Exchanging Roommates

Published on Jul 13, 2016


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Exchanging Roommates Chapter Two

By Chris

Anya drove as she was parked closer to the dorm; she went first to her bank where she got her money from the ATM. She counted out the bills handing them to Danica thus sealing the deal that had made them roommates. They set out for the diner that Danica was referring to when they happen to pass by a new Mexican restaurant that was supposed to be pretty good. Anya slowed down glancing over at Danica.

"Looks good to me," Danica said suddenly having a taste for some Mexican food.

"Me too," Anya said with a grin as she slowed, pulling into the restaurant, finding a parking place far from the entrance. Obviously they weren't the only ones that had heard that the food was pretty good, plus they had to wait for about thirty minutes to get a table.

The food was worth waiting for and they both stuffed themselves. When they got to the end of the meal and were drinking the last of their tea, Danica felt a burp coming that was determined to come out. She tried to hold it down but there was no stopping it. She tried to be ladylike as her mother tried hard to teach her to be however it came and it was loud.

"Oops..." Danica said embarrassed by her burp.

Anya didn't say anything and Danica wondered if Anya was one of those women who saw this as very rude which only served to embarrass Danica that much more. Danica was about to apologize for her rude behavior when Anya let out an even louder and longer burp.

"Beat that one!" Anya said with a big grin on her face.

"A burping violin player, I see what I got for a roommate," Danica said with a laugh.

"Yep and I'm great at both," Anya said laughing.

"I don't know I haven't heard you play violin yet," Danica said arching her eyebrow at her.

"I'll play for you while you get all you stuff off my bed," Anya said grinning at her.

"Oh that's so sweet of you," Danica said grinning back at Anya.

"I thought so," Anya replied before she began to laugh.

They both had a couple more burps in them on the way back that sent them both into giggling fits. Luckily they were out of burps by the time that they got back to their dorm room where the mess awaited them. They took turns in the bathroom before tackling Danica's clothes.

"I'll fold, you put it up where you want it," Anya said going to the bed where all of Danica's clothes were waiting to be put up.

"And iron them?" Danica asked going to the other side of the bed to get some of her clothes that were on hangers.

"Of course, can't you see me ironing them as I fold," Anya said laughing while she held a pretend iron over the jeans that she had in her hand.

"Yea I can," Danica said laughing with her.

"I got some room in my closet if you need it," Anya said, "now that all the bitch's things are out if it."

"You really hated her didn't you," Danica said as she came back for more of her clothes.

"You don't know what it was like," Anya said looking up at her and Danica looked back at her. "Okay maybe you do."

"They were both bitches who deserve each other," Danica said.

"Yea they do," Anya said pausing a second. "How long do you think they will get along?"

"I don't know, Debbie will try and dominate Shelley and from what I saw, I believe that she will be able to do so but for how long is anybody's guess." Danica replied.

"Shelley is pretty clueless but I think sooner or later she'll figure Debbie out," Anya told her.

"Let's talk about something other than those two bitches; I'm tired of dealing with them and talking about them." Danica said.

"How about we talk about these sexy panties," Anya said.

Danica turned from the closet to see Anya holding up a pair of red cotton panties with a couple of small holes in the seat, "Hey those are my favorite pair of panties, I just got them worn in," Danica said grinning at Anya who was also grinning.

"I think worn out would be the better term for these panties," Anya said laughing as she began to fold them carefully, like they were the most expensive pair of panties in the world.

"Where do you keep your panties?" Danica asked.

"In that top drawer over there, why do you want to know?" Anya asked.

"Cause I'm willing to bet this four hundred dollars I just got from you that you have a pair just like these, you willing to take the bet?" Danica asked just daring her to take that bet.

"Sure, I'll take that bet and I'll win," Anya said confidently.

"You have no panties with holes in them or worn in the least way?" Danica asked not believing her.

"Not blue cotton ones," Anya said trying not to grin; "the panties I have with holes are pink and nylon." Anya said laughing.

"So we both have holey panties," Danica said going to Anya to get her panties.

"Yea, I get up and worship mine every morning," Anya said giggling.

"Holey not holy you fool," Danica said laughing.

"Oh and I was going to ask you to join my panty church," Anya said now laughing.

"You're silly," Danica said laughing with her.

"Sometimes I can be," Anya said.

"Good that'll make it more fun being roommates," Danica said seriously.

Anya paused in her folding and Danica waited her out as she seemed to be thinking about something, "Do you worry that maybe we'll not get along?"

"No I don't," Danica said confidently and she paused for a second. "I'm sure that sooner or later I'll do something to irritate you or you me. But I'm also sure that we'll be able to talk it out."

"Me too," Anya said with a smile. "I think we'll get along just fine."

"We will, don't worry," Danica said giving her a confident smile.

Danica decided to change the subject; they'd talk about any problems when they came up. So far their conversations had been centered on their roommates and how to get rid of them. She figured that now was as good a time as any to get to know each other.

"So what do your parents do?" Danica asked.

Anya gave her a smile that seemed to saying something but Danica couldn't read what it was. "My mother is a Doctor and my father is a handyman."

"Oh," Danica said thinking that one over for a second, she didn't want to pry but she had to ask, "Just how did they get together?"

"I knew you were going to ask that," Anya said smiling.

"Well how many doctors marry a handyman?" Danica asked.

"Only my mom," Anya said with a laugh. "So you want the long or short story?"

"Mmmmm... long one, we got all night." Danica said.

"How about the short one to be expanded upon later," Anya suggested.

