Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Nov 21, 2002


Legal Disclaimer: This fictional story is not meant to imply anything from the real lives and sexualities of the celebrities portrayed here. I don't personally know the members of The Backstreet Boys or N'sync so this is just a fantasy I have. (Also, Shon Macalister is a character I created myself, so if there is anyone named like this in real life, I'm sorry, it is just pure coincidence) If homosexual stuff offends you, or you are under age and this kind of material is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. Any comments, good or bad, and suggestions are welcome to ALeX2264@aol.com. All e-mails will be answered.

Author's Note: Chapter 7 is finally here. I know It took long but stuff had been going on. By the way I changed my e-mail address, now is ALeX2264@aol.com. So not having much to say lets keep on going...

Fame, Love, & Reality Chapter 7

"OH shit!" Shon whispers...

"Oh my god!" Brian says 'Shit he got me!' He thinks to himself as he stares at Shon not knowing what to do.

"Hey you guys, can you hear me?" Howie asks from outside, "Lets get out of here, it seems to be that there are reporters and photographers all around the place, they know we're here!"

"What the fuck?" Brian says fearing that maybe he had been caught by one of them while he was making out with Shon.

"There was one of them right outside here but he ran away as soon as he saw me!" Howie says.

'Well, at least Howie didn't get here on time to see us!' Brian thinks to himself "But... Oh my god Shon... There was a photographer out there, what if he caught us!" Brian says in a low voice so that Howie can't hear what they are talking about. Now it was a moment to be worried, he knew that it would be disastrous for his career if his sexuality was revealed. "What are we gonna do?" He asks Shon.

"Howie, tell the guys that we'll be right there and don't cause suspission!" Shon instructs Howie. He leaves to tell the guys and then Shon goes where the window is and closes it. He goes back where Brian is frozen by the fear and embraces him. Shon hugs him tight in protective way to make him feel safe but he can't help it if he fears about the same thing too."Don't worry baby, everything will be alright!"

"I'm scared Shon!" Brian whispers.

"I'ts OK, nothing happened lets get out of here!" Shon replies as he takes Brian's by the hand and leads him to the door. They both get out from the restaurant and meet the guys in the car. They all get in and soon the are back in Kevin's appartment.

"What was that all about?" Nick asks sitting on the couch, "How the fuck they found out that we were there?"

"Well, that might be because someone recognized us or I don't know...!" AJ answers.

"Alright guys come down, there's nothing to worry about!" Kevin says but what he and all of them don't know is that there were no reporters there, it was just an unknown photographer that had a mission in special. None of them suspected that. However, Shon and Brian weren't very calmed about the situation, they both are afraid of having been caught and that could be really dangerous.

AJ started to lighten up the mood by telling some jokes that barely made the others laugh. The door bell rings and Kevin gets up and tells Howie to explain Nick, Brian, and Shon the sleeping arrangements while he goes to answer the door.

"OK guys here is how it's gonna be...!" Howie says, "Brian and Nick can sleep in this and Shon in the room right next to it. AJ and I will be sleeping in the same we were that is that one!" He says as he points with his finger to the front. Nick thinks of something to get Brian and Shon sleeping in the same room so he stands up and takes his luggage with him.

"Ya know what D? I better sleep alone, Brian snores way too much and very loud so I'll take this room, Shon can sleep with him!" Nick says.

"Are you OK with it Shon?" Howie asks.

"Sure no problem, I can sleep in this room with Brian!" Shon answers.

"Alright then!" Howie replies.

Meanwhile, Kevin opens the door and sees two attractive young men standing there. "Hi, is Nick here?" The youngest curly blonde asks. Kevin doesn't really know what are these two kids doing at this time in his apartment but as a gentleman he is, he says hello to them and let them in. The rest of the boys and Shon were having a nice and loud conversation in the living room when Kevin comes in followed by two young men.

"Hey Nick, these two guys are looking for you!" Kevin says.

"Justin...!" Nick yells as he stands up and runs towards his friend.

"Justin...?" Brian asks not knowing exactly who Nick was refering to.

"What's up Nick!" Justin says as Nick hugs him tight.

"Long time no see huh?" Nick says smiling widely, he sure was happy to see his good friend.

