Exchanging Roommates

Published on Nov 9, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Sixteen

By Chris

The next morning, they woke up to a new day, one where one of them would have to fix them something to eat and since Anya was already starving, Danica volunteered to figure out something for them to fix for breakfast. This proved to be harder than she had realized, she had been used to having her breakfast fixed first by her mother and then by the dining room cooks. She settled on cinnamon flavored oatmeal and raison toast, both of which she knew Anya would like.

Once they finished breakfast and got dressed, they headed to the university where they encountered another problem, where to park but since it was summer school, it wasn't as big a problem as it would be once the fall semester started and all the students would be back at school. They got their schedules after paying their tuition. They then met up with Andi and Haley to do a little window shopping at the mall.

They both had arraigned for morning classes so that they were able to take one car to school each day. That made this simpler for them to get to and from school. They began to find their way in their new home, sharing the cooking and cleaning though Danica found that she was doing most of the cooking, not that she minded as Anya did all the laundry which Danica hated to do.

Saturday afternoon, Haley and Andi came over for their normal Saturday fun day. It felt funny not having Georgia, Hank and Shawn there with them but their lives took them to other places for the summer. They went out for dinner but then they couldn't decide on what to do after that. They really didn't want to go dancing and have to put up with all the guys trying to pick them up since they were four women alone, with Shawna and Hank there, they made for an easy excuse not dance with someone they didn't like. They discussed several other ideas before they decided to just go back to the condo.

"So what do we do now?" Danica asked as they entered the condo.

"We could play cards, I have a deck," Anya suggested.

"Okay but what game?" Andi asked.

"What about strip poker," Haley said out of the blue.

"What?" Andi, Danica and Anya said almost in unison with them all being surprised that Haley would suggest such a game with her being shy and reserved as she was for the most part.

"I've never played it and I want to be able to say I have and this way it is just us girls, no men around, including Shawn," Haley said with a red hue developing upon her cheeks.

"I've never played it either and I think if will be fun," Anya's said with a big grin.

Danica wasn't so sure this was a great idea but she went along getting a couple of blankets and pillows for them to sit on in the middle of the living room. They got some drinks and chips to eat as they played. They then counted clothes which did come out even as they all were wearing tee shirts, shorts, bras and panties. Anya went and got them all a pair of socks to put on just to make the game last longer.

When they all had sat back down, Haley was sitting across from Danica with Anya on her right side and Andi on her left side. Since Anya was holding the cards, she went ahead and dealt them. As Danica picked up her cards, she started with the ace of spades but it went down from there with the rest being number cards and none of them matching. Having only the basic understanding of poker, she really didn't know what to discard and what to keep. So she ended up keeping the ace and the next higher card, her replacement cards weren't much better than what she had to begin with. She looked around at everyone else and they were all frowning.

"So what do we do now?" Andi asked.

"We lay down our cards in the order that they were dealt and see what we have," Danica suggested.

"I guess that means I go first," Anya said with a frown and she lay her cards down with her highest card being a queen and nothing much else. "I got nothing."

"I don't either," Haley said laying down her cards with hers being king high and no matching cards.

"Me either," Andi said and they all looked to Danica.

"I wish I could say I had something but I'm afraid not," Danica said.

"So what do we all do now?" Haley asked looking disappointed that this wasn't working out. "We all take something off?"

Danica looked around and saw that they were all looking toward her for direction, like she was the expert on poker. She knew she had to come up with something or the game would end right here.

"No, no one takes anything off until someone wins a game," Danica said and she decided to add some more rules to keep the game going. "Then whoever has the lowest high card after that has to remove something. That way the game will go on longer."

"Is that how it is played?' Haley asked.

"Its how we're going to play it," Danica said.

"Sounds good to me, especially since I am going to be the only one clothed as the rest of you are naked," Anya boasted.

"Yeah right," Andi said, "I'm the one going to be the one clothed!"

"Nope, I'm going to win!" Haley chimed in.

"Ladies, with the way we are starting, we'll all still be wearing our clothes at three AM.," Danica said with a laugh.

"Oh no, someone will be naked long before then," Haley said, "And it will probably be me."

"Not with my luck," Andi said laughing with Haley.

"Deal Haley and let's see who has to take something off first," Danica told her.

Haley got the cards and shuffled them before dealing them. Danica picked up her first card which was a two of hearts. She frowned at that but when she picked up the second card that Haley dealt her, it was the two of spades.

"I think we're in trouble ladies, Danica is grinning from ear to ear. She has something," Anya said.

Danica looked up from her pair of twos to see that Haley had stopped dealing and they all were staring at her. "What I don't have anything!" Danica protested while trying her best not to grin.

"Give me an ace Haley, I don't want to be the first one to have to take something off," Anya said.

Haley went ahead and gave Anya her next card and was continuing to deal the cards when Anya said, "I wanted an ace not a five."

"I'm saving all the aces for me," Haley said with a laugh.

Danica tried not to grin but she couldn't help herself and finally gave up. The rest of her cards didn't help her so she discarded three cards and got three more, none of which was a two but then she didn't think she would need anything else.

Haley laid down her cards and she didn't have anything nor did Andi. It was Danica turn and she couldn't help but to grin as she laid her cards down with a pair of twos.

"I told you she had something," Anya said.

"Oh shut up and lay your cards down," Danica said and Anya did so with nothing either.

"Okay girls, let's see who has to take something off," Anya said.

All four of them looked at the cards and Anya had a jack so she had the highest card and Andi had a ten so that left Haley whose top card was an eight.

"I guess it's me," Haley said trying to frown but she was smiling when she reached down and took off her right sock.

The next hand was awash with no one having anything but then on the following hand Haley got a pair of tens. Andi was the low person so she took off one of her socks.

Haley and Andi each lost their other sock and they began to rib Danica and Anya that they were cheating but then Danica came up short when both Anya and Haley got a pair of eights and tens respectively. Danica made a big show of taking off her right sock throwing it at Haley who was making a big deal of her losing.

