Fate and More

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 24, 2015


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That third holiday couldn't arrive soon enough for us. We were looking forward to his visit once again. The weeks and the months felt so long. We prepared his practices carefully so that we would have some more free time during his stay. We wanted him to discover a few places in our county. We surely planned to show him Nicole's castle and dragging him to the pond to have some skinny-dipping. We wanted him to discover a little of our local gastronomy. What we really wanted was to have some quality time with him. And that was exactly what we had. Of course, we had our runs and our showers. We made love at every hour of the day or the night. We laughed and just felt happy and complete with him. We knew we would remember his visits till the day we died.

During his third stay, Ahmed went along more with Kyle, who showed him the roped from another point of view. The knowledge of what is going on in the headquarters of a brand would give him a better insight of what had to be done before the cars get on the road. Rules and regulation were of course different in each country, but the basics were the same. Ahmed's goal with his end-of-course work was to have a dealership of exclusive cars, but as United Arab Emirates had no own brands, it was important for him to know how everything worked from an importer's point of view, dealing with customs, technical requirements and the marketing of a foreign brand.

Kyle's work as a chairman was also giving him the necessary background on how to have a lot of dealers. Most of those dealers, with very few exceptions, were independent and self-employed, but had nonetheless a contract to respect. The editing of those contracts was most of the time the work of lawyers, but the importer, who actually followed the instructions of the maker of the car, dictated the basic rules. Ahmed constantly carried a little recorder with him and dedicated each day the necessary time to make his written notes.

Ahmed, as said before, was a quick learner. He often amazed Kyle with his questions that were so accurate and full of sense. It was obvious that he took his studies very seriously and was clearly decided to get the highest grades possible. He wanted to get those not only for himself, but also to show his father that the money had been well invested. It was good to see that Ahmed knew what respect meant. He was probably one of the very few Arabs who respected his father rather than fear him. He always said his father was a correct man and even accepted if he was making a mistake. He never feared to go see his father and admitting he made an error. His father would always ask a lot of question before making any kind of judgment. The only thing his father never accepted and would never accept in any kind of situation was that anybody would lie to him. Ahmed, in his younger years, had once done it and seen the rage and fury that his father could get into. The lesson had very quickly been learned! It was the one and only time he had ever seen his father lose his temper.

Apart from being a quick learner, Ahmed was also very curious. He just loved to learn new things. One day he just asked me if he could work for a few days on the assembly line of the Lloyd, most of all because he had one. I put him under Charles' wing for a week. What Ahmed learned in that week was absolutely amazing. He was indeed studying marketing and business management, but if he wanted he could easily become an engineer and doing the work I was doing as a designer. But Ahmed was fantastic in learning new technology, but he wasn't able to draw a perfect square without a ruler. He couldn't have everything, right? But when I showed him the designing program I had on my computer and explained him a few basic things, he was able to use the program very fast.

When we went to visit Nicole and the castle Ahmed was eager to know everything about it. In a few hours he had covered his curiosity about the ancient architecture, the decoration of the place and had even recognized a few styles of the paintings on the walls. When Nicole mentioned that we had our annual national meeting here a few years ago, he wanted to know everything about the event's organization and everything that went with it. All in all, he was a young man with an open mind and ready to stock as much information in his brain as was possible.

The two months of the summer holidays passed by at the speed of light. He was soon back in Oxford for his last year and to present his end-of-course work. We got a call from the Sheik who announced the graduation ceremony at the famous university. He wanted us to be there because he knew we had helped his son in so many ways. We accepted his invitation and went as if it was the graduation of our own son. It was marvelous to see the pride of son and father. His mother was more discreet about showing her emotions, but we were sure she was at least as proud as her husband. Our arrival at the university was remarked! The Sheik was wearing his traditional clothing just like his wife did. Kyle and I had opted for more discreet Versace suits with white shirt and red tie. When Ahmed saw us, he was overjoyed. He paid his respects to his parents first in a very respectful way. Then he turned to us and was like a kid in a toy store, hugging us and kissing us. We were a little embarrassed at his effusions but in the corner of my eye I saw the Sheik smiling. I wondered if he knew!

Ahmed graduated Cum Laude! His professors were amazed with his final work. They mentioned it as an example to follow. Ahmed had covered all of the aspects of a dealership, without forgetting one. The Sheik looked at us when that was mentioned and winked at us. When the ceremony was over we went to the best restaurant in town. That's where the Sheik made all the comments he hadn't made during the ceremony.

