Exchanging Roommates

Published on Sep 7, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Ten

By Chris

They were both studied out after spending all of Saturday hitting the books and knowing that the week to come would be filled with their noses in the books, so when Haley called as they were heading to breakfast asking if they wanted to take a drive out to the coast just to relax. They quickly changed directions heading away from the dining hall and toward Haley's car where they waited for Haley and Andi to arrive.

They stopped at a fast food restaurant to get a bite to eat and then Haley turned the car west and they headed for the beach. It was a warm day but not nearly warm enough to lie out in the sun so they mostly just walked the beach looking for seashells and talking.

When Danica came into the room after her last class, she called out to Anya, "How was your day?"

"Fucking terrible!" Anya grumbled.

Danica about knew what was Anya's problem and that was confirmed when she glanced into the bathroom as she passed by to see a box of pads sitting on the sink. Danica knew that she too was due and the fact that Anya had started her period she would too. This was something that neither of them needed during their first final week.

Danica came on into the room expecting to see Anya dressed but she wasn't except for a pair of panties. Even during her period, she was holding true to making her a nudist.

"Do you need anything?" Danica asked after giving Anya a kiss.

"No, I took something when I came in, thanks though," Anya answered giving her a smile indicating that she wasn't in as bad a mood as her comment had indicated.

"Be right back," Danica said after putting her bag down. She went on into the bathroom to pee. She went ahead and took off her clothes, leaving her panties on but first putting a pad in place just in case she started her period sooner rather than later.

"You started too?" Anya asked as Danica sat down in her chair.

"No but you know how my body gets jealous when your period starts before mine," Danica said with a laugh.

"Yeah, just what we need this week," Anya said with a sigh.

"That was what I was thinking too," Danica said thinking about their best way to release their stress and this would be a stressful week. However cuddling was a great way to release stress too and they could always do that.

And so that is the way their week went, lots of studying and stressing over their tests. Danica's worst test was her calculus test and that was also the first final that she had on Wednesday. In one way she wanted more time to study for it but she was also happy to get it over with first. Her other finals would be hard too but she was more confident of passing them than she was calculus. Anya had given her a great bit of advice that morning, telling her that if she wasn't sure about the first problem to go to the next one and the next one until she found one she could do. Once she was done then go back to the ones she wasn't sure about. Sure enough, Danica blanked out on the first question and then the second one. She was just about to panic but she did as Anya had told her to do. She went to the third problem which was one that she knew she could solve. She was able to do all the rest of the problems and when she looked at the clock, she saw that she still had forty-five more minutes left. She took in a deep breath and began to study the first problem not worrying about solving it as she was sure that she had done enough to pass. It was Anya's advice that enabled her to take her time and she began to see the solution. She finished the problem and started on the second problem that was a bit harder, she thought that she knew how to solve this one too but her answer didn't seem right however by then time was running out so she turned in her test with about five minutes left in the class.

When Anya came into the room later that afternoon, Danica jumped up from her chair surprising Anya just as she turned from shutting and locking the door. Danica wrapped her arms around Anya drawing Anya to her. She saw the surprised expression on Anya's face and when she kissed her it took Anya a moment to recover from her shock and return the kiss.

"What was that for?" Anya asked, "Not that I minded, mind you."

"You saved my ass on my calculus test," Danica replied grinning as she released Anya.

"How did I do that?" Anya asked following her on into the room.

"Remember what you said about passing up any problems I didn't know how to solve going until I found one I could do?" Danica asked and before Anya could answer, she continued, "Well I did that. I couldn't solve the first two problems and I was about to panic but I did as you said and the third problem was so easy. I finished my test and even went back and I think I got most of the first two problems correct. But mainly if it wasn't for you I know I would have had a panic attack and really blown the test. Thank you!" Danica then gave her another kiss because she was so happy.

"I'm glad that I could help," Anya said giving her a hug. "Now let me go pee and we can talk about it.'

Danica was so excited that she kept talking following Anya into the bathroom without realizing what she was doing until she saw Anya pulling her jeans and panties down to pee. But then Danica had gotten her used to being in the bathroom as either of them peed, however it was usually Anya that came in while she was peeing and not leaving. This was the first time that she followed Anya into the bathroom. She could see the grin on Anya's face seeing her do so. She told Anya all about the test and also her other test of that day before she let Anya talk about her tests.

Thursday Danica had only one final while Anya had two. So it was Danica telling Anya to relax as they parted after breakfast. Danica had a couple of hours to kill before her final began so she went to the library to study. She studied an hour or so before deciding that she was either ready or she wasn't so she closed up her laptop and just closed her eyes and relaxed until it was time for her to go to class. The test was hard and required her to concentrate but it was mostly an essay type test so writing the answers didn't come too hard. However it was a long test and she was worn out by the time that she finished. Plus her period decided to start during the test so she was thankful that she was already prepared for that to arrive.

Friday she would again have two tests so she wasn't able to relax long. As soon as she finished her test, she headed back to the dorm to start preparing for her last two finals. Anya came in later that afternoon and she appeared worn out. But she had completed all her tests except for her music final, that didn't require studying but practicing.

The bad part was that Anya couldn't practice in the room but had to go to the music building and practice. Danica wanted to go with her and study as Anya practiced but she knew that she really needed quiet to study and Anya needed to be alone. So they went to dinner and Danica walked with her to the music building leaving her there with a kiss and a promise to call her when she was done. Danica had already arraigned to have Shawn go and bring her back to the dorm when she was finished. Shawn had told her before that he would be up most of the night studying anyway so it was no big deal. Anya protested but Danica could see that she was grateful as she didn't want to walk back alone even if the campus was safe. This would also keep Anya from staying up too late; Danica knew she would need her rest as much as she did the practice.

"Thank you," Anya said when they were cuddled up in bed once Anya had gotten home from practicing

"For what dear?" Danica asked.

"For not letting me walk home alone," Anya replied raising her head up to give a kiss to Danica's cheek.

"You're welcome, but there was no way I was letting you out there alone this late at night," Danica replied giving Anya a squeeze.

"Speaking of late, how about us getting a few hours of sleep," Anya said raising her head up again, this time a good night kiss.

