Exchanging Roommates

Published on Aug 3, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Five

By Chris

She figured that Anya would immediately knock on the door but she didn't. She walked around the room as first one minute and then another passed. She checked her phone to make sure that she hadn't forgotten to hit the send button on her phone. She began to worry, getting some weird thoughts going through her head, thinking how Anya might have changed her mind or decided to go out with some of her friends instead. She knew that she was being silly but still the thoughts were there. Just about the time that she was beginning to get irritated, she heard a loud knock. She about jumped out of her skin and then she had to take a deep breath before she got up from her chair. She wanted to walk slowly to the door but her feet wanted the damn door opened.

She opened the door and the sight of Anya took her breath away. Anya stood there wearing a short black skirt that came to her mid thighs and was tight around her hips. She had on a matching black sweater that formed to her breasts. She also had on a pair of short heels that brought her to the same height as she was. Her short straight black hair had been teased out making it frame her pretty face.

She was speechless for a moment and obviously so was Anya as they both said, "You look beautiful," at almost the same time. And then they both said "Thank you, also at the same time making them both giggle.

"Sorry I was late there but I had Andi do my hair," Anya said putting her fingers to her hair.

Danica replied with, "She did a great job, you hair is so pretty."

"I love your dress, you look so sexy in it," Anya said making Danica blush.

"Your dress is the sexy dress," Danica said now seeing Anya blush a little.

"It's too short, I'm afraid to sit in it. I don't know why I ever bought it," Anya said shyly.

"Well it makes you look so sexy," Danica said.

"Thank you, I never had the nerve to wear it until now," Anya told her.

"I'm glad you wore it for me," Danica told her.

"You ready to go?" Anya asked holding out her hand out for Danica to take.

"Definitely," Danica said taking Anya's offered hand. However they only got a few steps down the hallway when Danica stopped suddenly. "Oh shit!"

"What, did you forget something?" Anya asked.

"Yes... you made me forget to close and lock the door," Danica said pulling her hands from Anya's hand.

"And just how did I make you forget?" Anya asked.

Danica didn't answer until she caught back up with Anya and had taken her hand, "Well let me put it this way, if I was a boy I would say that seeing you in that sexy skirt caused me to think with my 'you know what' and not my brain." Danica said with a shy grin.

"You know us women are known to suffer from the same problem from time to time," Anya said giggling as her face suddenly had a reddish hue.

"I'm beginning to figure that out," Danica said with color of her face matching Anya's.

"There's nothing wrong with feeling that way, when I saw you in that dress, I wanted to suggest we forget this date and spend the rest on the evening in bed cuddling and kissing," Anya told her.

"You know we can..." Danica replied not sure which way she wanted Anya to respond.

Anya seemed to hesitate, "How about we have our first date and then we come home and kiss and cuddle the rest of the night," Anya said.

"I like that idea," Danica said giving Anya's hand a squeeze.

"Me too," Anya said leaning over and Danica felt Anya giving her a light kiss.

"So where are we going to eat?" Danica asked getting the conversation off of kissing and onto their date.

"It's a surprise," Anya said just as they got to the elevator.

"I hate surprises, why can't you tell me?" Danica asked giving a hopeful look to Anya.

"Well actually..." Anya said pausing as the door opened. They entered the elevator, with Anya not finishing her sentence.

"Actually I..." Anya said pausing again and Danica saw that Anya was struggling to decide what to say, "Actually I have no clue where to take you. I had an idea but then seeing how you are so finely dressed..."

"As are you," Danica added.

"How we are dressed, I don't think what I had in mind is nice enough for our first date," Anya admitted.

"Any place is nice enough if you are here with me, the date is us being together and not where we eat or what we do," Danica said giving Anya's hand a squeeze.

"Now you're going to make me cry," Anya said with a soft smile coming upon her lips.

"You'd better not cry, I just spent three hours putting my eyes on and I don't want all that work ruined in the first fifteen minutes." Danica said grinning.

"Three hours?" Anya asked arching her eyebrows.

"Okay so it was two hours..." Danica replied giving Anya a look that dared her to question her.

"We can't have all that work to go to waste... and your eyes are pretty," Anya said.

"Thank you, so are yours," Danica said really noticing them and seeing just how pretty they were even in the harsh light of the elevator.

"I was thinking about going to that Italian restaurant in town," Anya suggested.

"I love pasta, that sounds like the perfect place to eat" Danica said as she really did love good pasta and this place had that.

They talked about what they might like to order though Danica knew that they would be sharing whatever they got. When they got to Anya's car, Anya even held open the door for her making Danica feel so special, like what she had dreamed her first date would be like. Not that she had really dared to imagine who her first date would be with or what they would look like, but it being with another woman, wasn't something that she had imagined. However when Anya got into the car and gave her a smile that made Danica smile, she knew that this was whom her first date was destined to be with.

Danica allowed Anya to get out of the parking lot before she reached over for her hand. Anya gave her hand a squeeze as she began to drive them toward town. Danica thought about what to talk about as she wanted to say something witty and intelligent but nothing was coming to mind. She looked over at Anya and she saw that she seemed to be thinking too. Everything had been great, even to the point of Anya making her wait, which at the time was frustrating but now seemed perfect timing. But now she felt like things were going in the opposite direction and she didn't know how to stop it fearing if she didn't, Anya would start to have second thoughts about her and them dating.

Then Danica had this strange thought go through her head, something that Carla would do if she was in this situation, she'd say what she was thinking, not caring how much trouble it got her into but in this case she would say it to get out of trouble.

"I'm trying to think what would be the perfect thing to say right now, something that years from now we'd remember talking about on her first date but I'm coming up with nothing," Danica admitted.

"You just said the perfect thing," Anya said turning her head to give her a smile before directing her attention back to the road and traffic.

"What was that?" Danica asked.

