Facing My Fear with Aaron

By Damian

Published on Jan 2, 2011


This story is a fictional tale of an 18-year-old North Dakota farm boy, Lonnie, who falls for his younger brother's swimming instructor, Aaron, and is forced to come to terms with how much Aaron reminds him of a long-lost childhood friend.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one you should probably go find something else to do.

Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Feedback is welcome at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. We Nifty authors like to know if you're out there reading our stuff and finding it worth your time. Thanks.

-- Damian


The rest of the week dragged by at glacial speed. Aaron and I talked on the phone a couple of times. I had to hear his voice to convince myself that this was really going to happen again.

I had taken a small bag to work with me that Saturday morning so that I didn't have to go home afterward. I raced to his house as fast the bus and my nimble feet could take me. Finally the moment came. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and impatiently rang Aaron's doorbell.

He opened it, with only his head peeking out, smiling sheepishly. I stepped in. As I suspected, lover boy was already naked. There was a full-length mirror behind him, so I could see it all -- and it was all as gorgeous as I had remembered from last Tuesday. I pretended to look shocked, but I wasn't very convincing.

We fell into each other's arms and embraced like it had been a year, instead of only half a week. I loved holding his nude body and felt a powerful surge of excitement and emotion as I hugged my new lover once again.

Breaking the hug, he wasted no time pulling my clothes off. I was finding that it was quite fun to have someone strip me. Soon my briefs were sliding down my bare legs and we were both naked, right there in his front foyer. We kissed hungrily, running our hands freely over the other's body, everywhere we could reach.

"Won't this freak out the pizza delivery guy, Aaron?"

"Oh, I'm sure he's seen it all before. Besides, we're cooking hamburgers on the grill tonight."

"Well, I hope you have an apron. I wouldn't want that sexy dick of yours to get hot grease on it."

"If it did, would you kiss it and make it well?"

"All night long if you want me to."

We smiled and kissed again. God, I love his mouth! I love all of him.

"We'd better break this up or we'll wind up going to bed hungry," he teased.

"Was something said about a cold beer? Maybe that'd cool us off."

"It would take a lot more than that to cool me off with you here."

Aaron smiled and picked up all our discarded clothes and carried them back to his bedroom, telling me to wait out on the patio for him. Like last time, it was dark already, and the backyard and pool shimmered in the subdued light. I looked up and saw the stars out in full force and the moon on the horizon. I reveled in the fact that I'd be naked here with an equally naked Aaron until Monday morning. This was going to be a great 36 hours!

I felt sure that Benny was up there somewhere looking down on us, pleased with the job I felt sure he'd done in bringing this about.

"Whatcha thinkin', dude," I heard as I felt a cold can of beer on my naked skin and a tender kiss on the back of my neck. A slight breeze tickled other parts of my body.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Romeo?"

Aaron handed me my beer, and I turned around to "clink" our cans together to toast the weekend.

"To a 36 wonderful hours together," I said, raising my can and smiling into his eyes with mine.

"Looks like you're having fun already," he teased, grasping my dick, which had risen to almost full mast in the breeze without me even being aware of it.

"Go easy with that thing," I chided. "I'm saving it for some after-dinner delight."

"Fine -- as long as that activity includes me. I just thought I'd check out what's for dessert down there before we start cooking."

We sat at the patio table as close together as our chairs would allow and enjoyed our beers and a few snacks Aaron had put out. With our free hands we stroked each other's bare thighs...and more...as we talked about the past few days.

"If you keep that up, you're not going to get any dinner," Aaron said after a while with a lascivious grin. "Let me fire up the grill so we can get to it."

After he had the grill warming up, he came up behind my chair, and I could feel his hardening dick on the back of my neck. I leaned back, looking up at the stars again, and he leaned over and gently kissed my face upside down.

He sat down again after a while and took another swig from his beer. I watched the muscles in his throat as he swallowed. Was there any part of this guy that I couldn't be fascinated by?

When the grill was hot enough, he went into the kitchen and came back with the raw hamburgers and a couple more beers. This time he was wearing a full-length apron, tied in the back just above his beautiful bare ass.

"I see you brought the buns, too."

"Are they to your liking, sir?"

"Very much so. You've got all the right stuff, kiddo."