The next hand, Anya got a pair of kings with no one else getting anything. This time Haley had an ace so she was in the clear leaving it down to Danica and Andi and they both had a high card of a jack so they had to go to the second highest card. Danica had a nine while Andi had an eight.

"Damn!" Andi said as she reached down to the hem of her tee shirt. "Now I wish I had worn another bra," She added as she pulled her tee shirt up and off revealing that she was wearing a white lace bra that her nipples showed through.

"That's a pretty bra," Haley said.

"Yes but my nipples are showing through," Andi said blushing a little.

"By the end of this game, that won't be the only thing showing," Anya said with a laugh.

"True," Andi said with her cheeks turning a darker hue.

"You know we can stop here and say that we have played strip poker," Danica suggested as she came to realize that they would all be naked around their friends and not just strangers as she had done with Anya at her parent's cottage.

"You say that after I take off my tee shirt," Andi said with a laugh.

"I should have said it before you took your shirt off," Danica said feeling a little bad about her timing.

"No it's cool, I was kidding you," Andi said laughing.

"So do we continue?" Anya asked being serious.

"I want to play until the end," Haley said, "though I'm not looking forward to being the first naked but that is what makes it exciting."

"I want to play too," Andi said, "its fun and it will make this an evening to remember."

"That's for sure," Haley added.

"Okay we play," Anya said and then Danica felt Anya's hand on her knee and she gave it a squeeze.

Danica looked over at Anya and she knew from the way Anya was looking at her that she was telling her something and then she realized what Anya wanted. Danica gave her the slightest of smiles knowing that Anya wanted them to be the first losers.

So on the next hand, Danica discarded her three highest cards however she got two threes in return making her frown. It would be her luck to win when she was trying to lose, however Anya came through and she lost her first sock. She also lost her second sock on the next hand before Danica finally came through and lost her second sock on the next hand.

They went through two hands where no one had anything and they took a pee break before continuing on. Danica was dealing and she somehow managed to deal herself two queens thus winning the hand. But Anya came through again but just barely with her and Haley going down to the third card where Haley had a seven and Anya having a six.

Anya then stood up, "What are you doing?" Danica asked.

"Taking off my jeans, I have a thinner bra on than Andi does," Anya said making everyone laugh.

"Then take off your tee shirt," Haley told her.

"Nope, my jeans are coming off." Anya said as she unbuttoned her jeans and shucking them off her hips. She was wearing an aqua colored panty briefs that did look cute on her.

She sat back down and picked up the cards, shuffling them before dealing them out. Andi always waited until all of her cards were dealt before picking them up and when she looked at them she blurted out, "Hot dog!"

"I think Andi is safe on this hand," Danica said looking at a grinning Andi.

"Oh I believe so," Haley said and Andi didn't even bother to hide the grin on her face.

Andi discarded only two cards making Danica believe that she had three of a kind. Again she waited until Anya gave her both of her cards before picking them up. "Oh MY God!" came from Andi's lips with her eyes as wide as tea cups.

"Oh we're in big trouble now," Anya said with a smile.

Anya laid her cards down and of course she had nothing and neither did Haley.

"Can I go last, you all won't believe this," Andi said.

"That's fine, I just have a pair of kings but I'm quite sure that you got me beat," Danica said laying her cards down.

Andi was positively giddy as she laid her cards down and they all gasped when they saw that Andi had four aces, the highest they could get since they weren't using any wild cards.

"Can you believe this?" Andi said excitedly.

"No and I'm looking at them," Haley said with her mouth ajar.

"I don't know about you all but I think we all need to take something off to reward Andi for getting four aces," Danica said.

"I can't argue with that," Haley said.

"Who goes first?" Anya asked.

"I will," Haley said as she pulled her tee shirt up and off revealing a black bra that did hide her nipples.

Anya went next and sure enough, she had indeed worn a bra that was sheer and her nipples were seen very clearly. Danica noticed that those nipples were hard, something that she was sure that Anya was not aware of. It was Danica turn next and she took off her tee shirt and she was thankful that she had put on a white cotton bra with cups that hid her nipples completely. But for some reason, she wished that she had worn something a bit more revealing.

Haley dealt next and Andi wasn't as lucky this time as she ended up with a nine as her high card and Haley had a pair of sevens. "Haley, please tell me the next time that we're going to play strip poker," Andi said as she stood up.

"Why?" Haley asked as Andi pushed her jeans down revealing the cute pair of thong panties that she was wearing. "Oh," Haley said and then letting out a little giggle.

"Yes oh," Andi said blushing from head to toe. As she sat back down, Danica couldn't help but to notice that there was a dark area on Andi's panties. She just hoped that her own panties wouldn't show that she was beginning to get moist too. She also noticed that there were just a few black hairs peeking around Andi's panties.

On the next hand, Andi had a pair of sixes and Danica was sure that she would lose this hand as her high card was a nine, but then Haley put her hand down and her high card was a seven. Haley stood up and removed her jeans but she had on a pair of white cotton panties however they also had a small wet spot to them. Danica began to wonder just where this game was going but it was too late to stop it now.

Danica and Anya weren't having much luck in trying to lose as the very next hand, Haley came up on the short end again and she was down to her panties and bra and one would have to come off.

"Shit!" Haley said when she realized that she was going to have to take her bra off. "Close your eyes," she told them.

"You don't have..." Anya was saying when Haley put her hand up stopping her from saying anything more.

"No I want to do this but just close your eyes for a moment," Haley said reaching to her back to her bra strap.

"You know we're all going to see your boobs sooner or later," Andi informed her.

"I know but I want it to be just a little bit later, so close your eyes," Haley said keeping her hands in place until they all had closed their eyes.

Danica didn't really have a desire to see Haley's breasts until Haley made them all close their eyes which made her that much more curious however she kept her eyes closed as requested.

"Okay you can open them now," Haley said.

Danica opened her eyes to see that Haley had a hand covering each of her breasts. Danica had to smile at Haley whose face was so red that Danica feared that all her blood had gone to her face and neck.

"Ta Da!" Haley said as she dropped her hands revealing her breasts. She had pale nipples to match her pale skin complexion and her areoles were small. Danica also noticed that Haley's nipples were hard and it wasn't because the room was cool, she had turned up the heat when they decided to play strip poker.

