Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 25, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 16

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 16

He whispered in AJ's ear – `old man huh?' he grabbed a plate and sat with the boys leaving AJ smiling and recovering from the man handling.

In the days leading up to Christmas AJ, Scott and the boys settled into somewhat of a routine – breakfast, play time, lunch, naps (Caleb and Conor), packing (AJ & Scott) even though AJ needled Scott telling him it was ok if he needed a nappy too, dinner, games, stories and bed. There were a couple of outings to buy Christmas gifts thrown in as well. On one outing the new family was shopping in the mall in Bellevue, pushing two strollers side by side when AJ kissed Scott on the cheek and two men walking by said out loud – `fucking gross and they have little one with them, those boys don't have a chance.' AJ whirled around, grabbing one of the men by the collar and yelled in his face – `what they hell did you just say', the guy took a swing at AJ which he easily sidestepped and the guy wound up hitting his friend in the side of the head. The guy started spewing all sorts of foul language, calling AJ a faggot, ass hole and screaming – `I'm going to kick your ass'. AJ pulled his sweater over his head and yelled at the guy – `bring it if your man enough'. His buddy grabbed him telling him – that guy will kick your ass, let's just get out of here. A crowd had gathered around the 3 men and when the two haters walked off the crowd cheered – yelling encouragement to AJ. A young woman handed AJ his sweater and told him that he and his partner made a great couple and the kids looked just like AJ and if they grew up to be half the man AJ was they would be great people.

AJ and Scott asked the young lady if they could buy her a cup of coffee, she insisted that was not necessary, the two men stated they knew that but having another friend in their life is never a bad thing. They went to a coffee place in the mall grabbed three coffees and two kids' chocolates and sat down to get to know one another better. During Danielle realized she had met AJ – it was just at Sydney's funeral. Danielle had gone to high school with Sydney and was devastated by the loss; she asked a lot of questions about how AJ had switched teams and was now with Scott. AJ could not say for sure that he had switched teams, all he could really articulate is that Scott had gotten into his heart despite him being a man. AJ was not sure that he would be with any other man, but Scott made him feel whole and Scott concurred. They loved each other unconditionally, were turned on by the other to the point they ached when they were apart. They were figuring things out day by day – all they knew is that they were committed to each other and were very public with their relationship and both felt that no matter where you found love it was precious and people just needed to get over it and realize if you found someone you loved it was a precious gift and gender should not play a factor.

In spite of the confrontation the two men felt they had a great day out with the kids, meeting Danielle and finishing their shopping. They were excited about their future and knew they would get through it together, especially since their parents were all on board. They headed to their car, put the boys in and headed home. On the way they called Eva and Mat asking if they were free for dinner, inviting them over to the new house. AJ hung up and called Chase inviting he and Brent over as well, then Brett and Steve. The gang was heading over to AJs new house for dinner, all would be spending the night as alcohol would be in abundance and AJ made it clear that keys would be collected – he had not told any of them that he and Scott were back together and had patched things up.

AJ pulled into a restaurant on the way home and ordered up dinner as he did not want to cook and Scott's culinary skills were not something you wanted to count on. As they waited for the meals to be prepared, they discussed adding some cooking classes to their schedule when they hit North Carolina. Food and kids packed back in the car and they men headed home. They got the house ready, table set, kids cleaned up and Scott hidden away just as the first guests arrived.

Chase and Brent knocked on the door – AJ, Caleb and Conor greeted them at the door. Hugs all around, before they could move out of the entry way; Brett & Steve rang the bell, more hugs and warm greetings. The door swung open – Carrie and Maddie ran in grabbing Caleb and Conor hugging them tightly while tickling them both until screeches could be heard down the street. Mat and Eva came in saying – `girls stop or you will be changing diapers soon..' the screeching ceased immediately. Greetings, hugs and requests for wine and beer were heard. All the guests had brought drinks with them as well as what AJ and Scott had purchased. Drinks were distributed to everyone and a tour of the house began –

AJ took everyone out on the patio, the view out over Lake Washington was spectacular, the grounds were stunning and shouts of `hot tub after dinner' rang out. AJ took everyone around the house and everyone was impressed, there were questions about how AJ was holding up and if he and Scott had talked. AJ played it up, by getting quiet and putting his hand over his mouth like he was trying to hold it together. Steve finally told everyone – let it go, this was supposed to be a great time and you all are bringing AJ down and this is becoming a pooper not a party. As Steve was finishing up with his rant, AJ opened the door to the master bedroom, everyone was apologizing and not really paying attention to what was going on. Caleb and Conor pushed past everyone and yelled Scowt, there you are, we hungry. Scott picked up the boys and said – well then let's go eat. He sauntered past everyone, handed Conor to AJ kissed him on the mouth and said I guess the boys are hungry.

