Facing My Fear with Aaron

By Damian

Published on Dec 18, 2010


This story is a fictional tale of an 18-year-old North Dakota farm boy, Lonnie, who falls for his younger brother's swimming instructor, Aaron, and is forced to come to terms with how much Aaron reminds him of a long-lost childhood friend.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one you should probably go find something else to do.

Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Feedback is welcome at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. We Nifty authors like to know if you're out there reading our stuff and finding it worth your time. Thanks.

-- Damian

You've heard the expression "Take to the water like a duck," haven't you? Well, I was just the opposite. I hated water. In fact I was terrified of it -- so much so that I had never learned how to swim.

This wasn't such a big deal where I was from -- a farm in North Dakota, where I spent the first 18 years of my life. We didn't even have a pond, much less a swimming pool, so there was little incentive for me to learn to swim or get over my fear of immersion. In fact, it was a good thing my family wasn't Baptist -- I would rather have died a heathen than to be dunked!

I wasn't too keen on farming either, but it was all I had ever known. No matter how hard you worked at it, there was always more you felt you should be doing. I longed to pursue a different career path after high school. Knowing that -- and being in a position to retire -- my dad announced to my brother and me one day that he was going to sell the farm and move us all to southern California, where he'd been stationed in the military and always wanted to go back to. He had met Mom there, and she still had family there that she wanted to live closer to as well.

My folks had had enough of the long, cold, snowy winters in North Dakota. Having never lived anywhere else myself, I didn't fully appreciate at first how great it would be to live somewhere where you didn't have to snowplow a long driveway to get anywhere in the wintertime. But I was about to find out.

The other thing you should know about me is that I like males -- a lot. Ever since I had reached puberty I'd been online looking at all the pictures I could find of naked men and boys. How did guys like me ever get by without the Internet? Since I shared a room with my brother, it was hard to have the privacy I needed to pursue this interest. But where there's a will, there's a way, and I managed to steal away for a few minutes every day to "check my e-mails," if you know what I mean. It was more like "checking my e-males," but no one was the wiser. No one.

That was the sad part. I had no one with whom to share this interest -- no one, that is, but my right hand and some chat room buddies I had found in other states. We lived in the country, miles from the nearest town, and my high school was so small that it would have been impossible to even think of being out. There were only 87 in my class, and you pretty much had to be a successful jock or at least be part of "the gang" in some way to avoid detection and harassment. "Lone rangers" were looked on as outcasts and picked on mercilessly. I managed to fly just under the radar screen -- enough to avoid suspicion.

But that doesn't mean I didn't look -- discreetly. By the time I was a senior I had managed to see every one of my male classmates naked at one time or another. With sports and phys. ed. classes and nothing but open showers in our tiny locker room, it was all but unavoidable. I dated girls because it was expected of me, but the only person in the room when I had sex was me -- and my brother, six years younger, who was asleep in the next bed. Or at least I hoped he was!

I didn't have any particular plans for after high school. My grades weren't good enough for me to get a college scholarship, and I really had no desire to go to college right away anyway. I thought I would look for some part-time work after we moved and then take some night classes or something.

By the way, my name is Lonnie. Sorry -- I should have said that up front. If you're curious, I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall, weigh 170 pounds soaking wet (which I never am, of course, except in the shower), and have light brown hair, brown eyes, and a respectably sized uncut penis. I have a hard, lean body from years of farm work, but hardly anyone ever sees it -- even my brother. I'm kind of shy in that regard. I bathe and change clothes when he's not around.

He's the same way. His name is Ronnie. Yeah, Lonnie and Ronnie -- it was cute when we were little, but having rhyming names is getting a little old now. What's even worse is that my dad and mom are Johnny and Connie. How lame is that? We're always getting each other's phone calls. People in town called us the "Onnie" family. Yes, it was time to move to somewhere where I could have people call me Lon -- except for my family, who will probably call me Lonnie forever.

