Ex Rated Neighbours

By ethan coleman

Published on Jun 27, 2000


This is a completely made up story, involving homosexual sex between characters from the soap "Neighbours". All the characters and story lines of this show are copyright of Grundy Network (Australia).

Part one: Drew gets a full body massage

Drew was totally exhausted, after getting no sleep the previous night. He had been working late at the garage and then when he came home, he had a huge argument with Libby about the Wedding arrangements and he couldn't stop thinking about that all night long. He knocked on Joel's door, hoping that he would be at home. He had decided that the best way to relieve all the tension inside him was to spend a few hours doing 'manly' things with Joel. Joel opened the door, with nothing but a towel around his waist; his smooth body was dripping with water. "Hang on mate, I'll just get dressed" he said as he headed back into his room. Drew took a seat in front of the telly, and switched it on. "Where are the other two?" he asked, calling out loudly so Joel could hear him. "Their out, somewhere" replied Joel hurrying back into the lounge, fully dressed. They sat watching the soccer game on telly for a few minutes, making small talk. Until Joel finally said "You're looking tired mate" "I've got a lot on my mind at the moment" complained Drew, stretching his arms. Joel watched him quietly, for a few moments before asking "Do you want to talk about it?" Drew shook his head "no" he said dismissively "its nothing to worry about" "Are you sure?" Joel asked. "Yes, I'll tell you what is worrying" Drew said, tilting his head from side to side "my shoulders are killing me". "Do you want me to massage them for you?" asked Joel, he was pretty good at it, especially since he called himself a fitness instructor. Drew looked at Joel, surprised. "Would you?" he asked. "Sure" said Joel, as he got up and stood behind Drew. "Relax and close your eyes" he instructed as he slowly began to press Drew's shoulders. Drew closed his eyes; Joel's fingers were already starting to make magic. His whole body was completely relaxes as Joel tenderly massaged Drew's rugged shoulders, he pressed against the hot skin with his thumbs, gently stroking with his fingertips. Joel continued to concentrate on Drew's shoulders working hard to relax him. Soon Drew was overcome by a sense of pleasure, his body was now pain-free all he could feel was Joel's strong hands massaging his shoulders, he felt every muscle in his body relax. He threw his head back, resting it on the top of the couch. Joel looked down at Drew's handsome face. He felt a flutter in his pants as his cock rose to attention. Drew looked gorgeous, his pink lips curved up in a pleasurable smile, his tanned skin looked perfect and his closed eyes, were as relaxed as his whole body. Joel felt a tremor run through his body as he realised how beautiful Drew was, and how much he wanted him. "Why have you stopped?" Drew's voice bought Joel back to reality and he realised that he had stopped massaging Drew's shoulders. He was about to re start when he had an idea. "How about I give you a full body massage?" he asked, looking at Drew, expectantly. Drew looked at him seriously, as if trying to determine whether Joel meant it or not. "Won't that be kinda weird?" he asked. Joel shook his head, "no! Athletes are getting full body massages all the time, and mostly the physio is male" he noticed Drew was still not convinced, so he with a mischievous grin he added " and if you enjoyed this so much, can you imagine how good the Full body massage will be?" Drew thought about this for a moment and then decided Joel was right, there was no harm in letting him do it. "Okay" he said convincing himself that it was perfectly normal for him to be doing this.