  • You see, he said, in three times two months you have given my son the training he needed and wanted. Without you he would never have been able to deliver such good grades and perfect final work. He graduated as first of his session and you can't start to imagine how proud I am of what you have achieved with him. The results are obvious.

Then he turned to Ahmed.

  • Congratulations my son! You showed you are capable of leading a responsible life and achieve goals you set yourself. Your mother and I are so proud of you! Now that you have your degree, what are your plans?

Ahmed clearly expected that question. He knew his father quite well and knew his way of thinking.

  • Well Father, he said, I know you expect me to enter your business and if you insist, I will. But... with all due respect, I have a few ideas of my own. My first option would be to go on studying and get my degree in engineering like Junior did. The problem with that idea is that he already did the best in car design and it would be difficult to surpass him. My second option would be to have the exclusive dealership of Junior's cars in Dubai, with the appropriate workshop and the necessary licenses to import them without having to go through the hassle of a one-by-one paperwork. I have learned so much with him and Kyle that I think I could have a flourishing business. I am even thinking of having an assembly line like they have so that the pieces could be shipped and the cars assembled in Dubai. That is, of course, if Junior is interested.

There was a sudden silence at the table, but Ahmed's mother was smiling discreetly. I had the sensation she and her husband had talked it over already.

  • That will need a serious investment, the Sheik said.

  • Yes indeed Father. Look over my final work and you will immediately know what kind of investment is necessary.

The Sheik interrupted him.

  • I have read your final work very carefully and with a lot of attention. I know exactly how much you need to do that. In the case you have to go to a bank to have a loan like that, what are your previsions, time-wise, to pay back your debt?

Ahmed amazed us all by entering in a serious negotiating mode. He was confronted with one of the most powerful businessmen from Dubai: his father. It seemed he had foreseen this conversation.

  • In the case of opening a dealership like described in my final work, I think the repayment of the debt could be done in seven years.

His father interrupted him once again.

  • I give you five!

  • That wouldn't be viable Father. Repaying the debt in five years would automatically oblige me to take risks that could jeopardize the complete enterprise, but there is a solution to that. If we raise the investment a little, and I mean about fifteen percent, the seven years could be maintained, as the supplementary investment would allow having the assembly line. The costs of shipping spare parts would reduce the transportation costs. As the car would be assembled in Dubai, the import taxes of foreign cars would disappear as well.

The Sheik turned to his wife and said: "I told you he has been thinking about everything!"

  • My boy, he said, your mother and I knew what you were going to say. The premises for the dealership are already bought and in your name. Take it as a present for your graduation. Fortunately, next to those premises there are still spaces for sale. We will buy the next-door industrial warehouse and set-up the assembly line.

Then he turned to me.

  • Mr. Statham, do you think Ahmed is prepared for such an adventure?

  • Yes, I think he is. Seeing his graduation title, I am actually convinced he will have a flourishing business.

  • Well, I think it is settled then! My boy here will be the exclusive dealer of you cars only. I would appreciate it if you could send a contract to my son, covering all the aspects of what you think is appropriate.

I had sold cars to Arab people, but never been in business with them like we were going to do. The sole idea of having a dealership of my cars in Dubai was a dream come true. That it was Ahmed who I was going to deal with made me even happier. After that celebration AND business dinner we parted. The Sheik and his wife had the grand suite in the oldest and most famous hotel in town. They were flying back in the morning to Dubai. Ahmed was supposed to go back to his apartment, but actually spent the night with us. Our lovemaking was passionate and we were at it till the early hours in the morning. Ahmed was just in time in the lobby to bid his parents good-bye. Once his parents were gone, he came back to our room, undressed and forced his space between Kyle and me. We slept a few hours more and got up for brunch. Over brunch, Ahmed shared a few thoughts.

  • You know what is the best of having an assembly line in Dubai? He asked.

  • Saving costs on transport, I answered.

Ahmed shook his head in the negative.

  • The best of having an assembly line is that I will have to find six to ten guys to do that work. As the quality standards of your car are so high, it will be necessary that those guys receive the appropriate training. I roughly guess that this training will take up to six months. As I will be the owner of the dealership and have to know everything my personnel does, those six months I will have to be with them and that means with you two as well!

