Falling For Straight Boys

By Dontae

Published on May 21, 2004



I was in my fourth quarter in school, and everything was going considerably ok, I had been through a couple sets of friends, had recently come out of the closet to my mother and family and I had a very "fuck the world" attitude. My name is Drew and I go to school in Ft. Lauderdale, one of the gay capitals of our great country LOL. I had no intention of ever falling for a straight guy, although you could say that it is the story of my life. Even when I realized that I was gay in my senior year of high school,

I had used my easiest outlet to explore my new sexuality, closeted as it was, and there was no better outlet than that of the coveted and controversial boy scouts. I used those exploratory hormonal camp outs' to "prey" on the needs of my fellow troop members. Yep, I gave good head. I remember a couple people in particular. There was Rusty, Noah, and Jeff. Rusty was my best friend in high school's boyfriend (HER name was Brooke). He used to sport a very ugly bowl cut that I in my cosmetologist stage rid him of and transformed him into a total hottie! Noah was my type all the way he was taller, younger, hotter, and a soccer player. So we had common interests. Yep we both loved balls! Soccer balls that is. LOL. Yeah I never had a passion for any other sports other that gymnastics and soccer.

Now Jeff wasn't hot by any means, he was cute but a little on the pudgy side, but boy did he have a huge dick! He hit puberty way before I did, I'd still like to think that at 19 I'm still going through puberty, my voice hasn't lowered yet and my balls aren't big as most peoples but all around I'm not a very big guy to begin with. I'm actually on the scrawny side. In Junior high I was a nerd I guess but I always had friends and I was very popular with the popular crowd labeled as "the smart kid." I grew into my looks in High School However, I didn't get any bigger I'm about 83lbs wet with my shoes on and full of water. Yep I'm really skinny, I'm not very tall however only about 5'3" or 5'4" so I'm not lanky, No I'm just cute little Drew.

And I am cute, I realized that one day as I was staring at myself in the mirror, I have very pretty dark brown eyes perfectly arched eyebrows with a very cute scar in the right one, (just like Holly Marie Combs) and a beautiful complexion. In a way I guess I'm glad that I've gone through puberty later than most because I've never really had a battle with acne, I have a very Afro-centric little button nose and perfectly full lips, much smaller that those of my older and younger brothers. I have to say that I have very feminine facial features, I guess that comes from sharing a womb with my twin sister Nevaeh, which is heaven spelled back wards, god rest her soul. She died before we were born, and I was the twin that survived. She never got a name, so I named her and Nevaeh seemed perfect because I always said that I'd see her in heaven someday.

But anyway back to my story, your reading this because you want to read about sex, so let's get to it. Anyway, I have a perfect complexion and I'm about two or three shades lighter than my brothers which is good cause they are really dark. I'm in no way light-skinned but I'm much lighter than them. Anyway I have extremely curly black hair, that I recently cut very short and no facial hair whatsoever, I'm a mix between a really cute little boy and a pretty young lady. But I have a bad ass attitude.

I guess that it is my strongest point as well as my weakest, it is the reason why I'm so popular now in college, because I don't give a fuck! But it does keep me from seeming approachable which is why I guess until you get to know me a lot of people don't approach me, I guess it's also the reason why a lot of people don't think or know that I'm gay until I tell them. I don't know why, I don't act straight. Now don't get me wrong, I'm in no way Queenie but I'm not the most masculine man that you'll meet by a long shot. Anyway, I've met a lot of people here, a lot of them gay a lot of them"straight" Which is what I will be talking about today. I've had a lot of sex since I became sexually active, to the number of 40 different people, in the past 3 years. Since I came to college I have received a label from some of my gay friends as easy, I don't agree, I simply think that I have a healthy sexual appetite, and I'm hungry, really hungry, a lot! Lot's of people ask me how I do it like my friend Darrell he calls me legendary. Like I told you I'm cute, and I'm subtle, I wait for my opening and then I take it which ever way that it comes. That's what I did in my most recent escapade which is the reason for this story.

A couple of months ago in my transition from one group of friends to another I met a guy, Let's just call him Dorian, Dorian Burns. Now Dorian, is cute, he is about 6' curly brown hair, and brown eyes and a perfect nose. He also has very small kissable lips. Very Kissable but we'll get to that. Anyway, I never thought that Dorian was really my type, oh who am I kidding, the ruggedly handsome, AF model is everyone's type. I guess I could say that while he was cute, I never found myself attracted to him. At least I think that's what I told myself to avoid making it awkward between us. After all how attractive is someone that bonds with you over "The Exorcist". So the month went on and Dorian pissed off my group of friends. Naturally, I comforted the one that he hurt, she later turned out to be a drama junkie, yeah a real soul sucking spider! and I understood perfectly why he would act the way he did. Over the next couple of weeks Dorian and I started to hang out a lot more. I realized that he was very funny in his own way and he was also very flirtatious, to wards me! The question of Dorian's sexuality has always been a sensitive subject for the entire dormitory in which we lived. He said that he was attracted to girls, that he loved girls, and things like he wanted a wife and kids, and all that great stuff. But he had been rumored to sleep with guys, not just any guys but one of my very cute openly gay, friends! Not to mention that his gestures and actions not to mention voice suggested that he was not hetero in the slightest, and he has more facial products than me! Now that's strange. So in my mind I just marked down that he had bi sexual tendencies. Until I got to know him better.