"I can live with that," Danica said as she took some more of her clothes from Anya to be put up.

"As told by my mother, she had just started her own practice after working at a family practice firm for a few years. Anyway she hired my father to do a few repairs for her at her new office. He did so well that she hired him to work on the house that she had just bought. Since my father worked for himself, he was able set his own hours so he always seemed to be there when my mother got home. So they would talk about what he was doing and what else my mother thought needed to be done. Those talks eventually were done over coffee and then my mother started to fix them something to eat as she came up with more jobs." Anya said pausing as Danica began to grin.

"So how long did it take for your dad to get the hint?" Danica said with a little laugh.

"My mother said too long, she was beginning to run out of jobs for him to do before he finally got the nerve to ask her out," Anya said with a little laugh.

"That is so romantic, I love it," Danica said.

"No it's not," Anya said wrinkling her nose at that very thought.

"Oh come on you know it is, you just won't admit it because it's your parents," Danica told her and she saw a break in Anya's frown.

"Okay it's a little romantic," Anya admitted as she smiled. "So what about your parents, did they have a romantic beginning?"

"That depends on if you consider my father asking the first girl that he hired for his pizza parlor out, marrying her six months later and then welcoming my oldest brother into the world five months later as being a romantic beginning," Danica said grinning.

"I guess it could be," Anya said obviously choosing her words carefully.

"Neither of my grandparents thought so," Danica said with a laugh.

Anya then laughed, "No I don't guess they would but worked out didn't it?" She asked.

"Yea it did, they had four more boys and then I came along ten years after that," Danica told her.

"You weren't planned I take it," Anya asked.

"No, I was a bit of an accident," Danica said with a laugh.

"Well I'm glad that they got frisky in their old age," Anya said grinning.

"Oh god, my parents and the word frisky shouldn't be used together," Danica said and she was the one wrinkling her nose which was obviously Anya's intent.

"Is it a stretch of my imagination with you being Polish and your father having a pizza parlor that you are related to the owner of the Polish Pizza Parlor's chain?" Anya asked.

Danica smiled, "No it wouldn't be too much of a stretch."

"Oh god I love their pizza's, they are the best in the world," Anya said, "Your father knows his pizza."

"I'll tell him that," Danica said.

"So did you have to work in his parlors growing up?" Anya asked.

"According to my father and my brothers, what I did couldn't be called working," Danica said grinning.

"Okay I'll bite," Anya said.

"Let's just say I seemed to have a canny ability to find a hiding spot where I could read and not work," Danica said with a laugh.

"Not you..." Anya said laughing.

"Yes me," Danica said with a laugh

"So all your brothers work at the parlors?" Anya asked.

"Actually they run it now, my father had to give it up a couple of years ago," Danica said and without realizing it, a sad look came upon her face.

"What happened?" Anya asked.

"He had a bad heart attack a few years ago and ending up having a triple bypass. My brothers took over running the company while my father was recovering and my mother began to work on him to retire. She wasn't getting to far so one night I sat him down and told him that I expected him to be around to see me graduate high school and college like he was there for my brothers. I told him if he wasn't there for me then I wasn't going to his funeral." Danica said.

"And daddy's girl got her way," Anya said grinning at her.

"Pretty much," Danica said with a laugh. "However he didn't retire completely, he still goes down to one of the parlors and makes the pizza's a couple days a week. He also makes my brothers come to the house every Friday night so that he can catch up with what is happening and he gives them his orders as to what needs to be done. They all agree with him and then they leave and do what they think they need to do." Danica said with another laugh.

"That's sweet," Anya said.

"Yea but not as romantic as your mom marrying her handyman," Danica said with a grin.

"Hush," Anya said wrinkling her nose again but then laughing. "No not as romantic but still it sounds like you have a loving family."

"I do but that doesn't mean that we don't argue, fuss, and fight," Danica had to add.

"Oh hell all families do, you should hear my mom and me, I think we argued over everything, I didn't practice my violin enough, I practiced too much, I needed to get out more, I needed to stay in and help around the house..." Anya was saying when Danica chimed in.

"Get your nose out of that book, go help your father and brothers, you need to study more if you want to get into college, your brothers all finished in the top of their classes, why can't you be more like them." Danica said and then she had to grin, "Just once I want to tell my mom that since I had a vagina and they had penises, it would be hard for me to be like them."

"And what would that have earned you?" she asked with a big grin forming on her lips.

"Mmmm probably my mother's hairbrush on my ample ass," Danica said with a laugh. "That's why I never had the guts to tell her that."

"I don't blame you; I wouldn't have had to guts to say it either. I would argue with my mom but I quickly learned how far to push before I stomped off and retreated to the safety of my room," Anya said laughing.

"But you love your mom don't you," Danica stated knowing the answer to her question.

"Let's just say the morning I left home to come here, we both hugged and cried for longer than I care to admit," Anya said smiling softly.

"Me too," Danica told her.

"Well we've talked our way through putting your things away, so now what do we do?" Anya asked.

"I don't know about you but what I would love to do is to change the sheets on my bed, go take a long shower and then lay down and read a bit," Danica said beginning to feel the effects of the day and evening.

"I tell you what, I'll do you one better. You put your things away in the bathroom and take a nice long shower while I change your sheets." Anya said taking the sheets that Danica had just picked up.

"You don't have to," Danica said thought she really liked Anya's idea.

"Well to tell you the truth, you're beginning to stink and I don't want to trade one roommate who used too much perfume for one who stinks," Anya said though she had this big grin on her face.

