Exchanging Roommates

Published on Oct 12, 2016


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Fourteen

By Chris

Danica awoke to the sounds of talking and movement outside the door. She sat up and stretched alone in the bed. She got on out of bed and looked for her swim cover only to find a new one hanging on the back of the door with a note pinned to it.

Once she got close to it she saw that Anya had written it. "Mom got us new tops Matching of Course I guess this means you're officially a member of the family." There was a heart drawn under the words and Danica had to smile.

Danica put the top on that reached down to her mid thighs. She looked at herself in the mirror finding that the cover was pretty and she liked the way it fit on her. She went to the bathroom before going on to the kitchen were Anya and her mother were talking and finishing up on breakfast. They were wearing tops that matched hers, with only a slight pattern change to each of them.

"Oh that top looks wonderful on you, do you like it?" Anya's mother asked.

"Yes I do, thank you," Danica said catching Anya's grin in the corner of her eye.

"You're welcome, they had a sale last week on them at the outlet store here and I just had to buy them for us," She said.

"Well you did great, it feels wonderful," Danica replied.

Danica helped Anya set the table and Anya's father came in, wearing a tee shirt and a loose fitting pair of jogging shorts for breakfast, the most important meal of the day Anya's mother reminded them. Danica then knew why Anya always had to have breakfast and now long after growing up, she had been reminded of that all her life.

"So who wants to join me for a walk?" Anya's father asked his daughter as soon as they all finished eating.

"Why don't you go Danica, give you a chance to talk," Anya immediately suggested.

"Ah sure..." Danica said now wishing that she hadn't eaten as much as she had, as all that food was now having to make room for the butterflies trying to fit into her stomach.

"Well come on Danica, let's get the day started," Anya's father said standing up.

"Okay," Danica said standing up while giving Anya a dirty look only to get a grin in return.

"It's going to be a lovely day don't you think?" Adam asked as they moved from the walkway to the dirt road in front.

"Yes I believe so," Danica replied not sure what else to say to him as she really didn't know him all that well yet.

"Things really pick up around here on the weekends, it's going to be a fun day," he said to her.

"That's good," Danica said keeping quiet but then she wanted him to go ahead and ask her whatever he was going to ask and get it over with.

"You're not as talkative as you were last night, are you okay?" he asked with a bit of concern showing on his face.

"Well... ahhhh... Anya said that you would want to talk to me to see if..." Danica was saying when she saw the confusion on his face and she knew that she had been had; Anya had gotten her back for what she had said about her father wanting to make sure that she was good enough for her.

"If what honey?" Adam asked now looking real confused.

"Never mind, I'm just going to kill your daughter when we get back," Danica said now grinning.

He laughed, "Tell me what she did and maybe I'll help you. It seems that my precious daughter is being a little devil today."

"Well actually she is just getting me back; you see when we were at my parents this past weekend I told her that my father would want to make sure that she was good enough for his daughter as he planned on doing to any boy who wanted to date me. But since that didn't happen, she was who he would give his talk to," Danica said smiling as they walked.

"And did he talk to her?" he asked.

"No but he did take her to his first pizza restaurant and show her how to properly make a pizza," Danica said with a laugh.

"So she told you the same thing that you told her?" he asked.

"Yea, I didn't believe her at first but then she seemed so serious after she talked to you both last night about us that I began to believe her," Danica admitted.

"Well I'd say that you're even," He said with a laugh.

"Yeah we are, but that doesn't mean I won't get her back," Danica said with a laugh.

"Maybe we should toss her into the pool later in the day," He suggested.

"We will," Danica said liking that idea. "So how do you feel about us?"

Before he could answer, another couple came upon them and they talked with them for a moment before they could continue their walk.

"I don't know how I feel," was his honest answer. Danica could see that this was something that he was still getting right in his mind. Danica saw that he was still thinking so she remained quiet.

"But I will always love my daughter and I know that you are as kind and sweet as she is so I feel good about her being with you. I know you will look out for her and she will look out for you. When it is all said and done, that is what matters." He said and before she could answer he added one last thing. "But for a relationship to work you have to be friends first. Galina has always been my best friend and that has gotten us through some hard times."

"I can't imagine that you and Galina ever having any problems," Danica said surprised to hear this as Anya never mentioned anything like this.

"Oh course we have, it happens to every couple, saying something you don't mean, having a bad day and taking it out on each other or forgetting an important anniversary," he said.

"Who did that?" Danica had to ask.

"Who do you think?" he said with a laugh. "It was our fifth anniversary and Anya had just turned three and had been a little devil that day. I had bought a new hammer that day so I gave it to her as her gift," he said.

"Oh tell me you didn't," Danica gasped.

'"I was trying to be funny, make light of my mistake," he said.

"I take it that she didn't think it was very funny," Danica said.

"It's a wonder that she didn't bash my head in with it," he said with a laugh. "I think I spent a week on the couch, I began to wonder if she would ever forgive me. I also began to think maybe she was over reacting and being a bit of a drama queen about it all."

"So what happened?" Danica asked now caught up with the story, a very personal story.

"I decided that she was worth the effort so I got a babysitter and made reservations at her favorite restaurant, and I convinced her to go on a date with me. We talked it out and I came away knowing something new about my wife, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and such were important to her. Also the little things that I used to do and had stopped doing were things I needed to do again. And I suspect that the same may apply to Anya, don't forget the little things, they are as important as the big things." He told her.

"I won't and those things are important to me too," Danica admitted.

"Then make sure she knows that, she may look like her mother but there is a lot of me in her personality," he told her.

"I can see that," Danica said.

"Yeah Galina has reminded me of that ever since Anya was born," he said with a laugh. "Anything she did was my fault."

"So what happened to the hammer anyway?" Danica asked.

"Galina kept it, it has never been used, I had to go and buy me another one," he said laughing over that too.

"Maybe she is saving it for the next time you forget an anniversary," Danica said with a laugh.

"I don't doubt it," he said with a laugh.

From there the conversation was more about him passing on what he had learned over the years of living with and loving his wife. It turned into a very interesting walk and enjoyable, Danica found that she also became more open about her and Anya.