Danica returned the kiss and once Anya was settled back in beside of her, she closed her eyes letting Anya's warmth erase the worries of her tests and she fell asleep much sooner than she thought possible.

Danica woke up first and she reached to turn off the alarm before it went off only to find that they had never set it. They both had been so tired and it was so late when they went to bed, the alarm was forgotten. Danica was just thankful that she had woken up a couple of minutes early or they would have been scrambling to get ready and for her to get to her test since it was in the early morning slot. Danica nudged Anya awake and added a kiss before she slipped out of bed going to the bathroom. She was just finishing peeing when Anya walked in yawning and stretching.

After breakfast Danica gave Anya a kiss for good luck getting one in return before they went their separate ways. Danica's tests were hard but like the day before, she felt confident that she had passed them both. She then returned back to the dorm for the hardest part of the day, packing up to go home. She would have loved to stay another day but her family was expecting her home that afternoon and she knew that Anya's was too. So she began to pack up what she would need for the holidays. She still had some clothes at home, so she really didn't need to pack a lot.

She was just putting her dirty clothes in a laundry bag when Anya came through the door carrying her violin case and with a frown. "So how did it go?" she asked.

"I missed a note," Anya said putting her violin down and plopping down in her chair.

"Well maybe your professor didn't notice," Danica suggested only getting a bigger frown from Anya.

"Oh the prick noticed all right, it was hard to miss," Anya said dejectedly.

"Well what about the rest, did you do well?" Danica asked as she came over, squatting in front of Anya putting her hands on her knees.

"The rest was fine, I think I really well," Anya replied letting the frown dissipate ever so slightly.

"There you go, I bet you get still get an A or at least s B+," Danica said giving Anya's knees a squeeze.

"More likely a D+ at best," Anya replied with her lips forming into a frown again.

"I tell you what, if he doesn't give you at least a B+, I'll personally go to his office and kick the shit out of him," Danica told her seriously.

Anya looked down at her obviously trying to gage her seriousness and when Danica didn't change her expression; she broke out into a laugh, "I bet you would too."

"Damn right I will," Danica said standing up and putting her fists up like she was about to go into a boxing ring and fight someone.

"Oh god you're silly," Anya said still laughing. She then got up putting her hands onto Danica's clinched fists pushing them down so that she could give her a kiss that Danica gladly welcomed as it meant that Anya was out of her funk.

"Who me?" Danica said getting a grin from Anya.

"Yes you!" Anya replied coming in close where Danica could wrap her arms around her to give her a hug.

"So how were your tests?" Anya asked as they separated.

"Not too bad, I think I did pretty well for the most part," Danica replied. "I'm just glad that finals are over."

"I'm not," Anya said.

"Why not?" Danica asked a little surprised since they both had been dreading finals for the last two weeks.

"It means that I won't get to see you for three weeks,' Anya said pouting a little.

"I know, but we can still talk," Danica said thought she was sad about not seeing Anya for that long.

"So what you doing over the break, we haven't even talked about that?" Anya asked going to her closet to get her suitcase to pack.

"Working at Antoni's restaurant, he is short a waitress and he volunteered me to fill in,' Danica said with a frown.

"That was nice of your brother to make sure that you're not bored over Christmas break," Anya said with a laugh.

"Oh yes, he's real sweet in that way," Danica said with a laugh but then she got serious, "Actually I don't mind, I mean in a way he is helping to pay for me coming here."

"True," Anya replied, "but don't worry, you won't be alone, Helena who schedules all the appointments at my mother's practice has finally convinced her husband to go on a cruise and I get to replace her."

"That's sweet," Danica said getting a frown from Anya, "Well I meant her getting to go on a cruise."

"Oh that it is and I'm happy for her but if I had my choice, I would be helping my dad?" Anya said.

"Why is that?" Danica asked not seeing that Anya could be much help to someone who does house repairs.

"Cause he usually lets me be a Go-fer, going and getting stuff from the supply stories and he makes it fun. At my mother's office I'll be stuck behind a desk all day working on a computer."Anya said.

"I see... but your mom needs you..." Danica said.

Anya smiled, "Yes she does and that is why I'll go in every day with a smile on my face."

"You know I could call you during the day and talk real naughty, that would brighten your day," Danica said giving Anya a wink.

"Oh god then I'll be sitting there with wet panties and thinking about you. I'll have my mother seeing ten patients at the same time,' Anya said with a laugh.

"Better not do that I guess..." Danica said grinning.

"No save that for our nighttime calls," Anya said giving Danica naughty grin.

"I will," Danica said giving Anya a kiss.

They went on talking as Danica helped Anya pack her bags. They took their time and even walked slower as they went to their cars. They got to Anya's car first, putting all her things into the trunk.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Danica said pulling Anya in tightly against her body.

"I'm going to miss you too, but it's only for three weeks and then we can come back here and celebrate Christmas and New Years at the same time," Anya said giving her a hug.

"You be careful," Danica said pulling back and they stared into each other's eyes before kissing. They hugged again before Danica pulled away allowing Anya to get into her car. Anya blew her a kiss before she backed out of her parking spot and Danica watched her drive out with a tear in her eyes.

By the time that Danica had gotten to her car, her tears had dried but she was already missing Anya. However when she started her car, something that her mother had once said to her came to mind. She was talking about one of her brothers and his then girlfriend but she realized that it was meant for her to hear too. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," her mother had told Danica's brother. Danica didn't think her brother agreed with their mother at the time but she hoped that her mother's words were true for her and Anya.

When she arrived home, she first sent a text to Anya telling her that she had made it home and that she was already missing her. By the time that she had finished, her father was coming out the door to help her bring her things in. She quickly got out, giving him a hug before that both got her things to bring into the house. Her mother was waiting at the door so she stopped to give her a hug before entering the house, inhaling the scents of her childhood.

She was helping her mother fix supper when she finally got a text from Anya. She was beginning to worry about her but then she wasn't going directly home but to the family cottage at the nudist resort which was a couple of hours south of her home. Her mother frowned at her for stopping to text as she was cooking for the whole family. Friday's was the evening when all her brothers came to the house and they discussed with their father how business was going and what they had planned for the future.

