Fated Love


Published on May 11, 2000


This story is fiction. It doesn't represent the sexuality of any member of N'Sync. Please don't read if gay sex offends you. Otherwise, go ahead and read it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I write it.

Chapter 3: Forever in love

"Not just one thing, one hundred, one thousand things. I will do anything to keep you by my side. What is it my love?" his voice was so soothing.

"Oh JC! You are so good to me. I don't know what I did to deserve you. I am the luckiest person in the world because I have your love" I sighed contentedly. I snuggled up to him; I began to kiss his neck, licking his ear lobe and inhaled deeply his aroma. His cologne ahs faded and replaced by the natural, strong body sweat smell that I love so much. I almost fainted from the stimulation.

"No, I'm the luckiest person because I have you, and you love me. Even though I hurt you but you didn't blame me. I know it must be painful and killing you when you decided to leave. I could see it in the note and the tearstains on it. I guess you must have seen Justin and I kissed. I'm sorry baby. I'm really sorry. I promised you that there's nothing between us. I don't love him TT; my heart is already given to you. I don't think I can love somebody else beside you. So don't ever doubt my love for you, and please don't ever leave like that again. I told you before and I'll tell you again. If you ever plan on leaving me, please kill me first because it will be less painful that way. I don't know what will happen to me if you leave me. I will continue to exist in this world, but I won't be living. I will only be a lost soul wondering aimlessly in this world. Please don't do this to me baby, I don't want to become somebody who doesn't have a companion, a soul mate. So I promise you that I'll do anything you ask, just as long as you stay by my side" he was looking at the ceiling as he poured his heart out. Tears kept rolling down at the corners of his eyes. He didn't even bother to wipe them away.

"Oh Josh! I never thought that I would have hurt you this bad. If I had known this, I would have never left. I promise you that no matter what I will stay and fight for you, for me, for us. I don't think I can ever leave you again JC. The last four days were hell for me. I just wanted to kill myself so many times. I didn't do it not because I am a coward. I couldn't do it because I think of all the pain, the grieves I will cause my family. I know they will be devastated. I couldn't do that to them, I love them too much. But the main reason I couldn't do it because of you JC. I am afraid that if I die, I won't be able to see you anymore. I won't be able to see your face. I won't be able to feel your strong arms around me. I won't be able to listen to you whispering into my ears all the things I love to hear" I stopped for a second to kiss him quickly on the lips, and saw a big smile on his face. He knew that I love him more than anything in the world. He could feel the love I have for him, and his face was brightened up.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box. I opened it, and inside there were two beautiful pieces of pendants paired up together in the shape of a heart "I know that we only know each other for a short time, but I love you so much JC. I love you so much that it hurts when I'm not with you. I know it's too soon to do this but I believe I'm ready to give you this. I promise that I will never leave you if you promise me that you will wear one of these pendants and never take it off" I took the pendants out of the box and stared at them as tears began to roll down my face.

JC had a confused look on his face "What's wrong baby? Why are you crying? I'll wear it if it's important to you. I'll promise you that I'll never take it off" he spoke quickly as he saw me crying.

"You know, these two pendants have a beautiful story behind them. Do you want to hear it?" I asked him.

He nodded.

I breathed in heavily before I told the story "My grandma gave me these two pendants before she died. These two pendants may not worth much, but they are priceless to me. My grandma told me that she got them from her mother, and her mother got them from her grandmother. Basically, these two pendants have been in my family for many generations. My grandma told me that she's supposed to give them to one of my aunts. Before she died, she gave it to me and told me that she's glad she didn't give them to any of her daughters" I paused for a few seconds to wipe the tears away from my eyes as the image of my grandma flashed back in my head. JC grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly. Our fingers immediately intertwined. I looked at him and smiled.

"She gave me the pendants because she believed that I deserve them. She told me these pendants should be given only to people who truly believe in love. She said if two people truly love each other and each of them wear half of the heart pendant they will be connected. As long as they wear the pendants they will be bound together by love. The pendants symbolize for love, trust, understanding and the union of two people" I looked at him and asked, "Do you want to be half of my heart and let me be half of yours JC?"

