Facing My Fear with Aaron

By Damian

Published on Dec 27, 2010


This story is a fictional tale of an 18-year-old North Dakota farm boy, Lonnie, who falls for his younger brother's swimming instructor, Aaron, and is forced to come to terms with how much Aaron reminds him of a long-lost childhood friend.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one you should probably go find something else to do.

Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Feedback is welcome at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. We Nifty authors like to know if you're out there reading our stuff and finding it worth your time. Thanks.

-- Damian


I woke up suddenly at 6:30 the next morning. Aaron and I hadn't gotten to sleep until nearly midnight. My first thought was "Where the heck am I?" Then I remembered and smiled. Aaron's strong arms were still around me, and I felt his morning wood poking me in the butt. I didn't want to move from this heavenly position, but nature was calling loudly.

I managed to gently squirm out of Aaron's embrace without waking him. I looked over at his face -- he was still sleeping like an angel. Was he really my angel now? Or would he have a change of heart in the harsh morning light? I didn't want to think about that possibility. Last night had been a dream come true for me -- I wanted it to be our new reality.

I stumbled across the hall to the bathroom, after re-orienting myself to this unfamiliar floor plan. My own morning wood was wagging in front of me, pointing the way. I managed to get it down far enough to start my piss stream, but it still looked gargantuan in the mirror I was standing next to. I was admiring my own reflection when all of a sudden I saw another human form in it. And it wasn't Aaron.

"Who are you, kid? Didn't know anyone was in here."

This must have been Aaron's dad, whom I'd never met. What a way to meet! My piss stream was still in full force, and the guy just stood there looking at me.

"Uh, my name is Lon. I'm a friend of Aaron's."

"Oh. Well, a close friend apparently. You been here all night?"

Well, duh! I wanted to say that no I just broke into his house and decided to take off all my clothes and stay for breakfast, but I wasn't sure he'd catch the humor in his groggy state.

I have to say that Aaron comes by his handsomeness naturally. This man was quite good looking -- obviously very fit and trim with just the right amount of dark chest hair. He looked much younger than my own father. I wondered what he looked like below the waist, but he had a pair of boxers on.

I had no idea how he felt about my being here naked in his house, but he didn't look angry -- just curious. Aaron hadn't said much about him, or even whether he was out to his dad. I still wasn't out to mine, but that was probably going to change in a matter of hours.

"Here, I'm done now if you want this," I said as politely as I could, while flushing the toilet and quickly washing my hands. "I guess I'd better go get dressed now."

"Yes, I suppose so," he replied, still eyeing me warily.

I slipped out the door and closed it behind me. It had never even occurred to me to close it all the way when I came in to piss, so it wasn't too surprising that I'd been caught. But still, I wasn't prepared for anything like that. Aaron was still asleep when I got back, but he opened his eyes when I crawled back in bed beside him.

"Mornin' handsome," he said, with a sexy grin. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock, thanks to you. And, speaking of rocks, there seems to be something very big and hard under your sheet. Mind if I take a look?"

I didn't wait for permission.

"Be my guest -- just don't squeeze the trigger until I have a chance to take care of things in the bathroom."

"Well, you might not want to go in there for a few minutes. It seems to be occupied at the moment by the guy who came in while I was pissing."

"Oh, cripes. That's my dad, obviously."

"I figured so. You and he look quite a bit alike."

"You were naked, weren't you? Oh, I'm so screwed. He knows I'm gay, but I never said anything to him yesterday about having you over, and he likes to know these things ahead of time. I figured you'd be gone before he got up."

"You mean you planned this sleepover all along? How sweet, `dude.' You never told me to bring my jammies when you invited me over for pizza."

"Well, a guy can hope, can't he? And I wasn't interested in you wearing any jammies anyway! Any complaints from your side of the bed?"

"We didn't exactly have sides,' did we? Seems to me like you were on my side all night...not that I minded. But what's this about He likes to know these things ahead of time'? Do you have a habit of seducing innocent young men in your swimming pool, with your father's prior permission?"

"Well, I don't claim to be pure as the driven snow -- like you guys have up there in South Dakota -- or is it North? But you're my first overnight `guest' since we moved here last year."

"It's North, my friend, and I'd love to believe you, but c'mon...gimme a break. A hottie like you doesn't usually sleep alone very often."

"But what? I wouldn't lie to you. I've been too busy with school and giving swimming lessons to get laid lately. Speaking of which, don't go away. This rock of mine still needs a trip to the head before anyone gets laid here this morning."

"Don't worry. I won't start without you."

