, a friend, a brother, or even a lover. All three if needed." Seth said with a grin. "Hey love birds! Time for the party." Leah yelled to us. She looked angry. "Hi Leah." We said together, "Whatever." Okay....

I looked at the sky the stars shunned brightly, you can say I was surprised that for once it wasn't raining. We approached a crowd of teenagers, music blarred loudly. It was a crazy party, I noticed some were drinking. There was kissing, drinking, and some were having sex in the near by woods or at a distance in the beach. "Let Yourself Go Wild." By Jasmin Tabatabai played on the radio. Believe me they were letting themselves go wild. I looked to Seth who was dancing with friends, he motioned for me to come up to him. Taking a breath to calm my nerves that felt like they were going haywire, I walked up to him. "Dance with me." He said I didn't smell alcohol. I danced with him, my hands around his neck as we moved together. "Why You Wanna" by T.I. played and we grinded to the music.

"I didn't realize it was this kind of party." I said he laughed, "It wasn't suppose to be but it just happened. It happens once in awhile, but trust me it's always fun to watch." He said laughing, he stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Seth. I'm leaving. Please...come with me." I said before I felt someone stumble into me, their drink poured onto me. "Great." I said before turning to She not bothering to see if the drunk guy was okay.

"Will you come with me?" I asked him looking him in the eyes. He nodded grabbing my hand and let me to the parking lot where I found my car after quite a walk. Seth rode shotgun as I sped off to my house, the sound of the cars perfect engine was all you could hear as we flew through the streets. I had Seth laughing at my driving. He stopped laughing when we pulled into my driveway. "Keep quiet don't say, don't even think about what happened. If they find out he party ended up like that, Esme might not let me leave the house. Hell Edward wouldn't let me out of his sight." I whispered. "Gotcha." He said with a smile.

We walked inside to see the family, they turned to us. "Why do you smell like alcohol." Esme asked, "Someone spilt it on me." I said telling her the truth. "When were you around alcohol?" Carlisle asked with a raised eye brow. I couldn't lie, not to my family. Especially since I have a brother who's a walking lie detector and another who's a living mood ring. "Someone brought alcohol to the party, we stayed away from it. We decided to come here so we could be away from it while being together." Seth said calmly gripping my hand, intertwining our finger and kissed my knuckles. He flashed a bright smile, that caused me to swoon. "Yep." Was all I said as I was reduced to mush.

"Wait! Renesmee and Jacob!!" Bella got up fuming, "Our on a date. Dinner and movies." Edward said calmly. She took deep breaths just to relax. "For a second there I thought I was going to have to put the dog down." Bella joked. It was known she's a firm believer in animal rights. We walked to my room and closed my door. "Where were we?" Seth asked with a crooked smirk, he pulled me into him. I turned on some music as we continued to dance. Our hips moved together, we grinder into eachother. I could feel his erection, it was huge...even thinking how that was an understatement. Our faces got closer, I was breathing in his scent. Woodsy. Time seemed to slow down as our lips met. Gently the touched they felt as soft as a feather, they moved together. He bit my bottom lip asking for access. I granted him that access as our tongues met. Battling. The taste of him was sending my nerves to explode like fireworks. He won, but something just felt right submitting

to him.

"I can't do this. Not yet." I said between kisses, "I know. I want it to be special...not.when you smell like alcohol. He kissed me one last time. A buzzing sound could be heard as he pulled his phone out. "Hello?" He asked, I could hear Leah yelling on the other side. Seth frowned, "Okay. Okay. I'll be home soon." He said in the phone before ending the call. "I have to go." He said disappointment in his voice. "I know." I said kissing him, "Should I drive you home?" He shook his head. "No. Take a shower babe, go to sleep. Then dream of me." He said as we walked to the door. We kissed one last time. He walked into the woods.

As I turned around the family stared with smiles. "Oh my baby's first kiss....I think." Esme said hugging me, "Now...go take a shower please." I nodded and took a quick shower thinking of all I been through recently...how can this get any better? I laid in my bed until sleep swept over me...like he said, I dreamt of him. Seth Clearwater.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

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