Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Oct 3, 2010


Expedition to Mesopotamia, 1934 4

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

A week later, Rolf visited the Sheik and came back with an invitation. It was sort of an invitation. It had been 120 degrees that day, so I was in the shower, cooling off. Rolf had forged a close relationship with the Sheik. It was mostly about business, but wasn't entirely platonic. The Creation Festival was at hand and the sheik wanted to reward Otto, Wolf, Gunter and me for saving his son. We were the Europeans who responded to the cave in. He wanted us to join in the Creation Festival.

"I would be greatly honored," I immediately responded.

"The Sheik was worried you might not accept the honor. He father invited a European once before and the man was appalled," Rolf explained. "I went to one of these parties this afternoon. His nephew just had his first son so this is a celebratory party. He asked me to join in it with his bothers and a few tribal Elders. It was wild, well beyond anything I have ever participated in."

"What was it like?"

He leaned close to me and almost whispered. "There were eight men there. I fucked about half of them; I think they all fucked me once or twice. I was new and they were excited to have a new playmate. They all seemed to have two or three orgasms. I sucked cum from their cocks: they shot it in my ass. Sperm coated my beard, my chest; it dripped form my cock and drooled from my ass." As he spoke, he got hard. So did I.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked.

"That's the worst part," he said. "I loved it. The party was to replenish the new father's supply of man seed to insure future children. He was in his twenties and happy as hell. I think he had hopes he might get a blond boy if he took my seed. He was great, a bit young for my taste, but great. The Sheik and his oldest brother, Ali, really rang my chimes too. They were afraid I'd run out of man juice, so I sat on their cocks and they gave me a rectal massage as the new daddy sucked. He sucked me dry several times as I sucked any cock that came near my face. I'm wiped out."

Rolf may have been exhausted, but he was rock hard. I dropped to the floor and tenderly licked his over used member. It only took a minute before I tasted his pre cum. He was fine.

"The Creation Festival is like the party I went to, but there are twenty-five or thirty men," Rolf explained.

"I'm about as excited as I have ever been. I'll go," I said. "I'm sure Bergman would love it. Wolf is going to be with Frederick and one of their desert treks. I'm not positive about Otto. He is more reserved."

"Otto is uneasy about who he lets in his ass," Rolf said. "Everyone opened his ass for me at the party. I had to open up for them. I didn't think it was optional. It would be rude. Shoving a cock in your ass was a gift, a present they gave to you. You couldn't say no."

"I have a suspicion the chance to participate in a Bronze Age fertility festival would be too much for Otto to pass up," I said. Rolf's cock began to spurt. His semen wasn't as plentiful as usual, but most men would have been pleased.

I correctly guessed Otto would be into it. Rolf and I went to talk to him. His primary concern was that he was too old and might be ignored. Rolf pointed out the tribal elders were greatly admired. "They associate long life with strength and virtue."

"It is a once in a lifetime opportunity," Otto admitted. "I've read about Bacchanals and sacred prostitution, but never thought I could encounter sex as a sacred activity in the Twentieth Century."

"There were some wild orgies in Berlin," Rolf reminded them.

"A good friend of mine went to one. He enjoyed it, but said there was an air of malice and perversion to it. My friend had a taste for effeminate men. I do not," Otto said. "I don't think a man loving another man and enjoying sex with him is perverse or evil. No one needs to tie me up or whip me into enjoying man sex. The Creation festival is a celebration of man's fertility, and the fertility of the earth. It's not a group of men being bad or trying to shock the rest of the world."

Otto said something I had been unable to formulate in my mind. Deep down in my mind I was embarrassed at my sexual preferences and still had a nagging concern about sin. This was simple foolishness. I loved and enjoyed men. How could that be sinful? Rape and assault were crimes, love and friendship aren't.

A week later, we went off to visit the Sheik. The village was dusty and hot. His compound sat apart. It was more like a fortress than a house from the outside. Once in the gate, the heavily landscaped courtyard was cool and shady. Like our camp, the sheik possessed a good well.

The Sheik's head butler greeted us and took us deep into the house. I had been in the house before, but had never been deep into the private quarters. There was a second courtyard mostly associated with the kitchen, and then we took a right turn and entered a hall, somewhat like barracks room. There were mattresses on the floor and perhaps a dozen men all in varied states of undress.

An older man came up to us. "I am Murad, the Sheik is my brother. You must be then men who saved my nephew?"

"It was god's will," I replied.

He smiled, "The event is at dusk, bathe and enjoy yourself," he said and then he snapped his finger. "Omar, come and help these men." Omar appeared and smiled at us. He was a slight, elegant young man. While he looked quite young, his chest sported a think matt of hair and a hair trail to his bush. This thicket of black hair framed beautiful low-hanging balls and an erect cock. Bergman stared.

