Fate and More

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 23, 2015


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After breakfast we showered and once again the cascading water drained our juices. Kyle said we could just take the Veronique I and go for a drive and see where the road would lead us. I thought it was a wonderful idea and so we did. He didn't use the GPS, pretending that it was when someone was lost that one could discover the most unexpected things. I didn't mind to drive till we were totally lost, as the GPS would bring us back. Kyle took roads we had never been on before. The countryside was picturesque and we enjoyed the trip immensely. We crossed villages we didn't even know existed. We stopped at one of typical village pubs and had a light lunch. In the afternoon we drove on and discovered some monuments in ruins. Even though they were in ruins, they were beautiful and surely were the testimony of hundreds of years of local history. We drove on and as the sun was setting down, we reached a village where there was a family hotel. We decided to spend the night and had supper at a local restaurant. After making love we slept like angels. Life was back to normal with the exception that we would live more on impulses... like this weekend.

Kyle went on a regular basis to the doctor to have a check-up after the surgery. The tumor had been removed completely, but keeping an eye on it was important. Although we had been eating healthy all the years we were together, Kyle watched what we were eating even more. We went for a regular run, but Kyle insisted we'd do it every day. There was no harm to have a regular exercise.

Although it was difficult, he tried to lessen his amount of work hours. He had a friend-to-friend talk with George and explained why although it was obvious: less work, less stress and living life to the fullest. In my case it was not easy either, but with the great co-workers I had I could manage to bring down my working hours as well. James was a very responsible man and could take over when I was away. Gregg became the perfect leader for his team and the results were obvious every month. Charles had a perfect control over the now three teams and we were reaching the end of the orders for the Alberta. The Jacqueline had a full order book and the Veronique got the success we expected. I still had some ideas for a few other models. It was just a question of starting a new design. And last, but not least, Jessie was becoming the perfect office manager. She handled the day-by-day business beautifully.

Living on impulses had its benefit but also its inconvenience. The inconvenience was that I had to be ready for any crazy idea Kyle had suddenly in his head. The benefit was that there was no time to be bored. The crazy ideas Kyle had ranged from an unexpected dinner out to traveling to foreign countries. The trips we did around the county were numerous and always interesting. We had no idea, at first, that there were so many hidden treasures close to home. On each of these trips we had always a lot of looks coming our way. At the beginning we thought, narcissistically, that we attracted those looks, but soon had to come to the conclusion it was the Veronique. That convertible was always the total focus of attention wherever we went. It made me proud as designer, but Kyle was even prouder as the owner of the car.

When Charles announced that they were having only ten Alberta to build, I knew it was time to get back to the designing table. As usual I went to my ancient sketches, but didn't find any that matched what I wanted to do. My idea was to design a four-wheel-drive, resembling (but not quite) cars like the Range Rover or the Porsche Cayenne. Although it was the general idea, it had to be distinct. As I had to start from scratch, it was a bit more difficult to do it straight on the computer. I went back to pen and paper! I made a lot of sketches, but none was satisfactory for me. They were nice, but not exclusive enough to my liking. Kyle looked them over and gave some good suggestions, but I still didn't reach the desired effect. Bit-by-bit I got frustrated and thought that my creativity had left me. My imagination was always taken back to existing models and that was not my purpose.

One Saturday, Kyle saw I was frustrated again and said to leave it all and go with him. He had seen an advertisement about an art exposition of paintings and photographs of new talents. He said it would change my mind and my mood. I couldn't disagree with him. The exhibition was in one of the most famous galleries in the next town where a lot of famous painters had been showing their art. What he had not told me was that it was focused on erotica. Some of the paintings were absolutely marvelous. We could admire a lot of real artist's talent. Even in the section about photography it was obvious that thousands of pictures had been taken to find a few worth exposing. We watched carefully all the pieces in the gallery. At one point we were standing in front of a picture of a male nude. He was holding such a pose on that black and white picture that it was almost difficult to think it was a human being. The game of lights and shadow was subtle and created the desire to know more about it. The man was on his knees, bending forward and resting the upper part of his body on his elbows on the floor. Suddenly, Kyle took my arm and drew me backwards.

