FCP: The Experiment

By Ishmael Wilkins

Published on Nov 8, 1995



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W A R N I N G ! ! ! ! ! !


This file contains adult sexual fiction. Within can be found sexual activities and/or sexual situations involving adult males and/or females along with children, boys and/or girls, and sexual activities between children, boys and/or girls, and other children. Some files may contain sex and/or sexual situations between humans adults and/or children and animals.

If you or your community standards are offended by such material, exit now. If you do not wish to view files of this type, it is up to you to exit now. All characters in these files, unless otherwise noted in individual story lines, are fictional. They do not exist. Any resemblances between these actors and real people are purely coincidental.

FAN CHA PHAW is a small, Boston-based, publisher specializing in sexual freedom and amateur fiction zines. Stories are posted, from time to time, to the Internet as a service to readers who enjoy them. Fan Cha Phaw does not condone the activities of the actors in any of these stories. The stories are totally fiction. Fan Cha Phaw does not advocate breaking any laws known to mankind.

Fan Cha Phaw does not e-mail stories to individual readers, so please do not ask. Stories are posted again about three to four weeks after they initially appear on the thread for those who missed them. Fan Cha Phaw does not respond to question or comments posted on alt.sex.stories. We do respond to questions or comments posted to the discussion group, alt.sex.stories.d. Lastly, we do not respond to flames. We have more important things to do with our time.

Ishmael Wilkins FAN CHA PHAW


The Experiment Chapter 2

The same held true for boys who wished to have their penises sucked. The "victims" were usually younger or smaller boys, too weak to fight off unwanted advances. The boys would be gotten alone by one or more boys, and then made to suck their penises, threats ad sometimes mild violence used to convince them.

This activity was monitored, but was not stopped, except in a few cases of extremely aggressive boys. After being removed from the camp, and brought to an empty room in the man's bunker, the boys were lectured about forcing other boys into sex. The man, on most occasions like that, also took the naked boys over his knees and spanked them, which he enjoyed a great deal.

On a few occasions he forced the boys to suck his penis, holding their heads until he ejaculated into their mouths, forcing them to swallow his semen. He did this to "teach" them how bad it could feel to be forced into sex. The man totally enjoyed these encounters, however, he never let this on to the children.

The more difficult and stubborn of the children stayed at the bunker for days at a time, being forced at the man's will to suck his penis. In some cases, beautiful or talented children would remain there longer than the others, the man taking his time to enjoy them. In between having them suck his penis, he would feast on their young erections as well.

Once anal intercourse began to spread, many more boys became sexually active. Boys learned from those who were aware of it from their previous life, either from watching them at it with other boys, or from first hand instruction in either passive or active roles, sometimes both.

At the beginning there were five boys involved in the anal sex play. As time went on the numbers grew, until about sixty percent of the boys had either been inside the anuses of other boys, had other boys inside them, or both.

The youngest, cutest, and ones with the nice asses became very popular. Rumors would fly around the camp on who had the nicest, warmest, and tightest ass for fucking, or which boy could ride a cock the best. On the other side, there developed quite a following of boys who grew to love having penises in their bottoms.

These boys would share their own gossip on which boys had the biggest dicks, lasted the longest, and gave the best fucks. Another trait well loved by the backside boys, as they became known as, was how many times a boy could fuck in a row, with the shortest pause in between.

Again, a little terror squad was formed. The boys who could not get enough of stuffing their erections into the asses of other boys were always on the lookout for new bottoms to explore. The more passive, younger and smaller of the boys submitted to these boys with little or no fight.

If a boy were in his out, or out playing, and one of the ass boys showed up, he would either lie on his belly or bend over with his butt sticking out, and allow the ass boy to mount and fuck him. Some other boys, however, were not so passive, nor did they give up their backsides without a fight.

As in every case, the youngest boys were easy prey. Some of the older boys would protect the younger from unwanted assaults, however, since they could not protect them twenty four hours a day, the ass boys usually would be able to strike.

