Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Dec 29, 2010


Expedition to Mesopotamia 10

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have, any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

I felt better now and had a clean bill of health. I was back in the camp and had resumed my duties. Siegfried Guttman and Frederick von Wittenburg became quite friendly. I think the more aggressively Nazi part of our expedition frightened them. Grubberfeld and his man were getting more paranoid and it was best to stay away from them. Wolf also spent more time with me. I was their official rescuer. After the bandits attacked me, it was clear I had a relationship with the Arabs they lacked.

Grubberfeld's effort to recruit street thugs was failing. Rough looking men came to see Grubberfeld, but they only visited once. Soon these men stopped appearing. The word on the street was these men were cursed for some sin. The reality was different and more sinister. The Sheik was offended by these men and he ordered them to be killed. They had killed Bergman and attacked me. Soon the roughest men in the area understood trips to visit the Nazis were one-way tickets.

Not only were the thugs afraid to visit, but the agents already recruited by Bergman and Donnat were uneasy about visiting Grubberfeld too. Grubberfeld wasn't a pleasant man anyway, and rumors of disappearances were spreading.

The Sheik and Ali were careful. I don't know how many thugs they actually killed, but fear was good weapon too. One or two mutilated bodies when combined with the earlier slaughter of the bandits made it clear the Sheik and his territories were not to be trifled with. The British Government was thin on the ground. As long as the Sheik wasn't causing trouble, they would leave him alone. Killing thugs did not count as trouble.

Oddly both Guttman and von Wittenburg became more open minded since their abduction. Otto had a little party in his rooms when Grubberfeld was away, and von Wittenburg took both Otto and Rolf's cocks in the ass. I spent a good half hour letting my cock explore Guttman's rectal canal.

When we talked later, Guttman told me he was terrified of the Arabs. "You get along so well with them, so do Otto and Rolf. Is there anything I can do? Von Wittenburg is frightened too. He can't admit that. He was the great fearless explorer. He told me he was scared."

I told him to work it out with his Arab friends. Of course, I knew he didn't have any friends. He associated only with the German members of the expedition. As a Scot, I had been unworthy, beyond the pale. I had no desire to help him out.

Rolf was a more generous spirit. Guttman was mostly a top. Rolf too was a top and a big boy too. Rolf told me it took some work to widen the entrance to Guttman's fuck tunnel. "He had a good, hands free orgasm after my stretching exercises," Rolf said. "Otto's thicker than I am and Guttman took him without complaint."

"He took me without any trouble on Monday," I said.

Rolf smiled. "Did you notice he was pretty juicy inside?"

"Was that your sperm lubricating the way?" I asked. We were in bed and he was stroking my cock. My member twitched when he told me.

"That it was," he said. Rolf leaned closer to me. "It's exciting when a friend has opened your playmate and lubricated the chute, isn't it?" I nodded. He continued. "I love it when you have been first. You ball juices give my cock an extra tingle. Damn, I'm horny; can I fuck you from behind?"

I was willing and slipped his large organ in easily. His cock worked its magic. I remembered how exciting he was when were first played on the steamship. I was inexperienced then. While I was anything but inexperienced now, his cock still gave me the same thrill. It hit the same spots and was still just as exciting.

Guttman gave Albert, his valet to Bergman's because he was tired of him. I didn't get tired of former playmates. While I enjoyed new partners, that never dimmed my attraction to the sexual attractions of former playmates.

I also realized that while I was not sexually driven to find new playmates, I was always willing to accommodate them. During the rituals, I accommodated twenty to thirty men, and perhaps more, but they never became gang of disembodied genitals. Each man and his generative organ was distinct and gave me pleasure individually, not just as a part of a mob of sex crazed men.

I felt each man's distinctive cock head, shaft and approach to entry. Some eased it in; some rammed me. I always felt they were pleasing me, rather than I was their sex toy. I enjoyed them ejaculating and filling my ass or mouth with their individual seed. Perhaps I was one of the few men in the world who could literally make a meal out of man seed. Sometimes I would save several men's semen until they filled my mouth with the quivering juices of their balls.

Rolf came quickly and resumed his conversation. I had satisfied him once more. "I talked with Guttman about making friends with the Arabs," he said. "I told him he needed to let them fuck him. That's a way to make friends fast. He didn't take that suggestion with enthusiasm."