  • If you look at it from a distance and let your imagination wander, I am sure you will see what I see.

I looked at him quizzically and he insisted in looking at the picture with perspective. I focused on the picture and at first I just saw the man on his knees, bending forwards. Kyle made a comment.

  • Just try to forget it is a naked man! Let your imagination take over!

I still couldn't see what he meant.

  • If you don't see it, we will buy it and give you more time to look at it. If you still don't see it, we will make a scan of it and work it over a little with Photoshop and I am sure you will see what I mean!

We bought the picture. Once it was home, he placed it on the mantelpiece in front of my working desk and said he would give me two days to see what he saw, but I still couldn't see what he meant. As the two days went by, he then made a scan of it and transferred it to my computer. He opened the Photoshop program. He started to manipulate the picture, making it darker and increasing the contrast between black and white. Suddenly I saw it! It was the perfect profile of the four-wheel drive I was struggling with. He had seen long before me what kind of lines I could use to go on with the design. I saved the transformed picture to my design software program and lined out the general shape of the car. Kyle was, once again, damned right with his view. I entered in my designers mode and worked hours in a row, focusing on maintaining the original form. Kyle knew better than to interrupt me when I was in such a mode of creating. When I realized he was not around for some time I looked at my watch and saw it was almost four in the morning. I had been designing for almost twelve hours in a row, with the exception of a little break for dinner.

Kyle was in bed, snoring softly and hugging my pillow. I undressed in the dark and slipped between the sheets. Kyle didn't really wake-up, but spooned me and wrapped his arm around my chest and giving me a kiss in my neck. I fell asleep immediately.

I slept like a baby and was woken by the smell of coffee and fried eggs. I got up full of energy and took a shower. I put on some tiny white briefs and went down, seeing that Kyle was wearing exactly the same ones I had on. He was so sexy in them. When we finished our breakfast Kyle looked at me as if to ask if I was going to tell him what I had created till four o'clock in the morning. I took him by the hand and led him to my office, switched on the computer and showed him a first rough sketch of what the four-wheel drive was going to look like. He smiled and looked to the first design with a lot of attention, lifting up his eyes from time to time to look at the original picture.

  • Yes! Kyle said. That's it! You captured the image and transformed it beautifully in an exclusive four- wheel drive. It will be marvelous once it is finished. I know it!

His enthusiasm was contagious. His knowledge of the automobile world was extensive and his previous job as editor had given him a pretty good idea of what was going to be a success and what not. I trusted his opinion a hundred percent. Now that I had the general line of the car, it was a question of making the necessary designs and refine the curves. It would take time of course, but I knew I had another winner in the make.

It took me another three months to achieve the complete design. The chassis was once again designed by the program, but needed a few adaptations for safety reasons. I didn't see any reason to change of provider. He had done a wonderful job with the chassis of the Alberta and the Jacqueline, as well as reinforcing the chassis of the Alberta for the needs of the Veronique.

Charles and James were on cloud nine with the new design of the four-wheel drive. As the construction of the Alberta was coming to an end, it was the same crew that would go for the Lloyd. I had decided on a masculine name for the four-wheel drive, as it was more according to the style of car. They couldn't believe I had done it again. They admired the sketches and pictures and were convinced we had yet another winner coming up. James suggested to have the building of the car published in Kyle's former magazine again, as he was sure it would attract potential buyers once more, but with an accent on the building of each piece. I called Jack at the magazine and he was happy to oblige. For the prototype I had chosen burgundy red for the outside with a light beige interior. Miguel, the guy who was responsible for the interiors found it beautiful and said we should certainly keep that as an option.

  • An option? What do you mean Miguel? I asked.

  • Boss, with all the respect I owe you, you want to have a sports four-wheel drive, right?

  • Yes Miguel that is indeed the purpose.

  • What would you think of making a flashing car that would impossibly go unseen? Something that would really be outstanding and calling for everybody's attention? Something that looks really sporty and where you would have to "discover" the class it has?