When they got back to the cottage, Danica didn't get a chance to kill Anya as she had planned as Anya's mom had her bag packed ready to get the day started along with a cooler. First though she made sure that everyone was well coated with sunscreen before they went on down to where there were a couple of volleyball nets set up in a large sand pit. One was set up for the more advanced players and the other one was for those whose main objective was to get the ball over the net. Anya's mom laid down a blanket in a shaded area of grass near where the advanced players were playing. They sat down and watched the game that was already in process; Danica knew the basics of volleyball having had to play it in gym class in high school. But watching the people playing, she knew that they were way out of her league.

When the game ended, Galina and Adam got up removing their tops before going down to join the next game. Danica wasn't too surprised that they would play with the advanced players but she was surprised that they were on the opposite sides of the net as that meant that they would be playing against each other and not with each other.

"Why are your parents playing on opposite sides?" Danica asked Anya.

"Mom always said that way she would have bragging rights when her team wins," Anya said smiling.

"But wouldn't that also give your father the same rights, that would seem to cause a problem," Danica said.

"Only my mom has the right to brag," Anya said with a laugh. "I think it is a game between them. She brags and he says that her beauty distracted him and he didn't play as well as he could have."

"I think that's sweet," Danica said.

"You would," Anya said poking her.

"Well it is," Danica said. "They do make a lovely couple."

"That's my parents you're talking about," Anya protested.

"You don't think that they do?" Danica asked putting Anya on the spot.

"Yea they do," Anya said with a smile. "Hey come on the other game is ending, let's go play."

"No I'm terrible at volleyball," Danica said as Anya got up and reached for Anya's hand pulling her up. "Really I am bad at this, I was always the last one picked in gym class."

"So was I, that why we're playing with the old folks and the kids," Anya said with a laugh.

"Well only if we play on the same team," Danica said finally consenting and going with Anya.

Sure enough Anya was right; there was an older couple and two ten year old girls on their team. The other side was consisted of four older players and two boys that appeared to be brothers of the girls. Danica got picked to serve first, using an underhand method; she hit the ball only to see it land on their side of the net. Danica was so embarrassed but the older lady on her team just picked up the ball and tossed it back to her to try again. Obviously the players on this court didn't worry too much about who won. Well except for the two girls who wanted to bury their brothers and have their own bragging rights.

Danica's next serve did make it to the other side of the net and the other team failed to get it back over when one of the girls brother miss hit the ball and it went out of bounds. So Danica got to serve again and they won that point too. Danica's third serve was returned back over the net and it went back and forth over the net until her team let the ball hit the sand without anyone hitting it.

The other side won a couple of points before it was Danica's team to serve again. Danica was surprised when the ball was tossed to her to serve again. Danica knew enough to know that they were supposed to rotate the serve but obviously they weren't exactly following the rules in their game. So she went back and served it again. By the time the game ended, her hand was sore from serving so much and both sides were claiming victory. The two young girls were sure that they had won and let their brothers know it.

Anya and Danica returned to the blanket where Anya's parents were sitting drinking some cold water from the cooler and both of them were coated in sweat just like she and Anya were.

"So who won?" Danica had to ask as Anya's father got into the cooler handing them a cold bottle of water.

"Don't ask," Anya's father answered with a frown while Anya's mother grinned.

"I did of course, I always win," Anya's mother said grinning.

"Now I wouldn't go that far dear," Anya's father said though he was grinning too.

"Too late, I already did," Anya's mom said laughing but then she leaned over and gave her husband a kiss.

"Yuck!" Anya said covering her eyes.

"Oh hush!" Anya mom said laughing at her daughter antics.

They spent most of the morning playing vollyball and when one of the resorts workers came by; she suggested that it was time for a kids vs. parents game. This turned out to be a fun game as you ended up with great players and poor ones on each side. This game was very clearly more important to the kids than parents so Danica and Anya did their best to help them win but then again the parents weren't putting forth their best effort. The game ended with a father joining the kid's side and he held up his young daughter so she could spike the ball on her mother much to the daughter's delight.

After that game, they rested and ate the sandwiches that Anya and her mother had made. They sat and talked enjoying the food under the shade of the tree. After they had sat there for a while Anya decided that it was hot enough to head to the pool and Anya's father said that they were going to head back to the cottage for a nap. So after Anya's mom made sure that they were coated with waterproof sunscreen and sending an extra bottle with them, they got up and headed for the pool.

"You know what nap is a code word for don't you," Danica suggested trying not to grin.

"Yes a nap, they usually take a nap on Saturdays after playing volleyball," Anya said innocently.

"I don't know..." Danica said now grinning at Anya who stopped and looked at her for a moment.

"What?" Anya asked and Danica had to grin even bigger. She really had no clue as to what Anya's parents were going to do but it was fun getting Anya to think about it.

"Don't even think about it," Anya said as the light went on in her head.

"I don't know, but I bet you were conceived on a Saturday afternoon," Danica said grinning from ear to ear.

After a moment's pause, "You think?" Anya asked.

"I don't know, I just enjoy teasing you," Danica said. "But you know, I hope they are enjoying their nap."

Anya continued their walk toward the pool and after a moment, she said, "I hope so too."

After they had gotten into the pool and had swum around for a bit, Anya came over to her and asked, "So what did you and dad talk about on his morning walk?"

"He said I was too good for you and that I needed to find someone who would be good to me," Danica said kidding Anya.

"I'm serious," Anya said frowning at her.

"Actually he surprised me a bit," Danica said.

"How so?" Was her response, of course.

"He actually talked to me about how to make a relationship work and how you need to be best friends too, to be able to talk about things," Danica told her.

"That's interesting..." Anya said and after a pause, "He never talked to me about such things."

"He didn't need to tell you, he's been showing you that for the last eighteen years," Danica said with a soft smile.

"Oh I didn't think about that, I just always saw them just as my mother and dad," Anya said clearing thinking a little differently about her parents.