I stretched out with my hands behind my head, hoping to be the one who was going to get laid. Last night had been incredible, and all I wanted to do was lie here all day next to Aaron and relive every delicious moment.

Still naked and hard as a rock, Aaron slipped back into the bedroom with a big eager smile on his face. He ripped the sheet off my body, and took in the sight with apparent interest and pleasure. I was still hard, of course, thinking about what might happen when he returned.

"Wow, Lon...you are so...I don't know what to say -- beautiful, amazing, a hundred things. You have no idea how much I've been wanting you in my bed, and here you are."

"No one's wanted this more than I have, my friend, but don't tell anyone I said that. Wouldn't want you to get a swelled head or anything."

"Too late for that, as you can plainly see. Can I interest you in a nice piece of sausage for breakfast?"

"Looks yummy. You sure about this? I mean your dad's still here and all. I feel kinda funny about that."

"It's cool. Like I said, he knows I'm gay. He's just a little wary of who I might bring home. Like any parent, he just wants to know that he can trust me not to get hurt -- or not to bring home some kleptomaniac...or worse. He went back to bed -- we can do whatever we want, as long as you don't moan like you did last night."

"Me?? And just who woke up the whole neighborhood with his screams of passion when I sucked you off last night on the pool deck?"

"Touche. I can't deny it, can I? Now where were we? Weren't you about to chow down on something?"

"That thing between your legs looks mighty inviting. Come closer..."

On the way home, all I could think about was Aaron -- my brother's former swimming instructor and now -- apparently, if I could believe him -- my new boyfriend. My first. My last? My only?

All kinds of thoughts were, uh, excuse the pun, swimming through my head -- sucking Aaron off last night and again this morning, getting the same from him, how we had kissed so passionately in the water while he held me so close, how I had even allowed myself to get in the water in the first place, the slightly awkward breakfast we'd just had with his dad (all I could think about over the eggs and bacon was that that man had just watched me peeing completely naked and hard!), the no doubt awkward talk I was going to have to have with my own parents in a few minutes. My head was spinning with all these thoughts that I never imagined 24 hours earlier that I would ever have today.

But what I couldn't wrap my head around was the story that Aaron had told me last night about almost drowning -- in the very same month that Benny had drowned -- July 2001. I couldn't just shrug it off as a far-fetched coincidence. Benny went under and never came up. Aaron went under and was saved -- and then "felt this resurgence in my body -- almost like someone had taken over my body and given me new life," as he said.

I knew Benny hadn't been reincarnated as Aaron -- that was impossible, even if you believe in reincarnation. Aaron had been born first -- he was a few months older than Benny was at the time. But something inexplicable had clearly happened that summer so long ago. Something had brought Aaron and me to the same southern California community from vastly different places. Something had led me to notice Aaron's ad in the mall for swimming lessons that I knew my brother had wanted. Something had made Aaron call me yesterday...strip me...seduce me in the water...love me.

Yes, something...someone...had brought Aaron and me together under very unlikely circumstances. And I just knew that someone was Benny. He had loved me as much as I had loved him -- in our own 10-year-old way -- and he was watching out for me...wanted me to be happy...wanted to come back to me eight years later in the form of Aaron. I was certain of it. But there was no one I could tell this to who would ever believe me. I wiped away a tear right there in the bus. I could feel people staring.

Home again, finally. I'd been gone for 15 hours -- I don't think I'd ever been out on my own overnight before, unless you count church camp, which hardly counted as "being out on my own." Yes, I know what you're thinking -- "the guy has sure led a sheltered life." I can't deny it. But last night was well worth whatever grilling I was going to get from my parents today.

After some awkward pleasantries -- thank God that Ronnie was busy with something -- I sat down with Mom and Dad in the living room and had "the talk." That I was gay. That I had spent the night with Aaron, a guy they only knew of because he had been Ronnie's swimming instructor. That it might happen again, maybe even quite often.

Being conservative rural North Dakotans, this was new and unfamiliar territory for them, but they handled it pretty well. At least they didn't shove me out the door with all my belongings, or even moan about "How could this happen?" They listened calmly, told me they would always love me, and expressed a deep desire for me to be happy but to protect myself from any harm. They said it wouldn't have been their first choice for how I'd live my life -- they did want grandchildren after all -- but they would continue to love me no matter what. It was all I could ask for, and I was greatly relieved that it was all out in the open now.

There were some tears shed -- by all three of us -- but there were hugs also when we were done. They were sad, but I left to get cleaned up and go to work thinking that we would all find a way to make this work. Somehow. I think it helped that my mom had grown up in southern California and was perhaps less uneasy with this topic than my dad was.

