Fate and More

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 17, 2015


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And they shook hands over the table! Knowing George and knowing Kyle, I knew the deal was sealed and that they would both be happy with this new beginning. The rest of the evening was very pleasant. The food was excellent and the company was even better. It was Emily who said that now that the business was talked over, we should leave it to the offices. She was right, of course. When we left the restaurant George said he was counting on Kyle and they once more shook hands as if it was a sealed deal. Kyle finally relaxed.

Our trip came to an end. We had enjoyed it enormously but we were happy to be home again as well. There is nothing like home!

Although Kyle was more relaxed after talking to George, he was still nervous about it. It was a drastic change, of course. He was convinced the change was necessary, but he also wanted to leave in good terms. He had to think about who was going to take his place, as he wanted to prepare that person. He knew his boss was not going to be happy about his leaving and wanted to make it as easy as possible on him. His boss had always respected him and even appreciated him. He wanted to leave but staying friends with his boss and co-workers. He had called his secretary to tell her he would not be in on Monday morning, without giving any explanation at all. His secretary was used to it, so there was nothing suspect.

On Monday morning, before leaving to go to the dealership, I kissed him good-bye and wished him good luck. Once I was at my office I first of all thanked Jessie for taking care for things. It seemed the dealership was going smooth, although I was not there. Nobody is indispensable! I also asked her the exact delivery date for George's car. I was happy to learn the car was ready for delivery. I called George before his meeting with Kyle. I wanted to have all the good cards in our hands. He confirmed he would come the next day. I offered him to come and pick him up, but he politely declined saying he had enough personnel to drop him of.

  • But I have a question for you Junior, he said. There is one point I wanted to be sure about. If, and I say IF, I give a contract to Kyle, how will you feel that he becomes, indirectly, your boss?

We had discussed it, Kyle and I. For my part I didn't see any problem. Kyle was a responsible man and a professional worker. I knew he wouldn't make any difference because we were living together. So, I mentioned it to George who seemed satisfied with my answer. Even though he had said "IF" I was convinced Kyle got the job.

James came into my office and announced three more sales of the Jacqueline. The problem of the space became an urgent matter. Before our trip I had launched a massive search for an industrial parcel of land or a big industrial warehouse that could be converted in what we wanted: showroom in front and workshop in the back, with enough space to expand if necessary. Jessie had collected all the information that came in and even printed out a map showing where the different propositions were located. A few real estate agencies had sent in offers and even pictures, as most of their propositions were existing buildings. A few were modern and new warehouses, but limited if we wanted to expand. Those were discarded. Others were good in size but needed too much work to have it like we wanted. Those were discarded as well.

There was one that called my attention because it was far cheaper than all the other ones. The reason was that it was an old factory that was empty for quite some years. There was a lot of work, but the purchase price was low enough to be able to afford them. I asked Jessie to make an appointment with the owner, as it was the only offer that had come in without an estate agent as intermediary. He had added a few pictures and it make me think of the distillery Kyle and I had visited, but bigger. Sure, there was no lack of space. It had been a weaving plant, but the competition of foreign industries had sent to owner to almost bankrupt. The machinery had been sold and the only thing left was the building in itself. It was pretty well located on one of the arteries that led people in town, which meant a lot of passage. I could easily imagine the transformation with huge floor to ceiling windows without altercating the general look of the old building. It had a lot of character, just as the distillery, built with red bricks. If the general structure was good, it was definitely a very good option.

Kyle's interview with George had gone well and George promised to give his answer before the end of the month. I tried to reassure Kyle that there was no doubt about George's decision. To Kyle, reaching the end of the month was excruciating. The very last day of the month he received a call from George to meet him the next morning. Kyle was a bunch of nerves, but left the house at the same time I did.

An hour later, once I was at my desk at the dealership, the ringing of my cell phone startled me. It was Kyle.

  • You'd better learn to call me Boss! Kyle said and then burst out in laughter.

  • Congratulation Boss, I answered. When do you start?

  • The first of next month. That should give me time to give my notice at the magazine and train the one who will replace me. But tonight I take you out to celebrate!