"I know the feeling, I'm doing the same thing, I know my parents love each other but they show it differently than your parents. I think that there is more desire between your parents. They truly are best friends, I can see it in the way that they talk to each other and tell stories about each other." Danica said.

"I hope we still want to take naps together after twenty years together," Anya said softly.

"We will but we will have to be willing to work at it," Danica said.

"I'm willing," Anya said earnestly.

"Me too," Danica said and before things got too seriously, she dunked Anya down in the water and swam away.

"I'll get you!" Anya said coming up out of the water.

Later they noticed Anya's parents arriving at the pool joining Aunt Rita and the rest of their group of friends while Anya and Danica stayed with their age group that was in and around the pool. Anya had gotten Danica so comfortable that she could swim around a little and would even venture to the deep end however she declined to jump off the diving board or side of the pool, she wasn't that sure of her ability to swim. It was only when Anya's mom decided that it was time for supper did they get out of the pool to go eat as they were both starving by this time anyway.

Anya and Danica took a quick shower to get the chlorine scent from the pool off their bodies and when they got to the small kitchen, there was another lady there with her teenage daughter helping Anya's mom and Aunt Rita. Danica glanced outside to see that there were a couple of men with Anya's father and another grill had appeared from somewhere. By the time that all the food was ready, there were over a dozen people and two picnic tables set together. Anya told her that on most Saturday nights, they were the gathering place for several families. Once the food was consumed and the sun began to set, a bon fire was started and everyone gathered around the fire to tell stories and just enjoy the evening.

This was all so new to Danica but she enjoyed it so much, it was so different from how she was raised. Not that she wanted to trade childhoods with Anya; she loved her family too much to even think that. It was just different and it also opened her eyes to so many things that she knew would help her to write, seeing how other people lived and socialized.

When they did get to bed that night, Danica was full of questions for Anya about the new people that she had met. Anya was patient with her answering her questions as best she could until she finally had to shut Danica up with a lingering goodnight kiss.

The next morning, Danica almost hated to have to put her clothes back on and get back to school but that was where their life was now and she did want to go back to see their friends and also get back to studying as boring as that could be at times. About noon they put their things into Anya's car and after getting hugs from Anya's parents they headed back to school.

That evening, everyone came over to their room to talk about what they had done over their spring vacation. But the main topic everyone wanted to talk about was how it went when they came out to their parents about them being gay. Danica told them how shocked she and Anya were when Judy revealed to them that their secret really wasn't a secret after all. Much like their friends had done, their families had figured it out on their own.

"I hate to tell you this but anyone that sees you two together will immediately suspect that there is something going on," Andi told them.

"Why is that, what is it that we do that tells anyone anything," Danica asked not believing Andi for a moment.

"The way you look at each other, I've never seen either of you looking at the other without one or both of you smiling," Shawn told them.

Danica immediately thought of what Judy had told them about how her face had lit up when Anya came in and she knew that Shawn was telling the truth.

"I'm right aren't I?" Shawn asked.

"Oh shut up," Danica said. "Hit him for me," she then said to Haley who was sitting beside of him.

"What did I do?" Shawn asked after Haley cuffed him on the back of the head for her.

"For being so observant for one thing," Anya said before Danica could.

"For someone so quiet, he misses nothing," Haley said with a smile while putting her hand to the back of his head, this time to caress him there in a show of affection.

"Well at least it made it easier to tell them since they pretty much had it figured out anyway." Anya admitted.

"But still hard?" Georgia asked.

"Yea it was hard but they accepted it and they still love us, that's a lot more than a lot of gay people can say," Danica said knowing that they were lucky to have the understanding families that they did.

"That is very true, I'm not sure how my family would handle it and it was hard enough for my father to accept that I wanted to be a dancer and not a football star. I know he would have flipped if I was a gay dancer," Hank admitted.

"Well if you were gay then maybe you could actually dance," Georgia said teasing him.

"Hey watch it girlie," Hank said teasing Georgia who hated to be called that and Hank knew that from when he had called her that once and got an earful.

"You watch it," Georgia said grabbing his finger and bending it slightly but then she released it before it would actually hurt. She then leaned over and gave him a kiss saying, "You're a great dancer."

"So where did you spend your break, you never told us and your texts just seem to indicate you spent all your time at a pool," Andi asked changing the subject before Hank and Georgia really got going.

"Oh it was just a little cottage that my parents have at a small resort, we've been going there for years," Anya said keeping it vague.

"Anya even taught me to swim," Danica said proudly.

"Maybe we all can go there, I have always wanted to learn to swim," Haley said.

"I don't think you would want to go there," Danica said and then she realized that she had just opened a can of worms that she couldn't close. She glanced over at Anya who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Why not?" Georgia asked and Danica could tell that she was put off a little and Danica knew it sounded like she didn't think they good enough to accompany them and Danica knew she would have gotten the same impression if Georgia had told her something like that.

Danica felt Anya grasping her hand and she knew what Anya was asking, she smiled telling Anya the answer to her question. "Because it's a nudist resort, you see my family are nudist and so am I."

"Seriously?" Andi asked before anyone else could.

"Seriously," Danica replied for Anya.

"And you went there?" Georgia asked directing the question to Danica.

"Sure it wasn't a big deal," Danica stated.

"No big deal?" Anya asked her grinning.

"Okay it was a bit of a big deal," Danica replied trying not to smile.

"Just a bit?" Shawn asked.

Danica laughed, "Okay I was nervous as hell but I wanted to see how Anya was raised and if I could be a part of that part of her life," Danica answer seeing that everyone else could understand her being so nervous.

"I didn't invite anyone else because I wanted Danica to try it with just me and thus slowly work up to going nude in front of people she knew and cared about." Anya said.

"I can understand that," Andi said. "I couldn't do it."

"Well I was going to invite everyone to visit when the semester ends," Anya said.

"As much as I'd like to spend a few days by the pool, I'm not sure I am brave enough to do so without any clothes on," Georgia said.

"It is clothing optional, meaning that you don't have to go nude if you don't want to," Anya added, "if that helps."

"So you didn't actually go naked?" Haley asked Danica.

