Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 13, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 21

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 21

AJ jumped up, scooped up his son and blew belly farts saying daddy was teasing you; why don't you, me and Conor do the honors since we have a bunch of old people here with us – Conor chimed in Scott not weally old, just a wittle. AJ rolled on the floor with the boys laughing hysterically – Scott threw a pillow at his boyfriend, which just made the 3 laugh even harder.

Conor, Caleb and AJ finally stopped rolling around laughing – AJ whispered to the boys, they kissed their dad and scrambled over to Scott; they climbed on the couch beside him – kissed him on the cheeks and said sawy; AJ winked at him and said – `I do love you ole man' as the boys scrambled back to their dad – Scott flipped AJ off and stuck his tongue out at him. AJ just winked at him and stifled a chuckle.

AJ organized the boys. Caleb started by picking a present – it was to Conor, so he walked it over and stacked it on the left side of the fireplace. AJ handed a present to Conor and surprise it was to Caleb, which he placed next to his. AJ suggested that he move that to the right side of the fireplace so they would not get mixed up. Conor laughed at his dad saying `daddy, we share everything silly'. AJ laughed out loud and grabbed Conor who was squealing now – telling his little man that he was so right and he was so proud of them for that, Caleb not wanting to be left out jumped on his daddy and snuggled with them. Scott smiled and shook his head – Conor saw this, tagged his brother and they ran and hugged Scott again saying we love you too... This brought a smile to AJ's face and a tear to Scott's eye. AJ regrouped the boys and whispered `the ole man is feeling left out, so hand him this'; Scott glared at AJ and mouthed – `I heard that' eliciting a wink and a stuck-out tongue.

Once all the presents were handed to the participants – Caleb, being the youngest, started the opening process. He picked a present, it was actually one to Conor and Conor said its ok we shawe. AJ gave up as he knew what one got the other had something identical or almost identical. Then Conor opened a present (actually Caleb's) and guess what it was the same but just a different color. They were from Mimi and Papi, big thank you(s) were given. AJ went next and thanked his mom and dad for the gift; Scott next and thanked mom and dad; then JR as he was a year younger than Evelyn; then Evelyn who was 3 months younger than JJ, then it was JJ's turn. The rounds continued. When AJ opened Scott's gift he found three photos in frames – one with Caleb & Conor standing by a tree with the lake behind them, then a family photo that was taken of AJ, Caleb & Conor sitting in front of the fire pit in the back yard and Scott had photo shopped Sydney into the photo standing behind the boys watching over them and the third one was of AJ, Scott, Conor & Caleb with Sydney in the background watching over all of them. AJ was balling hard, he rose and grabbed Scott in a bear hug, kissed him told him he loved him, hit him in the arm and called him an ass for making him cry. Scott started opening the huge box that AJ had given him, inside the box was another wrapped box, which he opened, which had another box, this went on until he got to a poem which read

I like you
You like me
I need a favor – marry me

I don't shop,
I don't play games,

This is fast I know,

But you're the one

It would be so cool,
If you had the same name as your men – AJ, Conor & Caleb

When Scott looked up with tears in his eyes – AJ, Conor & Caleb were on bended knees holding a box with a simple band inside. Scott just stared at AJ with his mouth open, no words just tears. AJ was a little panicked, he thought he knew the answer, but now his confidence was waning; he saw his mom move out of the corner of his eye, but he continued to stare at Scott never blinking. Conor was bored with this – stating emphatically it's Caleb's turn. AJ said – Caleb you can open your next gift, but never took his eyes off Scott he could kneel all day and he was going to have an answer.

With the tearing complete – AJ called for Conor to open his next gift. He continued to stare into Scott's eyes, never wavering. `Caleb your turn'; `Conor your turn'.