We celebrated indeed. He took me to our favorite restaurant and we had a Champagne dinner. It was just great. Kyle was so enthusiast about what he had discussed with George. At one point George had slipped a piece of paper, folded in two, over his desk. When Kyle asked what it was, it was the figure George was offering him as salary and when he unfolded the paper he was flabbergasted as what he saw was about fifty percent more of what he earned at the magazine. The extras were quite nice as well, including the company car, health and hospital insurance and a bonus on the achieved results. The credit card for professional expenses (including restaurant bills) was an added commodity.

The next day he gave his notice to his current boss. To say he was not happy was an understatement. He just went ballistic! He couldn't understand, or was not willing to. He tried all kind of things, from raising his salary to emotional blackmail.

  • Come on Boss, Kyle said, you know I have ambition and was not going to stay in my chair till retirement! I want to do more than just check the reporter's work! Let's find a way to satisfy us both and stay friends.

  • Friends? Who do you call friends? You are just stabbing a knife in my back and you want us to be friends? I don't believe this!

  • I am not stabbing you with any knife! I give you my notice and I do it honestly and straight in your face and offering you to train someone new to do my job.

  • And who the hell is going to do your job? You are the best and I don't see anyone capable to take it over.

  • You shouldn't underestimate the people working for you. There are several guys who could take over without the slightest problem. Take Jack for example. He is doing a fantastic job and knows where to look to verify the exactitude of his sources. I am sure he is going to manage my work at the best of his abilities. It won't take long to train him!

  • Jack? Are you sure? I mean... are you really determined to leave your job here. I offered you a twenty-five percent raise!

  • It is not a question of money Boss. I need a completely new challenge and that is something you can't offer me. So that you know, I am not interested in your position either. I've been working in this company far too many years now and want something new.

His boss calmed down a little and saw that all his efforts were in vain anyway.

  • Ok, Jack you said. Why Jack?

  • Well, for one he is a very meticulous guy. He knows what he's doing and always checks twice before delivering a paper. He is convinced about his job and will be perfect in my chair. He is a reliable guy and gets along well with all his colleagues. He is company-minded and trustworthy.

  • Ok, ok! Call him in and we'll discuss this further.

The discussion went on for hours, but including Jack this time. It was almost five when they left the boss' office, having reached an agreement. Kyle's boss was completely relaxed and shook Kyle's hand. He even congratulated him with the new job and wished him the best of luck. The remaining time till the end of the month went very quickly and Jack was a quick learner. Kyle could leave, being happy with his replacement and confident that Jack would do a wonderful job.

The last Friday of the month, Kyle's boss gathered everybody for a drink and a little speech and even a small token of appreciation for the good and loyal services Kyle had provided. In the latest issue of both magazines there was a special report on the change in the company and a public thank you to Kyle. Kyle was happily surprised with that and thanked everybody profusely.

When he reached home that night, he was still quite emotional about it all. I seemed like it suddenly downed on him that he wouldn't go back to his office that had been his workspace for so many years. I had prepared some snacks and a bottle of Champagne to celebrate the end of the old chapter and the beginning of a new one in his life. George had organized the delivery of his brand new company car to the house. I thought it was also the perfect moment to show him all the information I had gotten from the old factory. He was my new boss and chairman of our brand now, and I needed his approval on my new project.

He looked at it very carefully. I had made a few sketches of what I thought it could look like after the refurbishing of the place. What I didn't tell him right on was that I had shaken hands with the previous owner and actually compromised to buy the place. I first wanted to hear what he thought about it.

  • This is absolutely smashing, stunning, fantastic and recommendable! Kyle said. You would have all the necessary space for our brand and for the construction and exposition of your own. If needed be, you can expand. Your idea of putting in floor to ceiling windows on the roadside is wonderful. If I were you I would go for it!

  • I did, I said.

  • What? What did you do?

  • I actually compromised to buy the place. I also arranged to meet the owner tomorrow to sign a pre- sales contract and to meet a constructor so he can budget the transformation work. I was kind of hoping you would come along and see it up-close by yourself. I already had the building inspected by an architect who told me it was very well and solidly built and would stand there for centuries.

  • Great! And yes, I'd love to go with you tomorrow and see it with my own eyes. The pictures and the sketches are good but seeing it in real life will give me an even better idea. I am anxious to see it!