  • But that again is the purpose Miguel!

  • OK. Can I make a suggestion?

  • Of course you can!

  • Let's use a flaming bright red exterior paint with a black interior. Those are actually the leading colors of the brand, right?

Miguel had just planted a seed in my brain. His idea was not bad at all. We offered our clients various choices of paints and interiors, but the prototype had everything except unnoticed. People had to turn their heads when they saw one on the road. The combination of flame red and black was masculine, but still had class. I would print out a new design but with just a change of color and see how it came out.

Over the weekend I made the changes and showed them to Kyle. He had only one reaction: "Wow!" He liked the idea very much although he was afraid it could possibly scare off the more conventional clients. As my idea was once again to print of the same boards as we had used for the Motor Show a few years ago, I thought of having a variety of them showing the same picture but in different color combinations. Those boards could be hung up next to the actual car once it was built and in the showroom. I took my time to print those boards and had one in the original colors being burgundy red but with a white interior, a second one in flame red and black and went on with a dark navy blue with light grey interior, a dark green with beige and finally a more daring combination of black exterior with flame red interior. The newly designed alloy wheels were exclusive for the Lloyd and were shining chrome with a painted touch according to the body color. As was getting used now on all our models, the seams in the interior of the car were in contrast to the leather, using the same color of thread as the outside color. When James saw the boards he made another comment that made me laugh at first, but made me thinking that maybe it was a good idea.

  • We should have all five color combinations in the showroom!

It would delay the launch of the car, but we had the necessary space in the showroom and it would sure impress whoever came in to see five identical cars in different colors. I asked Kyle's opinion.

  • It would certainly pique the interest and curiosity of the people. Properly presented there is no doubt about the fact it will be smashing and make people come in to discover them. Being it a luxury four- wheel drive, and before putting them in the showroom, there would be one more thing I would do...

I looked at him, silently asking him for his idea. He smiled and teased me with a long pause.

  • Why don't you do an international launch? But not here! If I were you, I would contact the Sheik who bought the Alberta and two Jacqueline. Do a launch in Dubai or in Abu Dhabi. We could also go to Dubai and show the Sheik your design and as him what he thinks of the idea.

I thought the idea was brilliant. Most of our international customers could perfectly afford to travel to the United Arab Emirates to assist at the official and international launch of the Lloyd. It occurred to me to have two extra cars built and equipped with the "Desert Package" (being adapted filters for countries where there is a lot of sand and dust) so the potential clients could even have a test drive with them.

In less time than what I need to describe it, we were on a plane to Dubai. I had had a call with the Sheik who was really enthusiast about the idea. He said he even had the perfect venue to do the presentation and that quite a lot of his friends would definitely be interested in a four-wheel drive, equipped for the desert. A lot of them were very keen on "surfing" with their cars on the sand dunes just outside of the city.

The Sheik had sent his "family" Jacqueline to pick us up at the airport and taking us to the Burj-Al-Arab Hotel. We were treated like real VIP's! The suite the Sheik had reserved for us was not the top one, but still far better than any hotel suite we had ever been in. The luxury in the lobby, the elevators, the halls and the room itself was just difficult to imagine if you had not been there. We only discovered later that it was all on the Sheik's invitation! After a first night in this sumptuous hotel, recovering form a serious jet lag, we met with the Sheik. He greeted us as if we were his closest friends. He had a private meeting room set up for our meeting where I could connect my computer to a projector and have all the images on a wall screen. He was honored to be the first one who could lay his eyes on those images. I also showed him some pictures of the Veronique, but he said that in his country convertibles were not such a good idea as the sun was hitting too hard. But the Lloyd had already stolen his heart. He ordered one for his son who was about to get his driver's license. He went for the flame red one with black interior, but advised us that for Dubai there was one color missing in our offer: a white car. I immediately made a mental note of his observation.

