
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 29, 2009



It seems like we met a hundred years ago, but I remember the day as if it was yesterday. I remember it so well because of my eyes.

Don't laugh, but my eyes are a built in weather forecaster. It must have something to do with the barometric pressure, but I assure you I don't need a weather report to forecast the weather. All I have to do is look in the mirror. Like I said, I remember the day like it was yesterday, maybe even like it was this morning.

I was 24 years old. I had been at my job apprenticing to a CPA for nearly a year. Much to everyone's shock, I actually liked my work. Auditing can be tedious, but to me, it was like working a jig saw puzzle. When all the pieces fit together, I got a real feeling of accomplishment. That morning, the alarm jolted me awake. I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I ran immediately to the commode where I shit and pissed, and ended my labors by sighing a couple of loud, "aahs." At this point, I had still not looked in a mirror. I turned on the taps in the shower. When the water temperature suited me, I stepped into the bathtub shower and drew the curtain.

I always left a lot of time for my morning shower. I was more apt than not to include a good whack off session with my cleansing procedures. The number of times a week I jerked off, was directly proportionate to the number of times a week that I didn't get laid. Unfortunately, that was a lot of whacking off. I can still remember distinctly that this morning my orgasm was not mind blowing and I was left dissatisfied.

Finally, when I got out of the shower and dried myself, I went to the vanity to shave, and I finally looked in the mirror. What I saw surprised me so much, that I ran from the windowless bathroom, and looked out of the double windows in my bedroom. I saw a beautiful spring morning. The sun was already warming my world and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I concluded that I must have seen wrong and returned to the bathroom mirror to check again. I had made no mistake.

Now here's how my barometer eyes work. When the weather is dry, my eyes are a light hazel. They are a warm and inviting color. My mother used to brag to her friends, "Victor has bedroom eyes." To this day, I honestly don't know what that means. But when the barometer falls, and rain is a certainty, or at least an imminent probability, the color of my eyes changes to a cat green. My older brother used to tell me how much he wished his eyes were my rain color. "They are truly seductive eyes," he would lament. "I'll bet I could seduce the most frigid woman in the state with those eyes."

Well, my brother didn't know it then, but if I could seduce anyone with my eyes, I would prefer Brad Pitt or George Clooney (Rock Hudson in those days). Alas, up to that time, my seductive eyes had little success seducing any man (or woman) for that matter.

So when I looked in the mirror and saw those seductive green eyes staring back at me, I feared that those eyes had failed me in predicting weather, and perhaps I had outgrown my unique talent. The weather was perfect, and according to the morning news reporter, it would stay that way. After I shaved, I dressed for work.

I never had breakfast at home. All I ever had was a multi vitamin with a small glass of orange juice. I always left plenty of time for the breakfast special at the corner diner. There is a diner at almost every corner in Manhattan, and that really suits me fine. Before I left my apartment to head for said diner, I briefly considered taking an umbrella. I had no room for an umbrella in my attaché case, and I feared being laughed at if I was seen with one, so I decided to leave the house without any protection from the rain that I was still certain would come. My eyes had never failed me, and I saw no reason for them to start now.

Most of my work days were not spent in my office, but at clients' offices. This led to some interesting work environments. I could literally do my work in a broom closet, or just as well in the CEO's glass enclosed corner office. CEO's were rarely around, and their offices would often be lent out to me if no other space was available. My memory will never fail me when it comes to recalling that day. I was using a very large corner office. The glass windows went from floor to ceiling. The Venetian blinds were open and the spring sunshine lit the room brighter than the night lights at a baseball stadium.

I actually finished my work about 4 PM, but I stretched it out. If I left that early it would be expected that I should return to my office, but if I left after 4:30, nobody would fault me for going straight home. The room had remained so bright all day that I had never even put on a light. But suddenly, precisely at 4 PM, the room turned black as night. This didn't happen gradually. It was so sudden that my first thought was that we were suffering a power outage. But then I realized that there were no lights on in the room, and I turned them on.

Within seconds, the heavens opened up. Besides a rain of hurricane proportions, the wind howled around the corner windows, scaring me half to death. Suddenly the skies were filled with thunder and lightning. I can safely say that I had never seen a rain until then, or to this day, quite like the one which was raging then. I quickly looked in a mirror. My eyes were greener than I had ever seen them. It looked like the end of the world at that moment in time. I was consoled by the fact that God had promised Noah that he would never destroy the earth again by flood.