When they least expected it, a lone boy would be jumped, wrestled to the ground, and his bottom roughly fucked by one or more boys. The younger boys thought that there would be safety in numbers. This often worked when one or two boys were on the make for a new boys ass. The younger boys as a group could defeat any attempts at rape.

The younger boys soon found out, however, that numbers did not always mean safety. One particular group of little boys, banded together in a group of eight. They ranged in ages between five and eleven. They would always be on the look out for a known ass boy, and were responsible for the sound beating of various would-be ass bandits.

The ass boys who preferred rape to consensual sex decided to band together as well, and laid plans to attack the group of boys which had deterred them for so long. The man watched this develop, and decided to keep out of it unless things really got rough. He was interested whether or not the young boys could defend themselves, and if not, how the others would respond to the gang rape by the ass boys.

The ass boys waited until the group was off playing on their own, pretty much away from the population of the camp. As the ass boys approached, other boys playing around the area scattered. Many of them had already found themselves at the hands of the ass bandits, and did not wish a repeat. Others had managed to keep their virginity intact, and they usually led the pack in retreat whenever the roaming boys were spotted.

The ass boys quietly approached the boys, and after surrounding them, they mounted their attack. The would be fuckees did not see them until it was too late, however, they mounted a fairly well executed defense. A small battle occurred, in which the ass boys tried to get the better of the group.

As hard as they fought, one by one the group members fell, and were held down on the ground by the ass boys. Little injury was done, and finally the ass boys accomplished their goal. Each of the boys from the group were being held down, belly to the ground, by one or more of the ass boys.

Once they were in control, the ass boys began what they had been after for so long. After smearing sap over their erections and the holes of the boys, they began to mount and fuck the boys. To keep the others from being alerted, boys who were not actively involved fucking, held their hands over the mouths of the crying and screaming boys.

After getting off in a boy's ass, the boy would roll off and then hold the boy's mouth while another took his place. Each of the ass boys took turns, trading the boys from the group back and forth, until they could not maintain erections to fuck any longer.

Every one of the boys in the group were fucked over and over again during the one hour orgy. The youngest of them, a frail five-year-old, was fucked the most, his ass the smallest and tightest of any there.

The little boys remained in the spot where they had been raped for a long time afterwards, nursing their wounds and comforting each other. When they returned to the camp, it did not take long before everyone knew what had taken place. Panic spread throughout the camp. The group had become almost famous in their ability to fight off the ass bandits. Now that they had been defeated, and gang banged, no boy felt safe from the bandits,

The older boys from the pubescent camp tried to intervene and stop the ass bandits, but when news of the defeat of the group spread, the ranks of the ass bandits grew, until their numbers were impressive. One twelve-year-old who tried to stop two new ass bandits from raping a six-year-old virgin, was attacked an over powered by the two. What happened next spread even more panic amongst the boys. The twelve year old was held down and repeatedly raped by the two boys for close to an hour.

The older boys decided to mount an attack of their own as revenge for the rape of their friend, however, they were met by more ass boys than they bargained for, and they retreated before they suffered the same fate as their friend.

The man watched the development closely. The older boys had always been the ruling force in the camp, and they could always be counted on for taking care of things. Their power was defeated by the sheer number of ass boys, and total chaos developed.

The Experiment Chapter 3

The ass bandits decided that they now ruled supreme,. and they began their few days of terror. During this time many more boys lost their virginity, especially the youngest of the boys. The man almost made his move when one nine-year- old decided that he wanted the ass of the six month baby of the camp.

Although it was clearly rape, the man held back. The nine- year-old was gentler to the boy than others had been, and the man witnessed something that had not yet been seen on the island. Prior to mounting the boy, the nine-year-old spread his buttocks and rimmed the child for several long minutes. The boy cried as he was penetrated, however, the nine-year-old rode him slowly until the boy stopped crying. After a fuck which lasted about twenty minutes, the exhausted nine-year-old rolled off the little boy. The boy rolled over, exposing his own hard penis. The nine-year-old went down on the little boy and sucked him to several obvious climaxes.

