
By Vodkapuddle

Published on Nov 7, 2001


Hello everyone! Sorry the last part was a bit short, it was meant to be the ending of the first part. Oh well, I like to keep you on your toes. I hope you enjoy this part. Feel free to e-mail me- I'd like to know what you think. vodkapuddle@iamwasted.com

'Expectations' part 3

Waves of velveteen pleasure flowed over Jason and Lee as they lay on Jason's bed connected by their sumptuous lips. Lee had his fingers running through Jason's hair, savouring the moment. They would both remember the moment of their first kiss forever.

Jason wasn't completely sure of where he was. He knew he was with Lee, sharing in something that would change him for the rest of his life. he felt as if he were finally whole after being incomplete for so long. Jason had never had feelings for another guy, but it felt so natural and so strange at the same time. He wondered why he had waited so long to make his move with Lee. The answer was that he hadn't been sure of his feelings. Jason knew he loved Lee, it was just in which way that he wasn't sure of.

Lee's free hand snaked its way across Jason's chest and he examined every toned curve of Jason's upper-body. Jason was slightly surprised in being touched this way by Lee and let out a small gasp.

"Is this OK?" Lee asked comfortingly.

"Perfect." Jason answered as he moved his lips closer to Lee's.

Lee continued his fondling a little lower down to Jason's abdomen and felt how tight it was. Lee had imagined so many nights about having complete freedom to explore Jason's body and now his dream had come true. Lee's fingertips found the hem of Jason's tight black T-shirt and lifted it slowly to reveal his six-pack stomach. Jason sighed as Lee stroked his chest slowly feeling the small crop of hair that grew all around his chest and abdomen. Lee sat Jason up and broke their passionate kiss. He began to lift Jason's T-shirt over his head. It was a little tricky. Jason's head got stuck in the neck and he couldn't quite rid himself of the shirt. With a pop, the T-shirt came off to reveal Jason's dimpled, smiling face. Lee loved Jason's smile; it brightened his whole face up and his eyes would sparkle like sunlight bouncing off a stream.

"I love you, Lee." Jason whispered.

"I've waited so long to hear those words from you, Jay. I never thought I'd hear them. I never want this moment to end." Lee replied.

"We have the rest of our lives, Lee."

"I'm so happy. Jay, would you mind if we took this a bit slower? I'd love to just fall asleep in your arms. I don't want you to regret anything that we do together and I don't want to pressurise you in any way."

"That sounds perfect."

Anna sat alone in a small coffee house in the centre of the town. She clutched a large mug of strong black coffee. She watched the number of couples that strolled passed the large coffee house window and scowled at them. She hated the way that whenever she was single, it seemed that every happy couple would crawl out of their holes and taunt her.

Anna was plotting something. She needed a way to get back at Lee. She wanted to break him. She wanted him to be left with nothing. No Jason. No friends. No nothing. She sat for around half an hour throwing ideas around her head and then a sly smile slowly spread across her beautiful face. She knew exactly what she would do..............

Lee awoke in the arms of the man he loved. The man he had always loved. He basked in the warmth Jason was exuding and bathed in the scent of his masculine body. Lee couldn't believe he finally had Jason. He had waited so long for the moment when he could call Jason his lover but thought that the time would never arrive. He never wanted to let go.

Lee watched Jason's chest rise and fall with each intake of air. He could have watched him forever. Lee couldn't resist the possibilities of this moment. He reached his hands under the duvet cover and traced a path down Jason stomach and found his tight boxer briefs which were tented. Lee smiled to himself; he had told Jason that he wanted to take things slowly but he really wanted this. Lee's head followed the path of his hand and he soon found himself nuzzling against Jason's hard crotch. He slowly peeled down Jason's underwear and found what he was searching for. He could not see his prize because it was dark beneath the covers but as he slowly glided Jason's penis into his awaiting mouth he was not disappointed. Jason's cock was a perfect size; big but not too big. It was cut and throbbing. Lee was sure Jason had not awoken yet but he would surely do something about that situation. Lee began at a steady pace moving his lips up and down Jason's shaft. Lee was in heaven. Jason stirred slightly obviously aroused by the new sensations that were coming to him in his sleep.

