Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 18

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 18

Hopefully AJ will get into a residency program back here in Washington and I'll join a law firm here and God willing we will be back here permanently in 2010.

As the boys were leaving, they said they had stripped the beds, started the sheets and towels in the laundry and would see everyone after Christmas. As they walked out, they ran into ma and pa O'Brien along with JR. The boys hugged AJ's parents and shook JR's hand and said they would see everyone in a couple of days, but they all had to get home and have Christmas Eve with their parents and the next day with the `in laws'. JR and JJ pulled their cars into the garage and took their luggage into the house.

Caleb and Conor ran out to great Mimi, Papi and JR, hugs, kisses and coffee for everyone. Eva and Mat were now dressed and gave Evelyn, JJ & JR hugs and called Carrie and Maddie out to leave. They had to finish getting things ready for the evening with Eva's mom, Elliott and Charlene. They would all be back over for Christmas Day. Eva asked Evelyn when Gina and Kevin would be over. Evelyn said the day after Christmas as it was the year they spent Christmas Day with Kevin's parents, but that they would be over for the North Carolina sendoff set for Tuesday night.

After Eva, Mat, Carrie and Maddie were gone, Evelyn asked the boys to sit down for a moment and said she would be right back. When she returned, she handed Scott a bottle of concealer and said, you look like you need this more than AJ, but you might want to share with him. AJ laughed out loud and Scott said it's his fault, he attacked my neck. Caleb piped up with `Mimi – Scowt was scwemin this moaning and we thowt he was hurt, but he said he was ok', AJ roared again and Scott just left the kitchen. When he came back, he no longer had visible bite marks, kissed Evelyn and said loudly, you raised a vampire; I love him, but I'm going to get a muzzle for him. AJ just shook his head and coughed `brown noser'.

They moved into the family room – drinks were offered and snacks were placed on the coffee table. Everyone sat and started catching up; JR whispered to AJ `so you fucked my boy silly again, because it sounds like he had another screaming fit...' AJ chuckled and said – I guess he likes my big cock. JR turned red but retorted – `I've seen that thing and I have no idea how that boy is walking without a limp'. AJ said a little louder than anticipated `the ole man has some skills' and Scott threw a pillow at AJ letting him know he heard the ole man comment. AJ got up and tried to sit in Scott's lap, he was having none of that. AJ turned the tables and got Scott into his lap – Scott leaned in and whispered `you need to keep Jr. calm, our parents will have coronaries if I repeat my vocal performance from this morning'; AJ kissed Scott on the cheek and hugged him hard and whispered in his ear – `I do love you so, but if you don't stop flexing that beautiful hard ass of yours, you will have some splainin to do to the parents'; Scott gave and innocent pout – `little ole me, I never would be so naughty'. JR ended the banter with – `that is really not what we heard as your guests were leaving, so what can we help get ready for tomorrow?' Scott stared at his dad in disbelief; AJ hugged him and whispered so only he could hear – `no one heard you but me, you should have figured this one out; our room is in a separate section of the house, our closet, bathroom, the office and the separate hall all are barriers. Additionally each of the bedrooms are individually insulated and the doors are solid wood. Brent asked me after he saw you about the marks on your neck, chest, stomach and back. I honestly don't remember giving you all of those, but I told him we were a little bit wrapped up in each other and beside the ecstasy we gave each other I remember you being very vocal, incoherent gibberish but pretty loud. I'm sorry I bragged a bit about making you feel good, do you forgive me?' Scott kissed AJ hard – `nothin to forgive. I actually remember everyone of the love bites and if memory serves I should have them on the inside of my thighs and at least three on my ass and they way you were going at my ass with your mouth I wouldn't be surprised that my hole is extra red – I enjoyed every minute. I was concerned about the noise, so thanks for telling me I can return the favor and no one will hear you when I ravage your body.'

Caleb and Conor came into the family room to get Mimi and Papi to follow them into the media room, they want them to watch the newest Disney movie with them. Evelyn and JJ had been clear with AJ that they were going to spend every minute they could with the boys before they left for North Carolina and would be spoiling them rotten – basically anything the boys wanted they would get. AJ muttered – `so the spoiling begins' he shouted to his retreating parents – `please remember we have to deal with your efforts after we move with no support system', Evelyn fired back – `you chose to go to Duke and not UW, so deal with it as I was clear on this point.' Before AJ could respond, Scott kissed him lightly and asked him to let it be as the boys were good boys and he was there to help with everything.