The farm finally sold in August after I graduated from high school. We had a big auction and got rid of a lot of stuff we didn't want to take to California with us. I mean, who needs snow plows and parkas there? I could have stayed in North Dakota or gone anywhere, I guess, but I wanted to stick with my family for a while, until we got settled in our new digs. Then maybe I'd be able to figure out what I wanted to do with my life -- as long as it didn't have anything to do with water, that is. I for sure wouldn't be joining the Navy!

Ronnie wasn't like that. He couldn't swim, but he said he wasn't afraid to learn. In fact, he wanted to. He was 12 when we moved and so excited to start a new life where there were things like palm trees and swimming pools instead of no trees and flat plains.

We drove down in early October and rented a house in a nice middle-class neighborhood. What a change! I used to be able to drive for miles without seeing another car, and now I couldn't even drive down the street without traffic coming and going. It seemed like every man, woman, and child here had at least two cars -- and a motorcycle. I found it easier to get around by bus than to take the car out and try to find a parking place within a mile of where I wanted to go.

Still, it was exciting to be here with winter coming on and seeing guys still out on the street in shorts and tank tops long after such revealing items had been packed away back home for the season.

At first, having no new friends yet, Ronnie and I hung out together a lot. The transition from a small rural school to a large urban one wasn't easy for him. One Saturday we were in a mall where there was a kiosk with a community bulletin board, and we noticed an ad that said "Private Swimming Lessons for Men and Boys. All Ages Welcome." The guy's name was Aaron, and he listed his phone number. Ronnie got all excited and wanted to call right then and there. I had my cell, so I called the number and a young male voice answered. He sounded like he would be about my age.

"Hello." It was the sexiest voice I'd ever heard, and I suddenly felt shaky in the knees.

"Uh, is this Aaron?"

"Yep. Who's this?"

"My name is Lon, and my brother and I saw your ad for swimming lessons." Ronnie looked at me funny. He wasn't used to me calling myself "Lon" yet.

"Oh. Sure. You interested?"

"Uh, well, might be. For my brother actually. Where are you and how much do you charge?"

Aaron gave me the information. The price sounded reasonable, and I recognized the street name. It was on our bus line. He could've charmed snakes with that voice. Guys don't talk like that in North Dakota, for sure.

"How old is your brother?" he asked.

"Uh, he's 12 -- just started seventh grade. We just moved here."

"Well, he can come over Saturday morning at 11. But an adult will have to bring him and stay for the whole lesson."

"I could bring him." God, I had to meet the owner of this voice!

"How old are you, Lon?"

"Umm, 18."

"That's cool. Any younger than that and you'd have to have your dad bring him. Just to be on the safe side, you know. What's your brother's name?"

"Ronnie," I said, wondering what he meant by "safe side."

"Good. Lon and Ronnie. Got it, dude. See you guys at 11 on Saturday." He confirmed that we knew where to go and hung up.

No one had ever called me "dude" before. Must be a California thing. I hung up and gave Ronnie the news. He was thrilled. I was a little that way myself, to be honest, but I had to keep it to myself. Aaron -- couldn't wait to meet him!

Ronnie and I went home and told the folks. They were a little surprised, but didn't object to the plans that we had made. In fact, they seemed pleased that I was looking out for my brother in this new and strange environment -- and happy that at least one of us would finally be learning how to swim. Dad gave me the money for the first lesson.

In this new place, Ronnie and I had our own individual bedrooms for the first time in our lives. I was more than pleased to finally have a room of my own -- and now even a laptop of my own that I didn't have to share. I could hang naked all night if I wanted to, and believe me I often did.

Saturday finally rolled around. Ronnie and I had breakfast, and then went to our rooms to get dressed. We were both stoked, but for different reasons, of course. Mom had bought Ronnie a swimsuit -- something neither too revealing or too long to be comfortable swimming in. He tried it on and burst into my room to show me -- it was his first swimsuit ever. It was an unusually warm day for October, so I had just pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top that I thought wouldn't look too dorky.