The remainder of the three days we were in Dubai we were invited and met quite some friends of the Sheik. We were also invited to his mansion, or should I say castle, as it was so big. We learned afterwards that it was quite an honor to be invited to the private home of a Sheik. They usually keep their homes quite to themselves or for close family. For the occasion, Kyle and I were dressed in the typical clothing the Arabs are wearing. We had it tailored made and were pleasantly surprised to order it in the morning and delivered in the afternoon. We set up a date for the launch, taking enough margins, for in case we would have any delay. After all, we had to build seven cars before that launch. I decided to have two white ones build as well as to show the Sheik we listened to his advice and to use as test cars. If all went well, the flame red one would stay in Dubai after the launch and as a gift from the father to his son. Those three cars would of course be equipped with the "Desert Package". I was even thinking of giving that equipment to all the cars we would take for the presentation in the silent hope they would be sold on the spot.

Once we were back, James and Charles didn't believe their ears. James for the success we had harvested and Charles for the amount of work they would have in such a short time as the launch date was only one year away! Half of Charles' crew was put on the new project straight away. The other ones had to finish the last Alberta models on the order book. The experience they had acquired with the three previous models helped a lot at the moment of creating the different pieces that were necessary to assemble the Lloyd. Just as the Veronique I wanted to raise the amount of cars to a hundred because I knew, I felt that the international launch in Dubai would give us a lot of orders. To accelerate the process, with made the molds for the carbon fiber and then contracted an outside company to actually make them. They could deliver us the total amount of pieces in less time than what we needed to make about ten of them. We asked to deliver us ten complete sets and gave them time to make the other ninety ones. The ten first chassis were delivered quite quickly as well. We had a little delay in the delivery of the leather for the seats, the interior door panels and the dashboards, but it didn't affect the general assembly as Miguel still had work with the other cars that were not finished yet.

Jack was at the dealership almost every week as he was the one, before becoming the editor, who had written the report about the Jacqueline. He knew exactly what he needed and gave the necessary instructions to the photographer. The news that the creator of the Alberta, the Jacqueline and the Veronique was creating a four-wheel drive went really very fast and the magazine sold extremely well. As a result of the report, James received once again a huge load of e-mails requesting information and prices. The creation of each color was fastidious because with each creation, it had to be applied on a piece of carbon fiber and pass through the oven to see the exact effect. I had specific ideas about the colors and to reach the desired result was not easy, but in the end I was satisfied. Miguel had started to cut the leather in the perfect shapes and one by one, the seats were aligned in the stockroom with their respective paneling of doors and their dashboards.

Kyle often came with me on Saturdays and wanted to be useful. The car-electrician could really use some help and Kyle was surprising me after more than twelve years together showing insight and skills about the job. The electrician was grateful with the help and they worked so well together that some tasks were done in half the time that was foreseen. I wasn't idle either and had had some experience with the building of the Alberta. Charles appreciated my help and didn't spare me by giving me more and more jobs to do. Kyle and I were wearing the same overalls as the others and we were really feeling part of the team.

Finally the first Lloyd was ready and we took it out for the test drive, together with the second one. Our favorite test pilot was present and admired the curves and lines of the four-wheel drive before sitting behind the wheel. We didn't have time to stay overnight, so we drove up to the same circuit we had used for the Jacqueline, starting really early in the morning when it was still dark. As soon as we arrived we tested the car in all possible situations and of course we did the dirt road as well with its hills and rocks. The car was a marvel to drive. Our test pilot was once again amazed at hoe the car was doing it. Around three in the afternoon he signed the necessary papers and we knew we were well to go on with the assembly of the other five cars without any delay.

The color combination we had been following resulted to be absolutely spectacular. The interiors of the two white cars received two different interiors: the first one was with a dark blue interior and the other one was beige. Both combinations would have made your heart melt.

Exactly one year after our trip to Dubai, we were boarding a plane again. The four containers with the seven cars were on their way to the Gulf and would arrive about a week after our arrival in Dubai. In the meantime we needed to set-up a stand to present them and the same specialist we used for the Motor Show year after year had surpassed himself. He had received specific guidelines concerning this international launch and he had understood our idea perfectly. I had asked for a decoration, which would be a balance between Oriental and Occidental cultures. Apart from the presentation of the cars, there was also a typical Arab sitting corner with a lot of cushions and low copper plates where an Arab guy would make tea on a traditional basis.