AJ looked at everyone and said – `its really not polite to stand around with your mouths open, let's eat'. AJ and Scott headed to the kitchen, everyone erupted with questions, and comments about AJs parentage, who the hell did he think he was, it wasn't nice that he made everyone feel guilty, when did this all happen, basically a lot of WTF. AJ simply smiled at everyone and stated emphatically – I did not say he was not here, you assumed that when I had my hand in front of my face, I did not want to talk about it, but I was trying to keep from laughing as I knew he was laid out on my bed. Yes, they were back together, as Evelyn had put it so succinctly a few days back – AJ you wear your heart on your sleeve – listen to Scott with your heart not your head and Scott shut up and get to the point, you talk to damn much. Suffice it to say Scott talked in circles when I told him I wanted to marry him and when I heard him say – I won't move for you, I walked away to keep my heart from being broken. What Scott though he communicated was – God I would do anything for you and go anywhere with you.

For the last week we have talked at length – there have been many miss ques, but I have learned to breathe and ask Scott to get to the point and Scott has learned that I hear and see everything – so use fewer words and know that I expect him to not hold back his feelings. We are learning to communicate and each other's faults. Hands over kids ears please – yes Steve, we have screwed each other senseless, it has been fun, we have flipped and we are learning how to have a great time together. Scott piped up and AJ is learning to not beat everyone up as well. This brough on another line of questions – at the end of the discussion everyone had told Scott he definitely would need to make sure that AJs heart did not get them into to many brawls – AJ is known to thrown down when someone crosses a line. A blessing and a curse – if you were on his good side, it was a blessing if you were on the receiving end not so much.

Dinner was served and everyone settled into some great conversation and everyone but AJ drank too much. He had a few beers, but since Syd's death had not allowed himself to get too drunk – his boys were his life and that would never change. AJ did notice that Mat was not drinking at all, which was odd. He pulled her aside and asked her when she was due – Mat said you weren't supposed to notice that she was not drinking actual alcohol. She looked at Eva, who came over and hugged AJ telling him he was too damn observant for his own good and that yes, they were expecting in late August. They found out just after their trip to Pullman. The only reason she drank then is that the pregnancy test was negative, but then they found out she was pregnant. Their doctor told them that she did not drink enough to cause any issues and they were not telling anyone yet because it was till early, so please keep your mouth shut. Done – love you both.

It was getting late so AJ went to the media room and found the kids all asleep, so he grabbed some blankets and covered them up. He got on his phone and turned on the security system in there so he could keep an eye on them if they woke up, turned the TV off and was heading out when Carrie quietly said good night and she would watch over the little ones. He kissed her on the forehead and closed the door as he left the room.

AJ checked each of the guest rooms to make sure that there were clean sheets on each bed and that there were toiletries and towels in the bathrooms. The house managers had everything under control, he knew he would have to thank them for taking such good care of he and his boys (Conor, Caleb and Scott).

With all the dad duties done, AJ walked out to the patio where everyone was in the hot tub. Steve yelled, `grab your suit and get in here'. AJ was high on life now, he stripped and got in the tub with his friends and family. Suits went flying at this point and a drunken Chase yelled – `my lap has room for someone to sit on...' no one took him up on it, but there was more groping going on than previous. The frat boys were trying to drag Mat in and she declined saying she didn't like hot tubs. They kept at it when suddenly Scott yelled at everyone to leave her alone; he got up and hugged her and whispered congratulations. This resulted in AJ getting a dirty look, to which he denied any wrongdoing. Scott came to his defense and said that he figured it out because his cousin would not get in a hot tub when she was pregnant. Everyone congratulated her and Eva – who asked them not to say anything to the rest of the family or the girls as they did not know because she was not very far along.

Mat and Eva asked which room they were taking, AJ said everyone has a name card on their door so whenever you are ready to head to be, feel free. Everyone said goodnight to Eva and Mat, who said they would check on the little ones as they headed to their room.

With just the men in the tub, things got even more handsy and Brett in his drunken state insisted they have a second biggest cock contest, he said we know who has the biggest and it's not fair to have their little boy cocks compared to that monster. AJ went in and grabbed a ruler to measure and the others decided that AJ should be the official as he was not allowed in the contest. AJ asked them if there were sure that they were all hard and the agreed that they were, so the official measurements were made – Brent – 7", Brett 6.5" (really thick), Chase – 7", Steve 9" and Scott – 8.5". Brett was crowned the winner and his man Steve had the second largest cock. Steve protested that he had the second largest cock so he was the winner, but AJ pointed out it really didn't do him any good and that Brett was the beneficiary and thus the winner, just as Scott was the winner of the largest cock award, given the size of AJs cock. Steve insisted he won – so Brett took him to bed to show him how he really did not win. Chase and Brent retired, leaving AJ and Scott alone in the hot tub looking out over the lake. They leaned into each other and began making out – some of the best kisses were shared between the two. Scott started chewing on AJs neck and nipples. They got out of the tub and headed for the bedroom, Scott hit the bed and AJ went in to brush his teeth and pee. When AJ walked into the bedroom with his massive hard-on leading the way, he heard Scott before he saw him spread out on the bed snoring away.

He maneuvered his man under the covers, shut the lights off and spooned up behind him, wedging his semi between his lover's legs, kissed him on the cheek saying good night to his old man. Scott muttered – I heard that.

Next: Chapter 17

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