Filling In For Lucille

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 26, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



You hear about it but never expect to see it. I saw Gene sitting at the bar and he was crying in his beer. Literally, with his head hung over his half-emptied glass and crying, the tears falling into the golden liquid. At the reason was playing on the jukebox.

"You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille, With four hungry children and a crop in the field. I've had some bad times, And lived through some sad times, But this time, the hurt just won't heal. You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille."

Ted, the bartender/owner, saw me and waved me over. "Thank God you finally got here, Jeffrey." he said to me. "He's been here for nearly four hours."

"Just got the message twenty minutes ago." I defended myself. "How much has he had to drink?"

"Eight beers so far." Ted said and I whistled. Gene never drank more than two beers in an entire evening, the entire time I'd known him. He must be three sheets to the wind. Maybe four or five.

"And he's been playing that same damned song for three hours." Ted bitched. "Loaded the juke box with quarters and hit the same record over and over. You have any idea how sick and tired I am of `Lucille?'"

Gene heard him and looked up, beery tears streaking his face. "Lucille? Lucille! Baw-haw-haw!" That last part was him crying out loud. He'd been mostly quiet up to then.

"Aw, hell, now I got him started again." Ted moaned. "Can you get him out of here?"

"Sure, sure." I said. I wasn't exactly Gene's friend, but he and I had come into Ted's bar any number of times after work together, so when Gene had come in and tied one on, and Ted didn't want to call the police, so he figured I was his friend and called me. What could I do but go get Gene?

Ted helped me haul his wailing, weeping ass out to my car. After I started the car, I said, "Okay, Gene, where do you live?"

"Where do I live?" he said. "I live with...Lucille! Baw-haw-haw!"

"So where does she live?" I asked, but that just made it worse. Hell, I guess this Lucille woman threw him out or something. Like I said, I didn't know Gene that well, and if I hadn't known him from work, I wouldn't be out here at nearly midnight trying to get his drunken ass home!

I considered it and said, "Aw, to hell with it." and I took off. Have to take him home with me and let him sleep it off on my couch.

Gene was sick just as I started getting him out of the car at my house, and he barfed all over his shirt and it dribbled down onto his pants. God damn it! Now I had a mess to deal with!

I got him inside and he went from illness into a stupor and I took the opportunity to get those now-filthy clothes off of him. I winced as I had to stick my fingers into the gooey mess over his shirt buttons. But only two of them were in the worst of it, after that, I got the shirt undone and wiped my fingers on the drier part of the cloth. Then the T-shirt, I peeled the soggy thing off him and figured on washing him off if he needed it.

That was the first time I'd really looked at Gene. Hell, I'd seen him wearing only his T-shirt any number of times in hotter weather, but never really looked at him. After all, I knew he was straight and when you work a dockside job like mine and his, you'd best keep your eyes to yourself. A stare at the wrong time and place can get you more than a bad name or two, you can get a hook in your back.

A nice, thick coat of hair, the kind I liked to run my fingers through. Big pearls of tits atop twin thick rounded mounds of breasts, I wanted to grab them and twist them until he screamed. The bulbs of his abs at his slim waist, no beer-hound was this guy! That thicker row of hair across his slit-like navel that vanished into his jeans. I wanted to just lean over and kiss my way down that furry chest...probably tasted like barf, though! I shook myself and went back to getting those smelly clothes off him. His shoes and socks weren't so bad (you expect socks to smell a bit funky), and the jeans weren't stained too bad. I unbuttoned the jeans and skinned them down.

Tried not to look, but I couldn't help it. Look at the briefs, discolored from too much wash-and-wear without bleach, loose on his basket, except for the huge pipe running down the middle. My God, the size of that! God, yeah!

I licked my lips, nervous. I could get my ass whipped if he saw me right now. If he saw me looking at his thick, uncut dong pulsing there inside his briefs. If he felt me touching him...if he felt me holding him....

It was like a holding warm steel. Gene had an erection, possibly from some drunken dream, possibly because he needed to whiz, or maybe anything, but it was there, warm in my hand, hard as raw iron, God, I just wanted to pull down those briefs and taste it, just a taste, he wouldn't wake up from a tongue on his cock, would he, he wouldn't....

"Lucille?" came the voice near me. "Honey?"

I looked up, startled, scared, shit! He was looking at me.

"Lucille? Baby, oh, baby!"

"Hush. Go to sleep now." I said soothingly, letting go of him. He was so drunk, he thought I was his wife, or girlfriend, or whoever the hell Lucille was....

His hand caught mine and pushed it back onto his erection. "Come on, baby, come on." he crooned. "Just one more time, honey, just one more time."

I was back to holding his hard-on, and this time with permission, however clouded with beer fumes and delusions it could be. God, what was I getting myself into here!

"Come on, baby, you know I can't sleep until I get off." he said to me. "Come on, Lucille, baby, come on, suck it for your Genie."