The Sheik and his eighteen years old son were on a daily basis checking the construction of the stand. Although the son was only eighteen, he looked older and the way he acted was like a real leader and businessman. The crew we had to build the stand was provided by the Sheik and just the foreman spoke English, but that was enough to have our specialist making clear what had to be done. All this was done in the main hall of the biggest commercial center that belonged to the Sheik.

When the containers arrived, our good friend helped us and the paper work was done in no time. The stand was ready and most of the people in Dubai had no idea what it was all about. We tried to be at the airport as much as possible to welcome some of our very special guests. They appreciate the personalized welcome we gave them.

Finally, the cars were put in their respective spaces, covered of course so that the surprise would be complete on the Thursday night as the weekend in Dubai is Friday and Saturday. We counted of course with the affluence of people during those two days as the Sheik and his son had done the necessary to make it known to everybody what was going to happen. Jack was there as well with his photographer in tow. Quite a few international reporters of specialized press were there as well and were very curious about the revelation of the new four-wheel drive. Two parking spaces had been reserved for the two white cars in the basement parking of the mall.

Thursday night arrived. I was expected to do a little speech and the Sheik provided an interpreter so those who didn't speak English would receive an instant translation of what I was saying. A huge buffet table was setup and we even had the exceptional permission to serve Champagne. I say exceptional as in the United Arab Emirates alcohol is not allowed, even Champagne. We had twenty guys, dressed in black and red, at each corner of the car. They had rehearsed in the afternoon as how to uncover the five cars in a smooth and flowing choreography, revealing each car one by one. Beethoven's Hymn to Joy (9th Symphony) accompanied that choreography.

The first speech was done by the Sheik, completely in Arab, but an interpreter translated what he said. The idea we followed was to let the Sheik present the new cars, revealing them with the music and then I would have my speech with more detailed information. And so it was done, except that once the cars were uncovered, the applause was taking so long that I was standing there without being able to say a word. I had expected a warm welcome for the Lloyd, but this was so much more. When the Sheik announced me as the designer, I received another long round of applause before I could even address the audience.

Once the speeches were over, all guests came closer to see the cars in details. Soon, the two white cars were on the road with the most eager drivers. At one point the Sheik came over to me and wanted me to be present at the moment he would say to his son that the red car was his. Arabs are not easily showing their emotions, but the son was overwhelmed even though he was really used to luxury and special cars. His smile was so bright that it was contagious and everybody around us smiled as well. Through his smile there was a single tear of happiness rolling down his cheek. His father handed him a small package and as he opened it, he found the personalized starting cards and the personalized number plates. I had a guy ready to fix them to the car and when the others saw what was happening and reading the personalized number plate, they suddenly showed a lot of respect and nobody went to sit in the red car anymore.

James, who was there as well to handle the eventual orders, was overwhelmed. At the end of that first night he announced that four other cars, plus the two white ones, were sold. We just saved ourselves the shipping back of the cars! My intuition had been right and I was so happy we had installed the "desert Package" on all cars. By the end of the three days presentation, we had a total of fourteen cars in our order book on top of the seven we had brought with us. There were some special requests of color combinations from part of our clients and even though we didn't like the combination, we accepted the order. The client is king!

When our return flight was scheduled, the Sheik's son insisted to drive us to the airport in his brand new Lloyd. He was so proud of it and we knew he would take great care of his new toy. Although he just had his driver's license, he was a very responsible driver and used the car as it should. His English was perfect and he explained to us he was going to college in Oxford, England and was going to study marketing and business management. I told him that if he needed any practice, he would always be welcome to work at the dealership and Kyle said that he would introduce him to a business level on nation-wide level. I handed him my business card and set he was free to e-mail me or call me whenever he needed anything. We had no doubt we would hear from him very soon.

The Lloyd that was almost finished before we left was standing in the showroom upon our return. It was an identical car to the Sheik's son one. Jessie had kept a few newspapers and magazines that had covered the international launch in Dubai. I was so proud to read the comments and not one negative word could be found in any of the reports. One of the reporters called the car "Ghost Rider" as you didn't hear it come and you didn't hear it go.