As she was growing up, this was something she avoided even though her father had given her an equal interest in the business when he retired. In some families this could cause a conflict since she didn't play an active role in the management of the family business. However her brothers had always looked out for her and taken care of her as she grew up. That didn't mean that they didn't pick on her and do their best to piss her off however they never allowed anyone outside the family to do that, it was their job and their job alone to make her childhood miserable. Not that they really made her life miserable, they did piss her off more than a time or too.

But this evening, she did sit at the table as the after dinner conversation began. Judy was the only one of her sister-in-laws that took a seat at the table. But then she had a great mind for business and also had gone back to school to get an accounting degree just to help out her husband and Danica's oldest brother Antoni when he first took the lead in the company.

Danica quickly realized that she had been right about avoiding these meetings, they were actually boring. Her brothers and her father actually talked for an hour about the price of flour and if there was somewhere that they could find that was just as good but cost less. This job was assigned to Rafal who seemed eager to take the job on which only proved to Danica that she was right about Rafal, he did have a screw loose like she had told him growing up.

Just as the meeting was ending, Judy asked her," So Danica, do you want to know just what your worth in the company is?"

Danica was surprised by the question and if she hadn't known Judy for so long and was so close to her she would have thought that Judy was trying to put her on the spot for sitting in on the meaning. But one look into Judy's eyes made her realize that she really had no clue what the family company was worth or just how much money was set aside for her.

"No not really, I know that when my part of the money is needed that it will be used wisely," she said being honest but then she couldn't help but to add, "Beside my brothers know full well that I'll kick them in the...," She as saying when she saw her mother coming into the room.

"Kick them where child?" her mother asked.

"Yes kick us where?" Dobry asked enjoying that his sister had painted herself into a corner and was his chance to get her back for kicking him there when Danica was a child and he had pissed her off about something or another.

"Oh I think you know brother dear," Danica replied giving her brother a mean sister look.

"And I still owe you for that one," Dobry replied grinning back at her.

"Hush both of you, there will be no kicking anyone," Their mother spoke with the authority of her position.

Danica stuck her tongue out at Dodry who did the same getting a laugh from everyone and a disapproving look from their mother, "I would have thought you two would have grown up by now!" she said to them. "I guess not!" she added making them both feel like little kids as only their mother could make them feel.

"Well anyway, we'll talk as I think you need to know," Judy told her and no one argued this point not that Judy gave them any chance to do so.

Just then Danica had a thought and she knew her best chance to bring it up was right then, even though she hadn't even discussed it with Anya. "I would like to get an apartment after this coming semester; it'll be a little more expensive but not much." She said rather quickly.

"By yourself?" her mother asked with a tone of voice that told her that there was no possibility of that happening.

"No with Anya, my roommate," Danica said committing Anya to something that she had no clue she was suggesting.

"I don't see a problem with that," Judy said getting a warning look from mom.

"I don't know, we'll talk about it," mom said turning and walking out.

"I'll talk to her," Judy said giving Danica a wink.

"Honey, this is between Danica and mom, we don't want to interfere." Antoni said to his wife.

"I'll talk to her," Judy repeated not bothering to look at her husband who had a scow on his face.

"No Antoni is right, I got to convince her and I will," Danica said wanting to stop a possible fight between her brother and Judy.

"Don't I have a say?" Danica's father asked.

"Nothing personal Pop but she has had you wrapped around her little finger from the moment she was born," Antoni said with a grin.

"I have not," Danica protested.

"Yes you have," her dad answered with a laugh.

Danica didn't have a chance to talk to her mom about her getting an apartment as she headed to bed once her brothers left besides she wanted to let her mom think about it for a while first, however Anya was a different matter.

She told Anya all about the meeting with her brothers and father when she got her on the phone and then she let Anya tell her about her evening before she brought up what she had done.

"I did something tonight without thinking about it and it involves you," Danica told her.

Danica heard Anya pause for a second before she replied, "What did you do?"

"Well the meeting was winding down and Judy had brought up my interest in the family business when it popped out of my head before I could think about it or ask you," Danica said.

"You're killing me Danica, what did you say?" Anya said showing her frustration.

"I asked if I could have a little more money this year so that we can get an apartment and not have to live in the dorm. I hope that you don't mind and that you want to," Danica said now she was getting nervous waiting for Anya to respond.

"Oh is that all," Anya said and she didn't say anything more.

"Yes but do you want to, mom asked if I was going to get one by myself which I knew she wouldn't go for and I didn't want to anyway. I told her that you would be sharing it with me." Danica said.

"Did you tell her that we'd be sharing the bed too?" Anya asked and Danica could imagine the grin that Anya had on her face.

"Nooooo! I didn't tell her that!" Danica said feeling her face growing warm.

"Why not, we are going to share the bed aren't we?" Anya asked her and while Danica knew Anya was teasing her, it was still embarrassing her seeing how they were talking about her telling her mom all of this.

"Of course we are!" Danica said now the one feeling the frustration of Anya's answers. "So do you want to or not?"

Anya let out a laugh, "Yes I want too but it might take me a while to convince my mom."

"Well we got all semester to convince both or our moms," Danica said.

"I think my mom likes me in a dorm where I will a little more protected," Anya said. "It will also mean that I will have to forgo getting into any arguments with her when I'm here and be a good girl at work," Anya said with a laugh.

"Do you all argue a lot?" Danica asked.

"We used to argue more than we seem to do now, it's like I can see her point of view more than I used to," Anya admitted.

"I know the feeling, I guess my mom was right after all," Danica said.

"Right about what?" Anya asked.

"She would always say that one day I would see that she wasn't as dumb about things as I believed she was," Danica said.

"Don't you hate to admit that your mom was right about anything," Anya asked laughing a little.

"Yeah but I'm not ready to concede the point completely," Danica replied laughing.

"Me either," Anya replied laughing with her and then she changed the subject back to the apartment. "Now you got me wanting to move into an apartment when we get back to school."

"I know, but it gives us time to find one close and is halfway decent," Danica said.

