Finally Together

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 7, 2006


FINALLY TOGETHER by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on July 21, 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"FINALLY TOGETHER" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Even if Marco was a "signer" that is a sailor who signed on of his own choice, Luigi liked him. Different from the other signers, he was simple, he didn't put on airs, and when he could, he was ready to give a hand to get out of trouble, while Luigi seemed born to get in trouble. No, Luigi would never have reenlisted in the navy. Anyway, he liked Marco and gradually they became friends. They talked of women, of course, of bikes, of sports and, when they were in ports, they went to dance or to have fun together. They were becoming inseparable.

Luigi had no problem confessing to Marco he was still a virgin in spite of his nineteen years. Marco didn't laugh at him, didn't mock him, but advised him not to tell the other sailors. "Always say you have a girlfriend back home". He advised him.

"But they'll see I never get letters from girls," Luigi said, shrugging his shoulders, "They may've already noticed that."

"That's not a problem. You'll see. Soon you'll start to get scented letters from a girl." Marco told him, smiling with a conspiratorial air.

"But how?" Luigi asked, not understanding.

"Let me take care of it."

"But I don't really care. The others can think what they want, I don't give a shit."

"Not even if they think you're gay?"

"Let them think what they want. After all it's my business, isn't it?"

"If they thought so, they could get tough, and try to fuck you. It's true you don't appear effeminate, just the opposite..."

"At times I ask myself if I'm actually gay. I never felt attracted to girls, you see..."

"And to boys?" Marco asked with simplicity.

"Nope. I really have no experience of sex at all."

"Don't you get the urge?"

"No... Not really. At times I jack off, of course. I think everybody does, don't they?"

"Yeah, sure. But it's really rare nowadays to find a guy your age that hasn't already tried something or other. I had my first experience at fourteen. Anyway, it means nothing, each of us in his own time." Marco quietly commented.

After that they didn't talk about sex or sexuality any more, aside from the usual witticisms when, on leave in a port, they saw a pretty girl passing. And Luigi started to receive nice letters from a girl - she was a friend of Marco, he wrote to her and she agreed to help.

The two friends didn't talk explicitly about sex... until one particular evening.

All the sailors went ashore except for the few on watch and a few others who preferred to spend the night on board. Among them was Luigi. He didn't feel like spending his little bit of money. When Marco passed, Luigi was in his berth, alone, wearing just his shorts.

"Aren't you coming?" his friend asked.

"No, I don't feel like it. I spent too much the last time, and now I'm hard up." Luigi said, remaining in his berth and looking at Marco.

"Then I'll stay and keep you company." Marco said with a smile.

"No, you go ahead."

"I don't like going alone. I'd rather stay here with you."

"Getting bored?" Luigi asked him, but with a grateful smile.

"I didn't say that." Marco answered and caressed Luigi's bare chest lightly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the boy asked in a whisper, amazed at the unexpected caress, but remaining still.

"I like the feel of you." Marco answered quietly, lowering his hand to caress Luigi's flat, taut belly.

Luigi stiffened slightly and looked questioningly at his friend. "What... what do you want to do?" he asked, thinking he understood where his friend was headed.

"Have fun with you. We are alone and safe here. And I like you." Marco added lowering his hand more and slipping his fingers under the elastic band of the shorts.

Luigi was tense, but didn't try to stop the hand that was continuing its journey towards his dick, which was starting to awaken. "But... if somebody comes?" Luigi asked, feeling almost dazed by the unexpected sensations.

"We'll hear him before he can see us. Anyway, it's almost deserted on board tonight." Marco said reaching his friend's dick and seizing it.

Luigi shuddered, blushed and murmured with an odd voice: "I'm embarrassed... I'm embarrassed, Marco..."

"But why? Aren't we friends? We've already seen each other butt naked, haven't we?" he said fingering Luigi's cock.

"But we were in the showers. It's different."

