Exchanging Roommates

Published on Jul 20, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates Chapter Three

By Chris

Anya got her violin and a small case that she kept her music sheets in while Danica got her book and her laptop. She planned on making short work of both, which she figured that she could since she was a fast reader. When they got to the dining hall, they found that it was pretty much empty so they were able to find a close table that they could put their things and still keep an eye on them as they went through the serving line.

Anya got some cinnamon flavored oatmeal, a blueberry fiber muffin and milk to drink. She also asked for an extra bowl and plate which didn't surprise Danica as she had gotten used to Anya's habit of sharing her food and also sharing whatever she picked out.

Danica wasn't sure what she wanted but then she got a little help deciding, "You know those sausage links and scrambled eggs look good this morning," Anya said to her; well strongly hinted.

"They do don't they," Danica commented grinning as she asked for both.

They went down a little bit further when Danica saw Anya eyeing the bacon, "maybe a couple of strips of bacon?" Danica asked.

"You shouldn't but only if you get some of the mixed fruit, you need a well balanced breakfast, you know," Anya said with a shy grin.

"Oh yes we got to have a well balanced breakfast," Danica said trying not to laugh a little at the weird eating habits of her new friend. Danica knew that since she would be eating a little of what was on her plate and a little of what was on Anya's plate, they both would indeed have a well balanced breakfast.

As soon as they had sat down, Anya began to divide up their breakfast. Danica waited until Anya had finished before she began to eat. They talked a little about what they might do for their next Saturday night adventure with Anya giving her several ideas to choose from and also listening to her suggestions. Danica was afraid that everything she suggested was to boring but Anya didn't think so saying that they didn't always go dancing or something like that; they also went to plays and movies, it just depended on what mood they were all in.

Their breakfast was soon finished with them finishing off about everything but the eggs which were a bit dry and had no real taste to them. They put their trays up before heading toward the music hall. The practice room was small but it did have a nice chair for Danica to sit and a table to put her laptop upon.

"You know I've never had anyone watching me practice, it feels a little weird," Anya said as she got her violin out checking the strings.

"I'm not going to be watching you," Danica told her.

"Well listening to me," Anya said.

"Not going to be doing that either, I'm going to be reading and writing my essay," Danica told her. "Now start practicing, I got to get through this book today and I can't do that if you're going to be talking to me all day."

"Yes ma'am," Anya said with a grin. She then turned back around to face the music sheets.

Danica wanted to do just what Anya said and listen but she figured that if she didn't get started reading, Anya would turn and catch her watching her. Danica began to read and a couple of moments later she heard the violin begin to sing. She did lower her book to watch Anya play. The music was nice, not something that she would listen to but very soothing. She listened but for a moment before she brought her book back up and began to read.

Danica read and Anya practiced for a few hours before Danica went out and got them something to drink and snack on. They talked and relaxed for a while before getting back to work. Once Danica got through with her book that didn't turn out half as bad as it started but still lacked a lot to really peak her interest, she was able to listen a little more to Anya's playing. She really was very talented and so absorbed in her music. Danica found herself really getting into the music that Anya was playing. Even as she wrote her assay she was able to listen to Anya play a bit more carefully. She really had the essay written, she did that in her mind as she read, so she could put a little more of her attention to Anya's playing.

When she finished her essay, she closed down her laptop and went over to Anya standing to the side and just behind her. For the first time that day she really began to listen to the sounds that Anya was making her violin produce. The closer that she listened, the sadder the music became. The sounds went from her ears going directly to her heart so she felt like it was her heart that the music was talking to and not her brain. Without realizing that she was doing so, she began to weep as she felt like the violin just had its heart broken and it was morning the loss of a deep love that it felt was forever gone.

"Why are you crying?" Anya asked.

"What?" Danica asked suddenly realizing that Anya had stopped playing and was looking up at her with an expression in her eyes that she couldn't read. She didn't know if it was worry or concern for her or what it was.

"You're crying, why are you crying?" Anya asked and Danica studied Anya's eyes and her facial expression. She realized that it was like Anya knew what her answer would be.

"That music was so sad; it was like the composer had lost something dear to them." Danica told her.

Anya's smile was so deep and caring that Danica couldn't help to smile as she wiped her tears away. "It is from an opera and in this song; the singer is mourning the loss of his lover who had just died in his arms."

"Oh god if I was to ever see that opera, I would have to pack twenty boxes of tissues," Danica said with a laugh.

"Thank you," Anya said softly.

"For what?" Danica asked now confused.

"If I made you cry then I was doing the music justice, it was meant to make the audience cry," Anya said just as softly.

"Well the next time I come with you don't play that piece until I'm done studying," Danica said.

"Okay I'll bite, why is that?" Anya asked.

"I won't be able to study, I'll end up crying all day," Danica said and she saw Anya smile and then laugh.

"Next Sunday, I promise not to play it until you're done," Anya told her still grinning.

"Good, now let's pack up and go do something that is happy and not sad," Danica said.

"How about us going out and get a nice juicy hamburger," Anya suggested.

"Deal!" Danica said with a laugh. "So what is the name of that opera anyway?"

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that question," Anya stated not looking up as she carefully put her violin into its case.

"Why?" Danica asked.

Anya paused a moment to snap her case closed and the she look up over at her, "Because I have no clue which opera it came from. My violin instructor who taught me the song, told me about the opera and she may even have told me the name but I don't remember. It was the music I was interested in and not where it came from. She thought that it was important for me to understand that knowing the history of a piece of music was just as important as the music itself."

"And do you?" Danica asked.

"Do you think it's important to know the history of a book or story that you're reading? Does knowing that make you understand the story better and what the author is trying to say?" Anya asked getting up.

"I asked you first," Danica said already seeing what Anya was saying to her.

"I know but I bet my answer is the same as yours." Anya said as they began to walk out of the room.

"I'm begging to think so too," Danica said and she saw that Anya was still waiting for her answer.

"Yes sometimes it does but I think for the most part the story should stand on its own," Danica said answering Anya's question first.

"And so should a piece of music... but sometimes knowing the origins of the music does help as in the piece I played for you," Anya said with a shy smile.

"You played for me?" Danica asked.

"Yea I heard you close your laptop so I decide to play a piece of music that I thought you'd enjoy," Anya said blushing all so slightly that Danica almost missed the reddish hue to her cheeks.

"Well thank you, I did enjoy it even if it made me cry," Danica said.

"It was supposed to make you cry," Anya said still with that shy grin to her lips.

They continued to discuss the value of knowing the history of a piece of music or literature while they walked back to the dorm to drop off their things. They each could state instances of where it did help them but more often than not, they agreed that it really didn't matter. While the subject matter wasn't important, Danica began to see how Anya thought and how her mind worked. She knew that Anya was smart, most everyone there was; she got to know just how smart she really was, and while she was figuring this out Anya was doing much the same with her.