He didn't answer me as he moved closer and took off the necklace I was wearing, he reached over and took one of the pendant and put it on the necklace. When he put it on me, he bent down and kissed the pendant and my heart "Yes, I want to be half of your heart as you'll be half of mine. Will you put the other one on for me my love?" he looked up at me and smiled. His face was beaming with happiness, and his beautiful blue eyes were sparkling like two sapphires.

I was shaking when I put the pendant on for him. I was shaking with the happiness that I couldn't even describe. Life could never be any better for me. I could never feel any happier than this.

"I promise you that I'll never take this pendant off. The only way this pendant taken off my body is you take it off TT. You put it on for me so you have to take it off yourself" he moved in slowly as he spoke until our forehead close. Then he rubbed the tip of his nose against mine slightly and said, "I love you so much TT. From now on, I'll guard it with my life. I will never let anything happen to it. I wish I had met you earlier so I could thank your grandma for giving you such a beautiful gift. I would tell her that she gave it to the right person, and I would tell her that I would take care of her grandson for the rest of my life"

"My grandma is a very religious person. Aren't you afraid that she would tell you that our relationship is a sin?" I was about to say more but JC cut me off.

"No, I'm not afraid. From what I heard from you, your grandma is a wonderful person and she would understand it. And baby, our relationship is not a sin. How can it be a sin when two people love each other as much as we do? We didn't commit any crime, we didn't kill anybody. And even if I'll be condemned for loving you, even if I'll be sent to hell for being with you, then be it. Heaven wouldn't be a paradise for me if you're not there. To me, it doesn't matter where I am as long as you are with me, then I'm in heaven. So are you willing to be with me even if our being together will send us to hell my love?" his voice was so soft and tender. He sounded so vulnerable as he was waiting for my answer.

WOW! What could I say after I heard what he said? Tell me people. Is there any words in this world that have a meaning beautiful enough to describe what he just told me? I don't think so. I don't think there is any language in this world that could capture the beauty, the love he has just shown me.

"I used to believe that life is full of sorrows, sufferings, despairs and misfortunes with just a few drops of happiness. You just proved me wrong my Charming Prince, my honey bear. You just opened my eyes and showed me that there is more to life than just sorrows and sufferings. You just gave me the most beautiful thing in the world, your love. To answer your question, yes I'm willing to be with you even if our being together will send us to hell" I looked straight in his eyes as I told him this "I love you JC. In case you didn't hear me I love you Joshua Scott Chases"

We slowly moved closer and our heads tilted a little. Soon our lips touched. We were separated only four days, yet it seemed like forever for me. I missed those lips, I missed his touch, I missed his smell and I missed him so much. There's no way that I'll leave him again. I did it once, and I regretted it. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Nothing in this world seemed important to us at that moment. Nothing in this world could capture our attention. We only saw each other in our eyes, and that was all matter to us.

"Ahem! Are you guys bored yet? If not, aren't your lips getting tired from all the kissing? Mine would be if I kiss someone that much" we quickly looked to the direction of the door and saw Lance stood there smiling "How are you feeling now JC? Much better I guess" he had a grin on his face.

"What are you doing here Lance?" JC asked.

"What? Can't I even come and visit my friend?" he walked over and sat down on the chair next to me "How about you Tom? How have you been?"

"I'm ok! Thanks for asking though. What about you?" I asked not feeling really comfortable with his presence.

"Me? I'm the same, not this guys here though. He went crazy when you left. He ran looking for you everywhere. He grilled Amy and Kenny for your whereabouts every five minutes" Lance said pointing at JC.

I looked at JC smiled and mouthed "I love you honey bear"

"Same here my love"

"Oh! How cute!" Lance teased us when he saw the little affection we showed each other "You know you two look really cute together, and JC I would never thought that you play for the other team" JC turned ten shades of red, and he looked soooo cute when he blushed "So you're ok with me and Tom being together?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You're still my friend JC. I don't care whom you choose to be with. It's none of my business. So what if you're in love with a guy? You're still the same JC I know before" Lance spoke with sincerity in his voice.

