Exchanging Roommates

Published on Oct 26, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Fifteen

By Chris

Danica and Anya were excited about getting the condo and it was all they could talk about for a day or so but then school and upcoming finals soon replaced the condo as their main concern. But as the days went by and Judy was still haggling over the price the developer was wanting to sell and what Judy was willing to pay. Judy kept them well informed including when the developer went up on price claiming that he had another buyer and so Judy went even lower and he hung up on her. That bit of news had them worried that Judy would end up walking away and they would be back in the dorm for another year. It wasn't that the dorm was all that bad; it was just that they were ready to have a place of their own. Anya wanted to go to her parents to make up the difference in price and Danica was tempted to let her but she still had faith that Judy wouldn't let them down so they put their faith in Judy and her determination and sheer will to get what she wanted at her price.

Then the Monday of finals week, there was a special delivery package waiting for Danica at the front desk of the dorm. She picked up the package and saw that it was from Judy. She shook the small box and it raddled. It was all she could do not to tear the box open but then she decided to wait for Anya to get back from her final and they open it together. She got up to the room getting her laptop out and began to study for her final the next day. It was hard to concentrate but she knew finals were more important so she made herself study.

It was a little over an hour later that Anya came in complaining about how the professor was an asshole putting stuff into the final exam that they hadn't gone over in class. Danica let Anya fuss but she knew that Anya was prepared for such a move but she still had to get it out of her system.

She let Anya calm down and had her laptop out to start studying for the two finals she had on Tuesday, Danica pulled the box that she had hidden in one of her desk drawers placing it on the desk between them.

"What's that?" Anya asked looking at the box.

"I don't know something from Judy..." Danica said watching the excitement grow on Anya's face as her words sank in.

Anya picked up the box hearing something rattle within, "Is it?" she asked excitedly.

"I think so," Danica said grinning at Anya. "Open it," she told her pushing the box toward Anya.

"No it is your condo, you open it," Anya told her pushing the box back toward her.

"It's our condo," Danica corrected her pushing the box back.

"Okay our condo," Anya said giving in picking up the box. She tore the box open and sure enough there were two sets of keys along with a folder of papers that they of course ignored, instead picking up a set of keys each.

"Let's go look it over," Anya said getting up.

"No let's wait," Danica said grabbing a hold of Anya's arm directing her back to her chair.

"Why?" Anya asked with the disappointment showing in her eyes.

"Well I got to thinking and with finals this week, maybe we should just concentrate on them and on Thursday when you finish your last final, we'll pack up some of our things and spend our first night in our condo together." Danica said seeing Anya's lips form into a smile.

"I like that idea," Anya said leaning in giving Danica a soft kiss.

"But there is something we do need to do and do it now," Danica said after the kiss.

"What's that?" Anya asked.

"Call Judy and thank her," Danica said.

"Oh god yes, I didn't think of that, I was being a little selfish there," Anya said.

"Well so was I at first but unlike you, I'll had a little more time to think it over," Danica said getting her phone.

"I don't know how you didn't open the package as soon as you got it, I would have," Anya said.

"No you wouldn't, you'd think about it and then end up waiting on me to open it," Danica said.

"I'm not so sure," Anya said.

"I am because I was about to do what you'd said you'd do but I changed my mind before I could open it," Danica said.

"Well let's call Judy and thank her," Anya said, "and I would have opened it," she added.

Danica let it pass as she got her cell phone and hit Judy's number and then she put her phone on speaker so they both could talk.

"I see you got the package," Judy said not even bothering with "Hello".

"Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you," Anya said.

"You're welcome Anya," Judy said and Danica could see her smile through the phone.

"And I thank you too, you're the best sister a girl could have," Danica said even thought Judy was really her sister -in-law.

"Thank you too but I left the hard work to you," Judy said to them.

"What's that?" they both asked.

"Well your father has already rented a truck to haul the things everyone is giving you and he insists on driving and helping you move into the condo. However your mother is having a fit afraid he will over do it." Judy said.

"I'll take care of mom and dad, we'll have plenty of help and all we'll let him do is drive and we'll do the rest." Danica said confident that she could keep her father busy without letting him do a lot of lifting.

"I'm counting on that," Judy told her.

"We'll take care of him, I promise too," Anya added.

"So did you get the developer to give in?" Danica had to ask dying of curiosity as to who gave in, Judy or the developer.

"Let's just say, he didn't get what he wanted and I paid what I thought it was worth," Judy said coyly.

"So you underbid and he came down enough to think that he got the better of you," Danica said knowing Judy well enough to see what she was doing, something she wouldn't be able to do.

"Pretty much, I didn't want to piss him off too much, Antoni and I have been talking and we might see about buying a couple more of the condos to rent. He is sitting on a gold mind and he is too greedy to realize it. We're going to let him sit on the other condos and if they don't sell soon, I will come back to him and see if I can take them off his hands for him." Judy said.

"I love my Antoni to death but maybe you should be the one in charge of things," Danica saying what she had begun to believe seeing Judy at the few Friday night meeting that she had attended.

"Oh I think it is working just fine the way it is, I got my girls to take care of, beside as they say behind every great man stands a greater woman, or something like that," Judy said with a laugh.

"Very true," Danica and Anya said.

"You know that applies to your mother too," Judy said.

"Oh I know that and so does dad," Danica said.

"Oh there is one more thing you have to do before you can move into the condo," Judy told them.

"What's that?" Anya asked.

