Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 20, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 12

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 12

Aaron rose, grabbed his boys and walked out of the restaurant leaving Jonathan confused and utterly heart broken as he knew Aaron would be fine, but he knew that his light had gone out – his eyes were lifeless pools of dark blue marble.

Aaron headed west into the setting sun. He had intended to be in the Seattle area tonight and he would drive through so his boys could wake in their beds in the morning. He had planned for Charlene to pick up the keys and garage openers from the contractor and she would meet him in Bellevue to hand him the keys when he got in, no matter the time.

It was 10:00 PM when Aaron, Charlene and Elliott met at the park and ride off of 405. The boys had eaten their nuggets and fries and were sound asleep in their car seats. It had been a very long day. Charlene handed off the keys and opener. She and Elliott knew the house but had not been there since the completion of the remodel, they wanted Aaron and the boys to be the first to see it. They would have a couple of weeks in the house before they headed east for school. Charlene and Elliott said they would bring more groceries to the house and make breakfast for the family. Charlene had arranged for the Contractors staff to have the necessities – bread, milk, eggs and cheerios in the house. Everything else had been handled by Syd – the décor, furnishings, pots, pans and everything else was there. Aaron hugged the two and headed off to the future.


Jonathan had a long day. His shift ended at 6:00 PM. Scott was to be off at midnight. Jonathan had been sitting in his chair since he arrived home at 6:30 trying to make sense of what they hell had gone wrong between Scott and Aaron. Scott's account of that night did not align with Aaron's. Scott was stunned, shocked and totally devastated when he arrived home that night. He had stated – AJ asked me to marry him, I said yes and while it would be hard to leave his dad, he would go anywhere his man wanted to go. Then AJ had stood up and told him to get out, he never wanted to see him again and shut him out of his life for good. He was baffled.

Jonathan was convinced now that this was a HUGE misunderstanding and he was determined to get to the bottom of it tonight. Honestly, he was not sure how two historically heterosexual men had fallen in love, but they had and it was clear they were still in love with each other whether they were willing to admit it or not. His heart broke when he saw his son in the days and weeks following the breakup, but it split wide open when he saw AJ. He was cold, distant and completely detached from everything and everyone but those boys. It was clear they were his lifeline to the living. AJs once vibrant, lively and literally dancing blue eyes were cold and hard like slabs of blue marble. Scott was hurting for sure, but AJ had closed his heart and locked everyone out but those boys. Whatever Scott thought he said was not heard as he intended. AJ heard in no uncertain terms – I WON'T leave for you after he had laid his soul open and asked Scott to be his future, his husband and his life. How do I get Scott to see what he thought he had communicated did not come across the way he intended?

It was not almost 1:00 AM. Lights bounced off the windows in the front of the house, Jonathan steeled himself for an emotional knock down drag out confrontation with his stubborn son. He knew this was going to be a MESS. Scott came through the garage entrance and flipped the family room light on and stopped dead when he saw his dad sitting there. The look on his face told Scott he was loaded for a confrontation and Scott was certain that he was not going to get to bed any time soon.

Jonathan said – take a seat son, we have some things to talk about. Scott said he was not in the mood and was going to bed. Jonathan bellowed – Scott Jonathan Reed, sit your ass in that chair this instant, you are going to hear what I have to say and we ARE going to get to the bottom of this mess that is your life. Scott whirled around on his dad ready for a physical confrontation, but when he saw his dad standing there with fire in his eyes he had never seen before he took a seat and said, `yes sir.'

Jonathan started with – I know you don't want to talk about this, but we are going to has this shit out as I know some things that you do not so strap in my son. I had coffee with Aaron, he no longer goes by AJ which should tell you something, and the boys today. It was an enlightening conversation. He held his hand to stop Scott from interrupting. Aaron is not the same caring, loving, open lighthearted young man he was a month ago. He has closed his heart to everyone but Caleb and Conor and I am not sure he will ever open again. Scott interrupted with `not my problem anymore, he made that crystal clear...'

Jonathan fumed – shut it and listen to me. There will be time for talking, but right now is a time for listening. My loving son is in danger of the same fate, the only reason he is not there is that his heart was not smashed to pieces when his wife died leaving him a widower with two 4-month-old boys. I'm asking my son to listen with an open heart, will you do that for me, your mom and your future?

Scott had tears streaming down his face when he told his dad that he was lost and did not know how to move forward. He was blown away by AJ and now was adrift. Jonathan said – we are getting somewhere, so let's talk about that night in November.

Close your eyes and play that night over in your head. Let's start from the point where AJ came up hugged you, I do believe you said that was the last point you happy. Do you see it? Yes, I do – so narrate the scene like it is a play that you are conveying to an audience as the host –

AJ walks up behind Scott encircling his waist, pulling him into his growing rod, sliding his hands down the front of his jeans which were getting very tight in the front as well. He asked him `a million for your thoughts?' Scott retorted – `it's a penny for your thoughts, not a million.' AJ chuckled in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine – `you goof, I know that but your thoughts are worth more than a penny to me, I love you want you to be my husband and grow old with me so give it up.' Scott's hands went to his jeans, he unbuttoned them, pushed them to his knees and wiggled his naked ass back into AJ. AJ roared and when he stopped laughing, he said – `that's a good one. Let me spell it out for you – I want to know what you are thinking about me going away to medical school, since my family rang in from the roof tops that I got into the top 5 medical schools in the country, you have been moody as a bear getting ready to hibernate and I won't have you shutting me out like this. You told me you loved me and wanted this to work and the ONLY way this will work is if we talk to each other.' As AJ was making his plea, Scott had pulled the front of AJ's sweats down and was grinding his ass into AJ's rock-hard cock.

