Extra Innings New Beginnings

By Hunter

Published on Dec 23, 2015


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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Extra Innings – Chapter 5

Colfax sucks without Devin. Being a gay fifteen year old in the middle of nowhere sucks, especially when you're all alone again. I didn't mind being alone when no one really bothered me, but ever since I started dating Devin everyone knew who I was because everyone knows Devin. And everyone knows Devin because everyone originally thought he was involved in the death of a fellow student of ours. He wasn't, but school rumours don't die simply because someone proves they aren't true.

Of course, Devin's gone now and won't be coming back for a while, probably not until Thanksgiving at the earliest, and maybe not even then. He's gone to college, and I miss him every day that he's not here. Devin was always so kind to me, and kept the assholes from bothering me too much during the summer when there weren't any teachers around to help keep things under control.

We had a lot of fun over the summer, and since I had some time before I needed to wake up and get ready for school, I started to think about the last time I saw Devin before he left for college.

It was the end of August, just a couple of days before he was going to leave for campus. Most of his stuff that he was taking with him had been packed away, and it made his room that much more spartan looking than it normally was. It was when I saw his room completely bare of his usual pile of clothing and sports stuff that I knew he was leaving and that he wouldn't be back for a while, and that made me a bit depressed, which nearly ruined our day.

Devin sat me down on his head and started to slowly knead the muscles of my back, neck and shoulders while he let me think to myself. It was nice that he was letting me figure everything out in my mind before saying anything, and it felt nice for him just to be rubbing me and trying to console me. As he was massaging me, he started laying me down on my stomach so that my face was buried in his pillows and he could apply a bit more pressure to me while he massaged me.

After gathering my composure, I asked Devin to stop and just to hold me, so I rolled over on my side and he curled up behind me, spooning me and pulling me tight to his body so that he could wrap his arms around me. Devin isn't that big, he's tall but pretty lanky. Still, around me his arms were huge and I felt really warm and comforted to know he was covering me and trying to take care of me, even though he was leaving two days later.

I pushed back against him and started to grind my ass against his crotch. I could feel his cock growing in his shorts and his breath was getting ragged on my cheeks. I was being a bit of a tease, but I was going to give him what he was looking for soon enough anyways, I just wanted to enjoy the moment that I was giving him so much to overload his senses just by being close and touching him in different ways. I rolled over so I was facing him and he got the message right away, pulling me close so that we could kiss and make out while trying to get our clothes off.

Devin's dad wasn't expected to come home for hours, so we had plenty of time, but there was a need awakening in both of us. Realizing that we weren't going to get our shorts off if we were laying down, we separated from each other just long enough to stand up and strip out of our clothes before we laid back down and started kissing again.

Devin's hands were starting to grab and squeeze wherever they landed, he was getting really turned on and it was making him lose a bit of control of what he was doing. I loved it and helped guide his hands so that he could find my ass cheeks and cock, both of which he gave a good squeeze to once he found them. I also was keeping my hands busy, but I was running them up and down the muscles of his chest and upper body. Devin was slender, and he didn't like being compared to some of the other athletes because they had more muscle mass than him, but I loved how toned he was and that I could run my hands almost anywhere and find some pretty hard muscle there waiting for me, just like I was doing with his stomach and chest.

Devin was busy squeezing and playing with my hardening cock, so I decided to return the favour and do the same. I reached down from his abs to his cock, which was already rock hard and leaking precum. I gathered some of his precum on my finger and sucked it down, loving the taste of it and wanting a bit more. But before I did that, I wanted to tease him just a bit more. I grabbed his cock with one hand and started to slowly jerk him off, listening to him moan and try to thrust his cock into my fist. While doing that, I moved my face closer to his crotch, so that his cock was getting closer to my mouth every time he tried to thrust into my hand while jerking him off.

Right as he was getting close to hitting me in the face with his dick, I let go of him and licked the head of his penis. Devin shuddered, moaned and ran his hands through my hair, urging me to do more than just tease him and lick around the head of his shaft. I let him push me down onto his cock and licked further down the length of his dick now that it was buried in my mouth. He tried to push down into my throat, but I gagged and choked on it. Just as quickly, Devin pulled out and looked me over, concerned that he had gone too far and actually hurt me.