When they got back to the dorm after their cheeseburgers, they sat on a bench outside the dorm and watched several guys trying to impress several coeds watching them with the athletic ability by playing a game of football. The football wasn't all that interesting but it was fun watching them trying to impress the girls. They sat there until they began to get bored with it all plus the sun was setting and the air was getting chilly. They went on up to their dorm room, visiting the bathroom and changing into their pajamas. They both got into bed and continued to talk as they wound down. When Danica turned off the bedside lamp, she realized it was the first time that she didn't have to worry about getting wakened late in the night while having to get up early the next morning.

The next week was about learning each other's schedule and also their habits. The first thing that they both learned was that Anya tended to take a little longer in the bathroom getting ready, so without really discussing it, Danica began to get ready first and then she would check out her emails as Anya got ready. They would then go and eat at the dining hall before heading off in different directions. They would eat lunch together on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and like breakfast, Danica would also get a extra plate and Anya would have to have a little of what she was having.

"Are you sure that they all want to do this?" Danica asked for the third time as they got ready late Saturday afternoon.

"For the third time, yes they will enjoy it," Anya replied and Danica could see that Anya was trying to be patient with her.

"But it's not really exciting like dancing is," Danica stated still worried about her decision of what they would do for their night out of fun.

"None of our friends have ever done this before and that makes it exciting for them," Anya assured her.

Danica noticed that Anya said "Our friends" and not "her friends" which did make her smile a little. "But it's just bowling, not exactly an exciting sport." She told her.

"You'll make it fun for them," Anya told her looking her directly into her eyes.

"How will I do that?" Danica asked now really worried as she had never been one to make anything fun.

"Because I can see you now, running from person to person showing them what to do and that will get everyone to enjoy the evening. If they see you excited and having fun, they'll not be able to avoid having fun. So relax and enjoy the evening like you did when we went dancing that you just knew was going to be a horrible evening but it was fun wasn't it." Anya told her.

"I didn't think it was going to be a horrible evening..." Danica said with a serious expression before her lips formed into a smile, "I thought it was going to be a fate worse than death."

Anya came up to her putting her index finger to her chest, "Looks like you survived." Anya told her smiling brightly.

"Yes I did and I did have fun," Danica said.

"So you shall tonight," Anya assured her. "Now let's go, I haven't eaten since this morning and you know how I get if I don't eat."

"Yes I do," Danica said with a laugh, "Come on." She got her purse going to the door as Anya grabbed her small billfold that she put into Danica's purse so they both wouldn't have to lug around a purse.

This time they rode with Shawn and Haley, meeting Georgia, Hank and Andi at the Chinese buffet that Andi insisted that they go to eat. Andi loved Chinese and she had heard that this was a great place to eat so that is where they went. They were immediately seated at a table so once they made their drink orders; they all went to the buffet lines. Danica was in front of Anya and had she noticed, she would have seen that Anya didn't get anything that she had put onto her plate. However she did see it when Anya sat down beside of her. Danica had to smile as she saw Anya eyeing what she had on her plate. Danica went ahead and slid over a little closer to Anya so that Anya could easier pick off of her plate as she was sure to do. When they had pizza the previous Saturday, Anya didn't have any reason to divide up what they had gotten, but now she did.

"You know Anya, this is a buffet, you can go back and get what you want," Georgia said as she watched Anya using her fork to get a piece of chicken from Danica's plate.

"It tastes better when it comes from my plate," Danica said before a blushing Anya could answer.

"Yea," Anya said sheepishly.

"And food taste better from her plate," Danica said as she used her fork to get some vegetables from Anya's plate.

"Let me try that theory," Haley said as she plucked a couple of Shawn's eggrolls from his plate.

"Hey those are mine, get your own," Shawn protested a bit too late.

"Yep they are better from someone else's plate," Haley said with a laugh making everyone else laugh except Shawn who had to get up and replace his eggrolls.

"Don't you get any ideas," Georgia warned Hank who held up his hands as if he had no desire to pick anything from her plate.

That got another laugh and then they went on with their discussions ignoring Anya and her roaming fork and Anya also giving Danica what she thought she needed to eat. Well Georgia did frown a couple of times but she didn't say anything more about it.

When they got to the bowling alley, they all got their shoes as Danica got them an alley to use. There was several open in the middle but Danica took them to the very end were a family of four was just finishing up. While they waited, Danica showed them the steps they needed to use when they bowled the bowling ball. She also helped them pick out a bowling ball that they could handle. Mostly she directed them to the lighter balls that would be easier to use.

"I thought that we not keep score for the first game, that way you all can get some practice," Danica suggested.

"Oh no, let's keep score, have a little friendly competition, maybe even set up a bet," Andi suggested and Danica could see that andi liked to keep things interesting.

"But Danica is the only one who knows what they're doing," Anya protested.

"What's your average score?" Andi asked.

Danica laughed a little, "Actually I usually did good to break a hundred." Danica told them.

"Well shoot, we can do that," Hank boasted.

"It's not as easy as it looks," Danica warned them.

"What's the bet?" Georgia asked, directing her question to Andi.

Andi thought for a moment, "How about the winner has to write a story about all of us." Andi said looking directly at Danica.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Danica asked looking around a six grinning faces.

"Cause you're the only one knowing what the hell their doing," Shawn said with a laugh.

"How about we just try and have fun?" Danica asked.

"Oh that we can do," Anya said grinning. "Now show us what we're supposed to do."

Danica smiled at Anya showing how grateful she was for her support, "okay we each get a free frame and then I'll start putting the scores down.

Danica got her ball putting her fingers into the three slots making sure that everyone saw her. She then stood up at the alley where the dots were putting herself right in the center. She could feel everyone's eyes staring right into her back and her nerves began to get to her. She brought the ball up in front of her and carefully placing her feet as she move in smooth strides to the alley letting the ball go before she crossed the line. As soon as she let the ball go, she knew where it was going. It started in the center of the alley but quickly moved to the right side and then into the gutter, which was the area on the sides of the alley that once into it, it wasn't getting out. It went down the gutter to the sides of the pins. "Shit" Danica said to herself.

"Aren't we supposed to try and knock down the pins?" Anya asked with a little laugh giving Danica a wink showing that she was kidding with her.

"Yea, I was just showing everyone what happens when you don't keep the ball in the center of the alley," Danica said getting a laugh from everyone.

"Yea right," Hank said with a good natured laugh.

When her ball returned, Danica got it and went back to the alley. This time when she began to feel the eyes staring at her she heard Anya say, "Remember the objective to actually hit the pins."

Danica almost dropped the ball as she heard everyone laughing but not at her but with her as she was laughing too. "Oh shut up," Danica said turning to Anya and give her a mean stare that just added to everyone laughter.

This time when she got ready to bowl the ball, while she knew everyone was still watching her, she didn't feel their eyes staring into her. All she was hearing was their leftover laughing and them having fun with her. This time when the ball left her hand, she knew that it was straight. As it got closer to the pins, she knew that it was going to hit a lot of the pins but what she wasn't expecting was that it would knock them all down.