Joel led the way to his bedroom, he couldn't believe that He was just a few minutes from running his hands all over Drew's immaculate body. "Take of your clothes while I go get the oils" instructed Joel, as he started snooping in his cupboard for the oils. Drew quickly stripped down to his boxers and waited for Joel's next instruction. Joel chose three different oils, that he knew were the most arousing out of the lot and motioned for Drew to lie down on his stomach. Drew did as he was told, resting his chin on his hands and preparing himself for the massage. Joel stood over Drew and took in his beautiful figure appreciatively. He was so turned on by the rugged, muscular back, trim waist and the amazing bubble butt that was hidden under Drew's boxers. He forced his eyes away from Drew's body momentarily as he mixed a few drops of the oil s together, creating a sharp, sensual aroma and an effect that can leave you as horny as hell. He carefully spilled a bit of the oil on his palm and rubbed it together preparing for his workover of Drew's spectacular body. Drew jumped as the slightly cold oil made contact with his skin, he felt Joel's hands gently stroke his upper back and shoulders. The feeling was awesome, he totally gave in to the sensations as all of his body, relaxed and allowed Joel's hands to work their magic. Joel continued to massage Drew's back with slow, intimate strokes, gently pressing into the smooth skin with his thumbs. He worked on this area with real concentration for a few more minutes before lowering his hands on to Drew's muscular legs. He stroked this are soaking it with the oils, while gently tracing little circles on the smooth surface. He worked the left leg in a similar way before beginning to massage this area with a little force. "How does that feel?" he asked Drew "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! It feels sooooooooo good" breathed Drew, enjoying the massage to the full extent. Encouraged by Drew's reaction, Joel continued downwards as he began massaging Drew's calves, first the right and then the left one, carefully applying the slightest of pleasure as his miracle-working hands gently rubbed the muscles. Then he got onto the bed and positioned himself, that he was sitting on Drew's butt. He noticed his erection pressing against his shorts. Drew felt Joel sit on top of him, but he was too relaxed, and was having too much of a good time to say anything. Joel began working on the shoulders again, rubbing his hands gently into the smooth skin, while stroking it lightly with his fingers. "Ohhhh Joel, that feels great, don't stop!" moaned Drew, as the pleasure increased and he was now no longer in control of his body's reaction. In fact he could feel his cock throbbing in his shorts, pressed against the bed. Joel continued the slow, sensual exploration of Drew's body for a few minutes longer, before he got off his butt and said "There! All done, how was that?" Drew reluctantly sat up "that was great, but...." "But what?" asked Joel, replacing the oils back in the cupboard. "Well" started Drew "it's given me an erection-and Libby's not very co-operative at the moment, what am I supposed to do with it?" Joel's heart skipped a beat "what, you mean you have an erection" Drew looked embarrassed "well what did you expect?" he asked, getting up to put his clothes back on. Joel decided to take a chance "well some of the athletes let the other guy's suck on it" he said, almost in a whisper. Drew looked at Joel, with a surprised look on his face "what" he asked, dropping his shirt back on to the floor. Joel looked up at him with a smile on his face "well if I'm the cause of that erection then I should be the one to deal with it! Right?" he asked. Drew shook his head, "No! You gotta be joking, I'm not letting you suck my cock" Joel began to plead with him "Oh come on Drew! A lot of people do this stuff, its 0pkay you know, I won't tell anyone" "No way!" Drew said, determined but when he looked down, he noticed his cock was still standing in attention, and he wasn't a believer in wanking. "Drew, you'' enjoy it, trust me" Joel persisted. After thinking about it for a few minutes, and taking his still erect cock in to attention Drew nodded his head "okay, lets do it" he said. Joel walked over towards Drew and kneeled down in front of him. He looked up at Drew who was looking straight ahead. Joel gently slipped Drew's boxers down his perfectly muscled legs and down to his ankles. Drew's huge cock greeted Joel's lustful eyes, it was about 10" long and 2" in diameter. The head of it was perfectly rounded and it curved slightly upwards. Drew had low hanging hair-less balls that were pretty large too. Drew steadied himself and leaned his head forward and slowly ran his hot tongue from the base to the head, where he took a bit of it in his mouth and circled it with his tongue. Drew closed his eyes as he felt his cock quiver inside Joel's mouth. Joel gently sucked the head for a few moment before taking a little more of the juicy cock into his mouth, he placed his hands on Drew's balls gently rubbing them in his palms as his mouth worked on the cock. Then he moved his mouth from the cock and placed it on Drew's balls. Sucking and licking them hungrily. He took both of them in his mouth at the same time, sucking them with all his will. Drew was now overcome with pleasure; his whole body was trembling with the satisfaction that was being bought to him by Joel's expert sucking. He grabbed on to Joel's head, burying his palms in to the long brown locks. As Joel moved back to Drew's huge, wet penis. He slowly started to take it all on his mouth and didn't stop until 8" of it was down his throat. He began to suck on them desperately, his mouth working at full speed. Before Drew, completely overwhelmed with pleasure began to face fuck Joel, violently. He gripped Joel's face with all his strength and began pumping his meat into Joel's mouth faster and faster. Joel struggled to keep from choking as the entire 10" went down his throat. But Drew continued to fuck him harder and faster, his cock ploughed in and out of Joel's mouth without slowing down. Joel wrapped his arms around Drew's butt, and began squeezing Drew's asscheeks, but Drew did not slow down he continued to thrust his hips back and forth, until his whole body tightened and his breath became ragged and heavy. And with two final thrusts he exploded his load down Joel's throat "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, Fuck" he screamed overtaken by his intense orgasm. Joel swallowed every drop of Drew's sweet juice, before getting up and wiping his lips, with the back of his hand. "You taste sooo good" he commented as Drew began to quickly dress himself. When he was finished, he glanced over at Joel "Let's forget this ever happened," he said before walking out.

To be continued... Comments: ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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