Everything I Said

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Nov 23, 2001


Hey everybody! We are back for another segment of the 'what was once the total end of this story' finale. Hope everyone is keeping up on it. As usual, send your biased input to levanelle@yahoo.com and tell me whatever you like. Or look for me on AIM. My screen name is DleVanelle. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

-Darren ***********************************************************************


  • Chapter 17 -- Written by Darren LeVanelle

LAST CHAPTER ********************

(Note: This is still from Justin's Point Of View) I let a soft moan escape from my lips, all the while fighting my horniness away. I couldn't do this. He was asleep after all. But his lips made their way from my neck to my chest as he kissed me slowly, taking his time to suckle at my nipples. Ok. I had to wake him up now. "Lance. Wake up." I said in a pretty low voice. Loud enough so that he could hear me, but not loud enough to alert the neighbors. But he still was going at it. "Lance, stop it. Do you know what you're doing?" His tongue was now licking down towards my belly button. That was enough. I grabbed a hold of his head and yanked his face towards mine. "LANCE WAKE UP AND STOP IT!" His eyes fluttered open and looked intently at me. A sly smile crossed his lips.

"I am awake Justin." I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. "But do I have to stop?"

CHAPTER 17 **********************

I looked Lance in the eyes and it was kinda frightening. I came up here with the worse of intentions and decided against it. Then Lance decides to be the bad boy. "Lance, I'm not gay."

"So?" He let out a quiet little mischievous grin at me. There was a faint trace of sarcasm in his voice but I couldn't be too sure what to make of it.

"You may just say 'So?' Lance but it really does mean a lot. You're gay. You like guys. I don't." Maybe that would bring him around.

"Call me crazy Justin but I could have sworn that you had nothing but dirty thoughts on your mind when you came to my room of all places."

"I just thought we should hang out a little."

"Justin...you never come to my room."

He was just reading me like a book then. This wasn't helping much. "It's never too late to start."

"Well if you don't like guys then explain this?" And he grabbed a firm hold of my obvious erection since it was poking through the fly in my boxers. There was no way I could hide that. The flesh to flesh contact was just too much and I let out another small moan. "Sounds like you like it enough to me."

I tried to push his hand away but I couldn't really think of a good enough reason too. In a way he was right. "I do like it Lance. I think any guy who passes up an opportunity for a little 'fun' is an idiot. But it doesn't mean I'm gay or nothing like that."

"I wasn't trying to imply that at all." And then he practically jumped down on my dick with his mouth. Damn. He even took it all in one swoop. Not that I'm really hung or anything like that. I got a nice size pecker. But I know that Lance is pretty inexperienced and a blowjob is something I'm sure he's never given before. The truth was that I hadn't had any sex in quite some time, not even a blowjob, so I wasn't complaining. Lance just went to work on my stiff prick, sucking up and down on my shaft vigorously. Someone needs to put a cruise control on that mouth of his. He just kept going up and down and up and down at such a fast pace I was prolly gonna shoot before I could enjoy it.

"Lance..." I started to say as I slowly pulled him off of me. "Don't go so fast. If you're gonna suck some dick you better do it right." He gave me a somewhat puzzled look before I brought my hands to the side of his head and slowly guided his mouth back down onto my shaft. He had some perfect lips and suction all right. Even if this was his first time, it's true what they say about gay guys. They give GREAT head. Not one girl I've ever been with has sucked dick even halfway as good as Lance was doing at the moment.

He finally settled down into a nice rhythm, going up and down on me at just the right pace. "Yeah. That's it. You gotta work it slowly boy." Lance flashed me that silly grin again and pulled off. He then let his tongue caress my stiff dick, licking tenderly around the head and coating it with his saliva. "Oh." I let another moan escape my lips as he once again opened his mouth and took all of my cock into his mouth. He sped things up a little bit, taking his time on giving my dick a good sucking. Lance let his mouth wander about my crotch, taking the opportunity to get a whiff of my odor and lick my nuts. Damn I love it when they do that! Unfortunately only one girl ever did and it was only for a second. Lance was relishing me. He took his time and did it well. But this was going on longer than I wanted to by now. "C'mon Lance. Suck it faster."