"Pass your finals so get your asses in gear and study!" Judy said and the line went dead.

"I guess she just gave us our marching orders," Danica said laughing.

"I believe she did," Anya said laughing with her.

They did look through the papers where Judy had gotten the water and electricity turn on and put into their names as well as insurance that neither of them thought about getting. Only then did they get back to studying as that is why they were at the university in the first place.

"So why you taking all the blankets, it's already hot outside," Anya said when she came in from her last final on Thursday afternoon.

"I don't know about you but I don't want to sleep on a hard floor without something to lie upon," Danica told her trying not to grin too much.

Anya laughed, "Good point," she said grabbing an extra blanket she had in the bottom of her closet.

"You know we might as well move everything..." Danica suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing, that way we won't have to come back Sunday and get what we left," Anya replied.

"But can we do it in one trip?' Danica asked.

"One way or another we will," Anya said with determination in her eyes.

"Then let's get our asses out of here," Danica said.

"I'd like to get your ass..." Anya was saying with a glint in her eyes.

"Behave yourself," Danica told her though she was having the same thoughts as Anya.

Danica went down to basement to get a cart; they weren't the only ones starting to move out but she was still able to find a large enough cart to fit their things onto. They loaded everything onto the cart taking it to the lobby where Anya stood guard as Danica got her car. She then began to pack her car as Anya went to get her car. They worked hard and were soaked in sweat by the time their cars were loaded. Danica didn't have to return the cart as there was another student needing it so he took it off their hands. They turned in their keys and signed out of the dorm for the last time.

Danica felt the excitement of what was about to begin as she drove up in front of their new home. She even managed to back into the parking place and stay between the lines which she was proud of since she had never been all that great at backing up. Now Anya had no problem backing in beside of her which pissed her off just a hair seeing how she had to make a couple of attempts to do so. But she got over that real quick as she got out of her car and saw Anya's big grin.

They both got a box from their trunks and began to trek up the two flights of stairs to their new dwelling. They had to make several trips stopping only once for a cold cup of water from the new refrigerator with the water and ice nozzle on the freezer side door. They only rested for a moment before they began again, wanting to get it all up to the living room where they were piling up everything.

Danica carried up the last load and when she put both of their backpacks down with their laptops contained within, she found Anya standing right next to her with a silly grin on her lips. She felt Anya's putting her hands to her sides pulling her in close. She saw Anya leaning in and she closed her eyes just before Anya kissed her, a light soft kiss but a very nice kiss all the same.

"I wanted to kiss you first in our new home," Anya said grinning again.

"You were the first to kiss me period," Danica said smiling.

"Yes I was and don't you dare forget it," Anya told her.

""Oh I won't, I promise," Danica told her.

"So what do you want to do first?" Anya asked.

"Put you in the shower, you stink," Danica said grinning at Anya.

"I stink, you stink worse than me!" Anya retorted.

"How about we both shower," Danica suggested.

"I like that idea,' Anya said as she reached out for her hand.

Danica placed her hand in Anya's and they went to the bathroom. Danica gave Anya a kiss before pulling back and they both began to undress. Danica felt her pussy tingle as each piece of clothing that came off Anya's body.

Once they were naked, Danica saw Anya come to her putting her hands on her hips as Danica placed her hands on Anya's hips. Danica felt Anya's breasts press against her breasts as their lips touched. She couldn't help but to let out a soft moan. Slowly they pulled apart as the sensual kiss ended, Danica turned around to face the bathtub and she had to let out a little laugh.

"What?" Anya asked coming to her side so that she too could see the bathtub without Danica blocking her view. "Oh..."

"Yea, it will be kind of hard to take a shower without a shower curtain," Danica said laughing a little.

"And no soap or shampoo," Anya added.

"I have always wanted to take a bath with you my dear," Danica said giving Anya a kiss on the cheek.

"Well today your wish shall come true," Anya said. "You start filling the tub and I'll go find our bath soap and stuff. Do you know which box or bag we put it into?"

"I have no clue; we were in such a hurry..." Danica said.

"If I'm not back in five minutes come looking for me," Anya told her making Danica laugh.

Danica sat on the edge of the tub turning on the hot water that warmed much faster than it ever did in the dorm. She put the plug into the drain hole and let the water begin to fill. At least it was a rather large bathtub so as it filled, she went out to help Anya since they had just thrown their things together with no rhythm or reason, and it would be a wonder if they didn't forget the bath soap or everything else that was in the bathroom.

When she got to the living room, Anya had already found the towels and their tooth brushes. Danica went to the other side of the pile of their things and began to search for what they needed. Anya found the soap and shampoo shortly thereafter, in a one of her suitcases.

They went back into the bathroom to find the tub only halfway filled, but they went ahead and got in with Danica going in first putting her back against the opposite end of the tub from where the facet was located. She opened up her legs allowing Anya to step in sitting down between them and laying back against her. Danica could almost let her legs extend straight out so it was a perfect fit for them; Danica wrapped her arms around Anya body just below her breasts. They were silent for a moment as the water filled up to their breasts then Anya sat up to turn off the water.

"You know we got a lot of work ahead of us to make this place livable, more than I imagined," Danica said as the reality of starting out with nothing to make this place a home.

"I was just thinking that, we don't have dishes, pots, and there's no food in this place. We're going to have to go shopping in the morning and get the things we need right now and then we once we get what your family and mine are giving us we will know what all we will need." Anya said.

"Yea there's no going to the dining hall to get something to eat, one of us will have to cook..." Danica said.