"I'm fine Devin, its fine. Relax. Go get a condom, I want you to fuck me."

Devin got up off the bed and went into his dresser where he keeps his lube and condoms. He threw me the bottle of lube so that I could loosen myself up and prepare, while he slid a condom over himself and started stroking himself to stay hard while in the condom. Once I was done I laid down on my back and gave him back the bottle of lube so that he could lube his cock up. Once we were both ready he lifted my legs onto his shoulders and leaned forward, pushing my legs back and exposing my hole to him.

Devin climbed into position and slid his hard cock between my ass cheeks, pushing slightly against me each time and causing me to gasp out when his dick slid past my hole. I reached out and pulled him in closer, forcing him to bend down so that I could kiss him while he was teasing my hole. While I was kissing him, Devin started to slowly push his cock into my ass, and I pushed out to try and accommodate his cock. I moaned into the kiss as he slid further inside me until he bottomed out and I could feel his balls against my ass.

I felt Devin starting to move inside me and thrust into my ass. I was getting hard just from fucking him, he was hitting all the right spots inside me and sending jolts of electricity through my body each time he slid over my prostate. He fucked me really hard that day, making me cum without even touching my cock. Even after I came he kept fucking me until he shot his own load in the condom, telling me to think of it as something to remember him by while he was in college.

I jerked myself off thinking about that day, trying to remember everything that happened with perfect clarity so that I could cum before class. Unfortunately, my dick wasn't cooperating with me to give me a quick orgasm, and before I could cum I heard my mother calling for me to come down and eat breakfast.

"Alex honey, come on down, breakfast is getting cold and you can't be late for school." My mother called down from the living room.

Mother means well and all, but I never normally get to see her because she's always so busy with work. I mean, it pays for the house and everything that I need, but sometimes it feels like she doesn't really know me, and that only got worse after dad passed away. It's funny, Devin and I are pretty similar like that, coming from homes that were broken by fate instead of by anything either of the parents did, except he lost his mom. I think that's part of why I like being around him, because we have that in common and it makes it easier to open up about other things. The fact that he made it to college and did all these things with himself makes me feel like I can do more than just being the skinny little nerd at school, so I suppose I do look up to Devin, even if I'm the one who normally has to take the lead on the relationship stuff because he's still coming out to people.

I ate a rare breakfast with Mother before packing my bag and heading to the bus stop to go to school. It was only the second week of class and I was already bored to tears. There wasn't anything to do once the assignments were done for the day, so I spent most of my class time daydreaming or thinking about what else I could be doing with my time. If I were living in a bigger city there'd probably be programs or something I could get involved with, but Colfax is so small that they can't afford enrichment programs, or the teachers to staff them. For now at least I'm stuck just going through the grind every day and trying not to go crazy from the sheer boredom of it all.

When I got to the bus stop, Parker and Annabelle were there waiting. Yeah, go figure, those two became a couple over the summer as well, probably united in their animosity towards Devin and myself. Not the best starting place for a permanent or long-term relationship, but they weren't exactly honour roll students here. No one actually says it, but people at school do figure that they're together because they're two of the only Asian students at school, but that's a bit crass to be saying. I think they're perfect for each other; they're both control freaks with insane anger problems. Better they spend it all on each other than inflicting their terrible moods on the rest of us.

Parker graduated, but he couldn't get into college anywhere so he's still in town. The way he says it to Annabelle, he couldn't stand leaving her and decided to stay here so they could be together while she completes her high school over the next two years. I can't believe she believes it, but she dated Sean too so who knows, maybe she likes the attention or something else like that. Straight couples were really weird and hard to understand that way.

They were both at the bus stop, and if today was like any other day then Parker would watch Annabelle get on the bus, and then stomp off to wherever he spent his days before coming back to pick her up at the same bus stop after classes were over. If I was lucky, the bus would get here soon and I wouldn't have to be around them for any longer than necessary.

Of course, today it wasn't going to oblige me, and for whatever reason they seemed to be in the mood to start something. I didn't normally get involved in fights with them if I could avoid it, I knew that Parker could kick my ass if he really wanted to, and I had better things to do than to be worried about getting hurt because a couple of idiots couldn't handle people who were different from there.