"That we would remember this conversations years from now," Anya said and Danica felt Anya giving her hand a squeeze.

"Oh..." Danica said blushing then wanted give credit where it was due, "Well I figured that would be what Carla would say, you know the girl in the series of books that I like."

"No it would be what you would say and did say," Anya said giving her another smile.

"I..." Danica started to say but then the thought that she wanted to express left her and she didn't know what to say.

"You know you should write your own set of books with a character like Carla but you'd have to name her Anya," Anya said with a big grin on her face.

"I see and would Anya be a violin player too?" Danica asked.

"Oh no, violin players are boring, she'd have to be something else, like a private eye or a secret agent," Anya told her.

"I know one violin player who is anything but boring, she is always surprising me, taking me down roads I've never thought or dared of going," Danica said in response.

Danica saw Anya's cheeks get a reddish hue to them making her smile knowing that Anya liked hearing that. But then Anya changed the subject back to Danica's heroine that she would write about.

"What career would you give her?" Anya asked.

"Who?" Danica asked forgetting what got this conversation started in the first place.

"Our Anya, the girl you're going to write about," Anya said as if it had been decided that this would be what Danica would eventually write about.

"Oh yes," Danica said before she began to think. 'I don't know, what would you have her do?"

"Mmmm... it would have to be something that would take her to different places, she'd have to travel a lot because of her job and that would lead her into all these different adventures." Anya said.

"Like a violin player going to different cities to play and she meets all these different people that she can't help but to befriend," Danica said beginning to like this idea.

"You're determined to make her a violin player aren't you," Anya said scrunching up her face like she didn't like the idea but her hand was gripping her hand tighter telling Danica that Anya down deep liked it.

"Yes, she's going to be a concert violinist as she loves to play the violin but her soul yearns for adventure, so she can't seem to be able to stay in one place for long. And when she sees someone in trouble, she has to help them, no matter the cost." Danica said.

Danica saw Anya's face dissolve into a smile, "Okay, she's a violinist; I'll give into that idea."

"Thank you," Danica said laughing just a little knowing that Anya was pleased with this.

"But she has to be real pretty, don't make her look like me too, give her a model's body," Anya said.

Danica started to say that Anya did have a model's body, at least to her she did but she knew that was the wrong thing to say. She thought of something better to say, "Oh no, she would draw too much attention that way, she'll look like us, just normal girls who are pretty in their own right."

"I like that idea," Anya said, "it gives her the ability to blend in."

"Yes it does," Danica said, "So what is her first adventure?"

On the rest of the way to the restaurant and through dinner, they bounced ideas off each other some so crazy that after laughing them off, they began to grow into better ideas. But the most important thing, the conversation that Danica had wanted, one that she would remember having on her first real date, they were having. Eventually they did go onto other things to talk about, the main thing being that they were talking and having fun.

After they left the restaurant, Anya drove them to a movie complex. There they argued over what movie to watch. There were several that looked interesting but not one that either of them could agree on. So they settled on a movie that neither of them had heard much about. It was a romantic comedy where the characters always seemed to always do something stupid that kept them apart however at the end they finally got their act together and there was a long romantic kiss that sealed their fates together.

When they got back to the dorm, Danica was hoping for a kiss at the door that would be a perfect ending of her dream date, however the hallway was full of students, neither Danica nor Anya was ready for that just yet. So the kiss had to wait until they got inside where Anya drew Danica to her.

Danica felt her heart begin to pound when she felt Anya's hand at the back of her head, drawing her in for the goodnight kiss. Danica put her hands to Anya's sides gripping them just as their lips touched. Their lips barely touched but it was the perfect kiss to end the perfect date. Anya then hugged her tightly and that really was the perfect ending for their date.

"So was your first date all that you hoped it would be?" Anya asked when she pulled back but still held onto her sides keeping them close.

"Yes, it was perfect," Danica said blushing ever so slightly, "so are you going to ask me out for a second date?"

"No," Anya stated.

"No?" Danica asked feeling her heart skip a beat from Anya's rejection.

"No, I want to be asked out on my first date and then we'll talk about me asking you out again," Anya said giving Danica a mischievous smile.

Danica's first thought was that Anya had just gone out on her first date but she knew what Anya wanting and she was more than willing to give it to her.

"If you're not busy or anything, would you like to go out next Friday night?" Danica asked not having to fake being nervous cause with Anya she could never be sure what she would say, even in jest.

"I would love to!" Anya said cheerfully just before giving her a very tight hug.

"But you don't have to buy anything new for me," Danica said not wanting to get into them buying new outfits for every date.

Anya pulled back from the hug, "Oh no, you got to buy something new so do I, then we'll stick to what we have for our future dates."

"Can I buy something new? You've seen everything I have," Danica asked pretty much knowing the answer she would get.

"Nope, you have to do what you made me do tonight," Anya told her in all seriousness.

"But I can't fit into that mini skirt you have," Danica said laughing.

"I don't know, you'd look pretty cute in it, I can pin it up for you," Anya said with a shy grin forming upon her lips.

"With my fat ass and hips, it wouldn't cover anything," Danica complained.

"That's why it would look so cute on you!" Anya said giving her a sexy wink.

"You would think so!" Danica said wrinkling her nose at her while liking the fact that Anya would want to see her dressed like that.

"So you ready for bed?" Anya asked pulling away.

"Sure I'm getting tired, it has been a fun night," Danica said hoping that it hadn't ended just yet.

"Yes it has," Anya said smiling. "You want the bathroom first?"

"Thanks, I do need to go," Danica said and she went to her dresser pulling out a long tee shirt and a clean pair of panties.