Scott sat there – his mind was reeling. He was all in and wanted AJ more than he could say, but this caught him off guard; honestly he was pissed because he had the same ring for AJ, he thought dickhead. He loved being the one in control, but AJ was always catching him off guard, he was always off balance, it's like he is in a perpetual state of having `happy tummy' that feeling you get when the car up and over a rise in the road and at the point where the car goes down and it feels like you tummy jumps into your throat. He knew he loved AJ, that there was no question but was he ready for all of this – fuck he thought to himself; I love this man, I want this man, I love his boys, I love his parents and I'm just pissed that this little shit beat me to the punch – how the hell did he do this AGAIN. It finally registered that he had just been sitting there for the last 5+ minutes (ranting about AJ being first and not being in control, shit this sucks) the boys were done opening gifts and all he saw were these deep pools of blue dancing in front of him, full of happiness, lust, hunger, desire, love, patience, trust and something he had not really seen before `hope'. AJ was not pressuring or pushing him in anyway, he was just looking into his eyes, waiting. Oh shit, he's waiting on me and I have been caught up in my drama of being the one caught off guard even though I was going to ask tonight, fuck me. If I don't answer him tonight won't happen, damn it the little fucker did it to me again -

After an eternity – Scott finally realized there was no way to postpone this if he wants to be with this man, asshole – `Yes, I will marry you'. AJ placed the ring on Scott's left ring finger and kissed him deeply. Gina yelled at the two studs – `get a room'. Evelyn jumped up and hugged her daughter and her fiancé – stating you were supposed to be at Kevin's parents' house today. Kevin said they knew they needed to be here after Gina and AJ talked yesterday about the proposal. Eva blurted out – so he said yes? AJ and Scott continued to kiss and Scott just held up his left hand. Charlene ran over and hugged the two men who continued to make out.

JJ rose and hugged his son and Scott. He offered to perform the ceremony – it would not be a legal marriage in the eyes of the state, but with the right documents they would become each other's legal representative if the need arose. In the future when laws change, we can then do the state ceremony too.

Evelyn interrupted – ok AJ you and I have some talking to do; AJ just looked at his mom and said – no we don't. I love you, but I was not going to tell you plans changed yesterday and that I had asked our family all to be here at 9:00 AM sharp and to all come in together. You would have tried to take over – either to talk sense to me or orchestrate your plan. I'm your baby, but I am not nor have I been for a long time someone you can control – your other kids yes, me no. Cheryl, Stephanie, JT and Gina all piped up – so not true mom doesn't control us. AJ laughed his ass off and when he finally stopped, he asked why then did you all ask me yesterday if I had cleared this with mom? JT piped up – we just did not want you to lose your favored child status, that's a lie and you know it. Gina is the favorite, not me and before the day is out – everyone will need to kiss my left ass cheek.

AJs 4 siblings hugged their baby brother and gave their congratulations – JT's wife Maureen hugged AJ and said – Gina was right he is VERY HOT. Scott's ears turned pink and AJ stated loudly he is VERY HOT and VERY EMBARASSED. From the back of the group – there was a joint statement – our baby brother's ears must be red right about now. With that Melissa and Teddy, Scott's brother and sister stepped forward. JR was dumbfounded – how are you both here, where are my grandkids? Melissa's husband Grant was carrying their son Stephen (2) and their daughter Caitlyn (6) hugged JR. Teddy's wife Rebecca was obviously pregnant and their two kids – JonJon (5) and TJ (2) were on either side of their mom.

AJ whistled the group to be quiet for a moment – he thanked everyone for changing their plans, but before they got into the logistics of how this all came together, he asked for some help in getting breakfast on the table – chatter started up again. Another whistle louder than before left AJ's lips – and he began again. I don't know why any of you thought it was time for chatter, there were no assignments and no instructions given so zip it until I say go, understood? Silence except from JT who said yes. Mo elbowed him. Alright – JT is last to eat. One last thing – those that know me well this is a refresher, those that don't will learn quickly; I can be a lot of fun, but I don't suffer fools well. So, Gina bottom line that for everyone – Gina stated directly – he may be the youngest, but he IS the boss. He loves unconditionally, he will do anything for you, but for GOD's sake when he tells you to do something, do it or it will be World War X. Love you baby brother.

