Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Jun 17, 2011


Expedition to Mesopotamia 13

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

After the Equinox Festival, things seemed quiet and ordinary at the expedition. I immersed myself into the task of translation and decipherment. There was a backlog, but I enjoyed the work and it was relaxing. Most of the tablets were financial accounts and records, so that was of little interest to me; I did encounter the temple records that included the personal letters of a High Priest, referred to as the Beloved.

This would have been cryptic to anyone but me. He not only listed the offerings he received, he commented on the quality of the gift. "Abnet, the archer made an offering and touched my soul," the priest reported. "He made two more offerings and penetrated deeper into my essence and communed with the creator. The creator took his offering and was pleased."

Perhaps, they were talking about agricultural produce, but I had my doubts. I found two new words that I translated as seed-offering and joy-offerings. I assumed these were with and without sperm.

I found a calendar of ceremonies and events. Of course the equinoxes were important, but there weekly and monthly events. The king was to make an offering once a week but he could send surrogates. The priest seemed to have a clear preference for masculine men. Bull-like men, bear-like and lion-like were all descriptions the priest used to describe the surrogates.

The priest paid the ultimate compliment to shepherd the Priest called Enkidu's Loin-fruit. The Shepherd was a fountain of offerings that never ran dry. He could make offerings six times a day and penetrate to the Priests essence every time. The god never tired of eating the shepherd's offerings.

While my translating was going well, the Nazis returned. The camp had been pleasant when they were away. Two days later a security detail arrived from the German Attaché in the capital. A Colonel Schultz commanded a half-dozen soldiers. The German foreign office must have noticed British security hadn't been successful in protecting the expedition.

I assumed this wasn't good for me, but it could have been worse. Schultz was in the regular army as were his men. They weren't Nazis. This was to my advantage.

The Nazis were barbarians; Hans Schultz had the traditional German admiration for rank and education. Herr Professor Otto Hertz was a most important man to Schultz as was the Ritter von MacDougal, the grandson of the noble von Herrinburg family. Nazi's were new men; Schultz trusted more traditional indicators of rank.

Otto realized this before I did. He was very careful to give the use the title Oberst Schultz when addressing the officer. He was in fact a major, with a temporary title to give him status when on foreign soil. Guttman always referred to him as a major. I, of course, followed Otto's lead.

Schultz was perhaps not the brightest officer in the Wehrmacht, but he had some common sense. He was detailed to embassy protection, and while he was not assigned to Paris or London, politeness was important. He asked either Otto or me about the proper ranks of the Arab dignitaries and was worried about the expectations for politeness.

The sheik stopped killing off Nazis at this time. I am not sure if this was because of Schulz's arrival, of if the Sheik already had simply killed off the ones he disliked. It looked good on the officer's record.

Fortune shined his face upon us again. Schultz was interested in archaeology, and loved the site. He knew nothing about it but had been to the museums in Berlin and loved the antiquities. He came to regard protecting the antiquities as his primary duty, rather than saving the Nazi's asses.

We found a cache of jewelry. It was mostly lapis lazuli and garnet beads with some gold embellishments. Schultz's father was a jeweler and apparently a good one. He had been the Court Jeweler to the Grand Dukes of Hessen. Schultz was helpful in excavating the objects, as well as reconstructing them. Otto was generous in his praise for his work and sent a letter to the consulate praising the officer.

Rolf discovered Schultz shared other interests with us. Rolf moved in unusual and unorthodox circles in Berlin. He was a very masculine and manly homosexual man. As such, there were some men who could associate with him without suspicion. He found out that Schultz was a close associate with the General who commanded the diplomatic protection units. These units were often made up of soldiers who would be safer if they were out of the country in the current political conditions.

Homosexuality was the "cause" of the destruction of the SA in the Night of the Long Knives. The commanding General of the diplomatic guards had a good nose for trouble, and by getting Schultz out of the country, he both saved Schultz and protected himself from possible exposure. Schultz and the General were able to select like spirited men for his command.

Schultz was a rather ordinary looking man, tall and on the edge of being overweight. He did look impressive in a uniform. In civilian clothes you could see he had gone somewhat to pot. Rolf discovered that Schultz was impressive naked if you were a homosexual size queen. I am quite convinced all homosexual men are size queens when they encounter an oversized organ.

I do not think of myself as a size queen, but others might mistake me for one.