Danica went on into the bathroom taking off her dress, bra, and panties and putting them into the laundry basket before sitting down on the toilet to pee. She wiped herself clean before getting up and going to the mirror. She looked at her naked body, something that she rarely did as she really didn't think that she had anything close to a sexy body but Anya was making her realize that she was desirable. She put her hands to her breasts feeling their fullness and how they didn't sag. She could feel her nipples hardening so she quit feeling them as she didn't want her nipples to show through her tee shirt but then again... she was thinking. She then heard Anya closing her closet drawer so she quickly washed her face getting the makeup off. She dried her face, putting on her panties and tee shirt before brushing out her hair. However before leaving the bathroom, she used a bit of her body spray.

She came out to see Anya waiting at the door, "All yours," Danica said seeing Anya looking at her breasts with her nipples pressed against the material of the tee shirt. Danica felt her cheeks grow warm however she was pleased that Anya wanted to look.

Danica went on over to her bed, pulling back the covers. She also got Anya's pillow putting it on her bed just so Anya would know that she wanted her to join her. Danica slipped on into bed, putting her head back on her pillow, resting and thinking about her first date and how it really was what she was wanted and dreamed about.

Her mind was still on the date when she heard the bathroom door opening. Danica turned from her back to her side facing the bathroom. What she saw took her breath away. Anya stood at the corner of the bathroom wearing a pair of black panty briefs and a tee shirt that only covered half of her belly. She saw that Anya was biting her lower lip so Danica smiled making Anya smile. Anya came on over to the bed turning just enough to turn off the bedside lamp. From that angle, Danica could see up Anya's shirt to the point that she could see the beginning of the swell of Anya's breasts. Dania so wanted to reach up and feel those breasts but she couldn't bring up the nerve to do so. Anya seemed to fumble around trying to find the light switch before she turned off the light. Danica wasn't so sure that Anya didn't do that on purpose, but either way, she enjoyed the view and felt her pussy begin to get moist.

Once the light went out, Danica felt Anya get into bed with her and as she slid in beside her, Danica began to be able to see in the dim light of Anya's nightlight. Danica slipped her left hand under Anya side letting her lay upon it and her right hand went to Anya's top side feeling her bare skin just at the bottom edge of her small tee shirt. It felt so erotic to feel Anya's bare skin. She felt Anya's right hand under her side and her left hand went to the back of her head drawing it in close. Danica tilted her head slightly just before their lips met for a lingering kiss. Danica let out a little moan feeling her body surge with emotions that Anya's kisses brought to the surface.

That kiss ended and a much more passionate kiss ensued, with Anya opening her lips and Danica feeling Anya's tongue touching her lips which she opened. She felt Anya's tongue touch hers and she moaned again bringing her right hand up and onto Anya's back. However as she did this, she also brought Anya's tee shirt up with her hand. She felt Anya's bare left breast against her arm that caused her pussy to spasm and moisture to dampen the gusset of her panties.

She quickly pulled back from the kiss, "Oh sorry," Danica said pulling her arm back down and Anya's tee shirt with it. "I didn't mean to pull your tee shirt up."

She saw Anya smile, "I didn't mind." Anya said moving her head back in giving a light kiss to Danica's lips.

Danica returned the kiss and she began to suspect that Anya meant for that to happen. And now Danica also wanted it to happen, she just didn't know how to make it do so without being too obvious about it. Danica was slightly distracted as she returned Anya's kiss but soon she forgot about Anya's short tee shirt and only felt Anya's lips upon hers. When Anya opened her lips, Danica did so too this time meeting Anya's tongue with her own. Danica's hand begin to move again, going to Anya's back and bringing up Anya's tee shirt with it. She felt the side of Anya's breast against her arm feeling her pussy surge again with more moisture forming on her pussy.

Danica pushed her pussy against Anya's body wanting to get some attention there. She was hoping that Anya would move her leg up but she didn't, instead she just kept kissing her. Danica could feel Anya's bare left breast pressed against her tee shirt. Again she had the desire to touch it but she couldn't. However feeling her hand against Anya's bare back was fueling her excitement. Anya's kisses were becoming more passionate; their lips touching and separating before coming together again. She felt the tip of Anya's tongue touching her lips between the kisses and that caused Danica to moan. With their movement as they kissed and the fact that Danica had Anya's tee shirt pushed up to her shoulders, Danica now could feel that both of Anya's breasts were bare. She felt another spasm crash upon her pussy and she let out a little moan. She pushed her hips forward grinding as best she could against Anya's hips however that was when Anya pulled her head back so that their lips no longer touched.

"I want to feel your breasts against mine, is that okay?" Anya asked softly.

The thought of taking everything another step forward scared her but she also wanted the same thing and that desire won out. Her vocal cords were only capable of emitting moans at this point so she just nodded her head in the affirmative.

Anya smiled giving her a light kiss before she reached down to grasp her tee shirt however with Danica laying upon it, that wasn't ever going to work.

"Slide up on top of me," Anya whispered.

Danica did so feeling Anya opening her legs so that her right leg slipped between Anya's legs. She immediately felt the dampness of Anya's panties and she also felt Anya's thigh against her damp panties. She felt Anya's hands at her sides pulling up on her tee shirt. Danica rose up onto her elbows lifting her stomach up enough so that Anya could pull her tee shirt up to her shoulders. She felt Anya's hard nipples brush against her nipples that were equally as hard. When she lowered her body back down she felt Anya's hard nipples pressing against her breasts. She could also feel Anya's warm soft skin against her skin making it so much more sensual. She moved her arms up so that she and Anya could finish getting her tee shirt off. When she moved her arms back down she felt Anya's short tee shirt that was now shoved up under Anya's chin.

Somehow Danica's ability to talk returned and she surprised herself by saying, "Let's get yours off too."

"Please," Anya said with a smile.