Yes, I know what you're thinking -- that North Dakota farm boys only own overalls and flannel shirts. Okay, I admit I used to have some of that, but I also had some nice stuff, too, to wear to school and church. I'd donated most of my old clothes to Goodwill before leaving North Dakota so I could justify buying some clothes more suitable for our new climate.

"Looks good, Ronnie," I told him. I'd hadn't seen him in anything that revealing lately, and my words caught in my throat while I took in the sight of my little brother almost into puberty. He looked good. Can I say that? My little brother was growing up. He went back to his room to put on some shorts over his swimsuit and a t-shirt. I reminded him to bring a towel and some clean underwear to put on after his lesson was over.

Just then it occurred to me that I was also going to see Aaron in just a swimsuit today. I wondered what he would look like. I'd have to try not to stare. My own outfit would be much less revealing, but the tank top would show off my muscular arms and shoulders nicely. Was it too much to hope that Aaron might notice?

Ronnie and I left the house about 10:15 for the short bus ride to Aaron's street. As it turned out, his address was a bit of a hike from the bus stop, but we found it just before 11. Wow! What a house -- much nicer than our rental. And it obviously had a swimming pool in back, unlike ours. We walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. Ronnie looked excited. I felt nervous.

A young guy about my age opened the door. Oh...my...god!

"You must be Lon and Ronnie. I'm Aaron. Come in, come in."

Oh...my...god! He was unbelievable! He sported short blond hair, had blue eyes that seemed to melt my insides, and -- like me -- was dressed in a tank top and shorts. He was barefoot. His skin was tanned and perfect, and he smiled with perfect white teeth. He was without a doubt the most attractive man I'd seen since arriving in California, and I'd seen quite a few in the short time we'd been here.

"Well, are you going to just stand there?"

My mouth must have been open. We entered while he held the door open for us. He shook our hands -- his felt like velvet. I didn't want to let go of it.

"Nice to meet you guys," he said, taking his hand back. "You said you just moved here. Where are you from?"

"Uh, western North Dakota," I managed to squeak out.

"North Dakota? Wow. I never met anyone from up there. What brings you to southern California?" His voice sounded even better in person than on the phone. And that face! Drop dead gorgeous. The guys I'd seen online couldn't hold a candle to this hunk.

"Oh, well, our dad sold his farm this summer and wanted to move us here."

"All right! Farm boys, are you? I can tell. You sure have the muscles to prove it." Aaron playfully put his hand on my biceps and felt me up a little. His touch was electrifying. I tried not to look as shell-shocked as I felt. He looked me in the eye a little longer than I was used to and didn't seem to be in any hurry about taking his hand off my arm.

"Well, uh...nice to meet you guys. Come on back. The pool is through those sliding doors there. Would you like something to drink?"

"Maybe some water," I replied. My throat felt like sandpaper. "Do you own this place, Aaron?"

"Are you kidding? I'm only 19. It'll be a long time before I can have a place like this of my own. My dad owns it and lets me keep living here for now. We just moved here a year ago from Phoenix. I go to community college nearby. I give swimming lessons on the weekend to make a few bucks while Dad's at work. He manages a restaurant, so he's never here on weekends -- or most nights, for that matter."

It was already obvious that Aaron liked to talk -- unlike most of the guys I knew back home. He took us out on the patio and gave us some bottled water. We sat down for a while around the patio table.

"So, Ronnie, your brother tells me you want to learn how to swim. Have you ever had lessons before?"

Ronnie looked like he was almost as in awe of his new swim instructor as I was.

"No, I never had a chance before, but I really want to learn," he said.

"No prob, little dude. We'll have you swimming like a pro in just a few weeks. How about you, Lon? You a swimmer?"

I laughed.

"No way, man. Water and me don't mix."

"Well, is that a fact? We might have to do something about that." We locked eyes. I didn't know what to say. I just knew that nothing in my life had prepared me for how I felt around this guy. My dick was starting to get a little stiff. I took a big swig of water to calm my nerves.