The whole evening we were talking about the possibilities the building offered. There were thousands of them. The only unknown thing was the time the constructor would need to achieve the works. I hoped it would be as short as possible as we need the space desperately. Kyle's first job would be to present the project to the board of directors and get the general approval of it. It was good he was as enthusiastic as I was.

The following morning we were at the factory. The owner had not arrived yet, but Kyle meticulously inspected the surroundings and the various accesses to the building, asking where they were leading as I had already seen the inside. At ten sharp the owner was there and let us in. The main entrance was right in the idle of the front wall and made a perfect division for two showrooms. A grand stair was in that entrance and seemed out of place in a factory. It led to the first floor where I was thinking of having the offices. There was far too much space on the first floor, but I as sure I would find a use for it.

Even dividing the building in the length would give us enough space for the showrooms in front and the workshops in the back. The advantage was that the back had two huge doors through which the cars could get in and out. On the northern side there was a space to have the stockroom and on the southern one to have the paint cabin. Kyle reassured me that the work wouldn't take that long as most of the things were already in a perfect place. The wiring of the electricity had to be checked, but as it had been a factory, everything was at an industrial level. The main part of the work would be to replace all the windows with double-glazing and installing the floor to ceiling windows for the showrooms.

  • Even if the board would not agree, something I really doubt about, it is worth the investment, Kyle said. I don't think you need to have any doubts about buying the place. The price is good and the refurbishing is more than worth it.

Just at that time the constructor arrived. He said he would have a look and take some measurements. While he was at it, the owner and myself proceeded to the signing of the pre-sales contract. As soon as the deed would reach completion and a check was emitted, I would be the new owner of the place. The constructor came back and told me he would have a definite offer by written in a few days, but that he thought a decent budget would be in order. When he mentioned what kind of budget I had to look to I was pleasantly surprised it was less than what I had thought. I gave him a list of things that had to be foreseen and he had to raise his price a little for some of the technical details. It was still cheaper than the figure I had in my mind.

The owner was kind enough to leave me already a set of keys, as we had signed the pre-sales contract and that I had given him a substantial check as down payment. It would allow us to come in and out as we wished if we needed any subcontractor to take measurements or anything of that kind. He also provided the original plans of the factory with all the measurements, electric wiring, plumbing and air systems. That saved us some serious research to know where all the pipes were going. I called the architect to tell him the good news.

Exactly one month after that first visit, all the necessary papers were signed. We had received the new plans of the architect and passed them on to the constructor who had sent us his final offer. The board of directors had approved the project and even made an investment in tools and supplementary stock, according to a minimum of increase of sales. The total works would take bout five month according to the constructor. He planned the works in such a way that we would be able to move from the current dealership to the factory department by department. First we would move the brand dealership, later the assembly line of the Alberta, then the assembly line of the Jacqueline and last the offices.

I was a bunch of nerves! Even though I had the means to do all that, it still was a huge investment. I had suddenly a lot of doubts because I didn't have everything in my hands. I depended on a lot of people to bring this project to a good end. The architect and the constructor worked well together and everything went as planned. There were a few delays, but they were not responsible for it. Their providers had underestimated the hugeness of the project. But as said, the delays were small and both the architect and constructor agreed that they could catch up and complete the project as foreseen. Once the floor to ceiling windows were installed I started to see how the things were going to be. The electrician understood the purpose of the showrooms and installed a real network of led illumination managed by automation on a digital screen. Depending on how the cars were exposed we could adapt the lightning, giving them the necessary attention and accentuating them in the perfect way. Once we put the first cars in that showroom we saw that the cleaning crew had extra work as the slightest stain or wipe of a cloth could be seen under the powerful led lights. We called in the guys who prepared the new cars and showed them what was happening. They understood perfectly and adapted their way to wax the cars and make them shine like diamonds.

The installation of the bridges in the workshop went well and the walls were covered with the tools. Everything was in the colors of the brand. The workshop of the Alberta and the Jacqueline was smashing. The floor was snow-white as were the walls, but all the rest was in red and black. Charles made sure that everything was spotless and to make his point he told his crew that at any moment it was a must to be able to eat from the floor. He said that the workshop was more a showroom than the showroom itself.