"I think I smell just fine, I like natural scent my sweat gives me," Danica said with a laugh.

"You would," Anya said as she put the sheets on her bed and she handed Danica her toiletries, "Now be sure to soap this time, I'm going to check after you."

"Yes mom," Danica said laughing as she headed toward the bathroom. She stopped at the door, turned to Anya who was beginning to strip her bed, "By the way I don't use bar soap, I use a moisturizing body wash."

Anya laughed, "Go shower!"

Danica was laughing as she closed the door behind her. She put her things up before stripping and turning on the shower. Once the water was warm, she stepped inside feeling the hot water wash away her day. She didn't think about Shelley or her old bitch of a roommate, instead she thought about how nice Anya was and how they had become friends. She just knew that things were going to be so much better from here on out. She took a nice long shower, not wanting to get out but the shower had relaxed so much that she really felt how tired that she was.

She got out, getting one of the towels that her mother had gotten for her. It was so soft and Danica couldn't help but to think of her mother when she used them. She put some lotion on and then reached for her pajamas only to realize that Anya had folded them and she had put them up.

Danica had to smile at herself and she just knew that Anya would enjoy her predicament. She cracked the bathroom door open, "Anya I got a problem." She said.

"What's the matter?" She heard Anya asked and she heard Anya's desk chair rolling back.

"I forgot my pajamas," Danica told her.

"Don't sound like a problem to me, just come on out and get them," She heard Anya say.

"Anya, get me my pajamas and a pair of panties, this towel my mom gave me isn't wide enough to cover me," Danica told her.

"Here you go, I was teasing you," Anya said putting her pajamas to the crack in the door. Danica noticed that Anya was standing behind the door and not facing the crack making her feel better about her modesty.

"Thanks," Danica said.

"You're welcome," Anya replied from somewhere past the door.

Danica didn't see which pair of panties that Anya had gotten for her until she pulled the pajama top up and she saw the holey pair of panties that Anya had made fun of. Danica had to laugh as she should have known which ones Anya would have picked out for her. She put the top on buttoning it closed before slipping on the holey blue cotton panties that did feel very comfortable, holes and all. She stepped into her pajama shorts, now ready to lie down and relax in bed with a good book.

Danica stepped out to see that Anya was at her desk working on her laptop. "The bathroom is all yours," Danica told her.

"Okay thanks," Anya said and Danica could see that Anya was dying for her to mention the panties so she didn't, just to tease her a little.

Danica went over to her desk, picking up her tablet that she had all her books downloaded to and she saw that Anya was glancing at her. Danica smiled to herself making sure the smile was from within and not showing on her lips. She went over to the bed, pulling the covers down and slipping between the clean sheets and leaning back against the head board of the bed. A couple of minutes later, she heard Anya getting up so she sort of glanced over the top of her tablet to watch Anya.

She waited until she saw Anya open a drawer that appeared from her bed angle to have her panties and bras, "The pink holey ones I presume..." Danica said trying her best to sound serious.

She saw Anya drop a pair of white ones and she dug a bit deeper before pulling out a pair of pink panties, "of course," Anya answered just as seriously before she let out a giggle.

"That's good," Danica replied keeping her voice serious another moment before Anya giggled more causing Danica to start laughing. Soon Anya was laughing so hard that she had to hold onto the dresser to keep from falling over. Danica had let her tablet fall to her lap and she was wiping the tears from her eyes just as Anya was doing.

After a few minutes of laughing Anya was able to catch her breath, "You know I don't know why we're laughing so hard, it's not that funny." She said as she sucked in her breath.

"I know," Danica said and for some reason, she burst into laughter again.

"Quit that," Anya said as she began to laugh again.

They laughed for only a minute or so more before they were both able to get it under control. "God you're crazy," Anya said with one final laugh.

"Yep, certified," Danica replied with a grin as she wiped the last of her tears from her face.

"Oh god..." Anya said before getting a long tee shirt from another of her dresser drawers and heading into the bathroom.

Danica picked her tablet back up to read but then she felt her back getting tired. So she slipped on down in the bed, turning onto her stomach; she put the tablet onto the bed and using the pillow to support her shoulders and chin. She began to read, hearing the shower running just on the other side of Anya's bed.

She should have known better than to try and read in this position when she was so tired. The next thing she knew she was waking up the next morning. She looked over at Anya sleeping soundly in her bed. She thought for a second and she began to vaguely remember the tablet being pulled from her hands and the covers being pulled up and over her. She found herself smiling as this was something that Debbie would have never done for her nor would she have wanted her to do.

"What you grinning about," Anya said before yawning and stretching as she sat up in bed.

"About someone being kind enough to cover me and putting my tablet away last night," Danica said in an offhand way of thanking Anya.

"Who the hell would do something like that?" Anya asked as a grin came to her face.

"Maybe the dream fairy," Danica said sitting up and stretching herself.

"Must have been," Anya said grinning back at her. "Come on, let's go get something to eat, I'm starving."

"I just realized that since we both tend to get up early, who gets the bathroom first?" Danica asked.

"The one who gets there first," Anya said with a laugh as she jumped from the bed, heading straight to the bathroom.

"Hey no fair, you're the closest one there," Danica said as the door closed.

"That's not my fault," Anya yelled through the bathroom door.

Danica got on up, going to the bathroom door, "Hey just pee and let me use it," Danica said through the door.

"I got here first, so you'll just have to find another bathroom, there's one at the end of the hall I believe," Anya called out.

"Or I could just pee on your bed, don't think I can make it down the hall," Danica said a bit louder so that she was sure that Anya would hear her.

