Ex Rated Neighbours

By ethan coleman

Published on Jul 23, 2000


Ex-Rated Neighbours (5)

This is a completely made up story, involving homosexual sex between characters from the soap "Neighbours". All the characters and story lines of this show are copyright of Grundy Network (Australia).

Part Five: Billy works his magic!

It was still early when Billy left Drew's after a quick shower. He was heading back home when he saw the light in Joel's place switch on, after thinking for a moment he decided to pay a visit. Billy jogged across the road and knocked on the door, almost instantly Lance opened the door "What do you want" he asked, almost spitting in Bill's face "I wanna talk to you about..." Billy started, but Lance cut in sharply "Forget it" he said "I don't wanna hear it" Billy pushed past Lance and forced his way in. He sat down on the couch and looked straight at Lance "What you saw today was no big deal," Bill said, casually. "No big deal?" Lance cried, in disbelief "you mean my sister's boyfriend, getting fucked by another guy, is no big deal?" Lance was pacing the room now, anger and disbelief apparent on his face "How could you do this to Anne?" he asked. Bill stood up face-to-face with Lance and tried in vain to calm him down. "Look" he said, as calmly as possible "I love Anne, more than anything in this world". Lance was about to cut in when Bill put his hand over his mouth "listen to me, I love her. But with Drew it was just a bit of fun, two guys fooling around, having a great time. But at the end of the day Drew's marrying my sister...and I'm gonna ask Anne to marry me, when I get back to Brisbane" announcing his decision a little unexpectedly. "You're what?" asked Lance, in total shock. "Yes, I'm gonna propose to Anne" repeated Bill. "Wow, that's great" enthused Lance, becoming excited about it. But he quickly returned to the matter at hand. "But, sleeping with another guy..." "....Feels great" said Bill, completing Lance's sentence. Lance shook his head "I can't believe you," he said. "Oh come on" cried Bill "you must have fooled around with a guy sometime" "Well..." said Lance, suddenly sitting down "yeah, but it was a long time ago, and it was nothing too sexual". "Well you've missed out," said Bill, sitting down opposite Lance. Lance looked at him curiously "You're not suggesting that its better than sex with a girl" he asked. "It depends how much you're into it, if you let yourself go, then its awesome," said Bill, suddenly seeing Lance in a whole new light. He sure was cute, and his body was pretty well developed. He looked his girlfriend's brother straight in the eye "Do you want me to prove it to you? He asked, suddenly wanting nothing more than Lance's juicy cock in his mouth. "No way I'm letting you fuck me," cried Lance, suddenly getting all-serious again. "What if I sucked your cock, for you" said Bill, moving over to sit next to Lance. Lance was about to refuse, but he felt this secret urge of saying 'yes', his cock trembled at the thought of someone sucking it, he looked down at the bulge beginning to grow in his trousers. "Okay" he said finally, giving in to his curious desire. Bill smiled, 'my magic works again' he thought as he got up and sat between Lance's spread legs. He slowly traced the outline of Lance's growing cock, stroking it through the thick material of his trousers. Lance threw his head back, and closed his eyes as Bill's touch sent waves of electric sensations through his body. Bill kissed the cock through the dark material, before reaching his hand over to unbuckle Lance's belt. He pulled down the zipper and pulled Lance's hard cock out of his boxers. He stroked it a few times, and it instantly grew bigger. Bill was amazed at the size of the thing, it was about 8" and very thick. After looking at it in amazement for a while he got back to work. He pulled Lance's boxers off and threw them over in the corner. He began kissing Lance's cock, slowly rubbing the hairy balls in his palms. Lance was enjoying it so much; he loved the feel of Billy's hot mouth on his trembling cock. He moaned in encouragement as Bill's lips continued their slow and erotic exploration of Lance's beautiful member. After kissing it all over, Billy finally took the head in his mouth, Lance groaned loudly as Bill slowly began sucking the sensitive area around his piss-hole. Billy ran his wet tongue over the underside of Lance's thick shaft a few times, before curling his tongue around Lance's hairy balls. He sucked and chewed at them, with such eagerness that Lance could not help but shout out wild encouragements. "Oh yeah Billy boy, suck them raw" he moaned, as his breaths were becoming increasingly heavy. He had never been sucked before in his life, and if this is the way a guy does it, then he's definitely up for it. Satisfied with his sucking of Lance's balls, Billy decides to start the real thing. Without using his hands, he catches Lance's quivering cock in his mouth and slowly lowers his head on about 4" of it. He sucks it softly, tasting and enjoying the precum. After several slow sucks, he takes about 7 of the 8" in his mouth and starts deep-throating it. This really sends Lance in to heaven as he begins moaning louder than before "Ohhhhhhh yeah, mmmmmm" Billy slides his hand under Lance's T-shirt and finds his strong erect nipples, he begins to slowly massage them with his fingers, while his other hand massages Lance's wet balls. His head bumps up and down as he takes Lance's cock deep into his mouth, sucking it with real intensity. His hands continue their gentle massage of his nipples and balls, while his mouth sucks on 8" of pure hard cock. Lance totally surrenders himself to these new sensations and moans ecstatically as his balls begin to tighten. Realising the change in Lance, Bill begins to suck him faster, he desperately wants to taste Lance's juice, and he's not disappointed. The moment Billy increases his rhythm on the juicy meat, Lance yelps in sheer agonising pleasure as his cock explodes for the first time in another guy's mouth. Loads and loads of creamy white juice splurts out of Lance's cock, and Billy swallows the lot, savouring the sweet taste. After draining all the cum from it, Billy moves away from Lance's cock and sits down next to him. Lance half sits and half lays on the couch, totally drained from an amazing experience, he continues to breathe heavily for a few minutes. "How was it?" Billy asked, after they had both recovered. "It was awesome" breathed Lance "thank you" Billy got up, getting ready to leave "no probs" he said, throwing Lance's white briefs back at him "and remember you've got a cocksucker living under your roof" "What?" Lance stared at him in disbelief. Billy nodded "Joel" he said, before walking out of the door. Lance smiled, looking over at the clock 'Joel should be home any minute' he thought, slipping his boxers back on.