Lee continued his assault on Jason's pole and began to taste a small amount of precum that had leaked onto his tongue. Lee felt Jason begin to thrust slowly into his mouth and Lee knew that Jason had awoken and apparently was enjoying what he was receiving. Shortly after the thrusting had started, Lee felt Jason hand stroking the back of his head guiding him to go at the speed he desired. A groan escaped Jason's lips as he received pleasure.

Lee was very aware that it was getting too hot under the covers and began to pick up his speed which was met by the increase of Jason's thrusts.

"Lee, how did you get so good at this?!" Jason panted.

Lee knew that Jason was getting close. Moments after he realised this, Jason's dick began to twitch. This was followed by copious amounts of his thick cum flowing down Lee's throat. Jason's whole body relaxed instantly.

"Phew!" Lee exclaimed as he took a gulp of fresh air outside the hot confines of the bed covers.

"Well, that was an effective wake-up call!" Jason chuckled, "What happened to taking things slowly?!"

"Hey! I didn't hear you complaining!"

"Very true! Anyway, Good morning, handsome!"

"A very good morning to you too, Jason."

Two days after Lee and Jason had shared their feelings for one another, Lee found himself sitting on his bed reflecting upon what had happened. He felt so calm, relaxed and content. He decided to go and see if he had had any mail in the last week.

A short walk down the hall and he found himself at the reception desk.

"Hey, Jules. Any mail?" He asked the trainee receptionist.

"Well, apparently someone loves you!" The plump girl said as she handed Lee a bouquet of red roses.

Lee smiled and had pretty much guessed who they would be from. Jason of course. He read the note that accompanied the flowers;

'Lee, hope you like these.

Meet me in Henry's at one o'clock. Love Jason x'

Lee grinned even wider. God he loved Jason. He was the man of his dreams. Lee looked at his wrist-watch- 12.30pm. Lee had to get a move on. He didn't want to be late for his boyfriend.

2:05pm. Lee had waited over an hour for Jason. He wasn't answering his mobile phone either. He couldn't believe Jason would stand him up. It wasn't like Jason at all.

Stop being paranoid, Lee. There's probably a completely logical explanation for Jason not being here. Stop thinking he's changed his mind. He would have told me if he had a change of heart. Of course he would. Maybe he's been in an accident. God, I hope so. What am I talking about?! I don't want him to be in an accident. Oh no, what if he's lying in a road bleeding to death as I sit here. Stop it, Lee. You're being stupid.

Lee abruptly left Henry's slightly tipsy from all of the drinks he had had while he was waiting for Jason to turn up. He had reasoned that Jason was probably still asleep. Not many things could pry Jason from the warmth of his bed. Lee hoped that he would have been one of the things that could have.

Everything was planned. Anna knew this one would work. It was perfect. Who would have thought that perfect old Lee would ever stoop this low. This was one of the things that none of the group would tolerate. Especially after the events of last year. Absolutely perfect. Jason would be hers eventually she knew it. Lee would be out of the picture.

Who would have guessed that 'butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth' Lee would turn out to be a drug addict? One would have thought that after one of his closest friends dying from the habit would have taught him a valuable lesson.

Anna had casually told Jason that Lee wanted to speak to him in his room. Little did she know that Lee's syringes would be lying on his bed. Anna smirked as she realised that lee was probably waiting in henry's after receiving his roses wondering why Jason hadn't met him.

Lee walked into the shared kitchen and was met by an evil stare from Zack, his Goth friend. He thought it was slightly strange but he had come to expect the strange from Zack. He pulled out his door key and found that his door was already opened. He found Jason sat on his bed examining what looked like a syringe. Jason looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Care to explain, Lee?"

Next: Chapter 4

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