"And one with a washer and dryer, that way you won't have to take our clothes to a Laundromat to do the wash," Anya said.

"I'm going to the Laundromat?" Danica asked.

"Of course," Anya said.

"Well then you'll have to do all the cooking and washing the dishes," Danica said.

There was a pause before Anya answered, "On second thought, I'll do the laundry and you can do the cooking."

"How about we share both?' Danica asked.

"How about we get an apartment with a washer, dryer, and a dish washer... oh and a maid," Anya suggested.

"Now you're dreaming," Danica said with a laugh.

Anya laughed, "I know but a clothes washer and dryer would be nice."

"Yes it would," Danica replied hoping they could find an apartment that did have both of those.

They talked for a while longer before they both got sleepy and they said their goodbyes. Danica turned off the light and laid her head on her pillow thinking about just what apartment they could get. She figured that her mom would argue against it for a while but in the end, she would give in. But she had to find one close to the university and one in a safe neighborhood or all bets would be off. And she also knew that Judy would turn against her if she didn't, she had a couple of girls so while she was her friend, she was also a mother and the mother part of her would overrule the friend part.

She didn't get to relax for even one day as she was already scheduled to work for her brother on Saturday at four. She had to send Anya a picture of her in her waitress uniform because Anya said she had a thing for women in uniforms which was another way of saying she wanted a picture to tease her about when she got back to school.

She also was reminded why she didn't want to be a waitress; she burned her arm taking a pizza out of the oven and got stiffed on tips twice. It wasn't that she needed the tips but she knew that the other waitresses did need them. Her family paid their workers more than the other restaurants but still no one was ever going to get rich being a waitress or a cook. If she got a good tip, she would always share it with the other waitresses she was working with. It helped win them over as she knew they were watching her to see if the sister of their boss would actually work. At one time their first impression would have been correct but she had seen a fraction of the real world and she was reminded of Clarence who went and got food for people to give him money to take his girlfriend out every once in a while. She went to a private university made up of mostly rich kids but there were enough poor kids that Danica got an appreciation of what they had to do to get ahead in this world.

So by the end of the night, she wasn't the sister of the boss or the daughter of the founder, but another waitress bitching about some of the customers who were being assholes to them. She also complained about how much her arm hurt and that her feet were killing her. That is when one of the waitresses pointed to her shoes and the ones that the rest of the girls were wearing. That wasn't by accident, they were the best when it came to being on your feet all day and they weren't that expensive if you knew where to shop which they of course did. Sunday, at one, when the store opened, Danica was the first in line to enter buying two pairs of shoes for herself and a pair for Anya.

About a week into their break, Danica finally had the house to herself and she was missing Anya and was more than a little horny. She waited until it was Anya lunch break to place a call to her.

"Hey girl, what you doing?" Danica asked once Anya had answered.

"Looking at my salad wishing it would turn into a cheeseburger," Anya said with a laugh.

"You alone?" Danica asked innocently.

"Yea, mom had to go to the hospital to see a patient and everyone else went out to lunch seeing how it is Friday and they just got paid." Anya replied.

"So you're all alone?" Danica asked.

"Yea why?" Anya asked and Danica could hear the beginning of suspicion rising in Anya's voice.

"Oh I'm just lying on my bed without a stitch of clothing on, thinking about what we would be doing to me if you were here with me..." Danica said to her.

"Oh no you don't... I'm at work..." Anya said.

"I'd be teasing those hard nipples of yours, first with my fingers and then my tongue...," Danica said softly.

"Don't Danica... don't say anymore..." Anya pleaded.

"My fingers are moving down your body, my mouth is sucking on your nipple..." Danica said feeling her pussy get moist and her fingers naturally found their way there.

"I'm going to kill you!" Anya said pausing a second as Danica heard her let out a sigh, "Hold on a second, let me get to the bathroom."

"Hurry baby I'm so wet..." Danica said.

"Shit!" she heard Anya say with her phone obviously away from her face.

Danica listened and a moment later, she heard a door close and movement of clothes. "If my mother catches me, you're dead meat!" Danica heard Anya say.

"Are you really naked on your bed?" Anya asked breathlessly.

"Yes, everyone is away at the moment and I don't have to go to work for another couple of hours," Danica said just as breathlessly.

"My finger move across your lips... they feel so wet..." Danica said continuing on.

"They are wet baby, so wet... touch me... move your fingers inside of me... I need you," Anya breathed out.

"Touch me too baby, I'm so fucking wet..." Danica said and she was as her own fingers entered her pussy.

"I push my middle finger in deep and move it in and out as I suck on your nipple, biting it tenderly..." Danica said.

"Oh god that feels good, push it in harder," Anya said in almost a whisper.

"I'm pushing it in hard baby can you feel it..." Danica said trying to talk and breathe at the same time. "Fuck me too baby..."

"I've got two fingers deep inside of you... feeling how wet you are... your pussy gripping my fingers..." Anya moaned.

"It is baby... it is... fuck me..." Danica said doing just exactly that to herself as her mind imagined Anya sitting on the toilet of her mother's office rubbing her pussy to her words.

"Oh god you're going to make me cum..." Anya moaned.

"Do it baby, cum with me, rub that pussy hard like I'm doing..." Danica said breaking out of character but she was close to cumming at that moment.

Danica listened to Anya's rapid breathing unable to talk as she pushed her fingers against her clit feeling the orgasm getting all so close. "I'm cumming..." Anya suddenly moaned and hearing Anya say that sent Danica over and her orgasm washed through her body. She vaguely heard a noise in her phone but in her state of bliss, she had to clue as to what the sound was or cared.

"You there... can you hear me?" she heard Anya saying and she had to pick up her phone from the bed where she had dropped it.

"Yeah I'm here, I can hear you," Danica answered getting her breathing slowed from her orgasm.

"I dropped my phone and the screen broke, I was afraid it stopped working," Anya said to her.

"Oh god, are you serious," Danica said suddenly feeling bad about what she had done.

"Yes I'm serious," Anya said but she didn't seem mad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen," Danica said.

