Every Little Thing You Do

By moc.loa@yliheefenrybzaC

Published on Mar 18, 2001


Every little thing you do 1 cazbyrnefeehily@aol.com

This is about the boyband Westlife. A new story, which is 100% fiction. They're not gay, so please don't read anything into this If you're not supposed to be here, then please leave, otherwise, enjoy.

"What the hell's that!" Shane sat up in bed, jolted out of his pleasant dream. He fumbled for the lamp and switched it on, he saw Nicky with a troubled look on his face, he'd slammed the door, and was pacing the carpet. Sleep forgotten, Shane broke the awkward silence "Nicko,what's wrong?" Nic glared at Shane "What's wrong he asks! What's wrong! What do you think Shay!" Shane shrugged his shoulders "I don't know Nic, that's why I'm asking you, I've never seen you so upset" "Upset's not the word, annoyed, angered, hurt, betrayed but upset? I don't think so" Shane was clearly worried "Nicky, who's upset you? Have I?" Nicky dropped to the floor "Guess again" He muttered Shane was relieved that he hadn't upset him, but who could get to Nicky this way? Then it dawned on him "Nicky, is it Georgina?" He looked up at Shane and clapped his hands slowly "Well give the lad a medal" Shane brushed off his sarcastic comment, even though it stung, Nicky was nothing if not polite "Want to talk about it?" "What's there to talk about?" "Well, tell me what she did to make you so angry" "Oh well lets see!! Probably the part when she told me that she wanted to break up, yeah, that good enough for you!" Tears rolled down his cheeks, he couldn't hold them in any longer. Shane instantly dashed over to Nicky, he pulled him close, Nicky's cold front dissolved as Shane comforted him. "Shhh, it's alright Nicky, you let it out" Shane was confused as to why she broke it off, they always seemed so solid, could it have crumbled so easily? Something bad must have happened, he had to find out what. "Nicky..?" He asked softly "What ...Shane?" He said in between sobs "I know you probably don't want to talk now, but.." "You want to know the full story?" He sniffed "Not neccessarily the * full story* but I want to know why" "You and me both Shane" "You mean you don't know why she .." "Dumped me" He spat "No I have no idea" "Well, we'll have to find out" "How do you plan on doing that?" "First thing tomorrow, you'll meet up with her and sort things out" "As if Shane, it's over, I have to deal with it" "Not without an explanation. She owes you that much, you have the right to know" "I do, but I can't do it alone" Nicky looked up at him, his eyes all red and weepy, hurt all over his face. He sighed, wondering if Shane would go with him "You want me to go with you?" He asked softly, to which Nicky nodded. Shane smiled "No problem, but it's late, we best get some rest" Nicky sighed again and stood up, he got ready for bed. Shane's mind was working overtime, trying to piece it all together, it doesn't seem right, he thought, in fact it seems pretty darn strange. Nicky switched the light out and the room was once again dark. Shane heard Nicky settle down "Umm..Shane?" "Yeah?" "Thanks mate" "For what?" "For been there for me...I..I'm sorry I was off with you" "Nicky, you're my best mate, nothing's too much trouble for you, and by the way you have nothing to apologise for" "But..." "I said nothing, and I mean it"

"So I should just call her?" Nicky had just woke up and was frantic. "Yes, and Nicky?" "What Shane?" "Relax, she owes you an explanation" Nicky smiled and dialled her number, with trembling fingers, it rung three times before someone picked it up "Hello" It was Georgina, and she seemed as if nothing had happened, he perked up, thinking maybe he imagined it "G. it's me" "Oh..Nicky" Her cheeriness left her voice. Nicky's heart sank. "Umm...Can we meet up somewhere?" "We've been through this Nicky" "No" He sighed "You never told me why, it's the least you can do" "I don't know" "Please" He pleaded She sighed and relented "Okay, you still at the hotel?" "Yeah" He smiled "Fine, I'll be there" She hung up, Nicky let the phone fall on the unmade bed, Shane put it back. "What did she say?" He asked nervously "She's coming over" He said softly "Are you going to be alright?" "Shane, I won't lie to you, I feel like my whole worlds stopped, and I don't know what to do. Fuck! Why did this have to happen?" He leaned his head on Shane's shoulder, and sobbed quietly. Shane wrapped his arm around him and softly rubbed his back. Shane hated seeing Nicky like this, it brought a lump to his throat, even though Shane was younger than him, he always felt the need to protect him, and now his heart was in tatters, and all he could do was offer a shoulder to cry on, he couldn't fix the mess, he wanted Georgina to apologise and get back with Nicky. He wasn't going to be able to relax until Nicky was okay. "We best get down to the lobby Nic" "Do we have to?" He asked in a shaky voice "No...But you want to patch things up with Georgina don't you?" "More than anything, but I don't think I can handle rejection again" "Nicky, she won't reject you, she loves you" He pulled away from Shane and walked to the door "I wish I could believe you Shane" He walked out of the room, Shane followed, not wanting to lose him, with him been so upset. They took the stairs, Nicky was far too tense to take the elevator, they reached the lobby and sat on a sofa. Nicky was wringing his hands and tapping his foot, Shane knew he was petrified. Nicky froze when Georgina approached, he just stared at her, not knowing what to say. She sat on a chair and glanced at Nicky, and then Shane, and at Nicky again, she adjusted her view to the polished floor. Shane finally broke the awkward silence "Don't you have something to say to her Nic?" He spoke softly. Nicky forced away the lump in his throat and nodded. "I need an explanation G, please!" She let out an exasperated sigh "Nicky, this isn't easy for me " He looked at her in amazement "Well. I'm sorry but it's not exactly been a thrill for me!" Shane placed a hand on Nicky's trembling shoulders and glared at her. She glared back "You think you could give us a minute to sort things out" Shane looked at Nicky for his approval, he just stared ahead. Shane took that as a yes, and stood up. Nicky grabbed onto Shane's sleeve and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Stay" His voice broke. Shane removed his hand "I can't...You have stuff to discuss....I'll be in our room" "So you're just leaving me! Some friend you are!" His words wounded Shane, he knew he was upset though. "Good luck mate" Shane rushed up to his room and ordered breakfast, all the while worrying about Nicky.