"I thought we decided you were going to cook," Anya said interrupting her.

"No you were," Danica replied.

"No I do the laundry and you cook, remember you got me the laundry detergent for Christmas," Anya said.

"Oh yes, the bottle that you wouldn't let me use when we ran out," Danica said with a laugh.

"That's right, it was for our new apartment," Anya said grinning.

"How about we both cook and we both do the laundry," Danica suggested.

"Deal, but I do the first load of laundry so that I can finally use my Christmas present," Anya told her.

"This will have to get a picture of, you pouring in the laundry detergent into our new washing machine," Danica said.

"Yea we can post it for everyone to see," Anya said.

"I don't know about that, remember you are a nudist, I don't think you want everyone to see you in your birthday suit doing laundry," Danica said with a laugh.

"I'll put clothes on," Anya said jabbing Danica lightly in the ribs with her elbow.

"Oh..." Danica grunted from the jab to her ribs more from surprise than pain. "You know I was kind of hoping that you would do the washing in the nude..." Danica then tightened her grip on Anya to prevent any more jabs to her ribs.

Anya turned her head up toward her, "You might get your wish." She then kissed her.

"Cool," Danica said giving Anya a little squeeze.

Anya laid her head back against Danica's shoulder and they just lay there in the hot water letting the water caress their bodies. After a while they began to discuss about what they needed to do but their main problem was that they didn't know just what they were getting other than Anya's parents bedroom set. After that, they were clueless as to what they would end up with, that they'd learn on Saturday when they pick up what they were to be given.

When the water began to cool, Anya sat up and Danica washed her back and hair as Anya washed her front. They then switched places and Danica had a hard time remembering what she was supposed to wash with the way Anya's fingers were caressing her back as she washed it and then she practically moaned as Anya washed her hair.

Once they had dried off, Anya took her hand, "Let's go to bed," she said all so softly that Danica could barely hear her but the words she spoke went from her brain to her body.

"But we don't have a bed," Danica said not that was going to stop what they were about to do.

"We'll figure something out," Anya said giving her a soft smile.

They went to the living room getting all their blankets and they both saw the same thing at the same time, they were standing naked in the middle of a room that had no curtains to cover the windows.

About that time they heard voices of people coming up the stairs. "Oh shit!" Danica said grabbing Anya's hand pulling her back toward the master bedroom. It didn't have curtains either but the window faced the back of the condo. There was a another set of condos but they were far enough away that no one could see anything but Anya put a sheet over the window just to make sure. When she turned, Danica looked up at Anya with the setting sun against the sheet created a silhouette of Anya's body. The image was so erotic and made Anya look so beautiful that it almost took Danica's breath away.

"Oh god you are so beautiful," Danica was finally able to say as she lay back on the pallet of blankets she had made and then held out her arms to Anya.

"Not as beautiful as you," Anya said coming forward and then going down to her knees between Danica's open legs. Anya fell into her arms and Danica wrapped her arms around Anya as Anya kissed her. Danica let the kiss become passionate with their lips opening and their tongues touching before she slowly rolled over until Anya was under her.

"I thought I was on top," Anya said as the kiss ended.

"You were but now I am and you're under my control," Danica told her giving her a kiss before Anya could come up with a response.

The kiss had barely begun when she felt Anya's hands on her shoulders pushing up. Danica started to ask what was wrong when Anya said, "I like being under your control now ravish me."

"I'm about to," Danica said giving Anya a smile before she lowered her lips down to kiss that beautiful, sensual creature lying under her.

She heard a moan and she wasn't sure which one of them had moaned, maybe both of them did. She just kept kissing Anya letting their lips touch and then she kissed Anya's cheeks and on to her neck as Anya raised her chin. This time Danica felt Anya's throat vibrate as she moaned.

Danica moved her lips downward kissing Anya between her breasts with her hands cupping those breasts. She gave them a squeeze as she kissed Anya's left nipple drawing it into her mouth, sucking hard. Anya moaned again when Danica tenderly bit her hard nipple. Danica moved to the right nipple biting it first before kissing it and sucking it into her mouth. When she released the nipple, she teased it by flicking it with the tip of her tongue. She then circled Anya's left nipple with the tongue tip before teasing the right nipple the same way. A few moments later she felt Anya's hands on her shoulders urging her to move lower.

Danica slowly kissed her way down Anya's body until she got down between Anya's open legs. Danica could smell her arousal and see just how wet she was. She first blew upon Anya's pussy, hearing Anya let out a groan as she wanted much more. Danica teased her further by lightly kissing her right inner thigh and then the left inner thigh.

"Please Danica..." Anya groaned with her voice showing her frustration and need.

Danica wanted Anya to remember the first time they made love in their new home so she kissed Anya just above her pussy and then she went back to her inner thighs, kissing her and tenderly biting Anya delicate skin.

"Oh god you bitch, please make me cum, I'm dying here..." Anya groaned loudly.

Danica knew she was on the border of stretching the teasing too far however she did tease her one last time, placing a feathery kiss to Anya's clit causing Anya to both moan and groan.

Danica raised her head seeing Anya's face looking almost tortured so the lowered her mouth and began to aggressively licking the juices from Anya's pussy and there was a lot of juices to lick up from all the teasing that she had done. When her tongue touched Anya's clit, Anya's hips rose off the blankets and her body stiffened as an intense orgasm crashed down upon her. Danica was surprised by how fast and hard Anya had cum but then she had teased Anya so much and for so long.