Danica turned around she made an exaggerated curtsy and said, "And that is how it's done." When she rose up she saw everyone clapping and laughing at her gesture.

Danica came back and sat beside of Anya who was sitting at the scoring table, so who's next?" She asked.

"I am," Hank said before anyone else could.

He got his ball and confidently went up to the dots. He didn't hesitate in the least as he bowled his ball. His ball did at least go a little bit further down the alley before it too slipped into the gutter.

"I believe the objective is to hit the pins and not avoid them,' Georgia said to him.

"Oh shut up," Hank said to everyone's laughter and then he laughed too.

He did better on his next ball getting several pins down. Hank made sure that Georgia went next and Danica could see that she was a bit nervous. She went up to her and whispered into her ear, "Just roll it easy, you'll do fine."

"Thanks," she said relaxing a little. She did just as Danica told her and the bowling ball went slightly to the left of the center pin but she did knock down several pins.

"And that is how's it's done," Georgia said looking directly at Hank who could only laugh.

Her next ball went exactly the same place however since she had already knocked down the pins on that side, she missed the rest of the pins. She turned and pointed to Hank daring him to say a word which of course, he didn't but he did give her a kiss as she sat down beside of him. Shawn, Andi and Haley went next in that order and they all were able to hit a few pins with each of their balls. Then came Anya's turn, she got her ball, the same one that Danica was using. She stood in the center just like everyone else did. She bowled her ball however it wasn't like everyone's else traveling down the alley in a straight line. Hers went about three quarters of the way down the alley before taking a left hand turn, just missing the pins.

She turned to Danica, "Did you see that, my ball just avoided all the pins."

While Danica didn't know a lot about bowling, she did know when someone had a natural spin to her ball. "No it didn't, you just put a spin to the ball."

"How did I do that?" Anya asked.

"I'm not sure but I do know what we can do about it," Danica told her as she moved up to where Anya was waiting for her ball to be returned.

Danica let Anya get back to the center of the dots on the floor before she placed her hands on her hips. "Let's move you to the right a little and see if that helps," Danica suggested.

"But it'll go right into the gutter," Anya protested.

"No it won't," Danica said giving her a smile. "Trust me."

Danica went back to her seat giving a smile to Anya who was looking back at her with this unsure expression on her face. Seeing her smile, Anya smiled back and turned her eyes back to the alley. Danica watched Anya take in a deep breath before she stepped forward. When she released the ball it was on the right side of the alley and it went straight but like her first ball it veered to the left, this time hitting several of the pins on the left side.

"I did it!" Anya said excitedly as she ran back to where Danica was sitting giving her a hug before sitting down beside of her.

"Yes you did," Danica said putting her arm around Anya's shoulders giving her a squeeze.

"Now how did I do it?" Anya asked.

"I'm not sure, let me watch you a bit and see what you're doing," Danica said even though she had watched her carefully and saw that she was twisting her wrist just before she released the bowl which was what was probably causing the bowling ball to veer as it went down the alley. However she feared that if she told Anya what she thought that she was doing, she would be more conscious of it.

Danica got up and she had to wait for a moment for the ball that she and Anya was sharing to come back. She stepped up and after taking a deep breath, she bowled her ball. She started it a little too far to the right so it only knocked down three pins but at least it wasn't a gutter ball. She came back and showed Anya where to mark the number of pins that she knocked down on the scoring sheet. When her ball returned, she lined herself up a little further to the right. That way if she bowled the ball straight, she would hit more pins. Either she didn't move far enough or she didn't move toward the line in a straight line as her ball went exactly where the previous ball went, it zoomed right past the pins not hitting a one.

"I think you already knocked those down," Haley yelled out to her.

Now Danica wasn't one with a quick wit but on this occasion, she did, "I just was making sure they wouldn't pop back up." She said to everyone's enjoyment.

"Good one," Anya said to her when she sat back down beside of her.

Hank went next and he knocked four pins down but then only knocked down one more on his second roll. And so they went on with everyone knocking down several pins and a couple of them missing on their second roll. Of course they said that they were making sure that the pins wouldn't pop back up on them. Danica felt her face flush each time someone said it but she knew they were having fun with her. She wasn't the only one that got kidded, everyone got kidded after their first or second roll as one or the other of them missed most everything. When it came to Anya's turn, she made Danica come up with her to make sure that she was standing at the right spot. Danica used her hands on Anya's hips to place her where she needed to be.

Danica stepped back once she had Anya placed where she thought that she should be. As soon as Anya let loose of the ball, she knew that she had placed her too far to the right. It only went about ten feet before it slipped into the gutter.

Anya turned and frowned, "that was my fault," Danica said over the chorus of "Gutter Ball" coming from behind them.

Anya came up to her and then she reached around her. Danica felt Anya's hands against her back and she heard laughter coming from behind her.

"Tell me you didn't just do what I think you did,' Danica said to a grinning Anya.

"What?" Anya said grinning even bigger.

"You gave them the finger, didn't you?" Danica asked.

"No I gave them two fingers,' Anya said laughing.

"You're impossible," Danica said laughing with her.

Only then did Danica realize that Anya was still standing against her, she looked at Anya who she saw was realizing the same thing and she brought her hands back and stepped away. The weird part was that it didn't seem like an awkward moment for her, it actually felt nice. Anya went to the ball return and got her ball. She went to the dots on the floor and she waited for Danica to position her. She stepped to Anya's back, placing her hands on her hips. She put Anya in place just not as far to the right. She left her hands in place for just another second before releasing Anya's hips and stepping back.

She went on back to the scoring table to sit down. Anya seemed to wait until she was sitting and watching her before she took a deep breath and then she set into motion. When she released the ball, Danica knew at least it wasn't going to be a gutter ball. It when down the three quarters down the alley before the spin began to take hold. It started to move to the left slowly at first them made a hard left hand turn and it hit the side of the front pin. Danica watched as they all came crashing down. Anya turned and did her curtsy to applause and then she came to Danica giving her a hug. This time Danica was expecting it and she returned the quick hug.

Danica got on up and she picked up Anya's ball going to the line. She could hear her new friends calling out to her, "Remember the objective is to hit the pins" and "Watch out for those pesky pins that will pop back up." This made her laugh and she had to lower her ball and turn toward them.

"Shut up, let me concentrate," she told them and they all became silent but for only as long as she was facing them. When she turned back around, the friendly catcalls came back at her. She just laughed and she knew that if she told them to be quiet again, they'd only get louder. So she did her best to block them out, she took a deep breath letting it out before starting her approach. She released the ball and saw that the ball was running true down the middle of the alley. It hit the head pin dead on and she knocked down most of the pins however she left a couple to each side. She knew she had no chance to get the rest of the pins down on her next ball but she didn't care. She turned and stuck her tongue out at her friends who laughed and she got a thumbs up from Anya, that she appreciated. She did knock the pins down on the right side on her next ball which she was proud of being able to do.

