
By D One

Published on Jan 10, 2014



He stood across the hallway, tall as ever, wearing the white letter sweater that noted he was proficient in Golf, Swimming and a member of the Honor Society. Justin wasn't big man on campus, but he was popular, a class officer and blonde. Justin was clean cut looking and having seen him in the School logo emblazoned Speedos the swim team wore, Stephen knew what was underneath the school clothes he was wearing.

The white jeans fit his lower body nicely displaying his round butt, his thick thighs and a hint of what was in his crotch.

"Jockeys" Stephen muttered to himself "why not boxers?" Justin was a short distance away but the walk seemed frighteningly long and filled with possible interruptions.

Alice Goodley was nearby. If she got to Justin before he did, Stephen's task was spoiled. And there was Arnie, a friend who might approach him while he crossed the hallway. Two other white letter sweater wearing classmates were talking to Justin. Stephen fumbled at his own locker until they left. He hoped they would indeed leave.

Since it was time for Justin to go to swim team practice, Stephen knew they would.

"Hey" somehow the time had passed, the walk had been completed and he stood close to where Justin stood.

"Hey, Stephen right? The guy with all the inventions." Justin smiled.

"Uh yea mind if I ask you a question?"

"As long as we can walk and talk, the coach gets pissed if I'm late"

"But you're the team captain, the state champ, "Stephen said.

"Right and that's the reason. I guess I have to set an example or something. Hell most of the guys show up late anyway" Stephen stuffed his books in the locker and slammed it. They walked side by side towards the gym.

"Actually I have a favor to ask" Stephen had inhaled a deep breath to blurt out the beginning.

"Sure that's cool as long as you help me fix my damn tablet, I'm having ... "Justin described the usual problems people had with tablets and computers.

"Sure I'll help..and even if you don't agree to my uh favor"

"That's cool man, so what's up?" Justin stopped outside the locker room door.

Inside were the usual metal lockers, benches littered with discarded jockstraps, socks and gym clothes. Stephen could smell the odor. It had begun to get his dick hard the first year in school. The sight of naked classmates didn't help his sudden arousals either.

"I ... uh ... think I might ... you know ... be bi" Stephen chose his words carefully deciding that "bi" was safer then "gay".

Justin didn't respond.

"And uh I gotta know, so I need to find someone to ... uh ... help"

"You probably need to talk to a counselor or someone like that, not another guy" Justin didn't rebuke him, instead adopting a big brotherly type voice.

"Yea I guess. But I need to find someone to uh you know do stuff so I know" Stephen felt the blush in his cheeks now.

"Hey I'm not gay" Justin said but he didn't say it loud or with anger.

"Good, I didn't want someone who was gay. I wanted someone who was uh like you. Hell it would be private, use rubbers, and when it was over, you could just leave. I can deal with your computer issue another time or afterwards." Stephen

"You want me to fuck you?" Justin's blunt analysis of Stephen's request shocked him.

"Well yea, but you can wear a rubber, I got some" Stephen said amazed that Justin hadn't left him standing there.

"I got some too. But you want another dude to stick his pecker in your cute butt and you want me to do it. That's one for the books." Justin said as he reached for the door knob.

"And I knew you wouldn't tell anyone I asked. I mean you are a cool guy and everything" Stephen assumed Justin's answer was "no" but then feared everyone would know.

"Hell man, I wouldn't say anything. But you got the wrong guy." Justin said "no problem" and smiled "but you do have a cute butt".

"UH thanks, so when do you want me to look at your tablet?" Stephen said as Justin was halfway into the locker room. Partial views of his teammates could be seen walking about wearing their jockstraps and Speedos.

"I'll get back to you on that" Justin said waving good bye as the door closed.

Stephen felt stupid and a little bit apprehensive as he returned to his own locker for the walk home. It felt good saying to someone he thought he was gay or bi. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. And even though he hadn't told Justin what he thought of him, it felt like he had. Justin knew and said he wouldn't tell.

That felt like a triumph to Stephen. He might even tell Arnie, his closest friend about it. That way Stephen would admit he was sexually excited about Justin and even asked him to have sex.

The sight of the tight skinned, defined torso diving into the pool always had an effect on him that lasted throughout the night and sometimes in the morning too. He had started going to swim meets regularly whether they were held at his own school or other schools. Stephen knew better then approach Justin there of course and Arnie didn't ask why they were suddenly going to the meets either.

He shouldered the backpack and headed out the door towards home. Arnie was at his scout troop so Stephen would have the afternoon alone. His sister would be there, his Mom was working her usual long hospital shifts.

Back at the school Justin' bright blue wet cloth was barely hiding the parts of his body Stephen thought about. He'd go home and take a shower that would solve the hardness in his jeans.

Beverly yelled something at him when Stephen bounded into his bedroom and threw his backpack against the wall that separated their bedrooms. He tried to go into the adjoining bathroom but the door was locked.

"What do you want?" Beverly answered his knocking on her bedroom door.

"Gotta go in there" he said.

"No can do, I have to get ready to go to Anita's tonight. Mom knows." She closed the door.