The little devil! Just as his father said, he had thought about everything.

  • You know guys that I am supposed to marry a nice Arab girl and have children with her. My parents know I am gay, but in our world it is not accepted. So we made a deal. I'll marry a nice girl and when it works too much on my hips, I am allowed to have "business trips". We have to keep up appearances and that is exactly what I will do. So, if you two thought you could get rid of me, you were wrong! You'll actually see quite a lot of me.

His smile was bright and happy and when I looked at Kyle, he was showing a similar smile. I didn't have a mirror at hand, but I knew my smile had to be like theirs. We had our flight back only the day after that, so we went up to our room again and celebrated in our own way the new collaboration we would have.

Once back home I dropped the news to Jessie, James, Charles and Kevin, the stockroom manager. They were all delighted with the news and had all known Ahmed. They said there was no better person to represent my cars anywhere else than in our showroom. I contacted my lawyer after writing a draft of the contract between Ahmed and me. He would put it all in legal terms, based on international law and Arabic law in particular.

Two months later we flew over to Dubai to select the crew for the workshop and the assembly line. Charles went with us to give us his professional opinion. Ahmed had made a first selection with his criteria, but we still had about twenty guys to interview and select about ten of them. Ahmed had asked us to put an add in a specialized magazine at home, offering an opportunity in Dubai. We had already selected six of them, but Ahmed had to check them out as well. Another month went by before Ahmed arrived (a week earlier than the rest of his crew) to select from the guys we had in store. He chose three of them what would make a total crew of nine and that was sufficient to start with. We rented a house with three bedrooms, very close to the dealership, for the six guys from Dubai. The three coming from our selection were living nearby and were staying at their own place for the moment. Each of the nine guys was assigned to one of the workers in the workshop and Ahmed was the living shadow of Charles.

It was a pleasure to see how all these guys were working together. The nine new guys were quick learners and performed the tasks very well. We had thought that the production would slowdown because of the training everybody was giving, but we were wrong. The new guys took their jobs so seriously that we soon were ahead in the production. Ahmed, Charles and I were very happy to see such a positive evolution.

During the weekends we tried to keep the guys busy with other things than car construction. Ahmed was trying to show them that there was more to a country than what they saw on television. He made them discover another culture and hoped to broaden their minds. Nonetheless he left them enough free time to do some discovering on their own. He also wanted to spend some quality time with us. Our routine to go for a run in the morning was kept as well as our showering together. Some times we would be that excited that we would spend our juices in the shower, but a lot of time we would dry ourselves and finish the business in bed. It was always joyful and satisfactory. Ahmed had a very high sex-drive apart from being almost constantly horny. He couldn't understand it, as when he was not with us he didn't have the need of so much lovemaking. Of course, in his country he had to be a lot more discreet, certainly in his position of being the Sheik's son.

We flew to Dubai for the official grand opening of Ahmed's dealership. It was a BIG event in the city of Dubai. The Sheik had spared nothing to have it known his son was opening the exclusive dealership of the most exclusive cars. Red carpet towards the main doors, sky trackers and firework were all part of the opening ceremony. A red ribbon prevented people to enter the premises and it was the Sheik who had to cut it. It was all set-ups that "apparently" the scissors were missing but that when a plane could be heard and we could see skydivers coming down and land just in front of the waiting crowd. One of them handed the scissors to the Sheik who then could cut the ribbon and let the guests in. The four cars were nicely exposed in order of appearance on the market. People could visit the workshop and the assembly line. For the opening they had wanted the crew to work so that people could see how the cars were constructed. To blend in as much as possible, Kyle and I were wearing our hand-made Arab outfits we had purchased some years before. I was surprised at how much of the guests spoke perfect English although some had a very heavy accent. As the designer of the car, a lot of people came over to talk with me and asked a lot of questions. I was patiently answering them all, but felt tired.