"Sure, but isn't it better now? Relax, come on, you'll see you'll like it, Luigi. I want you to enjoy this, and to enjoy it with you." the young man whispered in seductive voice, and with both hands forced his friend's shorts and briefs down to his knees. "I like you." Marco murmured and, before his mate could guess his intention, bent down to suckle Luigi's nipple, while starting to masturbate him.

Luigi's body gave a start and the boy moaned: "Oh, Marco, what are you doing?"

"I want to make love to you, give you your first experience, take your virginity..."

"You mean... fucking my ass?" Luigi asked alarmed, but still without escaping his friend. He felt scared, but unable to escape. He was fascinated.

Marco, instead of answering him, lowered his head to lick and suck his friend's dick, now erect and totally hard.

"Oh! Oh god! Marco... what are you doing to me?" the boy moaned, shuddering.

"Don't you like it?" his friend asked him, caressing and feeling him all over his body.

"Yes, but..." the boy started to object, but became silent as soon as Marco started to give him head again, giving him incredibly strong but pleasurable sensations that made his whole body shudder.

"Oooh... oooh, Marco.... stop it, please.... ooooh..." Luigi moaned.

"Why?" the young man asked him, gently, in a low voice.

"Because... because... you'll make me... cumm..." Luigi panted and again blushed.

"It's what I want, don't you?" Marco said with conspiratorial air, caressing his chest and between his legs. Then said: "Better still... tidy yourself and come with me."

"Where?" the boy answered hesitantly, leaving his berth and pulling up his shorts.

"To my cabin. We can lock the door. We will be safer and more comfortable. Come, Luigi". He said with a determined tone.

"But..." the boy said, still hesitant, "... you want... you want... to fuck my ass?"

"I want to make love with you. Since the first day I met you, I've wanted to. Come." he said purposefully and went decidedly towards his cabin.

Luigi hesitated, but he was intrigued, unable to refuse. He feared what was going to happen, but was unable to pull back. He feared it but wanted it at the same time. He was aware he desired the intimacy his friend was proposing, even if he'd never experienced it before. He felt he wanted to be taken by Marco, but was afraid as well. He followed his friend.

As soon as they were in his narrow cabin, Marco locked the door with the bolt. Then, pointing to his berth with a nod, started to pull off the uniform he had worn to go out. Luigi was still staring at the body he had seen so many times naked in the shower unveil itself before his eyes. It was as if he were seeing it for the first time, or rather was now looking at it with new eyes. He looked in fascination at the half-erect member of his companion, and thought that soon he would receive it into himself - a mix of fear and anticipation made him shudder.

"What's up? Undress, go on." Marco said drawing near him. Luigi, phased, shook his head. Marco seized his shorts waistband and, together with the briefs, lowered them with a determined but gentle tug. The clothes dropped to the boy's feet. "Pull them off, go on, and lie on my berth." Marco said.

Luigi complied. Then Marco lay on top of him, embracing and French kissing him. Luigi felt his friends bare skin on his own, burning, their erections pushing, imprisoned between their groins, and his companions tongue rummaging inside his mouth searching for his tongue. Suddenly Luigi abandoned himself, thinking "Do as you like with me!"

Marco, as if perceiving in the sudden relaxation, his mate's surrender, started to caress, kiss and lick him all over his body, lingering on his turgid genitals. Then spread Luigi's legs and raised them, pushing them against his friend's chest, knelling on the mattress in front of the stretched ass of the boy. He bent down and sank his face in the butt's furrow, starting to skillfully lick the boy's hole.

"Oooh, Marco... nooo.... oooh... ooooohh!" the boy moaned, feeling intense pleasure. He had never experienced anything like this in his life, something so great, so strong! He clearly understood that his friend was just preparing to penetrate him, and now he was almost longing for it. He confusedly thought that he never would have guessed he was gay, but that he didn't give a shit if he was. He just knew that he was madly enjoying what was happening to him.