Danica smiled back before putting her hands to Anya's underarms so that she could grasp the tee shirt that was bunched up there. She knew then that it had to have been uncomfortable for Anya. She rose back up allowing Anya to put her arms up and she pushed it upwards with Anya using her hands to get it off her head. She pulled it on off as Anya's arms, setting it above their heads as she came back down.

"This feels better doesn't it," Anya stated as she Danica felt Anya's hands slip up under her arms and onto her back with one hand going up to the back of her head.

Danica's voice didn't seem to want to work again so she nodded her head before lowering it until her lips touched Anya's lips that were already parted and ready for the kiss. Danica concentrated on the feel of Anya's lips against her and her tongue that was now touching her tongue tip. She also loved the feel of their bare breasts pressed together without any cloth to lessen the sensation. She didn't think that things could get any better but then Anya showed her that it could.

She felt Anya bring up her left leg pressing her thigh against her wet panties. Danica moaned into the kiss as she began to move her hips pressing her pussy against Anya's thigh and also pressing her thigh against Anya's wet panties. This also caused their breasts to slide against each other causing Danica let out an even louder moan and she heard Anya moan into their kiss. Danica felt her pussy spasm and she could feel how wet her panties had become sliding against Anya's thigh. Anya juices were coating her thigh making her that much more aroused.

While Danica was still kissing Anya and Anya was kissing her, their lips failed to match up most of the time, but they were trying their best to kiss. Danica was more conscious of how hard her nipples had become hard and sensitive as they rubbed against Anya's breasts and nipples.

She felt her pussy spasm as her clit got so sensitive and the gusset of her panties were soaked with her juices. She pushed her hips down harder just as Anya pushed her thigh up causing them both to shutter and groan with the pleasure. Danica felt her clit became so sensitive that it almost hurt and then it seemed to explode as the orgasm crashed upon her. She vaguely heard Anya groan and she felt her arch her back as she too came. Danica's body gave out as she fell down upon Anya while her orgasm washed through her body.

When she became aware of her body again, she had her head lying on Anya's shoulder and with Anya's hands tenderly caressing her back.

"Mmmm..." Danica moaned contently. "That feels nice."

"I like doing it, you feel nice lying against me," Anya purred.

"You need to me to move, I don't want to squash you," Danica said.

"Don't you dare move," Anya told her immediately.

"I won't unless you stop caressing my back, I might just go to sleep right here," Danica said.

"That's fine with me," Anya said and Danica felt Anya's lips lightly touch her forehead.

Danica did stay there for a few minutes but when she felt her eyelids getting heavy, she did slip to Anya's side putting her left arm across Anya's stomach. Almost as soon as she settled in beside of Anya her eyelids drooped and then closed; she was lost in her dreams.

She felt movement in the bed; she opened her eyes to see Anya sitting at the edge of the bed. The early morning sun shinned through the windows making Anya's back clearly visible to her. She saw how firm and soft her skin appeared but she also saw how tan Anya's back was. There wasn't even a line across her back for her bra or swimsuit. She figured that maybe she used a sun bed but Anya never had mentioned of ever going to one nor did she appear to be the type to go to one. Either way, her back was very sexy, her view got even sexier when Anya stretched and stood up. Anya's panties had slipped down to the beginning of the cleft of her ass. Anya's pulled her panties up and then she reached back pulling her panties from around the bottom of her ass cheeks.

It was all Danica could do not to let out a groan. She watched Anya go to the bathroom getting just the briefest of views of Anya's breasts before she disappeared into the bathroom. Danica laid back on the bed thinking about Anya and her body and how it was affecting her. She knew that she becoming surer of her sexuality and that gave her a sense of well being.

She lay there for a moment more before she pushed the covers down and sat up. She searched around for her tee shirt finding it under Anya's pillow. How it got there she wasn't sure but she put it on. She got on up, getting some jeans, a knit top, panties and a bra for her turn in the bathroom. She also got one other item before going to the bathroom door.

Danica tapped on the bathroom door, "I got you a tee shirt to wear," Danica said.

"Oh okay, thanks," Anya answered from just beyond the door. Danica noticed the slight disappointment in her voice which pleased her. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Anya's breasts; she just wanted to see them in different circumstances.

Anya opened the door a crack so that Danica could hand the tee shirt inside. Danica saw that Anya was well behind the door so she respected her unsaid wishes. A moment later the door opened and Anya stood there with a smile and her tee shirt on covering her chest as well as her panties.

Anya came out giving her a kiss to the cheek, "You know I'm getting hungry," she said as she passed by.

"When aren't you hungry?" Danica asked with a laugh.

"Mmmmm... never," Anya said with a laugh.

Danica was laughing at her forever hungry friend as she closed the door. But she also didn't waste any time as she sat on the toilet to relieve herself and then in taking her shower.

When she came out, Anya was waiting for her at the door, another quick kiss and she disappeared into the bathroom with her clothes for the day. She didn't take too long either, just long enough for Danica to answer a few emails, especially one to her mother and one of her sister-in-laws, and get her books ready. She needed to do some work at the library and Anya had mentioned that she also had some homework that she needed to do that morning before they got together with their gang that evening.

She got back to the room a little after two that afternoon and while she knew she should do a little reading, her bed looked so comfortable that she couldn't resist lying down for a quick nap. She just wanted to sleep for an hour or so and most times she could do that however just as she was beginning to wake up, she felt something warm and comforting beside her that caused her to go back to sleep not wanting to lose that warm feeling.

When she did wake up, she felt Anya draped across her, also still in her clothes. She lay there a few minutes enjoying the feeling of being so close to Anya and listening to her shallow breathing. It was only when she happened to glance at the clock that she realized that she had slept not one hour but three hours and they only had a half hour to meet up with Shawn and Haley as they were driving them tonight.

"Wake up sweetie, we got to get ready to meet Haley in a few minutes," Danica said shaking Anya's shoulder.

Anya opened her eyes and then she grinned, "Sweetie?" She stated.