Danica knew Haley had to be very self conscious about being the only one topless so she reached over and covered Anya's eyes with her hand, "No staring, you're only allowed to look at my boobs," Danica said making Haley laugh.

"Me staring, you're not allowed to look either," Anya said uncovering her eyes and then placing her hand over Danica's eyes.

"I wasn't staring, you were," Danica said pulling Anya's hand down.

"No I wasn't," Anya protested, "I didn't even notice that Haley had a small mole on her left breast."

"And you weren't staring..." Danica said and then she laughed as did Andi and Haley which was what Danica wanted and so did Anya, she knew.

"Come on and let's play another hand so I won't be the only one with her breasts bared." Haley said picking up the cards and began to shuffle them even though it wasn't her time to deal.

Danica got a pair of kings on the next hand which she discarded keeping the other three cards which were low. She finally got lucky and the two cards she got back didn't match any that she had and were also low but even with her low cards, she was still barely lower than Haley's cards.

Danica knew what she needed to remove and it wasn't her jeans. She smiled at Haley as she reached back to unhook her bra. She knew this was what she should do and had been naked in front of people before but still she felt some nerves as she brought the straps forward. She tried to be nonchalant as she let the cups of her bra fall off the breasts. She dropped her bra down beside of her and she looked at Haley who gave her an appreciative smile.

Anya then reached over and covered Haley's eyes with her hand saying, "Now don't you look at her tits, only I get to do that."

"Anya!" Danica said slapping Anya on her knee with Haley and Andi laughing at her.

"Well I am," Anya said defending herself as she brought her hand away and then she too laughed.

"Come on let's play," Andi said picking up the cards but instead of shuffling and dealing them, she handed them to Danica much to her surprise. Danica figured that Andi was up to something but she wasn't sure what it was.

Despite her best efforts to deal herself a bad hand, she ended up with a pair of aces that she had to lay down first. Anya only had a ten high hand and Haley's bad luck continued as her hand was eight high. Now it was Andi's turn to lay down her hand to decide if she or Haley would have to take something off.

"You all got me beat," Andi said putting her hand down however she didn't place them face up but face down so no one could see what she actually had.

Danica knew whatever Andi had would have beat what Haley had and she was sure that Haley and Anya knew too but no one reach down to turn Andi's hand over to see for sure.

Andi quickly reached back and unhooked her bra pulling it off in one fell swoop. "TaDa!" she said as Haley had done. She too was trying to act like it was no big deal however her red hue that colored her cheeks told everyone otherwise.

"Well I'm not going to be the only one with her bra on," Anya said reaching back to undo her bra and she took it off revealing her pretty breasts that always made Danica's pussy twitch as it did so now.

It was quiet for a moment as they all tried not to look at each other but doing so anyway. Haley broke the silence by saying, "Okay from here on in, we all play to win." As she said this she looked at Anya and then her with a stern look to Danica. Obviously she and Anya weren't as discreet as she thought in trying to lose Danica thought to herself.

"Deal," Danica said standing up, "However we all need to start off even so I got to lose my jeans. She undid her jeans pushing them off her hips hoping that no one noticed that she like them had a damp area on the gusset of her panties.

"Okay girls, let's see who loses her panties first," Anya said picking up the cards.

Now Danica did play to win as she really didn't want to be the first to lose her panties. Anya only took one card which told Danica that Anya wasn't going to lose this hand. She on the other hand didn't have anything so she went for broke and drew five new cards hoping for something good to happen, however her first hand had a jack high and now she was left with a nine high hand.

Anya laid down her hand to reveal that she had two pairs thus ensuring that she wouldn't lose. Haley had a pair of threes and then Andi laid down her hand revealing a jack as her high card and Danica knew that she had screwed up on taking a chance she would get better cards.

Danica tried to think of a way to shed her panties without revealing too much so she decided to put her legs together and push them off that way; that is until Anya opened her big mouth.

"Oh no, you got to stand up and take them off," Anya told her with a big grin plastered across her lips.

"You know you're going to have to shed your panties too," Danica said as she stood up per Anya's request.

"Oh no, I'm going to be the only one that gets to keep her panties right where they are," Anya said with the upmost confidence.

"Oh they'll be coming off one way or another, won't they girls," Danica said looking from Andi to Haley.

"Oh hell yes," Andi said directing her gaze at Anya who just laughed.

"Enough stalling, take your panties off girl," Anya told her.

"I am, just give me a second," Danica said taking in a breath before putting her hands to her panties and pushing them down past her knees thankful that she was facing everyone and not showing her ass and everything else to everyone.

It wasn't as bad as she feared until she heard Haley say, "You shaved your pussy." And that is when Danica felt her face grow very warm.

"Oh god I'm sorry, I was just a little surprised," Haley said putting her hand to her mouth.

"Well someone talked me into it," Danica said looking down at Anya who had this sudden shocked look on her face.

"I talked you into it, you're the one who talked me into it," Anya protested loudly.

"See I'm not the only one who shaves," Danica said smiling at Anya who just gave her the finger.

"So can I put my clothes back on since I lost?" Danica asked knowing that wasn't ever going to happen.

"No you get to go get us refills on our cokes as I get Andi and Haley to lose their panties." Anya said to her.

"Is she always so full of herself?" Haley asked.

"Pretty much but I've learned to just ignore her," Danica said grinning at Anya.

"Shut up and go fetch us something to drink, wench," Anya told her which earned her a one finger salute.

When Danica returned with everyone something to drink, they were just laying down their cards and no one winning the hand so they started again. Danica wasn't sure just what to do at this point since she was out of the game. She thought about helping Haley and Andi so Anya would lose but then she had seen Anya naked and she was curious what Haley and Andi would look like naked and to see if they would take their panties off. So she went over to Anya and got down on her knees behind her putting her hands to her shoulders.

"Hey no fair helping Anya," Andi protested.

"Yeah, that's no fair," Haley echoed.

"If I helped either of you, I'd be sleeping on the couch tonight," Danica said with a grin.

