Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Feb 11, 2002


Fame, Love & Reality

Legal Disclaimer: This story will be centered most on the BSB characters and many other famous people, and by the way this has nothing to do with any of the celebrities mentioned before. This doesn't involve anything from their real lives and sexualities because it is just "Fiction", a story made from my mind. If you are under age, and this is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. If you feel like not getting with the material you are in about to read and that homosexual stuff offend you, then, please don't read it and also leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to start reading and enjoy it. I'm Alex and if you have any kind of comments, good or bad, you can send them to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. I would be pleased to read all of them.

Author's note: This is my first attempt to write a story of this nature. But first and foremost I want to thank ND for helping me out with this and for teaching me a lot. ND, you've been a great friend to me and thanks to you, this story is posted here. "To all the ones who are reading this now, he is my mentor." For the last, I want to let you all know that English is not my first language so if you find any kind of mistake I'm sorry. Anyway I hope you all like this story and lets see how it goes.

Thank you.


Today in the present times, we get to know famous people who had traveled a long way in time and distance to be what they are right now. People, who had conquered the world with their talent and will power are now the ones who we call stars. So this is how we get to know their professional lives. Soon, many other people become their greatest fear, the ones called the "fans". Just having the interest in knowing their favorite colors, their birthday, their life style, etc... whatever. But there is one thing they never get to know about their Idols, and is how they feel about being in fame, being in love, and confronting reality.

In this case, The Backstreet Boys, one of the most famous boy bands in the entire world confront this problem of actual life, society that affects their lives a lot. In this FICTIONAL story I describe how this guys involve their personal lives with the huge world of fame and in where we live, "Reality". Their latest album "Black and Blue" shows how they have changed through the pass and the flow of time. Now, let's get in their world as normal persons, the world and the story we never knew about and we will never know.

Nine years ago, a group of five young boys got together, and a great journey to fame and glory began. Soon Kevin Scott Richardson, Howard (Howie D) Dorough, Brian Thomas Littrell, Alexander James (AJ) MClean and Nickolas Gene Carter became The Orlando's Backstreet Boys. Well that's practically how everything started.

Fame, Love & Reality Chapter 1

Backstreet Boys (London, England) February, 1997 European Tour.

The tour around Europe has been great and successful. They have passed through Germany, Sweden, Italy, France, and for the last, England. After they are done with this tour, they are going back to the US to start another tour during summer.

Kevin Richardson makes his way to the elevator of the Hamnlington Hotel. He is heading to Brian and Nick's room for breakfast where he was supposed to join the rest of the guys at 9:00 o-clock. It was 9:30 now and it was also the first time that Kevin came late to a group meeting, which as usual was for the setting up of the schedule. This was their last day in Europe and for tonight, they had their last concert. Anyway the lateness was due to Kevin's bad night, he didn't sleep very well.

It was hard for Kevin to be dealing with his thoughts, feelings and emotions. Last night Kevin did something that really confused him a lot. He kissed his cousin, on the lips when he was sleeping. Kevin didn't really know why he did that, he wasn't even in love with him but he just wanted to try how was the feeling of kissing another man. His attraction for men was becoming stronger every day so this matter was keeping Kevin's mind busy.

"Finally you get here, what took you so long cuz?" Brian asks as he opens the door of his room and lets his cousin in.

"'Morning guys!" Kevin says to his friends not noticing that they all were shocked by his lateness.

"Wow, this is fucking incredible, Kevin Scott Richardson is late for a breakfast group meeting!" Howie says sarcastically.

"Yeah, you're right, how come our daddy is late for the first time in his life!" AJ replies with a surprised face and laughing in the inside.

"Would you guys keep it down please? I'm sorry for being late and don't start bugging me 'cause you know what you get when that happens Bone" Kevin snaps at his friends a little bit loudly while serving to himself some food.

"What's up Kev, not in the mood today?" Nick asks looking straight at Kevin's eyes with curiosity.

"Yeah Nick, I'm not in the mood today and last night I couldn't sleep well" Kevin answers calmly sitting next to him.

"But why didn't you sleep well cuz?" Brian asks his cousin while he touches his own lips with his fingers.

Kevin sees Brian's action and he gets a little nervous before answering "I had a very strong head ache and I was also having nightmares so that's why I couldn't sleep well"

"Bullshit!" Brian whispers so that no one could hear, "He never knew how to lie!"

"Okay guys, lets change our subject and get over the schedule for today" Kevin says as he pulls out a bunch of papers and an electronic agenda from the pocket of his robe.

"That would be a really great idea Kev" Brian replies looking straight at Kevin's eyes.

Now Kevin has the feeling that Brian noticed what happened the night before when he kissed his cousin. Kevin didn't mean to do this but he did due to the circumstances in which they were last night. Brian was fast asleep so Kevin carried him up in his arms from the bus to his room. When finally he left his cousin on the bed he was going to give Brian the goodnight kiss on the cheek but he changed his mind and he decided to kiss him on the lips. Kevin knew it was a dumb idea and that it was wrong because Brian is his cousin and he is not supposed to show romantic affection for him.

"Hey Kev, you still with us?" Nick says bringing Kevin back to earth.