"Oh hell don't worry about it, I wanted to get a new one and now I got an good excuse. I'm more worried about how I'm going to clean myself up and get the scent of sex out of here." Anya said.

"Are you mad at me for doing this?" Danica had to ask.

"Oh hell no, I was wondering if you would and to tell you a secret... I was hoping that you would..." Anya said. "It was so naughty..."

"Yes it was... and fun..." Danica said.

"It was but you know paybacks are hell..." Anya reminded her.

"I hope so..." Danica couldn't resist saying.

"Oh they are, now let me get cleaned up and I'll call you later tonight..." Anya said.

"I can't wait..." Danica said feeling her pussy spasm at the thought of having phone sex again with Anya.

"I love you," Anya said.

"I love you too, bye baby," Danica said.

"Bye," Anya said before she hung up.

Danica lay back on the bed letting herself imagine Anya sitting on the toilet at her mother's office as she played with herself and her fingers went back to her pussy. Just the image of Anya sitting there with her pants and panties at her ankles as she talked was just too much for her. She rubbed her clit hard and fast soon bringing herself to another orgasm that left her limp for a moment.

She eventually got up, gathering up some clothes and dashing to the bathroom to shower and get ready for work. It was going to be a long shift but she had something to look forward to that night that would make the time either drag by or go quicker, she was hoping for the latter.

That evening when Anya called, she was ready for her, lying naked on her bed with the door locked. Anya began immediately and she kept going until Danica had to cry uncle after three orgasms and her clit sore from all the rubbing that she did as Anya talked. Danica wanted to return the favor but Anya assured her that she had already cum twice just from hearing her have her orgasms.

By the time that their Christmas break was over, they got to be old hands at phone sex though Danica didn't call Anya at lunch again to do it. Once was enough and anymore would risk Anya getting caught and that neither of them wanted. However that didn't stop them from using the scene in their phone sex conversations. Not that was the only type of conversations that they had, most were a bit more boring as they told each other about their days. They quickly discovered that they didn't like working in the real world, it was actually hard work, even for Anya who had the easier job but she had to deal with people who were not feeling their best and so they were impatient with her. Anya understood this but it still made it hard not to say something but she bit her tongue and then bitched to Danica when they talked. Danica did her own bitching with the customers she had to deal with. They each got the see people at their best and their worst.

When Danica heard the door being opened, she ran to the door to meet her. "Hurry up so we can open our Christmas presents," Danica said grabbing Anya's suitcase from her hand.

"I thought we agreed to do that tonight," Anya said trying to get her other bag inside and shut the door.

"I changed my mind," Danica said excitedly.

"When did that happen?" Anya asked standing by the bathroom door.

"Well actually I had my fingers crossed when I said that," Danica said with a laugh.

"Oh I see," Anya said with a smile. "May I at least pee first?"

"Yes you may... but hurry," Danica said getting Anya's other bag.

"Are you always like this at Christmas?" Anya asked from the bathroom.

"Yes I love opening presents and watching other people opening presents, it's my favorite thing in the world," Danica said with her voice coming out like an excited little girl which was what she was at that moment.

"Did you even sleep on Christmas eve when you were little?" Anya asked still from the bathroom.

"Nope, my mom tried everything to get me to sleep but nothing worked until I pretended to go to sleep," Danica said just as Anya finally appeared from the bathroom.

"I bet you still don't sleep on Christmas Eve do you?" Anya came on over and was about to sit beside Danica on the bed.

"No you sit on your bed," Danica said putting Anya where she wanted her and then she went to the other side of the bed pulling a big box she had hidden there.

"I thought we agreed on just one present," Anya said giving her a frown.

"We did but..." Danica was saying.

"But you had your fingers crossed on that too," Anya said frowning. "You know crossing your fingers doesn't really work."

"I know but I only got you one real present, the rest are fun gifts," Danica said and she saw the look on Anya's face she added, "I promise."

"Okay but can't I at least get a welcoming home kiss, it has been three weeks since I last got a kiss from you," Anya said.

"Oh yes," Danica said grinning as she came over sitting by Anya, she put her hand to the back of Anya's neck bringing her head forward for that kiss.

Danica let her lips softly touch Anya's lips hearing a light moan from Anya and feeling her hands on her hips. She parted her lips slightly letting the kiss become more passionate. However before it went too far, she pulled back giving Anya a smile and then she hugged her tightly.

"Now for gifts and then we can do other things...' Danica said pulling back.

"You promise?" Anya asked.

"I promise," Danica said solemnly.

"No fingers crossed this time I see," Anya said looking down at her hands.

Danica laughed, "Not on that," She said blushing ever so slightly.

"Now for presents!" Anya said clapping her hands together grinning from ear to ear.

Danica went back to her bed sitting opposite of Anya with the big box sitting between them. Danica reached down pulling a large box out placing it on Anya's lap.

"It's heavy," She noted and after shaking it, "and appears to be liquid."

"Open it and see," Danica said with her grin growing bigger.

Anya began to tear the paper off and then she used her fingernails to cut the tape holding the box closed. Danica saw that confused look on Anya's face that only grew more confused when she pulled out a bottle of liquid laundry detergent. "An unusual gift..." Anya said.

"It's for you to do our laundry in our new apartment," Danica said with a little laugh.

"Oh..." Anya said pausing for a second, "I thought you were doing the laundry?"

"No you said that first but when I said you'd have to do the cooking, you decided that you'd rather do the laundry," Danica said with her grin fading.

"Oh yes, well it is a great gift," Anya said though Danica could see that she really didn't see the humor in the gift.

"The next one is better," Danica said pulling out a smaller and lighter box giving it to Anya.

"No I like the detergent, I think it is great," Anya said obviously trying to back track.

"It's cool you'll love this one... hurry and open it," Danica told her.

Anya pulled the paper off and opened the small box and there was a long tee shirt in it. Anya pulled it out with the front facing her, "Oh my god..." Anya said laughing.

"That way you can still be a nudist and be wearing clothes," Danica said with a laugh, "look at the back!"

Anya turned it around so that she could see the printed ass cheeks on the back and Danica was now looking at the front with the breasts and the pubic hair at the bottom.