My tiredness got to me by the minute, till my vision started to blur and my breath got really heavy. Kyle, who had not left my side one minute, sensed there was something wrong and led my to Ahmed's private office. I felt a pressure on my chest and had problems concentrating. I didn't feel comfortable at all and my head was spinning. Kyle called for Ahmed and asked him if there was a doctor among the guests. Ahmed ran out of his office in look for his father and told him that I was not feeling well. The Sheik called for someone and then came to the office. Once he saw me he shouted something in his own language that I didn't understand, but I had even problems understanding what Kyle and Ahmed were saying in English. The pressure on my chest got even heavier and my jaw was hurting like hell. I didn't know what was happening with me, but it sure felt scary. Kyle was holding my hand, throwing all caution in the wind being in a country where being gay was still frowned upon. I started to sweat profusely. A man approached me and started to ask me things in Arab, which I didn't understand of course. Ahmed started to translate everything that man was saying and I soon understood it was a doctor. Unfortunately he had nothing medical with him, but Ahmed tried to reassure me saying the ambulance was on its way. I looked at Kyle and asked him if our insurance covered us abroad. Ahmed translated that to his father who responded that I didn't have to care about that. His brother owned a private clinic!

I didn't lose consciousness, fortunately. I didn't realize how much (or how less) time was needed for the ambulance to arrive. I was put on a stretcher and wheeled off. Only the doctor was allowed in the ambulance and Kyle with Ahmed drove behind the ambulance towards the clinic. You could have thought I was the King of Persia! Upon arrival at the clinic I had the feeling the whole personnel of the clinic was attending to me. Orders were shouted and I was wheeled into ER. A beehive was quiet compared to the activity around me. Orders were shouted. Machinery and electronic devises connected to my body. A pill was pushed into me mouth and a nurse told me, in English, that I had to keep it under my tongue and let it melt. Just a few minutes later, the pressure on my chest diminished. My breath returned to normal and I could focus my vision again at last. I heard an irregular beep of some kind, but didn't know where it was coming from or what it was. I focused on relaxing and tried to remember a few techniques I had learned during my yoga lessons. It helped. A few moments later a man leaned over me and tried to attract my attention, speaking to me. The fact I was wearing Arabic clothing was confusing because they thought I was Arab and didn't think of speaking in English. I made it clear to them I didn't understand or speak Arabic. The man that leaned over me introduced himself as a cardiologist and said, as if it was the most natural and common thing in the world, that I was doing a heart attack. I guess my eyes grew as big as saucers because he smiled and confirmed it, trying to make my disbelief disappear. Once that diagnosis was made and the first aid was given, I was wheeled into a private ICU room. My God! That room was nothing like you would imagine in any hospital of the world. It was almost better than a five star hotel room. They installed me in the bed and connected once again a lot of machinery and monitors that were all hidden in a typical Arab closet next to the bed. Above the bed there was a surveillance camera and I guessed all the monitors were connected to the nurses ward. The IV they had put in me at the ER was dripping slowly. The nurse used a syringe to add God knows what to the IV and I soon drifted off to sleep.

My sleep was restless. I woke every so often and each time there was a nurse next to me in no time. He spoke English and was trying to calm me down. He actually urged me to calm down because my condition was serious. I asked for Kyle but the nurse had no idea. I mentioned Ahmed and then he went out. Two minutes later Ahmed and Kyle entered my room. Once they both held one of my hands, I started to relax. The beep on the monitor slowed down. I felt better and safer with Kyle next to me. The doctor had given them a full verbal report on my condition. Nobody understood WHY I had done a heart attack. My cholesterol levels were perfect, I had no diabetes and I had never smoked in my entire life. I had a healthy physical activity as well as healthy eating habits. The only thing they could think of was a hereditary or genetically problem. I told them my father had died of an unforeseen brain bleeding and that gave them a clue about the possibility of arthro-vascular history. An ultra-sound exam and the angiography would determine that.

I apologized to Ahmed for ruining his grand opening of the dealership, but he laughed it off. He told me to rest as much as I could and to get better soon. Kyle and him were not allowed to stay long, but they promised to be back in the morning. The nurse had not left the room and asked me if I wanted something to sleep. I nodded. He came back with yet another syringe and my eyes closed even before Kyle and Ahmed had left.

The very next morning they wheeled in a cart with the equipment for the ultrasound exam. The same cardiologist I had seen in the ER performed it and said the angiography was necessary. Nonetheless, they would have to wait a few days to let my heart at peace after the attack. The doctor asked a lot of question because, as I said before, he didn't understand why I had done that heart stroke. I suggested to ask Kyle to contact our doctor back home and have my medical file sent to him. He said it would be really useful. Once the doctor was finished and the cart was wheeled out, Kyle and Ahmed were let in. I don't know why, but I switched over to "business" mode as soon as I saw them.