And he quickened his pace on me, taking me in all the way to the base and back to the head again. Oh lord! I was getting so close. His lips tightened around my shaft as I felt my orgasm begin to surge up. "Fuck. I'm gonna cum man! I'm gonna cum!"

That was all the warning I could give him. Lance pulled away just as the first volley of semen shot forth from my slit and blasted onto his face. I must've shot quite a bit as I looked down at him, cum drenched all over his face. He had a lustful look plastered on his face, looking content and satiated. I gave my dick a few poundings with my fist, squeezing the last drops of cum out. Then I lay back on the bed. I felt a shift of weight as Lance got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face off. By the time he got back to the bed I was almost asleep. He got beside me and lied close to my body.

"That was nice Lance."

"You're pretty nice yourself." He nuzzled up against me right then. I almost wanted to push him away but I really didn't mind the attention from him. The one guy I could 'be that way' with was currently on a date with a guy, so I just settled for what I had at the moment. I brought my arms around Lance and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. For what reason, I have NO idea!


Jeremy awoke slowly and comfortably in the hotel bed. At first he couldn't recall where he was. As her tried to get up he then felt the weight pressing around him. A smile crossed his features as he realized JC was asleep beside him, the other man's arms draped over his body. So it wasn't some bizarre daydream. That made the day seem oh so much better. Jeremy stayed motionless in the bed, taking in every scent and nuance of JC. His breath nestled out onto his hair, a faint trace of a smile on his lips. Yes. This was definitely NOT a dream. So like reality, things had to happen at the worst possible moment. Jeremy felt that twinge in his bladder that told him he had to take a piss. Such bad timing!

He tried to remove himself from the arms of the man that lay with him but it did not help a bit. JC kept his arms wrapped around his body, each limb feeling like it was made of stone. He was entrapped in the sweet scent of JC's body. JC's boxers hugged his body ever so slightly at the hips, showing the faintest traces of hair that led down beneath cotton trunks. Jeremy could make out the fine Adonis lines that led under the concealing garment and felt a twinge in his own boxers when his hand came to rest upon the very stiff member of the man holding on to his form. JC stirred at the contact and his eyes slowly opened.

"Hey there." JC's voice murmured out with a slight touch of rasp in it. He looked down at his crotch and saw Jeremy's hand resting upon him. "I know we hit it off rather well last night but don't you think it's a little too soon to start groping me?" A smile was added on to the last part of his sentence.

"I'm sorry." Jeremy said as he removed his hand from JC's cotton covered erection. "I didn't do it on purpose."

"I'm sure ya didn't. I just feel the way you do. Don't want us to move too fast." JC flashed Jeremy a smile before removing his body from being wrapped up around him. Jeremy let out an audible sigh as JC stopped contact with him. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Not really." Jeremy responded coolly. "Just missed your touch. That's all."

JC leaned in towards him and whispered softly, "That's sweet," and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

"You're pretty sweet yourself." Jeremy giggled a bit as JC nestled into his neck, a sweet gesture of affection that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. This was something new to Jeremy. No man, or woman for that matter, had ever made him feel this way. "But I got to get up and take a piss pretty damn soon or I'll never be able to live it down."

"And why's that?"

"Cause you'll see me piss my pants."

"Fair enough." JC backed away and watched intently as Jeremy made his way from the bed to the bathroom in the hotel room. There was so much he could say right now to him, but it was too much too soon. He had to wait and see if this was the 'real thing' or just something else. But Jeremy brought a smile to his face, even when he didn't know it was him, which no one had ever done before. JC took that as a good sign. But when Jeremy wandered back out of the bathroom and he noticed what time it was he took it as...