"Oh I'm sure I'm going to wear this around this campus!" Anya said still laughing. "Where in the hell did you ever find it?" Anya asked standing up and holding it up to her body where it was almost a perfect fit.

"I ordered it from this site on the internet, they have all types of crazy shirts and things," Danica said.

"We're going to have to order you one too you know," Anya told her giving her a wink.

"Oh no, no way am I'm going to wear something like that," Danica said with a laugh. "Go try it on, let's see if it fits."

"Okay," Anya said getting up, taking the tee shirt into the bathroom which surprised Danica a bit as she figured that she would just slip it on over her clothes. A couple of minutes later, Anya came out of the bathroom with the tee shirt on and no longer wearing her jeans.

"It's a perfect fit," Danica said laughing, "turn around." Anya did so with the printer ass pretty much matching up with Anya's ass as far as she could tell. "It is perfect!"

"Yes it is," Anya echoed coming over to the bed and sitting down with her legs together however Danica could see that Anya had also removed her bra as her nipples were pressing against the printed breasts on the tee shirt.

Anya parted her legs just enough for Danica could see that Anya also wasn't wearing her panties, "Oops, can't let you see the real thing," Anya said closing her thighs.

Danica started to say something but then she didn't know what to say so she reached into the box for the next to last gift. It was a box that matched the last one that the tee shirt came in.

"Another tee shirt?" Anya asked.

"No," Danica said smiling.

Anya opened the box, this time pulling out a beige long sleeve blouse. "Oh it's lovely," Anya said standing up so that she could put the blouse on, this time over her tee shirt.

"How do I look?" Anya asked.

"Beautiful, it fits even better than I had hoped that it would," Danica told her.

"Thank you," Anya said coming over to her and bending over to give her a hug.

"You're welcome," Danica said hugging Anya back and feeling her warm body and feeling her pussy began to become moist.

"Now for the last gift," Danica said getting things back on track before the hug became much too nice.

Danica reached down pulling the last gift out, this one a much smaller one. She carefully handed it to Anya. This once she was much more careful opening as she obviously knew that this was the real gift. Danica watched carefully as Anya opened the box. Danica was scared that Anya didn't like it as she seemed to just stare at the box for a second before her eyes began to tear up.

"Do you like them?" Danica finally had to ask.

"Oh yes they're beautiful," Anya said pulling the gold plated violin earrings from the box and she began to take her earrings out and put the new ones in.

"Where did find them?" Anya asked pushing the box away and sitting next to her.

"I was in an old jewelry store at home there they were, when I saw them I knew that I had finally found your Christmas present," Danica said.

"Well they're beautiful and I thank you," Anya said giving her a light kiss. "But I think I like the laundry detergent better.'

Danica looked at her for a second but then she saw Anya face break out into a grin and then she laugh. "Okay that one wasn't as well thought out as the others," She said.

"No I love it, it was funny," Anya said seriously.

"You sure?" Danica asked.

"Yes I'm sure, now get your ass over on that bed so I can get your presents," Anya said as she got up.

"Presents?" Danica asked as she sat down when Anya had been sitting as she opened her presents.

"Okay so I had my fingers crossed too," Anya said with a laugh.

"I see," Danica said with a grin.

Anya just smiled and she started to bend over but then she stopped. "Now you close your eyes, I don't want you to see my prize before I want you to see it," Anya said putting her hand to the back of her tee shirt in false modesty.

"Oh I see," Danica said putting her hand over her eyes with her fingers slightly parted so that her vision only partly blocked.

"Now keep it there," Anya admonished her as she took her hand away from the back of her tee shirt.

Anya was always every bit a lady in public and she would have squatted to get into her bag however on this afternoon, in their dorm room, being a lady wasn't what she was after so she bent at the waist with her legs slightly parted. This position did show off her prize and Danica, through her fingers that were supposed to be covering her eyes, got a clear view of Anya prize. This caused the effect on Danica that she was sure that Anya wanted. She felt her pussy spasm and the moisture grow between her legs. However Anya only stayed in this position long enough to open her bag and pull out two wrapped gifts.

Danica was afraid that Anya would comment on how flush her face was but she didn't, she just came around the bed and sat down opposite of Danica on the other bed. This time, Anya was very bit a lady as she pulled her tee shirt down and kept her legs firmly closed. Even with doing that, Danica still could see just a hint of Anya's hair above her pussy; that is until Anya put the gifts down on her legs thus covering her view.

"Here's the first one," Anya said handing the smaller of the two boxes to Danica.

Danica felt her heart beating with excitement as she took the gift. She didn't care what it was, she just loved giving and receiving gifts, both were equally exciting and fun for her. But getting her first gift from Anya meant so much more. She couldn't wait to see what was inside and she quickly tore the wrapping paper off the gift and she heard Anya giggling at her as she did so.

She opened the box and saw that there was that soft white paper covering the gift. She removed it to see a white sheer bra and a matching pair of panties underneath them. From the feel of the material and the label she knew that these cost as much as all her other bras and panties combined, well maybe not that much but they were expensive.

"Oh they are beautiful..." Danica said holding them up, "but they feel almost too nice to wear."

"You'd better wear them," Anya told her with a shy grin.

"You want to me to model them for you?" Danica asked blushing a little as she knew they wouldn't hide her prizes in the least.

"Yes but not yet, they kind of go with this present," Anya said holding out the second box that was on her lap.

Danica put the bra and panties back into the first box before taking the second one. This one she opened just as quickly and it too had the fine paper covering what was contained within. When she pulled the paper back, she saw that there was a white dress, it too looked very expensive and she knew for sure that it was when she pulled it up from the box.

Danica put the box to the side standing up and putting the dress up to her body. "Oh my God, it's beautiful," Danica gasped as she looked down at the dress. It went down to her ankles with lace long sleeves and the same pattern lace covering the rest of the dress. The inside of the dress felt like a fine silk that would move as she moved.

"Do you like it?" Anya asked.

"Oh god I love it," Danica said carefully putting the dress onto the bed before turning to give Anya and hug and then a kiss.

"Model it for me," Anya told her as she released her from the hug.