About a year after the launch, we received a message from Ahmed, the Sheik's son. He was doing well in Oxford and had very good grades. He still had three more years to go, but he already knew his end of course assignment. He had to present a work where he would be the manager of a business. The purpose was to be something new and was supposed to be accompanied by all the marketing and management details. He asked our help, as he wanted to present the creation of a dealership for my cars in the United Arab Emirates. He wanted me to be his mentor for that work. I knew it was a huge responsibility, but I had offered help in due time, so I was not going to deceive him.

Ahmed asked his father to come to my place instead of going back home for the holiday, explaining that it would give him a good insight on what he wanted to present as final work. The Sheik, before answering him, contacted me to see if I agreed. I gave my blessing and during the summer holiday Ahmed was our guest. We even took him in with us. There was no need to put him up into a hotel and anyway, it would be easier as he was going to follow Kyle or me in his practical apprenticeship.

Ahmed was a very good-looking guy and, as I said earlier, looked older than his age. He could impossibly deny his Arab origins, with his darker skin, jet-black hair and black stubble on his square jaw. His constant smile on his face showed a set of pearly white teeth and his muscular body was that of an athlete. He adapted real quick to our way of living. He had very good manners and was really well educated, being able to talk about a lot of topics and knowing what he was talking about. His parents had really done a very fine job with him and it was a pleasure to have him around. Kyle and I were soon feeling he was part of our family.

One night, after we had been making love, Kyle mentioned that he was very fond of Ahmed.

  • That guy is so pleasant to have around. He is humble but stands up for himself. He listens really carefully to everything we say and remembers every little detail of any conversation. He stands a lot further than where I stood at his age. And, last but not least, he is very nice to look at. His piercing black eyes seem to get into your soul.

  • Yes, you are right. If it wasn't that I am with you, I think I could fall for him, I said.

  • I know what you mean and I guess I am in the same situation as you, Kyle admitted.

We went on talking about Ahmed for a while longer and we both had to admit that for the first time in all the years we were together that we wouldn't mind having him in our bed. The strange thing about it was not that we thought about having pure bestial and animalistic sex with him. It was more a question of intimacy and connection. Ok, if Ahmed was to be laying naked in our bed, it was obvious we would both having ragging hard-ons, but it was so much more than that. Ahmed was showing a lot of respect and was trustworthy and we felt happy to have him in our lives.

After that first visit of him, Ahmed came back each time for the summer holidays. Spring break and Christmas break he went to Dubai. His grades were always at the very top and his professors were very proud of what he achieved. His second visit was as pleasant as the first. He surprised us when we went to fetch him at the airport. He showed his emotions a lot more and even though surrounded by a huge crowd at the airport, he hugged us and even gave us a kiss on the cheek each. In just one year he had changed. It seemed he was going to the gym on a regular basis and was doing quite a lot of sport. The second day he asked us if he could go for a run with us in the morning. We didn't see any inconvenience for him to come with us. When we came back from our run, we were worn out. Ahmed had really pushed us to our limits. After all, we were more than twenty years his seniors. We were soaked in sweat and he was as well. I suggested a shower before breakfast.

  • In my country it is an honor to wash someone you respect and admire. I would be honored if I could wash you, Ahmed said.

I had never heard of such a tradition, but didn't want to offend him by questioning his affirmation. I looked at Kyle who was as incredulous as I was. The shower in our bathroom was large enough for three, but probably not large enough to hide a hard-on if and when it occurred. There was actually no doubt we would have hard-ons if he were with us, naked in the shower. I had to decide quickly as to not offend him and his traditions, if they were true. Kyle and I had admitted to each other what we felt. Yes, we had been monogamous for all the years we were together and never indulged another person in our sexual activities. Was this really different? I mean, was showering together a sexual activity? Normally seen it wasn't, but with Kyle and I it often became a sexual activity. Was the fact we both liked Ahmed a lot that made a difference? I didn't know, but we still had to decide on accepting that Ahmed was going to wash us. Were we ready to accept a third person in our shower? I guess we were as Kyle took his hand and led him upstairs. Ahmed first went into his bedroom and came back with clean underwear. He has stripped naked and put a towel around his waist. He had very fine and straight hairs on his chest and a dark treasure trail that disappeared into the towel. It was undeniable he was not a hundred percent flaccid as a bulge showed clearly under the white towel. In his hands he had a bottle and he told us it was a homemade soap that his mother made. It was a hundred percent natural and his mother added a specific amount of flowers and herbs that gave the soap a very nice fragrance but was cleaning the skin in depth as he said.