Over the next two days, boys were being fucked all over the camp. The ass boys no longer tried to hide their assaults and would approach a boy and fuck him right in the middle of a group of boys. Some of the ass boys who joined with the others, perhaps to protect their own backsides, also fell prey to being fucked. Everyone was fucking everyone, no rhyme or reason to it at all.

The pubescent boys who wandered into the camp quickly retreated back to their own, some of them not before they were fucked themselves. After several boys returned to the pubescent camp holding their backsides, the older boys decided to stay away.

Several of the ass boys decided that they should explore the island to see who else was there. They were aware of the existence of a girls camp, but like the girls, they did not know where it was located. Traveling outside of the camp was outlawed, but the man sat and watched as a party of twenty ass boys left the boundaries searching for other children to rape.

Once the twenty left, things seemed to settle down at the prepubescent camp. Although many more ass boys remained, their leaders had left, and alone they were timid. The remainder of the other boys formed into tight little groups, each group willing to help another defend themselves.

The older boys came back into the camp in force and learned of the new developments. They quickly regained control, and began to punish those who had been ass bandits. The punishments ranged from sitting in a group quietly all day, to public spankings, during which all of the boys were allowed to spank the backsides of the boys who had previously fucked them.

The other boys quickly suggested revenge by being allowed to fuck the ass boys in return, but the older boys talked them out of it as a massive group. This did not stop some newly formed groups from taking their revenge, and ganging up on ass boys, one after the other, and gang banging them with their little dicks. What they lacked in size, however, they made up in number and energy, and the ass boys sorely felt their revenge.

The man noticed that the pubescent boys would draw an ass boy away from the others, and while alone he would have sex with him as well, usually ending up by fucking him. The man found this interesting, as the older boys had not yet engaged in any real amount of sex with the younger boys.

Some of the older boys fooled around with each other, and every once in a while one of them would develop a crush on one from the younger camp, and they would have a relationship, but it did not happen often. The man had wondered how long it would take for the older boys to start having sex with the little ones on a regular basis. It seemed that the change in things at the prepubescent camp brought them to the point of looking at the little boys through new eyes.

The older boys decided that the man had to be told about the ass boys. They were not sure how to get in touch with the man, short of going to the bunker and looking for him. The twelve-year-old, who had first been raped by the ass boys, volunteered to go. He went to the bunker and sat waiting for the man to appear.

The man was aware of his presence, however, he let him sit there for a while. He finally brought the boy into the bunker and listened to the story which he already knew. The man told him that he would punish the boys. He told the twelve- year-old that he wanted him to go back to the camp and tell them what he said and then return. He told the boy that he wanted him to be a part of the punishment of the others.

The boy did the man's bidding, and then returned. The man settled the boy down in the outer bunker, the only one that the boys had ever seen. The man watched the boy carefully in the cameras. He was certainly a cute boy. He had just the beginnings of pubic hair, and he had a nice size penis for his age. His body was perfect.

That night after feeding the boy, and then allowing him to bathe. The man came into the bunker and joined the boy on his mattress. The man always appeared in front of the children naked. He smiled happily as he slid down besides the cute twelve-year-old, and pulled him close to him.

The man had never brought a boy to the bunker for sex. All of the boys who had been there were there for punishment, and sex occurred as an example during the punishment. With this boy, however, the man decided to break his own rules. The boy was too beautiful to pass up.

The boy gasped, totally surprised as he felt the man's erection pressing into his stomach. He laid wide-eyed as the man began to kiss him, and make love to his body. The boy was no stranger to sex with other boys, however, this was THE man. Little by little the boy relaxed, and as he did, he began to respond. The boy cried out as his seed filled the man's sucking mouth. The boy spent his seed once again, as his mouth and throat was filled with the man's semen. The boy swallowed all that he could, the remainder dripping down his chin onto his chest, stomach, and sex.

The boy received his first rimming while laying under the man, thrashing wildly, unable to believe the pleasure coming from his anus. When wrapped into a sixty-nine position, the man's face once again buried between the boy's buttocks, the child positioned himself until his own face was between the man's buttocks, and he began to do to the man what was being done to him.