"Okay, wait right here," Danica said carefully picking up the dress and then the matching bra and panties.

Danica put the dress box down on the sink with her bra and panties on top. She had left the door open but she had no fear of Anya coming in to watch her. She quickly stripped out of her clothes, putting on the panties and then bra. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that she could make out her nipples and her pubic hair through the bra cups and the panties. She pulled out the dress and saw that it zipped in the back which would create a problem for her. She slipped the dress over her head, adjusting the shoulders and sleeves. She then adjusted the dress around her hips, not believing how well it fit her and also how pretty the dress was. It was almost too pretty to wear and she had no idea where she would wear it but she would find a time to do so.

She knew she had to get Anya's help to zip the dress but she would do that last. She picked up her hair brush and brushed out her hair. She noticed that the whiteness of the dress made her black hair look even darker. She didn't put any makeup on, not that she ever used much, as she feared she would mess up her dress. She took a last look at herself and she just had to smile at just how pretty the dress was and how sexy it made her feel wearing it.

"Close your eyes and keep them closed," Danica called out to Anya not adding for her to actually close her eyes and not do as she had done. But then Anya had wanted her to peek and in this case she didn't want Anya to do so.

"I got them closed, but hurry, I want to see how the dress looks on you," Anya called back.

"You will soon," Danica said coming out of the bathroom to see that Anya was standing at the end of the beds with her eyes closed tightly.

Danica came up to her turning around so that her back was to Anya. "Okay you can open them but only long enough to zip me up." Danica said to her.

She felt Anya's hands at her lower back and then the zipper slowly going up her back. She felt Anya adjust the dress at her shoulders. "Okay," Anya said.

"Now close your eyes," Danica told her.

"You're killing me Danica," Anya moaned.

"Just give me one more minute," Danica said.

"I'm counting," Anya said, "one, two, three..."

Danica quickly went back to the bathroom to make sure the dress was in place doing just a little adjustment at her bust before she came back out where Anya was at "thirty".

"Okay, open your eyes," Danica said as she sucked in her breath.

"Oh god you're beautiful," Anya gushed.

"Really?" Danica asked just to be sure that she heard her right.

"Yes really, you look so beautiful but that isn't enough of a word to fit how you look," Anya said smiling.

"Thank you," Danica said as she came up to Anya putting her hands to Anya's hips bringing her in to kiss her.

She kissed her lightly at first letting the kiss linger before she opened her lips to let their tongues touch. She felt Anya's hands go to her back, pulling her in even tighter. Their lips parted further letting their tongue come together even more. Danica felt Anya's hands go up her back and slowly her zipper began to move downward. Danica felt her pussy pulse and her new panties become wet. Danica moved her hands to Anya's hips pulling Anya's tee shirt upward just as her zipper stopped at the bottom of her back.

Anya pulled her head back ending the kiss with the tip of their tongues being the last to part as if they didn't want to ever be separated again. Anya stepped back leaving a space between their bodies, just enough for Danica to bring Anya's tee shirt up past Anya's breasts with Anya raising her arms so that Danica could finish removing her tee shirt. This she dropped on the bed behind her, as Anya dropped her hands to her shoulders. Danica smiled as Anya carefully pulled the dress off her shoulders pulling it down her arms with the sleeves turning inside out. Anya moved the dress down to Danica's hips and on past them.

Anya squatted down enough for Danica to step out of her beautiful dress. Anya didn't drop the dress onto the bed instead she took it to the closet with Danica watching those sweet cheeks moving as she walked. This helped to make Danica's pussy become even moister. Anya reached into the closet getting a hanger and after pulling the sleeves back out, she hung it up. With Anya doing this, it just confirmed to her that the dress was as expensive as it appeared.

When Anya turned, she had that desire in her eyes that made Danica blush knowing what Anya was wanting but it was also what she wanted looking at Anya's naked body. Anya came on over to her, leaning in to give her a light kiss. When Anya's head moved back it took a moment for Danica to realized that Anya's lips were no longer touching hers and that Anya's hands were on her shoulders turning her around.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible but those panties make your ass look even cuter," Anya said and Danica felt Anya's hands lightly caressing her ass cheeks through the sheer panties.

"Oh god..." Danica moaned, subconsciously pushing her ass against Anya's hands.

Anya's hands cupped her ass cheeks giving them a squeeze, "Fuckkkk..." Danica moaned. However that was the point that Anya's hands left her ass. "Noooo..." Danica groaned wanting those soft hands back on her ass that was causing her to soak the gusset of her panties.

But then Danica felt Anya's fingers at the back of her bra with her fingers going behind the strap and it becoming loose. She felt Anya's fingers on her shoulders taking the straps of her bra down her arms. The cups fell off her breasts and when the bra fell off her arms, Anya's hands went to where the cups of her bra had been. Danica leaned back onto Anya feeling Anya's breasts pressed against her back with her hard nipples. Anya's hands gave her breasts a squeeze with fingers coming across her nipples making them even harder. Anya used her fingers to pinch her nipples pulling on them just enough to almost hurt but yet gave her pleasure.

"Oh god..." Danica moaned and Anya's hands removed her hands leaving her breasts aching to be caressed and what was worse was that Anya withdrew her body so she also lost contact with Anya's soft firm body.

She did get to feel Anya's hands again, this time on her hips pulling her sheer panties down. Danica closed her eyes feeling Anya's soft hands moving down her hips and then down her legs. When her panties got to her ankles, Danica stepped out of them. She wondered just what Anya would do and she found out when she felt Anya's soft lips against her left ass cheek and then her right one. She shivered with delight feeling those lips on her cheeks.

She next felt Anya's lips on her left shoulder kissing her there as Anya's hands came around her body cupping her breasts. Danica again leaned back onto Anya reaching her hands back to the sides of Anya's ass caressing her. Anya's fingers began to tease her hard nipples as she continued to kiss her shoulders. Danica took her hands from Anya's ass, bringing them up to part her hair and bringing it forward hoping Anya would take the hint and she did. Danica felt Anya's lips on the back of her neck, kissing her and then giving it loving bites.