AJ chuckled in his ear – yes, he was sexually VERY excited, but he was not going to succumb to this man's rock-hard ass and absolutely stunning cock. He stepped back until he reaches a chair, pulling Scott down with him. Once they were seated, AJ reached down and grabbed Scott's balls in his right hand and applied a bit of pressure and asked his question again – `Scott, what is going through that gorgeous head of yours, talk to me?' Scott responded by grinding into AJ's crotch. AJ upped the pressure on Scott's balls, Scott ground harder, AJ upped the pressure, Scott ground harder, AJ upped the pressure. Scott through his head back against AJ's shoulder. AJ could see the tears streaming out of his lover's eyes, instantly he let go of his nuts and turned him in his lap hugging him hard to his body stating – `we'll figure this out, I will give up med school, I'M N O T leaving you behind.' Scott kissed AJ deep and more passionately than he had to date and when he finally broke the kiss, he wiped his face and looked deeply into AJ's blue eyes and asked – `did you really just ask me to marry you?' AJ grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Breaking the kiss he chuckled and told Scott, yes as a matter of fact I did and before you go on about how we haven't known each other long, it's too fast, men can't marry men and every other excuse in the book, we are meant to be and can have a commitment ceremony and put together enough legal documents that you and I can be each other's life partners and be act as if we are married until such time as the government recognizes this fact.

Scott's simple heart felt answer – yes love I will be your husband.

Oh shit – I never said that out loud. Dad, AJ doesn't know how I felt. I thought I said it out loud, but now watching in play out in my head I didn't say it. I have to tell him. Jonathan interrupted and said – yes you do, but we need to finish this and make sure there is nothing else. So close your eyes and talk through it to the end.

Chase, Steve, Brett and Brent came out of the playroom, the little guys had fallen asleep. The guys in unison stated `fuck me, that thing is huge.' Chase continued – `Scott you are a better man than me, you are walking and smiling.' The four guys huddled around the chair and moved arms so they could take a look at Scott's goodies. Brent lamented – `how are you both so lucky, gorgeous and hung. My boyfriend is cute and average.' Chase popped him in the back of the head – `thank you SOOOOO very much lover.'

Scott and AJ continued to make out, ignoring their guests. They were totally wrapped up in each other. The guys did cop a feel of the two half naked studs stroking them both which elicited deep moans from them. AJ pulled away from Scott's lips and slapped the extra hands away. Brent licked the pre-cum off his fingers and stated – `he even tastes better.' drawing another smack to the back of the head. AJ stated emphatically, leaving little room for conversation – `Goodnight boy, we'll see with you later' as he swallowed Scott's dripping cock. Eliciting a `not fair' from the boys as they left the house.

AJ asked Scott – so are you going to tell me what you are thinking about us going away to school or us staying here? Scott sighed and said – `let's get each other off first and then we can talk.' AJ was having none of that and said, `talk first, boys second, sex third.' Scott pouted a bit but in the end he agreed they needed to talk first, then take care of the boys and then violate each other.

The two hunks stared into each other's eyes – AJ was tense as he was unsure where they were going, Scott was tense as he did not want to hold this man back.

Scott tried to crawl out of AJ's lap, but AJ held tight – `we can talk right here.'

AJ asked Scott again – `what are your thoughts, talk to me?' Scott told AJ he was scared, he knew that AJ needed to go to medical school, but he was unsure whether he should go with him. He was concerned about leaving his dad alone. Scott told AJ how he had finished his senior year at WSU and was heading to law school when his mom died of an aneurysm. He would not leave his dad alone, so he took a job on the Pullman police force and stayed in Pullman. His dad has tried to get him to return to school, but Scott has been reluctant because he is worried about his father being alone. Scott rambled on for about 15 minutes and AJ got more annoyed by each tick of the clock, you need to go to med school, I need to stay, god I want you to stay, we should be together, I won't leave for you...

AJ had enough – he asked Scott to stand up. AJ stood and pulled his sweats up, he walked to the door and opened it. He turned to Scott with tears in his eyes and said to him – `I think you should leave before I say something I can't take back.' Scott stood there; you could have knocked him over with a feather as he did not know where this was coming from. He was convinced he had just told AJ he loved him and would follow him to the ends of the earth. AJ growled – `leave now.' Scott fastened his pants and walked out the door. AJ closed and locked the door behind him, turned out the lights on the porch and inside the first floor of the house as he grabbed a blanket and snuggled up with his boys on the love sacs in the playroom. How could he have been so stupid to pour his heart out and ask a man to be his husband. Scott gave him a running list of reasons not to be together and in the end did not care enough about him to try.

It took a moment for the words to ring through to Scott, he cried out – OMG dad I told him I won't leave for him, what I meant to say was I can't live without him. What have I done? How do I fix this?

Next: Chapter 13

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