Hank was next and he too got the same catcalls that Danica got and Danica joined in on ribbing him as she got into the fun. And so it went for the rest of the group. They all managed to get a few pins down and Danica continued to help place Anya where she needed to be. Danica knew that Anya knew where to stand by then but she seemed to like having Danica place her. At the end of the tenth frame, Danica was three pins ahead of Haley and Anya behind by four pins. The rest of the group was all close too but no one broke a hundred. Since Danica won, her prize was to buy everyone something to drink. Danica argued that it didn't work that way but she was the only one who thought that. So she went to the snack area with Andi and Anya going along to help carry all the drinks.

After a break, they decided that the last place person in the last game would so first and then work back up to Danica who would go last this time. Georgia had to go first which she wasn't too happy about that is until her ball went down the lane and knocked down all the pins. Being the dancer that she was, she did a little impromptu dance before coming back and getting a kiss from Hank. Shawn was next and he didn't do as well only getting six pins down between his two tries. Haley gave him a hug so that seemed to cheer him up. Next was Hank, who got a total of nine pins just barely, missing a spare.

It was then Anya's turn and Danica automatically went up with her to help place her where she needed to be. Danica had to admit that she was growing to like that Anya wanted her help so much though she didn't need it. Her first ball had a bit too much spin to it and it ended up in the gutter. The catcalls of "Gutter Ball" got Danica another semi hug as Anya gave the group the finger. However her next ball did hit its mark and knocked down eight of the pins. That just left Haley and Danica left and Haley went next. As soon as the ball left her fingers, Danica knew that it was going to knock down a lot of pins and it did, it knocked them all down. Haley also did a dance, while not as pretty as Georgia's it was fun to watch mostly because of the big grin on her face.

Danica got up and retrieved her ball. She stood up there and she really wanted to do well, wanting to stay ahead of everyone else. However that desire worked against her as she missed stepped on her approach and her ball ended up bouncing a time or two before rolling directly into the gutter. She of course immediately heard the chant of "gutter ball" and to her own surprise, she put her hand against her stomach where only they could see and she gave them the finger just as Anya did. This brought laughter from everyone and caused her face to turn a reddish hue. Her next ball did hit six pins so all was not lost. However her game didn't improve much from there. While she didn't finish last, she was close.

Haley ended up winning the game however she wasn't forced to go get drinks, instead the girls joined forces and made Shawn and Hank go get snack and drinks. They talked as they ate their snacks and drank their cokes and water. In the meantime, a family arrived with two young teenagers, a boy and girl. It was obviously the first time for the teenagers to bowl and neither seemed real excited about spending a Saturday night with their parents. The father was showing both how to bowl and when the girl tried it for the first time, the bowl went about halfway down the lane before slipping into the gutter. When the girl turned around she had this disappointed expression that Danica could see was that she just knew the girl knew this wasn't going to be any fun. Danica wanted to say something to her but she wasn't sure if she should.

"Don't worry; we've rolled so many balls into the gutter that we can't count. You'll do better on your next one," Danica heard Anya say.

"Yea, I think my ball has a magnet in it that pulls it into the gutter," Hank told her giving her a sweet grin.

The girl looked over at Hank and Danica saw her expression immediately change as she looked over at the handsome and very fit man talking to her. She smiled back at him and Danica could just see that she began to think that just maybe the evening wouldn't be so bad after all. Danica looked over at the boy who suddenly discovered that there were five cute girls in the lane next to him, his interest also improved greatly. The girl was still grinning as she got her ball and went up to her lane to bowl again. This time the ball made it all the way down the lane and hit several pins knocking them down.

"There you go, I bet you beat all of us tonight," Hank told her and her face turn a bright red as her grin got bigger.

The boy came up next and Georgia gave him the same encouragement that Hank had done to the girl making him grin and also turn his face as red as his sister. Once he had bowled his ball getting several pins down and got cheered by everyone, Anya got up and introduced everyone to the family making sure to talk to the parents both of whom were looking wearily at these college students talking to their young teenaged kids. Once they realized that this wasn't the usual group of rowdy college kids but a group of students that put their education first and they saw that they were drinking water and cokes and not beer made them much more acceptable.

With the family next to them, they had to tone down their catcalls when someone did something like bowl a gutter ball which didn't happen often in this third game. They also got a bit more serious as none of them wanted to finish last. It was clear from the beginning of the game that Anya would be hard to beat, she had pretty much mastered the hook that she put on the ball and Danica got better at placing her where she needed to be. They also kept talking to the family next to them keeping the kids interested in this new game to them.

When Danica finished adding up the score, she was very happy that they all broke a hundred with Anya finishing at one hundred and sixty-nine pins down. Since she won, they rest decided that she would chose what they would do the next Saturday.

"Hey shouldn't the last place finisher choose," Anya said looking at Andi who had that honor.

"Wait a minute, I think I made an error in adding," Danica said, "let me check this again."

Danica sat back down and with some creative math she came up with new totals, "Just what I thought, I did make a mistake. You finished first by far Anya however it turns out that the rest of us tied for last." She said grinning.

"Yea and we all have decided that you get to choose what we do," Andi told her.

"And it's got to be as fun as what Danica chose," Haley told her winking at Danica who could only grin.

"I think you all are ganging up on me," Anya protested.

"Of course we are," Shawn said laughing.

"Thanks a lot Danica," Anya said frowning at her.

"You're welcome," Danica said getting a laugh.

"I wasn't being serious you know," Anya told her.

"Oh I know," Danica said laughing.

They said their goodbyes to the family next to them and Danica could see that the kids was sad to see them go but she could also see that they were also now interested in bowling that their parents had dragged them into doing.

"I think tonight went well don't you," Danica said after they were both in bed and the lights turned out.

"It did, I told you that it didn't matter what we did, we'd make it fun," Anya assured her.

"So what are we going to do next Saturday?' Danica asked.

"I don't know but since you got me elected to figure it out, you'll have to help me decide," Anya told her.

"I do?" Danica asked.

"Yes you do so start thinking," Anya told her.

"Okay, but it's going to be up to you, it was hard enough for me to come up with bowling," Danica told her.

They then went on to talk about other things for a while before they both began to get tired and they decided it was time to sleep. Danica rolled onto her left side facing Anya who was lying on her back. Anya had a little nightlight that her mother had given to her when she was a child. It was another of the things that Shelley hated about her but Danica didn't mind. As she had told Anya that first night that she had moved it, it gave her enough light to get to the bathroom at night if need be.

It wasn't all that bright but it did give her just enough light to see Anya as she lay so peacefully, already asleep. As she lay there looking at Anya, her mind went back to how Anya had made her position her on the lane with her hands to Anya's hips. She remembered the feel of her hips and also the scent of her body spray that she used. For some reason, the feel of Anya so close and her scent made Danica feel warm inside, like there was something about Anya that was so appealing and made her want to be near her. She went to sleep thinking about how glad that she was to have found Anya and that Anya had wanted to be friends with her as well as roommates.