"Good point," Andi said not that either of them was all that concerned as she was the first one to lose so how much help could she be.

The next hand Anya didn't have anything and was about to throw away her three lowest cards when Danica noticed that Anya had an eight, nine, and a ten.

"No keep these three," Danica whispered to her.

"Why?" Anya whispered back.

"You might get a straight," Danica told her whispering but Haley and Andi were so close, they probably heard what she was saying.

"What are the odds of that happening?" Anya asked.

"About a million to one," Andi said with a laugh.

"If I get a straight, will you both take off your panties?" Anya asked.

"Yes but if you don't, you'll have to remove your panties and then you and Danica have to do a dance for us, a wild crazy dance," Haley said.

"Deal, give me two cards," Anya said to Haley who was dealing.

Haley placed two cards face down in front of Anya, then she and Haley both laid down their cards with neither of them having anything not that it mattered as the game now rested on the two cards that lay on the floor in front of Anya.

Anya laid down the three cards that she had in her hand and then all so slowly turned over one of the cards that Haley had dealt her. It was a jack, one of the two cards that she would need. Danica could see that Haley and Andi were just a bit nervous but still confident that the last card would win the game for them.

"You turn over the other card," Anya told Danica.

Danica leaned over Anya pressing her breasts into Anya's back sending an unintended shiver through both of their bodies. Danica was sure that it wouldn't be a card that they needed, still she dragged out the drama by slowly turning over the card. It was the queen of hearts; miracles of miracles they had somehow pulled off the straight.

"Oh My God," Anya cried in surprised and then she turned her head giving Danica a kiss.

"Well girls looks like you have to lose your panties," Anya said with a big grin plastered across her lips.

"You cheated!" Haley said in protest.

"You dealt the cards," Anya said.

"Oh yeah," Haley said sheepishly and after a pause she looked at Andi, "so who goes first?"

"I will, I'm practically not wearing any panties anyway," Andi said referring to the thongs that she was wearing.

Andi stood up and Danica could see how nervous she was by the way her hands had a slight tremor. She reached down to her panties hooking her thumbs into the waistband and she began to push them off her hips. Danica happened to glance over at Haley and saw that her eyes were riveted to Andi's pussy as first the brown hair of her trimmed pubic hair was revealed and then her lips as the panties were pushed down to Andi's thighs. Andi pushed them all the way past her knees letting them drop to her ankles where she stepped out of them. She stood there for a moment letting them look at her but Danica had a feeling in her stomach that this was more for Haley's benefit which got her to wondering about those two.

She sat down and looked to Haley as said, "Your turn."

"I know," Haley said standing up. Her face was already had a deep red hue and that was before she reached down to her panties. She slowly began to push her panties down. Danica looked not at Haley but Andi whose eyes were directed at Haley who was slowly licking her lips. Danica then knew that sometime or another an attraction had developed between these two. She moved her eyes back to Haley whose pubic hair was just coming into view; her light blond hair was sparse and fine so when her lips came into view, Danica could see that she had a very pretty pussy with her inner lips just barely peeking out from her outer lips and she could just see the moisture upon those lips. When she stepped out of her panties, she quickly sat back down with her whole body having a slight red hue from her embarrassment.

"I told you that I would be the one who got to keep her panties on... now what shall I have you three do..." Anya said with a mischievous grin to her lips and eyes.

"I got an idea," Danica said getting up.

"What's that?" Anya asked looking to her.

"Grab her shoulders, we're going to get those damn panties off of her," Danica said not to Anya but to Andi and Haley.

She was hoping that they would act quicker than Anya could and she found that Andi and Haley were more than up to the challenge as they slipped up on their knees and leaned toward Anya pushing her shoulders down to the floor. Danica was just as quick as she moved around to Anya's legs.

"Oh no you don't, I won so I get to keep my panties on!" Anya protested and she fought back however she didn't fight all that hard as they were all easily able to hold her down.

"Not for long, right ladies!" Danica said grinning at Anya.

"I'll get you back girl," Anya said to her.

"Kind of hard to get me back pinned to the floor like you are," Danica said moving up so that she could sit on Anya's lower legs further pinning her down. As she did that, Anya could have easily kicked her where she wouldn't want to be kicked however Anya kept her legs still letting Danica have her way.

"Get ready to feast your eyes on the prettiest pussy in California girls," Danica said as she reached for Anya's panties.

Now while Anya was using her arms to fight off Andi and Haley, she also raised her hips up allowing Danica to pull her panties down off her hips and down her thighs. Danica slipped her ass off Anya's legs so that she could pull Anya's panties on off her feet.

Danica couldn't resist doing one more thing that she hoped Anya would play along with. She grabbed Anya's ankles, using them to spread Anya's legs out wide, "Look girls at what has to be the prettiest pussy on the face of the earth!" Danica said.

This did take Anya by surprise, "Oh My God!" Anya cried out breaking loose from Andi and Haley's grip to reach down and cover her pussy with her hands. Not that she really needed to do so as Danica was the only one who really saw her open pussy, Andi and Haley were laying on the floor dying of laughter.

Danica too was laughing as Anya sat up, "I can't believe you did that!" Anya protested showing her anger, but then she saw Haley and Andi wiping the tears of laughter from their eyes and she too began to laugh.

"I will get you back my dear friend," Anya said softer this time allowing Danica to hug her.

"Sorry but I just couldn't resist," Danica said in her defense.

"I bet you couldn't," Anya said giving her a kiss of forgiveness.

Haley and Andi sat back up wiping the last of the tears from their eyes and it grew silent for a moment as they all sat there with Anya sitting beside of Danica and Andi and Haley sitting side by side.

"Can I ask you both something?" Haley asked with her voice suddenly taking a serious tone.

"Sure you can ask us anything, you know that," Danica answered.

"How did you know that you were lesbian?" Haley asked.

"What do you mean?" Anya asked.

"Did you know before you two got together, I mean before you kissed or was it then you knew?" Haley asked.

"I don't know, maybe we both knew before then but when Anya kissed me, after the shock wore off, I felt it was right for me," Danica answered.

"For both of us," Anya added.