Danica began to lick Anya's pussy sucking up all the juices that Anya was producing as she rode out the last of her orgasm. She drank them down wanting all that Anya could give her. She planned on letting Anya recover and make her cum again but she felt Anya pulling on her arms. She thought about resisting but then thought better of that idea so she came up Anya's body until she could give Anya a kiss with her lips still coated with Anya's juices.

"I'm sorry I called you a bitch,' Anya said when the light kiss ended.

"No you're not," Danica said and before Anya could protest Danica continued, "Beside I was being a bitch teasing you like that but you loved it."

"Yes I did and now it's my turn to be a bitch," Anya declared pushing Danica onto her back.

"Oh noooo...," Danica moaned.

"Oh yes," Anya said now she was lying on top of her.

Danica opened her legs wide allowing Anya's hips to slip between them. Danica closed her eyes as Anya lowered her head to kiss her. Danica felt Anya's lips opening and then Anya's tongue entering her mouth. She sucked on Anya's tongue and protested when Anya withdrew it as she ended the kiss.

She felt Anya's lips lightly touching her cheeks and then down to her neck as she raised her chin. Danica kissed her neck from the center to ear to ear, stopping to nibble on her earlobes. Anya slipped on down her body, stopping at her breasts. She felt Anya's hands cupping her breasts and then Anya's lips kissing and sucking on her hard nipples. Now it was Danica's turn to moan and she did feeling Anya's lips sucking hard on her nipples pulling on them until they popped from her lips while her fingers were teasing whichever nipple that her mouth wasn't sucking upon.

Danica felt like her pussy was leaking gallons of juices feeling it run to her ass. She put her hands to Anya's shoulders however Anya didn't relent until she had kissed and nibbled on her nipples a few minutes more. She felt Anya moving down her body giving kisses to her stomach. She knew that Anya would tease her; she just didn't know how she would do so.

However when she felt Anya's tongue touch her pussy and then licking up to her clit where she stopped to kiss her there, she figured that Anya had decided not to be a teasing bitch. But then she felt nothing but Anya's breathe against her aroused pussy lips. Anya's breath blowing against her pussy just made her that much more aroused and she groaned wanting Anya's lips and tongue to touch her again. Anya's lips did begin to touch her pussy but only with the lightest of kisses, almost like a soft feather was touching her lips. Danica knew what Anya wanted her to do but she was determined to resist her however those damn kisses were driving her crazy. She finally raised her hips off the blankets trying to get Anya to lick her but Anya was always a step ahead of her, giving her those damn feathery kisses.

"Oh god you bitch... lick me... put your fingers in me," Danica finally moaned when she could stand it no more.

A moment later Danica felt Anya's mouth on her pussy and her tongue going between her lips licking in deep. Danica moaned loudly not caring if their new neighbors could hear her. When she felt Anya's mouth on her clit, she also felt a couple of Anya's fingers entering her. They went in so deep and Anya's tongue was licking against her sensitive clit. Danica pushed her hips back against Anya's fingers and tongue until she felt her clit explode and she lost her breath as her orgasm crashed so hard against her with the feeling of pure pleasure surging throughout her body.

"So am I a bitch too," Anya asked softly just as Danica felt herself coming out of her orgasm.

"My sweet bitch," Danica said with a smile.

"Yes I am," Anya said giving her a kiss as she lay beside of her.

When the soft kiss ended, Danica turned to her side to face her. They kissed a time or two more before cuddling for a few minutes just enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking.

It was only when they both realized that they hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast that they got up from the pallet of blankets to find something to munch on. They had at least remembered to clean out the refrigerator so they found a jar of nacho cheese dip and a bag of chips that they took back to their pallet of blankets with their cokes. They sat cross legged in front of each other with the dip between them. They talked and laughed as they ate in the dying light. By the time that they finished off the nacho cheese dip, the room was dark but they kept on talking excited about what they were beginning.

They took a bathroom break to freshen up before returning back to the pallet of blankets, lying down to kiss and cuddle. They made love one more time, this time lying side by side in a sixty-nine position with their upper leg resting on the shoulder of the other's body. They licked slowly teasing only until they were both very aroused and then they began to lick deeper and then concentrated on the other's clit until they both had a wonderful orgasm. There upon they fell into a deep sleep exhausted from their long day that started with them taking their last final of the semester to making love in their new condo.

They woke up both stiff from the makeshift bed and very hungry, especially Anya who declared that she was going to die if she didn't get something in her stomach soon. So they got ready rather quickly with Anya dragging her out the door and down to her car.

Their first stop was stop at a nearby fast food place getting different types of breakfast biscuits which Anya of course insisted that they split so they would each have something different. From there it was to a discount chain store where they first picked out a shower curtain and the second was curtains for the windows. They really didn't have any idea as to what color to get but since the carpet in the condo was sort of a tan color, they picked curtains that came close to matching the carpet. It wasn't what they wanted but they would have three more years to change the curtains and anything else that they decided upon this day. They got some cheap plates, cups and silverware as well as a few other things that they already had discovered that they needed. The next stop was to go to the grocery store to get something other than chips and dip to eat. They got enough to fill the pantry and the refrigerator picking things that they knew that they could cook.