Murad laughed. "Omar is lovely isn't he? He is my youngest son by my third wife," he said proudly. "Remember to save for the Festival itself. There will be time to enjoy all." We took off our clothes and Omar gave us a fruit drink. He then led us to a bath. At first, I thought it was a Turkish Style steam bath. It certainly had been renovated in the Ottoman period, but I became convinced it was Roman. A bronze covered door to one side had Latin and Greek inscriptions. It was a large residential style bath dating from 328 A.D.

Two men who worked at the dig were in the room and I talked with them. They seemed pleased to see us and introduced us to his relatives, his father and some cousins. Rolf spoke a little Arabic and Otto and I had a good understanding. Gunter understood not a word, but sported a full erection. Cocks are a universal language and he made friends.

I had to use the latrines, so one of the men guided me there. The drink must have included a laxative and I was embarrassed. There were latrine attendants and they seemed pleased as punch. This was all part of the cleansing ritual that preceded the festival. The attendant also oiled asses for the festival. I was on my back getting oiled and Omar joined me. He was getting his ass lubricated too. We talked casually as the attendant worked oil into my ass. Several men comment favorably on my ass. Apparently, I had good ass lips. I had no idea what that meant, but I hoped good ass lips were better than bad ass lips.

Ritual cleanliness is not the same as actual cleanliness, but for this tribe both were important. I bathed again, visited the steam room, and then bathed a third time. The number of men bathing increased each time I bathed as more men arrived for the festival. All of the men were heavily bearded, dark-skinned men and most were hairy. I would have guessed they were Armenian or Greek if I hadn't known they were Arab. Most were thin and muscular.

They were very interested in blond, blue-eyed Rolf, and in Otto and me. I have light brown hair nd a pink complexion, Otto is pink with body hair that graded from white to black as it reached his bush. This was a quite isolated tribe and there was no ethnic variety in the tribal members. We were exotic to them. We had more drinks, non laxative, and talked until the sun began to set. We went to another room.

One aspect of them men surprised me. Normally I saw the men wrapped in robes with their bodies almost completely hidden. Here, they were entirely at ease. They were naked with their fathers, uncles, cousins and brothers. Most of the younger men were erect and the older ones were at least semi-hard. No one seemed to notice much except for an admiring glance.

In the bath, Otto had some conversations with men and told me about the Tribal customs and worldview. They regarded men as the creative force. Men provided the seed to be planted in women. Women were admired but weak and prone to die in childbirth. They noticed multiple children made it unlikely the woman would survive. It was important to protect them from unworthy children.

"For the men, having a child is his greatest achievement. They see the penis as the organ of procreation. It is only right that you honor and please the organ that made you," Otto said. "They honor the sperm too, the white man-making seed. However, without the cock to penetrate and impregnate, the sperm is useless. Passion is of divine origin."

"Apparently at one time the god creator asked for the blood of the first born son to honor him. A great ancestor named Gilgal, tried to make a deal with the creator god. In place of the periodic sacrifice of the first-born infant, he asked if the god would accept the regular donation of man seed."

"Gilgal offered the creator god his cock and tried to shoot his seed into the God's mouth. He missed on the first try, so the god took Gilgal's cock into his mouth. The god loved it, but was unhappy there was so little of it compared to the size of a baby."

"Gilgal said he would assemble all his men and they would all offer the god their sperm. That greatly pleased the god," Otto continued. "The god discovered one more thing that pleased him. After the men fed him their seed inspired by the god's manliness, they shared sexual pleasure among themselves. Since the god had taken their seed, his cock could now feel their orgasms. When they fucked and sucked, the god was in a state of near continuous orgasm."

"That must have been one very happy god," I remarked.

Otto smiled. "He was happy, so happy that he fed Gilgal his own seed as a reward. Gilgal had the divine cock in his mouth so he wouldn't waste any of it. The god creates man. Man feeds the god his seed. The god thanks man by feeding man his seed."

"It's a perpetual motion machine," I remarked. "Cock, sperm and sexual pleasure make the world go around."

"Exactly," Otto said.

The Sheik rang a gong. The festival began. We had another drink and musicians began to play a rhythmic dance. Several men began to chant. Others began to dance. Murad and his son Omar came to me and we joined in the dance. When the dance stopped, we all fell to the floor and sucked whatever cock was nearest. Omar took mine and I took Murad. Omar was most enthusiastic and Murad's ball juices already were flowing. The music began again. We danced again and when it ended, I was with two men I hadn't met before. I sucked one man's cock while the other was interested in tongue fucking my ass.