Meanwhile Karl was searching the house up and down for his car keys. "Damn it" he cursed as he crawled on all fours, looking under the couch. "What are you looking for?" asked Libby, shocked to see her dad, crawling around on the floor. "My car keys" he claimed, getting off the floor. "Drew's got them, I took the car to the garage to get it fixed and left the keys with him" Karl glanced over at the clock; it wasn't yet ten Drew should still be awake. He slipped into his shoes and headed for the door. "I'll be back in a moment," he shouted, closing the door behind him. He knocked on Drew's door, but there was no answer, he tried again, but there was still no answer "Where could he have gone?" Karl thought out loud. He turned the knob, and to his surprise the door opened. He went inside and looked around, no one, Karl switched on the light and saw his car keys, sitting on the table, he picked them up and headed for the door. But he couldn't just leave, the door was open, something was wrong. So he decided to check upstairs, he calmly walked up the stairs, making no noise in case there was a burglar up there somewhere. He passed Lou's bedroom, the door was closed, he opened it and looked around. It was empty, as was the spare room. Finally he came to Drew's door, he opened it slowly, to his great surprise Karl saw Drew lying on his stomach, fully naked. Karl instantly fell his cock twitch, Drew's smooth butt, was in clear view, and what a view it was too. Karl tried to leave, he wanted to leave, but he couldn't move his feet, they were rooted to the position and his eyes were glued on Drew's butt. His cock was getting harder and harder!!!!

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed this part, I'm slowly trying to involve different characters into the story. But I hope I'm not loosing the erotic appeal. If you have any comment or would like to make a suggestion, then please do so..... Ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 6

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