I had mild curiosity about Schultz's private parts, but a telegram interrupted my thoughts. Angus, my brother was to be in Alexandria and he wanted to see me. He said he had some family business to discuss. Angus suggested I fly from Baghdad to Alexandria. I had never been on a plane, but my brother was only going to be in the Egyptian city for ten days, and every other form of travel would take ten day to get there, not to mention get back.

Unexpectedly Colonel Shultz was to be my traveling companion. He was to deliver some dispatches to the German Consulate. I wondered if he was assigned to spy on me. It certainly seemed odd for him to need to be in Alexandria the same time I was to be there.

We left by car the next morning, and got to Baghdad that evening. The plan was to leave late that night, but a dust storm made that impossible. We spent the night in the Royal Babylon Hotel. The Babylon was quite modern and up to date. Schultz was rather good company.

He was unfailingly courteous and helpful. He was also a good source of gossip about the Diplomatic service. The Foreign Office was the traditional preserve of aristocrats and up and coming middle class men. Usually the aristocrats were the front men; the middle class men did the actual work. This was a most satisfactory arrangement for both. Everyone was polite and courteous.

The Nazi's had thrown a monkey wrench into this arrangement. The new men weren't aristocrats and some weren't even gentlemen. They were also not capable of being pleasant to their underlings. There was unhappiness everywhere. Carefully developed relationships between the German's and their foreign counterparts were destroyed. The Nazi's were unaware there were any relationships at all. Years of work vanished at the hands of the crude Nazi "diplomats."

We had a very good dinner in the Royal Babylonia's dining room and went to bed slightly tipsy. Because of the dust storm, the windows were closed and the room was very stuffy. The room had several fans, and Schulz called the main desk to get additional fans. He was traveling with an English Milord, and he pulled rank to get another fan. The porter recommended we shower to cool off. I try to avoid causing a fuss, but the new fan was both large and oscillating. It was a wonder.

I stripped to take a shower. I hadn't realized how casual about nudity I had become. Schultz seemed shocked.

`Come join me in the shower," I said. "We are all men here!" The shock turned to pleasure. I went to the bath and got the water going. I was under the water when he joined me. It was a small, tiled, walk-in shower and there was barely room for the two of us.

"I will take a shower later," he said.

"Don't worry Oberst Schultz. It may be small but it is cool," I said. He joined me. Rolf told me he had an oversized organ. It wasn't a thing of beauty, but it was huge. It was a slightly lumpy white snake with a big lump indicating the location of his cock head. He had some extra foreskin too.

I dropped the soap and bushed against the organ as I bent over to retrieve it. He moaned a little. I got a better look at his cock. "Colonel Schultz, I think one part of you belongs to a Field-Marshal! It is magnificent," I said.

Complimenting a man on the size of his genitals is always well received. Schultz blushed and muttered a thank you. Of course, the attention had an effect on his cock; it began to firm up. Because of the tight space, we brushed against each other several times. I peeled my foreskin back to clean my cock head. He did the same and exposed his knob, which was a delicate shade of lavender.

When we got out of the shower Shultz was semi- erect and I was hard. He would have been embarrassed, but I was casual about the state of my organ. We went to the bed and let the fans work their magic. It was almost cool. Schultz was shy but could hardly keep his eyes off my cock. I turned off the light. Only the moonlight illuminated the room

"My dear Schulz, if I had a cock as big as yours, I would be tempted to play with it all the time," I said. "It must be like a volcano erupting when you climax."

"I admit it is good," he said. "It is hard to find people who can take it. I am afraid it is more decorative than useful sometimes."

"You have not met the right person," I said as a reached over and stroked his cock. He moaned again. I rotated on the bed so my mouth was at his cock. A second later, he swallowed my entire organ.

Schultz's organ was no thicker hard than soft; however, it was longer, much longer. I couldn't take much more than his head and a few inches of shaft into my mouth, but this head was sensitive, and that was enough. He worked on my cock, balls and eventually ass hole.

He no problem swallowing my cock, but he also had a long tongue and he used it to probe my ass. I knew what he wanted. He knew I was willing.

"You have a beautiful ass," he said. "Sometimes my men friends cry when I enter them. It is sad after wards. The asshole is all puffy and red; my man seed sometimes leaks out."

"Do you lick it up to keep things neat?" I asked.