My mother's car was placed just in front of the huge stairs that led to the offices. The Alberta and the Jacqueline seemed a bit lonely in the big showroom, but each was put in the spotlight and was attracting the attention from far away. The last move was the office. Jessie had taken charge of it on her own, giving instructions to the movers as well when they were packing in as when they put everything in its place. Her skills in organizing the office were awesome. The office work had been paralyzed only one day, but she caught up with it so fast that it appeared it had never stopped.

On a Friday night, finally, the big day arrived: the official opening of the new premises. I had contracted an event's company to make it absolutely grand. Invitations were sent out to all the VIP's of town and county. All the clients of the Alberta and the Jacqueline were expected as well. We had a band playing background music, waiters in tuxedo serving drinks and snacks. A magician did close-up tricks to entertain the people and once it was dark outside we had even some fireworks. The parking space was organized in such a way that all the clients who had arrived with their Alberta were placed one next to the other. We wanted to do the same for the Jacqueline, but the only two that had been delivered were in Dubai.

Of course, and it was inevitable, we had some speeches. George was the first one, directly followed by Kyle as a chairman. The mayor wanted to say a few words as well and I was called to say a few words as well as owner of the dealership and creator of the Alberta and the Jacqueline. A few reporters were present as well and Kyle was glad Jack and his boss both came as well. They were the only ones to ask if they could come the next morning before the opening to make proper pictures of the premises. We had announced the dealership and workshops were open the whole weekend, so I told them I would be there at eight so that they would have an hour to do their work.

When the party was winding down, Kyle took me home. I was exhausted! I had been living on my nerves for five months! The creation of a new car was asking a lot of me, but that transformation of the factory had consumed till my last bit of energy. Nonetheless, I was not allowed to go to bed immediately, as Kyle had prepared a little private celebration with Champagne. He was so proud of what I had achieved and wanted to show it. That night, he made love to me with a mix of love, lust and pride. He worshiped my body and my soul, making me feel the most special person on this earth. He did all the work, asking me to just enjoy and assimilate all the sensations he was causing. He pushed all my buttons one by one, sending me to heaven and coming back to savor the next one. He woke every nerve ending one by one and keeping them alert by caressing and loving me. He sent me to the edge various times but always pulled me back. Even in my exhaustion he made me feel so alive! His mouth, his tongue and his lips were doing miracles. His hands seemed to be everywhere. All my senses were responding to his ministrations. When he finally penetrated me and touched my prostate with each trust, I climaxed like never before. Not in the quantity but in feelings. I had the sensation my balls came out of my manhood. My head was spinning and my eyes rolled back in my head while my toes curled to an almost painful position. He filled my bowels while kissing me. When spent, he collapsed on top of me, holding me tight and pouring all his love in me. I could have died there and then, as I lived the perfect bliss of happiness.

The next morning at eight, when we arrived at the new dealership, Jack and his boss were already waiting for us. Kyle, although he had nothing to say anymore, gave some instructions to the photographer and to Jack. He had a private conversation with his ex-boss and was happy to learn that Jack was doing a very good job. It was not even half past eight and there were already visitors at the door. I was expecting my sales team and therefor could not open the doors yet. Kyle helped me rearranging some of the flours that had been decorating the premises the night before.

The showroom of the Alberta and the Jacqueline aroused a lot of interest. We had placed the printed boards we had used at the Motor Show. The cars were perfectly presented and James was in his element. The problem was that he had so much work with the two cars that he couldn't do his work as sales manager properly. I had not expected such a success for my cars. I was not about to complain, but I had to find a solution for James. He was putting in so much hours and energy that I was afraid he would have a burnout. I had thought that after that Jack and his boss left, I would have time to do some office work, but I had to stay with James as he was overwhelmed by work. Kyle left and said he would come and fetch me at the end of the day or whenever I called him.

When around six the constant flow of clients was slowing down, I sat down at James' desk.

  • Well James, busy day wasn't it?

  • Indeed Boss, but what do you want? With such premises and the perfect presentation it is no wonder people walk in. As we never know who can afford it and who can't, we treat all the people the same way. The result is that we are very occupied all the time.