"SHIT!" JC screeched out as he rushed to get up and started to dress himself. "We're late!"

"What do you mean?" Jeremy looked over to the clock on the nightstand and instantly understood what he meant. "Oh fuck. Practice started like ten minutes ago." His head snapped around towards JC. "And what do you mean we?"

JC's head snapped at Jeremy. "You mean Joey didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"No time now." JC got up from the bed, dressing himself quickly and instructing Jeremy to do the same. As they made their way from the hotel room down to the lobby and catching a cab, JC started to elaborate on what he was trying to say earlier.

"Joey was talking to me about the little idea you two were discussing at the mall." Jeremy's eyes widened at the thought. Surely Joey didn't take him seriously. "So I said it sounds like some fun. We talked to the rest of the group and everyone thought it was a great idea. Besides...Joey said he wanted a break from the routine some time this tour." JC tilted his head towards the other man. "And this sounds a lot better than him just calling in sick." JC flashed a smile his way and once again turned to look at the traffic as they sped across town to the arena.

"Well I just agreed cause I thought you guys wouldn't take me seriously, or Joey for that matter!"

"Does that mean you don't wanna do it?" JC questioned with a sudden look of dread in his eyes.

"No. I have a new reason to do it."

"And what's that?"

"Spending even more time with you."

"Well there will still be four other people with us, not to mention management and the rest of the road crew. It won't be exactly a normal type of thing."

"But it could still be fun."

"If you say so." JC turned to look out the window once again. It wasn't that he didn't like the idea of working with Jeremy more over the next week. Quite the opposite in fact. What he was worried about was Jeremy seeing him at his all time highs...and all time lows. Practices weren't the ideal 'getting to know you' sessions. He was afraid that things wouldn't work out. But what else could he say?

"Well fine!" Jeremy pouted making a puppy dog look at him. "I didn't wanna dance with you onstage anyways!"


The rest of the cab ride was pretty normal. But exactly how normal was sharing a cab with a teenage heartthrob? I bet Jayln will shit his pants after he hears about this. Margo will definitely scream more than she did when she saw that nasty episode of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' when Buffy and Spike were kissing. This was a definitive turn in my life situation. What else could happen? I don't know.

We got to the arena about 45 minutes late and everyone seemed ok with out untimely arrival. Justin had that damn smirk on his face. So I wasn't gonna slap it off TODAY, but someday I swear I will. None of them were angry or upset. But boy were they full of questions.

"So why are both of you late?" Chris asked.

"Aren't you usually always on time?" Lance inquired to me.

"I expect this of you JC...but Jere! What happened?" asked Joey. "Was that hot date last night really hot?"

"What hot date?" Lance questioned. When I didn't say anything about it Joey decided to step in.

"Jeremy was meeting someone he met on-line last night."

"So you had a date last night Jeremy?" Lance asked with a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes I did." I was an honest boy after all.

"Well how was it?" Chris asked, followed by a barrage of other questions. "Did you stay up late? What did you do? What's her name?" I saw both Lance and Josh make these very subtle funny faces when Chris asked the last question and they both noticed the others expression.

"It was great. We were up till about two or three this morning. We went out for dinner and then went to the hotel room to talk for awhile." I was trying to be very careful about this. What shocked me was that Justin was being quiet and no one seemed to notice it but me. At least he had the decency not to talk about it.

"Well what's her name?" Chris asked again. What followed was the biggest shock of the day.

"His name was Josh." JC answered for me. Everyone (Except Justin) had their jaws dropped wide open. "He goes by JC most of the time." With that JC took a hold of my hand and held it firmly...and Justin's jaw dropped as well. "And they weren't just talking. There was a little kissing and then they both fell asleep without even really realizing it." I gave him a smile cause that particular gesture, openness, was very sweet. "It was like a dream...almost perfect."

"JC WAS YOUR HOT DATE???" Joey barked out, breaking the silence by the rest of the band.