"You would let me do that?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied, "It's your seed even if I have kept it warm." A few minutes later, he was working his cock into my ass. Schulz wasn't particularly attractive to me, but I was curious about his cock. I had no idea what his sexual interests were, other than that, he was willing to fuck a member of the English aristocracy. He too was curious.

Once and a while, sex between indifferent men without any expectations can be good. I think Shultz and I were both shocked at how good it was. He had some oil that was a good lubricant and he nuzzled his cock on my hole and pushed gently. He added lubricant and used his bloated cock head to push it in my ass. Suddenly my sphincter gave way and his knob was in me. He seemed to relax once he had a part on his cock in my ass; he was in no rush to get the rest in. I had the odd sense that Schultz wasn't fucking me; he was exploring my ass using his cock as a probe.

It was obvious that wasn't his first time. He knew exactly where my prostate resided and rubbed his knob against it. I thought he was doing a rather casual exploration, but it was so casual and pleasant, I was surprised when I realized he was in to the hilt and I was royally fucked. As he continued his slow exploration, the sensations began to build, and get increasingly intense.

His cock sometimes seemed to be all head and no shaft. Other times the shaft was the primary actor, driving his cock head deeper into me. He pulled out several times to cool off, but each time he and I soon felt the need to reconnect. Each time he re-entered, it was easier and more mutually satisfying. After my experience with the Equinox festivals, I had a full understanding of every possible way I could be fucked. Schultz wasn't imaginative, but he learned quickly.

The only real breaks in the action were when I shot off. Schultz needed to suck and lick up every drop of my man seed. He repeatedly climaxed deep in my ass. He left his cock in my ass afterwards and lost his erection. He cock was so large, he felt good even soft.

I squeezed my ass to milk the last drops of his orgasm from his cock. Schultz loved this. Apparently, this was new to him. His partners were usually too exhausted to respond. Many fell asleep. My Equinox experience gave me more stamina than most men did. We also showered a few times to get refreshed and recharged.

Early the next morning the sun flooded through the windows. The dust storm was over. We dressed quickly and took a cab to the aerodrome. A score of men were dusting off the plane and were removing the canvas that had kept the sand out of the engines. The plane ride was uneventful and by 3:00, we were in Alexandria.

We went to the Hotel Metropolis and I found a message from Angus saying he would be a day late, arriving the next morning. Schultz went off to the German Consulate, but returned after delivering his messages. I had spent the previous night in wild sexual congress with a potential German spy, so of course I was uneasy. It didn't occur to me that Schultz had spent the previous night with a real British spy. That night we had dinner in a fine restaurant and then went on a walk along the waterfront promenade. Schultz was nervous.

"I have heard your mother is a most liberal and generous woman," he said. "She is kind, I am told?"

"She wouldn't like to have that said of her. She in indeed kind and generous, but she is modest and feels she is merely doing what is right," I said.

"I have a delicate problem," Schultz said. "It requires the greatest discretion. Can I trust you to say nothing of this to anyone?"

"I never discuss private confidences."

"You know my family is jewelers. We have been such for well over a century," he explained. "My brother Hendrick inherited the business from my father. He is a fine man, a master of design and craftsmanship. His wife is Margot Goldberg. They have three children, all of whom are dear to me. The Goldbergs converted to Christianity fifty years ago, but in the current situation, that may not be enough."

"My brother thinks it might be best if the children were to be educated in England. You understand that is difficult in these times. They need a sponsor," he explained.

"You would like my mother to sponsor them?"

He nodded. "She is a noblewoman. I have heard she is much admired," Schultz said. "I am frightened for my nieces and nephews. I see nothing but darkness ahead." I looked at Schultz. There were tears in his eyes. His voice was quivering.

"You know I was sent here to spy on you?" he added. "Guttman thinks you may be an English agent. You must be very careful."

"I am the least likely man to be a spy in the world!" I protested.

Schultz laughed. "You know that and I know that, but the Nazi's are a suspicious group. They see spies everywhere. They even think your brother is a spy!"

"Oh really? Angus is more likely to spy on a Rugby ball, or a fox being chased by hounds," I said. "I do hope your German secret services are more on the ball than to suspect Angus! After the last war, perhaps I should hope they waste their time on Angus and me! That would be good for the real spies."

"You mean the British Empire has spies?" Schultz said in mock horror. "That cannot be!" We laughed.

"On the other matter, I will write my mother about it," I said lowering my voice. "I can't guarantee she can help, but I will ask."