  • Kyle, I need you to do something for me. Call Dr. Corrigan and ask him to e-mail my medical history to the cardiologist here. Then call Jessie and tell her what happened. She has to be in charge a little longer as office manager and James has to take over my job as long as I am absent. Tell Jessie to cancel any appointment I have on my agenda till further notice. Call the airline and see if you can have an open return date on our tickets. I don't know when I will get a permission to fly. Check with the hotel reception and see if we can have the room for a longer time...

Kyle interrupted me.

  • Shhh..., he said, you just forget about everything and let me handle things. You just have to think about one and only one thing: getting better. Your body just warned you that you are overdoing things. That warning tells us more than enough. You have to slow down. You'll be fifty in a few months and even if you still look as young as the day we met, your body followed its natural course and accumulated too much things. I repeat: slow down! Most of the things you mentioned are already been taken care of. I already called Jessie, although I woke her up with the time difference and she said not to worry. James knows what he has to do. The airline tickets are already changed and we moved last night from the hotel to the mansion of the Sheik. He said you would need a lot of rest and special attention and that the hotel would not proved that. At his house we have a private suite and the necessary medical staff will be hired for the period we are there. So, please my Love, please, rest and get better.

He then took out his cell phone and called Dr. Corrigan, explaining what happened and giving him the cardiologist's e-mail to send my medical history.

  • You see, Kyle said when he was finished talking to Dr. Corrigan, everything is settled. Tomorrow or the day after you'll have the angiography performed and after that we will know when you receive your fit- to-fly certificate. But for now, rest! By the way, there were a lot of pictures taken yesterday at the grand opening. I have sent the best ones to Jake so that he can make a report about the opening of the first dealership of you cars apart of your own.

  • And..., Ahmed said, if it helps you healing faster, we had about five handshakes yesterday.

I didn't know what he meant and looked quizzically to him.

  • So just that you know. In this country you don't need to sign an order form have a deal. You discuss it and once you shake hands, the deal is sealed. What I mean is that five cars have been sold in just one night.

I was glad for him. After all, it was HIS dealership and he had to make it work.

The following morning I entered surgery for the angiography. It was with a local anesthesia and I was awake the whole time but I didn't feel a thing. A catheter was introduced in my groin and contained a very small camera. It took the cardiologist about an hour to detect where the problems were and to put in two stents. The device that they had put in stayed in for a few more hours before the nurse took it out. He said that after taking it out, he would have to exert a pressure in my groin to avoid an internal bleeding. He took the device out and immediately pushed on my groin. I asked him how long he had to keep that pressure on and he said about half an hour. He was so handsome with his dark features and sparkling black eyes. I had nothing else to do than observe him and I thought he had to be very hairy as his V-shaped medical blouse showed quite some here at the base of his neck. I couldn't help but my cock was slowly swelling with his hands so close to it. He smiled constantly and tried to entertain me and make me think of other things so that my growing erection would subside, but to no avail. The longer he pushed, the bigger my cock grew. His smile didn't leave his face.

  • I wouldn't mind helping you with your "growing" problem, he said, but as you know, there is a camera above you bed recording all the time! I can't afford to lose my job.

I understood perfectly well and told him not to worry. I wouldn't accept any "help" in that matter anyway as I was very much in love with Kyle.

  • You are lucky, he said, here it is not that easy.

Although the nurse had put the necessary pressure in my groin, the hematoma that came afterwards was not pretty at all. It was dark red, purple, blue, green and yellow, but the doctor said it would disappear in a few days. The cardiologist was very satisfied with his surgical intervention. He had received my medical report from Dr. Corrigan and was still puzzled about the why tow of the arteries had closed enough to cause the heart attack. Nonetheless, he was thinking of releasing me the next morning if I had a good night. He said he was sorry he couldn't deliver the fit-to-fly certificate as the international aviation rules didn't accept it anyway so shortly after a heart stroke. I would have to wait at least twenty-one days. He said he would provide the medication I needed for a month and advised me to go and see a cardiologist as soon as I was back home. He would give me a complete written report so that my local cardiologist would know what had happened, what had been observed and what had been done as well which medication had been given.