"Yeah, but we talked a few days ago!" Justin replies.

"Whatever... Anyway is good to see you again friend!" Nick says as he pulls apart from the hug and then says hello to the other guy who was right next to Justin.

"Sorry we came this late but I needed to make sure if you're gonna be with us in the studios when we start recording!" Justin says.

"But of course I'll be there man, don't worry!" Nick replies. Then he turns his attention to the rest of the guys who were giving him the "Aren't you gonna introduce us" look. The only one who knew Justin there was AJ because he had talked to him before and he went with Nick to his house once so there is where they met. Justin was renoun then because of his participation in the Disney's Mickey Mouse Club where he worked with his friends. He was planning on making a band and becoming a professional singer since he had such a great talent not only singing but compossing also.

"Oh sorry guys, this is my friend Justin Randal Timberlake and this is Joshua Scott Chazes or JC to make it simple!" Nick introduces them to his bandmates and manager.

"It's nice to meet all of you all!" Both Justin and JC say in unision. They sit in the living room with the rest of the guys and start getting to know each other better. It was getting late thoug but it wasn't that big of a deal, it was social Friday and the next morning they didn't have to do that much. They talked about many things specially about Justin's plans of making a band and the album they were in about to record. Justin told them that they were gonna start recording in summer and that their first album was going to be selftitled Nsync. Who would've known then, that this guy and his friends would become their major competition now in the present times.

A few hours later Justin and JC left and the guys were getting ready to go to bed. Kevin went to his room, Howie and AJ went to their's and Nick, Shon, and Brian stayed in the living romm talking a bit more until it was 2:00 am. Nick said good night to both of them and went to his room.

"So why don't we go to bed now that they're all gone!" Shon asks.

"Alright but only if you hold me all night long!" Brian replies.

"Actually, have you realized that this is the first time that we're sharing the same bed!" Shon says as he stands up.

"Yeah, isn't that exciting?" Brian asks with an evil grin as he takes Shon's hand and stands up.

"Sure it is but we're just gonna sleep right?" Shon asks knowing exactly where Brian was going with that mischeivous grin he had painted across his face.

"Well, I was hoping if we umm... could actually have some umm... fun...?" Brian replies running his hands all over Shon's chest. He gets closer and presses his lips to Shon's and they start kissing again. Brian parts his lips to allow Shon's tongue in and soon starts to play around with Brian's. They explore each other's mouth's eagerly with such passion and lust that both couldn't control. Shon carries Brian up and takes him to their room. Shon closes the door but he forgets to lock it; -Big Mistake- He lies Brian on the bed gently and then kisses him softly on the lips. Brian pulls him down to the bed and slips his hand under Shon's T-shirt which he takes off in a matter of seconds and tosses it aside. Shon does the same and then he starts kissing Brian's bare chest. He stops to pay a little more attention to Brian's hard nipples. He runs his tongue around and start to suck on them hard. Brian can't help but moan of the great pleasure he is feeling. Shon stops his activity on Brian's torso and goes up to kiss him again. Brian drives his hand to Shon's crotch and starts rubbing his cock through the fabric of his jeans. Things heat up even more when Brian undoes the belt buckle and unzips Shon's pants, then he slids his hand inside and soon he is grabbing Shon's semi-erect cock. Shon gasps at the feeling of Brian's hand stroking his cock. With his other hand Brian undoes his own pants and then takes Shon's hand and places it on his own cock. Shon seems to be kind of shy about doing it but he can't help it if Brian is tempting him so much.

"Come on baby... take me, make me feel good...!" Brian says in such a seductive voice which makes Shon blush. However this words give him the courage enough to take Brian's manhood and jerk the hell off of him. While they jerk each other's cocks, they kiss passionately and a few minutes later Shon feels getting closer to orgasm...

"Oh Brian... Baby... I'm, I'm, I'm...!" Shon says but his no longer able to hold so he shoots his cum in Brian's hand and soon Brian also tenses up and fires his load in Shon's hand too. They both lie on the bed breathing hard and they both stare at each others eyes. They don't say a word, Shon holds up his hand stained with Brian's cum and Brian holds up his hand stained with Shon's cum, they place them together palm to palm and keep them there mixing their juices. I know it sounds nasty, but that's how it was told to me. After a couple of minutes, they got up and went to the bathroom to wash their hands, then they striped down to their boxers and got inside the covers. Shon takes Brian from the back and hugs him. "Remember you wanted me to hold you all night long?" Shon whispers into Brian's ear and then giggles softly "Thanks babe!"

