By ten.enotsenur@namsekal

Published on Apr 11, 1999




I'd been looking forward to this trip out of the city for weeks. It had been a rough Summer with far too much to do. My wife had been busy with work and classes for months. Then in midsummer she had back surgery, leaving me to hold down my own job, keep our two sons, 8 and 10, in line and amused, nurse her back to health and do all of the work around the house as well.

With my wife back at work, the kids finally back in school and a whole Summer of "super dad" behind me, I was looking forward to three midweek days alone at the family lake place in the middle of the week. This would finally be time just for me.

I worked like a bear all day Monday to get a little ahead at my job. After supper and good-bye's, I jumped in the car and headed out of town. As I drove Northwest, it was as if I could feel the stress oozing from my body into the car seat, down through the car and dripping out onto the road. It was an unusually warm day for September. The more open space I saw, the more relaxed I felt. There was even a thunderstorm off to the south with a real laser show of lightning high in the clouds to keep me company. Traffic was light. It couldn't have been a better trip, but the best was yet to come.

It was almost dark as I pulled up to our lake place. The place has been owned by my family for 45 years. We're in kind of an isolated spot and because it was late September, it was really quiet on the lake. As I carried my stuff into the house and opened all the windows, a gentle breeze sprang up from the south. I decided to go for a swim. I stripped off my clothes and slipped into my suit. I knew the water would be cool, but I jumped right in anyway. It was fantastic! The evening air was cooling rapidly and made the water feel much warmer than I expected.

I floated and swam around as the twilight slid deeper into darkness. I was thinking about getting out of the water when I saw a car coming down the road. "Who's this?" I wondered. It wasn't that strange to see a car coming since the beach by our place had been a popular swimming spot for years and the vacant lots next to ours were used pretty freely by the public. But who was this coming for a swim in the evening so late in September?

My question was answered as the dome light of the car illuminated a young man as he began to climb out. It was Greg. Greg was a guy about 26 years old who had grown up in the nearby town. Our families had met and gotten to know each other at a local church. Whenever any of us were at the lake place, we'd get together with Greg's family for at least one meal. I'd watched Greg grow from a gangly adolescent to a 6'2", slender, well-formed, handsome man. To tell the truth, I had always thirsted after the ample bulge that filled out the front of his swimming suit.

But what was Greg doing here now, in the middle of the week? He lived about 200 miles away! After college, he'd gotten a good job in the Southern part of the state. Not that I was unhappy to see him. He still had a kind of overgrown kid attitude that made him fun to talk to and fun to be around. He still had a boyish smile and an easygoing manner that made him a genuinely nice guy. Broad shoulders, classic physique without being overly muscular, red hair, freckles--what more could you ask for?

I almost shouted at him, but decided to wait. He hadn't seen me yet. I watched by the dome light as he took off his clothes revealing his usual boxer-style swimming trunks beneath. He closed the car door, grabbed a towel and climbed down the few rocks leading to the beach.

Once he got there, he glanced down the road and then reached for the waist band of his trunks. Then, to my delight, he took them off. I couldn't see much in the darkness, but just the idea that this studly guy was now skinny dipping a few yards from me gave me butterflies in my stomach.

As Greg surfaced and dived into the water revealing his smooth, firm, white behind, I slipped off my own suit and left it on the dock. Very quietly I swam toward where Greg was swimming. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I had to make some sort of move. If I let this opportunity pass me by, I'd spend the rest of my life thinking about it and wishing...

As I got closer, I realized that what I had taken for Greg's playful frolicking in the water was anything but that. Greg was grumbling angrily as he repeatedly surface and dived. He seemed to be trying to punish his body with the water. "Damn it!" he finally said out loud as he surfaced and stood upright. When he sniffled loudly, I realized he was crying.

I decided that it was time for him to know I was there. I finished swimming the twenty yards that separated us as noisily as I could. He turned toward me and said angrily, "What the fuck!?" and then in a softer voice, "Oh, it's you, Ted. What're you doing here?"

"I'm taking a few days off alone, just for r and r. How about you?"

"I'm doing the same, " he said.

"What's going on, Greg?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Greg replied.

"Well, you seemed pretty upset a couple of minutes ago," I said, hoping to sound concerned. "So what's going on?"

"I wish I knew," Greg replied. "You want to talk about it?" I asked. "Yeah, maybe I do," he said.

"Why don't we go into the house?" I suggested.

"O.K.," he responded hesitantly. When we got to the beach, Greg couldn't locate his swimsuit.

"Just grab your towel," I suggested. He picked his towel, wrapped it around himself and followed me up to the cabin. When we got inside I told him to sit down and grabbed an old terry cloth bathrobe to put on. I tied it rather loosely and went back to the living room.

"Would you like some coffee or a coke?" I asked.

"Coffee sounds good," Greg answered, "I guess I'm a little cold." I started a pot and while it was going, closed a couple of windows and went back to the closet to find Greg an old sweatshirt to put on. After we each had a cup of coffee, I settled down on the chair next to the couch where Greg was sitting.

"So what's this all about?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Greg asked back.

"Well, you seemed pretty upset just a little while ago," I said softly.