"That is all I can hope for," Schultz replied. "My brother's children are angels."

We returned to the hotel for another night of wild sex. "I have a confession to make," he said once we were in the room. "I ran into an old friend at the Consulate. I asked him to join me tonight. I didn't realize we would be together again. Would you be offended if I suggested a threesome?"

I pretended to be uneasy, but I agreed to the threesome. The man was waiting in the lobby. Schultz went to get him and retuned with a Nordic god named Wotan Babbleburg. Wotan looked like a god, but had the mannerisms of a goddess. I had never seen a greater disparity between a man's appearance and his personality.

Wotan was the illegitimate son of a most important man and was nothing if not a good sport and willing to do anything. He was the protocol officer for the consulate so he was polite. Wotan knew of Schultz, and had heard of his organ, but had never met him. Wotan was interested, but uneasy. When he finally saw it he was more uneasy but excited too.

Schultz and I put on a little demonstration. Schultz lubricated his monster, but he caught me off guard. I remembered it was good, but hadn't remembered just how good it had been. Looking back, I think my ass must have become accustomed to his cock and it was much better this time. I went to the moon with each thrust.

While being watched doesn't bother me, it doesn't excite me either. Watching excited Wotan greatly. He wasn't a passive watcher. He liked to be close to the action. If possible, he liked to be no more than a tongue's length from Schultz's cock. I could easily understand getting excited by the huge organ, but Wotan was equally interested in my cock, balls and asshole.

I was on my back as Schultz eased his cock into me slowly and deliberately Wotan fed me his cock as he sucked my organ. This gave him a front row seat to watch. When Schultz pulled out for a new thrust, Wotan sucked the cock head as it emerged and then tongued my hole. I tasted Wotan's excitement as his tongue explored my well-used opening.

Wotan got up a few times and slipped his own organ into my hole when Schultz was cooling off. He was well endowed, but not in Schultz's weight class. It was enjoyable. The first time he did that, he shot off almost immediately. Schultz liked that since it eased his next penetration.

Schultz's organ demanded my all but full attention, so Wotan was alike an appetizer or garnish in a fine dinner. He was interesting and enjoyable, but the main attraction received most of my attention.

Schultz took a break to let me regroup and turned his attention to Wotan. Schultz was a dominant top, and while Wotan had amused him, Schultz wanted Wotan spread-eagled on his back with his ass stretched to his limit. I think Wotan was uneasy about that, but Schultz was aggressive.

Wotan was an effeminate man who would complain and whine about things, but not resist. His hole was small and tight and didn't show much sign of use. A man as big as Schultz didn't need a willing man to be his partner. He could power his way into Wotan's hole.

Schultz had been the perfect gentleman with me. While he could be forceful, he was never rough. I knew Schultz was no virgin, and he seemed to have a sense about what men wanted. Wotan whined he wasn't ready and Schultz's cock was too big, but that had no impact on my friend's plans. Schultz wanted to fuck Wotan's ass, period.

Schultz did like a lot of lubricant, I held Wotan's legs wide and open and Schultz lubricated the unwilling hole. Schultz nuzzled his knob against Wotan's hole and made a single, very hard thrust. It was almost magic. The huge organ vanished in a second. Schultz's pubic hair touched Wotan's ass ring and Wotan's eyes rolled into his head.

Wotan's body twitched and he shivered. I think he would have cried out, but he was too winded to do that. For a few minutes, Schultz left his cock in the ass as Wotan got a grip on his emotions. I fed him my cock and fondled his genitals. Wotan had lost his erection. When they began to firm up again, Schultz began to pump slowly.

Schultz had a great capacity for sex; he didn't seem to get tired. While I had fully experienced the huge cock, I had never watched it in action. It seemed impossible the massive organ would fit. Wotan was a most handsome man, and now was clearly stretched and filled to his limit. He was sweating and shivering as the cock probed deeply into his body. Wotan whined and complained, but he was fully erect again and it was hard to take the complaints seriously.

He made Wotan get on his hands and knees so I could mount him. As soon as I was in Wotan, Schultz mounted me and I went to the moon again. Later on, we did the same thing with me on the bottom and Wotan in my hole. Wotan shot off as Schultz rammed him.

Wotan had to return to the Consulate, but he left a happy man. He told me he wanted to be ravaged. He liked to be abused and used.

Next: Chapter 14

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