"Well, I hate to cut to the chase, here, fellas, but why don't we settle up while my hands are still dry? Then we can get on with the lesson."

At first I didn't understand what he meant, but then it hit me that he wanted to be paid up front. I fished out the required payment and handed it over with shaking hands.

"Thanks, dude."

I love that word -- dude. So California!

"Are you ready to get started, Ronnie?"

"You bet!"

Ah, the exuberance of 12-year-olds!

"All right, little dude, you can just put your clothes there on your chair. It's pool time!"

Ronnie started pulling off his t-shirt and shorts, while Aaron stood up and did the same. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help it. My heart rate must have doubled. I didn't think it could go that fast. He had just the right amount of chest hair, which had been bleached by the sun. It looked amazing on his tan, fit chest. And those nipples -- wouldn't I like to lick on those!

Finally, Ronnie had everything off but his new swimsuit. Aaron was down to his shorts, which he proceeded to unzip and pull off.

Maybe you were ready for this, but I wasn't expecting it -- he was fucking naked underneath!

Ronnie and I must have both been looking shocked, as Aaron's pubes and then his long, slender, cut penis came into view. He threw his shorts on the chair and then looked at us like we'd lost our minds. He stood there on full display, like some sort of Greek statue, though I'm sure none of them looked as good as Aaron.

"Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you on the phone. My dad doesn't allow swimsuits in his pool. The fibers clog the filter, he says. I have to give these lessons in the nude. You, too, little dude. Sorry."

Ronnie looked at me, stricken. I had to take a swig of water to get my voice back.

"Uh, better do like the man says, Ronnie. We've already paid."

My brother turned away from us and reluctantly pulled his swimsuit off. As his little white buns came into view, I realized I hadn't seen Ronnie naked in several years, since we stopped taking baths together when we were about six and twelve.

Aaron spoke to me, seemingly unembarrassed about his nudity. I just sat there stunned.

"I guess you can understand now why I have to have an adult present when I teach kids," he said, smiling. "I can't take any chances."

I couldn't find any words to respond with. I just stared at this nude dude like I'd never seen a guy naked before. Actually I had, but none of my North Dakota classmates ever looked like this! Not even close.

I'm sure my little brother had never been outdoors without any clothes on before. Aaron took Ronnie by the shoulders and guided him 15 feet to the pool, where they immersed themselves in the water. I just stared at the two of them walking away from me. Suddenly, I was aware that I had a killer hard-on and was glad I was sitting down with clothes on -- the only one dressed.

I watched Ronnie's lesson intently. Aaron seemed like the perfect teacher. He was patient, focused, and encouraging -- not to mention deliciously sexy with the pool water glistening off his body in the noonday sun. I had to admit that it looked like Ronnie was having fun. I'd have had fun, too, with Aaron's hands on my body, but getting in the water was a price too large for a guy like me to pay -- Aaron or no Aaron.

I knew where my fear of water had come from. I thought back to that day long ago when my best friend Benny had drowned in Lake Audubon at age ten when he strayed too far out and panicked. He'd gone there on a family outing, but no one could get to him in time. We'd been buddies since first grade, and I had never gotten over the trauma of losing him. I vowed then and there that I would never put myself in a situation like that.

Just the week before Benny died, we'd gone up into the hayloft and played some "truth and dare" games. We both wound up naked and hard in front of each other for the first -- and only -- time. We touched each other in places that I'd never been touched by anyone but my parents or my doctor, and I loved it.

Benny and I had really bonded that day, and I fantasized about growing up with him...and more. When I was told that he had drowned, I ran back up to the hayloft and bawled for hours. Dad had to come up and get me, or I might have been there all night. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was the first and last time I had ever touched another boy intimately. I loved Benny.

"You okay, dude?" I heard as my mind came back to the present. Aaron was standing there naked and wet...and so desirable. I hadn't even noticed that he and Ronnie had finished the swimming lesson and had come back to the table where I was sitting.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about something."