"I wished that Joey feels the same way Lance. I really love you guy and I love Tom too. I really don't want to be in a situation that I have to choose between you guys and him"

"You don't have to JC. I'm sorry that I act like a jerk before. It really doesn't matter to me who you're dating. I was just worried about our career, and I was a little shocked when I first found out. But I'm ok now"

Again we looked to the door and saw Joey stood there. He walked over and pulled JC into a hug "I'm sorry bro for being so stupid"

"It's ok Joey! You don't have to sorry, and thanks a lot for understanding. That means a lot to us" JC was so happy when he received the approvals from both of his best friends, his brothers.

"Hello Tom! How are you doing?" Joey greeted me chipperly.

"I'm fine! Thank you Joey!" I extended my hand to give him a handshake, but he pulled me into a hug.

"Come here you! Don't be shy and formal with me boy. I won't bite" then he whispered lowly into my making sure that Lance and JC couldn't hear it

"I leave that job for JC. Take a good care of him for me ok. He loves you very much" when we pulled back, he grinned and winked at me.

I laughed feeling so happy that both Lance and Joey accepted our relationship easily "Thanks Joey"

"You're welcome anytime. Anybody who can make JC falls head over heel in love with must be very special, and will be fine with me. So you don't have to thank me. I'm sorry that I didn't have a chance to get to know you better"

"So what did Joey whisper to you" JC asked me lowly when Joey and Lance were talking together and didn't pay attention to us.

"Nothing! He didn't say anything" I lied.

"Don't lie baby! You know you're very bad at lying. Every time you lie, your eye browns come together, and that's a very big giveaway"

"Hey JC, have Chris and Justin visited you yet?" I was saved by Joey.

"They visited me earlier, and they said they would come back and pick me up later" JC responded while looking at me the whole time. By the look on his face, I could tell that he would not give up easily. He would grill it out of me what Joey whispered to me when Joey and Lance leave later. "How come you guys don't go and visit JC together" I asked wondering why, and trying to distract JC.

"Because we haven't talk things out yet" Lance answered slowly "JC, we have to talk when we get home later. Don't worry! Everything will be fine" Lance assured JC.

He nodded.

We stayed and chatted for a while before I excused myself "I'm sorry guys but I have to go now. Amy and Kenny are waiting for me"

"Stay for a little while babe" he pleaded.

"I have to go JC. How about you come and pick me up after you have the talk with the guys, and we will have dinner together"

He agreed. I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. When I pulled back, I could tell that he wanted to kiss me really bad but he couldn't do it in front of Lance and Joey. The whole thing was still very new to him, and he wasn't that comfortable yet. I said bye to them and walked out of the room. I was so happy on the way home. I was happy because I have him back. Furthermore, Lance and Joey seemed cool about our relationship. I wouldn't want any argument between them because of me. I believed that was also one of the reason why I left. It would be easier for him if he stay with Justin. He wouldn't have to worry about the media. But I don't care about those stuffs anymore. I would stay by his side and we would work everything out together. When I got back to the house we rent for the vacation, I rang the bell and Amy answered the door. She quickly pulled me into a hug. When we pulled back, she gave me a good smack on the head.

"Ouch! What's that for?" I whined knowing pretty why she did that.

"You know pretty well what's that for. How dare you going away without tell us? Are we still your friends Tom?"

"Nope. You guys are not my friends. You're my brother and sister, and you're my freaking babysitter for god's sake" I laughed

"If you consider we're your brother and sister then you should come to us when you have problems. Wait until you see Kenny. You're gonna be dead. He was so angry when you left, and poor JC. You should have seen the way he flipped out on JC, and he swore he'll kick your ass when he'll see you"

"I'm not worried because I have you as my protector. You're not gonna let that ape hurt me, are you?" I wrapped my arms around her waist and swung her around slightly.

"Who was it Amy?" I looked up the stairs and saw Kenny walking down drying his hair with a towel. I quickly moved behind Amy. I don't know why but sometimes I'm scared of them more than I'm scared of my parents.