I had to work till closing time -- 9 o'clock -- and I was exhausted by all that had occurred in the past 26 hours, so I didn't even think about going to Aaron's house afterward. I hadn't been explicitly invited anyway. But I did tell him I'd call when I got home, and I did.

"Lon! How's it goin'? I've been waiting by the phone to hear your voice again," he said when I reached him. The enthusiasm in his voice sounded genuine. I wanted to be there -- naked again with Aaron.

"Well, okay I guess. It was a long day at work, but I had a good talk with my parents this morning."

"Did you come out to them?"


"How did that go?"

"It went better than I was afraid it would. They're not too happy about it, but at least they didn't reject me. I'm just glad it's out in the open now. I don't like keeping secrets from them."

"Cool. I've been thinking about you all day, Lon. That was really special last night for me. How are you feeling about it?"

"It was amazing, Aaron. Thanks. But..."

"But, what, buddy? I hope you don't have regrets. Do you?"

"I'm a little...I don't know...scared, I guess."

"What did I do to scare you?"

"It was nothing you did. It's just that this is so completely new to me -- I mean you've been out for a while and I haven't. I'm just not sure where...what...whether...it's going. I don't want last night to be a one-night stand...don't want to get hurt."

An agonizing pause. Oh, God, what was he thinking?

"Lon, listen to me. I want you back here as soon as possible. I think you need another `swimming lesson,' don't you? Then I want to make sweet love to you all night long. Are you working this weekend?"

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but only till 6 on Saturday. I'm off Sunday."

"Well, get your pretty butt over here after work Saturday, and bring some clean clothes along. I'll fix us some dinner, and then I'm going to hold you hostage till Monday morning. If I have my way, you won't even be wearing any of those clothes. Dad's going to be at the restaurant most all weekend, so we can hang out naked for as long as we want. How does that sound?"

"Like the best idea I can possibly think of. Promise me you'll hold me in the water?"

"In the water and out. You can bank on it."

We hung up. I was so excited! It was only Wednesday night. How would I make it to Saturday? I had my job, and Aaron had classes, but all I could think about was floating in the water -- and in bed afterward -- in Aaron's arms.

The next day I told Mom and Dad about my plans with Aaron so they could get used to the idea of having me gone much of the weekend. But then I decided I needed to have a talk with Ronnie. He didn't know I'd gone to Aaron's on Tuesday night. He practically worshiped the guy, so I didn't know how he would take these new developments in my life.

"Ronnie, I need to tell you something," I said the next day, when we had some time alone, out on the back steps.

"What's that, Lonnie?"

"Well, it's about all that time we spent with Aaron these past few weeks. I know you liked taking swimming lessons from him. Well, it turns out that Aaron and I have become friends now that your lessons are over. I just wanted you to know."

"That's cool, Lonnie! I'm glad. I hope he comes over sometime so I can see him again, too."

"Well, that might just happen. I think Mom and Dad want to meet him. Just remember to keep mum about the naked part of your lessons. They might not approve."

"I know. It was weird at first, but I got used to it after a while. Now I don't want to swim any other way."

"Aaron invited me over Monday night after work. We had some pizza, and then...well... he talked me into getting into the water with him."

Ronnie's eyes got big because he knew how much I hated water. Then he smiled.

"Were you both naked?"

"Yeah, Ronnie, we were both naked."

"Well, it's about time!"

I didn't know if he was referring to me getting in the water or me getting naked, neither one of which he was accustomed to seeing.

"But there's more, bro...I stayed there overnight."

"You did? I wondered where you were yesterday morning at breakfast."

Then the wheels started turning in his head and he looked at me funny.

"Aren't you a little old for a sleepover, Lonnie?"

"Well, guys have sleepovers when they're young...and then they have sleepovers of a different kind when they get older. You will, too, some day. But yours will probably be with girls."

Ronnie's mouth dropped open as he caught my drift.

"Are you and Aaron...gay?"

I nodded my head, amused at his reaction. He didn't say anything for a moment as it all sank in.

"Do Mom and Dad know?"

"I told them yesterday morning when I came home. They were a little sad, I think, but they took it pretty well. How do you feel about having a gay big brother?"

"I don't know. I never...thought about it before. I guess if you have to be, then Aaron's a good one to start with," he said with a grin.

Start with and end with, I wanted to say, but it was premature to think ahead beyond next weekend -- a weekend that would turn out to be a major turning point in my life.

(There is more to come. If you like this story so far, please let me know. I like it when you give me your first name and location, and I answer every e-mail. Thanks to all who commented on Parts 1 and 2. Check out my previous stories on the Nifty Authors tab. Thanks. Damian at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com.)

Next: Chapter 4

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