"I'll be right out," Anya said just as loudly.

"I thought that would change your mind," Danica said with a laugh and a moment later she heard the toilet flushing and then Anya appeared at the door.

"My bed had better be dry," Anya said as she came out.

"It is," Danica said grinning from ear to ear as she slipped past Anya into the bathroom. Once Anya had gotten out, Danica started to close the door but just before she had it completely closed, she added, "Since you've already peed, I'll just go ahead and do my bathroom thing."

"Hey you tricked me," Anya said to the closed door.

"Yep," Danica said with a laugh. She paused for a second and then she said, "You can use it first, just let me pee, I really did have to go."

She heard Anya laugh just as she began to pee, "Nah, go ahead, I can wait; besides I tricked you too."

"How will we work the bathroom?" Danica asked seriously.

"I don't know, whomever gets up first I guess," She heard Anya say, "Unless I make the mistake and eat the cafeteria's veggie casserole, then you will be using the bathroom down the hall as I will be in there a while."

"Didn't sit too well I guess," Danica said trying not to laugh.

"Nope, not well at all," Anya replied.

"Then I'll make sure you don't ever get that again, nor will I," Danica said thinking how she had almost gotten some the other day. But then again it might not affect her the way it obviously did Anya but now she wasn't going to take that chance.

They talked through the door as Danica went ahead and did everything she needed to do in the bathroom. She didn't want to take up too much time as Anya was waiting to use it after her. When Anya went back into the bathroom, Danica changed out of her pajamas and into a pair of jeans and long sleeved tee shirt. The mornings were turning cooler so she also got a hoodie to wear when they went to get breakfast.

After eating, they walked around the campus, just talking. They went into a little more detail about their families, sort of filling in some of the details that they had skipped over when they had talked last night. They eventually made their way to the dorm, where Anya got her violin, going to the music building to practice a new piece that she was learning. Danica got her laptop and a one of her class books to study at the library. She didn't need to go there to get what she needed to do but as she told Anya, it was nice to find a table in the back of the library. That way when she took a break, she could watch the other students interact. She also picked up the notebook that she kept with her to write down ideas and also some interesting things that she saw. She could tell that while Anya didn't completely understand the reasoning behind her doing that, she didn't question it or put it down like Debbie would have done.

Danica made it back to the dorm room before Anya did. She found that she was slightly disappointed that Anya wasn't there which felt weird feeling this way. She was usually glad when she had the room to herself. She kicked off her tennis shoes and sat at her desk pulling out her laptop and logging into her email account. She found that she had a couple of emails from some of her internet writer friends. She began to answer them, one took a little longer as her friend needed some advice on a story that she was writing. She had just completed it when Anya came in talking on her phone. While she didn't try to listen in she couldn't help but to hear what sounded like Anya making plans for the evening.

"So what you doing this evening?" Anya asked as soon as she finished her call.

"Oh I thought that I'd read this book that my Modern Lit. Professor assigned to us to read. We have to write an assay and turn it in at the end of the semester. I tried reading it once but the writer really sucks though it was a best seller a few years ago. So I figured I'd just go ahead and get it read and do the damn assay even if I have to lie about how I feel about it," Danica told her.

"Don't lie, write the assay like you want to," Anya told her as she put her violin away.

"I just might if the rest of the book is as bad as the beginning," Danica said with a laugh.

"I'm going out with a few of my friends to eat and then go to this dance club downtown; you're welcome to join us." Anya said.

"Thanks, but I need to get this damn book read," Danica said though a part of her wanted to go, actually a big part of her but she just couldn't see herself ever getting up in front of a bunch of people and trying to dance.

"You sure? It'll be a lot of fun," Anya said and Danica could see that Anya was being serious and not just being nice.

"I appreciate the offer, you go on and have fun with your friends," Danica said.

"Okay but if you get bored with the book, this is where we'll be, you're welcome to drop in," Anya said writing down the club's name and the street it was on.

"Okay, I might," Danica said though she knew that she wasn't going to go, it just wasn't her thing.

"You'll have fun I promise," Anya said trying to tempt her one more time.

"I know but this book is calling my name," Danica said with a laugh that she hoped didn't sound as hollow to Anya as it did to herself.

Anya didn't laugh with her; instead she stared at her making Danica feel more than a little uncomfortable. Luckily Anya only kept that stare but for a moment before she began to talk about her group of friends that went out most every Saturday night, just to have a little fun and relieve the tension of school as they were all dedicated students much like she and Danica. She got a cute dress from her closet went to the bathroom with her bra and panties.

Once Anya was in the bathroom with the door closed, Danica began to wish that she had accepted Anya's invite but then she knew that she wouldn't be comfortable around so many outgoing people. She would end up just end up sitting at the table feeling like a lump on a log and completely out of place. She would allow her characters in her stories and maybe her future books to have all the fun and be outgoing.

She only allowed herself to wallow in self pity for a few seconds before she picked up the book that she had been dreading to read. She opened it to the first page as it was a hard back book that she had to buy just for this damn class. She began to read the first few pages finding them just as boring as the first time that she tried to read them.

"Well how do I look?" Anya asked when she came out.

Danica put her book down to get a good look at Anya and she was taken aback by the change in Anya's appearance. "You look as pretty as a picture," Danica said sincerely as she gazed at Anya with her aqua colored mid thigh dress and she had put matching eye shade and black eyeliner.

"Why thank you, this is the only night of the week that you'll catch me in a dress." Anya said with a laugh.