"Is there a reason you're asking us?" Danica asked.

"I've sort of developed an attraction to someone, something that I can't seem to get out of my mind," Haley said nervously.

"Someone here?" Anya asked.

"Yes," Haley said and that made Danica wonder if it was her or Anya but then she looked at Haley who seemed to be forcing herself to look at them or rather than looking at Andi.

Danica decided to see if she was right, "Is that the way you feel Andi?"

Andi allowed only the slightest of smiles to appear on her lips, "Yes," she said in almost a whisper.

"Have you kissed?" Danica asked.

"No, we've talked a little about our feelings but we can't seem to get it together," Andi said.

"I can't get it together, I want to but scared to at the same time," Haley said.

"What about Shawn?" Danica had to ask as he was her friend too.

"He knows that I have some questions about my sexuality, I told him from the beginning. I love him but I don't know if he is what I am looking for," Haley said honestly.

"So is this why we played strip poker?" Anya asked.

"Oh god no, that just popped out of my head," Haley said as she face turned red making Danica believe her.

"Okay the only way you will know is to kiss and see what happens," Danica said.

"We can't seem to get to that point without one of us backing off," Haley said showing her frustration and fear.

"I think we can help you there," Danica said getting up.

"We can?" Anya asked getting up with her.

"Yes we can, clear the floor while I turn off the lights and turn on the TV," Danica said.

"Oh..." Anya said smiling as she figured out where Danica was going.

Anya got Haley and Andi to help her clear the floor with them both confused as to how the TV was going to help them with their problem. Danica turned on the TV, tuning it to the music channel that played love songs that one could slow dance to thus setting the mood.

Once the lights were off with the room lighted by the soft background of the TV, she then went to Haley grasping her by the shoulders bringing her to Andi who had Anya behind her. Anya and Danica worked together guiding Andi and Haley's hands so that they stood close together with one hand on each other's side that the other on their lower back. Danica guided Haley's head until it was lying against Andi's shoulder and Anya did the same for Andi.

"Listen to the music and the words," Danica said softly, barely more than a whisper.

She then stepped back and she and Anya came together, placing their hands pretty much the same as they had placed Andi and Haley's hands with Danica putting her head on Anya's shoulder. She felt Anya's warm soft body against her own and she let the music seep into her ears and brain going to her heart. They began to sway to the music and after a moment she saw that Andi and Haley were doing the same.

They all danced to the music that was playing on the TV, though they were doing more swaying than dancing but the dim light of the TV and the soft music was providing the mood that Danica had wanted to be set. However there was one more thing that Danica needed to do and she needed Anya's help with that.

She moved her lips to Anya's ear whispering, "Kiss me."

Anya didn't answer; she just brought her right arm up curling it behind Danica's head. Danica closed her eyes as Anya's lips came near hers, she let out an involuntary moan as their lips touched. She didn't intent to moan but Anya's kisses tended to do that to her and after their game of strip poker, she was more than a little aroused, not to mention feeling Anya's soft naked body against her as they danced and kissed.

Danica felt Anya's lips opening and she couldn't help but to respond in the same manner. She brought her hands up to Anya's shoulders gripping them tightly as their tongues touched. She heard Anya moan into the kiss and that got her body to respond even more with her nipples becoming hard and her pussy moist. She got lost in the kiss forgetting why she had wanted Anya to kiss her in the first place. She pulled her head back a moment to catch her breath allowing Anya to do the same. She then kissed Anya's lips but only lightly and briefly before she kissing her cheeks and she went down to Anya's throat, kissing her lightly and nibbling ever so gently against Anya's tender skin. Anya let out a louder moan; Danica moved her right hand down to Anya's left ass cheek giving it a squeeze making Anya moan again.

She had forgotten all about Haley and Andi being in the room with them until she heard a moan that didn't come from either her or Anya. Anya obviously heard the moan too as they both pulled back, Danica looked over to see Andi kissing Haley and Haley moaning into that passionate kiss.

Danica pulled away from Anya, taking her hand to lead her back to their bedroom. Danica pulled the sheets down and slipped into bed holding up the covers for Anya to slip in beside of her. They came together kissing and caressing one another, their hands moved to each other's breasts caressing them with their fingers. Danica moved her head down so that she could kiss and suck on Anya's nipples drawing moans from her however Anya didn't let her stay there long before Danica felt Anya's hands on her face puling it up for a kiss. Anya then moved her head down to kiss and caress Danica's breasts drawing moans from her.

Danica reached down Anya's body to her pussy finding it wet and swollen from her arousal. Anya pushed her pussy against her hand as Danica began to caress her lips. Danica soon felt Anya's hand going to her pussy and she opened her legs for her. As they kissed their fingers first caressed and then probed each other's pussy before their fingers went to the other's clit rubbing and teasing each other until their orgasms hit almost simultaneously.

When Danica had recovered, she felt Anya moving over her. As soon as Anya had her knees at her shoulders, Danica reached up to Anya's ass bringing it down to her mouth and she began to lick Anya's wet pussy. She felt Anya's breath on her pussy and then her tongue as she let out a moan into Anya's pussy. Their tongues moved along each other's lips and down between those lips. Danica drank in Anya's juices before moving to her sensitive clit sucking upon the little nub making Anya moan loudly. She began to lick against it as Anya sucked on her clit, sucking hard making Danica cry out as her orgasm crashed down upon her and then throughout her body. She felt Anya collapsing down upon her as her orgasm hit her a moment later.

After they recovered, Anya moved back around in the bed lying on her side with Danica turning to face her. As they kissed, Danica heard moans coming from the spare bedroom.

"I guess your idea worked," Anya said softly.

"Yes but was it the right thing to do, we helped Haley but hurt Shawn..." Danica said worrying that while doing the right thing, they had done the wrong thing.

"I know but this probably would have happened even if we didn't interfere," Anya told her.

"Ture but we did interfere," Danica told her.

"Then we confess our sins and hope that Shawn forgives us, but Haley did say that she had already talked to Shawn about her feelings and her questions of her sexuality," Anya replied.

"There is one other problem we might have created," Danica told her.