Genie? Yeah, he definitely thought I was his wife/girlfriend/bitch/whatever. I said, "You're drunk, Genie. Why don't you sleep it off and we can do it in the morning?"

"No, do it now." he murmured. "Come on, baby, don't make me beg, honey, come on, suck it for me, please!"

Shit! "Will you go right to sleep if I do?" I asked him, hoping Lucille had said such things to him. What DOES a girlfriend do when her man gets drunk and horny? I guessed that she would do whatever it took to get him to shut up and roll over.

"Yeah, baby, come on, I need it, baby, you know I need it." His voice was like a rusty pipe leaking water, soft, low sounds with an echo of roughness behind it. "Come on, baby, get me off, honey, suck it like only you can, baby, suck it for your Genie."

"Well...okay." I said in what I hoped were dulcet tones of indulgent girlfriend. "If it'll get you to go to sleep."

Hell, my hand was trembling, I wanted him so bad! God, those times in the bars were one thing, you were there, the guy was there, you both wanted nothing but to get off and forget about each other. Gene was sort of like one step beyond that, I knew him and he knew me (well, when he wasn't plastered, he did) and he would forget this in the morning. I could suck off a dockworker, just like I'd always wanted, but never dared before! No wannabe tough guy here, he was the real article. And I had his briefs in my hands, skinning them down him, and as I did, his cock was towering upwards with his boozy grin lighting the night for me.

"Yeah, Lucille, honey, come on, I need you, baby, suck it for me, suck it, baby, yeah!"

I knelt down, and I was trembling all over now. God, if Gene ever realized who I really was, I'd be in deep shit! Have to move to another town, maybe.

"Come on, baby, come on, suck it for your Genie, Lucille, come on, one final time before you go, baby, come on....Aahhhhhh!" Because now I had him in my lips.

Geez, when was the last time he'd washed himself! This was pure funky dong I was sucking on, heavy with sweat and sticky with who-knows-what, the greasy feel that comes from a body too long enclosed in layers of cloth while its owner labored. The smell of Gene welled into my nostrils, soaked into my brain, stirred within my senses, I sucked as I moved back up again and I drank in Gene's oils in massive lots, it was like a thick, greasy meat gravy or something, it filled my mouth and saturated my saliva and I could only swallow it all down and lay on more. Sucked and now I had an overlay of saltiness, his cock was pouring precome into my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, baby, such a good baby, suck my dick, honey, one final time before you leave me, God, don't leave me, Lucille, honey, stay and suck my dick!"

"Mmm." I said as I savored the strong essence of blue-collar cock as the shaft went back into my mouth and the head kissed my tonsils.

"You won't leave me, will you, honey?" Gene said to me, to Lucille. "You're not leaving me, are you?"

"Uh-uh." I said. I had to keep him in the fantasy of Lucille, or he might realize he had a guy sucking his cock after all!

"Oh, baby, yeah, uh, uh!" Gene began to hunch upwards, his coordination was lousy, but that was all part of this, him drunk and out of control, his mind lost in his desire for Lucille enough to paint her face over mine, deranged enough to beg this phantom Lucille for her tender services. And I was picking up the pieces and getting myself a bit of hard-working, hard-fighting hard-packing mandick! Oh, God, he tasted so good, he tasted so damned good!

His hand went over my back and then he tried to reach under, shit, he was feeling for her breasts! If he found me flat where I was supposed to be full and rounded, and sticking out where I ought to be sticking in, I was fucked!

I pulled away with what I hoped was a teasing giggle. "Now, now!" I said as I wiped my lips with the back of my hand. "Mustn't get too eager, honey, you've been drinking."

"Aw, Lucille, don't play that again on me!" Gene whined. "Come on, baby, be good to me, you can be good to me, can't you?"

"Sure, I'll be good to you." I said as I tugged off my clothes quick as I could. "You just close your eyes and Lucille will give you a big surprise!" Boy, that was going to be the understatement of the year if he ever figured this all out! But he was a "good boy" and closed his eyes, his smile was beatific and innocent as a child's, he was happy and trusted his Lucille to make him happy. I wondered where he and Lucille had hit on the outs.

I got naked, figuring it was my best chance of self-preservation here. All I had to do now was cup my breasts outward if he felt for them, and keep my dick away from that hand of his, and he'd mistake my ass for Lucille's cunt. Why not? At worst, I could hope he'd wake up dazed and confused and I could deny everything he remembered.

"Okay, baby, hold still because Lucille is about to take you for a ride." I said as I crawled on top of him.

God, that cock felt so good going into my ass. Gene was beneath me, his eyes closed (I had to go ah-ah! when he tried to open them) and I slid him into myself and he groaned and began to hunch up into me. Ah, God damn it, this felt so gah-damm-good! I moved until his cock felt firmly drilled into me, fit to stay inside my butt forever, and then I leaned over and kissed his lips, because a girlfriend riding her man's dick would try for a kiss, wouldn't she?

