Film Project in School

By Kim Pescher

Published on May 14, 2018



This story is pure fiction. Enjoy!

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Film Project in School

Three boys figure out how to get an A

My first inkling that I was in for a surprise came when Simmons handed me the USB stick with a smirk and said, "We're sure you'll like our project, sir. We're sure you'll like it very much."

"What did you do, Simmons?" I asked warily. I'd specifically told them not to get carried away, which was always a risk when you give a group of boys free rein. I'd asked them to make a film and to use their initiative, but I'd also made sure that they understood that it didn't mean anything goes.

"Oh, nothing much, sir," he said with a cheeky, suppressed grin on his handsome face. "But we're pretty sure it's an A."

He sauntered off with the rest of the group, laughing and joking between them, and I had a bad feeling as I collected USBs from the rest of the groups. Teaching a mixed year drama class was fun, but sometimes I wished I'd chosen a different career.

That evening I watched all the videos, keeping Simmons' for last. They were all the usual, standard fare of shaky footage and awful, stilted acting, but not too bad. With a feeling of dread, I finally plugged in the last stick. I couldn't keep putting it off.

It started out innocently enough. The screen started out dark, and then the words 'The Cursed Boy - by Daniel, Max and Chris' appeared. As they rolled off the screen, it changed to show the sports trophy room with its dark wooden panelling and polished floor. The words 'It was a dark and stormy night at Castle Doom' appeared.

Daniel's face appeared on the screen in close-up. He was the youngest of the group at barely 13. His lightly freckled face filled the screen, and his huge blue eyes were opened wide in mock terror. "I've been cursed!" he whispered to the camera. "I'm doomed!"

They'd added a thunder and lightning effect, and Daniel shuddered, looking over his shoulder, pretending to be frightened. Hm. This was actually already better than I'd expected from that group.

The camera zoomed out, and I saw that he was wearing a long plain basketball jersey and - as far as could be seen - nothing else. My pulse quickened. He was an unusually pretty boy, not too tall but slender, and he had the most perfectly formed legs I'd seen on a boy that young. And they were in sharp focus. Top marks for camera work, I thought.

"It's so weird," he continued, facing the camera sideways again. The straps in the jersey hung off his thin shoulders. You could see most of his chest though the arm holes, including one tantalizing nipple. "I was sleeping, but then the thunder woke me up, and now..." He leaned into the camera, opening his pretty eyes wide again. "I see them everywhere!"

Dramatic music played as he turned around and stared out the window, lifting up on bare toes. The jersey came down just to the top of his thighs, and despite myself I wondered what he wore underneath. Bloody kids. What were they playing at?

"I'm so scared!" Daniel continued, turning sideways and looking back at the camera. Lights flashed, timed with a thunder noise, and he was lit up sharply. It made the jersey see-through for a short second, and I caught a glimpse of the silhouette of his cock. How did they manage that effect? I wondered, while trying to ignore the tightness in my pants.

"HAHAHAHAHAAA!" A cackle sounded theatrically off screen. I recognized the voice as Max's, the cheeky, football mad redhead who never did any homework.

"Ooooh, no!" Daniel whined. It wouldn't exactly win an Oscar for acting. He hugged himself and turned away from the camera to peer out the window again. They'd filmed late in the day, judging by the light, but what I noticed more was that the jersey rode up to reveal more than half of his smooth, narrow, bare arse.

I should have stopped the video right then, informed the Head and punished the boys. But what an arse it was, on display in crisp, sharp HD. It was perfectly formed, to go with his great legs, and pale and smooth like a statue. I was short of breath.

"I see them everywhere!" Daniel continued, turning his head towards the camera again, but otherwise holding the pose. The camera lingered on him. "Oh no! There's one again!" He pointed off screen, and the camera slowly turned.

In the doorway, backlit, was a tall boy, his head covered in a white sheet with holes cut for eyes. The rest of him was naked, as in stark fucking naked. I bit my lip. What the...?

"It's the Cock Ghost Curse!" Daniel whispered intensely, appearing in shot next to the boy whose identity was hidden by the white sheet. He pointed at the boy's exposed genitals. "I see them everywhere!"