"What's that?" Anya asked.

"I don't want our home to become a place for our friends to use for their own personal pleasure. I want this to be a place that our friends can come to when they need help or a place to feel at home," Danica said.

"Then we let that be known too," Anya said before giving her a kiss.

Danica returned the kiss pulling in close to Anya and they cuddled together falling asleep to the sounds of soft moans coming from their spare bedroom.

Danica was the first to awake and she gave Anya a light kiss before getting up and heading toward the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth when Anya came in yawning as she headed to the toilet to pee. They talked as Anya peed and then Danica went on out to find something to fix for breakfast as Anya was already mentioning that she was hungry. Danica couldn't help but to glance into the spare bedroom and she saw Andi on her back with her breasts uncovered and Haley on her stomach beside of her with most of the covers over her. Danica just smiled going on to the kitchen.

Danica had breakfast fixed and she and Anya were just sitting down to eat when Haley and Andi came in. They talked as they ate with Danica taking care to avoid taking about what had happened, waiting for that to occur after they had eaten and that was when she turned the conversation back to what she and Anya had talked about.

"There is something that we want to talk about with you both," Danica said making her tone serious but not harsh in any way.

"I'm going to talk to Shawn, I want him to hear it from me and in person about how I feel about him and about Andi," Haley told them.

"Good you need to but we have to tell him about what we did, he is our friend too," Anya told her.

"We don't want him to feel like we valued your friendship more than we do his," Danica added hoping that Shawn would understand but then she wasn't sure if she would if one of her friends had just done what they did.

"I know and I will try and make him understand that," Haley said softly.

"There is one other thing," Anya said to them.

"This isn't going to become a place that Haley and I can come to make out," Andi said.

"Were you all listening to us last night?" Danica asked.

Andi laughed, "No but I've know you both for almost a year and I know how you think, this is your home not a motel that rents out by the hour."

"Well I wasn't going to put it that way," Danica said with a bit of a laugh. "But if any of our friends are in need of a place to get away from things, we are here for them but we're not looking for roommates."

"We know, we'll figure something out, this is new to us too and we got a lot to figure out," Andi said taking Haley's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"That being said, I think Andi and I need to get out of your hair but I do appreciate everything," Haley said standing up with Andi getting up with her.

"So we on for strip poker next weekend?" Anya asked with a big grin as they were heading toward the door.

"I think I'm going to be out of town next weekend..." Haley said but then she paused for a moment, "It was fun wasn't it?"

Danica smiled, "It was more than fun."

"We will play it again this summer, I promise," Anya said with a mischievous grin.

"I hope so but this next time I'm going to win!" Andi stated.

"The hell you are!" Danica said with a laugh.

"Well thank you both for everything," Haley said giving first Anya and then Danica a hug.

"We'll always be here for you, anytime either of you need to talk," Anya told them both.

"I know and we are here for you too," Andi said giving them both a hug before they left.

"Well I think that went well," Danica said.

"Yea, I believe it did but now it is back to the real world of practice and schoolwork," Anya said with a frown.

She gave Danica a kiss before heading to the bathroom to get ready to go to school to practice her violin. Danica had lots of homework to do so she decided to stay at the condo and work there. However she did make Anya promise to be home before it got dark.

The following Saturday, it was just Andi who came over; Haley had gone to talk to Shawn. They both could tell that while Andi tried not to be worried about the outcome of the conversation Haley was having with Shawn, she really was worried. They went out to Andi's favorite eatery and then they went to the latest blockbuster movie that was out and it actually turned out to be halfway decent. They offered to have Andi spend the night but Andi wanted to go back to the dorm rather than sleeping alone in the bed that she and Haley had first made love in.

They found out from Haley on Monday that she and Shawn had broken up but had agreed to remain friends. Danica wasn't so sure that would be possible but he and Haley really did pull it off. But then Haley had told Shawn from the beginning of their relationship that she wasn't completely sure where her sexuality lay. Danica and Anya also made sure that Shawn understood that he was still as much of their friend as Haley was, that would never change.

As the summer wore on, they adjusted to having a place of their own with bills to pay and chores to be done. If something needed fixed it was up to them to fix it or find someone that could do it for them, something that they had to pay out of their budget leaving less to spend on other things. This really solidified their relationship as a couple and led to an minor argument or two on what needed to be done first and how much they were willing to pay for it.

After one little spat that they resolved rather quickly and then of course made love to make up for the argument, Danica began think about how they were living together in their new home, about how they were now living as a real couple and not just roommates who fell in love. Their relationship had gotten to the point that there was only one more step for them to take and the more she thought about it, the more important it became for her. The problem was that she wasn't sure how Anya would feel but she knew that soon she would just have to get up the courage and ask.

She managed to get that courage on a Friday in early August just before finals were to begin and Anya was working on a project for her Ecology class. Anya had papers spread all across the kitchen table and she was trying to make sense of what the professor was after in this weird project or at least it was weird to her. Danica had been studying in the living room but her mind was on what she had been thinking about, thinking so much about it lately that she couldn't get anything else done before she did it.

She went into the kitchen and before she lost her nerve she said, "Let's get married."

"Yeah right," Anya replied without looking up from the text book she was reading from.

Danica felt like her heart was ripped apart by the way Anya had just flipped off her very serious and emotional request. "Fuck you!" Danica screamed before turning and running toward the bedroom, feeling the tears burn down her cheeks.

She never heard Anya say "Wait, what did you say?" She was trying not to sob until she could get to the bedroom and lock the door, which she did a moment later. She flung herself down on the bed crying and feeling so hurt. She had been thinking about this for weeks, practically since they had moved into the condo and for Anya to just pass it off like it was nothing about killed her, she thought that Anya would take her question so much more seriously and also in her mind, give her the answer that she so wanted to hear.

"Danica let me in," She heard Anya say through the door.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you!" Danica screamed back.

"Well I damn sure want to talk to you!" Anya screamed back at her through the door.

"I said I don't want to talk to you, you bitch!" Danica screamed wanting to be alone and suffer through her heartbreak.