When he felt Marco probing at his hole with his strong, rigid rod, Luigi completely abandoned himself to his friend. He felt he was being dilated, opened, invaded - it was at once a weird and pleasurable sensation. He looked at Marco towering over him, dominating him, seeming so terribly virile, exciting. His friend was taking him, making him his own. Marco was penetrating him with a set of calibrated thrusts, strong, determined but not violent. Luigi felt him entering little by little, conquering him inch by inch, until Marco was completely inside him. The strong rod of his elder mate started to thrust inside him in a rhythm. It was slightly annoying, but at once incredibly pleasurable. Annoying physically but psychologically pleasurable - he loved feeling dominated by Marco, virile and beautiful, strong and young, and at the same time thinking, or rather feeling that it was him giving his mate the pleasure he could see depicted on his face. It was him, his body that was bestowing pleasure, dominating his dominator.

Marco continued to hammer inside him with vigor, his manly face covered by a light veil of sweat, an expression of rapture in his eyes, on his lips. Luigi watched with wonder as his mate's body contracted and relaxed at each thrust, his chest muscles tensing. He raised both his hands to caress them and felt they were strong and elastic, steel under velvet.

He felt Marco nearing his orgasm and this excited him even more. He watched his companion's expression, feeling Marco was about to explode in a burst of pleasure, he felt him tensing like the string of a bow, shudder with force, pushing the deepest he could, with all his energy, and at last, emptying inside him with powerful jets, accompanied by a low, long moan of intense pleasure. Then he felt him relaxing little by little, panting. Luigi started to masturbate himself - he wanted to cum too. But his friend pulled his hand away, slipped out of the berth, made Luigi stretch his legs out again, and started to give him head once more. Luigi shuddered and at once emptied himself in the welcoming, hot mouth of his friend, in a series of jets that seemed never to end. Then he too relaxed, panting.

"So, then?" Marco asked him, lying at his side, smiling at him cheekily.

"I... I'm ashamed, but..."

"Ashamed? And what for?" his friend asked him with curiosity and amazement.

"What will you think of me, now?"

"Of you? That I enjoyed you madly."

"Yes, but... letting you take me in that way... now you think I'm a faggot, don't you?"

"No, no more than I. I too made love with you, a male, didn't I?" Marco quietly said.

"Yes, but you... you fucked me, I let myself be fucked and... and I liked it, you were aware of that... so now... I'm ashamed..."

"Don't talk bullshit, Luigi! You liked being fucked, I liked fucking you. All square, right? And I hope we will do it again, don't you?"

"No... I don't think... I don't know..." the boy said confused.

But in the following months, and for the duration of Luigi's navy service, they made love very often. It was enough for Marco to let him understand his desire, to invite him, and Luigi was unable to resist him. Or rather, it was Luigi who created situations for Marco to propose making love with him.

When Luigi got his discharge, he felt really sorry at having to part with Marco. And even more, he missed him when he was back home and started to work. He often recalled Marco and the passionate hours of sex they had shared. Marco was a bisexual, and had a girlfriend in his hometown. Luigi instead discovered, thanks to Marco, that he was gay. He tried once to go with a prostitute with Marco - it had been almost a failure for him. He managed to have an orgasm, but not easily, and he didn't really enjoy the experience. On the contrary he madly enjoyed it when his friend took him. Luigi accepted being gay almost at once, after that first time he discovered his sexuality and lost his cherry in his friend's berth.

Little by little Luigi found other people like him, places to hook an occasional companion. He didn't forget Marco, but three years after that decisive evening, he recalled it all just as a pleasant, distant memory. Luigi, being a handsome boy, didn't lack encounters. At times he was the top also, but he preferred being a bottom, especially if his partner was a handsome, strong, virile type.

Amongst his occasional partners, he never found anybody he liked enough to fall in love - if they were physically perfect, he found they lacked personality, if instead he was fascinated by his companions' character, the sexual accord was missing. It seemed almost fate. Anyway he had fun, even if he felt that he could not just amuse himself forever. "All right," he was telling himself, "I am just twenty-two, there is time..." but he would have loved to find his Mister Right.