The ghost swayed his hips, making his impressive, flaccid cock dangle. A flash of thunder and lightning lit the screen again. It had to be Simmons, that, it just had to. His cock was massively large, much larger than it should be on a 16-year-old, and Simmons was so arrogant that there had to be a reason for it beyond his good looks. I was willing to bet anything it was him.

"And there!" Daniel whispered, pointing in the opposite direction. There was a small cut, probably to switch camera men, and a new "ghost" appeared in the same getup, which is to say nothing at all except a cut-off white sheet with eye holes to cover his head. This ghost was pale, smooth, and its cock was slightly smaller, but still fairly impressive. "They're just everywhere! What did I do wrong? Why have I been cursed?" Daniel continued, biting his lip and looking imploringly into the camera, hamming it up.

"You made the mistake of spending the night in Castle Doom!" a voice said from off screen. It was Simmons' voice. "No virgin can spend the night here and not be cursed!"

"But..." Daniel said, making his lips tremble. I almost laughed at the awfulness of the acting. "How can I escape the curse?"

"There is only one way," the ghost on camera said. It had to be Max, the football player. Actually that was fairly obvious by the looks of him. He was thin like a typical 16-year-old, but he was in terrific shape, strong legs, wide shoulders, domed, strong arse and a muscled stomach that a model might envy. I always knew he was handsome, but until now I'd never realised just how fit he really was.

"What is it?" Daniel asked, glancing at the camera and biting his lip.

"Fuck..." I mumbled. Was this really going where I thought it was going?

"You must stop being a virgin!" the ghost pronounced loudly. The thunder and lightning effect crackled again, and both ghosts cackled loudly.

"Oh, no!" Daniel said, staring wide-eyed into the lens. "Help?"

I almost laughed. It couldn't be less convincing.

"No help will come!" the ghost with the brown pubes - Max - said. "Make your choice, puny human."

"Well, if it's the only escape," Daniel said. The camera zoomed into a close-up of his face. "What choice do I have? Anyone would do the same. Just as long as no one ever finds out..." This close his eyes looked even bigger, and the bridge of his nose was freckled. His skin was free of blemishes. There was a faint shadow of a moustache on his upper lip, which I'd never noticed before. Soon he'd have to shave.

The camera zoomed back out, and I noticed immediately that Max - sorry, the "ghost" - looked bigger. He wasn't hard yet, not quite, but his cock had definitely plumped up.

"I can't believe I have to do this," Daniel said, touching the cock. The touch looked sure and practised, belying the words. He gripped the shaft without hesitation.

I hadn't stopped the video earlier, so there was really no point in stopping it now, I told myself, even though on the screen a 13-year-old boy was holding a now fully erect cock. I had to see where it ended, just out of academic interest.

Max's cock was quite impressive, to be honest. It was straight and thick. When Daniel started wanking it in a practised way - virgin my arse - the ghost gasped, his stomach tensing.

There was a cut, and the camera had zoomed out a bit and looked more static. It had probably been placed somewhere. On screen Daniel and the ghost had been joined by the second ghost, the one with darker pubes and an even bigger cock, also hard.

"You must be totally de-virginized to escape the curse, puny human," Simmons said, presenting his cock. I'm not exaggerating if I say it looked to be close to 20 cm. Some people have all the luck.

"Oh, no," Daniel said, kneeling between them. They were sideways in relation to the camera, which showed their cocks off against the dark window, but Daniel faced the camera between them. His jersey still covered his tackle, if only just. The hem reached his upper thigh. It was so close to showing what I wanted to see that I wondered if they'd arranged it on purpose to drive me mad, but at this stage I think their minds were on other things than the film, so it was probably a frustrating coincidence. Daniel sat there with one thick erection in each hand, staring at them both with wide eyes.

"Oh, yes, human," Max said.

"If only I hadn't gone to sleep," Daniel said, looking into the camera. How could any boy look so innocent with a cock in each hand? "But I was just so tired after the long walk through the forest."

I wondered how long they'd be able to stay in character. After all, at some point hormones would take over. I was actually impressed they still remembered their lines at all.

As Daniel leaned forward, the jersey fell away from his skinny body and you had a free view down his chest and stomach. He was smooth as a mirror, of course, and the camera was so good that you could see that his nipples were small, hard points. I was willing to bet that he was hard between his legs. Oh, if only I could see.