Danica blushed feeling her cheeks warm as she realized that she had used a term of endearment when referring to Anya.

"I like that," Anya said just before giving a kiss to Danica's cheek.

Danica didn't know what to say so she said, "We slept too long, we got to run, and you know how Haley hates to wait for anyone."

Anya grinned, "Yeah, she can be a little impatient at times." Anya said snuggling in a little closer.

Danica liked feeling Anya so close but she hated being late as much as Haley hated people to be late, "Come on Sweetie, let's get up and get ready," Danica said.

"I knew I could get you to call me that again," Anya said with a grin and then Danica felt Anya's moving up to give her a light kiss to the lips before she got on up from the bed.

"So what you wearing tonight?" Anya asked standing by the bed as Danica sat up and stretched.

"I don't know, you know what we're going to do?" Danica said getting on up from the bed.

"Not a clue, Haley hasn't said." Anya said.

Danica thought this over for a second, "How about we go as we are," She suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Anya said, "Let me pee and then we can get ready."

"Okay I got to go too," Danica said wanting Anya to hurry.

Anya did hurry and then Danica peed before opening the bathroom door and they shared the bathroom mirror to put a little eyeliner and eye shadow. They brushed out each other's hair before brushing their teeth and they were ready. They grabbed their small billfolds and phones before rushing out the door running only a couple of minutes late.

Danica felt Anya take her hand after she had locked the door. She gave a squeeze to Anya's hand as they walked and talked their way to the elevator. They kept on holding hands even when other students got onto the elevator. However when the doors opened in the lobby, they both released their hands not knowing where Haley and Shawn would be waiting for them. However they were waiting for them by Haley's car and Danica could see Haley frowning at them for an instant before giving them a smile and a hug in greeting.

It was Haley's turn to decide where they were going to eat and what they would do. Danica wasn't too surprised that they were going to a Mexican restaurant to eat as she loved spicy foods but she was surprised to hear that they would be going bowling after eating. Haley thought they all had fun the last time and she wanted another chance to improve her score. It made Danica feel great to hear this and she felt Anya take her hand giving it a squeeze. Danica looked at Anya who gave her a smile and slipped their hands between their thighs where Haley and Shawn couldn't see from the front seat.

It was only when they arrived at the restaurant that Anya released her hand as they waited for Haley and Shawn get out so that they could push the seats up and they get out of Haley's small two door car. Andi, Hank and Georgia were already in the restaurant waiting for them. They were seated at a round table in the middle of the restaurant, with a couple of extra chairs pulled up so they all could fit in. They meant that they had to slide their chairs in close to fit which Danica didn't mind in the least to be stuck in so close to Anya.

They ordered their drinks and when the waiter returned with them, they had already decided what they wanted which was unusual for them to all know so quickly. Once the orders were taken, Danica felt Anya's hand on her thigh. Danica knew what Anya wanted and she hesitated but for a moment before she tried to sneak her hand down and under the table, taking Anya's hand in hers. She glanced over at Anya to see her smile so warmly and Danica couldn't help but to smile back. She lost the conversation for a moment and it took Andi tapping her other arm for her to realize that Hank had asked her a question. Danica felt her cheeks warm as she answered him.

Once everyone had about finished eating, Danica and Anya made a trip to the restroom and when they returned Haley, Georgia, and Andi headed in that direction. When they returned, Danica noticed Andi grinning at her; using her left hand to take a drink of her soda, as her right hand was back under the table holding onto Anya's hand in such a way that no one could see them, or so she thought.

"So what you two been up to this week?" Georgia asked innocently enough however Danica felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise up like they knew something was afoot.

"Nothing, just going to class and studying," Anya replied but Danica could hear just the slightest bit of tension in her voice. "Why do you ask?"

Georgia hesitated for a second or two before she cleared her voice and said, "We were just wondering when you two finally got together."

"Together... what do you mean, we've been roommates for a couple of months now, you know that," Danica said now knowing what Georgia was referring to and she felt Anya give her hand a squeeze so she knew too.

"Together as in a couple," Andi answered for Georgia.

Danica didn't know how she should answer the question or if Anya wanted her too so she played innocent, "Why would you ever think we're a couple?" She asked though she should have known that they wouldn't bring it up if they didn't know something.

"Other than the fact that you've been holding hands under the table all through dinner and that someone was seen giving someone a kiss Thursday morning after they had breakfast, we have no reason to believe that you're anything but roommates." Haley stated with a soft smile coming to her lips.

Of course they both let go of the other's hand putting them on the table which only served to prove their friends theory right. Danica knew she had that deer in the headlight expression on her face and though she dare not look over at Anya, she was sure she did too.

She was beginning to feel a bit of panic rise within her body when Georgia spoke up, "We've been waiting since that first night that Anya went back to get you and we went dancing for you two to figure out that you each had a crush on the other."

"And then Anya pretending to keep needing help getting positioned right at the bowling alley, that was just an excuse to get Danica to grasp your hips, now wasn't it Anya?" Haley stated more that asked.

Danica looked over at Anya whose face was just as red as it could be to know the answer to that question. She had suspected that at the time but now she knew the truth.

Danica still didn't know what to say but there was a question that she had to have answered, "Does it bother you if we are... together."

Georgia was the first to answer and she answered it only as she could, "Oh hell no, we think you two make a cute couple." She then got up and came over, squatting down between them so that she could hug them both at the same time.

As soon as Georgia released them, Haley and Andi replaced her to give them a hug. Finally Hand and Shawn hugged them both and only then did everyone go back to their seats with some stares from the other customers that Danica didn't care about, it was her friends that she worried about, and she wasn't so worried about them now.

"Okay who saw me kiss Danica and then ratted us out to everyone?" Anya asked and suddenly Danica wanted an answer to that question too.