The boy was ready when the man lifted his legs up onto his shoulders, and rubbed sap onto his boy hole, and then onto his penis. The boy gasped as he felt the man's huge organ pass his tight little ring, and cried out as the man's erection began sliding deep inside of him. He cried out and grasped the man's arms, as the man continued his way inside of the boy, slowly but never stopping, until he was buried totally inside of the boy's body.

Man and boy gasped and their bodies lurched, each wrapped in their own pleasures, the boy's of being filled, the man's of the most wonderful ass he ever penetrated. When the man began to move, first out, and then back inside of the boy's anus, the child was ready. A few more cries were heard, as the rectum stretched, trying to accommodate the invader. Soon the young body relaxed, lust took over, and the boy opened himself fully to the man's needs.

First slowly, and then with increasing speed and force, the man thrust in and out of the child's body, until movements became blurred. The man fucked the boy like he never fucked anyone before. The boy received the man, experiencing sensations which he never received before.

The Experiment Chapter 4

Positions changed, boy on belly, boy on hands and knees, boy kneeling on top of man anus planted on erection, thrusting his body up and down, eyes closed in pleasure. The two fucked, never decreasing speed or force, until neither could wait any longer. Boy still sitting on man's erection, lowered himself, receiving the man's erection fully, being filled with seed, as his own product shot forth from his quivering organ, shooting far, landing on the man's face, chest, and stomach.

While the man's unyielding ejaculation continued within the boy's body, semen now beginning to seep from between their tightly paired bodies, the boy ejaculated load after load, until dribbles, and then empty lurches of his penis signaled that there was no more to offer.

The boy fell forward, still implanted by man, their naked bodies coated with each other's seed, chests heaving and hearts beating wildly in their chests, each unwilling to move, thus break the spell. They rested, and slept in each other's arms for several hours before finally stirring, aware of their "spentness", a little embarrassed with their earlier lust, and then parted, heading for the wash room to refresh their weary bodies.

And back again upon their mattress, now turned over to hide wet spots, the boy is offered an opportunity to perform, the man wanting, needing to be filled with his boyhood. The boy, somewhat accustomed to being the fucker, begins nervously, however, recovers and builds to a speed and force to equal the man's. The child's lasting power cannot compete, and with one last violent thrust forward he cries out, the man feels his hot liquid shooting out deep inside of his rectum.

The boy tries to withdraw, the man holds him tight, not wanting to end the feeling of the young boy flesh buried deep inside of him. The boy recovers quickly as children do, and grow erect once more. The man gasps with pleasure as he is once again filled with hard child, and child humps, now confident being assured by man, and fucks as only adolescent can fuck, lasting longer, much longer before shooting a lesser load, but with as great a force as his first deep into his hungry bowels.

The man is hooked, hooked to boy dick. He cannot, will not release the child. The boy smiles, recognizing his hold over the adult, the only adult in his life, their God. Boy recovers and humps, fucks the adult, fucks God silly, and spends and grows and humps, until neither can remember how many times, past caring how many times, and the tired child slips from between man's buttocks, too tired to even care if he is clean.

Man strokes, kisses, caresses child as he comes back to earth, holding child in strong arms, teaching the child how to kiss, how to love, each other's tongues buried deeply inside the other's mouths. The man pulls away, smiles at the boy, his penis once again erect. The boy looks, understands, and rolls, offering the man his backside, sore but too horny to refuse.

The night continues the same, man fucks boy, boy fucks man, and then they sleep. Man sucks boy, boy

The Experiment Chapter 5

The children march, the boy leading, the man following to the bunker. The man watches their young asses bounce as the walk, his fantasies filled, knowing that he and his boy will soon be filling those joyous little holes.