She laughed and said "You should have thought of this when you decided to leave. You know he's not gonna let you go easily" "You...you..." Kenny came charging at me the second he saw me standing behind Amy. He was chasing me around the house knocking down everything in his path "Stop running so I can get you and give you a good ass kicking" Even though I was running away from him, and scared shitless if he catch me, I couldn't help but laughed at his absurdity. Kenny can be so nave sometimes. Who would be stupid enough to stop running and let him give a kick in the ass? Well? There's always one. You know the saying "My mama aren't raise no fool" but I guess my mama really did because I actually stopped running, bent over and said "Ok! Go ahead and give me a good kick and get this over with" I waited for a while and nothing happened. I looked up and saw Kenny stood there looking down at me and smiled. He walked over and pulled me into a hug that almost suffocated me. "Come here you stupid! You actually thought that I would kick you? But if you dump us like that again I'll wipe the floor with your ass, and throw you to that vicious bitch over there" he said pointing toward Amy. "Who are you calling vicious bitch?" Kenny received a good quack on the head. "See? And she doesn't admit that she's a vicious bitch. If she isn't, I don't who would be" "You" both Amy and I said at the same time. We all burst out laughing. We began to move into the living room as we situated ourselves on the floor in front of the TV. Kenny was leaning against the sofa, I was lying on the floor using his thighs as pillow while Amy lay her head on my stomach. The three of us glued together in front of the TV. "So how is it between you and JC buddy?" Kenny started the conversation. "We're good now. It's even better because Lance and Joey accept our relationship. They are cool about it. I don't know about Chris and Justin though. Justin is the one I'm worried about. Did you know that Justin and JC kissed?" "They what?" both Amy and Kenny shouted at the same time. "Yep! They kissed. I saw them kissing when I came over their house. That was one of the reason why I left" I stopped for a few seconds "I'm afraid that he'll choose Justin over me. I don't think I can take it if he does that. I know that it sounds silly because we only know each other for a short period of time but I really don't think I can lose him. I love him so much guys, and I'm so scared. I'm so scared because what do I do if he ever leaves me?"

"Tom, I wouldn't worry about the future if I were you. I just know that right now you love each other very much, and I believe that's enough. You can never predict the future. So why do you have to stress yourself over something that you have no control of? Why not just enjoy every moment you have with him rather than worrying what'll happen?" Kenny advised me while he ran his fingers through my hair. "Yeah! You're right. I guess I'm just being paranoid. I can be so stupid sometimes" I replied laughing at myself. "No you're not stupid. It's just that when you love somebody, you love that person with all your heart. I never see anybody with so much love like you Tom. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be like that, but it will make you very vulnerable. If you've ever get hurt, you'll be hurt deeply. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself more. You got to think of you first before anybody else, and that includes JC" Amy said. I sighed agreeing with her "God! I miss you guys. I miss you so much. Over the last four days, It was hell. I thought I could handle everything by myself, but I realized it was so much harder without you guys. It would have been easier if you have been there. I would have felt so lonely and devastated like that" "Then don't every shut us out like that again!" "No. Never, I learned my lesson, and I wouldn't want to get kicked in the ass by Kenny. He can be so intimidating sometimes. He scared the hell out of me" I giggled. I don't know how long we stayed and talked like that until we were interrupted by the doorbell. I quickly got up and pushed Amy out of the way and ran to the door yelling "I got it! I got it! I got it!" Kenny and Amy looked at each other shaking their heads, and laughed. Kenny spoke "He's such a dork!" When I opened the door, I saw JC stood there smiling. He was wearing a cargo pants and a blue T-shirt with the tops two buttons open just enough to show a soft layer of hair on his chest. I just stood there admiring him in his glory. I couldn't take my eyes of his body. My eyes were undressing him right there in front of the door. "Hey" God! Even his voice was sooo sexy. When I looked up I saw him looking at me smiling. He knew that I was looking at his body. I nervously said "Hey yourself!" That all I could say as I felt all the blood began to run up to my head. I felt so exposed. "Are you just gonna stand there and look at me?" he asked. "Oh! Sorry, come on in. I didn't expect you here so soon. It's still too early for dinner. Why are you here?" "I just want to see you. I couldn't wait to see you again" he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before entering the house. I was so happy that I felt like I'm on the 9th cloud. "Hi Amy! Hi Kenny! How are you doing?" his voice brought me back to reality as I quickly closed the door and followed him. "Why didn't you tell us you're getting out of the hospital today?" Kenny asked. "I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you because I was distracted by somebody" he sat down on the sofa. I walked over and prepared to sit down next to him. But before I could sit down, he spread his legs and signaled me to sit in his lap which I happily complied. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. We sat there and talked for about fifteen minutes when Kenny and Amy excused themselves to go upstair packing. I offered to help but they quickly declined. I knew that they wanted to give me sometime to talk to JC. I felt so happy that I found my true love and I have two great friends who are so considerate , caring and loving. They always look out for me. I leaned back and pressed my back tightly against JC's chest as I lay my head on hi shoulder and sighed happily. I wished that we could stay in that position forever. I wished time would stop flying so I could be in his arms forever. "Baby I have something to ask you?" JC broke the silence after he gave me a kiss in the back of my head. "I'll do anything you want honey bear, as long as you hold me like this." "You know that we only have a week left before I have to go back and work right?" I nodded, not very happy with the way the conversation headed "I want you to go away somewhere with me, somewhere so we can spend time together" I hesitated after hearing what he said "Can we take Kenny and Amy with us? I don't really want them to go back home without me" I asked nervously. Don't get me wrong. I would love to spend time alone with him. It's just that we come down here to have a vacation together, and I barely spent anytime with them after I met JC, and I felt guilty for doing that. He paused for a few seconds, sighed and said "Yeah! They could come with us." By the way he spoke, and the sound of his voice I could tell that JC didn't want Kenny and Amy to go with us. But he loves me, and he knows that Kenny and Amy are important to me so he didn't say no to me. This made me love him even more when I realized this. I couldn't help but quickly said "I love you" "I love you too baby. I love you too. Let's go and ask them" he lifted me up, grabbed my hand and walked upstairs. "Hi guys! Tommy and I want to know if you want to spend another week here somewhere with us" Kenny and Amy looked at each other and then they both looked at me as I nodded my head continuously to tell them to agree.