He flashed me another smile. Could this get any better? Silly question -- I knew the best was yet to come.

Pretty soon we had a feast in front of us -- hamburgers, potato salad, corn on the cob, and, of course, more beer. All I knew of food was how to eat it. If this guy could really cook like this all the time, we'd be a perfect team.

After dinner I helped him clean up the kitchen and put the leftovers away. There was some music playing in the background. I pulled my lover to me, and we slow-danced right there in the kitchen.

"Was something said about another swimming lesson?" I asked eventually.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go swimming on a full stomach?"

"I never went swimming, so no."

"Well, it's a myth anyway. Let's just go in the water and hold each other, like we did last time, Lon."

"Works for me, handsome."

We walked hand in hand to the pool and stepped in like last time. It still felt unfamiliar, but I wasn't nervous about it like I was last time. We walked toward the center of the pool until we were in chest-high water. We bobbed up and down, enjoying the feel of the water and the feel of naked wet skin -- our own as well as each other's. To my surprise, I actually felt almost unafraid.

Aaron put his arms around my neck. I wanted to feel his legs around my waist and hold him up by the butt like he'd held me when we kissed for the first time. I grabbed the back of his thighs and pulled them until his feet crossed at the small of my back. His wonderful body was all mine, and our lips met softly as before -- first with little baby kisses, then becoming more and more urgent. Our cocks went fully hard, and I lowered his butt a bit until he could feel my hard-on graze his butt crack. I felt his next to my tummy. The long wait this week had been worth every minute of it. I was his -- he was mine -- and the night was sublime!

After a while Aaron unhooked his legs from me and told me to stand with my feet as far apart as possible.

"I'm going to let go of you now, Lon. You okay?"

I was standing in the water and not holding onto anything and felt a little uneasy for the first time since we'd gotten in the pool. Aaron bobbed in and out of the water playfully. Then he dove way down and swam between my open legs -- front to back, then back again. He surfaced and dove repeatedly, his shiny wet buns looking delicious whenever they rose to the surface. He was like an oversized otter -- totally at ease in the water. I envied him.

"Okay, it's your turn, dude," he said as he stood again in front of me.

"No way, man. You know I can't do that."

"Well, maybe not like that, but you need to stretch your limits a little more each time we do this."

He led me over to the side of the pool and had me reach back and hold the edge of it with both hands. He gently lifted my legs until I was almost horizontal. I started to panic, but he assured me that he wouldn't let go of me. He wanted me to try floating on my back while he held me up and wisely knew that I needed to hold onto something hard (other than his dick). I looked up and saw the stars. I could sense Benny watching us.

"Keep your head back and just let me hold you up, Lon. I won't let go of you. Okay, good, you're doing great. How does that feel?"

"Awesome...and scary at the same time," I replied.

After a while, he continued. "Can you let go of the edge now? Just trust me to hold you up."

I reluctantly took my hands off the pool edge and put myself totally in Aaron's hands. I was floating!

"Don't forget to breathe -- you can't hold your breath forever, you know."

"I'm afraid to breathe," I gasped. "I'm afraid I'll go under if I relax that much."

"You're going nowhere, buddy. You're doing just fine."

I started taking tentative breaths and trusting Aaron to keep me afloat. It was working.

"Kick your feet a little and move your hands -- that'll make you feel more buoyant."

I did as he said, and he was right. I felt like I was taking more control of my body. I did this for quite a while, but then I suddenly realized that I couldn't feel Aaron's hands anymore! But I was still afloat -- what was happening?

"You're floating all by yourself, kiddo. How does it feel?"

"Great, but I'm getting tired. Gotta stand up again."

I got to my feet -- we were still only in chest-high water. Aaron gave me a hug and said, "I think that's enough for your second lesson. You're really picking up on getting comfortable with the water. I'm proud of you."

"I can't believe you let go of me," I chided.

"My arms were right under you. You weren't going to sink. You just got to the point where you didn't need me anymore."

"Not so, teacher. I don't ever want to get to that state," I said with a wink and a smile. "Maybe I can in the water, with a few more lessons, but I think I'm going to be needing you on dry land for a long time to come."

"I hope so, Lon," he said as he looked me straight in the eye. "I really do hope so."

I couldn't believe I was hearing those words from him, but I knew he meant it. I felt myself tearing up.