Danica didn't hear a response so she figured that Anya was doing as she wanted, that is until she heard the door opening. Then she remembered that they had put a key to the bedroom door over the washing machine just in case it was ever needed. She felt Anya sitting down on the bed beside of her and she wanted to tell her to "Get the fuck out of there" however something stopped her from doing so.

"Danica please sit up and talk to me, we need to talk about this," Anya said so softly that Danica could barely hear her and there was something in Anya's voice that got through all the hurt that she was feeling, she could hear the hurt in Anya's voice, the same hurt that she was feeling which made her want to see for herself if Anya was feeling anywhere close to the pain that she was feeling.

She wanted for a moment and then she did turn over and she really did see the same hurt in Anya's eyes that she was feeling and then same tears that were rolling down Anya's cheeks. This made her sit up and listen to what Anya had to say though she really didn't believe that there was anything that Anya could say that would make the hurt that Anya had caused her.

"You know since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of getting married one day. I was going to have this big wedding with everyone I knew there and lots of flower girls and bridesmaids, just like all little girls do. Of course, it was always someone like my daddy that I wanted to marry but I guess that is normal too," Anya said with a hint of a smile that made Danica want to smile too as she had pretty much the same type of dreams when she was little.

"Only now it is you that I want to marry... some day..." Anya said pausing to let her words sink in and they did.

"But... but you don't want to marry me now," Danica stated feeling some of the hurt and pain she was feeling a moment ago come back.

"No we're not ready... I'm not ready. We need to get this right as once I get married, there is no undoing it, you're stuck with me until death do us part," Anya said.

"Then why didn't you tell me that when I asked you?" Danica asked now a bit confused.

"Danica you picked the wrong time to ask me and how you asked me. I mean I was deep into that damn ecology project when you asked me and to tell you the truth I really didn't hear what you asked until you told me to fuck off," Anya said in her defense.

Danica had to think about this for a moment and she went over what had happened and she slowly came to the conclusion that she was the one who had fucked up not Anya. "Okay, I fucked that one up, I admit it," Danica said still feeling a little hurt about Anya rejecting the thought of getting married but she could have planned it out a little better too.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Anya asked.

Danica again paused trying to decide how to answer that question and she decided to be honest, well in a way, "I don't want to tell you."

"Why not?" Anya asked obviously confused.

"Cause I know what you will say and I don't want to hear it," Danica said finally smiling to show Anya that she was saying that in a good way.

"And what would I say?" Anya asked.

"You would say that the next time I start to think about something so serious, to let you know about it so you can be thinking about it too, that way I won't catch you so off guard," Danica said.

"That is some good advice, I'm pretty smart when I want to be," Anya said grinning.

"Well... I wouldn't go that far," Danica said with a laugh and then she reached out and pulled Anya to her giving her a light kiss before pulling her in for a long hug.

Anya pulled back after a moment, "How about we get ready for bed and have some pillow talk."

"You need to study, this can wait," Danica told her.

"No my project can wait, this won't," Anya said giving her a light kiss before getting up off the bed. "I'll go turn off the lights and you can have the bathroom first."

"Thank you," Danica said referring not to getting the bathroom first but that Anya would put off her project to talk this out.

"You're welcome," Anya replied with a knowing smile.

When Danica looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom, she saw that her eyes were red and swollen and her hair was a mess. She washed her face and brushed out her hair making herself a bit more presentable however that didn't help her eyes, only a darkened bedroom would help with that. Unfortunately Anya came on into the bathroom before she could make her escape to the bedroom. However she noticed that Anya's eyes were almost as red so she didn't feel as bad about her own appearance.

Danica made sure the only light in the room came from the light outside of their bedroom window before she slipped into bed and waited for Anya who came in shortly afterwards.

"So?"Anya asked as they lay on their sides facing each other.

"So what?" Danica asked knowing what Anya was asking about but putting off the answer for a few seconds more.

"So how long have you been thinking about getting married?" Anya asked.

"I guess the thought came into my head right after we moved in here. I mean we were living together and it felt so right and real. I just began to think about making it permanent, making it legal." Danica told her.

"Making it legal won't make it permanent you know. That is up to us, not some piece of paper," Anya told her.

"I know, it's just how I feel," Danica replied. "How do you feel about us?"

"I feel like I can look forever and never find anyone who makes me as happy as you do," Anya said and then this grin appeared and Danica knew that Anya had something up her sleeve.

"However if I was ever to get that actress we saw last weekend naked in my bed, all bets are off," Anya said still grinning.

"Oh god, she couldn't ever act!" Danica replied.

"Did I say anything about acting, I just want her naked in my bed," Anya said.

"Oh god you're terrible!" Danica said as she grabbed one of the throw pillows that Anya kept on the bed and hit her with it.

"Hey what can I say, she's a cutie," Anya said with a laugh.

"Be serious," Danica said settling back down in the bed.

Danica could just see Anya saying something like that when she was being serious but when her lips turned from a wicked grin to a more serious smile.

"I just want us to wait until we are ready and our families are ready. I know my parents love you and think the world of you but I'm not sure they are ready for you to be my wife and me yours. I want to look at my mother and see tears of joy in her eyes when we say out vows." Anya said and she paused for a moment. "Are your parents ready for us to be married?"

Danica didn't have to think about that, "No they're not. They do love you, all my family does but they're not ready either. "

"And you'd want them there wouldn't you," Anya said.

"Yes..." Danica said and this time she paused for a moment. "I really fucked this all up didn't I?"

"No honey you didn't. You got the conversation started and now we can talk about it while we figured out who we are as individuals and as a couple." Anya said giving her a kiss and then a long hug.

"When will we know when we're ready?" Danica asked.

"The day you figure out the name of my teddy bear when I was a little girl," Anya said after thinking this over for only a brief moment.

"What does the name of your teddy bear has to do with us getting married?" Danica asked not seeing the logic in the question.

"Do you know its name?" Anya asked.

"No, I don't remember you ever talking about your teddy bear," Danica said trying hard to recall the damn bear's name.

"There you go, that gives you something to figure out about me and along the way I can figure out more about you," Anya said.