"Oh she went naked all right," Anya said proudly.

"However I started out with a swim suit cover," Danica clarified.

"But she didn't keep it on for long, once I got her in the pool without a bathing suit, I don't think she will ever wear one again," Anya said grinning.

"I didn't believe her when she told me that swimming in the nude could be so much fun and feel so free but I do now," Danica said not believing that she was being so open but she was.

"I don't believe I could do that," Shawn said.

"Me either," Hank added.

"I would like to try," Andi said but with a bit of hesitation, "but during the week when maybe there won't be as many people around."

"Well you are all invited at the end of the semester; we can all go there to celebrate surviving our first year here." Anya told them.

"That will give everyone time to think about it," Danica said.

"That might be even worse, the last thing I would need is time to think about it," Shawn said with a laugh but he was also being serious.

The rest of the evening was spent talking about the nudist resort but then the conversation turned to what the rest of them had done. Mostly they had gone home but Haley was able to work at a recording studio and she even got to play backup on a couple of records. They were all excited for her and made her tell what she had played and who she played with. It wasn't anyone that had made it yet but that didn't matter to them, she got to play on a song being recorded and that was all that mattered.

Once everyone had left, Danica asked, "Are you okay with letting everyone know that you're a nudist?"

"Yes I am. But I wouldn't have been if it wasn't for you," Anya told her.

"How is that?"Danica asked not exactly understanding where Anya was coming from.

"Before you came along, I would never have told them for fear of them not accepting me or getting the feeling that they felt I was strange or something. But having you want to come with me and try to see who I was and even liking it, then what they thought didn't matter as much, as long as you still loved me then it was cool," Anya told her and then she gave her a kiss.

"You know they wouldn't have thought anything bad about you, they're very open minded." Danica said using her fingers to caress Anya's cheeks.

"I know but all the same I felt safer knowing that you were there with me and also having experienced it," Anya said to her.

"I'll always be there for you," Danica told her.

"I know but I do have one question that worries me," Anya said pulling away.

"What's that babe?" Danica asked showing her concern for Anya with the frown that formed upon her forehead.

"Whether you'll join me in bed for a little lovemaking," Anya asked arching her eyebrows.

Danica had to try hard to keep from smiling, "Mmmm I don't know..." Danica said forcing herself to frown as if she was considering the idea but still not sure if she really wanted to or not.

"Does this help?" Anya asked unbuttoning her blouse and dropping it to the floor.

"Maybe a little," Danica said as if she was still not convinced.

"How about this," Anya asked taking her bra off letting it fall to the floor.

"I'm beginning to warm up to the idea," Danica said though her pussy was already warm to what she was seeing.

"Let's see if this will help," Anya said unzipping her jeans pulling them down over her panties.

"You're starting to convince me...," Danica said noticing the damp spot on Anya's panties.

"Well let me see if this convinces you," Anya said as she slowly pulled down her panties revealing her swollen wet pussy.

"Oh fuck," Danica moaned swallowing hard as her eyes were glued to Anya's naked radiant body.

"I see I got your attention, now what are you going to do?" Anya said slipping onto the bed and lying on her back with her legs slightly parted so that Danica could just see Anya's pussy lips from between her legs.

"First I'm going to get out of these damn clothes," Danica said as her fingers began to frantically try to unbutton her blouse and failing that she just pulled it up over her head.

"And then I'm going to kiss every inch of your body," Danica said dropping her bra and then pushing her jeans and panties down until she could step out of them, barely doing so without tripping over. Anya further opened her legs as Danica got onto the bed allowing Danica to lie on top of her.

"Kiss me you fool," Anya whispered lustfully.

Anya had barely got the word "Fool" out before Danica began to kiss her opening her lips allowing their tongues to touch, caressing as their lips kissed. Danica let the kiss linger until they both had to catch their breaths. She then kissed Anya's chin and down onto her neck, biting her tenderly and sucking gently against her tender skin.

She moved her hands to Anya's breasts just before her mouth got there; she squeezed those wonderful breasts pushing Anya's nipples up so that she could kiss and suck upon them. Anya began to moan as Danica sucked hard on her left nipple. She gave it a tender bite as she pulled her lips from it, going to her right breast kissing and biting it. She slowly kissed her way down Anya's soft body tasting her skin and inhaling her arousal long before she got to her pussy.

She used her fingers to lightly caress Anya's pussy lips getting a loud moan of approval from Anya. She could feel Anya's juices coating her fingertips as she caressed her. Anya brought her knees up opening them that also opened her pussy to Danica's eyes and fingers. She slipped her middle finger into Anya's pussy as she kissed her clit.

She began to move her finger in and out of Anya's pussy feeling the walls of Anya's pussy gripping her finger. She sucked on Anya's clit feeling Anya raise her hips up forcing her tongue against her lips. She pulled her lips from Anya's clit getting a groan and then a moan as she began to use the flat of her tongue to lick that sensitive bud as her finger began to fuck Anya's pussy harder and deeper.

Anya moaned louder and Danica noticed that Anya was pinching her own nipples. Danica licked harder against Anya's clit and soon she felt Anya's body stiffen and jerk as her orgasm hit. Danica fucked her a moment more before she pulled her finger from Anya's pussy licking up the juices that she was producing with her orgasm.

"Is that what you had in mind?" Danica asked giving Anya a kiss as she came out of her orgasm.

"I do believe that it was but not completely," Anya said with a smile.

"What else did you want?" Danica asked.

"This my love," Anya said rolling Danica onto her back and slipping on top of her.

"I believe that I will like this too," Danica said feeling Anya's lips upon hers just as she finished the words.

Danica gripped Anya's shoulders as Anya's kissed her. She opened her legs feeling Anya's wet pussy against her own very wet and aroused pussy. She wrapped her legs around Anya's waist pushing her pussy up against Anya's pussy.

"Press yourself against me, I want to feel you," Danica moaned hoping that Anya wouldn't mind her changing whatever she might have had in mind for her.

"I will baby, you feel so nice against me," Anya said almost reading Danica's thoughts.