With the third dance, I was excited and getting into the swing of things. Everyone was naked, erect and happy. The crowd seemed to be pushing me toward the end of the room. There I saw the Sheik. He was an impressive, big man in his robes. He was even more impressive naked, very manly, muscular and hairy. He was impressive; his cock was even more so. It was huge, thick and long. His fluids dripped on the floor. A young man was at his feet. His open mouth captured the fluids dripping from the sheik's cock.

The music stopped and I launched myself toward the Sheik's magnificent organ. There seemed to be a murmur of approval. Wrapping my lips around the oozing knob I licked the huge, but tender glans. He ejaculated a single spurt if sperm into my mouth. This excited me even more.

Some attendants lifted me up, turned me around and the Sheik impaled me on his horse cock in a single thrust. Looking back, I should have been screaming in pain as he ripped me apart. It was, however, a perfect fit. I was in heaven. He filled me and every inch of my chute quivered in pleasure. I moaned.

I was in front of 40 men with a man I hardly knew fucking me. I was fully erect. He stood against a divan and he sat and then lay back. Two men lifted me up and sat me on his cock. Every man in the room could see my ass as the Sheik fucked me. The men would lift me up so everyone cock see my twitching ass, then slowly lowered me. The crowd watched the Sheik's knob and then the shaft vanish into my rectum.

The next time they lifted me up, a man worked his cock into me and deposited his load. My ass apparently was dilated by the sheik's horse cock, so the entry was effortless. My ass closed up tightly enough to grasp the cock. With three or four thrusts, he bellowed in pleasure, climaxed and pulled out. His sperm drooled out for a second before the Sheik reentered me. Apparently, I was the designated sperm receptacle. Perhaps ten of twelve men used me. Between each penetration, the Sheik entered me again, churning up the sperm cocktail in my ass.

Baldly stated this sounds crude, but the reality was very different. Everyone was excited, cheerful and happy. No one was crude; they were all making a deposit on their future happiness. They were honoring me. I was their connection to the god. It was beautiful in an unexpected way.

I sat up straight when the Sheik was in me. I was skewered on a pole. One of the attendants offered me his cock to suck. I took it. I had barely taken the knob on my mouth when he shot off. Another man quickly replaced him.

I wouldn't say I fell in love with the Sheik, but I came close. He caressed and kissed me as the men massaged my rectum. He must have made twently penetrations of my ass, but each was a full-scale sexual encounter. It was confusing and disorienting for me, but he learned what stimulated me the most. With each penetration, the sex got better. I think he had three or four orgasms.

The sheik told me who was fucking me and why they were selected for the honor. "This is Omar now. He is a good boy and this is the first time he has fucked at a festival. He is young and will shoot fast, but his load is rich and plentiful."

His brother Ali, the man Rolf liked, had a cock almost as big as the Shiek's member. "Ali was injured in car accident," the Sheik said. "He missed the last three festivals. Ali told me he was saving up his man seed to make up what we didn't get when he was in bed. He will fill you good!"

A servant rang a gong, and we broke apart. Everyone had a drink and some fruit. I had a chance to get my mind sorted out. I was a mess. After sucking of seven or eight men, sperm covered my beard. Some dripped on to my hairy chest. Several men ejaculated before they could get into my ass , so my back was coated in the sticky goo. Semen drooled from my ass down my leg.

The men didn't see me as a mess or as a slut; I was the creative force incarnate. I was cum covered and dripping in sperm; I was a dream come true. Three men seemed to regard the semen as the prefect meal and my body as the perfect serving platter. They licked me clean. I noticed that the sheik kissed me with more enthusiasm after I sucked a load of man seed. I swallowed the first few, but then saved it. When the sheik kissed me with a mouthful of sperm, he loved it.

The men in my ass were elders and relatives of the sheik. The men shooting in my mouth were humbler. That didn't bother the sheik at all.

Sexual activity resumed after a break of perhaps a half-hour. The first sex session took care of all the necessities of the festival. The god was happy. After the break, it was more of a free for all. The sheik was on his back with his legs in the air. Men walked by and popped in his ass. They were laughing and joking.

I walked around the room and chatted. Otto was on his back with one of the laborers who was fucking him. The laborer had his son, father and a brother with him and they were taking turns.

"How are you doing?" I asked Otto.

"I couldn't be better. It is everything I hoped for. Actually, it is more than I hoped for," he replied. "You put on a brilliant display. It was remarkable. The men admired your ability to accommodate so many men. You made them very happy." The laborer pulled out and an older man popped into Otto's ass.

"You can ram me harder, I will not break," Otto told the older man.