The following morning he came in for a last check-up. He handed me a very thick envelope containing his report, all the electrocardiograms, the pictures and reports about the ultrasound exam and angiography. The various results of blood tests and, in short, everything they had done was also included in the envelope. About an hour later, Kyle and Ahmed were there to take me to the Sheik's mansion. As soon as we reached the mansion the Sheik and his wife were there to welcome us. I apologized profusely for intruding like that.

  • My house is our house Junior, the Sheik said.

I was surprised because it was the very first time he addressed me with something different than "Mr. Statham". Ahmed explained me later that it was a sign of pure and unconditional friendship his father was showing me. He also said that I was the first non-Arab and non-Muslim that his father addressed on a first name basis. I felt flattered and honored.

The three weeks at the Sheik's house were more than a dream come true in the sense it was a sumptuous and luxury mansion, but even more because we were treated like royalty. I didn't know how much people the Sheik had at his service but it was tremendous. The hired medical staff was checking on me every morning. Cleaning staff kept our suite spotless several times a day. Other personnel served the meals and the drinks. Yet another person came to make us the traditional tea. The family Jacqueline was at our disposal with chauffeur. All that personnel was extremely well educated and all spoke English with us, although they were quite reserved and opened their mouths only when we asked them something.

I talked with Kyle about our stay.

  • We can't leave here without giving them some kind of present of gratitude, I said. We are staying here three weeks and are fed to the best of their cuisine. We have personnel like we never had before and even transportation to wherever we want to go. We can't possibly leave just like that!

Kyle agreed. The question was what to give to a person who actually had EVERYTHING! We had to ask Ahmed. He was the only one who could tell us what kind of tradition they had in such a case.

  • In our culture, when someone invites you to his home, he doesn't expect any present at all because he does it with all of his heart. A material present would almost offend him. You can thank my father by telling him, showing the gratitude you have by looking straight into his eyes. Don't shake his hand when you leave but bid your good-bye by putting your hands on his upper arms bringing yourself close to him as if you would kiss him on both cheeks, but without kissing him. Tell him your house is his house and invite him to come over whenever he wants. Don't offer any material present or money because it has no importance to him.

Nonetheless, I thought about our traditions and arranged with Jessie to have one of the most beautiful bouquets of flowers send over by special express delivery. The delivery costs would probably be a lot higher than the flowers themselves, but it didn't matter. The very next morning, the day of our departure, the flowers were delivered and we gave them to the Sheiks wife. We followed Ahmed's advice and thanked the Sheik in the way Ahmed had said. At the airport, just before getting out of the car, we kissed Ahmed passionately as in the airport itself we knew he wasn't going to do it.

The following week we went to see a cardiologist recommended by Dr. Corrigan. To say the man was flabbergasted by the completeness of the Arab report would be an understatement. He checked my blood pressure and made an electro-cardiogram and declared I would live till I was hundred years old.

Ahmed got married the very next year to a lovely girl. The appearances were safe! He came over to our house, alone, at least once a year for what he called the annual international convention. He didn't tell his wife that at the "convention" there were only three people and that is was held in our bedroom. She was not stupid and probably knew, but she didn't say anything. Apart from his travels to come and see us, he was the perfect husband and provided everything she wanted.

After Kyle's brain tumor and my heart attack, we slowed down work even more. We could afford it to live till we were hundred without working a single day more. Kyle quit his job and I reduced my presence at the dealership to a minimum. The few times I really was busy is when I created a new model for my brand. A Julius, a Bernadette joined the existing family of Alberta, Jacqueline, Veronique and Lloyd. A newer version of the Alberta saw the light of day as well.

Kyle and I looked back on our lives and felt so fortunate for everything we had worked for with conviction and passion. We still held hands and kissed and made love. Our lives had been fulfilling and gave us joy and happiness. We admitted we were getting two old fools, but happy ones. During his visits, Ahmed showed me some creations he had designed on the newer version of my software. I urged him to bring them to realization. He did with Charles replacement. Charles had retired and so had Jessie, but their replacement, even though not easy, was a success.

When I decided to retire, I offered Ahmed to buy over the complete business. He did and hired the adequate people to run his different businesses. He just overlooked it all, just as his father had done before he died. Ahmed was now the official Sheik and took care of his mother, his wife and his three lovely children.

We spend a lot of time in Dubai as Ahmed reserved part of his mansion for us. He was still a lot at our place, as he had to overlook the running of the business he bought. Life was beautiful. Life is always beautiful when you WANT to see it like that.

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

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