"Well! We would love to go with you but we don't want to be a third wheel. So you two go ahead and enjoy your time together. Thanks for the offer anyway JC" Amy replied.

"You're not a THIRD WHEEL. We wouldn't have asked if we didn't want you to go" I replied harshly feeling hurt a little.

Amy walked over and pulled me into a hug "Don't be mad honey! You two just got back together, so you need to spend all the time you have left together with him before he gets back to work. We will see you later at home and we can do everything together." I was about to protest but Amy quickly stopped me again and I gave up because I knew I could never win with her.

We decided to go and relax in the pool before we have dinner. When we were out there, JC began to unbutton his shirt, I couldn't help but stared at what he was doing. He just looked at me and smiled. Next he deliberately did it in a slow, seductive way while I just sat there and enjoyed the strip show he put on. I didn't even notice that Kenny and Amy was watching us. My heart raced faster and faster as his shirt was slowly pulled off to expose his well-defined chest and flat stomach. When the shirt was taken off, he neatly folded it and placed it on the chair. Every movement he made, I watched in amazement as every muscle on his body flexes. Next my eyes traveled together with his hand as he put it in the middle of his chest and slowly ran it down along the trail of hair until it settled down on the buttons of his pants. When he pulled his pants off, he made sure that he was pretty close to me as he bent over take them off. My face was only inches away from his butts. I almost reached out my hands to squeeze them, it took every bit of my will power to restrain me from doing that.

"Aren't you gonna change baby?" his voice snapped me out of my trance. I could hear the giggles coming from Amy and Kenny. I was so embarrassed, I quickly tried to take my clothes off to hide my embarrassment. I made a mental note to get him back for doing this to me. I was about to get into the pool when Amy caught sight of the heart pendant I was wearing.

"I've never seen you wear that before. Where do you get it from Tom?" she asked pointing to my chest.