"He wouldn't," I said. "I wouldn't let him know about the rituals."

"I wouldn't consider it. He's only interested in it for what he can get for himself. I think that if he had a chance to move one step up the Nazi hierarchy, he'd betray them all," Rolf said. "Von Wittenburg is a different story. I think he would write it off as an adventure."

"Write? I'm not sure I want him to write about it."

"I wouldn't worry about that. In his books he needs to save and bed a heroine in the next to the last chapter," Rolf said. "There is no suspicion that his real interest is to bed a native boy."

Rolf mentioned Siegfried and Frederick's fears to Ali the Sheik's bother. Unexpectedly he said he had some young men who were interested. I was puzzled by this, then realized this would put his men even closer to the Nazis in our camp. Ali knew Rolf, Otto and I were not on good terms with Grubberfeld, but he were in constant contact with Guttman.

In England, they say food is they way to a man's heart, Ali seem to think the way it was through the rectum. Ali thought young handsome men who were still slightly boyish would do the trick. He picked two nephews I didn't know, Sadam and Selim. They were both masculine and quite beautiful.

Von Wittenburg came to me and when we talked I let it slip that intimate connections with the Arabs had cemented our friendship. "Once they've been in you, they tend to think of you as a brother," I explained. He didn't exactly said he was willing to be fucked in exchange for some peace of mind, but he signaled he was willing.

A few days later Siegfried and Frederick came by my room. Rolf, Sadam and Selim were visiting. Ali hadn't told me they were identical twins. Guttman looked as if he had died and gone to heaven. They had never worked on the dig, so there wasn't the unease that might accompany being fucked by a laborer. The two men were tall, slim and handsome. They were also cheerful and engaging. They spoke some English. I understood them. Guttman and von Wittenburg had some slight understanding. Ali had told the twins if they would fuck the two Nazis, I would pay them particular attention at the next full moon ritual.

If Sadam and Selim had any problems with the two men, they didn't show it. Siegfried and Frederick were handsome men, and they responded to that. I told them the Arabs were the Sheik's nephews, and that made them more acceptable. That was icing on the cake for Guttman. Guttman was smitten.

No one was shy and nature took its course. Rolf and I enjoyed ourselves, as Sadam and Selim took care of the others. The two young men were not perfunctory in their attentions. I thought they might pop-in, shoot their loads and pull out. They were lovers, not fuckers and left Guttman and von Wittenburg gasping for breath and quivering in excitement as they worked their magic. Guttman had to leave and the twins double fucked Wittenburg. The twins had long and thin cocks, but they weren't that thin. I had no idea Frederick's semi-virgin hole could accommodate both.

Frederick was mostly a top. I assumed he was tight. He winced when one entered him; a half hour later, he had both men in his ass. The twins shot off and left. Rolf was oddly attentive to the exhausted Prussian nobleman. He held Wittenburg and whispered to him.

"Is my ass bleeding?" Frederick asked. Rolf rolled him over and opened his legs. The hole was obviously used, but not bleeding. Rolf leaned over and kissed the opening. He worked his tongue into the ravaged hole. Some of the twins seed glistened as it drooled from the nobleman's ass.

"It is fine," Rolf reported. "Only a real man could do that. It was beautiful. Only in surrender can you find total pleasure."

I had no idea what that meant, but von Wittenburg liked it. He dozed off.

After he left, I asked Rolf why he was so nice to von Wittenburg. Wittenburg tended to treat him as an underling.

"He thought it was demeaning for him, but more pleasurable than he had ever experienced before," Rolf said. "He is an older man. It's a shock to discover something about yourself you never knew at that age. I wanted to make it easier for him. He will be fine in a day or two. "

A day later, Guttman accompanied us to the hamam. The twins were there and they introduced him to their friends. Rolf and I left him on his own. When I saw him, next he was on his hands and knees with one young Arab in his ass, and sucking the cream from the cock of Mustafa, one of our diggers. Actually, Mustafa's cock was an inch or two from Siegfried's open mouth. Mustafa's long ribbons of semen spurted from his impressive organ and splattered in Siegfried's eager mouth.