"You know I could get lucky and guess it right off," Danica said.

"I told you to figure it out and not guess at it," Anya reminded her.

"Oh yeah," Danica said. "Something tells me that you're not going to make it easy for me to figure it out."

"Nope," Anya said giving her a kiss. "But then think of all the fun we can have until you do."

"I hope the fun doesn't end when we get married." Danica said alluding to what Anya had unintentionally implied.

"It had better not or I will trade you in on that actress, whatever her name is," Anya said.

"You'd trade me in for an actress whose name you can't even remember?" Danica asked pouting like it hurt her feelings.

"In a second, she was hot!" Anya said.

"I'll show you who's hot!" Danica said pushing Anya onto her back and slipping on top of her, giving her the most passionate kiss that she could muster.

Epilog One - Three and a half years later

Danica was holding Anya after they had made love on a spring evening of their senior year. She knew the time was right to finally answer Anya's question and she knew that Anya was right to make them wait. They weren't ready to be married when she first asked Anya. They needed to make love many more times and they needed to have more than a few arguments that taught them how to argue with each other and the lines that they didn't need to cross. Unfortunately they had to cross those lines a few times to figure how where they were but they made it past that and she now knew a lot more about Anya and also that she still had some things to learn.

"I know the name of your teddy bear," Danica said softly.

"What was it?" Anya asked not looking up.

"You never had a teddy bear so it could never have a name. Your mother made you a cloth doll when she was pregnant with you and you named it Dolly. That is what you had to have in your arms before you could go to sleep at night and who had to be kissed like you were kissed as you were put to bed," Danica said as Anya raised up to give her a kiss.

"When did you figure it out?" Anya asked.

"It was last summer when your mother was telling me about the doll and how ugly it was and how much you loved it; then I thought about all the stuffed toys in your room and how I had never seen a teddy bear there. I then knew that there was never a teddy bear," Danica said. "It was a trick question."

"No it wasn't, it was a way to give us time to figure out who we were," Anya said.

"It was a trick question," Danica replied.

"Okay it was a trick question but it worked, my mother is asking me when we will get married." Anya said.

"Believe it or not but my mother told me that we had to get married in a church, didn't matter which one, but a church," Danica said.

"I didn't know that, why didn't you tell me?" Anya asked.

"The same reason you didn't tell me about your mom, I wanted to wait until the time was right and I think it's now," Danica said.

"Me too, but when and where," Anya asked.

"Knowing your mother and my mother and how their friendship is, they will have a lot to say about it. I suggest that we tell them what we want and let them figure it out." Danica suggested.

"Isn't that the chicken way out?" Anya asked.

"It sure is but we will only tell them that after we tell them that we both are going to be in white wedding gowns and that we both are going to walk down the aisle with our fathers who will both give us away; after that does it matter who marries us or where?" Danica asked.

Anya thought about that for a second before she answered, "No but I have a request for our honeymoon."

"What's that?" Danica asked.

"That we go to that big nudist resort in France that I told you about." Anya suggested.

"With a side trip to Paris?" Danica suggested.

"With aside trip to Paris and get our portrait drawn by some poor starving artist," Anya said.

"Deal," Danica said given Anya a passionate kiss.

Epilog Two - Night of their honeymoon:

"I got you a wedding gift," Danica said as she came into the bedroom of their cottage at the resort on the coast of southern France. She was dressed in a white flowing nightgown as was Anya who was sitting against the backboard of their honeymoon bed.

"I didn't know we were getting each other gifts, I didn't buy you anything," Anya replied

"Well actually I didn't buy you anything either, I just finished something for you," Danica said coyly.

"What's that?" Anya asked.

"The end to the story I let you read when we first became roommates, do you remember it?" Danica asked pulling the binder from behind her back.

"Yes I remember it, let me read it," Anya held out her hand as Danica got into bed with her.

"You're not going to read it now are you?" Danica asked as Anya had opened the binder and begun reading.

"I've waited four years to see how this damn story ends," Anya said not looking up from the page she was now reading.

"Okay," Danica said sliding up against her and she began to read as Anya read. The only problem was that by doing this she kept seeing the flaws in the story but Anya didn't seem to be noticing them.

Danica then decided it was better to read Anya's face to see what reaction that she had. She would smile then frown then smile again and she actually laughed at the one funny scene in the story. It was at the end of the story that Danica wanted to see how Anya would react. She saw the facial reaction that she thought that she would see but she also saw a tear run down Anya's cheek which did surprise her. Anya put the binder down and sat there for a moment before she turned her head toward her.

"You bitch!" Anya said and Danica could see that Anya was calling her a bitch for real but that pleased her. She had hooked Anya into the story and got genuine emotional response.

"How could you just let Pam leave Lori like that? Lori obviously loved her so much and Pam left her when she needed her the most." Anya said very pissed at her at that moment.

"Did she?" Danica asked her.

"Yes she did, Pam was a bitch for leaving Lori and you're a bitch for ending the story like you did," Anya told her.

Danica just smiled taking the story from Anya, opening it to the first page. "Read it again," She told her.

"I won't change my mind," Anya said definitely.

"That's fine, just read it again," Danica told her with Anya letting out a sigh but she did begin to reread the story.

Danica watched Anya and pretty much saw much the same reactions but she noticed that Anya was reading slower and taking in the words. She again ended the story with tears falling from her eyes.

Anya put the story onto her lap and after letting out a deep sigh, she said, "You're still a bitch."

"But?" Danica asked.

"But Pam had to leave, it was time for her to do so," Anya conceded.

"And Lori?" Danica asked.

"She knew all along that Pam would have to leave one day and I think she knew that the time had come. Pam had made her whole again and she could survive on her own." Anya said.

"So did you like it?" Danica asked.

"I loved it but you're still a bitch!" Anya said smiling this time.

Danica was pleased wanting Anya to love what she had created with her mind but she couldn't help but to say, "You know it's every girl's dream to be called a bitch on her wedding night, numerous times at that."

"Let me see if I can make it up to you," Anya said turning off the light on the nightstand and then pulling her in close for a kiss...

The End!

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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