AJ began, so Gina may have laid it on a bit thick. Which brought groans from Cheryl & Max, Stephanie & Jim, JT & Mo, Gina & Kevin, JJ & Evelyn, Eva & Mat, Charlene & Elliott and Scott. Another whistle from AJ – ok so maybe I am a bit much – Cheryl yelled, no not a bit you are a drill sergeant. AJ took control again – for breakfast set up – Mo, Gina, Teddy, mama and I will get breakfast out of the ovens and onto the island. HEY, no talking and no movement. Scott, JR, Melissa, Max & Eva will get the two tables and counter seating set; Grant, papa, Stephanie & Kevin will get the TV trays out of the laundry room and set up in the family room. The remaining adults will entertain the kids until we are set. Go.

AJ headed for the kitchen – pulling trays of cinnamon rolls out of the warming drawers, pans of bacon, eggs, potatoes, pancakes and waffles out of the oven. Mo, Gina & Teddy started placing serving spoons with the pans, grabbing plates from the cupboard and extras from the boxes at the end of the counter. AJs, mom asked when did you do all of this? – AJ just hugged his mom and said – after I got everyone to bed, I got up and cooked all of this and prepped the two turkeys and two prime ribs which are in in the prep kitchen ovens.

So, to give context to the broader family –

Marie O'Reilly (71) – Grand dame of the O'Reilly family. Husband and middle son died in a plane crash 5 years after Eva was born.

Elliot O'Reilly (55) – Sydney's dad & AJs 2nd dad, they live about 15 minutes from AJ

Charlene O'Reilly (57) – Sydney's mom & AJs 2nd mom.

Sydney Marie O'Brien (22) – deceased only daughter of Elliot and Charlene

Eva Marie O'Reilly (35) – Marie's youngest – 18 years younger than Elliot, lives about 5 minutes from AJ

Carrie Reagan (10) – Eva's oldest daughter

Maddie Reagan (6) – Eva's youngest daughter

Mat Sullivan (33) – Eva's partner who is pregnant with their first child

Jameson Elliott O'Reilly-Sullivan (TBD) – first child for Eva and Mat

Jonathan `JR' Reed (56) – Scott's dad and head of the Reed family

Melissa Smythe (33) – Jonathan's oldest

Grant Smythe (33) – Melissa's husband

Caitlyn Smythe (6) – Melissa and Grant's oldest

Stephen Smythe (2) – Melissa and Grant's youngest

Theodore `Teddy' Jonathan Reed (29) – Jonathan's oldest son, middle child

Rebecca `Becca' Reed (30) – Teddy's wife

Jonathan `JonJon' James Reed (5) – Teddy and Rebecca's oldest

Theodore Jonathan `TJ' Reed (2) – Teddy and Rebecca's middle child

Eva Rebecca Reed (TBD) – Teddy and Rebecca's unborn child, due in February.

Scott Jonathan Reed (25) – basic stud and now engaged to AJ

Lindal Josephine `Nanny' O'Brien (72) – Jonathan's mother, matriarch of the O'Brien clan

Jonathan `JJ' O'Brien (58) – AJ's dad

Evelyn O'Brien (57) – AJ's mom and her birthday is the day after Christmas

Cheryl Marshall (40) – Jonathan and Evelyn's oldest daughter -

Maxwell Marshall (41) – Cheryl's husband

Amanda Marshall (14) – Cheryl and Max's oldest (daughter)

Danielle Marshall (11) – Cheryl and Max's middle child (daughter)

Maxwell Jonathan `MJ' Marshall (9) – Cheryl and Max's youngest (son)

Stephanie Reed (36) – Jonathan and Evelyn's second child

James Reed (35) – Stephanie's husband and who is a nephew of JR.