  • I have a question for you James. What part of your job appeals the most to you? Your job as a sales manager for the brand and leading the sales team or do you prefer the work as exclusive sales person for the Alberta and the Jacqueline?

  • That's a difficult question, he answered. I love my job whatever I do. Motivating the sales team and installing incentives is really rewarding. The guys seem to be at ease with me and whenever there is a new idea we talk it over and see what the best solution is to reach our goals. On the other hand, treating with the clients about such an exclusivity as the Alberta and the Jacqueline gives me a boost each morning when I get up. Why do you ask?

  • I ask because you look tired. I know you put in a lot of hours and don't ask anything in return. I know you love your job and you are probably the most dedicated man I know. I think you are doing too much and I fear that one of these days you'll suffer a burnout or even worse.

  • You shouldn't worry about that! I am strong and healthy. If I do so much it is just because I love it.

  • I don't doubt about that, but if we look just at today, you haven't had the time to see what your team is doing. I don't doubt they did an excellent job, but in reality, your place was in the other showroom, and if you can't be there, I will have to find another sales manager! Don't misunderstand me James, I couldn't be happier about what your doing here. What I want to say is that maybe you could take a bit less work on your shoulders and whatever your choice would be, dedicate it a hundred percent. Of course we would find a financial arrangement to give you satisfaction. Think about it!

  • You are putting me in front of a dilemma Boss!

I knew I had put him in front of a difficult choice, as he seemed to love bot parts of his job, but I did for his own good in the first place and to have him concentrated a hundred percent on what he was doing. Whatever his choice would be, I would have to find a new person to do the other half of what he was doing. It didn't put me in an easy position either.

Just as we were about to close, the previous owner came in. He said he was curious about what we had done to his old factory. I took the time to give him a grand tour and he fell from one surprise in the other. He looked amazed at the workshops and how we had used the available space. He was mesmerized by the offices and just wondered why he had not thought of it when he was in charge. He explained to me how he had managed to pay off the remaining debts thanks to the sale of the factory and even had a nice amount left to afford a new car. He didn't go for the Alberta or the Jacqueline, but he was standing at awe in front of one of our regular brand top of the line. He admitted he didn't need such a car, as he was now alone since his wife died, but he was convinced it was the last car he would ever buy and was willing to allow himself a little extravaganza. It was a fact that the car in the showroom was a beauty in its burgundy color bodywork and light beige leather interior. He wrote a check for the full amount and I told him he could collect it on Monday, as there was still the pre- delivery checking to be done. He was like a kid that received a present but was not allowed to open it.

On Sunday it was equally busy as the day before. I was curious as how many cars had been sold. I left James in the exclusive showroom and went to see my sales team at work. All six of them were busy with clients and there were still people walking around the cars waiting to be attended. I was wondering if I would have to hire more people to attend clients. People were flowing in at a steady pace. I called Kyle and asked if he could come and give us a hand. Ten minutes later he entered the showroom in suit and tie and went to work immediately. Although I was attending people, I observed the salesmen. The first thing I noticed is that at all times they had smiles on their faces. At the sales tables I could hear quite some laughing. People seemed to be happy and I saw more than one client putting his signature at the bottom of an order. Without agreeing on it, I saw that Kyle was observing the men as well. After all, the results of the sales was affecting him directly as he received a commission on the achieved goals.

That night, once we were back home, I talked with Kyle about the dilemma I had put James in and asked him for his opinion.

  • You have a fantastic sales team, he said. Those guys are really professional and know what they are doing. The question is the following: Are they just good and professional or is it that James knows how to motivate them and has the necessary pep talk to do what they're supposed to? Is it James spirit and state of mind that make them smile all the time or do they do it naturally? On the other hand, James is fantastic with the upscale clients and knows the Alberta and the Jacqueline better than anyone except you. He knows how to sell them and gives clients the needed attention. I think the best way you can handle this, would be to have a meeting with your sales team and see where their enthusiasm is coming from. According to what you find out, it will be easier to make a decision in case James is still hesitating and that you have to take the matters in your hand.