Scott asked his dad to help him make up the rooms. JR readily agreed and they headed off to the bedrooms to put fresh linens on each of the beds and put out fresh towels. Scott could not find the linens, so AJ took him to the laundry room and opened two large cabinets. In the cabinets each shelf was labeled – Master (king bedding & various shades of gray & gray towels), Conor (full bedding & various shades of blue & red towels), Caleb (full bedding & various shades of blue & green towels) and guest rooms (king bedding & various shades of gray, blue, pink, green, brown & yellow towels). As it had been explained to AJ by the decorator, there were shades of towels for the guest rooms to help separate guests when the house was full; AJ continued to explain that there are also little cards in this drawer that match the towel colors – write the names of the guest on the card and place that in the holder in the middle of the door so everyone knows where they are sleeping. If we need to, Conor's room will be vacant as the boys want to bunk together for now. Scott don't roll your eyes at me, this is not my doing but it is a pretty slick system to say keep things straight and let our family have something special when they are here. Before Scott could dig a bigger hole, JR put his hand over his son's mouth and told AJ they would gladly take care of it. AJ moved the sheets out of the washers and into the dryers and put the dirty towels into the washers, turned to leave hugged JR and flipped Scott the bird. Scott called out – `I'm sorry my love' AJ began to plot his revenge – he went to the master and placed some towels on the bed and then made it – tonight might be a bit messy and the towels would hopefully keep the stickiness contained.

AJ went to the kitchen to start the prep work for the Christmas feast – he had made sure that everyone knew he and Scott would take care of EVERYTHING, which really meant that he would be in charge in the kitchen and Scott would have to take care of the dining room. He pulled the prime rib, turkey and ham out of the refrigerators. He seasoned the prime rib, placed it in the cooking pan, covered it and returned it to the refrigerator. Next was the turkey – he cleaned the bird, removing the giblets and rinsing it thoroughly, while the bird sat on a strainer in a sink, he placed the spiral sliced ham in a baking dish covered it and returned it to the refrigerator. He went back to the bird and placed in a roasting pan – he placed, some onion, oranges, cranberries and various herbs into the neck and internal cavities; rubbed it down with a bit of olive oil and seasoned the outside. As he was covering the bird, Scott and AJ asked if they could help as they had set up each of the guest rooms, folded the clean linens, moved the towels to the dryers and started the dirty clothes. Scott held his hand up and said – yes I separated the colors and treated the few stains on the boys' clothes. JR jibbed – `you have learned much in a short time ole man'. Scott pouted and said he was going to go play with the boys, at least the loved him and were concerned about him not being hurt. He stuck his tongue out at his dad and AJ as he left. JR thanked the gods that he left so he could talk with the nice son; Scott said `I heard that dad and you both know that is not even close to the truth, that one there is evil and must be destroyed, oh shit who am I kidding I can't live without him.' Scott had turned around and run into the kitchen grabbed AJ and kissed him on his cheek and told him that he loved him more than he ever thought he could love another human being, kissed him again and headed for the media room. As Scott made his way to the media room he thought to himself – I'm toast that man so has me by the short hairs, fuck just thinking about him has my asshole twitching. I guess it could be worse – he is a gorgeous, caring stud that would literally give his life for those that he loves. Don't over think this, love him with everything you have, protect those boys and find ways to show this man you love him. He turned around at that moment, hustled back to the kitchen grabbed AJ spun him around and pulled him in to a deep, passionate, hot, penetrating kiss. If he could have seen his dad's crotch, even he was a bit turned on by how passionate he was with AJ. Scott was gone as quickly as he appeared, leaving AJ a bit flush, flustered and for the moment speechless. JR chuckled and said earth to AJ, come in AJ, nothing. Eventually AJ composed himself and ask JR where they had left off. JR just smiled and asked AJ if he needed a moment to deal with the prominent bulge in his sweats, AJ retorted – `nope that's going up your son's ass later tonight'. JR blushed and AJ winked at him – `your son is hot and catches me off guard at times like that, but rest assured my ability to make people uncomfortable is legendary just ask Scott and my parents. You will hear that I have no filter, it takes something MAJOR to embarrass me and I am ok to up the ante at any time. To that end, by the look on your face I would bet money that you are at least semi-hard right now' JR blushed, AJ winked and JR knew this `kid' was something special. JR conceded – touché and a mock hat tip was given.

Next: Chapter 19

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