"You do too," Danica moaned pushing her hips up and then moving them against Anya's pussy.

She felt Anya press her hips down harder as she began to move them around. Anya's hands moved to under her shoulders gripping her as she began to rub against her. Danica pulled her knees up higher getting more friction against their bodies and pussies. Danica could feel Anya's slippery juices mixing with her own juices as they pressed against each other. They pushed, pulled, and rubbed against each other until they were both panting and moaning together. With her so aroused after making love to Anya and with Anya's clit being a little sensitive still, it wasn't long before Danica felt her clit explode and she felt Anya's body stiffen against her as her orgasm hit shortly after Danica's did. Danica clung to Anya for as long as she could before the orgasm took over Anya's body and she collapsed back down on the bed, exhausted but very satisfied.

When she began to recover, she felt Anya lying on top of her. She put her arms around her hugging the tightly. She kissed Anya's forehead tasting the sweat there.

"Mmm... this feels nice, I could lie here all night," Anya moaned without raising her head.

"You won't hear me complaining," Danica said with a contented coo.

"Me either," Anya said letting out a equally contented sigh.

Anya did lay there and soon, Danica could hear her breathing change as she fell asleep. Danica was content to let Anya lay on top of her but she eventually had to ease her to the side and she turned to her side cuddling in close before she too drifted off into slumber land.

As Danica got dressed the next morning, she again complained about having to put clothes on after going a week without wearing any. That pleased Anya to no end which is what she wanted to do. She really did feel funny having to dress but it wasn't as awkward as she made it out to Anya.

Danica and Anya quickly got back into their routine of school during the week and then going out with their friends on Saturday evenings. Then as they got closer to the end of the semester, they began to scout out apartments that were close to the university. A lot were well over their price range that they had set for themselves. However when they found one that they could afford, it was either in a bad neighborhood or way too far from the university. But they were determined to find something that would work. They wanted a one bedroom apartment as that was all that they needed but there wasn't that many around.

"I think I just royally screwed up," Danica said as she got off the phone with Judy.

"How did you do that?" Anya asked not looking up from her laptop as she was working on a paper that was coming due.

"I was talking to Judy, telling her the trouble that we were having finding an apartment to rent." Danica said.

"Did she tell you that maybe we just need to stay in the dorm?" Anya asked still not looking up from her laptop.

"Worse, she's decided that she needs to help so she's going to come in and see if she can't find us something that would keep our parents from worrying about us being out on our own," Danica said in a sigh.

"We can find something on our own," Anya complained as she finally looked up from her computer.

"I told her that but she was determined that we needed her help and she's coming," Danica said.

"Crap, I wanted to do this ourselves without our parents interfering," Anya said.

"I know me too..." Danica said, "But you know they are the ones paying for it so in the end are we doing it ourselves?"

"True but a lot of the rent money is coming from what you make from your family's pizza parlors," Anya said to her.

"Of which I don't do a lot to really help, I don't run any of them or take part in running them, I just benefit from them," Danica told her.

"You know you're killing my best arguments," Anya said letting out a slight smile.

"You know, maybe this might not be so bad," Danica told her.

"How so?" Anya asked.

"Who would you rather have coming here to help us, our mothers or Judy?" Danica asked.

"Judy by a long shot, if it was up to my mom, she'd have the landlord put up metal grates on the windows and twenty locks on the door," Anya said laughing.

"Yeah, mine too," Danica said. "But then again, Judy is a mother now too and that did change her a little. She has become more like my mother than she was when she was dating my brother."

"Still I like Judy and I think we can work with her better," Anya stated.

"Yes we can," Danica agreed.

"So when she's coming?" Anya asked.

"Sometime next week, she wants to do her homework first and check out the apartments online first so she knows where to start." Danica said.

"Well we need to do our homework too, show her what we've found and what we want," Anya said.

"Yes we do and get the gang to ask around too," Danica suggested.

"Good idea," Anya said.

Come Saturday, they split up in groups heading to all the local apartment buildings trying to find something that they would like and also one that Judy would approve of, which was the most important thing that had to be done. That evening at the subshop that they decided to eat, they took turns telling what they had found and between them all, they narrowed it down to four apartments that were close to their price range. Danica and Anya figured that one of the four would satisfy Judy and it would be something that they had picked out on their own. They went on to a concert from there and Danica and Anya now felt good about Judy coming, sure that she would chose one of the four they had already scouted.

Anya and Danica had only one class each on Friday and by eleven when Judy arrived, they were ready to take her to what they had found. Judy went with them looking at each apartment carefully and Danica noticed that Judy was paying just as much attention to the homes and apartment where the building was located checking out the neighbors and the neighborhood.

"So what do you think?" Danica asked as they exited the last apartment.

"They're all nice and I think this last one might work but I did find something that I want you to look at. When I got here this morning I checked it out and I think it just might be perfect for you. It's almost walking distance to the university and is very safe." Judy said and immediately Danica's antennas went up fearing that Judy had already decided where they would be living.

"Where is it?" Danica asked very cautiously.

"Get in, I'll show you," Judy told them.

Danica looked at Anya who was giving her the same look back, both wondering just what Judy had come up with. Judy did drive back toward the university, going through it coming out the other side where there were some new condo's that had been built. Most of them had been sold but there was still some that were for sale as indicated by the sign outside one of the buildings.

"These are condos; someone is renting one of these?" Danica asked.

"We can't afford to rent here we already checked the prices," Anya added.

"Just come and look at the one of them, I went through it this morning and I think it is perfect." Judy said pulling up to one of the newest buildings.

"What have you done?" Danica asked knowing Judy was up to something here.

"Let's look it over and then we'll talk but keep an open mind," Judy cautioned them.

"Okay but..." Danica said.

"But we look first and then talk," Judy said ending any more argument.