Anya's right hand left her right breast slowing moving down her body. Danica moaned knowing where the hand was headed and she parted her legs to open her pussy to Anya's fingers which were soon combing through her hair down to her clit. Anya's lips were still kissing and biting the back of her neck. Danica felt the juices coating her lips and Anya's fingers as they moved from her now sensitive clit to her pussy.

"Oh god that feels good," Danica moaned feeling Anya's middle finger part her lips slipping inside of her. Anya's left hand was moving from one nipple to the other pinching and pulling on them. Dania felt her legs begin to shake from the pleasure surging through her body caused by Anya's fingers and lips. Anya's middle finger dipped into her pussy, pushing into it making Danica let out a long moan. She felt her clit getting so sensitive and she knew that she wasn't going to last long. When Anya's finger slipped from her pussy she let out a groan that was turned into a moan when those wet fingers of Anya's began to rub against her clit.

"Fuckkk... you're going to make me cummm..." Danica moaned leaning harder against Anya just as Anya's fingers pressed harder against her clit, rubbing it faster.

Just when Anya tenderly bit the back of her neck and the fingers of her left hand pulled and twisted her nipple, Danica let out a cry as her orgasm hit her hard. She felt her body become weak and she knew she was going to fall as she lost all control over her muscles. The pleasure surged throughout her body seeming to linger longer than usual but it had been a few weeks since she had been able to be with Anya who knew her body and where to touch and kiss her.

When she recovered from her orgasm, she found that she was still standing however Anya was holding onto her tightly thus keeping her from falling when her orgasm had hit. Danica got her feet back under her, pulling away from Anya and turning around to face her.

"That was lovely," Danica told her giving Anya a soft kiss. "but now I got a problem."

"What's that?" Anya asked with her face showing her concern.

"I got to figure out a way to get you to lay down on the bed so that I can make love to you," Danica said grinning at Anya whose lips formed into a big grin.

"I think I can help you with that," Anya said leaning forward to give Danica a kiss then turning and jumping onto the bed with a giggle.

Anya turned onto her back opening her legs and thus her pussy lips parted just slightly, enough for Danica to see the moisture there. Danica gave Anya a smile before she moved to the bed. She started to slip onto the bed and then onto Anya but then she changed her mind. She went to where Anya's feet were, getting onto the bed there. She was going to kiss her way up Anya's body and once she had kissed Anya's lips she would work her way back down until she got to Anya's prize.

She had to scrunch up at the bottom of the bed and she kissed the top of Anya's right foot and then the left foot. She could see the grin on Anya's face as she watched what she was doing. Danica went to Anya's ankles kissing each and slowly moving up Anya's lower legs moving between her legs as she moved up. She stopped at Anya's knees giving them several kisses before she began to move her lips again giving kisses to Anya's inner thighs with Anya opening her legs further to give her room.

As she got closer to Anya's pussy, her kisses got closer together thus slowing her movement. Danica could tell by the movement of Anya's body that Anya was getting anxious for her to get to her pussy but Danica wasn't going to kiss her there just yet as much as she wanted to do so. The closer to Anya's pussy that her lips got the stronger Anya's scent became drawing her lips to those wet lips. Danica was determined to make Anya wait and want it all the more.

She gave a kiss to Anya's right inner thigh just at the junction of her leg and body. She felt Anya's hair against her cheek and also the wetness on those hairs. As she moved to Anya's left inner thigh, she blew against Anya's pussy and that was a mistake. She heard Anya let out a long lustful moan and when she kissed Anya's left inner thigh, she felt Anya's hands on her head.

Those hands turned her head so that she was facing Anya's wet pussy. She could resist Anya but she knew that is where Anya wanted her so changed her plans. She gave a kiss to Anya's clit while moving her fingers to Anya's lips opening her pussy lips to her tongue. She began to lick against Anya's inner lips getting all the juices that coated them. She then began to lick inside of Anya's pussy hearing her moan as she did so. She licked in deep pushing her tongue in as deep as she could. She pulled Anya's lips open further pushing her tongue inside with her nose rubbing against Anya's clit.

She moved her tongue to Anya's clit licking against it as her pushed a couple of her fingers into Anya's pussy. Anya let out a loud moan and Danica felt Anya's pussy pulsing against her fingers as she began to fuck her. She licked hard against Anya's clit feeling Anya's body responding to her tongue and fingers. Danica formed her lips around Anya's clit sucking it into her mouth as her fingers went in deeper. Anya let out a cry of pleasure, her pussy clamped down on Danica fingers coating them with her girlcum as she came hard.

Danica used her tongue to clean Anya's pussy from all the juices that she had produced with her orgasm and only then did she get back to her original plan to kiss her way up Anya's body stopping to give a kiss and suck on Anya's nipples earning a nice moan from Anya. When she got to Anya's flushed face, Anya had recovered from her orgasm so she was able to return the kiss that Danica gave her.

"Oh god have I missed making love to you," Anya said as she let out a contented sigh.

"Me too and I'm not done with you..." Danica said giving Anya another kiss letting this light kiss linger wanting to tease Anya with her lips as she had meant to do before but Anya wouldn't let her.

"And I'm not done with you either," Anya said pulling Danica's head back down for another kiss, this one Anya made more intense by opening her lips letting their tongues touch. Danica felt Anya's tongue wanting to push into her mouth so she let it, using her lips to suck upon it getting a moan from Anya.

Danica slowly pulled her head up ending the kiss so that she could kiss her again but then Anya stopped her.

"Ahhh... I got..." Anya was saying but then she stopped herself as her face developed this rich reddish hue and Danica could almost feel the heat coming from Anya's face.

"You got what?" Danica asked.

"Nothing..." Anya said as she brought her hands up coving her face.

"No tell me, what did you get?" Danica asked reaching up to try to remove Anya's hands that covered her face but Anya's hands weren't going anywhere except to keep her face covered.

"I can't tell you, I'm too embarrassed that I bought it," Anya said through her hands.

Danica had to smile at the way Anya was acting but she was dying of curiosity as to what Anya had gotten. "You can tell me, what did you buy?"

Anya paused for a moment, "A present for the both of us..."

"What did you get us?" Danica asked now even more curious.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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