"Yea I rarely put on a dress myself," Was all Danica could think to say.

"Are you sure that you don't want to join us?" Anya asked one more time.

"Thank you but no," Danica said holding up the book.

"Okay, I'll see you later," Anya said with a wave as she got her small purse.

Danica waved back but Anya was already heading out the door. Danica let out a loud sigh feeling a bit sorry for herself, but then she focused on her book determined to get through the damn thing and write her paper and be done with it. She was a fast reader so soon she was into the third chapter where her interest in the book did pick up but only slightly. She began to concentrate a little harder trying to figure out what the author was trying to say but she wasn't getting far with that. She was concentrating so hard that she didn't hear the door open until Anya was closing it behind her.

"What you doing back so soon?" Danica asked putting her book down on her desk.

"I forgot something," Anya said putting her purse down on her desk and then went past Danica heading to her closet.

"What'd you forget?" Danica asked turning to see Anya opening her closet and going through her clothes.

"You," Anya said with a grin though she didn't look away from the clothes, "Oh here it is!"

Danica saw that Anya was now holding up the dress that her mother had gotten her for the wedding of one of her cousins that they had attended that summer.

"What do you mean?" Danica asked looking at the white floral dress that Anya was holding before her.

"What I mean is that you're going to put this dress on and you're going out with me and my friends." Anya said coming to her, placing the dress in her lap. "Now get up off your ass and come have fun with us."

"But..." Danica was saying when she found Anya's fingers on her lips. "No buts, move it, we got people waiting on us and fun to be had."

Danica only had to think for a second before she said, "Okay," with a happy grin appearing on her lips. She would never go on her own but with Anya coming back to get her, she felt like she couldn't refuse her. If not for Anya, she would still be rooming with Debbie and that she couldn't have handled for much longer. Besides there was a small part of her that wanted to go, she just needed a reason to do so and Anya was providing that reason.

Danica reached down to her lap, picking up the dress. She looked up at Anya and her smile was the last bit of encouragement that she needed. "I'll hurry," Danica said as she pushed her chair back and got up.

When she got to the bathroom, that self doubt began to creep into her brain, the fear that Anya's friends wouldn't like her or approve of her tagging along. She pushed that to the back of her brain at least as far as she could. She stripped out of her clothes; she looked at the shower but feared that she wouldn't have time. But then she could hear her mother yelling at her to always be clean before going anywhere. So she turned on the shower, barely letting it warm up before she hopped in. It was one of the quickest showers that she had ever taken but it would do in a pinch and it shut up her mother's voice in her head. She also rushed in putting the finishing touches to her face and she slipped her dress on. She brushed out her hair wanting to do something with it but decided that she could spend a week trying to get her hair right and still worry about it so she did nothing. A bit of lip gloss was the final touch before opening the door and stepping out.

"That dress is simply beautiful on you," Anya immediately said and while Danica didn't completely believe her, it made her feel better all the same.

"Thank you," Danica said grinning despite herself.

"Come on and lets meet my friends and then we'll going to a cool nightclub," Anya said as she headed for the door. "Don't forget your ID, we can't get in without it."

"But I'm not twenty-one, I can't drink or care to," Danica said wondering for a moment about Anya and her friends.

"I'm not twenty-one either and none of us drink but you have to have some type of identification to get in. Then they stamp your hand so the bartenders know not to serve you anything that has alcohol in it." Anya said grinning.

"Oh I see," Danica said with her faith restored in Anya.

"Don't worry, you're going to have fun, I'll make sure of it," Anya said closing the door as Danica passed through it.

"Will your friends like me, I mean me tagging along and all," Danica asked.

"Sure they'll like you, beside if any of them don't we'll take them out back and beat the shit out of them," Anya said with a hardy laugh making Danica laugh.

"I doubt I can beat the shit out of anyone," Danica said.

"That's okay, you can distract them and I'll kick them in the shin. Then we can launch our attack," Anya said laughing again. But then she turned serious as she said, "Now quit your worrying and just relax."

"I'll try," Danica told her.

"If I like you then they'll like you, besides I've told them all about you and they're dying to meet you," Anya told her.

"You told them about me?" Danica asked.

"Sure they all knew about Shelley and how I hated her. And I told them about meeting you and how you were helping me. Now we can tell them about how you did it," Anya said as they went down the stairway.

"How we did it, I wanted to get rid of Debbie too and you were the one who helped me do that," Danica said.

"Okay how we did it but if you let me tell the story, you'll get all the credit so you had better get your side told first," Anya said again laughing but Danica figured that Anya would do just that.

When they got to the bottom of the steps, Anya's phone buzzed and she checked it as they went through the lobby. "Well it looks like we're having pizza tonight thought I doubt that it will be as great as your father's pizza."

Danica laughed, "It will be just fine. My family doesn't have the market cornered on great pizza."

"I don't know, it has been awhile since I had one but I remember that it was pretty great," Anya said genuinely.

Anya then began to tell her about her little group of friends and how she had came to become friends with them. She met Andi through the music department as Andi played the piano. Andi was already friends with Georgia and Hank who were in the dance program and were currently dating. And then she met Shawn when she was having problems with her University email account and he happened to be sitting at a table across from her in the library. He was an IT major and as he was helping her, Andi came in and he got him to help her with a problem she was having with her laptop. She and Andi immediately invited him to become a part of their group. Danica was now really wondering if she would fit into such a tight nit group when Anya answered her unasked question.

"Saturday nights is really the only time we see each other or get together," Anya said just as they got to her car.

"Oh... I figured that you would see each other more often," Danica said probing for a few more details.