Once again, Kyle's analysis was wise and well thought over. Jeez, I loved that man! His intelligence was one of the features I liked most about him and his skills to look at a situation and find good advice were tremendous. He had adapted so quickly to his new job and I was sure George had seen that from the moment I told him I had the perfect candidate for a new chairman. Kyle was not the ordinary chairman, doing an office job from nine to five. No, he was a chairman that was on the filed as well and knew the brand as well as any salesman working for the brand for several years. His zone managers were often taken back that Kyle knew what was going on before they even mentioned it. Kyle had like a sixth sense about what happened in the world of our brand. He would often let the zone managers talk and explain certain situations although he was already aware of them. Before any meeting with them, he was always prepared and it was really difficult to surprise Kyle with a new problem or situation. His zone managers had a lot of respect for him and he returned that respect on the same level.

On Monday morning, as was usual, I had a meeting with the sales team. Chance was with me as James had an important client in the showroom. It was not that I wanted to exclude him from the meeting, but it was the perfect moment to ask the team what they thought about him. I started the meeting asking for the results of the sales during the weekend. I was flabbergasted when I heard that the goal of the month had been reached in one weekend.

  • Gentlemen, I said, I can't get prouder than I already am. These results are fabulous. Yesterday I had the occasion to see you working and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. You are a team every dealership in the county and the country is envying. As you know, our chairman, Mr. Atkinson, was here as well and he told me just that. He as well is very proud of you and I guess he will be overjoyed when he hears the news about the results. Now, I want you all to be very upfront and honest in answering the next question and I want to hear an answer from all of you, together and individually. Where is that enthusiasm coming from?

They looked at each other and most of them had a smile on their face. Bit-by-bit all the looks turned to Gregg, one of the salesmen that was the longest time with us. It seemed the team was expecting him to be the speaker of them all.

  • Well... (he hesitated a moment) I guess we all love our job and we love working here...

  • Oh Come on Gregg, don't bullshit the boss and don't do it to yourself either, one of them said.

  • Ok, OK! You see Boss, James has taught us how to do a proper job. He is the mentor of most of us. He always has the right words and even better advice, each morning when we come in. Once he started to be busier with the Alberta and the Jacqueline, he still found the time to motivate us. On Thursday, before the grand opening, he said he wouldn't be able to be with us in the showroom but insisted on the importance to give every single client the attention he deserves. He always tells us that the amount of money a client spends can't interfere with the attention he receives. Our salary is a percentage of the sales and that we sell a big car or a small one, that percentage doesn't change, so the attention the client deserves is equal, percentage wise. He also told us that a smile is something personal you give to the client. It doesn't cost us a penny to smile and the benefits can be huge. The more we smile, the more the clients smile and it becomes something contagious.

All the others were nodding and... smiling. Jeez, I had not realized how important James was and the leading force of this team. Gregg seemed to take over James' job when he was absent.

  • What would you guys think if I said James would no longer be your sales manager?

I had not expected the reactions. The look of total deception was on every single face. They all spoke at the same time and the general idea was that they would hate to lose him. Gregg managed to keep the others quiet and took his role as a spokesman up again.

  • Please Boss, don't take James away from us. He is the one who keeps us together. He is our leading force. Who would we turn to when we have a problem? To whom can we go when we have a difficult client? Who will give us the answers to any question we have?

  • Seeing how this meeting goes Gregg, I thought you'd be the perfect man!

  • Me?

  • Yes, you!

  • I am sorry Boss. I am not at James' level. It is not that I underestimate myself, but anybody in this room will tell you that what James does, nobody does.

  • Ok, but if you don't try, you'll never learn to be a leader like James is.

I waited a second before continuing.

  • What I try to explain here gentlemen is that James is doing a double work here. He puts in more hours than anyone in this company, including me. He leads you as a team leader and he is responsible for the sales of the Alberta, the Jacqueline and the new project I have in my head. What I want to do is taking some of that weight off his shoulders. If he goes on like he does, we will lose him to a burnout or a heart attack. We don't want that. I talked to him on Saturday evening and left him the choice. I and all of you, if he ever gets to make it, will respect that choice. I wanted to know what he means to you and now I do.

I let them all think about what I said and then continued with the second important point.

  • I saw you were all very busy this weekend. Do you think we need extra salesmen? Or would you think it would be better to have temporary people in when we have special events?

It was Gregg again who took the lead.