Sunday they both woke up a little sore from using muscles that they hadn't ever used before. They both got texts from the rest of the group with the same complaints but they all also said how much they enjoyed the evening. After sharing their breakfast, Danica went with Anya to listen to her practice as she studied. She didn't have a lot of work to do so she was able to listen a little more to Anya playing her violin. The more she listened to more she grew to appreciate Anya's talent and also appreciate the type of music that she played. Anya didn't finish with the music that she had the previous Sunday; she had another piece that she played that while not as sad, it was pretty all the same.

Monday morning they were back to attending classes and trying to get their homework done. They both had classes that they had to take but wasn't exactly what they were interested in. For Danica, it was her Calculus class and for Anya it was her World History class. Anya hated her class because she never was interested in what happened in the past but what was happening now but Danica did enjoy history and she could help Anya understand what had happened and why it was important. Anya on the other hand had no problem with Calculus so she could help Danica. They actually had the same professor but they attended on different days. This really helped Danica with Anya having her class first.

By the time Saturday came around Anya with Danica's help decided that the group would go to a music festival that was going on an hour or so south of the college. There were several different groups playing that covered about every genre of music. This way everyone would have something that they liked. Danica and Anya got the blankets to sit upon and Shawn had a cooler to use. They set out in two cars stopping by a grocery store to pick up snacks and the things they needed to make sandwiches. They arrived in plenty of time to find a good place on the hill facing the stage. It was just close enough to see everyone on the stage but also not so close that they would get blasted out when the louder groups played. Danica and Anya sat down together with everyone sitting around them.

The first thing that they did was to break out the food and got the sandwiches made. They sat and talked as they ate, with sometimes one conversation going on and at others, several conversations going. When they music began, the turned toward the stage and Anya slid in close to Danica. The first group was a four person ensemble playing classical music. This Danica could see Anya really got into and she did too now that Anya had shown her just how beautiful the music could be. Andi also appreciated the festival starting out this way however the rest of their group was a bit more restless as it wasn't what they were into.

They played for about thirty minutes before they gave the stage over to a country star. Now Shawn was the happy one as he was really into country music. Georgia got the girls up and showed them a country line dance. The steps were pretty simple but it still took Danica and Anya a bit to catch on. Danica was looking down watching the movement of Georgia's feet that when she was able to look up, she found that that they had been joined by several teenage girls as well as a few moms and younger adult women. They had staked out about the only flat area on the hill so everyone wanted to come there to do a little dancing.

Having mastered line dancing, Anya wasn't ready to stop even when the country group gave way to a rock group. Georgia got Hank up to do a little dancing so it was just Danica and Andi continuing to line dancing. They even made up a few different steps, just having fun. It was only when the rock group gave up the stage to a quartet singing gospel songs, did they sit down to rest and also drink a bottle of water. They stayed until the end of the festival enjoying most of the groups that played though there was one singer who they decided needed a lot more work before she played in front of an audience again.

Even though it was late when they got home, they still talked a while when they got into bed, well after they had taken their showers as it had been a warm evening and with all the line dancing that they did, they were both sweaty and needing a shower.

They did sleep a little later the next morning as they were both tired and had not gotten to sleep until well past midnight. Again their Sunday was repeated with Danica listening to Anya practicing as she studied. Anya picked out a sweet sounding piece of music to end her practice with Danica standing beside of her. They went to bed earlier that night trying to make up for the lack of sleep but they still talked for a while. Danica went to sleep thinking about the piece of music that Anya had played for her and the graceful movement of Anya's arms and body as she played. This seemed to play out in her head over and over again and it went on into her sleep.

When the alarm went off the next morning, she lay there for a moment as Anya turned off the alarm and then got up to go to the bathroom. She found herself watching her until she disappeared into the bathroom. She wasn't sure why she just lay there and watched her friend and roommate but she did. But then she realized that the day beckoned and she had to get up to get ready for class. Her mind went on to her first class and also the wish that Anya would hurry up as she was starting to really have to use the restroom.

The week started off like the past three weeks that she had been rooming with Anya, they had their morning breakfast or rather sharing their breakfast before heading off in different directions to get to their first class.

Wednesday evening Danica found herself studying for her calculus test on Friday. It was to be an important test and she wanted to be ready. She was studying this night to get ready and then Thursday she would just review the problems she thought would be the hardest for her. Anya had been helping her but tonight she wanted to do it alone and if she needed help then Anya would be there to help her Thursday night. Anya was busy studying for her own test; she had some classical music playing in the background that Danica had gotten used to listening to as she studied.

Danica had a set of problems that she was trying to solve, leaving her text book and notes on her bed. That way she wouldn't be tempted to glance at her text book to find the right way to solve the problem. She heard Anya get up and a moment later, she heard the bathroom door close but she didn't pay much attention to Anya, she was about through with the last problem and she was sure that she got it right. When she had finished, she turned in her seat, jumping up excitedly to go and get her textbook to see if she was right.

She turned and started to step forward however Anya chose that exact moment to return from the bathroom. She let out a gasp as she bumped into Anya who gave out a surprised yelp of her own. She saw Anya start to fall backwards so she reached out grasping onto her upper arms pulling her back and thus into her body. This caused Danica to fall back against the desk and Anya fall into her.

She felt Anya's hands grasp onto her sides and she looked directly into Anya's brown eyes that seemed to grow wider by the second. She inhaled Anya's body spray and saw her fine black hair framing her face. She wasn't sure why she wasn't pushing Anya back to unpin herself from against the desk, and she really didn't understand why she was content to have Anya pressed against her, it just felt so right for some reason; time had stopped for her, she was lost in that moment of time.

Somewhere in the time and space that she was lost in, she saw Anya's head moving towards her. She saw Anya's lips purse ever so slightly and then she saw Anya's closing her eyes. Why she did so, she didn't know, but she closed her eyes just before she felt Anya's soft lips touch her lips. Her mind told her to push Anya away, that she shouldn't be kissing another woman however her hands seemed to be gripping Anya's arms tighter holding her as Anya's soft lips pressed against hers and it felt wonderful. Danica couldn't believe just how wonderful if felt; she could feel Anya's body pressed against her body. She was feeling things that she had never felt before understanding none of what she was feeling. All she could feel was Anya's lips against hers, however her brain did finally engage and she pushed Anya away.

She looked at Anya and what she saw scared her as she saw fear in Anya's eyes. Then it looked like all the blood drained from Anya's face as she put her hand to her face.

"Oh god...I'm sorry..." Anya said in almost a whisper.

Danica wanted to say something but her brain couldn't find any words to say and besides she didn't know what she wanted to say. There was too many thoughts going through her head and none of them made any sense. So she just stood there watching Anya grabbing a tee shirt and a pair of pajama's shorts heading into the bathroom. This left Danica to herself and that wasn't what she wanted, she wanted someone to talk to but the only person she could talk to about something like this was Anya and she was also the one person she couldn't talk to. She brought her fingers to her lips feeling where Anya's lips had just been. But she really didn't feel her fingers touching her lips; she could only feel Anya's lips touching them. She heard water from the sink running in the bathroom and that got her moving. She went to her bed getting her Calculus text book, putting it on her desk, she knew that studying was over for the evening. She closed out her computer and she got her pajamas.