By the time that they got home they just had enough time to put the groceries up and then up the curtains and shower curtain. The gang then began to arrive to help with picking up their new used furniture. Once everyone was there, they piled up in two cars and headed toward Danica's house. When they arrived, Danica's mother was the first out of the house to greet them followed by her father. Danica made the introductions and they went inside where Judy and her girls were waiting for them. As the rest of the family began to arrive, Danica's father recruited Hank and Shawn to go get the truck that he had rented. They were more than happy to go with him to get the rental truck. Hank drove and of course Danica's father made him go by his first restaurant so that he could show them around the kitchen and the pizza ovens.

By the time that they returned, the house was full with all of the kids running around the house. After they had eaten and the family meeting began, all the kids and Danica, Anya and the gang were outside playing games with all of Danica's nieces and nephews. This made them very popular with Danica's sister-in- laws as they wore their kids out making it easy to get them in bed and asleep that evening.

Danica's mother had them up early the next morning, wakening them with the smell of a big breakfast spread. Once the breakfast was devoured, their long day began but not without Danica's mother warning them all to not let her husband do too much. They couldn't leave until they all promised her to be sure to look after him.

Their first stop was at a store that sold appliances and that is where they picked up a new washer and dryer that Danica's parents were getting for them. Then they headed for Judy's house to pick up her living room set as she had another set to be delivered that afternoon. They were lucky that Danica's brothers lived close to her parent's house as they were able to get their kitchen table and chairs, a bed for their spare bedroom from one brother and a set of dressers and some kitchen wares from another. Danica's father pretty much behaved allowing all the young people do all the work as he supervised where to put everything into the truck. The last stop was at Tina's house, the wife of Danica's youngest brother, she had gone shopping getting them lots of blankets, sheets and towels for the bathroom and kitchen.

They had about everything that they needed and one more stop to make that was to Anya's house to get her parent's bedroom set. They stopped along the way to eat before going on to Anya's parent's house where Anya's mother and father were out front waiting on them. There they had a twofold job, taking the old bedroom set from Anya's parent's bedroom and putting the new set that was in the living room into the bedroom.

When they got to the condo, Danica's father backed the truck up to the steps leading up to the condo. "What do you need me to carry?" Danica's father asked as he got to the back of the truck.

Danica was trying to think of a way to keep him from going up and down the steps when Hank came up with the perfect idea.

"Well sir, I would love to taste one of your pizzas and there are seven college kids who are hungry and love pizza. You think you can help us out?" Hank told him.

Danica could see that her father was seeing what Hank was doing but he played along as it did give him something to do without having to run up and down the steps a hundred times.

"I believe that I can but I'll need some things," he replied.

"Andi, why don't you take Mr. Kowalczyk to the store," Hank suggested.

"And don't drive fast, I want my father to come back in one piece," Danica added.

"I don't drive fast!" Andi protested.

"Yes you do!" they all said in almost unison.

"I really don't drive fast, Mr. Kowalczyk," Andi said taking him by the arm.

"I'm sure you don't and I told you all to call me Aleksy," He said to her and to them.

"Yes Aleksy, come on, I am getting hungry and Anya is a beast when she gets hungry," Andi said giving a wink to Anya before taking Danica's father toward her car.

"Thank you Hank," Danica said once Andi and her father were in her car.

"Well actually I am getting hungry," Hank said with a smile.

"Me too," Anya said.

"You're always hungry," Came the reply from about everyone which earned them all a one finger salute from Anya.

Danica and Anya had agreed that they would just put everything in the right room and wherever it ended up was going to be fine. They could always move things where they wanted it once they had time to think about it. They did manage to do this pretty well plus the fact that Danica's father had returned in one piece and the pizza's he was making were beginning to give off an aroma that was making everyone's stomach growl. So once everything had been brought up from the truck and put into the condo, they all collapsed onto a couch, chair, or floor whichever was the nearest to them when they stopped.

Soon Danica's father pulled the first pizza from the oven; the pizza was square as that was the biggest pan that Danica's father and Andi could find that would fit in the oven. However that wasn't big enough to fill everyone's belly's but it was enough that they could wait for the next one. Danica's father seemed to be having the time of his life cooking and watching everything that he made being enjoyed by the young people that he had spent the day with.

After four pizzas, they did finally get their fill which was a good thing as Danica's father had run out of things to make any more pizzas. They did save the last couple of pieces for Danica's father and then he was put on the couch to rest. They sat and talked until Danica's father began to yawn and that was when Danica insisted that he go to bed. Danica and Anya made him take the bed that they got from Anya's parents with Anya and Danica taking the spare room. The rest of the gang headed out to their dorm rooms as they had to pack up and head to their homes.

The next morning Anya and Danica fixed breakfast with Danica's father seeming to enjoy watching them find their way around their kitchen. Once they were dressed and ready did Anya and Danica have to say goodbye to their new home as they were to spent a week at their respective homes.

"I wish you could come home with me or I could go with you," Anya said with the saddest face Danica had ever seen.

"Me too but we both have to go home or face our mother's wrath," Danica said with a smile.

"Very true, but I hate that we only got to spend two nights in our new condo," Anya said.

"I know but they were wonderful nights and besides we'll be here all summer," Danica told her giving her a light kiss before pulling away to go to her car.

"Yes we will, call me when you get home, I want to make sure you got there okay," Anya told her.

"Yes mother," Danica said grinning at Anya as she got into her car.

Anya frowned at her and gave her the one finger salute before laughing as Danica faked a look of utter shock. "Call me too," Danica said closing the door before Anya could respond thought she could read her lips well enough to know that she replied with "Yes mother dear."