Everyone's eyes went directly to Shawn who sheepishly raised his right hand. "It was me but I only told Haley, I swear."

"Thanks a lot loverboy," Haley said giving Shawn the evil eye but then she laughed.

"Shawn saw you but it was I who ratted you out to everyone but I was so excited for you both that I had to share it," Haley admitted.

"It's cool, we'll forgive you this time," Anya said though Danica wasn't sure that she'd be so forgiving but then Haley popped Shawn on the back of the head with her hand causing everyone to laugh that caused Danica to decide that forgiveness was warranted in this case.

But then Hank dropped the last bomb of the evening, "Girls you got one more thing to fess up to and you might as well do it now." He stated looking first at Georgia and then to Haley and Andi.

"What?"Anya asked.

"A few weeks ago, Haley, Andi and I were talking about how you both were stealing glances at each other so we made a bet as to when you would finally kiss." Georgia admitted. "It seemed like fun at the time but not so much now."

Danica was a little pissed on hearing this but she was more curious as to when each thought that they would get together as they obviously correctly thought. "So who won?"

"Well that kind of depends on when you actually... ah..." Haley stated obviously at a loss as to how to put it.

"Had our first kiss?" Danica stated making it easier and also stating as to what she was going to allow to be the beginning.

"Yes," Haley stated much relieved.

Danica looked over at Anya giving her a grin making Anya grin with her thus acknowledging that she would go along with whatever Danica was thinking. She didn't say anything but she did reach over and took Anya's hand in hers. She just smiled as Haley, Andi, and Georgia stared at her wanting to know the answer. Danica remained tightlipped as did Anya and they both enjoying seeing the girls squirm waiting for an answer that wasn't forthcoming, at least not yet.

Finally Georgia spoke up, "Okay I'll ask, when did you kiss for the first time?"

"Who had what date?" Anya asked.

"Georgia picked the first of next month, I picked last Saturday and Andi had this Saturday, so either Andi or I was right since it happened this week," Haley stated.

When neither of them answered, Haley was forced to ask, "It was this week wasn't it, I mean you two haven't been hiding it for longer than we realized?"

"Should we tell them?" Anya asked looking at her.

"I don't know, they did make a bet on us, that wasn't nice. Maybe we should just let them hang for a while." Danica suggested getting a grin from Anya and a groan from both Andi and Haley.

"You're not going to tell us are you?" Georgia asked.

"I don't know..." Anya said looking over at Danica and then she gave her a wink, "Okay you can tell them."

"Actually Haley and Andi tied, it was Wednesday night that Anya kissed me," Danica said trying not to blush but doing so anyway.

"So no one won," Andi said slightly disappointed.

"No Anya and Danica won, they're the ones that let love in," Shawn said reaching into his pocket and pulling out three one-hundred dollar bills putting them in from of Anya who was sitting nearest to him.

"We can't take this," Anya said pushing the money back.

"Sure you can, it's our present to you," Haley said.

"I agree," Andi echoed reaching over and pushing the money back in front of Anya.

"Now you can buy some sexy lingerie for each other," Georgia said making both of them blush much to Georgia's delight.

"So how did Anya come to kiss you?" Haley asked looking at Danica.

"Don't you think you've delved into their personal life enough tonight?" Hank asked before Danica could answer.

"No, this is the most important question of the night," Andi stated. "If you don't want to hear then you and Shawn can go on to the bathroom."

Danica noted that neither Hank nor Shawn made a move to get up so they were interested too. Danica figured that since they all knew that they were together; they might as well know how it got started. "You'll have to ask Anya, I'm still trying to figure out where the kiss came from myself."

"Danica!" Anya said giving her that look of surprised shock.

Danica laughed, "Okay I got that figured out but I think that Anya should answer the question... if she chooses to answer." Danica said giving Anya an out if she wanted it.

Anya sat there a moment and Danica wasn't sure if she was going to answer but then she cleared her throat. "I don't know why I did it, I mean I knew I wanted to kiss her but why I did it at that moment; I'm not sure."

"What moment?" Haley asked impatiently.

Danica laughed at Haley's impatience and she saw Anya grinning. "Well I was coming back from the bathroom and Danica suddenly got up to check her calculus text book that she had on her bed. She ran into me..."

"No you ran into me," Danica corrected her.

"That's not the way I remember it and I'm the one telling the story," Anya stated.

"You ran into each other," Georgia said getting the story back on tract.

"We ran into each other and we each grabbed onto the other to keep from falling..." Anya said pausing for a moment thus making the story more dramatic thought Danica was sure that wasn't her intention; she just needed a moment to figure it all out.

"She was right there, holding onto to me so tightly and her lips looking so soft and her eyes so wide and beautiful that I did it," Anya said and Danica felt her heart melting and without thinking she leaned over and gave Anya a light kiss.

Anya's eyes showed her feeling at that moment but then they got this mischievous gleam. "So you can understand how it was all her fault that I kissed her."

"My fault!" Danica said pretending to be shocked that Anya would say such a thing.

"Definitely, it was entirely your fault, I don't see how Anya could have ever resisted that," Andi said surprising Danica.

"Oh yes, it was your fault Danica. No woman could resist you when you give that that innocent vulnerable look like you did," Georgia stated.

"Sorry girl, I'm afraid it's all on you," Haley echoed giving her a grin.

"Thanks a lot, I now know who my friends are," Danica said pouting for effect.

"We're on your side, Shawn and I are your real friends," Hank said.

"Yeah, you can ride with us to the bowling alley while those mean ole women ride with Anya," Shawn stated.

"Thank you, I appreciate that, it's good to know who your friends on in times like these," Danica said giving Shawn a smile.

"Let's go then and leave these ladies to pay," Hank said getting up and Danica got up with them.