Guttman was a high status man and Mustafa was a digger. Mustafa wanted everyone to see him feed Guttman. In the west, this would be seen as an expression of dominance. Here that was not as clear. After four or five men fucked Siegfried, the twins double fucked him as they had Frederick several days before. Siegfried had no problem accommodating the paired members. The audience loved that.

Guttman enjoyed the young men, but didn't understand these were low status men. It was better to take the cocks and seed of older men, the elders. I assumed there were some sexual connections between older and younger men, but this was in private and not on view. In the rituals older men fuck the younger men, although sometimes a man would reward and particular youth.

Fortunately, by now, Otto was gaining control of the expedition. With Grubberfeld preoccupied with Nazi intrigue and Guttman worried about his safety, Otto regained control. Otto was used to running things and life got better. Word of my discovery of the wall of inscriptions had reached Berlin. Even in Nazi Germany Academics have a high status. Otto got approval for me to further investigate the wall.

I was outfitting my expedition when a troop of twelve British soldiers under the command of a Major Montcrieff DeCarlisle arrived to protect us. It was a rather rag-tag group. It seemed odd to me that such a sad group of men was under the command of a Major, but once I met the Major, I understood. He was a pretentious buffoon. I guessed the British commissioner, the Honorable Randolph Bittern, couldn't stand the man, so he rounded up every slacker and undesirable under his control and sent them off under the Major's command to "protect" me.

The major handed me a letter from Randolph. "These men should be able to protect you from any bandits the Sheik hasn't already beheaded or dismembered. Sorry about the Major, I couldn't take him anymore. Destroy this letter please." I destroyed it and went to have dinner with the Major and his aide, Sergeant Bernie Fuller.

I assumed Fuller joined the army as an alternative to incarceration. I thought he was a con man. The Major was the fourth son of an ancient family. The first Lord DeCarlisle unsuccessfully tried to save Charles I from the block. The family had been unsuccessful in their endeavors in the 300 years since their initial failures. Their only strong suit was the production of beautiful and mindless girls. The Montcrieff girls were well suited to wed wealthy noblemen in need of decorative wives. The men in the family were useless.

No one was more useless than Monty was. He talked nonstop, but fortunately had no need to be listened to. He just talked mostly about his sisters, their husbands, and the rip-roaring good parties he had been to at their country houses. As Monty talked, Fuller was looking for something of value he could steel. Clay tablets were of no interest, he was looking for something like King Tut's golden mask.

A few days later, I went with these men to the town we had rescued from the bandits two months earlier to excavate the wall of inscriptions. Officially, the troop protected me, but Ali the Smith and two of the Sheik's nephews, Murad and Bashir, were my true protection.

When we got to the wall, three of the troopers, Billy, Tommy and Reggie, proved to have strengths as ditch diggers. They were good at trenches and thought digging in the sand was easy work. I paid them extra for their work and they were helpful and happy as clams. One other man known only as Davis was good. Somehow, they made friends with some of Ali's relatives.

Oddly, Monty liked Arabs. I assumed he was a typical narrow Englishman, but he got along well. He told them stories in English and they smiled at him in Arabic. It was satisfactory for all. We had been at the wall for a week when I discovered the reason for his affability. Monty was a bottom and had a deep affection for exotic cocks in his ass. He had been stationed in many exotic locales, India, South Africa, Egypt, Burma, Uganda and in New Guinea. His ass was a veritable League of Nations. He took any and he took all. Once the word got out, he was a popular man.

Monty had been a handsome man at one time. He had gone to pot, but could still look good in a uniform. He had an eight-inch cock and low hanging balls. While he enjoyed sex, he neither got erect nor ever shot off. I asked him about it and he simply said, "Something happened." He obviously felt intense physical pleasure, but never achieved the orgasm. He also never seemed to lose interest.

Once he knew of my sexual tastes, Monty's conversation turned away from his sister's good fortune and his social life to his sexual exploits. These were much more interesting and he told the stories with considerable enthusiasm.

He was a cock fancier, a collector of sexual sensations. While he obviously felt great pleasure, he must have kept notes as to the sexual tastes and techniques of different racial and ethnic groups. He told me he found pagans to be the best lovers. He liked primitives, men whose sexual urges were untouched by organized religions.

He was incapable of an erection, so his playmates always got more from him than he took from them. He never deflowered a virgin ass. Monty thought this was the secret to his success with some of his playmates.