I soon learned that Dorian can drink like a fish and he likes to drink, a lot! He's the type that does strange things and forgets in the morning when he's drunk. But he also really speaks how he feels when he's drunk. I've learned a lot about how and what he thinks about himself when he was drunk. We have had many important conversations when we were both rather buzzed. We've talked about who he likes, who he wants to fuck, how he fucked up his little brothers life, everything. Over the past couple of weeks I had try as I might become attracted to my new best friend. I kept telling myself that it wasn't true, I was in a loving committed relationship of 4-1/2 years, this couldn't be happening not now! But it was. Dorian knew from the day that I met him that I was gay and that I was proud to be gay. I was in no way in the closet. Yet he had become increasingly comfortable with his display of sexual whatever the fuck it was. Pulling me into the bathroom with him to "discuss" situations with people in the next room when we were drunk and non relentlessly pulling out his dick to take a piss, with this look in his eyes, like he was wondering if I was going to look, like he was expecting me to look, like he wanted me to look. Needless to say I looked, not so much as an obvious gander, but as I was cooking and it was my room and I was in there first. So I casually glanced up and took a look over the top of my glasses and looked at the reflection in the mirror, only for a second but I looked. All I could tell was that he had a decent sized head. and that it was a lovely shade of pink. Other things like long lingering eye locks and playful flirtatious fighting that I never took seriously. Sure I took care of him when he was sick, he would have done the same for me. Sure we had kissed each other good night before, but that just meant that he was comfortable with his sexuality, whatever the fuck it was. I had discussed many times before with our other best friend Rizzo an openly gay lesbian at the tender age of 17 that I didn't have feelings for Dorian and that was because he wasn't at a place in his life mentally where I could be with him physically, or some bullshit like that. Anything to get the feelings out of my head, and apparently my heart as well. I found myself wondering about him a lot when I was alone, a lot of the time the thoughts weren't sexual, they were just thoughts about what he was thinking about, thoughts about why he was so confused, silent prayers to myself and to the supposed god that existed out there, that was going to condemn me to hell, that he would find the answers that he was looking for and that he would find who and what he wanted in the end. One day I wondered if that was me for like three seconds and instantly I smacked myself in the head and was like NO you dumb ass! I knew Dorian, I knew what he had done, and what he does, and who he is, I know his personality inside and out. I know that what he wants in the end or so he says is a girl, and at 21 yrs old, he needed to start looking for a good one now. I knew all of this, so why did I have these feelings? Why did I get jealous or upset whenever he flirted with girls or had other guys around? Why did I get pissed when the two of us drinking turned into 6 straight guys talking about pussy and ass and well me drinking? Why was I not thinking of my boyfriend, a model, who was being faithful to me in New York? Why? Why? Why? WHY?! There were so many questions and apparently not enough answers. I wanted to rip my hair out! I tried all of my creative outlets. I tried drawing, I wrote a poem, I described in excruciating detail to my journal all the goings on, so why couldn't I get him out of my head. Was there something that I wanted from him? Yes that explains it perfectly! I wanted something, I wanted him, in someway only once I wanted him! Why else was it that try as I might I couldn't go a day without seeing him? Why was I in his room everyday, just waiting for the moments when he would shut the door and we would be alone, even for just a moment until someone came knocking on the door asking for him? Because I wanted him, I wanted Dorian Burns and the feelings that I had weren't going to go away until I had him.

I got my chance to have him on one of our drinking nights. As usual I had thought that it was going to just be him and me drinking that night. Well I was stupid for that. As soon as he walked out the door to smoke a cigarette, one of the boys approached him. The next thing I knew there were 3 other people and Rizzo in the room on our drinking night. Perfect. Just what I needed. To add to my misery his newest whore was there bitching and quite frankly pissing both of us off with her incessant whining! She kept saying that she was going to leave. So I told her to leave and she got mad. She said

"you just want me to leave because I'm bitching"

It told her she was right and she got even madder. I told her

"at least you had something to bitch about,"

She kept saying over and over "why is it that when I find a good guy that is perfect for me he has to be fucking' gay?"