By quitting time, the rain had not let up one iota. We all left the office but the lobby of the building was a sea of humanity. Everyone was reluctant to leave the building. Eventually, suburbanites who had trains or busses to catch just left and decided to get soaked. Nobody had an umbrella so there was very strong resistance to going outside. I stayed in the lobby for over an hour. I could have taken a bus at the corner, but I would have had to wait for it in the rain. I could also have used the subway, but the nearest station was three city streets away. At the end of an hour the lobby had thinned out considerably. Eventually most people's desire to get home outweighed the drenching weather. By 6:15 there were no more than a dozen of us in the lobby, and I was about to say fuck it and leave.

All this time, I had been standing close by to a young man. I had not seen him in the crowd, but he had seen me. Now we were no more than four feet apart and nobody was between us.

Our eyes happened to meet and he said, "Hi, you're Victor White, aren't you? You audit my firm."

I smiled at him because I sure liked what I saw. He was about two inches taller than I at about 6'2". He definitely looked like he had played football in college, and I was immediately attracted to him.

"If you work for Lambert and Collins, then I'm your man," I said smiling hard at him and inching closer. For the first time in my life I wondered if my brother was right. I wondered if I could seduce him with my "rain" eyes. I held out my hand to shake his and he said, "I'm Sam Barker. I work in sales and I've seen you around on occasion."

He stared into my eyes and I stared back. "Work your magic," I instructed my eyes. Then I realized that staring back at me were the greenest eyes I had ever seen and I was the one being seduced. Who cared?

"Boy," I said to Sam. "I must be blind not to have seen you around the office."

"Maybe you were just too caught up in your work to notice me," he offered me a way out.


"Hey Vic," he said, "There's a restaurant in the building. We can enter it through the lobby before seven, or from the street anytime, as long as it's open. How about having dinner with me, and hopefully this will be all over by the time we finish."

I grew weak at the knees. I couldn't talk so I just nodded and he led me to the lobby entrance to the restaurant. By the time we were seated and the waiter handed us our menus, I had regained some composure.

"Is there anyone waiting for you at home?" I asked. "Do you need to call someone?" (Sometimes I can be oh so devious.)

"No," he answered, "I live alone. I'm single, and there's nobody in my address book right now." I found that hard to believe. He was too handsome to be available.

"Since you were still waiting it out with me in the lobby, can I presume you are in a similar situation?" Sam was now doing the probing.

"You are absolutely right on all counts," I tried to give him my most infectious smile even though I didn't even know if he was gay or not. What did it matter anyway? We were only having dinner together after all.

I told you that I am obsessed with the changing color of my eyes and I was prompted to say to Sam, "Don't take this wrong, but you have the most beautiful green eyes that I have ever seen. They're even greener than mine."

Sam laughed. "Why thank you," he said, "but they are only green when it rains. Otherwise they are hazel."

You could have knocked me over with a summer breeze. "You're shitting me," was all I could think to say.

"No, really, it's true," Sam said in a serious tone.

"Sam, please believe me when I tell you that it's true for me too."

"What's true?" he demanded to know.

"My eyes are only green in the rain and are otherwise hazel."

Sam grinned at me in such a warm way, that my heart was melting and I was falling in love with him. I silently prayed that he was gay, and I was desperately trying to figure out how I could find out, when he said, "That's a pretty rare thing for us both to have in common. Maybe we're twins who were separated at birth." He had the good sense to laugh at that very poor joke. We looked nothing alike.

"Well if we are twins who were separated at birth, we should have other things in common. Let's try to find out." I figured maybe that's the way I could find out about his sexual preferences. So we began a series of bland questions like what's your favorite food, what kind of movies do you like, what college did you go to, ad infinitum. We found out that we had a lot in common, but nothing earth shaking yet, except the eyes.

Finally I steeled myself and asked, "What kind of women do you like to date?" I was going to ask what kind of women he liked, period, but that would not have satisfied my curiosity. Sam's eyes stared right into mine, when he said, "I don't date women. I'm more inclined toward men. You'd be the kind of man, I would love to date." He continued to stare at me waiting expectantly for my answer. Unfortunately I was struck too dumb to answer so I smiled at him and put my hand on top of his.

Eventually I found my voice and said, "Well, Sam, that's another thing we have in common."