"Oh no you don't," Haley said grabbing Danica's arm. "She's coming with us in Hank's car; you two are taking my car. We want to hear the rest of the story."

"You all won't fit into my car, it only sits four comfortably," Hank said being serious now.

"We'll figure out a way," Georgia said getting up and putting out her hand for Hank's keys which of course he gave to her. He knew where his bread was buttered.

"And Danica and I will pay for everything tonight since we have just come into some money," Anya said with a laugh.

"I wonder where that came from?" Haley stated getting a laugh from everyone.

They all did fit into Hank's car but that did require someone sitting on someone's lap. That someone was of course Anya sitting on Danica's lap in the back seat. And the first thing that Georgia did was turn off the radio so that they could talk without having to shout over the music. They did ask a few questions but mostly they listened as Anya and Danica told them about how figured out where to go after the kiss and how they were both a little nervous and scared as to what would happened to them. Danica did admit that it was her who asked for the second kiss but she didn't go into detail as to where the kiss took place or what happened afterwards. She only told them that they were up all night talking which they all agreed was the most romantic part of their first night together.

Unfortunately they weren't able to get an alley at the end; they ended up right in the middle of the bowling alley. This time Danica didn't have to help them find a ball that they should used, they all had that part figured out. Once they were ready, they started to discuss as to who would go first. Danica volunteered but Georgia suggested that they should vote on the order. She put Anya's name first and everyone voted on her except Danica and Anya. They both knew what they were all up to; they wanted to see what Anya would do. Anya winked at Danica as she got up and Danica knew exactly what Anya would do.

Anya got her ball and lined herself just where she needed to, much to everyone's disappointment. She brought her ball up like she was about to roll it down the alley however she stopped, looked back over her shoulder, "Well you coming to help me?" She said and then she wiggled her hips just enough to get a few catcalls from everyone.

Dania had to smile as she got up knowing everyone was watching their little drama play out. "You just love it don't you," Danica whispered to Anya as she put her hands on Anya's hips.

"Of course," Anya said pushing her hips back so that they pressed into Danica's hips.

"Thought so," Danica said giving Anya's hips a squeeze before she stepped back and put Anya right back where she started.

"Now show them what you can do," Danica whispered into her ear before she stepped away.

Dania came back to the scorer's table and watched as Anya brought her ball back up and she took her steps. As soon as Anya released the ball, Danica knew that it was perfect and it was. It hit the head pin just at the side thus crashing it to the side and then back into the pins. So between her ball and the pins being knocked everywhere, none were left standing when the ball hit the back of the alley.

She squealed with delight and came running back to where Danica was sitting, giving her a hug before sitting in her lap. "Now you all beat that!" Anya boasted. "I'm going to win this match!"

"That was a practice ball, it didn't count." Danica said thus breaking poor Anya's bubble.

"Oh," Anya said with a frown but then she broke back into a smile as she wasn't going to let that mere fact get in her way. "Still I bet none of you can beat that!"

"I will," Shawn said getting up to go next without anything voting to see who followed Anya. This also proved that the vote taking was just a way to get Anya up first, not that there was any doubt about that being the case.

He got his ball and got up on the line. He didn't hesitate as he confidently rolled his ball down the alley only to see the ball veer so far to the right that he was only able to hit one of the back pins.

Danica wondered what Anya would say, whether she would boast some more or be a real sportsman. She should have known that it would be the latter.

Anya got up going to Shawn, "Hey you'll get them all on this next ball, I know you will."

"I doubt it," Shawn said as his ball came back up so that he could go again.

Danica felt for him but then as he got to the line, he looked back at Anya and said, "I'm still going to beat you!"

Anya stuck her tongue out at him and everyone laughed. And so the night began in earnest. While everyone did bowl better this time, none of them improved a great deal, well except for Anya, she more she bowled, she more she gained control of the spin on her ball. She still sent more balls into the gutter than anyone else; however she also made up for it on her next ball. Danica won the first match so she and Anya went for drinks and snacks.

The second match, they were all doing as much talking and just making fun at each other that their scores dipped a bit and somehow Shawn managed to knock down just enough balls to win the match. Shawn made sure that Anya got a good look at the score and who was on top. Anya stuck her tongue back out at him getting a laugh. Shawn and Haley got the snacks this time and they all took a bathroom break before they settled in for the final match.

When Anya got up to bowl, Danica could see the determination in Anya's eyes and body. Danica feared that she would try too hard to win and besides she wanted it to be fun for them all.

When Danica got up behind her, she gripped Anya's hips a little tighter and she whispered into her ear, "This is just a game; we're here to have fun."

Anya turned her head around and Danica could see just a bit of irritation in her facial expression. "I know," she said.

Danica wasn't so sure that she did and she surprised herself by giving Anya a quick kiss to the cheek which surprised Anya too.

"You know there's a motel across the street for that," they heard Hank say just loud enough for them to hear but not so that everyone in the bowling alley could hear.

"Hank!" Georgia said and they heard a slap to some area of Hanks body obviously coming from Georgia's hand.

Danica felt her face and neck turn real warm and she saw Anya's cheeks turn a rosy red. She also saw that Anya almost dropped the ball but she regain her grip. Anya turned around and Danica could see Anya's middle finger appearing in front of the ball.

"Now we can have fun," Anya whispered and Danica knew that Anya's face had relaxed.

"Yes we can," Danica said and she couldn't resist adding, "Now knock them all down."

"I plan on it," Anya said as Danica stepped back without having placed her, not that she had all night but they still played the game as if she was.

Somehow Anya did manage to get a strike and she turned gave Hank a mean look that made him laugh as did everyone else. Anya still was trying to win but not as hard and if she got a few pins ahead, the next ball she rolled always ended up in the gutter. She did win the match but only by a few pins. By the end of the evening of bowling, Danica had learned how just competitive her friend could be.