I looked up into Aaron's eyes. Is this what Benny might have looked like all grown up? In my mind, I could see it. Benny's eyes were blue like that...just the same. I was transfixed.

Aaron grabbed a towel and started drying himself off, not bothering to turn around. Apparently he had none of my modesty. Ronnie was facing away from us. He hadn't done a very good job of drying off, so I called him over and finished drying his back, butt, and legs. It felt funny to be doing that for the first time since he was six, when we used to dry each other off after our baths. One time I sprung a boner while he was drying me -- Ronnie saw it, and from that time on I insisted on bathing alone.

"Your brother is a natural, Lon. He's one of the most promising students I've had since I started doing this."

"Well, you must be a good instructor, Aaron, because Ronnie hasn't been in the water very often. We do have lakes in North Dakota, but hardly any swimming pools near where we lived."

I thought of Lake Audubon. I could never go there after what happened to Benny.

"Can you bring Ronnie back next Saturday at the same time? I think he's going to need a few more lessons."

"Sure thing." Wild horses couldn't keep us away, I thought to myself. Aaron touched my bare shoulder as he walked us to the door. I felt that touch for days afterward.

On the way home, Ronnie couldn't stop talking. He loved being in the water, and even admitted that it had been fun to swim naked for the first time. And I had to listen to how cool Aaron was and what a nice house and pool he had and about how he couldn't wait to go back. I knew how he felt. I couldn't either.

"Ronnie, maybe you'd better not say anything to Mom and Dad about the naked part. They may not approve, and you certainly don't want them to say you can't go back for more lessons, do you?"

"Gosh, no, Lonnie. I never thought about that. It'll be our secret, okay? Just be sure you're always available to take me because I sure wouldn't want to go there with Dad."

"My lips are sealed...`little dude.'" He just laughed, and I ruffled his hair. It had been quite a morning.

After a quick lunch with the family, I excused myself and said I needed a "nap," which of course was a euphemism for a nice, long jack-off session. I locked my door, ripped my clothes off, and stood in front of my floor-length mirror fully naked. I tried to compare myself with Aaron. He was beyond gorgeous, but I was no slouch either.

I smiled at myself and tried to imagine what I would look like with a tan like Aaron's. I thought of how he had touched my biceps when we first walked in the door, how he had looked at me, how he had shaken my hand so firmly, how he had touched my shoulder on the way out. Was he just being friendly? Or was there something more? I had to know.

I pulled back my foreskin as my cock quickly filled with blood. Working my foreskin slowly back and forth over my glans, I tweaked my nipples until they were like little rocks. I thought of that day when I'd touched Benny like that...so naked. I thought of how Aaron had pulled his clothes off right in front of me less than three hours ago, about the way his firm butt flexed as he and Ronnie walked to the pool, about seeing him naked and wet afterward, about watching him dry off right next to me.

My legs shook as the sexual tension built in my body so deliciously. I couldn't remember ever being that hard, that excited. With my eyes closed, I kissed myself in the mirror, pretending it was Benny. No, Aaron. I wanted to feel his arms around me, feel his naked, wet skin against mine. I pulled my foreskin as far off the head of my cock as I could, leaving the tip fully exposed. Pre-cum was flowing out of it onto my hands, making my cock slippery. Could it get any harder?

Then suddenly my hot cum blasted out of me onto the mirror -- ropes of it. I thought it would never stop. I'd never ever cum like that before. Never. After cleaning it up, I dropped back onto my bed, thoroughly spent, completely satisfied, but totally wishing the hand on my cock had been Aaron's. Naked Aaron...so hot. Benny, I miss you so much! I drifted off to sleep.

(There is much more to come. If you like this story so far, please let me know. I like it when you give me your first name and location. I answer every e-mail. Check out my previous stories on the Nifty Authors tab. Thanks. Damian at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. )

Next: Chapter 2

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