"Hey, you know, that was great, I hope we do that often!" Shon says smiling down at Brian who is in his arms. Brian smiles back but then, that beautiful smile fades quickly. Shon sees this and soon realizes what it is.


"Yeah baby?"

"I'm still worried about the photographer!" Brian says sadly.

"I told you already that nothing will happen. I won't let anything happen to you and to the guys if it happens, and if it does, then we'll think of something. You just sleep that I'll take care of you the whole night!" Shon says "And one more thing my baby... I love you!"

That beautiful smile comes back to Brian's face and then he answers "I love you too Shon, good night!"

Shon leans down and kisses Brian on the cheek "Good night baby and don't worry, everything will be alright... I'll be always here for you!" He says and then he closes his eyes. Soon they were both fast asleep dreaming about each other.

(New York City February 24, 2001 -12:00 pm-)

It was noon already and I was waiting for Brian and the guys in the lobby as Brian told me to in the note he left me in the bathroom. I was really looking forward to keep listening to the story but I knew that it wasn't going to be easy with Brian right next to us. Anyway I was goign to try to get one of the guys alone so he could continue telling me what happened. After 10 minutes of waiting, I saw Brian coming in with a beautiful blonde girl.

"Hi baby!" Brian said.

"Oh hey there gorgeous!" I said.

"Sorry for the lateness but the interview took quite long!" Brian said as he gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was kind of shy due to the lady's presence.

"It's OK baby, I just came down ten minutes ago!" I replied.

"Andrew, this is my friend Leigh Ann, remember that i talked to you about her!" Brian said.

"Oh yes, hi, nice to meet you Leigh Ann!" I said shaking hands with her.

"Nice to meet you too Andrew, you know, seing you now it makes me feel like if I had known you forever... Well, that's since Brian never stops talking about you!" She said "Hey Brian, you've got a goddamn gorgeous stud of a man as your boyfriend!" I blushed at the comment and she laughed.

"Hell yeah!" Brian replied.

"Alright... So what's the plan?" I asked, I was starving to death, I didn't take my breakfast so I needed something to charge my batteries for the day.

"Well, we're going to Apple Bee's over there in Staten Island!" Brian said.

"WHAT!!!... Baby, you know how far away that is from here? I'm starving here! Could we go somewhere else near here?" I asked.

"Alright babe, calm down, I'll tell the guys if we could eat here at the hotel!" Brian said, then he went outside to ask the others if we could stay and eat here.

"So Andrew, how long have you been working with the Backstreet Boys?" Leigh Ann asked me.

"Like for over four months!" I answered.

"And how are things doing? I mean, between you and Brian!"

"Perfectly fine, I fell in love with a great guy. Brian is so sweet, caring, full of life, so smart, and handsome and I love everything about him. There's a great chemistry between us and we have a lot of similarities!" I replied.

"Thank god you came to his life to bring him back hope and love. It was... I shouldn't say!" She trailed off from what she was saying. I glanced over the entrance and Brian was coming with the rest of the guys behind him.

"Colud we talk later?" I asked her in a low voice. She barely nodded and then the rest of the guys joined us.

"Oh hi Leigh Ann!" the guys said with the exception of Nick who didn't care much in saying hi to her. By the look on his face I could tell that he didn't like her but I was so hungry that I didn't care, I needed to feed my self something as soon as possible.

We headed inside the hotel's restaurant and the waitress separated us a large table in a secluded part so that we could eat without being disturbed. We ordered our food and drinks and while it was ready we started a light chat. I was sitting between Brian and Leigh Ann, AJ was next to her, followed by Howie, Nick and Kevin. It was a kind of semi-circle table so we could face almost everyone who was sitting in it. Unfortunately, AJ let out something he shouldn't have.

"So Andrew, you want us to continue with the story?" AJ asked me, then Nick kicked him under the table to shut him up.

"What story?" Brian asked. As I said before I didn't want him to think that I was asking the guys about his past. I just wanted to know the story they started to tell me last night.