"Yes." I answered softly, still in awe of what Josh just did.

"You mean you're gay?" Chris asked of me.


"And no one knew?" Joey asked yet again.

"No one but Lance...and Justin just found out last night." I answered assuredly.

"Lance knew?" Josh asked me. I nodded for a reply. "How long has Lance known?"

"Since the day he came out to the rest of you."

"Oh." was Josh's only remaining response.

"Well. I guess we can rack up our fag count two more now with the addition of JC and Jeremy boy here." Chris stated out-loud.

"Ok girls." Joey hopped right into the middle of the conversation. "I hate to be a drag and all but we have a show in like two days and we need to practice and Jeremy needs to practice too." I gave him that tight-jawed stare and he just brushed it off like nothing. "I know Jere. You can't believe I told them. Who gives a shit? Let's get moving ladies!"

And suddenly Joey became the responsible one.

The next two hours of practice went by pretty quickly. I wasn't exactly a dancer or anything but I could dance just fine and I had a memory like you wouldn't believe. For about 30 minutes I just watched the dances they were doing and committing them to memory. After that it was just polishing them up. I learned the moves to about half of the dances they would be performing during the second show before we took a break. The entire time we were dancing and going over the moves I could see Josh looking over at me with a smile. This was great. He was still showing me attention even though we were working. Started off good.

As soon as we were both alone during the 30 minute break we had, Josh cornered me in a dressing room and gave me a long, soft kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"No reason." He said in a plain voice. "I just haven't kissed you since we left the hotel." I smiled and kissed him right back. After that we went to go get something to grub on.

In the little lunch area I grabbed a quick bite to eat, being a turkey sandwich on white or something that resembled white bread. I took a seat as Josh went to go find something edible. James decided to make a quick drop off while Josh was away.

"So you had a date with JC huh?" He asked almost uncaringly as he took a seat beside me.

"Yes I did." I hope this wasn't going to turn into a fatal attraction kind of scene.

"So what does he have that I don't got?" James' face suddenly went serious as I registered the question.


"Why is it that you'll go on a date with JC but you won't even give me the time of day?"

"James, one we were friends first. I have a rule about dating friends. Second, you came out to me and I know of a certain syndrome that happens when you come out and meet your first gay guy. Instant infatuation. It's not a pretty sight and I know better. It has nothing to do with you personally." I took a bite of my sandwich and a swig of some water before I added in "Besides you never asked me out on a date or anything. You just grinded your hip into my leg and asked if I wanted to fool around."


"Relax. No one can hear me."

"So you mean to tell me that all I had to do was walk up to ya and say 'Hey Jeremy. You wanna go catch a movie or something, you know, and have a date?' just like that." After I nodded and he gasped he continued. "You would have gone out with me?"

"James I think that you are very, very cute. You're a good friend, you're musical and I like your voice."

"You like my voice?"

"I find the southern accent to be very sexy."


"So yes, all you would have had to do was ask me out." I took another swig of my water. "I would have said yes."

"Well what about now?" I turned my head towards him then as Josh made his way towards me.

"I don't know how things are going right now so I'm afraid a date is out of the question in the mean time. I'm currently pursuing someone."

"What are you guys chatting about?" Josh asked as he reached me and gave me a quick hug before sitting down on the other side of me.

"Oh nothing." James said. "I was just about to get up and use the bathroom. I'll see ya guys later." And he got up and walked slowly out of the lunch area. I took another bite of my food.

"He still likes you don't he?" Josh asked while I gulped down some more water.

"Yep." I took another bite of my pseudo-sandwich. I debated whether or not I should ask the question or not for about half a second. I just had to be the guy I am so I stated point blankly "Does that bother you?"

"No." Josh responded a little too quickly in my opinion. "Not really. I think it's kind of cute actually."

I almost choked on my sandwich then. "You think it's CUTE???"

"Kind of cute. Not cute cute. You know the difference."