"Oh, please, someone help me," he moaned, looking at the camera. He looked suspiciously like he was suppressing a laugh. "I have no idea how to do this."

No idea, my arse. I almost laughed out loud as he took Max's cock into his mouth. He'd done that before, that was absolutely clear.

"Aw..." the older boy groaned, throwing his sheet-covered head back. He had his hands on his hips. As Daniel took him deeper, closing his eyes as he sucked cock, Max's stomach tensed into a dazzling display of flat muscles.

"Touch his nuts," Simmons said huskily. "Er, puny human."

Rights. Hormones were beginning to defeat dramatic performance.

Daniel obeyed, tugging at Max's balls. They were lightly covered in brown fuzz.

"Fuck," ghost Max said.

Daniel smiled around the cock in his mouth. He opened his eyes to slits.

When Daniel took a break, moving off the erection, it was shiny. Daniel glanced at the camera, licking wet lips. "If only I hadn't been cursed," he said, looking innocent and wide-eyed.

One of the ghosts laughed silently, breaking character, and then Daniel turned to Simmons and licked the head. He ran his tongue up the shaft in a decidedly non-virgin way. Simmons groaned.

"Do it," one of the ghosts said. I couldn't tell who, but Daniel obeyed and took the shaft deeper.

Simmons put his hand on Daniel's curly brown hair in a gentle act of domination. While he was being sucked off expertly by the boy, Max wanked himself slowly.

"Harder," Simmons whispered. "Um, to break the curse..."

Simmons was not as pale as Max. He was taller and a little less defined, but he was a well put together boy nonetheless. Unlike the other boys, he had a small patch of hair in the middle of his flat chest.

I remembered how some of the other kids had teased him for a while because he kept mentioning his six-pack, but I could now see that his boast had been accurate. "Girls will love it," he'd said, and I now believed him. They definitely would.

Breaking off from sucking Simmons, Daniel went back to Max. The redhead audibly sighed in satisfaction while Simmons started wanking his own, spit-slicked shaft.

"Puny human," Simmons said. "You need to do more to stop being a virgin."

"Oh, nooooo," Daniel said. Taking Max out of his mouth but still holding the cock, he stared at the camera, his face and inch from the large cock head. "I should never have come to Castle Doom!"

There was a cut, and the next shot was from a slightly different angle. Someone had put a couple of soft blankets on one of the polished wooden tables, and Daniel was on his back on it. One of the ghosts was between his legs, hard to tell who, and the other ghost filmed over the first ghost's shoulders.

The jersey rode up to over his navel now, baring his genitals. Of course he'd been nude underneath. He looked mouth-wateringly good. He was hard as steel, his medium sized cock bobbing with his heartbeat. There was a small patch of brown hair above his shaft but none whatsoever on his balls, which nevertheless were of a rather decent size.

"Oh no, please, ghosts," he said. I laughed out loud. It didn't seem convincing in the least, and not only because he was so hard.

The camera focused on the sight of a cock being pressed against Daniel's arse, which glistened with plenty of lubrication. Well, what virgin didn't walk around an eerie castle in nothing but a jersey with his arse pre-lubed?

The cock found the opening and pushed. By the size I guessed it was Max.

"Fuck," the ghost gasped when the head popped inside. He held Daniel's thin thighs in his hands, pushing deeper very slowly.

"Wait," Daniel gasped after an inch or two. Then he nodded, and the ghost pushed deeper.

"Nooo, why won't anyone help meeee?" Daniel whined theatrically, turning his head this way and that like a leading lady in a silent movie. His cock was still as hard as ever.

"There is only one escape from the curse," the camera man said, moving, and for a fleeting moment his own erection came into view by accident. Then he moved to the side of the table, filming the two boys on the table. Max, still wearing the silly headgear but otherwise nude, stood on flat feet, holding Daniel's legs by the thighs. The smooth legs were over his shoulders, and Daniel's toes flexed when Max pushed deeper. From this angle his cock looked impossibly thick and Daniel's arse impossibly small. Where did it all go?

"No one is coming to help you, puny human," the camera man said. "You should have listened to the witch at the Inn of Last Hope."

"Yeah," Max gasped. "You should have... nhn... listened... nh..."

I had to hand it to them. They really went all out to stay in character.

"But the prophecy said that I would find the answer to the riddle in the Castle of... uh... nh... Doom..." Daniel said in a tight voice.