"Cuz, yesterday we were telling Andrew our story!" Kevin said trying to help in something but he only made it worst than AJ did.

"Our story!" Brian repeated "Well, if you all excuse me!" He said getting up from the table and leaving.

"Brian!" I said "Hold on! What's wrong?" I asked him as I stood up too and went behind him.

"Nothing's wrong Andrew, I just don't want to hear it. Please hun, I want to be alone!" He said.

"But Brian, why this attitude and all this of a sudden? I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable by asking the guys about your past!"

"Is not that Andrew! Just leave me alone!" He said as he walked out of the restaurant towards the elevator. I was saddened by his attitude, it hurts me that he wouldn't want to share his past with me and that I had to ask his friends instead. I turned back and I saw Leigh Ann walking towards me.

"Don't worry Andrew, I'll get him, you just go back and let them continue with the story, I think you need to know it!" She said.

But what is that I needed to know? It was true that behind all this something must had have happened. Right now where were Shon, Caroline, Alexander? And this girl Leigh Ann comes and tells me that I must know the whole story. So... how about if I go and find out once and for all. I went back to the table and started shooting questons like I've never done it before. I could say that I looked like a mad reporter behind a very interesting story.

"So, can anyone tell me why is that Brian feels so bad about his past huh?" I asked... "What happened to my boyfriend? I mean, I got the right to know, I wanna help him in whatever way I can 'cause I love him so please...!" I was very upset by now, since Brian and I got together I've never seen him like this before and I'm concerned, I feel that is my mission to make him happy so this is why I needed to know this.

"Andrew, this is not easy for none of us to tell, I mean, we had a very rough time in the way to become what we are now!" Kevin said, "You know, the price of fame is more than you can imagine... We had and still have to sacrifice a lot to keep going in life!" He finished.

"Yeah, I know, but why the worst had to come to Brian?" I asked. I was making a great effort not to cry 'cause again, seeing Brian like this it broke my heart.

"You know? There are three things in life that don't combine well and sometimes, not at all. We, famous people know this 'cause as hard as it sounded to us at the beginning of the path, we had to find a way to get used to it no matter what!" Howie said.

"But what are those three things you say?" I asked.

"Fame!" AJ said.

"Love!" Nick said taking Kevin's hand in his.

"And reality!" Kevin said.

OK, now I was really confused. What was the big deal with fame, love and reality? And what the hell did this had to do with my Brian anyway? But wait just a minute... Weren't those three things the most important factors that a celebrity must know how to handle. Actually, I've heard of that before, I read it in a book.

"Fame because most of the people around us want the image we had created from our talent, and sometimes we let that get to us and before we know, we had become in something we never have wanted to become!" AJ said, and that's true, it made a lot of sense to me.

"You know that love is the most beatiful feeling that exist and sometimes is hard to tell the world what we feel about a determined person we had fallen for. Especially us, we are celebrities and we start depending on our fans so much that they become like our owners. If we do something they don't like, they can get rid of us easily. If our female fans find out that we are dating someone, they'll just start creating things against that someone, and they just make our lives more difficult, when is not even any of their bussines whoever we date. We can do whatever we want with our lives. But in our case, what it makes it harder than anything else is the fact that some of us are gay and actual society doesn't accept it and is not seen well by most people, and believe me, religion has to do a lot with it!" Nick said.

"We get to depend so much from our fans because they are the ones who make us what we are and it is kind of ironic, 'cause they can destroy us too. Right now, we've just talked about fans but what about reality!" Howie said.

"And reality is everything. What we live is reality and we can't change that... If it was meant to be or if it wasn't, our destinies, all, we just have to bare with it as it is!" Kevin siad.

"Wow, that was quite an explanation and thanks... So... now, how did all this got to Brian?" I asked, I just wanted to get to the point.

"Alright, fair enough Andrew...!" Kevin said, "My cousin had been through so much the past to years that he's just recovering from all the pain he's suffered, so listen up!"

By the time we all had finished eating and since the guys didn't have anythig to do in the afternoon then we had plenty of time. Kevin ordered coffe for all of us and they continued with the story.........