We kissed again and held each other tightly. Aaron took my hand and led me up the steps, where there were some dry towels. We took turns drying each other off, paying lots of attention to those "hard to get at" areas, if you know what I mean.

When we were dry, we threw our towels around our shoulders and walked inside, heading straight for the bedroom. We were both hard with anticipation of what was next.

Aaron sat down on the edge of his bed and positioned my naked body directly in front of him. The moon was bright outside his window, so we didn't need any lights on. He ran his hands all over my body, taking in every muscle and contour and giving me delicious goose bumps. He seemed to revel in my smoothness -- hardly a hair on me except in my pits and between my legs. It was in stark contrast to his soft chest hair and fuzzy legs.

I thought he'd pull down my foreskin with his fingers like he did last time on the pool deck, but this time he used his lips and tongue to do it, while he played with my balls and my butt with his fingers. I was so hard I thought I'd break! Repeatedly, he brought me almost to the edge and then let up, not wanting me to come yet.

Not taking his mouth off my cock, he eventually reached over and got something out of his nightstand drawer. He pulled off and the next thing I knew I was feeling a condom sliding down my hard-on. I'd never had one on before, and it felt amazing.

Without a word, he got up on his bed on his knees and elbows, his fine young ass high in the air. Even in the relative darkness, I could see his hole, which invitingly beckoned my sheathed manhood. I hadn't expected to have this opportunity quite so soon, but it was clear what he wanted me to do, and my aim was to please.

Silently, so silently, I guided my lubed rocket into the Promised Land. I didn't quite know what to expect, but I had no trouble entering him. Apparently I wasn't the first one up this love chute, but it didn't matter. Right now, I was the only one and I was loving it.

After I had the head of my cock inside his sphincter ring, Aaron asked me to stop for a minute, which was not an easy thing to do when you're as excited as I was right then. After getting the green light to continue, I slowly worked my way in as deeply as my six inches would go, rocking back and forth and feeling the intense sensations of being inside my lover for the first time. He was moaning with pleasure as I plunged and withdrew, plunged and withdrew, plunged and withdrew. I knew I was quickly building to the most intense orgasm of my young life and was literally shaking with pleasure and desire.

On about the tenth plunge, I knew it was time already -- I couldn't hold out any longer. I filled my condom with my love juices while reaching under and stroking Aaron's very hard cock and low-hanging sperm makers. I leaned over and put my face on his back, gasping for breath from the intense experience of fucking my brother's naked swimming instructor for the first time. But now he was much more than that -- he was my wonderful new lover.

My softening cock finally plopped out, and I took a moment to pull off the very full condom. I looked at it with amazement -- did that all come from me?

By now, Aaron was on his back with his arms inviting me to lie down on top of him, which I gladly did. We kissed -- tenderly, romantically, like I had always dreamed of doing to Benny when we got older -- except that I was the only one of us who got older. Benny would forever be 10. Aaron was someone I could grow old with -- for real.

After a while, I noticed that Aaron's hard-on was begging for some attention. I wasn't ready to be fucked yet, but I really wanted the taste of him again. I stroked his body all over with my hands while taking his cock into my mouth -- wow, I loved it so much! He didn't last much longer than I did and soon filled my mouth with his warm, pungent cum. I swallowed -- I had a part of Aaron flowing through my body. We both soon drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I awoke with my usual wood -- and full bladder. I slipped out of bed and walked across the hall again, making sure to close the door this time. I probably should've thrown something on first, but I was in too big of a hurry.

"Good morning, Lon," I heard as I was going back to Aaron's bedroom after pissing. It was his dad again. Seems we have the same piss schedule in the morning. I turned and said "Hi, sir," kind of sheepishly.

"You can call me Ted. From what Aaron tells me, it sounds like I'll be seeing a lot of you here. I'm glad -- Aaron is quite fond of you, and I think you're good for him."

Ted had already succeeded in seeing "a lot of me" -- more like "all of me." It was like he wanted to have a conversation with me in my birthday suit here in the hallway. I decided if he wanted that, it was okay with me. My cock was still half hard and pointing straight in his direction. I saw him look directly at it.

"Thanks, uh, Ted. Aaron's a great guy, and we're having fun getting to know each other."

"Well, make yourself at home here. And don't bother getting dressed on my account."