"Not sure that I do." Take a hint Chasez and elaborate!

"Well I think it's good that he has a little thing for you. It'll probably keep him out of trouble for some time. Unless of course it turns out to be fatal attraction but I don't think Lance is that kind of guy." Josh was actually making a whole lot of sense. "Think of it this way. Love is a tough teacher. The first guy he meets, face to face, that is gay is a good friend of his, and has another friend that just finished telling all of his band mates that he had a date with the gay guy he liked. Now Lance is going to look at both of us, and dwell upon what he wished he had from you and something he could never get from me. He'll observe us and constantly think about why he couldn't get you. And in the end he'll either think that he never had a chance or he just missed the opportunity. In both situations Lance will learn what love is about and what he is looking for." My jaw was still gapping open as he finished his analogy. "And besides he'll probably be so obsessed over you that it will keep him from having sex with the first guy he sees!"

"Did someone just talk about Lance having sex?" Justin questioned as he abruptly sat down next to me. It was at that point in time that I lost the sandwich and I made an uncharacteristic trait of showing my male hormones as the remains of my lunch were launched across the table.

"That was NOT cute Jeremy." JC stated smoothly.

"Sorry. Element of surprise got me."

"Are you two thinking about having a three way with poor Lansten?" Justin said in as serious a voice as I thought possible for him on any given day.

"No. We are not." Josh, how you could stand this guy four over ten years I will never know.

"So sex with me is out of the question?" He then went into this insidious bellow of laughter.

"Josh...can I slap him. Just once! PLEASE?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

"Be nice." He said rather loudly.

"I am being nice!" I glared over at the bitch. "I didn't say anything bad to him."

"Oh." Then Justin got up from the table. "Well I'll see you guys back on stage." And he just walked away.

Josh turned his glare on me as I refocused my attention on him. "What?" I tried to ask in my 'I'm so innocent' look. I guess it wasn't working tonight.

"You don't have to like him. I don't expect you too. But you could at least be civil."

"That was civil. If I was really mad you would have seen a repeat episode of what happened when we first got on the bus."

"Alright." He leaned in and gave me a hug. We, or rather he, finished his lunch and we were back on stage a few minutes later with the guys helping me go over the dance steps again.

While I was onstage practicing the moves with James, Chris and Justin, I noticed Josh walking up to Joey and talking to him while he was trying to get the boards right. He still needs to learn a few more things. I wonder what that's all about.

"Stop looking at the sexy guy over there and get moving!" Do my ears deceive me or did James just say that?

"You calling my boy sexy?" I retorted in kind.

"I didn't know he was yours!" James was still smiling and it was obvious he was taking this a lot better than I expected.

"Actually he's mine!" Justin added in, not that we were talking to him.

"SHUT UP!" both James and I screeched out at him in unison. Well, at least we are both on the same level when it comes to Justin.

A few moments later Josh was walking back onstage. "So are you ready to go over the vocals now Jeremy?" I gave him a nod while Lance was playfully ruffling my hair. "We'll start with the easy stuff. Bye, bye, bye, Tearin' Up My Heart, It's Gonna Be Me."

"It other words all the stuff where the harmony is simple and I don't even get to sing a lead at all!" James started to laugh at me right then. "What's so funny?"

"You're just doing this for fun. So have fun." He gave a tug at my shoulder. "Besides the leads aren't all they're cracked up to be." Josh made this really funny face at James then. I just sort of shrugged. "But they are pretty cute!"

"Dude. Don't be talking bout my boyz like that." Chris interjected during our little debate. "You keep your eyes on any guys that come to the concerts ok?"

"I thought JC was mom?"

"Quiet Lansten." Josh barked out.

"Sorry." He moved over out of the way a bit and mumbled under his breath, "It's not like I'd try to steal him away from you or anything." I barely made it out so I doubt the rest of the guys did. I had to give him credit though. James was handling this a whole lot better than I ever could have. And that made me think a little more.

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