"This? I got it from my grandma" I told her

"Let me see it!" she walked over and felt the pendant. She put her face really close to the pendant, so close that I could feel her breath on my chest. Then she began to rub slightly on the pendant as her fingers sometimes "accidentally" brushed against my nipple. Her body was so close to me that I could feel the perfume she's wearing. I was sure what Amy was doing. I have to say this Amy is very beautiful and sexy. If I ever go out with a girl, Amy would definitely be the one. My heart beat faster as I felt her fingers stroking my chest. I looked at her as she winked at me and mouthed "Play along with me to get back at JC." I quickly agreed as I put my hands just above her butts and started rubbing her back. When I looked at JC, I saw he was sitting on the floor looking at us intensely. His mouth was slightly opened as if he was about to say something, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I pulled her closer and I whispered into her ear "Let me go! I have to try this on JC"

"It's very nice. I like it" Amy said pushing me back slightly and walked away as if nothing happened. I got to hand it to her, and I think she should choose acting for her career.

I walked over to JC and sat down between his legs. "So you like the pendant I gave you?" I asked and began to feel his chest, I meant the pendant the way Amy did. But this was different because I did it more likely for myself. I was copping as much of a feel as I could. My fingers repeatedly brushed against his nipple. This has a stronger effect on him than on me because JC's nipples are more sensitive. I pushed him back a little as I moved in closer on him. He was half lying on the floor propping himself up by his elbows to support his body and mine. Next I wrapped my arms around his neck and lowered my face until our lips were almost touching. He leaned forward but I slowly moved back just enough so that our lips were still barely touched. I could feel his member is hardening underneath, and his breathing was getting heavier. He looked to Amy and Kenny but I moved his head back as I brushed my lips gently all over his face. I moved slowly to his ear, as I quickly licked and whispered seductively "Baby"

"hmm..." was all he could get out of his mouth.

"YOU'RE GETTING HARD AND IT'S POKING ME" I yelled, pushing him back and ran away.

Kenny and Amy were rolling and howling with laughter as he turned away to "adjust" himself. Serve him right for embarrassing me before with his strip show.

"Wow! You're such a tease Tom! Never know you have it in you" Kenny spoke still laughing as he patted me on my shoulder.

JC walked over and grabbed my arms tightly. I was startled by his action as he pulled me in and kissed me right then, right there in front Amy and Kenny. I didn't mean kiss, we were sucking faces, and he didn't even care if Amy and Kenny were watching. Me! I didn't even know if they were there. He pulled back, let go of me and walked into the pool without saying anything. I felt the earth was moving, and I felt everything was spinning. I tried to reach out for something to hold, to support myself because my legs were feeling so weak

"WOW!" was all I could say. He was just so cool, so manly, so confident. I tried to collect myself and looked at him, I saw him looking at me and smiled. When he saw me looking at him, he mouthed "I love you"

I couldn't say anything because I still haven't recovered from the kiss yet.

"That must be one hell of a kiss heh?" Kenny asked.

I looked at him and nodded repeatedly. That night we didn't make love before we went to sleep despite all the sexual tension and teasing from the evening. Yet, it was the best night I've ever had in my entire life. We kissed, we cuddled, we caressed each other. I remembered falling sleep with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats while he ran his fingers through my hair and massaged my head. That was the best night of sleep I've ever had. No nightmares, only dreams, beautiful dreams came to me in my sleep. Waking up in the morning was even better. Never in my life I have waken up with somebody's arms around me. I've never had the chance to experience that feeling, I've never known what it's like to be held until that morning. The feeling was incredible. It's a combination of security, happiness and love. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to get out of the bed. Especially I didn't want to get out of those two muscular arms that belong to the most beautiful man whom I love with all my heart. I looked at him, he looked so beautiful, beautiful like an angel casted down from heaven. Yes, he's my angel. He has come to save me and give me the happiness that I could only dream of, the happiness that I've believed only exist in fairy tales. I couldn't help it but leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Since it was such a beautiful morning, I didn't want to waste it by just lying around in bed. Furthermore, we had to get up and get ready to go with Amy and Kenny to return the house key to the office before going to the airport. I shook him lightly. "Honey bear, wake up!" No response, I shook him harder, still no response. I shook him harder and said loudly "JC wake up!" still no reaction. A terrible feeling's spread through out my whole body. I began to shake lightly as I nervously put my fingers close to his nose for about ten seconds. My body was shaking more when I realized that he wasn't breathing. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I started to shake him violently. "J...C..." was all I could get out of my mouth. Still no response came from my angel, me love. I crashed down on his chest and cried. This couldn't happen. This couldn't be true. How could this happen to me? Everything began to flash back to me. Everything from the beginning, from how we met, how we fell in love with each other. Nobody could love me the way he loves me, and I could never love anybody like I love him. Right at that moment, I felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry baby. I was just playing with you. I didn't mean to scare you or make you cry. I thought you would give me a mouth to mouth resuscitation. I'm sorry baby. I am really sorry" "Josh" I began to cry harder "You scared the hell out of me. I thought I lost you. I was so scared JC." I began to pound on his chest "Don't ever do that again!" "How could I be so stupid? I didn't know that I would scare you like that. I'm so sorry TT" he started to cry as he hugged me tighter in his arms. He pulled me up and wiped the tears away from my face with his thumbs as he drew me closer. Our heads tilted slightly as we moved closer, soon our lips met. "I love you TT" he said when we pulled back from our kiss. "I love you too JC. We better get up and get ready. Remember the last time we showered together? You promised me that you let me take as long as I want. How about you keep your promise now?" "Ok! Let's go baby!" he quickly got up and swept me up and carried me to the bathroom. Needless to say, we took a pretty, pretty long shower.