Anya came out of the bathroom going straight to her bed, keeping her back to Danica however Danica's thought that she could see that Anya had been crying. Again she wanted to say something but she didn't know just what she wanted to say. So feeling like a fool she got her things, going to the bathroom. She shut the door going to the mirror. She looked at herself, seeing someone she hadn't seen before. There was something about her face that she hadn't seen before. For sure there was confusion there but there was life in her eyes. The longer that she looked into her eyes the more confused her face became. Finally she had to turn away from the mirror to keep from going crazy. She stripped out of her clothes and went to the toilet pulling her panties down to pee. Once she wiped herself, she got back up, pulling her panties up and she put on an old short sleeve pajama top and matching pajama shorts.

She opened the door to find the room dark except for Anya's nightlight. She moved on over to her bed trying to avoid looking at Anya for fear of seeing her cry and not knowing what to say. She pulled the covers back slipping under them, lying on her back as she always did as she and Anya had their nightly talk. But tonight there was only silence, not even any noise from the hallway which was very unusual for this early in the evening, even on a weeknight.

Danica lay there thinking about how Anya had kissed her and how she didn't resist it, she had let it happen. Somewhere deep inside her, she knew she should be repulsed by the kiss; however she wasn't, far from it in fact. She didn't like where this conversation that she was having with herself was going so she was thankful that Anya chose this moment to break the eerie silence.

Anya's words came out slowly and quietly but Danica could clearly hear her and the inflection of fear in her voice "Are you mad at me?"

"No of course not," Danica replied speaking just as softly.

"Do you still want to be my roommate?" Anya asked with that fear still coming out.

"Yes I still want to be your roommate," Danica told her.

"And still be my friend?" Anya asked.

"Yes, Anya I'm still your friend," Danica said.

"Good," Anya replied letting out an obvious sigh of relief.

Danica waited for Anya's next question but none was forthcoming, only the silence that seemed to be encompassing the room. It also left her to continue her conversation with herself that she didn't want to have because it was coming to the question that she didn't want to answer. Luckily she didn't have to as Anya chose that moment to ask another question.

Danica didn't care what Anya asked as long as it led to a conversation and prevented her from asking herself that particular question, however Anya didn't actually come to her rescue as she had hoped.

"What are you thinking about?" Anya asked.

Danica hesitated for a moment not sure how to answer Anya's question, if she told Anya the truth, she wasn't sure what it would set into motion. But then she had always been honest with Anya and she couldn't stop being so now.

"I was wondering what it would feel like if you kissed me again..." Danica said feeling her heart pounding and she felt like her body was one bundle of nerves all going off at once.

She wanted to look over at Anya but she couldn't so she just lay there as still as she could be. She thought she heard Anya moving but her heart was pounding in her ears so loudly that she wasn't sure what she was really hearing. She noticed movement from the corner of her eye and she looked to see Anya standing by her bed. She looked up at Anya's face seeing that Anya looked as scared and nervous as she did. When Anya reached down to lift the covers, Danica slid over while turning over onto her side to face her.

She watched as Anya slowly slipped into her small bed facing her on her side. Danica looked into Anya's wide eyes and she saw that she had been crying but those tears had been replaced with a sparkle that she had seen before when she caught Anya looking at her.

"Oh god," Danica said aloud and then she blushed embarrassed by what she had said not meaning for it to come out aloud.

"Me too," Anya said with her lips forming a soft smile.

That made Danica feel a bit better but she was still so nervous and her heart was beating even harder if that was possible. She wasn't sure what to do with her hands so she kept her left arm by her side just in front of her body and her right one on top of her right side.

"What do we do now?" Danica asked, with her voice breaking ever so slightly.

"Why don't we try a little kiss," Anya suggested.

Danica wasn't sure what to say to that or if she should respond but then Anya didn't give her much time to think. She felt Anya's left hand come up with her fingers touching her cheek and then she saw Anya's head moving slowly forward. Anya was giving her time to stop the impending kiss but she didn't want to, she wanted to feel Anya's soft lips again. She needed to feel them so she moved her head forward. She closed her eyes and a moment later she felt Anya's lips touching her lips all so lightly and softly.

Danica heard a soft moan and she realized that the moan came from her throat. She reached out with her right hand placing it on Anya's side gripping it lightly. She felt Anya's lips pressing in a little firmer and she felt Anya's hand going to the back of her neck holding her there. Danica's head was spinning and she was sure that her heart would burst from how hard it was beating.

The seconds past like hours as Anya kissed her and she was about out of breath when Anya's pulled her lips back allowing them both a moment to take a deep breath.

"Oh god..." Danica gasped and she saw Anya smile.

Then Anya kissed her again and she felt Anya's hand pressing on the back of her neck and head. Danica's hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved to Anya's back and she pulled them together. She could feel Anya's breasts pressed against her breasts adding to the excitement she was feeling. Their lips were pressed in harder this time and she was kissing Anya back. Their lips opened slightly as they kissed. Anya pulled her head back letting them both breathe before she quickly kissed her again.

They kept kissing only stopping long enough to for Danica slip her left hand under Anya's side placing her hand to Anya's back. Anya's right hand moved under her side and onto her back as they kissed thus pulling them in even tighter. Somewhere in the kissing, Danica moved her right leg on top of Anya's legs bending it at her knee and Anya slipped her left leg forward so that their legs were intertwined. Dania felt Anya's thigh against her pussy and it was feeling nice, almost as nice as Anya's kisses were feeling. She could feel the warmth coming from the same area of Anya's body against her thigh.

"Wait a moment," Danica gasped as she pulled her lips back.

She saw the worry in Anya's eyes so she quickly added, "I need to catch my breath." Then she kissed the tip of Anya's nose making her grin relieving the worry Danica had seen on Anya's face.

"Are you a lesbian?' Danica asked before she could think.

"No," Anya said quickly but then her eyebrows knitted for a second. "Yes... I don't... maybe."

"That is a definite answer," Danica said giving Anya a smile.

Anya frowned for a second before she said, "Yes I am... but I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want you to become my roommate so that I could come onto you."

"I know, you wanted me to be your roommate to get away from Shelley as I wanted you to get rid of Debbie," Danica said confident of at least that.

"We used each other in that way," Anya said.

"When did you..." Danica asked not sure how to ask the question.

"Become attracted to you as more than a friend?" Anya asked.

"Yes," Danica replied.

Anya didn't hesitate in her answer, "the night we went dancing, you were so beautiful dancing with me."

"But I'm a terrible dancer," Danica countered.

"I said you were beautiful, not your dancing," Anya said with a little giggle that made Danica smile.

"Oh," Danica replied, "But I'm not beautiful."

"You are to me," Anya said moving her head forward giving her a kiss that Danica returned.