Max pushed deeper. Unbelievably he was almost all the way inside. Part of me wanted desperately to take my own, raging hard cock out of my trousers, but I knew that I'd come in two seconds and I wanted to see the rest of the film first.

"Then you must pay the price," Simmons said.

There was a new cut in the film, and then the camera was closer, watching the ghost's cock move much more freely in Daniel. The younger boy's legs were around Max's waist now, crossed over his arse, while the ghost shagged hard and deep. He pushed all the way in with each thrust. I wonder how Daniel was able to allow this. Practice, probably.

"Uh, uh," Max gasped. His stomach fluttered, and he was breathing hard. There was a slapping sound. His thick shaft was shiny with lubrication. He was leaning on his hands over the boy now. Daniel, flushed and breathing hard, was still fully erect, and his hips snapped back eagerly against every thrust. His arms were above his head, and he was gasping with open mouth, his eyes closed.

"F...fill him up?" Max gasped, looking over at the camera man.

"Yeah," Simmons answered, sounding a bit breathless. "Make sure he's not a virgin anymore."

"Yeah, alright," Max gasped. "Nhh...!"

There was no doubt when he came. He pushed as deep as he could go, pubes pressed against Daniel's smooth skin, and his fantastic arse turned hard as granite. He groaned deep in his chest, his slim frame frozen and hard. All that moved was his hips, gently.

"Aw, fuck," he gasped after long moments, chest rising and falling rapidly. "Fuck..."

"Nooooo..." Daniel said. "I hate the Doom of... er, the Castle of Doom..."

The video cut again, fading to black and then starting again in a new position. This time Daniel, still wearing the jersey, was in Simmons' lap, both of them facing the camera. Simmons was sitting in one of the hard chairs in the room. They'd spread the blankets over it.

"You're not done yet, puny human," Simmons said, still wearing the ghost disguise. He had his arms around the younger boy, and his massive erection towered between Daniel's thin legs. It looked truly massive from this angle, long, thick and straight, and he probably knew it and chose the angle for that reason.

"But I'm just a poor orphan boy," Daniel said, turning his large, wide blue eyes on the camera. "I'm just seeking my fortune. I mean no harm to anyone in Doom Castle."

The words were somehow at odds with his erection. It was a lot smaller than Simmons', but it was no less hard.

"Come on, orphan, break the curse," Simmons said, and Daniel planted his feet on the seat of the chair and lifted himself up, allowing Simmons to move him into place. Then he sat down, and Simmons held his large cock into position. You could clearly see when the head breached the boy, because his mouth fell open, his lips quivering slightly.

"Noooo...." he sighed. "Someone rescue meeeee..." His smallish, iron hard erection bobbed.

"Aw," the ghost gasped, tightening his arms around Daniel. "Oh, it feels..."

Daniel sank down a couple of inches in one slide. "Oh, fuck, Chris!" he gasped, throwing his head back. No one seemed to have caught the slip in the editing process.

"Yeah, fuck," Simmons gasped. "Puny human..."

Clearly they'd lubed up Simmons' cock first, because even the part of it that wasn't inside the boy was already glistening. Good thinking.

Simmons slid his hands up Daniel's smooth chest, lifting the jersey, and pinched his nipples.

"Nnnnhh!" the boy keened, sinking down a few inches. "Fuck you!" he growled. "You know that makes me...!"

"You must break the curse before dawn!" the camera man, Max, interjected hurriedly when Daniel forgot the movie.

"Yeah, but I'm just a poor orphan," Daniel whined, his huge, blue eyes opening to slits and looking at the camera. He was flushed and sweaty and impressively close to having taken all of Simmons' long cock. "And I'm a virgiiiiin!" he cried, sinking down the last inch and sitting in Simmons' lap.

Simmons' toes were digging into the rug. His throat worked silently. Both boys remained quiet for long moments, adjusting to the feelings, forgetting the camera.

"Bloody hell," Simmons' finally swore.

"I know," the camera ghost said, sounding like he was laughing. "Believe me."

There was a cut, and the camera was suddenly very close to Daniel, filming him from a crouching position. From this angle you saw the base of the thick cock inside him, his own smooth balls and hard cock, and most of his stomach and chest, because Simmons was still pinching his nipples, which were small, hard nubs.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Daniel whined, looking down the lens. "Aw, please... Someone save me..."