Greg sighed heavily, then said "OK. I'm not sure I know where to start."

"Well, just dive in wherever seems like the best place," I suggested. "What's got you so tied up in knots?"

After a long awkward pause, Greg finally said, "Well, I'm having trouble with Sue." I'd met Sue, Greg's girlfriend, a few months earlier.

"What kind of trouble?" I asked, my mood darkening considerably. If I had known I was going to be advising Greg on his relationship with Sue, I might have stayed in the shadows until he finished swimming and let him leave. Oh well, it wasn't the first time I'd played advisor to a straight guy.

"Well, we've been living together for the past three months," he volunteered.

"Yeah, so what's the problem?" I asked.

"Well," Greg began again. "You know you get to a certain point with a relationship where you either split up or get married."

"Sure," I responded, noncommittally.

"Sue and I are at that point," Greg said.

"So which is it going to be? Are you getting married?" I asked, a little perplexed.

"I don't know!" Greg said, his frustration showing clearly and his eyes growing noticeably wetter.

"Do you love her Greg?" I asked gently.

"Yes, I really do," he replied, his voice shaking.

"So what's the problem!" I asked for the third time.

He hesitated, trying to get himself together. "I...I don't know if I can tell you," he said. He was very close to completely losing it. I reached over, put my hand on his arm and said, "Whatever it is, Greg, you can tell me. I've heard it all."

"Not this one," he said. "You haven't heard this one."

"C'mon, Greg! I've known you for a long time. Just try me. I promise it will be all right," I pledged, placing my hand gently on the back of his. Interestingly enough, he opened his fingers and entwined them with mine.

"You promise?" he asked, squeezing my fingers so tightly it hurt.

"I promise." I said, with as much confidence and resolve as I could muster.

Greg began in earnest now, "Ted, ever since before I was a teenager, I've had these feelings."

"What sort of feelings?" I inquired.

Greg swallowed hard and in a barely audible voice said. "Feelings for other guys."

"Let me guess. These are feelings of attraction, feelings of arousal, feelings of love." I said.

"Yes," said Greg, seeming to be relieved that I had guessed and he didn't have to say it himself. "And they just won't seem to go away. I've hid them, tried to ignore them, but they keep coming back!"

"Are you sexually attracted to Sue?" I asked.

"Yes!" said Greg. "We have great sex!"

"So you're worried that how you feel about guys might mess up your marriage somehow?" I asked.

"I just don't know!" Greg said, growing increasingly agitated.

"What don't you know, Greg?" I asked.

"I don't know what it's like to be close to another guy!" Greg almost hollered, and then softly, "How can I be sure I really love Sue when I've never made love to a man? What if I like men better?"

"What would help, Greg?" I asked.

"I want to be close and tender with another guy. I want to make love to another guy. Is that sick or depraved or immoral? Is it wrong to let those kinds of feelings show?"

"Greg, you can't help the way you feel," I said as firmly as I could. "You are who you are. Some people would even say that God has made you this way, with the rare capacity to love women and men both in every way. What you are is called bisexual, Greg, and it's what I am too."

"You, Ted?" he was obviously surprised. "You're married! You've Got kids! You and Jeanie are great together!"

"That's right, Greg," I replied. "And I've always had feelings of attraction for other men as well as women."

"But what do you do, Ted? Doesn't it make you crazy?" Greg asked.

"It used to, Greg. For years I hoped my feelings for men would go away, but they never did. No matter how much and how often and how deeply I loved Jeanie, I still needed men. I still do, Greg. I still need men. I still enjoy being with men from time to time. That's the only way I've found peace. I've never been with another woman since Jeanie, but I have been with other men."

"Does Jeanie know?" Greg asked.

"No." I answered. "I'm very careful. I use safe practices, and I make sure I know my partners."

"You mean you know other guys like you and me?" Greg asked, sounding shocked.

"Sure, there are a lot of us out there."

"And you've had sex with some of these guys?" Greg was starting to sound excited.

"Yes, I have, Greg, many times." I replied, trying to sound matter-of-fact and hide my own excitement. After all, sitting across from me was one of the sweetest, hunkiest men I knew, dressed only in a sweatshirt and towel, who was growing excited at the possibility of acting on his feelings of sexual attraction to other men.

What Greg said next was what made my three-day vacation so fantastic.

"Would you teach me about sex with men, Ted?" Greg asked.

"I will, if you're sure that's what you'd like, Greg." I answered.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," he replied.

I could feel my heart kicking into high gear as I said, "Well, Greg, why don't we start by getting naked?"

"O.K.," he replied as he stood up, threw his towel aside and stripped off the sweatshirt I had given him. I slipped out of my robe and motioned to Greg, "Lie down on the couch, Greg and I'll help you get connected to your body," I instructed. He did as I asked and I kneeled beside the couch.

Greg's cock was beginning to swell, but it still draped heavily across his right thigh. His larger- than-average balls hung low between his slightly-spread legs. I leaned over and sniffed deeply of the smell of his sweet, warm crotch.

"You smell good enough to eat, Greg!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Do I?" he replied sounding nervous.