We went into our bedroom and undressed. We were still in very good shape and didn't have to be ashamed of our bodies. Kyle adjusted the water temperature and stepped under the cascading water. Ahmed took off his towel and I couldn't help to see he was very well proportioned in ALL areas. He was not yet at full mast but I was sure it wouldn't take long. I threw my running gear in the dirty-wash basket and stepped in as well. True to his word, Ahmed took soap in his hands and started to wash Kyle. The smell was something totally new to us and we felt relaxing by it. Ahmed did a very meticulous work about washing us. He had an extraordinary ability to do so and we could only enjoy the sponge and his hands roaming over our bodies. Kyle and I had both hard-ons in no time and I was a little embarrassed till I saw that Ahmed's cock was as hard as ours. When he was finished I took the sponge out of his hands and pushed him backwards till his back was against Kyle's chest. I started to wash Ahmed, trying to mimic what he had done to us. He seemed a bit embarrassed but I told him that, following the tradition in his country, it was our honor to wash him as we admired and respected him. When he heard that he relaxed and I thoroughly enjoyed washing him. Ahmed leaned into Kyle's arms and Kyle let his hands roam over the young man's body. We both avoided touching his genitals as he had done the same thing. It was not easy to do so as his hard-on was just at the height of my face when I dropped to my knees to wash his legs and his feet. When I came back up, rinsing off the soap from his hips and his legs, I accidentally brushed over his scrotum. That was all he needed to start spurting his load into my face. When he was spent, I stood up and he looked at me with pleading eyes. I didn't know what he was pleading for but soon found out as he licked his juice form face and swallowed it. He then gave me a gentle kiss on my lips, turned around and kissed Kyle on the lips as well. He then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, taking a towel and starting to dry Kyle off. Once finished he took another towel and dried me off. Kyle took a third towel and dried Ahmed off while he was still with the towel over my body. It was all so erotic and arousing.

Ahmed went to his bedroom to dress. Kyle and I were still as hard as rock and we fell on the bed in a sixty-nine position, bringing the other to climax and swallowing juices. When we were finished we saw Ahmed at the door looking at us with a huge smile on his face.

Tomorrow, after our run, we will take a shower together again, Ahmed said and winked at us before going down. We dressed and went down as well to find him in the kitchen and he had made a fresh pot of coffee.