Whoa! She made that decision/revelation all on her own. With absolutely no help from me or Rizzo. After all Rizzo and I are his best friends and he neither, denies or confirms anything with us pertaining to his sexuality, he's just...Dorian!

The night grew old and everyone began to say their goodbyes, the whore left and Dorian and I talked about her serious bugging over a cigarette. It was just Me Dorian and Rizzo now. I had managed to maintain my buzz, which is a hard task, when there is a bunch of loud people in a small dorm room, drinking alcohol on school grounds knowing it's not allowed. I downed a couple of "wounded soldiers" (beers that got started but not finished) and got ready to lay down, there was no way that I was going to make it all the way back to my dorm room in the other building this drunk. Rizzo finished surfing the web and asked if I was going to sleep here or in her room. I told her I was sleeping here. Oh did I mention that Dorian had passed out while we were smoking a cigarette outside? Rizzo and I had poured him into his bed about an hour ago and he was still out. It was then that I thanked my creator for allowing me to be so small. I squeezed perfectly between him and the wall and fell asleep.

During my brief sleep I managed to drape my arm over Dorian's waist. Apparently out of sheer instinct, I guess. I was jolted back to reality when I realized where my hand was. I had my hand in Dorian's boxers and I was very slowly but very greedily jerking him off. He was still small but girthy, and he was drunk after all. I wasn't expecting him to perform that well. But I was still drunk, I was curious, that glance in the bathroom was no longer enough, for me I had already come this far so I took a peek.

It was so cute! Yeah you heard me cute. Most people would be disappointed, but what I was looking at was the cutest little semi-hard, 2-3/4 inch cock. I saw the lovely pink head that had teased my dreams for weeks in all it's glory. Oddly enough Dorian didn't seem to recognize that anything had happened, or was still happening. It was right then that I got greedy. I had to have it, I slowly bent my head down and licked the tip, and tongued the underside, still no reaction from headquarters, but all systems were go! I greedily devoured the small but fat cock and began to bring it to life. I sucked it deep into my throat and swirled my tongue all around. I quickly realized that because I was drunk, I was out of focus and I was neglecting to cover my teeth. I quickly fixed the problem and began to bob. I had wanted this for so long and now I had it. My prize, my reward for being a good little patient boy. I then expelled him from my mouth and began to lick his balls. By now my own 7x6 cock was raging and begging to be free from my custom made soccer ball pajamas. But in no way did I want to ruin this moment by freeing my cock and suddenly having Dorian awake, no this was about me pleasing him and him alone. So I sucked and I sucked and I sucked Just waiting for my prize. But sucking alone wasn't getting me anywhere, so I began to jerk him off, fast and furiously. He let out a subconscious "yeah" and began to twitch. I knew I was getting close to my prize. His twitches became violent, he had to be awake by now, I looked up, nope still knocked out. His cock really did have a mind of it's own, then in one violent jerk, my face, the comforter, the sheets became soaked with the seeds of his manhood. I wanted desperately to lap up every drop that I could find but decided not to, considering that he was fucking the town whore right now. I hated her more than words could explain, right then and there. I simply basked in the afterglow and my own pre-cum had begun to leak down my leg, so I went to the bathroom. I cleaned my face and brushed my teeth, (yeah I had a toothbrush there) hey he had one in my room too. Then I went to the toilet and removed my rampant cock, it's true what they say about big things and small packages) or so I've been told. Anyway, I removed my own rampant cock and with one stroke I silently sent my seed bursting into the toilet. After I was done, I washed up, yeah I had toiletries there, we are really good friends. After I washed I put on a pair of pajamas, (yes they were mine) one of his t-shirts and a pair of socks and climbed into bed. It was my turn to pass out.

I was only asleep a few minutes when I felt him stir, and head for the shower, I cracked my eye and took a peek to see him walk away, he probably thought that it was a wet dream. As he got a change of clothes for the shower he noticed my pajamas in the hamper. He peered at me through the darkness. They still had his spunk all over them, plus they smelled like beer, he figured someone had spilled some on me, and he had got me wet when he had his dream. He tossed them back in the hamper and headed off to the shower. I basked in the glow of being warm and clean and snuggled under his new Nautica comforter, (I switched the one that he had cum all over.) I fell asleep, after he finished his shower and sobered up he came back to bed and spooned with me, that didn't last long as we are both wild sleepers.

I slept all day the next day and, he apparently was none the wiser. Rizzo came by and we chilled all day. It has been two days since the incident and all is going well, there is apparently no awkwardness, and we are all still really good friends. I don't think that I'll tell anyone about this, just like I've never told anyone about Sam Mears, or Noah or Rustin or Jeff. No, this is just one of those stories that I'll add to my book. The one about falling for straight boys.

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