FCP: The New Horizons

By Ishmael Wilkins

Published on Aug 6, 1995



Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

W A R N I N G ! ! ! !

The following file contains adult sexual material. If you are under the age at which you may legally read these materials, exit this file now.



The following story contains adult material. It involves science fiction, space travel, and sex, along with sexual situations, involving adult men and minor boys, both human and alien. If you, or your community standards are offended by these things, exit this file now.

All characters in this story, including the aliens, are fictional. They do not exist. If ever a living person or thing is found who resembles one of these characters, it will be totally coincidental.

Fan Cha Phaw does not condone the activities of the actors in this story. Fan Cha Phaw does not advocate the breaking of any laws known throughout the universes.

Special note: Fan Cha Phaw does not advocate sex with alien minors, however, we do believe that there is life elsewhere in the great voids of sex, and we imagine that when this life is eventually found, they will not respond to situations of consensual sex as we humans now do.

Ishmael Wilkins

The New Horizons Part 1


"Go forth, all of you young explorers, into the great void of space. Meet and learn from all those who you encounter. Do not repeat the mistakes which we have made, mistakes which have stripped us of our decency and caring. Go forth and multiply, building strong new races, and spread the word of peace. Share with others our mistakes so that never again this will happen."

Secretary General Amanny Gathersin United Earth Peace Collation


The year is 2425, and I am aboard my Garden Class II scout, wandering around a variety of galaxies in search of new adventures, and possibly a new home. It was shortly after the last great earth war of 2405 that many of us new adventurers left the planet in search of a better life.

Some people left for the colonies, however, I could not quite see myself settling down on the boring moon, let alone Mars. I had to have more. I managed to purchase the second hand scouter from a gentlemen who found himself in sudden need for instant cash. It was pretty much a case of being in the right place at the right time. The scout was an older one, but it ran good. It had also been modified from its original state to suit the business adventures of the previous owner which is why, by the way, he needed the quick cash.

I had not had much experience with flying anything other than the surface skimming transportation crafts, however, I found that with a little time and effort it was not hard at all. I had been to the moon on a few occasions, prior to the point at which the purity crowd took it over, and I managed a short trip to Mars and another to a settlement ship out near Pluto, but other than that I had always been pretty much earthbound.

Some of the "rebels" chose to stay at home on earth, regardless of the quality of life there. Hundreds and thousands of years of abuse had taken their toll on planet earth. On most days, artificial breathing devices were needed if one expected to survive. Most animals, plants, and trees were long since gone and water, the reason for the last great war, was more valuable than any other substance in the universe.

The western coalition took a beating during the war, much to everyones surprise. The east proved to be better trained and better prepared for the battle. The smaller non-aligned groups were almost totally wiped out. The numbers which remained quickly headed to one side or the other and joined the tribes.

Chaos was the norm in the western coalition after the war. The east, happy with its win, as well as gaining control of the water supplies of Earth, left it at that. It seemed as if they had no desire to expand their territories. They had enough headaches taking care of those which they had under their own control without taking on the crippled west.

The rationing of water now was as lopsided as it had been when the west had been in control. The west had rationed the east almost to non-existence, and it seemed that it was the time for pay back. It was rather amusing to see how priorities changed after the war.

Those with a strong constitution and a will of iron decided to remain on earth in the west. Because things were in such disarray, and because no one was quite sure who was really in control, those who remained found much more freedom than they had experienced in the past.

One great difference on Earth after the war was the demise of the purity alliance. It seemed that they could not handle the harsher living conditions which the defeat brought about. Almost overnight the entire leadership of the alliance moved to the moon. Within weeks the majority of the movement had left earth for the moon as well.

With the greatest headache of the west now gone, it was time for change. It was those who remained who planned to bring about that change. One of the first to enjoy the new freedom were the children. During the fifty or so years of the purity alliance rule, children suffered perhaps more than any others. Restriction after restriction was applied to children, which raised anxiety levels to the point at which no week went by without the suicide of at least a dozen children in the west.

The last regulation enacted by the purity alliance before its demise was the "Children in Public Act," under which children who appeared anywhere in public were required to wear togas which covered every inch of their bodies. Other than their hands, no other part of their skin could be exposed in public. A part of the toga were the vales which both boys and girls were required to wear until their sixteenth birthday.

The purity of the children was checked on a regular basis, using elaborate systems in which to insure that the child was not sexually abused, or that he was not sexually abusing himself or others. If a child were found to be sexually impure, he was placed in a re- education program which often used electrical impulses and brain implants to correct the behavior.

Special monitors were placed in schools, especially in rest rooms, and in homes where children resided. A child could only be naked by himself in his bathroom or in his bedroom, and only when the doors were securely locked and the monitor was activated. Failure to conform was met with a stiff prison sentence.

Perhaps the second most repressed class of people were those who found that they were attracted to children. The pattern of abuses which these people faced had begun way back in the 1990's, and it had not let up in all of those years.

In Earth's history the governments had tried long prison sentences, often for natural life, for people who engaged in sex with children. It became obvious when the prisons literally burst at the seams with child lovers that this was not the answer. Periods of chemical and surgical castration were tried, and later brain implants, however, it was found that the sexual drives and loves of child lovers were strong enough to stand up to any challenge.

In the year 2319 the purity alliance passed what was later called the "Paradise" law, when it enacted laws which created a special penal colony for those attracted sexually to children. This colony was located on a remote tropical island. Offenders of both sexes were sent to this island. Other than a perimeter to keep those sentenced there inside, the inmates were on their own. Sufficient food, water, and medical supplies were dropped on a regular basis.

At first it seemed as if this program would be a success. Eventually, however, a hard decision had to be reached. The alliance found that there were certain children, especially adolescents, which would not conform to any known treatments. They were as deviate, it was said, as those placed on the island. A decision was reached which placed these children on the island as well.

Perhaps, the Alliance admitted later, the ideas was not totally thought out before it was enacted. More and more "problem" children were shipped to the island, until their numbers were almost half of that of the adult inmates. The Alliance stated that they had not given any thought about placing the children on an island with adults which were there because they preyed on children. The leaders of the Purity crowd said that since the children were as depraved, if not more so, than the adults there, it seemed the logical decision.


Fan Cha Phaw

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