The following morning was a repeat action of the day before. First a good run and then we all gathered in the shower. Once again it was sensual and erotic. The previous day Ahmed had avoided our genitals, but that changed. He washed our genitals with such a tender care that we were about to explode in his face. But we didn't. This time Kyle pushed Ahmed against my chest and washed him. He softly caressed Ahmed's manhood with the sponge and then rinsed him off. Ahmed was hard as rock and Kyle couldn't help himself. He leaned forward and took Ahmed in his mouth engulfing him to the hilt. I thought I would get jealous of my man sucking on someone else, but I didn't. It was erotic and I loved the view I had over Ahmed's shoulder, as he had thrown his head back and was resting on my shoulder. I kissed his neck and nibbled at his earlobe while my hands glided over the skin of his chest and stomach. I playfully pinched his nipples and distinctly heard him gasp for air. My own hard-on was rubbing between his buttocks and Ahmed's hips started to move. With his right hand he grasped my manhood and guided it to his ass. It was all his doing, but I let him do it. With the soap my cock slipped easily over his puckered hole and when he pushed back with a powerful movement of his hips, I entered him. He impaled himself on my cock and pushed till he couldn't go further. His buttocks were nestled in my groin. He mastered his ass-muscles and made me feel he did. He literally milked my shaft and Kyle milked him with his mouth. The moans were the only thing heard except the cascading water. Ahmed started to move his hips so that his cock was going in and out of Kyle's mouth and that my own dick went in and out of his ass. With my hand on his chest I could feel his heartbeat going faster and faster. His movements went in unison and I could feel my balls retract in my lower abdomen, telling me they were about to burst. Kyle's hands were massaging Ahmed's and my balls at the same time. Ahmed and I climaxed at the same time, me filling his insides while he filled Kyle's mouth. I could see a furious movement of Kyle's right arm. I knew he was too aroused to wait and caused his own release while he sucked Ahmed's cock dry. When he was spent as well, Kyle stood up and kissed Ahmed. There was nothing left of the gentle kiss of the previous day. Ahmed responded his kiss with passion and fever and then turned to me and I could feel his tongue slip between my lips and immediately reach my throat. Kyle joined in and we had a three-way kiss that was totally new for me, but I enjoyed it immensely.

As the water was turning cold, I turned it off and we stepped out of the shower. The ritual of drying each other off had an added sensuality as we kissed while we were doing it. The shower had taken more time than we thought and we had to hurry to be in time at our offices. Once we were out of the house, Ahmed turned into professional mode as if nothing had happened.

He had brought a draft of what he thought he would present as his end-of-course work. That draft was already very complete and much ahead of its time as he had still two years to go, but he wanted me to go over it and give my opinion. I studied the marketing part of it and was impressed. I asked Jill, our accountant, to go over the financial part of it, and she was impressed as well although she found a few mistakes and also noticed he had forgotten a few aspects. To be sure to have a neutral opinion, I asked James to overlook the commercial part and when he was finished he said he had learned a few things. I asked Jill if she was up-to-date with her work and was not surprised she said yes. I asked her to go through Ahmed's work with him and show him the mistakes he had made, explain him why and also offering the right solution. They were at it several days, but Jill told me later that Ahmed was a brilliant guy and a quick learner. She was convinced he would get and fantastic A on his work.

For the whole two months of his second stay, Ahmed didn't sleep in his own bed. He slept with us. We didn't have sex with him, we mage love with him. It was as if Kyle and I had a renewed energy with this guy between us. Ahmed was as versatile as we were and we were really compatible. The lovemaking was each day better and better. When his two months stay came to an end we were all three devastated. We didn't want him to leave and he wanted to stay. The rational part of us convinced him he could come back whenever he wanted but that he had to finish his university degree.

We received news from the Sheik. He was over the moon with his son's results in Oxford. Ahmed had shown him during his Christmas visit, the new draft of his end-of-course work. The pride his father felt for his son was of the highest level. He couldn't thank us enough for what we had done. He also mentioned that he found his son was even more mature than before he started Oxford. I tried to attribute it to being on his own and studying in a very responsible way, but the Sheik didn't take it. He said it was our influence and guidance that had caused that change. If only he knew!

We missed Ahmed a lot. We had come to love him very dearly and even if there the lovemaking had not occurred, it wouldn't have changed anything. Kyle and I often talked about it and we both confirmed we loved each other with all of our hearts and our souls. What happened is that we loved Ahmed at almost the same level. We knew he would have one more holiday with us because after his fourth year he would return to Dubai on a permanent basis.

That third holiday couldn't arrive soon enough for us. We were looking forward to his visit once again. The weeks and the months felt so long. We prepared his practices carefully so that we would have some more free time during his stay. We wanted him to discover a few places in our county. We surely planned to show him Nicole's castle and dragging him to the pond to have some skinny-dipping. We wanted him to discover a little of our local gastronomy. What we really wanted was to have some quality time with him. And that was exactly what we had. Of course, we had our runs and our showers. We made love at every hour of the day or the night. We laughed and just felt happy and complete with him. We knew we would remember his visits till the day we died.

To be continued É

All comments welcome at amay1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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