Danica knew Judy had done something when she pulled a key from her pocket and opened the front door. The condo smelled of fresh paint as they walked into the living room. It wasn't real large but large to them compared to their little dorm room. The kitchen was also small but had a new stove and refrigerator though both were small but the refrigerator did have an ice maker. They went on back to the bedrooms of which there were two. The smaller one would fit a bed and dresser and that was about all but the master bedroom was about as big as their dorm room. It also had a balcony that went from there to the kitchen. The bathroom had a large bathtub with shower attachment and a large sink top. However the best part was that in the small hallway there was a place to put a washer and dryer so no more laundry mat, something the apartments that they had looked at didn't have and something they both wanted.

"We love it of course, who wouldn't but I know that we can't afford to rent here," Danica said.

"Yea I would kill to live here but like Danica said, I don't want to live somewhere I can't afford," Anya said. "My parents will help on the rent but they can't afford that much. My mom puts most of the money she makes back into her practice."

"What if I can make the rent manageable," Judy said.

"What did you do buy this place?" Danica asked a little pissed that Judy would do that without asking her first.

"No, I didn't but I might if..." Judy was saying before Danica went off.

"No you won't, we can do this ourselves and we don't need for you to come in and take over. We want a place to live that we picked out and not have my family buy something that they don't need to do. No one did anything like this for my brothers and it won't happen for me!" Danica spit out.

"You finished with your hissy fit?" Judy asked her not the least bit fazed by her outburst Danica noted.

"Judy! You know where I'm coming from; you know how my mother thought you were marrying my brother for his money and not for love. I won't have my brothers think I am taking advantage of them without having earned it." Danica said almost in tears.

"You ready to listen to me now?" Judy asked showing her patience.

"Yes," Danica said after a long pause.

"When I began to search for something for you, my first objective was to find a safe place for you both to live and this fits it. The second part of that is finding something that does the first part without costing a fortune. That was the hard part because I knew if your mothers came to something close to what you're paying for the dorm room they would have my ass. While I now have a very fat ass, I would like to keep it and not offer it to your mothers," Judy said and Danica had to smile at that as was Anya.

"Okay I can give you that," Danica said.

"So my plan is that I take the money from your funds and buy the condo. When you both graduate, we sell the condo, if it sells for a loss then you take the loss however any profit made on the sell goes back into the general fund that is split like the rest of the profits. That way you take all the risk and we all share in any reward." Judy said.

"But what about my parents, I don't think they'd like me to be sponging off of Danica and I don't want that either," Anya said.

"Did I say anything about us paying the electric, water, internet and cable bills? And I definitely will not be doing your grocery shopping. Those are the bills that you two will have to figure out how to pay," Judy said with a smile.

"Oh yea, I forgot about them," Anya said letting out an embarrassed smile.

"Welcome to the real world ladies," Judy said just like their mothers would say and had said.

"And we need furniture," Danica added.

"Well that I think I can help, I know my sister-in-laws would love an excuse to have to buy something new and give you their old things, though I don't think anything you end up will match," Judy said.

"We can live with that," Anya said.

"So what do you think?" Judy asked, "Do you want to live here or in one of the apartments that you picked out?"

"Give us a moment to talk about it," Danica told her.

"What's there to talk about, I think this works out perfectly don't you," Anya blurted out.

"Yes but I don't want Judy to think that she can always come in and solve all our problems, we at least need to act like we are considering our options and we decide which is the better way to go," Danica told Anya giving her a bit of a stare.

"Oh... sorry," Anya said lowering her head.

"I need to call home and see what your mother is letting my girls do that they know they shouldn't do. That way you will have time to look the place over and decide," Judy said pretending that she hadn't just heard their conversation.

"I am sorry about that," Anya said once Judy had stepped out onto the balcony to call home.

"I meant for Judy to hear that and it wasn't meant to be toward you," Danica said giving Anya a reassuring smile. "I mean she did come up with the best solution for us and make it look at least like the risk of buying this place is on us. But we are supposed to be adults now and can make our own decisions and solve our own problems."

"We will from now on, I promise." Anya said.

"Yes we will but..." Danica said.

"But what?" Anya asked.

"Isn't this place fucking great!" Danica said almost giddy with excitement.

"Oh hell yes!" Anya said.

"You know I keep soap in my purse just for potty mouths like yours," Judy said coming back into the living room where they were standing.

"Oh fuck off!" Danica said seriously before she burst out in laughter at Judy's expression.

Judy then laughed, "You know that was one of the hardest things I had to do was to clean up my language when I had my girls, I learned quickly that they repeat everything you say."

"I bet," Anya said smiling.

"So is this what you want to do?" Judy asked.

"Of course, we'd be stupid not to," Danica said.

"Any you know, being an adult also means getting advice from someone who might have an idea or two," Judy said.

"Were you listening to us?" Danica asked with a frown.

"Yeah, sorry," Judy said. "I decided that maybe it was best if I didn't know what your parents were letting my girls do. It's their right to spoil them."

"True, so when will we know if this place is ours?" Danica asked.

"I don't think the units are selling as fast as the builder would like so I think I can get the price down a little and then let our lawyers earn their money but it should all be wrapped up by the time your semester ends." Judy told them.

"That would be great," Anya said.

"But how about you taking be back to your dorm, I'm about to bust and then you can take me out to eat, your treat," Judy said with a grin.

"It would be our pleasure," Anya said going to Judy and giving her a hug.

"Someplace that doesn't serve pizza," Judy added with a laugh.

"I think we can handle that," Danica told her.

"I don't know, you know how college students are, we live on pizza," Anya said with a grin.

"And that is why I made a specific request for anything but pizza," Judy said with a laugh.

"You know it is still early enough, we might be able to get our friends together so that you can meet them and do something after dinner," Danica told her.

"Like what?" Judy asked.

"Like maybe going dancing..." Danica said knowing how much Judy loved to dance and how much her brother hated to take her dancing.

"Oh god I haven't been dancing in years..." Judy said with a sigh. "But I told your brother that I would be back this evening, not in the early morning hours."

Danica could see that Judy wanted to stay but her sense of duty and being a good mother was overruling her desire to have a night of fun. So Danica pulled her phone from her back pocket.

"What you doing?" Judy asked a bit alarmed.

"You'll see," Danica said holding up her hand to Judy. A moment later she spoke into her phone, "Brother dear, I'm kidnapping your wife and not releasing her until tomorrow."