  • We were indeed overwhelmed this weekend but I thought we had managed well. You can see the results for yourself. As long as we were in the old premises, there was just not enough space for more colleagues. Here, of course, that problem doesn't exist. What we think, and we already talked about it, is that maybe it would be good to have an extra service created. I am talking about the "Business To Business" deals. Jeff here is the most comfortable with such clients, but he can't manage them all. We wanted to talk to James about it, but as you bring it up, we think it would be a good idea to have a Fleet department created with two or even three persons. That, of course, would reduce the number of sales people in the showroom and one extra person would probably solve the problem.

  • Ok, I take your opinion into account.

We discussed further a few smaller issues, like increasing the stock for quicker deliveries. The guys also had some questions about the new project I mentioned but the only thing I told them was that it would be a convertible.

The meeting was ended and they all went down to the showroom and their daily tasks. I went down myself to see James and he was just bidding his good-byes to the client he had. I looked at him and mouthed "YESSSS" making me understand that he had yet sold another car. Jacqueline XXIII was signed! I asked him if he had other appointments, but he said no. I told him to come to my office and asked Jessie to bring us some coffee.

Once seated, I asked James if he had made up his mind. I didn't tell him yet what his team was thinking of him as to no influence his decision.

  • I didn't think you would insist so soon Boss, James said. If you oblige me to make a choice right now, I wouldn't know what to say. But I have a few questions and the first one would be to know who you are thinking about to replace me as a sales manager if I decide to chose the exclusive sales and, logically, who you are thinking about if I decide to chose my position as sales manager.

I told him what had happened during the sales meeting.

  • So, the logical choice if I have to appoint a new person as a sales manager, would be Gregg. If I have to find a new salesman for the exclusive cars, I don't know yet. I would actually wait for your input on the matter.

  • Ok, he said, let's say I made up my mind. Put Gregg as a sales manager and let me handle the exclusive sales. There is a lot of chance that Gregg will think he is not up to it, but I know he is. In any case, if he has problems, I'll be there for him. He will just have to cross the entry hall to come and see me. As for the Fleet department, I do agree with them. Jeff is indeed the ideal man for that position and he works very well together with Gordon. Those two have the skills to make a Fleet department work. If in the future we see that a third person is necessary it will be up to you if you hire someone more. And last but not least, I think a supplementary salesman would be advisable.

  • Good! I said. Let's call Gregg to announce the good news. I would appreciate it if you could help him select a new salesman.

I asked Jessie to call the sales team for a quick meeting in the boarding room. Five minutes later everybody was seated and I announced my decision.

  • Gentlemen, my final decision is taken. From this minute on, James will be responsible for the sales of the exclusive cars. Gregg, you become the new Sales manager for our brand. Jeff and Gordon, you will be responsible of the Fleet department. We will also hire an extra salesman for the non-business sales. James and Gregg will see to it. I know some of you will be deceived by my decision, but I think that in the long run we will all find benefits in it.

Everybody nodded although Gregg was a shade paler since I promoted him to sales manager. I asked everybody to go back to their work, except James and Gregg.

  • Gregg, I know you are not that sure about yourself and the new responsibility, but James here agrees with me that it is the perfect show. Don't worry! James is just near if you have any doubts or questions and promised me he would help you all he can.

James and Gregg shook hands over the table and I congratulated them for the promotions.

That night, when Kyle arrived home just after me, I told him about the changes and he wholeheartedly agreed with my decisions. He was overwhelmed with joy when I announced the creation of the Fleet department. He said he was sure my father would have been very proud of me and that I was bringing the business to a new height. When I gave him the sales result of the weekend, he couldn't believe his ears. That was far beyond his wildest expectations. But the scoop of the evening was coming from him. The annual national brand meeting was to be held in our county. That meant a meeting of two days for over five hundred people, as only the official dealers were to be present.

  • Do you remember the castle we visited during our trip?

I nodded and took my wallet to retrieve that young woman's business card.

  • Do you think it would be big enough for a gathering of so much people?

  • The best thing to do is, calling Nicole in the morning and ask her. You need a conference hall, catering and parking space. She is the only one who can tell you if it is doable.

To be continued if you guys tell me you like the story. All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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