Annabelle started up, since she's always been the vocal one between the two of them.

"Hey look babe, it's the little queer. What do you think he's going to do today, probably find a way to spy on all the PE classes, right? What a disgusting little freak, he shouldn't even be allowed to go to public schools."

"Yeah, I know what you mean `Belle." Parker glared at me. "I still remember what his nasty ass friend Devin was like, perving on everyone on the baseball team, no wonder people started quitting and leaving, they were disgusted that they had to share the same areas as a cocksucker."

I considered saying something back, but there wasn't too much point. They were just words, and if I let them get under my skin it was only going to make them do it more in the future. Better to ignore them and eventually they'd realize how stupid they sounded.

Parker's voice cut into my thoughts.

"Look at him, he's not saying anything and trying to ignore us. I guess he's lost that mouth of his since Devin's not here to get beat up for him. What a pathetic loser, you can't even do anything without your butt buddy here to back you up. A real man would fight back and respond instead of taking it, but then I bet you like taking it don't you, little queer boy."

Thankfully, the bus arrived before I could give them both a piece of my mind, and for my troubles I was subjected to the sounds of Parker and Annabelle having a thoroughly non-verbal goodbye with each other. Once we both got on the bus, I muttered to Annabelle so that only she could hear me.

"You're a low class bitch Annabelle, and you've got a talent for dating the least attractive people in the gene pool in this town. I realize that this is the high point of your life, but let me make something clear to you. Devin and I never did anything to deserve the shit you do, so lay off."

Annabelle looked at me, stunned that I was talking to her like that, but even she wasn't going to start a fight on the bus when it would look like she was starting it. Instead she whispered back equally quietly.

"Little gay, you'll pay for that. Don't you worry, I'll be sure to let Parker know all about what you had to say about him, hope you like another beating because that's coming your way sooner than you think."

With that, she shoved past me and sat with her usual group of people while I went to the back of the bus to sit down and try to relax before we got to the school. I didn't really think she was going to do anything about it, so I tried to get through the day without thinking about it, but since I was bored most of the day I did consider whether Annabelle had time to text or tell Parker about what was said. I'd hate to have to make another run for the house, especially since no one was going to be home tonight. I couldn't really stay at school either, since there was only one bus that took the students home, otherwise I'd have to walk and that wouldn't be any safer.

I decided to take the bus home and hope for the best. Even if Annabelle had been able to say something to Parker at some point during school, it wasn't a guarantee that he was going to be there, and Annabelle didn't seem all that mad when I saw her on the bus at the end of the day. When we got to our stop, Parker was there as expected, and he looked pissed. My mother was also there, which is the first time in years that she's been home before me on a weekday, and was also the first time ever that she bothered to come pick me up from the bus stop. I wasn't going to complain about that today, it was a good thing and meant I wasn't going to have to put up with any problems.

Or maybe not. First thing that happened when I got off the bus was Mother grabbed me and started walking me towards home. Not a moment later Parker started on his usual idiocy.

"Wow, the little baby queer needs his mommy to come pick him up instead of taking the beating he deserves? Not only a queer but a pussy wimp too. How pathetic is that to hide behind your mommy like a little baby."

Mother turned around very slowly. This was going to be interesting to watch, since I had no idea what she was doing here or how she was going to respond. Mother was never cool about the whole being gay thing, but she's also very protective, or maybe that's why she's so protective. She talked back to Parker, very slowly and deliberately, not at all concerned about the fact that he was taller and physically intimidating. Annabelle came to stand with him.

"Young man, I assume you and your friend have places to be right now. I suggest you make your way to them quickly. Preferably before I decide there are two truants running around that need to be dealt with by authorities more effective at dealing with ungracious youth than myself."

Parker gave Mother an ugly look and considered escalating the situation, but Annabelle was pulling him away in some other direction and was quite insistent that he go with her. Mother took me by the arm and started pulling me towards the house. She didn't say a word to me the whole trip, and I wondered how she was going to talk with me tonight.

Next: Chapter 6

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