Judy was waving her hand at her to stop but Danica had no intention of doing so. "Okay I will," Danica said after listening to her brother talk.

"What did he say?" Judy asked.

"He said to have fun and not to worry about the girls; he can take care of everything." Danica said. "He also said that you need to do this more often but won't."

"He does say that but I feel guilty leaving him and the girls just to do something for myself." Judy admitted.

"Well tonight we're going to have some fun," Anya said.

"Now let's get a hold of the gang before they make other plans or give them time to cancel what they were going to do," Danica said as she started working her phone as Anya did the same.

"Well do your texting in the car, I really am about to burst," Judy said heading for the door.

Danica and Anya exchanged texts with their friends while talking nonstop about the condo as Judy concentrated on getting them back to their dorm by the shortest route possible. Danica noticed on the way up in the elevator that Judy had begun to fidget so she dashed out of the elevator going to their door and getting it open for Judy who passed through the door and right into the bathroom. She didn't even bother to close the door, so as Danica and Anya entered the room, they heard a relieved sigh coming from the bathroom which caused them both to giggle.

"Hush you two, I told you I was about to burst," Judy said causing them both to stop at the door.

"I believe you were," Danica said with a smile seeing Judy sitting on the toilet with her jeans and panties pulled down to her knees.

"God that feels good," Judy said as the last of her pee drained into the toilet.

"Well hurry up, now I have to go," Anya said going on into the bathroom to which didn't seem to surprise Judy or put off.

Judy wiped and then got off the toilet and Danica noticed that Judy had a full bush. She went on to the sink to wash her hands as Anya pulled her jeans down to pee.

"I just realized that I didn't bring any change of clothes, I meant to head back home this afternoon," Judy said.

"You can wear some of my things, we're about the same size," Danica said now taking her turn at the toilet.

"Thanks, you know I remember a time when you always wanted to dress like me," Judy said with a smile, "Now I'll be dressing like you."

"I always thought you were so beautiful," Danica said as they all left the bathroom.

"Well I don't feel so beautiful any more, not with taking care of the kids and helping out with the business," Judy said with almost a sigh.

"You look pretty sharp to me," Anya said.

"Me too," Danica said coming to Judy and giving her a hug.

"Well thank you both," Judy said, "so what have you got for me to wear?"

"Dress, skirt, or jeans?" Danica asked going to her closet.

"Oh god I haven't worn a dress in what seems like years," Judy said with a laugh.

"Dress it is," Anya said stepping to Danica closet effectively moving Danica out of the way.

"Mmmm... let me see..." Anya said as she started to go through all of Danica's things before putting out two dresses. "You're wearing this one," she said handing Danica a dress, "Any you this one." She said handing Judy a similar dress.

"She always do this?" Judy asked taking the dress.

"Yeah, it's easier to just go along." Danica said with a laugh as Anya wasn't paying them any attention as she went through her closet.

"Text Georgia, Andi and Haley and tell them to wear dresses, that way we will all be dressed alike," Anya told her.

"How about Hank and Shawn, you want them in dresses too?" Danica asked grinning at Judy who was also grinning as they watched Anya.

"Of course, I'm sure I can find them something to wear," Anya told without blinking.

"You probably could but getting them to wear the dresses is another thing," Danica said with a laugh as she got her phone and began to text.

They took turns in the bathroom getting ready before setting out to meet their friends. Danica could see that Judy was a bit nervous about meeting all of her friends. While Judy did have a college degree, she did it the hard way, taking classes at night as she worked and online classes until she had her degree in accounting. Her original plan was to work in some small accounting firm not being the main accountant for a family restaurant chain. But after meeting and falling in love with Danica's oldest brother, her career path and life was forever changed.

Danica knew that her friends would be kind to her and of course they peppered her with questions about Danica when she was a young girl. How she wanted to tag along on her dates but also how Danica helped her to win over her future mother-in-law. After that she was just one the gang, talking about school for them and motherhood for her. And of course, the condo was a big subject that they were all excited about until they learned that they all had been drafted into picking up their furniture and helping them move into the second story condo. That part they protested but Danica knew that they all would help if they could.

After they had eaten, they headed to the nightclub that they always went to when they wanted to go dancing. When they got to the door, they all got their hands marked that they were underaged and then came Judy's turn, she made the guy stamp her hand the same as she said, "the last thing I need to do is show my ass to a bunch of college kids."

"I don't know, you look like you got a cute ass, maybe you should," Hank blurted out before he could think, treating Judy like he would one of them if they left an opening like that.

Danica turn to look at Hank who had by now realized what he had said and whom he had said it too, he was turning about three shades of red. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No you shouldn't," Georgia said popping him on the back of the head.

Judy being Judy, just walked by Hank saying loud enough for everyone to hear, "Honey, you're welcome to watch my ass all night."

They all laughed at Hank who Danica could see wanted the floor to open and swallow him.

"Yeah, you can watch all of our asses tonight Hank," Anya said hooking her arms into Georgia and Haley's arms with Danica getting beside of Georgia and Andi to Haley's side. They all walked into the nightclub and they all execrated the movement of their asses for Hank's viewing pleasure.

When Hank and Shawn caught up with them at the table, he made another attempt to apologize. "I'm sorry about what I said it just came out."

"Hank, I'm the mother of two kids, you just made my year," Judy said giving him a warm smile.

Of course they all kidded poor Hank before Georgia finally came to his rescue, "You know Hank, I think you own Judy the first dance of the night."

"I believe that I do," Hank said getting up and going to Judy and holding out his hand, "Would you pleasure me with a dance my fair lady?"

"I believe that I would," Judy said getting up and taking his hand.

Danica watched them go out onto the dance floor and Danica quickly discovered that Judy wasn't that bad a dancer. She had much better rhythm than she ever hoped to have. She watched for a minute before she felt Anya tugging at her sleeve wanting to get out there and dance too.