Danica pulled out and she looked back as her father pulled out behind her in the rental truck. She hated to leave Anya for even a week but then she was glad to be going home for a week with her family. She knew that in the end, the week away from Anya would be good and she needed some time with her family. They would have all summer to be together however they were both taking classes so it wouldn't be all fun and games. The bad part was that only Andi and Haley were taking summer classes. Hank and Georgia were both in a summer dance group and Shawn was doing an internship at a Technology company. He wouldn't be paid but the experience would help him in the future.

The week went faster than Danica had imagined that it would. She did call Anya when she got home as instructed and she got a call in return also as instructed. She visited with her parents and with Judy; she even worked a day or two. She also picked up more things for her new condo that she knew that they still needed.

She left out early on Sunday morning so that she would have time to start putting some things away as she had left home with her car packed with everything that she didn't know she would need until they were given to her. She and her mother also shopped around for some pictures to put on the bare walls. When she pulled into the condo, she saw that Anya had beaten her home.

"I thought you said that you wouldn't be in until this afternoon," Danica said as she entered the condo with her arms full.

"Close your eyes," Anya shouted as she came from the kitchen.

"Can I put this stuff down first?" Danica asked.

"No, close your eyes," Anya said and Danica saw Anya round the corner of the kitchen stark naked. Danica was at least able to quickly kick the door close without losing her balance or drop anything.

Danica closed her eyes and she felt Anya taking the box she was carrying from her. She felt a light kiss before being pulled on into the condo stopping a few feet inside.

"Okay open them," Anya said to her.

Danica opened her eyes to see a new flat screen TV still in the box at the far wall. "You got us a new TV," Danica said.

"Well my parents did," Anya told her with a grin.

"That's nice but we won't have much time to watch it," Danica said hating to put a damper on Anya's excitement over the TV.

"I know but now we have something to watch dirty movies on," Anya said giving her a sexy wink.

"We don't have any dirty movies," Danica said with a grin.

"We will once we make some," Anya said leaving Danica without an immediate reply. "Now go get the rest of your things and then get out of those clothes, remember this is a nudist home."

"Since when?" Danica asked.

"Since I put up that sign on the back of the door," Anya said disappearing into the kitchen.

Danica turned and saw a wooden sign with the words "Nudist home No clothes allowed" which made Danica laugh. "You know that has to come down when my family comes," Danica said.

"I know," Anya said from the kitchen.

Danica let out a laugh as she went back out the door to get the rest of the things that she had been given while she was at home. She had a little bit of everything which she just put into the middle of the living room before going to the bathroom to pee and to shed her clothes which were soaked in sweat anyway from making several trips up and down the stairs. She washed her face and wiped the sweat from her body before heading back to the living room picking up a box and taking it into the kitchen where she saw Anya just standing looking at the kitchen table with two boxes already on it to which Danica added another.

"I figured that we wouldn't have enough things that we would need but now I'm thinking we will have too much," Anya said in almost a sigh.

Danica came over to Anya giving her a kiss, "Don't worry we'll find a place for everything and I bet we will still be missing something."

"Yea, a microwave," Anya said.

"Hold on," Danica said with a smile as she turned and went back toward the living room.

"Ta da," Danica said coming back into the kitchen carrying a small microwave. "Mom and I found this one on sale and she got it for us."

"Thank her," Anya said with a smile.

"Oh I did," Danica said with a laugh.

"I have been working all morning and it doesn't look like I have gotten anywhere," Anya said in almost a sigh.

"I tell you what, how about you try out our new washer and dryer and let me have a go at the kitchen," Danica suggested seeing that Anya was getting a little frustrated.

"Gladly," Anya said obviously relieved to find something else to do.

Danica began to put things away listening closely to what Anya was doing. When she heard Anya lift the lid on the washer, she grabbed her phone. She quietly moved around the corner of the kitchen and she found that she was in luck as Anya had piled their clothes on the opposite side of where Danica was standing. Anya seemed to be in her own world humming to herself as she began to put the first load of clothes into the washer. Danica waited until Anya was pouring the liquid laundry detergent into the washer before taking the picture.

Anya looked over at Danica who still had her phone in her hand, "Oh tell me you didn't take a picture!" Anya said.

"I told you I was going to," Danica said grinning as Anya turned to face her with this mad expression on her face so Danica snapped off another picture, this one with Anya facing her and pointing her finger at her.

"Let me have that phone," Anya demanded.

"No way," Danica said running into the kitchen with Anya chasing after her.

Once Danica was in the kitchen she was trapped, she couldn't go out on the patio since she was naked and Anya was now in the kitchen.

"Let me have that phone!" Anya demanded as she went to the right side of the kitchen table so Danica went to the left.

"No way I'm making this picture the wallpaper on my phone," Danica said laughing.

She was now at the opposite end of the kitchen table and Anya standing on the other end. She could have run on into the living room but as Anya went around the right side of the table, Danica circled back around trapping herself back in the kitchen. Danica saw Anya trying not to grin as she realized that she was playing with her and that eventually she would give up the phone not that it was ever in question.

"I'm going to delete those pictures!" Anya told her going to the left this time.

"You got to catch me first!" Danica said laughing.

"Oh I will and you'll be in trouble then!" Anya said as she continued to chase her around the table.

Danica let her chase her around the table a time or two more before she stopped letting Anya get to her, taking the phone from her.

"Now I'm going to delete these," Anya said pulling up the pictures.

"May I see them first?" Danica asked softly.

"No, they're already gone," Anya said handing the phone back much to Danica's disappointment.