The kissing began again with their passion rising as Anya opened her lips further and so did Danica. She pulled Anya in closer and she felt Anya's thigh press against her pussy. Their tongues touched and Danica's heart began to pound again. Her whole body had come alive when Anya's kissed her and she loved that feeling and she loved feeling Anya pressed up against her.

"Am I a lesbian?" Danica asked feeling a little silly as she had grown up not even having a thought about being gay but now she was beginning to wonder.

Anya smiled, "I don't know you'll have to answer that for yourself." She told her.

"I like kissing you," Danica said not sure what that mean as far as her being gay.

"I like kissing you too," Anya said pressing forward to do just that.

Danica fell into the kissing with their lips opening and their tongues touching, Danica let out a moan and this time she heard Anya moaning too. She also felt Anya's thigh press in tighter again that part of her body that was growing more excited by the second. They kept kissing until Danica knew she had to slow down for a moment before things got to crazy and went too far.

"Why did you kiss me?" Danica asked not sure the reason matter but it served to slow things down and let her cool off.

"I didn't mean to, it wasn't my intention," Anya told her.

"I know," Danica said.

"I don't why I kissed you but there you were and when I looked into your eyes I knew I was fucked. I had to kiss you and then prayed that you wouldn't slap the shit out of me," Anya said.

"I don't think I knew what to do, I admit there was a part of me that told me to do just that, but there was another part that wouldn't let me push you away, I kind of liked the kiss," Danica admitted not only to Anya but also to herself. But then it was obvious now that she did as she was in the same bed as Anya returning her kisses and had been doing so for the last hour or so.

"But you did eventually push me away," Anya said, "I was sure that I really had fucked up. I knew I had lost the best friend that I have ever had."

"That was never a possibility, even when I was so confused by what had happened, I wanted to talk to but then I couldn't..." Danica told her.

"But you can, you know that,' Anya told her.

"I do," Danica said but then the need to talk wasn't as great now but something else was, "lets kiss some more."

"Okay," Anya said with a grin as she came forward and Danica felt Anya pressing against the back of her head bringing it forward.

Danica closed her eyes when she felt Anya's lips touching hers. She felt into the kiss opening her lips as Anya was doing. Their tongues touched sending a bolt of electricity through Danica's body making her let out a moan. They kissed deeply for a while but then Anya began to give her light brief kisses that were just as exciting as the longer one that had just ended. She felt Anya's thigh pressing in against her causing her to moan again feeling that part of her body become aroused again. She pressed her thigh into Anya getting a moan from her.

Danica felt Anya's lips leave hers only to feel them against her left cheek and then she right cheek to the tip of her nose and then to her chin. Danica had never felt this alive and her heart was about to pound out of her chest. Anya's lips found their way back to her lips and they began to kiss again. When Anya moved her head back to give them a chance to catch their breath, Danica began to kiss Anya's face going from her cheeks to the tip of nose and back to her cheeks tasting Anya's sweet flesh. But it was Anya's sweet lips that Danica wanted to kiss so she went back there giving a kiss to Anya and then letting Anya kiss her.

Danica felt her body becoming so aroused, more than she had ever felt before. She began to pant and she eased Anya back breaking off the kiss that Anya was giving her. She had to take in a deep breath to get her breathing under control as Anya was doing. In the dim light of Anya's nightlight, she saw Anya's looking directly into her eyes. They stared into each other's eyes with Danica feeling her heart go out for the girl holding her so tightly.

Danica wanted to stay here staring into Anya's beautiful eyes but she began to feel her left arm begin to tingle from lying under Anya's body. She wasn't so sure when it had gotten there but it was going to sleep on her.

"Can we move a moment, my arm is going to sleep on me," Danica said.

"Oh sorry," Anya said, "let's switch sides."

"Yea," Danica said rolling over onto her back.

Anya began to move over her however instead of going on over to her other side, Anya stopped when she was lying on top of her. Anya gave her a shy grin as she lowered her head to give her a kiss. When she felt Anya's lips touch hers, her arms went around Anya's body pulling her down against her. She found that she liked having Anya lay on her. She brought her knees up so that her thigh was again pressing against Anya's pussy and Anya's thigh press against hers. Danica felt Anya's hands slip under her shoulders gripping them as they kissed.

The more Anya kissed her, the more kisses that Danica wanted from her. She gripped Anya's shoulders tighter and then she felt Anya begin to rub her thigh against her. Without thinking Danica began to move her hips putting pressure against Anya. Danica again felt her body responding to the rubbing of Anya's thigh against her pussy and the kisses that Anya was giving to her. Their lips were open and their tongues were touching. The kissing became more passionate and Danica was feeling so many sensations. She felt her pussy begin to spasm and her clit become sensitive. She could feel her panties get damp and through the thin material of both of their pajama shorts, she could feel that Anya was becoming the same way.

It was at this moment that Danica had felt the need to slow things down but unlike that first kiss that Anya had given to her, she couldn't stop it this time. She moved her right knee up putting more pressure and friction against both of their pussies and clits. Anya pushed down harder and she seemed to be just as powerless to stop the rollercoaster that they had caught a ride upon. Danica gripped Anya tighter pushing her thigh upwards against Anya who was pushing down just as hard. She felt Anya's kisses lessen as they both had to stop kissing to breath. Danica felt her pussy spasm and her clit get so sensitive. She gripped Anya's shoulders even tighter as she clung to her. Anya was panting as she was and she was letting out moans from deep within her as she doing herself. She felt her pussy give out another spasm and she clamped her thighs against Anya's thigh letting out a moan as she felt her orgasm rush from her pussy to the rest of her body.

She wasn't sure how long the pleasure surged through her body but she enjoyed every second of it. Anya was still lying on top of her and it seemed that Anya also had an intense orgasm as she lay quietly upon her. It took Danica a second to realize what had just happened. She had gone from never even thinking of kissing another girl to just having sex with one, or did they had sex, they both still had their pajamas on however she had definitely just had a orgasm and a wonderful one at that. A moment or two later, Anya raised her head with a shy smile forming on her lips.

"Did we just have sex?" Danica asked feeling her face warm up as she was sure that she was blushing.

Anya smiled as her cheeks turned a darker reddish hue than what they already were, "No we just made love just a little differently," she said before lowering her head giving Danica a brief light kiss that Danica returned.

"Just how many girls have you been with?" Danica asked putting it diplomatically.

"Counting you... one," Anya said with a grin.

"How many have you kissed?" Danica asked surprised by Anya's answer.

"Counting you?" Anya asked smiling now.

"One?" Danica answered.

"Yep," Anya said, "I was never brave enough to try until now and there was no one that I was so drawn to until now. I wanted it to be someone I liked, someone I cared about, someone I knew was my friend."

Danica liked Anya's answer as she felt the same way as far as them being friends and that they had trust in each other but another part of her was bothered by what Anya was saying. "Just how are we going to figure this out if neither one of us knows what the hell we're doing or what we're supposed to do?" Danica asked.