When Hank and Judy returned to the table, Judy didn't get to sit long before Georgia had her back out dancing again. Judy ended up dancing with everyone as they all wanted to have fun and they all enjoyed dancing with her as she did have some nice moves and even taught them a dance or two that she used to enjoy doing when she was enjoying her carefree days.

"God you worn me out, now I know why I don't go out dancing anymore," Judy said as she sat down on Anya's bed.

"But you had fun didn't you?" Danica asked.

"Oh hell yes, I had a lot of fun," Judy said with a smile as she lay back across the bed.

"You can always come back next Saturday and do it all again," Anya told her being serious.

"Don't tempt me," Judy said with a laugh. "But I can't leave my girls for two weekends. I miss them too much, the little devils."

"They're not devils, they're angels," Danica countered.

"How about I send them to you for a week and see what you say," Judy said.

"They'll be angels for me," Danica said with a grin.

"True, they would be," Judy said sitting up. "They really are angels most of the time but you know they are kids and they have to get into some meanness just to keep me on my toes."

"So you want the bathroom first?" Danica asked seeing how tired Judy was and to tell the truth, she was pretty worn out herself.

"Okay you got a gown or something for me to wear?" Judy asked.

"Sure," Danica said going to her dresser to get Judy a nightgown and a clean pair of panties.

"Thanks," Judy said taking the gown and panties and heading to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

"So what do you think of getting the condo?" Anya asked.

"I kind of feel guilty in a way; I mean I came here with a budget that I agreed to with my parents, that didn't include buying a condo. I mean I always knew that I had that money there but I never really saw it as mine to do as I please, you know," Danica said.

"Yea I think I do but then again, it really isn't yours, it still belongs to your family. They're really just trading dorm fees for an investment in a condo that may eventually make them some money," Anya told her.

"True but what will your mom think?" Danica asked.

"I think I can convince her that this will be cheaper than getting an apartment that she has already agreed to do. We'll be splitting the expenses plus she has wanted to get a new bedroom suite and now she can." Anya said with a grin.

"But that means we will be sleeping on your parents bed," Danica said with a grin.

"They won't be in it plus it is a king size bed, lots of room to play around," Anya said giving Danica a wink.

"I like that idea," Danica said grinning and blushing ever so slightly with the thoughts going through her head.

They talked for a bit longer as Judy showered and came out of the bathroom in her gown and drying her hair. "Who's next?' Judy said.

"We are," Anya said grabbing her nightclothes.

Danica saw Judy's expression which wasn't really a disapproving look more of a surprise expression. "You go first, I'll go last." Danica said.

"Oh okay," Anya said as she followed Danica's eyes to Judy.

Judy saw them both staring at her and her expression changed, "No you both go ahead, it's cool." Judy said.

"You sure?" Danica asked.

"Yes I'm sure," Judy said giving Danica a smile that made Danica feel okay about them showering together.

Danica gathered her things and she followed Anya into the bathroom. Once she had closed the door, Anya asked," Is Judy really okay with us showering together... being together."

"I think the reality of us being together; being gay just hit her for real. Me telling her that I am gay is one thing but seeing it in reality is another. But I know she is really okay with us being lovers." Danica told Anya giving her a light kiss.

"Then lets shower and get to bed, I'm worn out," Anya said.

"So am I," Danica echoeing her thoughts.

Anya got the shower going and they took a quick shower. They really were tired and it had been a long day with getting the condo and then going dancing. They then dressed for bed, something they hadn't done in a long while.

When they came out, the lights were already out with only Anya's nightlight the only light in the room. Danica saw that Judy was already in Anya's bed with the covers pulled up and her eyes closed.

They went to the other bed and slipped as quietly as they could into the bed. They snuggled in close and Danica was about to give Anya a goodnight kiss when she heard Judy say, "Now you two behave..."

"Yes mother dear," Danica said with a little laugh.

"Good, now kiss and go to sleep,' Judy told her.

"I will," Danica said and she did just that, giving Anya a light kiss and she fell right off to sleep.

When Danica woke up, the fist rays of sunlight was just coming through the window. Anya was on her back sleeping and Danica was content to just watch her sleep. Anya looked so peaceful and her face so relaxed but then she saw a frown begin to form as Anya began to awake. When Anya opened her eyes, Danica smiled drawing a soft smile from Anya; she then gave her a light kiss.

They both sat up and Danica pointed to Judy and whispered, "Let's be quiet and let Judy sleep."

"Let mommie sleep another five minutes and then she'll get up and fix breakfast," Judy said in her sleep.

Danica tried not to giggle but when she heard Anya giggling, she had couldn't contain her own laughter.

"What?" Judy said as she suddenly sat up wide awake. The giggles coming from them obviously weren't the ones her subconscious mind was expecting and that put her on full motherly alert.

"You said in your sleep to let mommie sleep five more minutes," Anya said now laughing harder at a confused looking Judy.

"I did?" Judy said.

"Yep," Danica said still laughing.

"Well it's not nice to wake Mommie when she trying to sleep," Judy warned them.

"Do your girls wake you often?" Anya asked.

"No they usually end up in bed with me," Judy said with a laugh.

"Well can't let her miss out on a bed full of giggling children," Danica said looking over at Anya winking at her.

"No we can't," Anya said going toward the bed.

"Don't you dare," was all Judy got out before Anya and Danica tackled her in the small bed tickling her.

"Oh god you're worse than my kids," Judy said laughing with them.

"We're just big kids,' Danica said laughing as she sat up.

"Yes you are, you're my big kids," Judy said putting her arms around their shoulders giving them a hug.

"We do thank you for helping us out," Anya said.

"No problem, now how about us getting dressed and getting some of that breakfast I mentioned in my sleep," Judy said.

"Now you're talking Anya's language," Danica said with a laugh.

"Definitely, I'm starving," Anya said grinning.

"When aren't you starving," Danica teased her.

"Hopefully in less than an hour I won't be," Anya retorted.

It was a little more than an hour before Anya stopped starving but she did get her stomach full, with Danica sharing half of what she had ordered, even Judy let her have a bite of her omelet. They said their goodbyes to Judy when she dropped them back off at their dorm.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 15

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