The next day, Nick is the first who wakes up and the he gets up from bed and goes to the kitchen to drink some orange juice. AJ wakes up next and finds Nick sitting alone in the kitchen.

"'Morning Chaos!" AJ says using one of Nick's many nicknames.

"'Morning bone, sleep well?" Nick asks.

"Very well, I slept like a baby!" AJ replies.

"Good, 'cause I did not!" Nick mumbles. And it's true, he heard some weird noises and moans in the room right next to his up until really late.

"What was that?" AJ asks.

"Oh nothing!" Nick says.

"OK, I know this will sound weird coming from me but today I'll make breakfast!" AJ says feeling proud of himself. Finally he offers to do something for his friends.

"HA...! ha ha! What...? Are you sure you slept well? Didn't you have any nightmare or something...? Are you alright anyway?" Nick asks giggling.

"Damn, thanks... Saracasm prossessed, and rejected now get out of here or you might get hurt!" AJ says trying to be as serious as possible.

"Why?" Nick asks.

"Haven't you been told that when I cook, the kitchen becomes my private chemistry lab?" AJ asks Nick making an evil grin.

"Huh...? In that case, I'll better get a dollar menu from Mc Donalds, it's much safer and at least if I get poissoned, I can still sue someone!" Nick replies.

"What do you mean by that?" AJ asks but Nick just shakes his head and then gets up from the table to go and take a shower.

After 30 minutes AJ is done with breakfast and then he sets up the table for six. Nick comes out from his room totally dressed and ready to start the day. 'Man, it smells good!' Nick thinks to himself as he walks through the living room 'AJ really knows how to cook!' Nick gets inside the kitchen and then yells...

"Oh my good lord... What on earth happened here?" Nick asks as he stares at what it was once Kevin's beautiful, organized and clean kitchen. "Damn... Kevin is gonna kill someone!" Then, the loud sound of a trumpet can be heard in the aparment...

It was AJ with the wake up call. Soon Kevin comes out of his room in his boxers with an obvious angry expression on his face. "OK... THAT'S IT AJ, THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU DO THAT AT MY HOUSE!" Kevin yells and then he starts running behind AJ around all the apartment. Nick can't help but laugh at Kevin and AJ running like two little kids "And they say I'm the immature child here... huh!"

Howie comes out from AJ's and his room wearing a white wife beater and black boxers. "What's going on out here!" He asks groggily. He still had the sleep in his eyes. "Nothing, just Kevin and AJ doing some morning exercice!" Nick replies still laughing at the sight of his two friends.

"Alright, enough you two!" Howie yells "I'm hungry, who's fixing breakfast today?" He asks.

"I already did it!" AJ says, again, feeling proud of himself. Howie and Kevin look at each other and then back to AJ "You WHAT?" They both ask at the same time and equally shocked.

"What you heard!" Nick says "Now can we go and eat?" He asks.

Kevin and Howie nod and then they head to the dinning room. AJ says that he is going to tell Brian and Shon that breakfast is ready and then heads back to the bedrooms area. He gets to the door and slowly drives his hand to the handle. AJ has this uncomfortable habit of coming in without knocking. He is in about to open it and then Nick comes running from the dinning room.

"Bone, Kevin asks if you can bring his laptop that is in his office on his desk!" Nick asks in time to stop AJ from getting inside the room.

"Oh alright!" AJ replies.

"I'll tell Brian and Shon about breakfast!" Nick says.

"Thanks Chaos!" AJ says as he walks towards Kevin's office.

Nick knew that he couldn't let AJ get in there, maybe he could find out about Brian and Shon. He opens the door, gets inside, then closes it, and locks it, turns around and then he sees what he thought AJ would've found out if he would've come inside this room. Shon and Brian are sleeping on the same bed, Shon is holding Brian who is cudled up in his arms. Nick smiles at the loving couple and then come close to the bed. He shakes Shon and after a few seconds he wakes up.

"Huh? Nick?" Shon whispers.

"Hey, good morning... Breakfast is ready so you two better come now!"

"Alright, we'll be right there. Thanks!"

"No problem but becareful, next time lock the door before you two go to sleep!"

"OK!" Shon answers.

Nick comes out from the room just in time to see AJ passing by with Kevin's laptop." Did you tell them that breakfast was ready?" AJ asks.