"Absolutely!" I said reassuringly. "Now just relax and let your feelings grow." Then I moved down and started nibbling on his toes. I wanted this experience to start easily and build smoothly for Greg. I didn't want him to feel threatened.

I massaged and licked his feet causing him to moan softly. Luckily, he wasn't ticklish. Then, I lifted one leg and began licking and nibbling my way up the back of his leg to his knee. The sweaty smell behind his knee was great and the salty flavor of Greg's sweat was delicious. Then I did the same for his other leg.

Next, I worked my way up the inside of his thigh to within half an inch of his cock which was now standing 8 1/2" straight up and thick. I wanted to devour it and by the way, Greg moved his hips to bring it closer to my mouth, I could tell he wanted me to devour it as well, but I didn't. I worked my way around it to his navel and abdomen. Then I did the same from his other knee up. This time he shivered strongly as I licked and nibbled my way across his rippled stomach. "That feels so good, Ted!" Greg said, breathing heavily.

Then I moved to his head. I nibbled and chewed on his earlobes, then his eyebrows, then his nose. Then I worked on his chin and moved to his lower lip. Then I kissed him. His lips were full and sweet and warm, and when I gently inserted my tongue, he responded just a gently with his own.

Then he reached out for me. We gathered each other into a bear hug and ground our aching cocks against each other. After three or four minutes Greg sniffed loudly and I opened my eyes to see tears streaming down his handsome face.

"I have wanted that kind of hug from another man for so long!" he sobbed. I pulled him close while sobs wracked his body. We spent the next half hour hugging and snuggling, while Greg cried softly. It was wonderful!

Finally, as Greg's tears subsided, he kissed me again. This time his tongue probed my mouth a little more deeply, a little more urgently than before. I knew he was ready to go on. I moved down and lifted his left arm as I began to work on his armpit. He WAS ticklish there and started to chuck. It was so good to see him smile, again. He tasted sooo gooood! Then I worked on his other armpit and moved to his nipples. I firmly kneaded his right peck while I nibbled and sucked on his left nipple 'til it stood erect. Then I switched sides.

Greg was moaning with pleasure and breathing heavily again. His cock was hard as a rock. I worked my way down across his rippled stomach and he shuddered again. Then I tongued and sucked his navel for awhile. Finally, I moved down to chew and suck on the thick red hair of his crotch. Next I moved to the hair on Greg's balls. I bit at it and licked it and pulled on it with my teeth.

Greg was squirming now and moaning louder. "God! Greg, that feels so good! he growled. I was only too happy to keep him feeling good, taking first one and then the other into my mouth, chewing gently, sucking, pulling on the walnut-sized nuts with his ample sack.

At last I started on Greg's gorgeous cock. I licked up the bottom side and around the head while Greg moaned loudly. The large head of his cock was already soaked with pre-cum. I tongued his slit and then swallowed him up to the base in one plunge. I kept swallowing, massaging his cock with the muscles of my throat. Greg moaned louder, "Yeah, Ted, that's feels so great!"

I could feel his head begin to swell in my throat and knew it was time to shift positions. I jumped up and slid my legs under Greg. I lifted my legs and he did the same. I grabbed both our cocks in my hands and began to pump very slowly. Greg's hands joined mine wrapped around our throbbing cocks. We began to pump very slowly with our hips, fucking our hands in unison.

I don't know about Greg, but I was in heaven, the warmth of our legs pressed together, the electricity charging through our cocks was lifting me higher and higher. Then our cocks began to swell. We ground the bases together savagely as we both began to erupt.

Our cum shot high into the air, straight up and straight down, drenching our cocks and balls. We shot again and again and kept grinding against each other even after our orgasms subsided. Then, to my surprise, Greg's cock started to swell again as he ground its base against mine. The sight of his growing cock was enough to get me going as well. Once again, we wrapped our hands around our cocks and fucked our entwined fists in unison. What followed was the most intense orgasm I have ever had in my life. God this young man was hot! I almost passed out.

Greg and I both fell back exhausted. Greg reached forward and rubbed our mingled cum into both of our crotches. I touched his hand and he grabbed me, pulling me forward. We untangled our legs and locked one another into another bear hug. Greg began to cry softly again. I held him close. "I've needed that for so long!" he sobbed. I was crying too.

"Greg, I've watched you grow up. I've seen you develop into the fantastic and special person you are today, and I've always wanted to love you like this. I'm glad I finally got the chance!" We snuggled close to each other as I pulled an afghan off the back of the couch and covered us. We drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Very early the next morning, Greg insisted on giving me the same treatment I'd given him. We spent the rest of that day and the next two getting to know each other in ways that even I had not experienced before. I was glad I'd brought along a couple of boxes of condoms just in case.

Greg went on to marry Sue. We've stayed very special friends. Jeanie and Sue are great friends as well. Our families get together often. And several times a year, Greg and I take time off to go fishing or to fly to some other city to watch the home team play at some historic outdoor stadium, but mostly to scratch that very special itch we have for each other.

...This story is based on a very real young man. The circumstances are real, but unfortunately, the events involved are only the things I wish might happen.

Comments to: lakesman@runestone.net

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