"Sisters" Stephen muttered returning to his bedroom to strip down and take care of the erection another way.

He lay there exhausted, the evidence of his obsession released onto his smooth belly. The image of Justin had dissipated with his orgasm, though the memory of his smiling face earlier remained.

The door slammed and his phone rang simultaneously.

"Hey" the voice wasn't recognizable immediately. "I thought about what you said and thought I'd come by to talk" Justin's voice was in a near whisper.

"UH ok, you got your tablet with you then right?" Stephen assumed the guy was talking about his computer problems.

"Oh yea that, yea I got it right here" Justin said.

Stephen didn't realize that Justin wasn't calling about the computer as he jumped off the bed to clean himself and put on some clothes.

"Sure when do you want to come by?" he stammered.

"I'm uh in my car in front of your house now" Justin whispered.

"Oh uh ok come on, I'll be down..." The phone call ended.

"You sure this is ok I mean your family..." Just stood at the door when Stephen answered. He wore his gym shorts and a wife beater only.

"Sure sure, nobody's home." Stephen stepped inside and Justin entered.

"My sister's gone to some pajama party and Mom's at the hospital" he added.

Justin stopped walking "OH crap, is she ok?" The look on his face was endearing.

"Yea yea she works there, 12 hours shifts, won't be home till tomorrow morning" Stephen said

Justin followed Stephen into his bedroom. "So this is where the magic happens" he said.

"No magic here" Stephen "just allot of video games, computer stuff, homework"

"And doing what we all do at night there" Justin said looking at the bed with rustled bed cover and sheets.

"Here, let me take a look" Stephen put Justin's tablet on his desk and looked at the screen. His fingers flew across the keys.

"It just didn't...wow you fixed it" Justin said.

"Settings, that's all, I'll do a defrag and reboot, it'll take awhile. You haven't done this before right?" Stephen asked.

"Uh never, will it take long?" Justin asked.

"About an hour based on the size of your hard drive" Stephen said.

"It's all about size isn't it?"

Stephen laughed "sometimes, but it's about the computer too, just like..."

"Just like people" Justin completed the sentence. "So what about your uh problem. Did you uh still..."

Stephen suddenly felt stupid. Justin apparently had reconsidered his question and was there for that.

"Look I didn't mean to insult or anything. I just thought I wanted someone I trusted might understand and you know mess around."

"You and that guy, Arnold mess around?" Justin was removing his letter sweater.

"No well when we were little kids we compared and stuff, you know"

"Yea I know" Just was peeling his tee shirt off now uncovering the defined tight skin torso Stephen had thought about just two hours before as he lay on his bed masturbating.

"So you really, want to?" Stephen

"I said you have a cute butt" Justin was smiling as he unbuckled his belt "you got some lotion right?"

Stephen fumbled in the drawer at his bedside table. "Here...uh want me to?"

He turned just in time to see Justin peel his jeans completely off. The boy was standing in his bedroom naked, not hiding his penis or appearing modest in anyway but not showing off either.

"You need to..." Justin waved a finger at him.

"OH yea" Stephen stripped naked in seconds. "Sorry not uh body not like your teammates, if you want to..."

"You look fine to me" Justin squeezed the lotion onto his hand and then his penis which was hardening with each stroke. "How do you want to do this?"

Stephen remembered images he had seen on the computer. "Uh I guess I need to..." he got on the bed and bent over so his butt was aimed. "I read it's easier this way the first time.'

"First time for me too, so I guess neither of us knows what they're doing"

Stephen felt the bed sag as Justin climbed on it.

"You ok?" Justin asked as he placed his hands on Stephen's bare buttocks. Stephan inhaled at the touch.

"Just go slow like you do Alice"

"Alice, you mean Alice Ghostly? Hell man she won't let me do anything, not even a touch, I mean I've uh you know touched her bra but she won't even..."

"Really, so this is your first ever?" Stephen looked back as the naked kneeling fantasy that was actually behind him.

"Yea I guess" Justin said "OK here goes"

Stephen jumped at the feeling of the cock pressing against his butthole. He remembered the advice he had read, breathe normally, relax yourself and there would be pain as your sphincters get stretched.

"Go ahead" he said feeling the hardness push his flesh open. "Jeez" he muttered.

"Hey if you want to stop man I uh you know understand" Justin said.

Stephen didn't plan it, his body just moved back onto the invading cock pushing it past his burning sphincter.

"Whoa, man go slow, you'll make me uh you know shoot and "

Stephen stopped and concentrated on the new feelings inside him. It was like a large bowel movement when Justin pulled backwards.

"Not yet, go all the way in" Stephen instructed sounding more confident then he really was.

Fingers on his butt flesh dug in as Justin pulled himself forward. "There man that's it, that's all there is"

Stephen sighed. He was fucked for the first time, fucked by the guy whose body had helped him masturbate more times then he would admit. He flexed his ass muscles.

"God that's tight I can't move, let up" Justin said

Stephen laughed "hell didn't know, just experimenting"

"Me too" Justin said wondering the same things that Stephen told him earlier. "God you got a nice ass" he added.

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