"Sir William, I think you have all the makings of a pagan priest," Otto said. "You handled it perfectly." One of the younger men I had seen on the dig came to me and began to suck my cock. I went with him to a cluster of relatives and friends. I thought he was very young, but was just short. Naked I could see he was full-grown, but half sized. We called him Shorty, but he was another Ali. There were four man named Ali in the work crew, so Shorty was easier.

His father was a dwarf, but he had full sized uncles and cousins. They seemed overjoyed I joined them. Shorty sucked my cock as his father licked my ass. I sucked the rest of them in rotation. Shorty asked me if I could relax my ass so his father could taste the sperm of the tribal elders. This was hard for me to do, but once I did it was fine.

The father sat on my cock and much to my surprise my cock fit. I eventually rolled him over and fucked him good. The uncles and cousins fucked me as I fucked Shorty's father. Eventually I fucked Shorty himself. After shooting off in Shorty's ass we relaxed. The father was crying. I was afraid I had hurt him.

I misunderstood completely. They were tears of joy. He had never been fucked by an important man before and that his son had my semen dripping from his ass was almost too much to hope for.

Rolf waved at me to come over. He was with Ali, the brother of the sheik. I ended the night with Ali, the Sheik and their immediate family sucking and fucking our way to dawn. Returning to our camp at dawn, everyone had a good time. Gunter had fallen in love with ten or twelve of the younger Arabs. Otto had much the same experience.

Back at the camp, Guttman and Donnat wanted to dig a deep trench to find the Aryan layer. After the collapse of the earlier trench, they reconsidered that approach. Neither man cared much if a few men died, but Rolf explained the Sheik didn't see things that way, and the locals weren't prone to be forgiving. Guttman and Donnat's treks into the desert were a blessing for us. They maintained the modest pretence they were hunting for archaeological sites, but Otto said they wouldn't recognize a major site if they were standing in the forum of Rome. They would not take any Arab guards with them.

For them the Sumerian, Assyrian or Babylonian sites were just trash to be cleared away to reach the Aryan bedrock of civilization. That there was no evidence that this Aryan level existed, or ever had existed did not bother them. This deeply offended Otto, but I found it amusing and curious. The ability of grown men to reject a concrete and impressive reality in favor of a gossamer and invisible fantasy struck me as a marvel. At that time, I had no clue to the disaster these fantasies would create less than a decade later.

When Donnat left he put Bergman in charge of expedition. Gunter was to maintain proper focus on the Aryan quest. Gunter was always servile in their presence and I think they had shot so much pure Nazi sperm in his ass they thought he was entirely theirs. I knew from personal experience he had a wonderful ass for fucking. They tended to fuck unwilling men, and Siegfried's willing and welcoming ass must have clouded their thinking.

The brain in Siegfried's cock was twice the size of the one in his head, and more reasonable. The second Donnat and Guttman left the camp Siegfried transferred his allegiance to Otto.

After one of their visits, the team returned with Kurt wounded. They had run into a hostile tribe and been attacked. No one in their group could speak Arabic, so they couldn't communicate with local residents. None of them were polite men from a European perspective, not to mention a middle eastern point of view. They were rude and discourteous to the Arabs.

I didn't know Kurt at all well, but Albert's medical background was ideal for gunshot wounds. They had humiliated and abused Albert regularly, so Albert wasn't as gentle as he might have been removing the bullet. Afterwards, Kurt treated Albert better, the other men continued the abuse. Knowing that Albert's medical skills might mean the difference between life and death, they still couldn't treat him well. I was shocked. I knew they were nasty men. I hadn't known they were stupid men.

Rolf and I recruited Arabs to protect the explorers. This was at double the cost of the workmen. I was temporarily assigned to be their translator. As an agent of His Majesty's Government this was good. The companionship was poor however. Wolf took photographs of the tablets I was translating so I could continue on with my main job as I translated for the Arab guards. I would be alone with no friends.

After a few days, I was more comfortable. As far as the Arabs were concerned, they worked for me. I had met many of them at the Creation Festival. I was one of them. If I asked them to slit the throats of my companions they would have done it without hesitation. Von Wittenburg could be polite. Guttman, Donnat, Kruger and Fischer only gave orders and treated the Arabs like dirt. It was a marvel that Gunter Bergman, who was a common street thug, was more capable of dealing with the Arabs.

When Otto said Guttman couldn't identify an archaeological site if he were standing in the roman forum, he was not far from the mark. I identified several major mounds complete with pottery shards of an early date. Guttman had no clue as to the significance of the pottery. Fortunately for me, they assumed I was German most of the time.

Next: Chapter 5

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