"Umm, thanks. See you at breakfast?"

"I'll see you boys in the kitchen about nine, if you can drag Aaron's sorry ass out of bed that soon."

I smiled and retreated to the bedroom. Aaron was still asleep. He'd heard none of that awkward exchange.

I fell back asleep, and Aaron woke me up about 8. I was on my side, facing him, and he was playing with my chest and nipples, which were hard as little pebbles.

"Mornin' beautiful," I said as he leaned over and kissed my forehead. "How's my sleepy boy this morning?"

"Mmm, great. I love waking up next to you -- even if it's still awfully early out."

"It's not that early -- it's past 8. I like to go for a morning dip before breakfast. Care to join me?"

The thought of getting in a swimming pool was a hurdle for me at any time, but doing it before breakfast was completely foreign to my North Dakota-born brain. But I was for anything that would let me see Aaron naked in broad daylight, so I said "Sure."

After taking a piss together, we ran out to the pool -- both of us buck-ass naked, of course. Ted was out there reading and sipping his morning coffee as we streaked past him. He looked up but didn't seem surprised. It was like he'd been expecting us.

"Mornin' Dad," Aaron said as we ran toward the pool. Apparently Ted was used to seeing his son swimming naked. It had been his idea anyway -- something about keeping fibers out of the filter, Aaron had said. I had to wonder if he had another reason. Whatever it might have been, Aaron didn't seem deterred by his father's presence in the least.

He dived right into the pool head first and swam halfway down it, completely submerged.

"C'mon in, Lon, the water's fine!"

I opted for the safer route into the pool -- down the steps and holding onto the handrail for dear life. I had to admit that the heated water felt good in the cool morning air, and I managed to get into it up to my neck, all the while holding onto the edge of the pool. I so envied Aaron for his ability to be one with the water and wondered if I could ever get that way.

We didn't stay in very long. Pretty soon we were hungry and needing some coffee. We got out and grabbed towels to dry off with, standing only a few feet from Ted. We wrapped our towels around us and headed to the kitchen for that promised cup of coffee. If it had been five degrees warmer, I imagine Aaron would have left his wet towel outside.

As we leaned on the counter taking our first sips of the life-giving black stuff -- both of us were drinking it black, I noticed -- I had to ask, "You sure your dad doesn't mind us hanging around naked like this?"

"Dad? No way. Ever since Mom died, we've been pretty lax about wearing clothes around the house. I started it, and Dad didn't object and pretty soon even joined me. We always swim naked, of course, and you'll probably see him doing that pretty soon. Doesn't your dad ever see you naked?"

"Not for a long time. My family's pretty prudish about that sort of thing."

"How about Ronnie -- are you ever naked around him?"

I told him about the joint baths my brother and I used to share and how they ended several years ago when Ronnie caught me springing a boner.

"That's too bad," he replied. "I'm an only child, but I always thought it would be neat to have a brother and not get uptight about seeing each other naked. You should invite him over sometime, and we can all go skinny dipping together. You need to get over your inhibitions. Naked is nice -- and very natural!"

"Umm, well, I'll think about it," I said with a shudder.

The rest of the day went, uh, swimmingly. We ate breakfast with Ted on the patio in just our towels. After a swim of his own (yes, naked) Ted went off to work and left Aaron and me to our own devices. I'm sure Ted knew what our agenda would be -- eating, sex, swimming, more sex, a nap, a joint shower, dinner out at Ted's restaurant (the only thing we bothered dressing for all day), a night swim, more sex -- what a day! By the end of it I was totally in love, and Aaron said he was, too -- right to my face and very sincerely. And I believed him.

I nearly cried when I had to leave on Monday morning, but I had a job to go to, and Aaron had classes. But I was on Cloud Nine and sure that my new Prince Charming and I would be spending as much time together as possible. In less than a week my boring uneventful life had turned suddenly awesome. But could it stay that way? Only time would tell.

(This story will conclude in Part 5 in a few days, but not without a surprise or two! If you are following this story, please let me know. I like reader feedback, and I also like it when you include your first name and location. I do answer every e-mail. Thanks to all who commented on the first three parts. You can check out my previous stories on the Nifty Authors tab. Thanks! Damian at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com.)

Next: Chapter 5

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