When we said our goodbye to Amy and Kenny at the airport, Amy pulled me into a hug and whispered "Be good to him ok? He's a keeper." "I will! I love you guys. I'll see you later at home. Don't do anything fun without me ok?" I didn't want to let them go. I felt my eyes were watering. I hate saying goodbye even I knew that I will see them in a week, I still hated it. "So where are we going now?" I asked JC when we got out of the airport. "You'll see baby!" "Come on! Tell me I don't like waiting. Tell me, where are we going?" I asked excitedly jumping up and down a little in the seat. "Nope! You have to wait until we get there" he didn't budge. "Fine! Be like that. I don't need to know about that stupid place we're going anyway" I said like I didn't care, but inside I just wanted to murder him for not telling. He just smiled, and didn't say anything when he saw the look on my face. Then he started talking about something to distract me. I knew what he was doing but I just ignored it b/c I believed he wouldn't tell me no matter how many times I asked. We were talking for a while until he pulled off in the driveway of a beautiful house on the beach. It wasn't really a big house but it located far away from the other houses. "I love this house because it gives us a lot of privacy. We can do anything we want. Nobody will bother us, we can spend the whole week together here by ourselves" JC said excitedly. We carried our bags inside the house. JC was unpacking our bags in the bedroom when I told him that I would go and make a phone call. I wanted to call my brother and tell him everything. I was so happy that I couldn't wait to talk to Johnny. "Hello Johnny?" I asked. "Tommy? Is that you? How's the vacation little bro?" "Really good bro. That's why I called to tell you. I met somebody Johnny." "Really? Who is he?" Johnny asked excitedly. "You know him Johnny. His name is JC from the N'sync. "Wow! You lucky son of a gun" "I know. I'm so lucky. We met about three weeks ago. Oh Johnny! He's so wonderful. I love him so much" I said smiling as if my brother could see my face. "What? You only met him for three weeks and you fall in love with him already?" "What are you talking about Johnny? So what if we only met for three weeks? I love him very much, and I know he loves me too" "Listen bro! I know for sure that you love him, but I'm not sure about him. You're still very young and immature..." I quickly cut him off "I'm not young. I'm twenty three" "I know bro but this is the first time you love somebody. How do you know he really love you? How do you know he is not using you just for sex? You know he's very famous and good looking. He can have anybody he wants" I cut him off again "That's not true Johnny! You don't know him so you don't know what you're talking about. I know he loves me. I know it Johnny" I said sobbing a little. "I'm sorry little bro. I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just worried about you, and I'm only looking out for you" "I know you're looking out for me bro. I have to go now. I'll call you back later" "Ok bro! I love you" "I love you too Johnny. Bye" "Bye" When I hung up the phone, I quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom seeing JC lying on the bed with his arms and legs all stretched out. "Do you love me JC?" I asked him. "What?" he quickly sat up.