And Gene's big arms grabbed me in a bear hug and I winced as my cock impacted his stomach. He'd figure it out, he'd figure it out!

And he rolled us both off the couch and onto the floor where we landed with an "oomph!" from me and a grunt from him, and now he was on top of me, and I had a raunchy beer-crazed stud humping my ass! Oh, God, yes! Yes!

"Oh, oh, Lucille, oh, baby, yeah, uh, oh, oh, uh, yeah, Lucille, oh, uh, uh, oh, Lucille!" Gene panted as he rammed into me.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" I returned as best I could. God, was I so fucking turned on! Getting rammed by a hard-muscled beefstud like Gene was the stuff of my dreams, the reason I stayed on the docks, because I could pass for one of them, because I could be in their world, I could pretend that I was one of them. Pretend whatever I had to in order to be close to them. Like pretend I was Lucille!

"Oh, oh, Lucille, baby!"

"Oh, oh, Gene, yeah, uh, uh!" I gave him back.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh, uh, ah-huh, ah-huh, uh-huh-huh-uhuh-uh-uh-uhhh-guh-huh!"

"Yeah, Gene, yeah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Uh-huh, huh-huh-huh-huhhuhhuhGUHHHHGGUUHHGUHH! HNNNNKKKHHH!"

Oh, God, Gene was coming! "Oh, oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!" I gasped as my own climax struck me. I was getting hot dockman seed shot right into my ravaged ass, God, yes, this is what I wanted, "oh, call, call me Lucille, call me Lucille, oh, guh, AHH-HAHHH-HUNNNHH!" I yelped in my rapture.

"AH-GUH, AH-GUH, HUH, UNNH, UHH, uhhh, uhnnkkk, kuhhhhh, khhhhh, uhhhhh!" Gene was winding down and I was still in mid-tempest.

"HAHHUH, AHHH, AHH-UHHH, UHH-UHH, UHHH, UHH, uhhh, uhhh, uhhh!" I crooned.

"Oh, baby, Lucille, baby." Gene said as he sagged down on me in his exhaustion.

"Oh, yeah, Gene, God, yeah!" I said as he fell heavily onto me. "Oh, God, Gene, you're so damned hot, oh, yeah, yeah!" I said to his still form. Still?

Ah, shit, he's passed out! Right on top of me!

Getting out from under his deadweight was like squirming through a drain-culvert like I'd had to do once, too damned tight, all sticky and crushing and you figure you'll be stuck in there forever, and I pulled and grunted and I got him off me, and sidled out and sat upright, looking down at him, still on the carpet. Now what was I supposed to do?

I was in no shape to haul him back onto that couch, I was sure of that. Doing it with him half-conscious and half-helping was bad enough, with him out of it, best I could do would be to cover him up and let him sleep it off. Good thing tomorrow was Sunday and we had the day off, I could sleep in, shit, it was nearly 1:30am! Shit!

I laid my couch's blanket over him, decided against a pillow as well, and staggered into my bed. If he roused from that hard floor, he could climb onto the couch and get comfortable.

I got under the covers and tried to sleep. Shit, was I crazy? If Gene remembered any part of this, I was going to be in so much trouble, and I might not know it until I was surrounded by a bunch of goons headed by Gene who would teach me a lesson I'd never forget...if I lived through it!

I had to find another job. I had been living a fucking pipe-dream. Sure, I loved the docks and the work and the men and the life, but this was no life for a gay man. Better to let it go now I'd had my bit of fun, and find a job inland somewhere, had to be a place where they'd accept me as gay. Maybe Kansas City, I'd heard some stories about there....

"Jeffrey?" came the voice from the doorway of my bedroom.

I sat up. It was Gene, still naked, bleary...but conscious. "Gene? Go back to sleep, you've had a rough night."

"Yeah, I guess I have." Gene said. "I remember the bar and the song...."

"Ted called me to come get you." I explained. "I didn't know where you lived, so I brought you to my place."

"Must'a fallen off the couch." Gene eyed my big double bed. "Mind if I crawl in with you the rest of the night?"

"Sure, come on." I said. Hell, there was room and he didn't remember anything. Count my blessings and he'd be gone in the morning.

He got into bed. "Thanks for helping me out tonight, man. I was really wasted."

"It's okay." I said. "What's a buddy for?"

"You got that right. Man's got to have friends or he's worthless." He got into bed, and lay with his back to me. I closed my eyes and Gene turned over and his arm went across my chest.

"You're a good friend." he said to me softly, his beer-flavored breath wafting across my nostrils.

"It's okay." I said again. "Good night, Gene."

"Good night, Lucille." he murmured.

While I was still figuring out what to say, I heard his gentle snores. Then some not so gentle ones. He was sound asleep.

As best I could, I lay there in his arms and waited for whatever the morning would bring.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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