At his work place there was a colleague he liked very much. Roberto, twenty-six year old, went regularly to the gym. So Luigi went to the same gym also. As he guessed, his colleague had a body he liked very much, and a dick that made him daydream. When, after a workout, they took a shower together, Luigi always got a strong, pleasurable erection. At first he tried not to be seen in that state by his colleague, but then, gradually, he didn't worry so much, so Roberto noticed it.

"Hey, Luigi, are you always turned on." Roberto jokingly asked him one day.

Luigi blushed and answered: "Yes, often. Aren't you?"

"Well, at times it happens to me too, but happily my girlfriend doesn't make too much fuss, so I can cool down. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"No... My girlfriend is this". He answered with a giggle showing Roberto his hand.

Roberto smiled at the joke and said: "Well, it is not really the same, doing it by oneself."

"You're telling me!" Luigi answered, looking with barely hidden desire between his colleague legs, then added: "You ever do it alone?"

"Seldom... at times I do, of course. If it was up to me, I'd like to fuck every day but with her it's only a couple of times a week. So, at times..."

"Did you ever do it with a man?" Luigi asked, and suddenly blushed for his question.

Roberto looked at him and began to realise something. So he said: "No... and you?"

"Just once, in the navy." Luigi lied, red as a beet.

"And... how was it?" Roberto asked, interested.

"Better than nothing, or than alone." Luigi said in soft voice, continuing to look at his colleagues naked body.

Roberto, almost on instinct, caressed his member and said: "I wonder how it could be with a man..."

"You just have to try." Luigi suggested, feeling a weird heat envelop him, becoming more aroused. He felt as if his head was buzzing. Roberto now had a hard-on and his member stuck out, straight and pulsating. Luigi was not able to take his eyes from it.

"Yeah, but with whom? Faggots don't turn me on at all, quite the contrary". The man said continuing to brush his member with his hand.

"I don't know... with a friend, perhaps?"

"But I don't have friends who... I can't ask a friend to... Do you know somebody who..." Roberto said hesitantly.

"No. My friends are all guys like you and me. I don't know whom to ask either." Luigi lied, not wanting to reveal himself to his colleague.

Roberto finished washing himself and did not seem to think any more about the subject.

But the next time in the shower, Roberto was also turned on. When he noticed that Luigi was looking between his legs, he smiled and said: "See, this time I feel horny too."

"Yes. Do you miss your girl?"

"Yes. She went to France for work, she'll be away for a month."

"Wow, it'll be hard, then..." Luigi jested, but his heart was hammering. He desired Roberto more and more, but he didn't dare take the first step.

"Yes, hard cock, hard time! Just look here!" his colleague said taking it in his hand and waving it towards Luigi.

"You're telling me! Mine too, even more than yours."

"No, impossible. Feel here, mine is harder than yours." Roberto said drawing nearer and thrusting his pelvis towards him. Luigi wanted to touch it, but in spite his colleagues explicit offer, he didn't dare. Roberto instead stretched out his hand and seized Luigi's dick, feeling it: "Yeah, yours is really hard too. You feel as horny as I do, don't you?"

"Sure." Luigi admitted feeling himself tremble from the nape of his neck to his knees from the emotion aroused by the hand on his member.

"Let's rent the solarium, then." Robert proposed, without withdrawing his hand from his colleagues' member.

"You and me? Together?" Luigi asked, trembling with anticipation.

"It's usually used in twos or in threes, nothing odd. Are you coming? I'll pay for one hour." Roberto insisted, lightly massaging Luigi genitals in an explicit proposal.

Luigi nodded. They rinsed, dried and put on their tracksuits. Roberto went to the cashier and came back with the key. They entered the small UV room; Roberto locked and quickly pulled off his tracksuit, standing naked in front of his companion. Now Luigi was feeling somewhat embarrassed - he madly desired Roberto, but didn't want to seem too keen to his friend.

Roberto approached him and started to pull off his tracksuit; "Come on, Luigi!" he said, clearly excited. He undressed him then pulled him down on the mat under the lamps, and pulling Luigi's head to his groin said, determined; "Go on, suck it!"