"Do you really love me JC? You're not just using me for sex, are you?"

"What's the hell are you talking about Tom?" he walked over and grabbed my arms tightly as I winced in pain "Look at me!" he shouted. I was so scared. I've never seen this side of JC. I didn't dare to look at him as I kept my eyes on the floor.

"I SAID LOOK AT ME DAMN IT!" he screamed as he shook me violently "how could you ask me that Tom? How could you ask me that? Haven't I shown you enough how much I love you? I never cry for anybody in my entire life, yet I shed so much tears for you already Tom. I never love anybody like I love you. Nobody loves me the way you love, but nobody hurts me the way you hurt me either Tom" he pushed me back and stomped out of the room. I fell down on the bed crying. Yes, he was right. How could I ask him that? How could I doubt his love for me? My love and trust for him are not strong enough. I was crying when the phone rang. I didn't want to pick it up but I decided against it.

"Hello?" I asked controlling my crying.

"Hi bro! I just want to call and apologize. I'm sorry when I say that JC may be using you for sex. I was really worried that you would get hurt. But when I thought about it. I realized that I was wrong. I haven't met JC so I shouldn't be so judgmental. I'm really sorry bro. You forgive me?"

"It's ok Johnny! You don't have to apologize for anything. You didn't do anything wrong. You were just looking out for me. Thank you anyway. I love you bro, and you have to believe me that he really loves me. You'll see it when you'll meet him"

"Ok! I'll let you go now. I love you too. Have fun and I'll see you when you'll get home. Take care baby bro"

"Take care Johnny!" when I looked up I saw JC entered. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.


"I'm sorry JC! I should never..."

He quickly put his finger on my lips to stop me from talking "It's ok! I'm sorry for screaming at you. Come here! I have to show you something" he got up and grabbed my hand to pull me up. I followed him and we walked out to the back of the house. When we got out of the back door, I saw a bucket with a bottle of champagne in it, and a basket of fruits and food placed on a sheet on the beach. We walked over as he sat me down in front of him. Then he took my hand and put it inside his shirt to pull the heart pendant out.

"Remember this pendant?" he asked. I nodded. How could I ever forget?

"When we put the pendant on for each other, we gave the other person half of our heart. We became one baby. I told you that I will never love another person in my life. I don't even care if we are sent to hell if we're together. As long as you are by my side, I'm ready to deal with everything. So don't ever doubt my love for you again. I would do anything, anything in my power to make you happy my love" he said, his voice was full of emotion and love.

"Make love to me JC. Make love to me. I want to feel you inside of me right now" I pleaded to him desperate. I needed him so much at that moment.

"Right here? Right now?" he asked.

"Yes, right here, right now. I want you to make love to me in the open place. I want Heaven and Earth to be our witnesses. I want to show that our love is pure. We have nothing to hide, I have nothing to be ashamed of. You're all I've ever needed JC. Please make love to me." He didn't say anything as he bent down and kissed me. His hands began to undress me as I reached for the buttons his pants. Soon all of our clothes were taken off and thrown all over on the beach. We didn't care as we desperately took them off of each other. We couldn't wait as our hands began to roam all over the body of the other. He bent down and kissed my heart, then he started to suck on my nipple as he situated himself between my legs. I could feel the tip of his cock rubbing against my hole. He slowly pushed it in inside of me.

"Ohhh!" I moaned in pleasure as my body encountered the feeling he just gave me. He grabbed my hands and our fingers immediately intertwined. Again, he leaned forward and kissed me as he pushed in further, deeper inside of me. A loud moan escaped my mouth as my legs involuntary wrapped around his waist to pull him in deeper.

That's it for now everybody. I'm sorry that It took a long time for me too finish this chapter. I've been really busy with the exams and finals. I'm so happy that they are over. Yippee! This chapter is dedicated to my grandma. She just died peacefully a couple months ago. I love you very much grandma. I know that you are watching out for me from above. May you rest in peace and I'll pray for you. I love you. I hope you like this chapter. It took a lot out of me to finish it, especially about my grandma. She's a wonderful person, and I love her dearly. Take care everybody and see you again soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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