The children bathe, three at a time, the boy watching over them. They feed, and begin to relax, perhaps beginning to think that they will not be punished. They sit in a circle as commanded, and the first boy is called to the man, a blonde hair eleven-year-old. The man takes the boy over his lap, caresses and kneads the firm little buttocks before bringing his hand down harder and harder, the child screams are heard, the others cower in fear, until it is their turn and their cheeks are turned a bright red, each after being lovingly fondled and caressed.

The boy is given the narrow strap, an alien thing to his and the other's eyes, perhaps a thing of the Gods. The boy is instructed and before him three boys lie on their stomachs, asses exposed, the boy raises and lowers his arm, strap seeking boy flesh and contacting, small welts raising, sounds of pain and agony throughout the bunker, until quiet sobs are heard, each boy having tasted the strap, holding their bottoms too sore to sit, the boy exhausted in the corner, belt still in hand, erection pointing upwards.

The lines are formed upon command, one before the man, one before the boy. Young faces look up, fear filled, hoping for no more abuse. They open their mouths as told, and wrap their lips around erections, mouths sucking, heads bobbing up and down in laps, all eager to please in order to save from more strap.

Boy wiggles and squirms, sighs loudly as young mouths suck away on his boyhood, stopping only when commanded, the next mouth opening automatically as it nears the erection. Boy's lips wrapped around man's erection, total bliss, holding onto heads, fucking mouths, nearly filling them with seed, holding off, thrusting mouths away, pulling for the next, until each boy has sucked, traded lines and back again. Dicks sucked, balls licked, sucked and nibbled, and finally assholes filled with tongues, burying themselves some from gagging boys, too afraid not to comply.

The boys encircled once again, laying back as told, hands under heads, legs spread. Man starting at one end, boy at the other, exploring, touching, caressing genitals, engulfing the immature organs in hot mouths, sucking until they collapse, the shooters discovered, unable to hide their ejaculations from eager mouths.

Boy whispers to man, giggling heard, and boys roll onto stomachs on command, fear filled, the erection of the man as long as some of their arms. Buttocks parted, tongues caressing, pressing down until admitted, rimming prime, first class boy ass, man and boy gasp, never getting their fill, reaching for new buttocks, exploring new holes.

Boy disappears, returns with sap, spreading it liberally between little valleys, coating holes, preparing. Boy lovingly coats man's erection, man follows on boy's, the lovers glistening, cowering boys looking over their shoulders at the two monster erections ready to invade their boy holes.

Penetration. Slow, fast, gentle, hard. Pleasure. So many asses, all so different, all so alike, as erections bury their way deep inside with little waste of time. Moving on to the next hole, excitement on discover of one tighter, looser, warmer, smoother, man boy push forward, grunt, withdraw, move on.

Reassembled, man and boy kiss, eyes of everyone upon them, unbelieving. The boy kissing the God. And ready, erections glaring, angry heads, iron poles and screams as boy's bodies are roughly entered, five, ten, twenty strokes and more, moving on the next and repeat, until all have felt, all have gasped, some have been chosen, and are ridden hard and fast, this way and that, until they find themselves riding erections, their little buttocks bobbing up and down, too afraid not to please. Asses filled, boy cum, man cum, mixes and seeps out, no ass left untouched, pleasure, heaven, nirvana reached.

Sun raises and sets several times and man and boy continue on, exploring new asses, new mouths, new positions, boys bending, turning, and pleasing in every way, knowing that failure means punishment.

Well fucked boys are returned to the camp, asses still red from spanking, tears still filling eyes, much humbled boys, now in the service of others that they have abused. New rules are given, new peace is found, and in time all is forgotten.

Boys suck boys, boys fuck boys, new boys come, old boys go. Infants, toddlers, little boys arrive and learn with love and tenderness replacing violence. Man and boy live together in bunker, fucking day in and day out like the first. Boy learns all the secrets which are to be learnt. Boy brings others, boys and girls to the bunker and loves them, man watches, sometimes joins them, children learn that their God loves them, as does his boy, and children fuck, and suck, and perform to the amusement of their Gods, THE man and his boy, their little bodies give and take, a new order found, the old ways gone.

The experiment succeeds.

The end

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