"But I..." Luigi protested, even if he was longing doing it, "... I don't..."

"Afterwards I'll give you head too." Roberto said hesitantly.

"Then... let's try to do it together..."

"A sixty-nine, why not? Lie down on your side... this way." Roberto guided him and they opened their mouths to each other's member almost at the same time. They mutually sucked for a while - Roberto was rather awkward, but Luigi was excited all the same at this unforeseen conquest. Then Roberto, without a word, made him get on all fours and tried to penetrate him.

Luigi, though feeling strong desire, tried to resist, to show he didn't want to, protesting weakly: "No... not that way... come on..."

But Roberto was determined and forced him into position: "Come on, don't make a fuss. I need a good fuck! And you have a nice little ass. Come on, let me fuck you!"

"No... please..." the boy protested, trying to wriggle away weakly. That light struggle excited Luigi even more than before - he wanted Roberto to subdue him, to bend him to his will. Roberto was strong, forcing Luigi into position, his pole aimed hard and demandingly at Luigi's hole.

"Don't hurt me..." Luigi panted.

Roberto was completely gone. He took him with a series of powerful thrusts. Luigi tightened his hole so Roberto would not be aware he was used to being penetrated. Roberto filled him with little difficulty, with strength, then started to pump inside him with determined thrusts: "Oh, Luigi, that's great! You are so tight! You are better than my girl, for real. God, what a nice, hot, tight hole! I didn't know it was so good fucking a male!" Roberto panted pounding inside him with more and more vigor as his excitement increased.

Luigi liked the kind of frenzy with which his companion was taking him, even if he was aware that Roberto was just concerned with his own pleasure and certainly not about Luigi's, even though he felt that his colleague was simply using him. But after all Luigi liked virile, strong, determined men.

Roberto continued to take him with evident pleasure until, suddenly, he reached his orgasm and unloaded with strong thrusts inside Luigi, emitting a set of low groans of pleasure. Then he slipped out of his companion, stood up and pulled on his tracksuit.

Luigi looked at him somewhat astounded: "But... I didn't cum yet"... he protested.

"Ah, I'm sorry but... you can jack off this time. Me, once I cum, I'm knocked out. If you want to jack off, I can wait here for you, don't worry."

"No, I don't mind." Luigi said standing up and in turn putting on his tracksuit.

Roberto looked at him: "Come on, don't pull that face now. It's not my fault if this time went this way. Next time..."

"Next time?" Luigi asked taken aback.

"Yes sure. I liked it, then..." the other said calm and quiet, opening the door as soon as he saw that Luigi had tidied up.

"Well I... I don't think there will be a next time."

"Come on! It's fun, isn't it?"

"Will you let me be on top next time?"

"But I'm a male!"

"Why, what am I then?" Luigi asked belligerent.

"No, I didn't mean... but you've done it before, right? And you liked it, you told me, didn't you?"

"But not like this. That boy made me enjoy myself. He didn't use me... use me like... like a bitch." Luigi said angrily.

"I didn't use you. Well, I told you, it's not my fault if afterwards... Next time I'll make you cum first, and I'll cum after, I promise. But you have to give me your delicious little ass again!" Roberto whispered to him as they reached the locker room.

"I don't know. We'll see." Luigi answered dryly.

They didn't talk about it any more. But the next time, when he again saw the handsome naked body of Roberto under the showers, and saw that he too was aroused looking at him, Luigi, in spite of all the resolutions he'd made, hoped that his colleague would invite him to go to the solarium again.

"Luigi, come to the solarium." Roberto said stretching out his hand to touch the erect member of his companion.

"Like the other time, no!" the boy answered, but quivering at the contact, and feeling a great desire to accept.

"Come on, we will both cum this time, promise. Come."


"Come on, come. I swear I'll make you cum before me."

"I don't..."

"Come!" the young man said pushing him out of the showers.