He explained. "I was part of a delegation to Amir Khan in Afghanistan when I made contact with one of his sons. Eventually I met all of his sons. Man play was expected in that tribe. Their women were locked away, and the older men used younger men for release. Some enjoyed this but other, of course some didn't."

"Somehow the Khan's oldest son discovered my secret. I made subtle advances and he was one of those who enjoyed the relations. He admired my member; although he was afraid I wouldn't fit in his ass without pain. When he found his own member lodged deeply in my own hole, he thought he had died and gone to heaven. I was his first," Monty continued. "You may have noticed I am skilled in the amatory arts."

"The young man, who was Amir Khan's heir, was shocked at his reaction; he had been unaware of how good a hard cock could feel in a tight ass. He asked his brothers to join us. I suspect there may have been a few cousins invited too, and perhaps an uncle or two."

"Was that an ordeal?" I asked.

"I had never taken so many," he said. "It was a new experience, but an enjoyable one. Our negotiations with the Khan went well, perhaps because of my activities. We were there for two weeks and I was almost exhausted."

"The only other time that happened to me was when I was captured by headhunter in New Guinea," Monty continued.

"Headhunters? It appears you escaped with your head."

"I would hate to sound vulgar, but if I can get a man's cock up my ass, I have him," he said. "Fortunately, the head Hunters had never taken a white man before and they had to do some thinking just in case the needed a new recipe."

"You are making this up!" I protested.

"I concede there is a little embellishment, but it is closer to the truth than was comfortable for me," Monty admitted. "It was a close call. I'll tell you about that later. It takes some time."

His men discovered the way to his heart too. I think most were opportunists rather than attracted to man sex, but Monty opened up for them and they made their deposits. I walked in on Monty with Billy, one of my diggers and Murad. They were taking turns. I joined them and had a most enjoyable time. His ass was a wonder, soft, juicy and welcoming. He seemed to have a few extra muscles in his rectum and he could caress your cock as you fucked him. Once he discovered we were members of the same fraternity, he relaxed some and talked less.

For the Arab's not being able to understand a word he said was a positive asset in Monty's case. I took him to the Hamam and he loved it. Curiously, the Headman and the Imam immediately recognized he was unsuited for the rituals. He was well suited for day-to-day entertainment and release. His willingness, indeed obsession with taking it in the ass was welcomed by the younger men.

We had one bit of luck. A British Police man came by. When the Sheik drove the bandits from our area, the bandits moved to the east and pestered towns on the Syrian border. The French were annoyed and the Policeman was to deal with them. The policeman had only four, lightly armed men with him. Monty gave him six of his men and Bernie Fuller.

"My men are well armed and can look impressive from a distance," Monty explained. The Policeman was glad to have them. They left me with the Major, Davis and the three diggers. Davis was a keen, amateur photographer, and he was able to photograph the inscriptions on the walls for me. He was extremely helpful. Davis wasn't artistic; he just made clear photographs of the dense inscriptions. That was just want I needed for my translations.

While Davis fucked the Major from time to time, I thought he was less interested in sex than the rest of the crew. That was a misunderstanding. He was discrete. Ali, the Smith had a younger brother Suleiman. Suleiman was a metalworker, but wanted to learn about photography. In spite of the linguistic problems, they worked things out. I did some translating for them. Suleiman was a smart man. In Otto's camp, the equipment was all-German. My own cameras were Kodak as were all the paper and chemicals. They were not sophisticated equipment but they met our needs.

Kodak cameras were available in Mesopotamia, so learning the English words was useful for Suleiman. He became a good photographer's assistant. In the town he was making photographs is family and neighbors. This turned into a thriving business of wedding and family photographs.

Davis spent a lot of time with Suleiman. One night I went to the hamam with Ali the Smith and found Suleiman and Davis intimately connected. Suleiman was a younger, smaller version of Ali, but he was just as intensely masculine. I wasn't sure how Ali would react seeing his brother with Davis' cock in his ass. Ali was pleased. Suleiman wasn't wealthy enough to get married, and Ali had been afraid he led a sex free life. Ali associated with the Blacksmith's Guild. Suleiman was in the Metalworkers' association. The two groups didn't mix.

Davis pulled his cock out of Suleiman's ass and we got along well. I wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was when two brothers discovered they shared the same taste. We got along well.

Next: Chapter 11

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