Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 17

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 17

He maneuvered his man under the covers, shut the lights off and spooned up behind him, wedging his semi between his lover's legs, kissed him on the cheek saying good night to his old man. Scott muttered – I heard that.

AJ was woken by Caleb and Conor crawling onto his bed, shaking his shoulder saying – daddy, we wet. AJ kissed the boys and said run into your room and I'll be right there. He grabbed sweats and headed into the boys' room across the hall; he stripped them down and started to fill up their tub and they both sang out no, no, showr... AJ dropped his sweats and got into the shower with the boys, helped them bath and he scrubbed down too. He got everyone dried and slipped his sweats on again; grabbed diapers for the boys and slipped sweatpants/tops on them too. Now C2 were dancing around and sing songing – we hungwy, we hungwy, pan cakes, pan cakes...

The three headed to the kitchen, AJ put the boys in their counter booster seats, got them some juice and oat cereal to munch on while he started the pancakes. Maddie and Carrie came into the kitchen and hugged their Uncle AJ. Carrie asked where she could take a shower and AJ told her there is a room down the hall with a pink rose on the door – there is a bathroom with pink towels that she and Maddie could use now or after breakfast. Carrie said now and Maddie said after pancakes, but I'm going to go see if mom and Mat are up. As she headed out of the kitchen, she ran right into Mat who said her mom was still asleep. She crawled onto one of the stools and asked when breakfast would be done. AJ shook the spatula at her telling her pancakes were on the griddle and bacon was frying, so hold onto your horses, drink your juice and entertain her boys.

Mat took over the bacon and asked if there were eggs. AJ just shook his head and pointed to the counter Mat was leaning against – stating `so it begins'; Mat shot him the bird and said `sot it appears'. Mat cracked some eggs, added a little butter and scrambled them up. Pancakes, with syrup, chocolate chips and peanut butter were served to Conor & Caleb and Maddie was given pancakes with syrup as Uncle AJ knew she did not like the chocolate chips and peanut butter. Mat shook her head and asked if he was going to be a short order cook this morning and he laughed out loud and said only if there were under the age of 10; everyone else would eat what they got or go without. Mat gave him a peck on the cheek and said `you are a GREAT dad you know that right?' AJ winked at her in reply. Carrie appeared at the counter as AJ served her pancakes with chocolate chips, bananas and syrup; Mat shook here head and asked him how the hell he kept all that straight; language my dear and he's just that good.

Bacon was added to Carrie's plate, the boys got eggs and Maddie gave a big ewww to both. She headed in to take a shower and wash the syrup off her face. Carrie was laughing hard, AJ and Mat turned around and the boys had pancakes, syrup, chocolate and peanut butter all over their heads, the counter and some on the floor. I guess that's what you get when you let almost 1 year old's feed themselves. AJ shook his head as he knew there was another bath in their immediate future. Mat said she would bath the boys when they were done so AJ could play short order cook. All the pancakes were made, bacon cooked and the eggs scrambled, put into baking dishes and placed in the ovens to stay warm. AJ cleaned up the kitchen, including the counter mess the boys made. Mat emerged with the boys all cleaned and re-dress just as AJ finished up in the kitchen.

Cartoons were turned on in the media room; Mat and AJ grabbed blankets, herbal tea and coffee and went out on the patio to catch up without little ears around. Eva was the first to emerge with coffee and sunglasses on complaining about her hangover, Mat and AJ just chuckled. Scott emerged next in much the same get up and asked to snuggle with AJ, which AJ opened the blanket and let him crawl onto his lap wrapping him against his bare chest. Eva sarcastically wretched and said isn't new love grand. Scott quipped; I don't know about that as my ass is getting poked by a club. AJ smacked him in the back of the head and said – Ole Man if you would not have passed out on me last night AJ jr. would not be so awake this morning and looking for lovin'. Scott struggled to get out of AJs grasp as he was fired up about the ole man commentary, AJ would not release him and drove his erect cock into Scott's backside. Scott gave up and kissed AJ full on the mouth and ground his ass into AJs fully engorged cock – whispering in his ear `take me to bed stud'. With that AJ said we'll see you in a bit, stood up and headed into the bedroom to fuck Scott's hungover ass. He called over his shoulder, breakfast is in the oven.

As they were stumbling down the hall the rest of the adults were coming out of their rooms. Brett called out to Scott, make sure he uses lube; AJ told Scott to flip them the bird. He kicked the door shut and laid Scott on the bed removing his sweats in one fluid motion. As he stood over Scott he whistled and said – I like my ole man, he's fucking hot. AJ slid his sweats off and laid down on Scott removing the lube from the drawer. As he kissed, sucked and generally attacked Scott's body with his mouth, his fingers were busy applying lube to his lover's cock and ass, he worked 2, 3 and then 4 fingers into that tight hot ole man ass. By this time, Scott was whimpering in AJ's ear to please fuck him slow and deep.