"No, we are all like you and I, we're here to study and that comes first, it's just Saturdays that we blow off a little steam," Anya said giving her a smile.

"It's cool how you all got together like that," Danica said not thinking of anything else to say.

"What are your friends like?" Anya asked as Danica knew she would though she had the false hope that she wouldn't.

"I'm not much for making a lot of friends, never have been. I tend to be a loner." Danica said and hearing how lame that sounded even to her. "I do have a lot of writer friends that I talk to online and exchange emails." She added to make herself sound friendlier but it sounder false to her ear as she was sure it sounded likewise to Anya's ears.

Danica saw Anya frown for a second as she began to drive out of her parking place but the frown only lasted for a second, "I know those friends are special to you and are important but you need to be around people that you can see when you talk to them," Anya said carefully.

"I know but..." Danica said and then she couldn't think of anything to put after the "but" that would sound convincing to Anya so she just left it hanging there.

"Well after tonight you're going to have lots of new friends and then there is me of course, your new best friend," Anya said with a laugh.

Danica smiled liking that Anya said that, "I guess I do," Danica said meaning the Anya was her new best friend too.

Anya then asked about the people that Danica talked to online and showing a genuine interest in them. So Danica told her about some of the people that she conversed with about her stories and some of the authors that had written her back and even exchanged emails. Danica liked how Anya kept asking questions and showed that she was really interested in getting to know them. That conversation got them to the pizza restaurant.

"Don't worry, they'll like you, you're just like they are and like I am," Anya said obviously seeing the worried expression on her face. Then she surprised Danica by hooking her arm in hers.

"I know," Danica said trying to smile and look convincing doing so though Anya being so close did make her feel a bit more comfortable about entering the lion's pit as she so feared it would be.

They had no more entered the restaurant did a young fit blond girl stand and waved. "That's Georgia, she's the dance major." Anya whispered.

"She's very pretty," Danica said thinking of her slightly plump and out of shape body.

"Yes she is and a great dancer," Anya as they began to thread their way to the back booth that they were all sitting. "Oh and don't try to dance like her and her boyfriend Hank or we'll be taking you out of the club in a stretcher. Just dance like the rest of us who can't dance our way out of a paper bag." She said with a big grin as if reading Danica mind about trying to dance around someone who was making it her career.

"I don't plan on dancing, I'll just watch," Danica said feeling that was the safest thing she could do.

"Oh no you won't, you're going to be dancing with me all night long," Anya told her with a big grin but Danica could tell that she was also being very serious.

They got to the booth before Danica could protest. "Everybody this is my new roommate and friend Danica. She's going to be joining us from now on." Anya said and they all said "Hi."

Anya then went around the booth introducing Danica to each individually, "This is Georgia and her boyfriend Hank..."

"Why am I always introduced as Georgia's boyfriend, why can't someone introduce her as my girlfriend?'' Hank complained though Danica could see that he was saying it more to tease Georgia than really complaining.

"Because they like me more than you," Georgia said which got laughs from everyone but Hank.

"She got you on that one Hank," Anya said and Hank just shrugged his shoulders before putting his arm around Georgia's shoulders and giving her a kiss to the cheek.

"Anyway, next is Andi who can play the piano like no one can, Shawn who is famous for his ability to make disgusting bodily function sounds and finally Haley whose paintings will someday hang in every major art museum in the world." Anya said and as soon as she finished, than was there a loud farting noise.

"Oh god! That is gross!" Haley said as she hit Shawn in the back of the head with her right hand.

"What? It wasn't me, it was Hank," Shawn protested.

"We know who it was and if you make any more noises, you'll not get a dance with me tonight," Haley threatened and from Haley's look and the way Shawn grinned, Danica correctly suspected that Georgia and Hank weren't the only ones that were dating in this group.

"Well now that Shawn has shown off his talent, how about making a little room for us," Anya said.

Danica figured that they would just all squeeze in a little tighter and thus make room for she and Anya to sit on the ends of the booth, something that Danica really didn't want as that would put her far away from Anya who was the only one she knew. However there was obviously a different dynamic to this group. Haley and Shawn slid out from the table allowing Anya to slide in and then she was directed to slide in. This put Anya in the center where it became obvious that she directed things at least as far as these Saturday night get gatherings were concerned. And from what Danica could tell from how Anya described how the group got together, she was the one who got it started.

They had no more that got settled when two pizzas were delivered that had obviously been waiting for them. Danica almost laughed as arms and hands reached across the table getting slices of pizza. This was definitely a bunch of university students as they grabbed up the pizza like it was the last bit of food on the earth. Danica was used to this growing up but it surprised her here, not that it should have. Anya made sure to take care of her as she was getting her own pizza; she was putting a couple of slices on Danica's plate.

Danica did get to take a bite of one of her slices which was good but not as good as she family's pizza before Andi hit her with the question that Anya had assured her that was coming, "So just how did you convince Shelley to trade roommates with you?"

"Well it was more like I worked on my roommate and Anya worked on Shelley before we together convinced them that they were better off together." Danica said defecting some of the credit to Anya or rather making them equal partners.

"I told them that part already, tell them how you out smarted Debbie," Anya prompted her.

"I'm not so sure who out smarted who, we did end up paying them four hundred each to move," Danica said and she saw the shocked expressions on their faces that she figured she'd get, that alone made her wonder if she hadn't been out smarted, not that it mattered at this point, she was willing to pay about anything to be rid of Debbie.

"Four hundred each, that is a helleva lot of money," Georgia said.