"Sure, they'll be there in a few minutes, they were both asleep!" Nick replies as he locks the door and closes it behind him. AJ and Nick head back to the dinning room where Kevin is reading the news paper and Howie is watching the morning news.

"Hey Kev, here is your laptop!" AJ says as he gives Kevin his laptop.

"Why did you bring my laptop? I didn't ask you for it?" Kevin says.

"But Nick told me that you needed your laptop so I went to your office and brought it!" AJ says defending himself "You should be thankful though!" Kevin looks at Nick and then Nick takes the computer from AJ, "Actually Kev, can I borrow it!" Nick asks. Kevin gets lost in Nick's beautiful blue eyes and he just nods.

"Thanks!" He says. AJ looks at him confused but anyway, he just shrugs and sits down. Shon and Brian come to the dinning room minutes after and sit down.

"OK... so is it safe to eat this AJ?" Brian asks as he smiles at AJ who frowns at his question.

"You just try and shut up!" AJ replies.

"Mmmm! Delicious... this is good!" Howie says as he tastes the scramble eggs and the bacon. They all start eating and find that AJ knows how to cook. While they eat, they talk about their incoming tour and some new work. After a half hour, everyone is done with breakfast. Kevin gets up and takes his dishes to the kitchen and as soon as Nick sees this, he decides to warn someone.

"AJ, quick, start running!" Nick says. Everyone in the room give Nick a confused look and he just holds his five fingers up.

"You'll see... Five, four, three, two, one...!"

"HOLY HELL! AJ... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN?" Kevin yells at the top of his lungs and then is when AJ starts running. "WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU LITTLE DESTROYER!" He yells once more as he comes out running from the kitchen looking for AJ.

"Here we go again!" Nick says laughing his ass off. By the time, the four guys in the table are laughing histerically.

Meanwhile, the boys didn't have any idea about what was really going on with the past night incident. Caroline was planning something to bring Shon back to her life and keep him away from Brian.

"Here Miss Ray Patrick, these are the pictures I took last night in the restaurant. I hope you like them!" The misterious photographer says as he gives Caroline the envelope with various pictures of Shon and Brian hugging, holding hands and kissing.

"Oh my...!" She gasps as she sees the pictures, "You certainly did a prety good job!"

"I'm a professional Miss Ray Patrick, I just do my job!" The photographer replies.

"I see... and you'll be well rewarded for it!" Caroline says with an evil grin. She just needed to have the pictures as a back up plan in case that something went wrong with her plan, but the real move was coming up. She took her cell phone and dialed a number, she waited a few seconds until someone answered...

"Hello!" The voice says.

"Alex, hi, you are on the move now, the way is all yours!" Caroline says and then she ends the call. 'We'll see who's going to be the winner Brian!' She thinks to herself...

I kept on listening to the story and I was amazed with everything that the guys were telling me... Sometimes I felt like crying and sometimes I felt like laughing at the funny parts. After the incident with the misterious photographer, a year and a half passed and everything went normal, Shon and Brian Kept their realtionship as a secret that only Nick knew about. The awful part is that Alexander was doing his hardest to become a pretty close friend to the guys, especially of Shon and Brian and he was being successfull. Everytime they went touring, Alexander was the photographer in charge and he would become the assistant manager soon so this meant that he would be working with Shon the whole time.

During this year and a half, a new boyband was born, it was NSYNC, remember? Justin Timberlake's band... They became famous with their Album NSYNC. These five kids were very talented and they did a pretty good job. With the pass of time they were becoming the Backstreet boys greatest competition but even though this was happening, their friendship never became a rivalry.

All turned even more interesting when the guys started telling me about how Kevin, AJ and Howie found out about Brian and Shon being together...

(Miami, FL, May 21st, 1999)

A year and half have passed now and the Backstreet boys are in about to release their new album Millenium. They are getting ready to go to the Latin Grammy Awards as special guests to the show.

"Shon baby, are you getting ready?" Brian yells from the other side of the bathroom's door.

"Yeah, almost... kinda, be right there...!" Shon replies as he finishes fixing his tuxedo. "All right, I'm ready, lets see what we have to face today...!"

To Be Continued...

OK this is it, let me know how was it and see ya next time.

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