AJ took his time pushing all twelve inches of his manhood into Scott's needy hole. Scott was pushing against AJ, but every time Scott bucked into AJ, he would pull back with his advancements. AJ was going to take his time and make sure that Scott enjoyed the long sensual fuck he was going to give him. AJ was a very patient lover, it took him ten minutes to finally bottom out and when he did, he just continued to orally assault Scott's mouth, neck, nipples and arm pits. By the time AJ pull out to where just his mushroomed head was inside Scott's ring, Scott was moaning and babbling incoherently. AJ slowly pushed in and when he felt his head scrape across Scott's prostate, he sunk his hips down and drove the head of his cock across that love nut, back and forth, back and forth harder and hard – Scott exploded and continued to leak cum for what seemed like hours to him. AJ drove his cock all the way in and held there for another 5 plus minutes, remounted his oral assault, leaving hickey's this time. Scott was so far into his sexual bliss he did not even notice. AJ started his long dicking of Scott's chute, every 4th or 5th stroke he would rabbit punch his prostate. Scott exploded again and AJ continued to plow his ass, building up a hard deep rhythm as AJ climbed his orgasmic mountain. He could feel his balls pull up in their bag and as he began to come, Scott came a third time and his chute milked one of the largest loads he felt leave his cock in forever. He continued his assault on his lover's ass and brought them down off the mountain together.

AJ continued to slowly slide his shaft in and out of Scott's well fucked hole. As the two lovers came back to reality, AJ kissed him on the ear and asked Scott to shower with him. AJ pulled himself out of Scott and they went into their large shower and cleaned each other up. AJ grabbed two towels and the studs dried each other off. They put their sweat bottoms back on and went out to join their guests, grabbing plates of eggs and bacon and another blanket on their way out to the patio. The lovers sat together under a blanket drinking coffee and eating; Mat asked Scott if he needed to run to the store and grab some concealer before the parents arrived this afternoon? Scott said no, I don't wear makeup and Chase pushed the blanket away from his neck, chest and belly and started laughing – you might want to reconsider that or wear a turtleneck this weekend. Scott jumped up and headed for a mirror; when he came back, he was circling the table to get his hands on AJ. AJ was trying hard not to laugh; saying you kept yelling at me – harder, more, fuck right there. Scott protested that he did not say any such thing and Steve piped up – you most certainly did we all heard you, but thought you were talking about your ass not your neck. AJ could no longer keep from laughing and joked – that makes more sense as I was pounding his prostate when I was chewing on his neck. Scott finally got ahold of him and latched on to his neck and left a huge hickey. AJ just hugged his man, apologizing and saying he would not do that again, unless Scott wagged his ass at him and then passed out again. Everyone roared, Scott turned red and called AJ and ass. AJ said he could deal with being an ass as long as he was Scott's ass, which he agreed that was ok.

The kids came out at that point and Caleb tugged on Scott's sweats and asked him – `you ok Scowt? We worried you sick, cause you making lowd noises in the bedroom.' The adults lost it, Scott walked into the house, turned when he got to the door and flipped everyone two birds and disappeared. Eva stated – `out of the mouths of babes and AJ you might want to go and be nice to that man' AJ cheekily responded, `that's what got me in trouble just now, but you are right I'll go check on the ole man'. There was a loud – `I heard that from inside the house'.

AJ headed inside with the boys in tow to find Scott. He was at the kitchen counter wolfing down some pancakes with chocolate chips, bananas, peanut butter and syrup. He stuck his tongue out at AJ as he came into the kitchen. Conor said `Scowt you naughty, daddy you need wash his mouth wit soap.' Scott said to Conor and Caleb – you are right, I'm sorry and now that I know the rules if it happens again daddy will wash my mouth out with soap. The boys ran to Scott to hug him – they both said `I wuv you', he hugged the two boys and had tears in his eyes. AJ smiled and winked at him and wrapped his three men in a great big hug. The boys squealed – `daddy you squeezy to hard', they kissed AJ on the cheek and ran to the media room to watch more cartoons. AJ hugged Scott and asked him if he was ok, he said he was. He hugged AJ whispering – `my wittle boy did reawy good with fucking his ole man this mownin'. AJ whispered in his ear, you were a fucking rock star this morning, but did say we probably need to keep it down a little. They hugged, laughed and went back to the patio where AJ informed Chase and Brett that they needed to clean up the kitchen as they were low men on the frat pole. They whined but did go clean up and start the second dishwasher.

Chase, Brent, Brett and Steve showered and hugged everyone goodbye. They said they would be back on Tuesday to have dinner and drinks before AJ, Scott, Caleb and Conor headed to North Carolina. AJ said either Tuesday or Wednesday as they were flying out Thursday and not driving. They needed enough time to check on the place arranged by the dean, buy a couple of vehicles and see about a daycare for Caleb and Conor and Scott wanted to look for a job until he could start law school in the fall at Duke, which by the way love you have a spot in the program. Scott was floored as he had just applied, but AJ had the Dean of Medicine pull a few strings to get his application pushed through.

Scott was a bit choked up but added, if AJ attends at least one year of summer school we should graduate at the same time. Hopefully AJ will get into a residency program back here in Washington and I'll join a law firm here and God willing we will be back here permanently in 2010.

Next: Chapter 18

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