"Too late," the camera ghost said, voice close to the microphone, and he followed up with a ghostly cackle.

Simmons let go of one nipple and folded long fingers around Daniel's cock, squeezing it, which made Daniel gasp wetly and close his eyes, forgetting about the camera. I could see his arse working, spasming around Simmons' shaft. That must feel incredible.

"But I'm just a... v-v-v-irgin... orphan..." Daniel gasped, hilariously.

The film cut again, and the camera moved further back. On the edge of the frame I spied a pile of clothes, including several pairs of trendy underwear. I grinned. The mistake was forgivable. Who'd look at that when the focus of the frame showed Daniel, still held around the waist, being fucked hard? The massive, shiny cock in his arse was hammering into him wildly from below, Simmons' large balls dangling with each thrust. Both boys were gasping loudly. I was certain they neither knew nor cared about the camera any longer.

"Awwww!" Daniel whined, inflection rising, and then he started spraying sperm all over them, each jet a rain of white drops. For 13 he came a lot, but it was more impressive that he came without being touched. He came just from being fucked. Wow.

"Yeah," Simmons gasped, never pausing. He fucked like a teenager, hard, fast and impatient. Clearly be was close himself.

"Curse of Castle Doom strikes again," Max said, filming Daniel's orgasm.

"Aw! Aw! Aw, shit!" Simmons yelled, his mouth getting tangled up in the by now damp ghost mask. I was frankly impressed he'd not ripped it off, film or no film.

"Here it comes," Max said drolly.

Daniel, slightly lethargic now, smiled at the camera. He looked sinful, not at all innocent any longer. His small body was being rocked by the rough fuck be was receiving, and his curly hair was damp and partially matted down.

He smiled wider, looking downright smirky, as the older boy unloaded inside him. The large cock bobbed repeatedly, and Simmons' hands gripped Daniel so tightly that the skin turned slightly white.

"Nh, fuck," Simmons moaned, still bucking.

Finally, long moments later, he fell back, winded and gasping, releasing Daniel. Simmons threw his arms behind his head, flanks heaving. The hair under his arms was wet.

"So I've broken the curse," Daniel said, looking at the camera. "Finally!"

There was a cut, and then both ghosts and Daniel appeared in the frame, the camera stationary. The tall ghosts each had an arm around Daniel's shoulders. All of them still wore the costume, which is to say almost nothing. Some time must have elapsed, because all three were entirely flaccid, although Simmons' cock was still wet.

"Oh, no, poor little orphan," Simmons said in a menacing voice. "Far from it. The curse is just beginning."

"You'll have to roam the castle forever like a ghost now, hunting virgins," Max added. "Like us!"

"Ahahahhahaahahaha!!!" both ghosts cackled in unison. "Behold the horror of the Cock Ghost Curse!"

"Oh, no!" Daniel said, turning large, innocent blue eyes at the lens. "I'm DOOOOMED!"

Several loud peals of thunder and flashes of lightning lit the screen while the ghosts were laughing evil, maniacal laughs, cocks dangling, and Daniel stared wide-eyed at the camera. Then the screen turned dark.

'You have been watching The Cursed Boy - a MCD project, filmed in MCD-orama, starring Daniel and unknown ghosts', large letters said on the screen. 'Special effects by MCD, script by MCD, all rights reserved'.

I laughed out loud, both at the outrageousness of it all and the whole idea of it. It was so deeply inappropriate, both that they did it and that they showed it to me, but I was impressed nonetheless. The technical production was really good. The effects were impressive. These kids never showed any interest or aptitude at all for my class, yet they could do this when motivated. What the hell was I supposed to do now?

I logged into the intranet and graded the project A. Great technical work and special effects, I wrote. But I worried how they knew that I would want to see a video like that. And then it was time to watch it again, this time with my cock in hand. I'd worry about everything else later, like how I'd ever be able to look Daniel in the eye again without getting hard.

What if I set a new film project? I'd planned for this to be the only one, but now I wondered what they'd turn in if I did it again. It was very tempting...

Let me know if you liked the story! I have lots of ideas for others if people are interested. Also check out my first story "The Sight of Jacob" in the incest section.

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