Sam lowered his head and I distinctly heard him whisper under his breath, "Thank you, God."

At that moment our meal was delivered. I was so emotional and so overwhelmed at what was happening that you would think that I didn't know what I was eating. Not so! Never assume! I will remember forever every moment of that day. We both ordered the same meal: Caesar's salad, half a roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and peas, coffee and apple pie. At the end of the meal, the rain had not subsided one iota.

"Where do you live?" Sam asked me. Suddenly no question was too personal. When I told him, he said. "I'm just three short streets up the avenue. If we hug the buildings, and most are canopied, I think we could get to my place with little damage to our persons. Would it fit into your Friday evening to do that?"

I responded by squeezing his hand harder. We paid the bill and began the short walk to Sam's apartment.

"What are you doing, honey?" Sam asked as he entered our bedroom. I turned to look at him. He was as handsome as ever. Unlike me, he had never lost a strand of his hair, but now it was all silver. I was still salt and pepper, but it had thinned out considerably over so many passing years.

"I'm reminiscing," I told him. "Do you remember what day this is?"

"Of course I do. This is the anniversary of the day we met, 45 years ago, May 2, 1964. Did you seriously think I would forget?"

"Do you remember every last detail of that day?" I asked.

"Well, I'm pushing seventy, but I still have all my faculties," he answered me, visibly upset.

"I didn't mean to imply otherwise," I defended myself. "I just meant, what stands out the most for you?"

"That's an easy question," Sam said. "I remember best the sex we had when we got to my apartment, and how wonderful it was that you slept over. After that night, I knew that I could never sleep alone again."

When we got to Sam's apartment we were soaking wet. Sam immediately began to strip in his front hall entrance, and when I hesitated, he asked, "What are you waiting for? Do you want to die of pneumonia?" We were soaked through and through and Sam was totally naked before I had my suit jacket off. Sam got two sturdy wooden hangers and hung our suits on them. Then he pulled back his shower curtain over the bathtub and hung both suits on the rod. I was impressed that his bathroom also had a stall shower. Shirts, shoes and underwear went into his apartment size dryer, and our ties were hung over a kitchen chair. Then he got us towels and we dried ourselves.

When all the rush and activity were finally over, we stood and stared at our nakedness. As I previously informed you, Sam is 2 inches taller than I. I am glad to report that both our cocks are cut and about four and a half inches flaccid. When Sam is hard, he reaches about seven inches, but I only stretch to six. I never did understand how two men with the same endowments soft, can be so different hard. At the time we were both only 24 and our bodies were muscled from working out. As we stared at each other, both our cock's started to rise.

Just to break the tension, I asked Sam if I could borrow a pair of gym shorts. He approached me and threw his arms around me. "I was hoping that we wouldn't need any clothing this evening," he said. All I could do was to smile as his lips closed in on mine.

We began to kiss passionately. As we grabbed each other's hard love tools, we started to stroke each other gently. I was grateful that I had jerked off that morning so maybe I wouldn't cum too fast. I wondered what Sam's status was, and as if he read my mind, he said, "I'm glad I whacked off before work today. Hopefully I won't cum too fast." I had to believe that we did have a lot in common.

Then I got philosophical. "So what if we cum fast? Nobody is going anywhere, and we have all weekend." Sam grinned when I said that, and he answered me. "That's so good to hear."

He took me into the bedroom and pulled down the covers. We lay down facing each other. Our cocks ground fiercely together. Our tongues were like dueling swords inside our mouths. No human being had ever turned me on like Sam was doing now. Suddenly, he turned me over and threw me on my back. He rolled over on top of me, and began a slow descent down my body. He kissed every square inch of me, and when he got to my abdomen, he raised my legs on his shoulders and kissed me at the most tender of all erogenous zones, just under my balls. When he was done with that, he rimmed my ass. His tongue darted in and out of my ass hole as my eyes filled with tears of pleasure. Finally he took me into his mouth, and I could feel his tongue trying to pry open my piss hole. He sucked all around the cock head. Then he began an even rhythm with his tongue, up and down the underside of my shaft, while his lips softly pumped my cock wherever they happened to be at the moment.

I had to cum. I couldn't hold back. "I'm cumming," I yelled, and Sam sucked harder. He swallowed every bit of my jism, and told me how delicious I was. He lay facing me again and kissing me wildly, all the time yelling, "I love you, Vic. I've loved you ever since I first saw you in my office." I was shocked, not because he told me that he loved me but because I suddenly realized that Sam was all my dreams come true.