"So, now he's gone, are you going to tell me?" "It's not that simple Nicky, I......Don't want to hurt you" "Bit late for that, I'm already hurt, so tell me" "Nic, I still love you, but not enough" "Not enough? What the hells that supposed to mean!" "I never see you and...." He glared at her "There's someone else isn't there?" She didn't reply "Isn't there!!" He yelled "Kind of" Nicky heard those two immortal words and slowly shook his head. "No" He whispered. "I'm sorry, I didn't plan this, you must believe me" She reached for his hand, he flinched and stood up. without saying another word, he backed away slowly, hot tears spilled down his face, he reached the stairs and raced up to his floor, stumbling on the way, his whole body ached with loss and tension, he had to find his room, with tears blurring his vision, he barely made out the number on the door, he traced his fingers over the three digits on the door and pushed against the handle, he fell onto the carpet, he saw Shane's frantic expression and knew he was in the right room. He fell back against the door, it slammed shut. Shane approached him cautiously, he knelt by his legs and held his hand, Nicky pulled away."Leave me alone!" He spat. "No, I won't. What happened?" "What do you think happened! She doesn't want me and it's all your fault!" He glared at him Shane was takenaback "My fault? What did i do?" "You made me call her, thanks to you it's over!" Shane couldn't believe his ears "This is not my fault Nicky" He raised his voice "Nicky! Look at me!" Reluctantly Nicky raised his head and looked at him, he gasped at the sight of Nicky, he looked older than his 22 years. He continued "I didn't hurt you, come on Nic, you're my best friend, I wanted you to sort things out with her, so if you're blaming me for being a friend, well I'm sorry, there's no way I would want to see you in pain, you do realise that don't you?" Nicky studied Shane's face and burst into tears, Shane wanted to comfort him, but didn't want to risk being pushed away, so he left him alone. Nicky sensed he was alone and he hated it. He managed to speak, choked up with emotion. "S....Shane...I'm....Sorry....Please..Don't leave me...." He heard Nicky's cries and rushed back to him. he pulled him close, squeezing him tight. Between sobs Nicky spoke "I'm sorry....It's not your fault..I didn't.....Mean it" "I know, you're upset, I'm here Nicky. Shhh" He rocked Nicky in his arms, stroking his tousled hair. Nicky stopped sobbing and he soon fell asleep, as did Shane's left arm, and all too soon the feeling returned, he tensed his arm and Nicky stirred. he snuggled closer to Shane, a smile crossed Shane's face as Nicky looked content, but he knew it wouldn't last long. Suddenly pain shot up Shane's arm, he winced and moaned softly. Nicky woke up. all blearyeyed. "W....What is it?" He gazed up into Shane's eyes "It's nothing, just my arm. It's aching" Nicky pulled away from Shane, with a guilty look on his face "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep" He rubbed Shane's arm. "It's alright, how you feeling?" " Numb" He let his hand slide down Shane's arm. Shane smiled and stood up, he helped Nicky up. a faint smile flickered on Nicky's face. "Thanks Shane...Erm ...About what I said in the lobby" "Nicky, relax, will you . Now I think you may want to freshen up" "I bet I look awful" He ran his hand down his face. Shane smiled. "Not at all, but I'm sure it'll make you feel better" "Okay" He went into the bathroom. Shane sat on the bed, and Bryan walked in. "Don't you knock?" "Gee...Sorry..What's up?" "Ahh..nothing, just sleepy" "Have you had breakfast?" "Yeah, but Nicky hasn't. I'll order some for him" Shane ordered some french toast, and Nicky came out of the bathroom, Bry stared at him. "Man, you look rough Nico" "Cheers Bry, great to see you too" Bry grinned and swatted Nicky's head, he backed away. Shane hung up the phone and smiled at Nicky, he returned the smile. "What, no smile for me?" Bry grinned, Nicky smiled weakly. "Okay what's wrong?" "Nothing" Nicky replied softly "Is this a private thing?" "Nothings up okay" Nicky insisted. "Has this got anything to do with Geor..." Nicky all of a sudden went pale "What did I say?" Bryan glanced at Nicky and Shane nervously. Shane went over to Nicky and helped him to the bed. "Don't mention her ok Bry" "Why Shane? I just saw her with this..." "Who with?" Nicky asked "I dunno, some bloke" Nicky hung his head and Shane sat next to Nicky and put an arm around him, he leaned on Shane's shoulder. Shane looked up at Bryan, he was confused Nicky looked up at Bryan "We're over Bry" "What? You can't be...You mean he's with her?" Nicky nodded. Bryan knelt down and wrapped his arms around Nicky. "God, Nicky. I'm so sorry" Shane stepped away, now knowing the full story, he choked back the tears, he wanted Nicky to be happy, but the one person who did that wasn't here, Shane decided he'd do anything to help Nicky. Anything.