"Oh, what, oh yes sorry about that!" Kevin replies.

"Are you sure you're OK man?" Howie asks trying not to laugh.

"Yes D, I'm OK" Kevin answers with a grin.

"So Kevin, what's the plan?" AJ asks impatiently waiting for an answer 'cause he really wanted to get their tour finished so they can go back home.

"First of all AJ, we have an interview with Pierce Brosman (James Bond) at the radio station at 10:30, then we..."

"That's cool he seems to be a nice guy" Brian says interrupting his cousin.

"Sure he is Bri." Kevin continues, "Then we have a photo shoot session at 11:30 at the studios so you better wear a nice winter outfit. After that, we have a meeting with our management to talk about today's concert at 12:30 and when we are done with that, we can have lunch. For the last, the rehearsal, and the concert. So guys, we better get going!" Kevin replies as he gets up from the table.

"Oh yeah, lets get ready we have just one hour, SHIT, 45 minutes!" Howie says getting up from the table and heading to the door.

"Well Kev, we better do the same thing, there's no way in hell we are getting there late so move your ass and get ready too!" AJ says pushing Kevin out of Nick and Brian's room.

"Wait!" Kevin shouts, "I'm staying, you can go with Howie" he replied going back inside the room.

"But Kev we're gonna be late and..."

"You just go, I forgot to tell Brian something!"

"What happened Kev? We're running out of time!" Nick says taking off his T-shirt and revealing his smooth not yet well developed chest.

That almost killed Kevin, he loved to see Nick when he changed in the concerts because he always found Nick's body very impressive for a kid of his age and he liked it.

"Nothing Nick, I just need to talk to Brian, that's all!" Kevin answers as he turns back to where he was sitting before.

"What the hell, wow, he is so beautiful, oh my good what a hunk, everyday he looks better!" Kevin thinks to himself while looking at Nick half naked from waist up.

"Hey Kev, come back to earth, and would you stop looking at Nick?" Brian replies.

"Huh, what oh sorry I was just thinking about..." "Whatever Kev!" Kevin was cut by Brian once again "But you and I have to talk so c'mon, lets talk in the balcony!"

"Don't worry guys, I leave you two alone while I take a shower so you can talk calmly" Nick says noticing that they needed to talk.

"Thanks Nick" Both Kevin and Brian say at the same time.

As soon as Nick gets in the bathroom, Kevin makes sure that he can't hear the conversation.

"Before you talk Kev, I don't know what is wrong with you, I mean, this isn't like you, you have been acting very weird, or do I have to mention what you did yesterday when I was sleeping!" Brian says a little bit upset.

"OK Bri, you got me, believe me I don't know what to say but anyway I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, is just like you say, something is wrong with me."

"Listen cuz, it's OK, I understand that, but why don't you just tell me the truth? Remember Kev, I'm your cousin so you can talk to me anytime, I'm here for you always." Brian says. Tears begin to form in Kevin's eyes because he can't fight against his feelings anymore so he starts to cry hard.

"Oh Brian, I can't fight this anymore, it's just killing me all this suffering, why I can't just tell everybody who I really love?" Kevin says sobbing hard.

"Come on Kev, calm down man and tell me what's wrong? You can trust me and maybe I can help." Brian says as he hugs his cousin tightly to comfort him.

After a few minutes Kevin stops crying and pulls himself away from his cousin's arms. He knew he had to tell Brian the truth about his sexuality and about the person he really loved.

"This is hard to say Bri 'cause I'm afraid that when I tell you this, you would hate me and our friendship could change a lot." Kevin says looking at the blue sky.

"Would you just tell me now? Please?"

"OK, Brian, I'm, I'm..."

"You are...? Come on Kev, just say it."

"I'm gay, I feel attraction for men and I'm in love with someone from the same gender I belong to." Finally Kevin says looking at his feet.

"Now that's serious." Says Brian even though he knew it from before because he suspected it anyhow, "I always thought that my cousin was gay like me and now it is true." Brian thinks to himself.

"But please don't think I have feelings for you Bri, I mean, I love you but as my little cousin and about yesterday's kiss well, I just wanted to convince myself about what I really am." Kevin says with a worried face seeing no reaction in his cousin.

"Kevin it's OK, I'm OK with that, I'm not gonna hate you because you are gay, I could never hate you, but if it makes you feel better, I'm gay too."

"WHAT...?" Kevin Shouts

"Yeah cuz, and I'm not attracted to you either." Brian says with a grin but in the inside there is something that is making him feel sad.

"I know you wouldn't but there is something else that you must know Bri." Kevin says.

"About what?" Brian asks with a curious face.

"It's about the person I'm in love with." Kevin answers.

"So who is it then?".

Kevin gets closer to Brian and whispers in his ear the name of the person he is in love with and as soon he does this, Brian jumps from the chair he is sitting on screaming...

"WHAT?..." he screams "I mean NO! You can't be in love with..."

To Be Continued...

Done with the first part of "Fame, Love and Reality" I hope you all liked so please don't miss the next part in which you will get to know who is Kevin's secret love. And remember, all comments are welcome to alexfire2264@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading it and see ya soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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