"Ahhh... but they wanted a hundred dollars a month for the rest of the year; Danica got them down to the four hundred." Anya told them.

"Oh in that case that is much better," Georgia replied.

"And they wanted us to write all their papers and probably do the research too, if I had to guess," Anya added.

"So how did you get them to back down?" Shawn asked wanting to get on with what went down.

Danica saw that she had all of their attention and she knew as a writer, it was always good to make the reader wait a moment before the truth was revealed. So she took another bite of her pizza as they all watched her which didn't make her nervous to her surprise. But then she realized that in a way she was in her own element, a storyteller, telling a story for their listeners. She was just doing it in person rather than on paper. But then Anya was sitting right there beside of her which helped her to tell their story and it was their story and not just her story.

She took a sip of her tea before she launched into her story this time not stopping until she was moved into Anya's room. She did leave out the little scene about her holey panties, she was hoping that Anya would forgo that part and she did when she added in how scared she was and how she was sure that she would never be rid of Shelley, the roommate from hell. Danica got to eat as Anya talked and once she was through, the conversation changed much to Danica's relief. Now she could reassume her natural place of sitting and listening, however Anya's friends seemed intent on drawing her back into the conversation when she had been to quiet for too long. They did it in such a way that she didn't even realize they were doing it until they were getting ready to leave and Anya had to get her attention as she was deep in conversation with Andi about a song that a nice piano solo to it.

"That wasn't so bad was it," Anya said once they were back in her car.

Danica looked at Anya seeing that big grin plaster to her lips, "No it wasn't so bad," Danica conceded. "But now comes..."

"Even more fun," Anya said finishing Danica's sentence before she could.

"That wasn't what I was going to say," Danica told her.

"Yes but that's what you were thinking," Anya said.

"It was?" Danica said as she couldn't help but to smile at her new friend and roommate.

'"Yes you were and I'm going to prove it to you," Anya said now with more of a soft smile.

Danica didn't say anything though she doubted that Anya was going to be right. Anya changed the subject going on about something that she had been talking to Hank and Georgia about during their dinner.

When they got to the club, Danica found that she was in the center of the group and there was no chance getting out of going dancing. Danica could hear the music as they neared the door and when Hank opened it, the sound blasted her ears; she just knew that she would be deaf by the time she left. There was a bouncer just inside of the door checking everyone identifications and then stamping the top of everyone's hands. When her time came she looked at the ink stamp on her hand and saw that it was what looked like a beer mug with a circle around it and a line through it. The meaning of the symbol was obvious; she would not be served any alcohol. They found a table near the back of club and Danica was about to sit down when she felt someone grabbing her hand.

"Oh no, we didn't come here to sit, we came to dance," she heard Anya yelling as she pulled her toward the dance floor. Danica wanted to protest but she knew that Anya would never be able to hear her with the fact that Anya had her back turned to her and besides she wouldn't listen to her anyway.

Anya found an empty area on the floor and she turned around to face her while never letting go of her hand. She leaned in close, so close that Danica could smell her sweet smelling perfume, "Now just do what the music tells you to do." Anya said with a sweet smile and only then did she let go of her hand.

Danica watched her for a second, seeing her body begin to move to the rhythm of the music. Danica wanted to turn and find the table when she felt someone behind her; she turned her head to see that it was Andi.

"Don't worry about how you'll look, the only people here that can dance worth a damn is Georgia and Hank, the rest of us just pretend that we can dance," Andi told her as Danica felt Andi's hands on her hips forcing her to move them.

"Now you're dancing," Anya said as she swayed in close with an infectious smile on her lips.

Danica had to smile back as she gave in and she began to try and copy what Haley and Anya were doing. Once they knew that she had indeed given in, Anya danced in close to Andi taking her hand and spinning her around making Danica have to laugh at them as it wasn't the most graceful dance move she had ever seen. Anya saw her laugh and the next thing she knew, Anya was grabbing her hand to spin her around only to have Andi do the same. She was about half dizzy by the time she completed the last spin.

When her head stopped spinning, Andi was there ready for Danica to spin her so she did. Danica knew she did a terrible job but Andi didn't seem to notice or she didn't care. Danica figured that latter was the case. Danica then noticed that Haley and Shawn were dancing near them. Shawn had Haley by the hand giving her a spin which seemed to be very popular with this group of Anya's friends. Andi drifted off to join Shawn and Haley leaving her with Anya who danced in close to her.

They danced through a few more songs before Anya came in close, "Let's take a break, I need something to drink," Anya said.

"Me too," Danica replied noticing for the first time that she was a bit out of breath and had a sheen to her body from the dancing.

When they got close to the table, Danica saw Georgia and Hank smile as they immediately got up heading for the dance floor. They were obviously saving the table so that it wouldn't get taken by another group. There were a couple pitchers of something dark on the table which Danica figured correctly as coke. Danica poured them both a mug full that they both drank down.

"This is fun isn't it?" Anya leaned in close to say.

Danica grinned, "Yes it is."

"Good I was hoping that you'd have fun," Anya said with almost a relieved smile.

"I think you'd make most everything fun," Danica told her.

"I try," Anya said grinning.

"You know you'll have to bring me back sometime," Danica told her getting Anya to laugh.

"Oh I think with this group, we'll be back soon enough," Anya replied with a laugh.

Andi appeared sitting down and taking a long drink of her coke, "Marvin was heading my way so I figured it was time to take a break," Andi said with a grin.

"Who's Marvin?" Danica asked.