"I love you too," I assured him. "In fact, I love you more."

"Not possible," he countered.

Now it was my turn to go down on Sam. I realized when he was down on me, that he seemed to have more experience than I, so I tried to copy everything he had done to me. He screamed so loud when he came that I figured I must have done a fairly good job. Afterward, lying in his arms, I ventured to ask him about his prior experience. He told me the truth, and I suddenly became totally jealous. I have never had cause to be jealous again.

We fell asleep and slept until morning. The heavy rain had subsided but it was still raining lightly. "Come with me," Sam said, and he led me into his shower.

"I'm not whacking off this morning," I joked.

"You won't have to," Sam said. "I have other things in mind. He put a tube of KY Jelly and several condoms on a shelf in the stall shower, and smiled at me. I smiled right back. I wanted this as badly as Sam, maybe more. I was tired of fantasizing.

"What part of the sex do you remember best" I asked Sam.

"It's not that I remember it `best,' but that I remember it most fondly. It's when I fucked you in the shower the next morning."

That having been said, he dropped his robe and laid his naked body down next to me on our bed.

In the shower, Sam asked me to be passive and let him do all the work. He soaped my body from head to toe and front to back. His soapy fingers kept entering my love hole and I feared I would faint. He turned me facing a wall and I instinctively put both hands on the wall and stuck my butt out. For a short while all I could sense in my dizziness was Sam's body wrapped around me and his hard cock pressed against my ass. Almost without any awareness on my part, I felt his manly tool entering me. At first it hurt a little, but I couldn't care less. I had never felt so connected to another human being in my life as I did at that moment.

Before I knew it, Sam had entered me completely, but he didn't move. He was still wrapped around me, swaying both our bodies ever so slightly, and I could hear soft moans in my ear. I couldn't stand it any longer and yelled out, "Fuck me, Sam. Please fuck me. I need it so badly."

He could not have stroked more than two or three times when he began to scream. The tiled stall shower reverberated and the scream sounded twice as loud as it was. Sam came streaming up my ass, but I didn't feel any of his juice. Dear Sam had used a condom, and I was totally unaware of when he had put it on. I was even more amazed that he had done so because it was long before the days of HIV and AIDS. It made me realize how considerate he was. Sam did not lose his erection. He just went right on humping me and my prostate rebelled with a mind blowing orgasm. When I could talk again, I said to him, "Please don't use a condom next time. I want to feel your juices fill me up."

"I promise," he whispered in my ear.

Sam began to laugh. "Remember how you came right after I did when I fucked you? You got so limp, you couldn't fuck me back for several hours. We lay in bed for hours, and try as I could, I couldn't get you hard again until at least four hours later."

"Four hours later was pretty darn good. You know I have always been a once a day kind of guy, but you could always cum several times a day," I reminded him. "But now in our dotage, I can still manage once a day and you have finally slowed down to once a day, when you are lucky."

"If I can manage once a day," Sam said, "then you are the lucky one also. I think we are still going pretty strong, sweetheart. Don't you?"

Sam rolled on top of me and l looked into his bright green eyes. "It's going to rain," I said. "Let's stay in bed all day."

Sam began to kiss me slowly and sensuously and I nearly came without his ever touching me.

After our shower, we went right back to bed, and we spent that entire Saturday there. We made love intermittently, but mostly we just held each other and made plans for the future. We noted the day before as our anniversary.

"Do you think we'll still be together fifty years from now?" Sam asked me.

"Just try to get away from me now that I have found you," I said emphatically. "You'll lose a testicle or two."

"Wow, you're jealous already," he quipped. "I like that."

So we stayed in bed the whole day and ate nothing but each other.

"Fuck me," I begged Sam. "Who knows how much longer we'll be able to?"

"For a long time yet. I promise" he said. "Does that mean that if there comes a day when I can't fuck you, you'll get yourself some twinkie to do the honors?"

"Not a chance, big guy," I assured Sam. "Nobody touches me but you, and it had better be the same for you."

"Wow, you're jealous, he quipped. "I like that."

So we stayed in bed all day. We fucked each other and ate nothing but each other. We each came only once, but that is quite satisfactory for two nearly seventy year olds. I guess not much has changed in 45 years. AMEN to that!!!

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