Danica looked at her phone seeing that the picture of Anya at the washer was still there. "You know that is a cute picture of you," Danica said.

"You think?" Anya said coming back over to her.

"Yes I do," Danica said showing her phone to Anya who studied the picture for real this time.

"No one will ever see these, right," Anya said.

"You know I won't show them to anyone," Danica said giving Anya a kiss.

"I know," Anya said as she flipped over to the next picture, this one a frontal view of her.

"Mmmm sexy," Danica said looking over Anya's shoulder.

"Not even close to sexy," Anya said but Danica saw Anya blushing ever so slightly at the compliment.

Anya turned and gave her a kiss, "Hide those pictures," she said as she started out of the kitchen to return to her laundry.

Danica couldn't resist taking one more picture, this time of the back of Anya's body. "I'm going to kill you!" Anya said going on out.

Danica laughed before admiring the picture and Anya's cute ass but then she put her phone down and began to tackle the kitchen which was a mess and she could see why Anya was getting frustrated trying to put things away. Anya soon returned and they worked together to put everything away. They moved from there to the bathroom putting up the new towels and the cleaners that had been given to them. Their bedroom was next and the first thing that they decided was that the bed and dresser needed to be swapped. That alone was about more of a job than they were capable of, especially the dresser as it was heavy and hard to move on the thick carpet. They did get it moved though they had to take the bed apart to get it moved.

They kept working taking time only to get a bit of lunch and for Anya to tend to the laundry that she was doing. They kept going until they had put everything away and they plopped down on the couch. They hadn't sat there long before Danica looked at Anya and she knew what she was thinking. "Next weekend" was all Danica said and Anya laughed before agreeing with her.

They sat there for a while just resting and regaining their strength before getting up and going to the kitchen to fix their first meal together. They chose something simple for their first meal, a pasta salad requiring them to have to only cook the noodles and the rest was just cutting up the things they wanted to put into it.

After eating, they both decided to take a shower as neither wanted to go to bed all sweaty. Danica went first as Anya finished folding the last of their clothes from the dryer. Danica let the water wash over her body but then she remembered that they now had to pay for the water that she was using as well as the electricity to heat that water. It was at that moment that she realized that she was taking her first steps into the real world where it wasn't her parents paying for something but it was coming from hers and Anya's limited budget. Needless to say she took a shorter shower saving the long shower for when she and Anya chose to take one together.

When she dried she saw that Anya had hung up their robes on the hook on the back of the door and she decided that she would wear one. The robe felt nice as they had turned the air up when they were working and it was getting a little cool in the condo. When she came out, Anya was just finishing folding the clothes so she took over putting them up as Anya went to take her shower.

Once she had put the clothes away, she went to the living room and turned on the TV. She had never been much to watch TV and since she had been at school with no TV, all the shows she used to watch didn't hold her interest anymore after having missed what had happened on the shows for the past year. So she flipped through the channels and then she found the music channels which played different genre of music for each of the channels. She flipped through a few before finding one that just played soft love songs and it was playing an old song that she had always loved. She laid her head back against the couch closing her eyes as she listened to the song. The next song that came on and while she had never heard it before, it was soft and gentle and it soothed her so she just left it on that channel listening to the soft rhythms of the song.

She didn't hear Anya coming from the bathroom until she felt her legs against the sides of her knees. Danica opened her eyes to see Anya standing in front of her also wearing a robe. "What you doing?" Anya said as she slid her knees to the sides of Danica's hips and sitting down on her thighs. She saw that Anya's hair was still slightly damp and that she had a soft smile on her lips.

"Listening to some old love songs," Danica said putting her hands to Anya's hips.

"They sound romantic," Anya said softly.

"They do don't they," Danica replied.

"You know what they put me into the mood of doing?" Anya asked.

"What's that?" Danica asked curious as to what Anya was thinking.

"They make me want to kiss a very pretty girl," Anya replied with a soft smile forming upon her lips.

"Too bad there isn't a pretty girl around here for you to kiss," Danica said returning Anya's smile.

"Oh yes there is, a very pretty girl," Anya said and Danica watched as Anya brought her hands up putting them to her cheeks.

Danica started to argue with her about her being a very pretty girl but by then Anya was already leaning forward and she forgot to argue, instead wanting the kiss that Anya was about to give her. Danica closed her eyes tilting her head to accept the kiss that was so soft yet lingering. Anya pulled back pausing just long enough For Danica to wonder if she was going to kiss her again. But then she felt Anya's warm breath against her lips and then she felt Anya's lips touching her lips lightly again however this time she pressed her lips in while opening them. Danica felt herself moan when Anya's tongue touched her tongue.

Danica's hands gripped Anya's hips as Anya's tongue caressed her tongue and she felt her pussy becoming moist. She released Anya's hips moving her hands to the tie that held Anya's robe together. She pulled it loose opening the robe, she brought her hands up cupping Anya's breasts. As she squeezed them tenderly, she felt Anya moan into her mouth. Anya pulled back ending the kiss allowing them both to catch their breaths.

Danica lowered her head taking Anya's right nipple into her mouth sucking it unto her mouth. Anya moaned again and Danica felt Anya's nipple hardening against her lips. She released the nipple giving it a kiss and then she moved her lips to Anya's left nipple kissing it before sucking it into her mouth. She moved her right hand down Anya's belly to her mons. Anya raised her hips up so that Danica's fingers could slip down to her pussy which was so wet. She used her fingertips to caress Anya's lips getting a louder moan from her.

