Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 24, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 14

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 14

The six of them loaded up and headed into battle. AJ was expecting Charlene and Elliott for brunch.

Charlene pushed the button on the garage door opener that she had kept and the gang all filed in. Elliott leading the way and Scott at the end of the train. Caleb and Conor ran down the hall to greet their grandparents and squealed with delight when they saw not only gigi/gpa, but also mimi/papa. AJ called from the kitchen and Elliott said they were coming. Caleb was squirming to get down as he had seen Scott and he wanted him now. Caleb yelled at gigi, I want Scott. You could have heard a pin drop, AJ came around the corner with fire in his eyes –

Evelyn stood between AJ and the rest of the group and thumped him in the chest with her finger – you WILL calm down this instance and we are going to have a civilized conversation. Charlene had put Caleb down and he scrambled for Scott – he was dancing at Scott's feet getting more and more animated – Uppey, Uppey Scott, pwease Scott uppey. Scott scooped up the little guy and they hugged each other tightly. Conor was now insisting he needed uppey, uppey – no fair, no fair. Scott picked Conor up too, the boys squeezed his neck tightly giving him kisses and saying we missed you.

AJ had spun on his heals and was out on the patio, fuming. He didn't feel the cold all he felt was betrayed. How could they do this to him? Evelyn had followed him outside and pulled his face down so their foreheads were touching. AJ did not try to pull away, he didn't have the energy any longer – he just sobbed, why are you doing this? His mama said – because I love you and want you to be happy. You my dear boy need to realize Scott loves you and you can't shut him out because he said the wrong thing. You have always worn your heart on your sleeve and trusted people to be just like you – honest, open, loving, generous, kind and there for everyone. Scott IS that mirror, listen to him with your heart and not your head – he knows he said the wrong thing and hurt you, give him a chance because he is hurting too.

Scott had walked up behind AJ and slid his arms around his waist, pulling him tightly against his body. AJ stiffened and went to pull away and his mama said again – just listen with that big, beautiful heart of yours, it will be alright if you do. Evelyn retreated to the house and Scott pulled the blanket he had brought out with him tighter around the two of them. AJ did not say anything and remained rigid, but did not pull away.

Scott with tears streaming down his face took a deep breath and started to speak – he started with; I'm so, so, so sorry about what I said and what I didn't say to you when you asked me to be your husband. My dad got me to walk through that night and recount word for word what we talked about, what I specifically said and what I thought I had said. What I realized is that because I was truly overwhelmed and SO FUCKING in love with you my mind moved faster than my mouth did – My initial response never came out of my mouth. AJ went to pull away as he was getting frustrated all over again, he was so much more direct than other people and struggled with people that could not get to the point.

Scott held tight and tried to take mama's advice – keep it simple and to the point. AJ's frustrations started to boil over. Scott took another deep breath and apologized for being all over the place, he was not used to being succinct and to the point in his personal life. He asked AJ to look at him so he could see his eyes as he explained what happened, which AJ did and asked him to stop the verbal dancing and say what it is he is here to say.

One last deep breath – Scott looked into those cold dark blue marble eyes and knew their future was at stake – `I'm sorry, you know by now I get tongue tied and drivel on at times, that only happens around you. What I meant to say when you asked me to be your husband was – ABSOLUTELY, unequivocally YES. I need you with me, you complete me, you make me make sense and without you I am lost. Scott had been watching AJs eyes and they were the first indication that he might have broken through, those cold marble like eyes were beginning to dance, sparkle and smolder a bit. Scott's last words on the subject were – I'm sorry for getting tongue tied and letting the jumble of words in my head flow out of my mouth, please forgive me.

AJ crashed his mouth against Scott's, driving his tongue into his forever loves mouth, he pulled the two of them together tightly. Scott dropped the blanket and returned the kiss with as much passion as he could, he was going to make damn sure he did not hurt this wonderful soul again. Mama had said it best – AJ is a man's man, but he is a mama's boy with all the gooey stuff on his sleeve for all to see if they just open their eyes. Scott vowed to himself that he would never ignore the gooey wonderfulness that is Aaron Jonathan `AJ' O'Brien again. As they broke the kiss and came up for air, Scott asked him if he could call him AJ again. AJ grabbed Scott's balls at that point and squeezed – pleading with his eyes as he said – `yes as long as you don't make me go through that hell again – my heart would be lost forever.' Scott committed to loving him but did make sure that AJ knew his heart was too big and beautiful to ever be shut completely off.

AJ and Scott heard banging on the patio door – Conor and Caleb had been pounding on it for some time now. They were getting frustrated; mama finally opened the door and both boys ran out to their dad asking if it was ok for Scott to stay for bwunch. AJ squatted down, hugged his boys and said, `most definitely.' The boys asked why Scott and daddy were crying – they both said cause we are happy. The boys giggled and that's silly.

As the new family headed into the house, AJ leaned into Scott and asked if he was also wearing AJs underwear? Scott blushed and admitted that he had on AJs cologne, deodorant, underwear, socks, t-shirt, sweatshirt and sweatpants. If he was being completely honest, he even used AJs toothbrush this morning, after he slept in his bed. When they visited his mom and dad's in the future, AJ would have to find the sock he came in when he beat off in his bed. Scott kissed him on the cheek and they went inside to eat. AJ hugged Jonathan (JR), his dad and his in-laws.

While the boys had been talking on the patio Charlene had finished the brunch prep and put the food on the table. The quiches AJ had made were sitting on hot pads waiting to be served. Everyone passed the massive spread around the table. After grace was said – AJ thanked everyone for putting up with him for the last couple of months. Scott then started to explain what happened and why, generally blathering on when AJ squeezed his hand and said – `get to the point, my dear.' Everyone laughed, Scott turned pink and the boys giggled.

After cleaning up the brunch dishes, AJ, Caleb and Conor gave a tour of the new house. There were views from almost every room out over Lake Washington. Caleb and Conor got really excited when they showed everyone their rooms. They did make it clear that for now they would stay together, but that they each did have their own. When they got to AJs room the boys were jumping around telling mimi, gigi, gpa, papa and JR – this is daddy and Scotts room. We slept with daddy last night because Scott wasn't here. Turning to Scott they asked – where were you, we missed you lot's. AJ started to answer, but Scott he had this one – he knelt in front of the boys and said, I made a big mess of things. I hurt your daddy and I'm sorry about that, do you think you can forgive me? The boys looked at their dad and said `yes silly' we all love you. Mama stated loudly – like father like sons; wearing their heart out there for all to see.

AJ pouted a bit as he realized what his mom and said to Scott. He asked – so mom did you tell Scott that your baby was mad and took his toys home and was refusing to play with the other kids? Evelyn said – I told him the truth; you were hurt and the way you deal with that is to circle your wagons and keep everyone one on the outside except for these two handsome kiddos. It is who you are and those who love you know it, adore it and would not change it for the world, because we know where we always stand with you. You are honest, direct, kind, loving, generous and loyal to a fault. That is until someone wrongs you then you are, cold, ruthless, vindictive and downright cutthroat.

My only request from you both is this – AJ, no matter what Scott does you must know he loves you and would die for you so please don't forget that. Scott my other boy – please get to the damn point; you have a heart of gold, but you tend to talk WAY too much. Finally, I'm too old to go through this again – so love each other, be direct and kind. AJ – do you have some wine for this old gal?

As everyone exited the bedroom and returned to the family room, AJ whispered into Scott's ear `that ass is mine tonight' as he squeezed Scott's left cheek.

Next: Chapter 15

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