In the solarium, Roberto, as soon as he locked the door, at once lowered the tracksuit trousers of his companion and caressed his buttocks with sheer lust: "God what a nice ass, Luigi! Bend over, come on, I want to fuck you."

"You said that..."

"Yes, I'll make you cum, I promised you, didn't I? Bend over, come on. I want to fuck you standing, this time." he said lowering his own trousers. Luigi looked at the strong pole with yen and when his colleague forced him to turn, he didn't resist. Roberto spit on his fingers and lubricated Luigi's hole. Then leaned against him and with a few energetic strokes, penetrated him. When he was inside to the hilt, he seized Luigi's member and started to masturbate him, while, with the same rhythm, pumping inside him with his strong, hard stake.

"You like it, Luigi, don't you?" he panted with hoarse voice. "This time you like it, right?" he insisted hammering inside him with vigour.

"Well, so so..." Luigi said, calling himself an idiot for making himself available to the other's pleasure in that way - Roberto really didn't give a shit about his pleasure, he just wanted Luigi not to escape him, not deny himself to him.

"Fucking hell, I really didn't think I'd one day say to a man I liked him. But I like you a lot, Luigi. You have an ass that seems tailored for my cock! I love fucking you. Double shit, I really like fucking your ass. And you too love being fucked, don't you? You love my cock, yes?"

Luigi violently wriggled away from Roberto's hold: "Go fuck yourself, bastard! Who do you think I am?" he said furious.

Roberto looked at him astounded: "Well? What's up now?"

"Listen, clear understanding breeds long friendships, they say. You can now let me fuck your ass, or forget doing it with me!"

"Come on! I never took it up my ass. I really don't like even the thought of it! Come on, don't make such a fuss, now!"

"No, forget it, don't touch me. I'm not your puppet, I'm not just a hole to use. If we want to have fun as a pair, I'm game, but not in this way. Either you give your ass to me, or you'd better forget mine. I'm not a pussy-boy!"

"But I was making you cum, wasn't I?"

"I'm able to jack off by myself, thanks!"

"Fucking shit! You've now turned me on, made me horny! Don't make such fuss, now, come on. Come here, I want you!" Roberto said seizing him and trying to force him into position to take him again.

They started a silent fight. Luigi didn't want it, but the struggle incredibly excited him. Roberto was a lot stronger than him, and little by little he succeeded in making him lie on his belly, put him in position, holding him fast, and again penetrated Luigi with a satisfied moan. In reality Luigi could get free, it was enough for him to start screaming, but he felt split in two - one part of him didn't want it that way, but another part desired just that.

Luigi was now immobilised on the mat and Roberto on top of him was fucking him with all his means: "You are my ass-boy, Luigi. You are mine, and I'll fuck you any time I want you. Because I know that you love my cock up your ass. You like me to fuck you like this. Admit it!"

Luigi didn't answer. He kept still, just waiting for the other to cum and to leave him in peace at last. Roberto came, withdrew from him and dressed in silence. Luigi got dressed as well and was about to leave. Roberto blocked him: "Come on, Luigi, promise me you'll give me your ass again."

"Stop it, bastard! Just because you are stronger than me, what do you think you can do? You are a fucking pig, a big piece of shit. This is the last time. Don't try to touch me any more, or to come near me, or I'll tell everybody you are a fucking faggot."

"Come on, it's not my fault..."

"No, it's never your fault, right? Go fuck yourself, you son of a bitch!"


The boy left the solarium and went to the locker room to change. Roberto followed him trying to make him change his mind, but Luigi was beside himself.

The boy stopped going to the gym, and at work he avoided Roberto. The latter tried again at times to talk to him, to make him change his mind, but each time Luigi sent him to hell in a bad way. At last Roberto stopped trying.

Luigi would have even liked doing it again with Roberto, if the young man were just less selfish and just thought about giving him pleasure as well. He really didn't care about penetrating Roberto, even if he wouldn't have disliked doing it. He would also have been just a bottom, if he could just feel he wasn't just a hole, a nice tight ass to use.

Luigi needed a partner, not a master.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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