"Oh fuckkkk..." Anya moaned when Danica moved her fingertips to her clit.

Danica moved her mouth from one of Anya's nipples to the other as her fingers teased Anya's clit rubbing it and circling it as Anya moaned. Ever so slowly she increased the pressure that she was using against Anya's clit and she increased the speed of her fingers. Anya moved her hips against Danica's fingers as Danica bit down on Anya's left nipple. Anya arched her back and she cried out as her orgasm hit. Danica continued to rub against Anya's clit making her orgasm more intense until Anya collapsed against her.

Danica hugged Anya against her body as Anya panted through her orgasm. Ever so slowly Anya came back to life and she let out a contented sigh before she slowly sat back up on Danica's lap.

"You know I came out of the bathroom with every intention of making love to you, not the other way around," Anya said softly and with a smile obviously not too disappointed that she was the one made love to.

"Sorry about that," Danica said dropping her head like she really was sorry.

"No you're not," Anya said lifting Danica's chin with her fingers to give her a kiss.

As Anya kissed her, Danica felt Anya's hands at the tie to her robe that was quickly untied and opened. Anya pulled her head back ending the kiss and she slid her ass back dropping her head down to Danica's breasts. Danica put her hands to Anya's shoulders gripping them as she felt Anya sucking on her left and then right nipple with Anya's hands caressing her breasts, squeezing them. Danica let Anya suck and kiss her breasts but for a moment before she gently began to urge Anya to move lower on her body.

Anya slid her ass off of Danica's knees going down to her own knees in front of Danica who scooted her ass to the edge of the couch opening her legs for Anya to get between. Danica closed her eyes when she felt Anya's hands on her knees spreading them wilder. She felt Anya's breathe against her pussy and then she felt her tongue touch her lips and she moaned loudly. A moment later she felt Anya's fingers opening her lips and her tongue dipping inside of her pussy.

"Oh yes baby," Danica moaned.

Anya's tongue went in deep within her pussy moving inside of her entrance. She then felt Anya's tongue go to her clit and a finger entering her pussy. She moaned loudly feeling that finger go deep and Anya's tongue pressing against her sensitive clit. Anya began to fuck her harder as she changed from licking Danica's clit to sucking upon it. Danica felt like every nerve in her body was going haywire as Anya's continued to fuck her with her finger and then when Anya began to use her tongue against her clit. Danica just knew that she was about to die of pleasure.

"Fuckkk..." Danica cried as her orgasm hit her hard and then washed throughout her body.

When she came back to life, she felt Anya's tenderly licking her pussy lips and she shivered as another small orgasm rushed up on her catching her by surprise. She recovered a little more quickly this time and she pulled up on Anya who instead of coming up to her, she stood up.

"Let's try out my parent's bed," she said reaching down to her.

"How about we try out our new bed," Danica corrected her.

"That sounds even better," Anya said giggling a little.

Danica let Anya help her up and she gave her a kiss, "You turn down the bed and I'll turn off the lights".

"Okay," Anya said, "Don't be long."

Danica went on to turn off the lights and making sure that everything was turned off. As she was turning off the living room lights she saw Anya coming out of the bathroom which made her realize that wasn't so bad an idea.

"God I'll lose you in that bed," Danica said with a smile upon seeing Anya already in the king size bed.

"Not if you sleep on my side of the bed with me," Anya replied.

"How about you sleeping on my side of the bed," Danica countered as she slipped her robe off laying it on the only chair in the room where Anya had put her robe.

"Or we can meet in the middle," Anya suggested.

"Mmmmm..." Danica said pausing for a moment as if she was thinking over that idea, "I guess I can do that."

"You guess," Anya said pouting.

"Okay I will," Danica said laughing at Anya's pout.

"You'd better," Anya said, "Now turn off the light and get into bed with me."

"Yes ma'am," Danica said laughing as she turned off the light putting the room into darkness. "I think we forgot your nightlight."

"We don't need it," Anya said.

"No we don't," Danica said as she walked toward the bed but then she got there quicker than she thought she would, hitting her shins on the bed frame. "Or maybe we do," she added laughing.

Danica got on into the bed slipping in against Anya feeling Anya's hands pulling her in close. Danica put her right arm under Anya's side and to her back as her left slipped around her side to her back. Soon their lips found each other and they begin to kiss. Their kisses were light and sensual at first while their hands caressed each other's backs and arms. Soon their lips opened and their kissing became more passionate and their bodies responded to those kisses.

Danica felt Anya's hand move from her back down to her ass feeling it caress her there. Danica copied Anya's move and followed Anya's hand when it moved to the front of her body. Danica raised her top leg up she felt Anya's fingers find her pussy. Danica's hand went to Anya's pussy finding it wet and ready for her. Danica let her finger lightly touch Anya's lips getting a moan from her and she too had to moan feeling Anya's fingers teasing her wet lips. Danica slipped her middle finger between Anya's lips pushing her finger inside of her feeling Anya's pussy squeeze down on her finger. A moment later she felt Anya's finger pushing inside of her and she moaned. They fingered each other slowly, more caressing than fucking. But as they became more and more aroused their fingers did move to their clits, caressing and then pressing down harder as they both came together with moans into each other's ears.

When she recovered, she felt Anya's fingers leave her pulsing pussy and Anya brought them to her lips smearing her juices on her lips before kissing her. When the kiss ended, Danica did the same to her mixing their juices on each other lips. They kissed for a moment more before settling in against each other for some much needed sleep.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 16

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