When they got back to the dorm, Danica went to the bathroom to freshen up first, taking with her a clean tee shirt and a clean pair of panties. She stripped from her clothes and then sat on the toilet to pee. When she finish, she wiped herself clean before going to the sink. She washed her face, arm pits and her pussy wanting to feel and be fresh. She brushed out her hair and then she used just used a quick spray of her favorite perfume. She put on her panties and then her tee shirt only to find it wasn't the one she had meant to get. This tee shirt only went just past her the waist of her panties. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw what she was showing. She thought of the woman waiting just outside the door. She felt her cheeks becoming flush just at the thought of Anya seeing so much of her.

She took a deep breath letting it out slowing before going to the door, opening it to see Anya waiting for her. She saw Anya smiling at her and then watched as Anya's eyes drifted lower. Danica felt her cheeks growing warmer but then she saw how Anya was smiling when her eyes returned to her face. She also saw just a hint of pinkness come to Anya's cheeks and that made Danica blush more at what she knew Anya was thinking which was exactly the same thing she was thinking.

Danica came on out of the bathroom as Anya went in. Danica wanted to look back to see if Anya was watching her but she resisted the urge, though it was difficult to do so. She heard the bathroom door shut a few moments after it should have shut.

Danica went over to her bed pulling the covers down and slipping under them. She pulled the covers on up to just below her breasts. She lay there thinking about Anya as she waited for her to come out of the bathroom. She also thought about last night and how nice it was to have Anya up against her without any shirts or pajamas to cover their breasts. She felt her pussy spasm and she looked over at the bathroom hearing the water in the sink still running. She felt her face grow warm as she sat up. She hesitated but for a second before she reached down pulling her tee shirt up over her head and off her arms. She heard the water stop running and she knew that her time was running out. She slipped the tee shirt in beside of her before slipping back down in the bed. She pulled the covers up to her neck so that Anya wouldn't know that she was lying in the bed wearing only her panties.

Danica felt nervous yet excited as she waited for Anya to emerge from the bathroom which she did so a couple of minutes later wearing that short tee shirt revealing her tan midsection. She looked into Anya's eyes and she saw just a bit of confusion as she saw how she had the covers pulled up to her neck. Danica gave her a nervous smile that seemed to take a little of the confusion from Anya's eyes but not completely. Still she could see that Anya wasn't sure if she wanted her to join her in the bed so Danica slipped her arms under the covers lifting the corner just enough to show Anya that she wanted her to come to bed with her.

Anya smiled as she came over to the bed; she started to pull the covers up enough for her to get in however Danica kept a hold of the sheets so that Anya couldn't pull the covers up enough to see that Danica had shed her tee shirt. Again Anya seemed confused but she smiled as she bent down to turn off the light. Danica looked up to see the bottom of Anya's breasts from under her short tee shirt. Danica subconsciously licked her lips and Anya grinned at her making Danica blush from embarrassment. When the light was off Danica released the covers allowing Anya to slip into the bed.

Anya slipped in beside of her and Danica felt Anya's hand touch her side and move to her stomach. There it stopped and Anya gave her a questioning look that Danica could plainly see now that her eyes had adjusted to the dim light of Anya's nightlight.

"Where's your tee shirt?" Anya asked with her eyes growing wider.

"Here," Danica said grinning as she pulled her tee shirt from her side holding it up for Anya to see.

"Well I don't guess I can let you be the only one going without a top on," Anya said as she took her hand away from Danica's stomach.

Danica turned to her side to watch Anya sit up in the bed. Anya reached down grasping her short tee shirt and pulling it up and off of her head and arms and then dropping it down at the bottom of the bed. Danica just lay there staring at Anya's firm B cup breasts with her dark quarter size areoles and her nipples hard and sticking out. Danica felt her pussy begin to get moist as Anya turned and slipped back in beside of her. Danica reached out pulling Anya to her as she rolled onto her back.

Danica opened her legs allowing Anya's left leg to slip between her legs. She brought her left leg up feeling Anya's damp panties against her upper thigh just as Anya's lips touched her lips. Danica placed her hands to Anya's back feeling the soft warm flesh. She felt Anya's lips opening and she met Anya's tongue with her tongue so that they could kiss as their lips kissed. They kissed for a moment before Anya began to move her hips. Danica let out a moan as she pushed her thigh against Anya's panty clad pussy. Anya began to kiss Danica's cheeks and then she went down to her throat; Danica couldn't help but to moan loudly. She grasped Anya's shoulders as Anya tenderly bit upon the right side of her neck. Eventually Anya's lips found their way back to her lips and Danica put her right hand to the back of Anya's neck holding her there for a prolonged kiss.

Anya's hips were moving faster as she pressed down against Danica's hips. Danica pushed her hips up getting more friction against her pussy as Anya received the same pressure. She could feel Anya's panties get very wet coating her thigh with those juices. Danica found it hard to breathe and kiss at the same time but she tried and Anya was obviously was having the same problem. Their lips were touching but all their concentration was on the friction that their pussies were receiving. Dania felt her clit getting so sensitive and she surprised herself by putting her hands to Anya's ass gripping those wonderful firm cheeks and pulling them against her. Anya let out a loud moan as she arched her back. Danica pushed her hips up getting even more friction against her clit and she too came hard with her clit exploding sending pleasure through her body and soul.

When she came back to life, Anya was lying upon her and Danica realized that her hands were still resting on Anya's ass. She felt her cheeks grow even warmer as she brought her hands back up to Anya's back. She felt Anya's breasts pressed against her breasts giving her a warm glow within her body. It took Anya another minute to recover but when she did, she raised her head up giving Danica soft kiss. Danica kissed her back as Anya let the light kiss linger. When it ended, she moved her head to Danica's shoulder and they lay there for a few minutes both enjoying the afterglow of their orgasms.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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