"The only thing that we're supposed to do is what our hearts tell us." Anya said and Danica felt a little foolish about asking her question as Anya's answer was exactly right, what they were doing was what their hearts told them to do. But that still left her other question unanswered but then Anya answered that too when she finished her thought.

"And I guess we will have to figure where we go from here together. We've done all right so far," Anya said with a reassuring smile.

"But all we've done is kiss and well..." Danica said.

"Then I say we continue doing that," Anya told her with a devious grin.

Danica looking into the devious smile wondering just what was behind the smile but then Anya lowered her head to give her another kiss and then she knew what was devious about Anya's smile, a passionate kiss that got Danica's heart to start pounding again and her body all excited and aroused with Anya lying on top of her and her thigh pressed where it was.

They kissed lightly at first and then their kisses became more passionate. When that happened, they began to push their thighs into each other. This of course added to the pleasure that Danica was feeling and she could see by Anya's breathing pattern, it also had the same effect. However before she could get too far, she began to feel pressure from the same area on her body just a little deeper. This was an unwanted feeling that she didn't want at this moment but it was something that she could only put off for so long.

"Anya.. I'm sorry but..." Danica said as she pushed up on Anya's shoulders.

"What?" Anya asked and Danica could see the worry in Anya's eyes.

"I got to go pee... really got to go pee," Danica said slightly embarrassed about her body's timing.

"Oh..." Anya said obviously relieved. "I need to too and maybe something to drink."

"Yea that would be good too," Danica said but then when Anya didn't immediately move, she had to add, "I need for you to move for me to get up."

"Oh yea I guess that would help wouldn't it," Anya said with an embarrassed giggle.

"Just a bit," Danica said laughing too.

"What you want to drink?" Anya asked as she went to their little refrigerator.

"Ahhhh... get me a coke... I want something sweet," Danica told her.

"Aren't I sweet enough?" Danica heard Anya say just before she closed the bathroom door.

Danica had to laugh, "Yes you are."

"I thought so," Anya said with a laugh that made Danica laugh too.

Danica went directly to the toilet pulling her pajama shorts and panties down as she began to sit. She felt both stick to her pussy as she got them to her thighs. She pushed them to her knees as she began to pee instantly easing the pressure. She looked down at her panties seeing that the gusset was soaked with her juices and she could smell her sexual aroma upon them. Now she wished that she had gotten a clean pair of panties and bring in with her, she could ask Anya to get her a pair but for some reason, she didn't think that was a good idea.

It was like she didn't want Anya to think that she was ashamed to be aroused by her. She got some toilet paper to wipe herself and she felt that the hair around her pussy was matted with her juices. While she did shave around her pussy, she kept her bush full. It was something that she never thought about trimming down or shaving. As she tried to clean herself as best she could a random thought went through her head, "What would Anya's pussy look like?" that thought led to a tingle in her pussy that told her more than she realized.

She let out a sigh when she felt more moisture come to her pussy and she gave up on getting herself clean without a shower, a cold shower at that. She got up, pulling her damp panties and pajama shorts up against her warm pussy. As she washed her hands, she glanced into the mirror to see that her hair was all astray and her eyes had dark circles under them, the way they get when she was tired. She looked down at the little clock that she had put into the bathroom; something that she couldn't believe Anya didn't have there when she moved in.

Anyway she got a shock when she saw that it was two in the morning. They had been up almost all night kissing and everything else. They had to get up in four hours but for some reason she wasn't tired, she was still a bit wired and anxious to be with Anya and kiss her again. She brushed out her hair as best she could and then she picked up her body spray and started to put a little on but then she stopped not sure why she did so.

She took a deep breath to settle her nerves before she reached to open the door. She came out to see Anya sitting on the edge of her bed, her hair was a mess yet she never looked so beautiful... and kissable. When Anya looked up and gave her a shy smile, Danica felt her own lips being drawn into a smile.

"Something to drink my dear," Anya asked holding up a can of coke.

"Why thank you," Danica said giving Anya a little curtsy before taking the can of coke.

"Oh god you're silly," Anya said with a laugh before getting up.

Danica saw Anya come in close and she accepted the kiss that Anya gave her before heading toward the bathroom. She took a sip of her coke and then realizing just how thirsty she was, took a much large drink of her coke. She looked toward her panty drawer thinking about doing a quick change but Anya didn't get any clean panties so she sat down on the edge of the bed feeling her damp panties against her pussy and for some reason she wasn't disgusted as she would have thought she would be, instead she thought about how they got that way, then she began to like how they felt.

She had her coke about half drank by the time Anya came out of the bathroom. Her hair was back in place and she looked beautiful, beautiful enough to kiss. So Danica got up from the bed and came over stopping right in front of Anya who gave her this questioning look. Danica smiled as she put her hands to Anya's cheeks and she leaned in to give her a kiss.

"What was that for?" Anya asked though she had a big smile on her face.

"I don't know but I just had to kiss you," Danica said just realizing what she had done; she kissed Anya and not just returned her kisses.

"Well I liked it," Anya said putting her hands to Danica's cheeks and kissed her back.

"I like your kisses more," Danica said after the light kiss.

"No I like your's more," Anya said as she pursued her lips and then waited.

"You're the silly one," Danica said with a laugh but then she kissed Anya who still had her lips pursed ready to receive that kiss.

"We both are," Anya said laughing when the light brief kiss ended.

"Come on, let's go back to bed, we only have a few hours before we have to get up and go to class," Danica said putting reality back into their lives.

"I know but I'm not sleepy, I couldn't go to sleep right now even if I wanted to," Anya told her taking her hand and leading her back to Danica's bed.

"Me either," Danica said feeling Anya squeeze her hand.

Anya let her get into bed first and she was going to lie on her side however as Anya followed her into bed, she pushed Danica onto her back and slid back on top of her.

Danica saw Anya lowering her head in the dim light and she welcomed the kiss which was what she wanted to do even more than sleep. She wrapped her arms around Anya and returned the kiss with the passion that she was feeling all the way to her soul.

"You know we're never going to get any sleep if we keep kissing," Anya said when they paused a moment let their breathing catch up with their hearts.

"I know," Danica said before placing her right hand to the back of Anya's head putting the slightest of pressure there.

Anya didn't need any more encouragement than that, Danica watched as Anya lowered her head and she kissed her. Danica felt a surge of excitement and energy with every kiss that Anya gave to her. She could also feel that her panties weren't getting any dryer with Anya's thigh pressed against her. She was again lost in Anya's kisses and the feel of Anya lying upon her.

Finally, their lips got too tender for them to kiss and the night of kissing and confessions was too much for either of them to overcome. Anya gave her a light kiss and then she lay her head down on her chest. Danica was sure that she would never be able to sleep as she lay there. Her mind was swirling around with a million different thoughts and she couldn't separate them to be able to think. However, her brain did eventually slow down enough for her eyelids to droop and finally close. It seemed to Danica that just at that instant, Anya's alarm blared waking them both from their moment of sleep.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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