The next week passed in a blur. Nicky was closed off from the rest of the lads, he barely talked to Shane. this hurt Shane. and Nicky knew he was hurting, but he wouldn't let his defences go. Kian noticed the way Shane was, everyone knew about Nicky, but Kian was worried about Shane too. After a hectic week of doing interviews. he pulled Shane to one side. Shane was just about to go into his room, when Kian dragged him to the room he shared with Bryan. Shane was tired, he just wanted a soak in the bath and an early night, but Kian had other ideas "Ki, I'm not in the mood for a chat, I'm tired" "Tough, we need to talk" He closed the door and Shane sat on the bed, while Kian stared at him with a frown on his face. "What!" He snapped at Kian "You need to talk Shay" "What for?" "You've been miserable all week, and I think I know why" "If you know. then why am I here?" "Because I'm worried about you mate" "You're worried about me? God Kian, if there's anyone you should be worried about it's Nicky" "I'm worried about Nic as well, I know how cut up he is, and he'll need time, but i know how close you are, and you miss him right?" "Miss him? But I'm with him all the time" "Not like you used to be, it's hell for you right?" "No, it's not Ki" Kian folded his arms in front of his chest and glared. "Oh really" Shane looked at him "Yeah..." He glanced at a stray thread on his jeans. "You're right Ki....Fuck I hate this!" "Shane, you and Nicky are so close, this has been the hardest on you out of the other lads. You want to help Nic" "I want to take his pain. I want to be there for him. I want to see him smile again...." "That could happen" "No it couldn't, he clams up all the time. And I know he's crying inside, but why the hell won't he let me in! He was okay with me last week, but now he won't let anyone in." "Especially you" "Yeah" He sighed "Okay, so what you're going to do is talk to him" "He won't talk to me Ki" "Shane, you're the one person he will talk to. Isn't it worth it? Try and talk to him, you know you want to" "I do Kian, I'll do anything. Anything" "Go then" "What, now?" Ki smiled "Yeah now" Shane smiled and hugged him before leaving to return to his room. He opened the door and found Nicky lying on the bed.watching a movie. Shane closed the door. and Nicky looked up and nodded at him, then returned to his movie. Shane took his jacket off and sat on his bed, he studied Nicky's face, no trace of a smile, no emotion at all. Nicky turned to look at him and frowned "What!" He snapped Shane dipped his head "Erm...Nothing" He felt a lump rising in his throat, he wanted to see Nicky smile, instead he was like a stranger. He felt like he didn't know him anymore. Kian was wrong. Nicky won't want to talk to him, the only way he' d talk to him would be......Shane's face lit up and he made his way to the bathroom. Nicky eyed him curiously.