"Oh he's this guy that I danced with once and now every time we come he hits on me. He's a good dancer but he thinks he's god's gift to womankind and let me tell you he isn't." She said laughing.

Danica was going to ask how she knew that but then thought better of it. Maybe it was something she really didn't want to know. But then Anya saved her from saying anything, "Look up there," She said pointing toward the back of the club.

Danica looked to where Anya was pointing and she saw Georgia and Hank dancing on a small stage just below the stage the where the DJ was working. Danica saw how graceful and fluid their movements were and how they seemed to know what the other would do next and she was very impressed.

"Wow they can dance can't they," Danica said completely awed by their graceful moves.

"Yea they can, one day we'll have to pay to see they dance," Anya said watching them.

"If we can afford the price of the ticket," Andi said with a laugh.

They watched Georgia and Hank dance commenting on their various moves until Haley and Shawn returned to the table. They talked to them for a few minutes before Anya and Andi dragged her back onto the dance floor. This time she went without thinking about finding a way to get out of dancing. Andi started out dancing with them but soon drifted off to dance with a young woman who was nice looking and not that bad a dancer. Anya wasn't surprised by this and she just keep dancing and buffering off any offers to dance with anyone else but her much to her relief.

They all stayed at the club until around midnight before they called it a night. They said their goodnights outside of the club and then headed to their cars to return to their lives as nerdy college students. Anya talked about another club that they all had gone to and how the guys were all over them, wanting them to dance. They didn't stick around there for long and that is when they had tried the club that they had gone to tonight. Danica was thankful that she hadn't been with them then as she was sure that she never would have gone dancing with them again. When they got back to the dorm, Anya let her shower first and she was ensconced in her bed when Anya came out.

"What's that smile on your face?" Anya asked as she went to her bed.

"Oh I was thinking how a friend of mind made me go out and have fun tonight," Danica said giving Anya a smile.

"Enough fun to cause you to want to come with us next Saturday?" Anya asked as she slipped under the covers of her bed.

"Maybe..." Danica said grinning at Anya who was about to turn off the bedside light.

Anya stopped her hand and Danica saw her looking over at her, giving her that stare that made Danica smile even though she was trying hard not to do so. "Maybe... just maybe?" Anya asked.

"Okay I might go with you if you ask nicely," Danica said.

"How about I say that if you don't, I'll drag your ass out of here making you come with us," Anya told her.

"That wasn't what I was looking for in a nice way to ask but I guess it'll work," Danica said with a laugh.

Anya laughed as she turned off the light and Danica heard her bed squeak a bit as she settled in. A moment later she heard Anya ask, "Would you please join me next Saturday in another adventure?"

"I'd love to," Danica replied smiling to herself.

"Good," Anya said and there was a bit of a pause, "So did you really have fun tonight?"

"Yes I did, I had more fun than I've ever had thanks to you," Danica told her honestly.

"That's good, I'm glad that you did," Anya replied.

"So what we doing next Saturday?" Danica asked.

"I don't know since you get to decide," Anya said.

"I get to decide, why do I get to decide?" Danica said.

"Because we decided that you should decide," Anya said.

"And just when did all of you get together to decide this?" Danica had to ask.

"Oh just now," Anya replied.

"All of you decided just now," Danica asked.

"Yep," Anya said with a bit of a giggle.

"Oh okay, so will I have a friend helping me decide what we shall do?" Danica asked.

"Maybe..." She heard Anya say.

"Just maybe?" Danica asked wanting to laugh at Anya turning the table on her.

"I might help if asked nicely," Anya said.

"Would you please help me decide what to do that everyone will enjoy?" Danica asked.

"Yes I'll help you," Anya said.

"And you'll help me read that book I was supposed to read tonight?" Danica asked.

"Oh hell no, you're on your own on that one," Anya said laughing.

Danica laughed with her, "Well it was worth a try." Danica said.

"So what you dong tomorrow?" Anya asked after a moment of silence between them.

"Reading that damn book and then writing the stupid essay," Danica said pausing a second before adding, "Since you won't help me read it."

"Sorry, but I'm doing good to get through a book that's interesting much less a boring one," Anya said in her defense.

"It's cool it's not something that you can actually help me with anyway," Danica said, "so what about you, what you doing?"

"After eating breakfast with my roommate, I'm going to one of the practice rooms in the music hall to practice a new piece I'm learning," Anya replied.

"May I tag along; I can read as you practice?" Danica asked not sure why she wanted to go but she did.

"It'll be boring and I'm probably butcher the piece before I master it," Anya said.

"That's okay, my book is boring," Danica replied.

"Between my playing and your boring book, you may end up asleep," Anya warned her.

"Then I'll get a good nap in," Danica said with a laugh.

"True," Anya said laughing with her.

"So do you mind me tagging along, I really would like to hear you play," Danica asked again.

"No I don't mind, I'd love to have you come and keep me company," Anya said.

"So what is your favorite piece to play?" Danica asked.

"Mmmm... That's a tough question, there are several," Anya said pausing for a moment before she listed off several that Danica had never heard of but it was interesting to hear how Anya talked about her music with such passion.

And so they talked until they both began to yawn indicating that it was time to let her tongues rest as well as the rest of their bodies and minds. That next morning they slept in, well at least until eight which was late for both of them. They both wanted to sleep longer but their internal clocks told them that they had already slept too late. Danica got to the bathroom first this time so she just relieved her bladder before letting Anya use it. Anya went ahead and took her clothes in so that when she emerged, she was ready for her day. Danica was already dressed so she didn't take too long to get ready.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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