Shane pushed the door shut and sat on the edge of the bath, taking out his mobile, he dialled a number. "Come on come on" "Hello" A female voice said. Shane took a deep breath "Hi. It's Shane" She sighed "Shane, what is it?" "Don't hang up, just listen to me" "Shane" She said slowly "Come on. Let me say what I want to say" "Fine. fine" "Can you not reconsider.... Please?" "No Shane, like I told Nicky, it's over" He sighed "Please...He loves you. I know you love him" "I do, but not in the way he wants. We've been drifting apart. I mean, come on, he spends most of his time with you" "We are in a band. I spend time with everyone" "But how come when I was with Nicky, he'd talk about you non-stop?" "He what?" A smile flickered across his face "It was like I wasn't there Shane"

Nicky was very suspicious, he heard Shane talking in the bathroom. He quietly pushed open the door. He saw Shane chatting on the phone, he decided to leave him to it. But then he froze. "Look, he loves you Georgina, regardless of who he talks about" "What the hell are you doing Shane!" Nicky yelled Shane jumped and dropped the phone "I....I...." He picked up the phone and spoke quietly "I have to go" She replied "Okay. I understand...Umm..tell him I'm sorry...Bye" The line went dead, he put his phone in his pocket, and slowly stood up. Nicky was fuming. "Nic....I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to......I....Nicky, I wanted to help."" "By calling my ex! Why!" He stepped towards Shane. Shane swallowed the lump in his throat and stepped back until he was against the tiled wall. Shane had goosebumps as Nicky yelled at him, suddenly Shane felt very scared, his bottom lip quivered, so he bit it to keep from crying. "I'm sorry Nicky" He whispered "Just don't hurt me" Nicky's angry glare softened. "What did you say?" He took a step back "Don't hurt me" He repeated Nicky gasped "Hurt you? Shane, you're my best friend. I....I couldn't Shane" "I'm sorry Nic" He walked away. Nicky followed and touched Shane's arm, Shane stopped as his fingers brushed his arm. His arm tingled, and he turned to face Nicky "Listen Shane. I know you're trying to help, but you failed miserably" "Oh" His face fell. Nicky stroked his arm . "Shane. I wasn't having a go. Honestly" Shane looked up and Nicky was smiling. Shane was overjoyed, he'd been waiting all week for that smile. Shane smiled and turned away, but Nicky stopped him. He turned to face him again. Nicky wrapped his arms around Shane and pulled him close. Shane gasped but he hugged him too, he felt like they'd turned a corner, then as Nicky ended the hug he was still smiling. "Shane, about Georgina, we're over. Don't try to get us back together. She's moved on" "You've been distant, I knew she'd make you happy" "No, you make me happy" He smiled "What?" He said in disbelief "You make me happy. My best friend Shane. Sorry I scared you before. I didn't realise I was scaring you" "It's okay" He held Nicky's hand and felt so stupid, so he pulled his hand away. Nicky liked the feeling so he took his hand and squeezed it. Shane's heart started beating really fast. his mouth went dry, so he licked his lips, and Nicky stared at his moist lips. Shane panicked and walked away. Nicky was confused, and wondered if Shane was annoyed with him. "Shay, you mad at me?" "Of course I'm not mad at you Nicky" "You sure?" Shane grinned and threw a pillow at him. "I'm not mad Nico, why would I be?" Nicky caught the pillow "Well, you keep walking away, have I upset you?" Shane gazed into Nicky's baby blue eyes and bit his lip "You haven't. You could never upset me" Shit he thought, why did I say that! "Thanks mate" He grinned. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair, and Shane had to tear his gaze from Nicky's fingers. Fuck, he thought. What the hell's wrong with me, my best mate's split up with his girlfriend, and I can't take my eyes off him, some friend I am, but he is gorgeous...STOP!!! Shit shit shit!!! Shane puts his head in his hands and groans. Nicky looks worried and sits next to him and whispers "What's wrong?" His warm breath tickled Shane's neck, his stomach flipped over. Nicky leaned in closer "Shane, what's wrong?"

Oh fuck went through Shane's mind. Why was Nicky affecting him this much? "I'm fine Nicky" "You sure?" He whispered again "Y...Yeah" He croaked. Nicky covered Shane's hand with his and gave it a squeeze. Shane let out a small sigh. What was he doing to me? God don't do that Nicky, He sighed again as Nicky stroked his fingers. He closed his eyes in annoyance as his groin tightened and it got worse as each stroke happened. Shit!! He was attracted to him!! No, no, not to Nicky, his best friend, no!! Nicky removed his hand and Shane let out a sigh of relief, until Nicky rested his hand on Shane's knee, he looked up at Nicky and he smiled at him. Meanwhile Nicky's hand was burning him. "Shane, talk to me" He squeezed his knee "About what?" He gasped "You're uncomfortable around me... Why?" "Am I?" "Yeah, you are. I know I'm a very touchy feely person, you don't like that" He removed his hand "I never said I didn't like it. It's just that maybe I like it more than I should" He replied shyly "What do you mean Shane?" "Don't make me spell it out to you Nicky" "What? I don't know what you're getting at" "Nicky, I like you touching me. I really like it" "You mean...." "Yeah. I want you" He said nervously and rushed out of the room. Nicky sat there "Wow" was all that escaped his lips. He smiled in amazement.


Next: Chapter 2

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