Chandler Reed (15) – Stephanie and Jim's oldest (daughter)

James Jonathan `Jimmy' Reed (12) – Stephanie and Jim's middle (son)

Timothy Reed (10) – Stephanie and Jim's youngest (son)

Jonathan Tyler `JT' O'Brien (30) – Jonathan and Evelyn's third child and first son

Maureen `Mo' O'Brien (32) – JT's wife

Tyler Jonathan `TJ' O'Brien (8) – JT and Mo's oldest (son)

Elizabeth O'Brien (6) – JT and Mo's middle (daughter)

Talia Marie O'Brien (4) – JT and Mo's youngest (daughter)

Gina O'Brien (26) – Jonathan and Evelyn's fourth child

Kevin Daly (26) – Gina's fiancé

Kevin Jonathan `KJ' Daly (TBD) – Gina and Kevin's first (son)

Aaron Jonathan `AJ' O'Brien (21) – Jonathan and Evelyn's baby

Conor Jameson O'Brien (1) – AJ and Syd's oldest

Caleb Jeffrey O'Brien (1) – AJ and Syd's Youngest

Everyone had plates and were sitting somewhere within earshot of everyone. Gina tried to get everyone's attention, but the chatter continued. AJ stood on the counter in the kitchen and whistled LOUDLY, he thanked everyone for being there today and let everyone know there were another 10 people expected for dinner and Gina needed everyone to listen up for a minute. Gina walked to a central spot asked Kevin to join her. She explained to everyone who she and Kevin were within this family. She explained that they had come over to support her brother and Scott as did everyone else. JT yelled out – so what's up sis are you knocked up? AJ bounced a biscuit off his brother's head and told him to keep his mouth shut. Gina started to cry and chaos erupted. AJ whistled again. Evelyn shrieked – baby when are you due, boy or girl, what do you need me to do so you can get off your feet. AJ was grinning like a Cheshire cat – he pulled his sweatpants down to reveal a tight firm left ass cheek. So, O'Brien children and spouses it is time for you all to pay your debt to the much-maligned youngest sibling. Cheryl & Max, Stephanie & Jim, JT & Mo, Gina & Kevin as you can all see this glorious mound of man flesh is ready for your lips to kiss. The O'Brien clan started protesting loudly and Scott's sister Melissa yelled out – AJ did say that by the end of the day you would be proven wrong and you would need to kiss his left ass cheek – none of you protested and as AJ's attorney of record I would say he has grounds for a lawsuit, so I would get to kissin if I were you. JT & Mo said fuck it – the emperor has spoken, we are unworthy. Mo kissed his cheek, JT kissed as well but to show his brother up – he took a nip at the mound of flesh. The remaining siblings and their spouses paid homage. Kevin said I'm not part of the family so I get a pass – Gina looked at him and said – if you think I don't know you have the hots for my brother and would throw your legs in the air to get a piece of him you're an idiot. This is likely the only time your lips will touch a somewhat intimate part of his body so pucker up and worship that cheek. Kevin turned crimson, but did lean in to kiss AJ's ass – JT whispered in his ear `looks like little Kevin is trying to say hello'. He pulled Kevin into a hug and said most of the younger men in this family would throw their legs up in the air and let AJ fuck them silly – you are in good company my man. Kevin shoved JT, but he knew JT had his number and there was no doubt in his mind he would let AJ fuck him senseless; he loved Gina and they had a great sex life, there was just something about AJ – raw sexual energy and not an egotistical bone in his body and what a fucking body it was – damn I need a cold shower Kevin thought.

AJ was a little flushed with the pronouncement that Kevin would give up his ass if AJ wanted it – it was a fine ass, fuck focus man. AJ brought focus back as he looked at Gina and Kevin, they nodded to him. Alright then – at 2 PM today we are having a wedding here. I have the privilege of marrying my big sister with her (AJ made a face and searched for the right word) loving fiancé who I just found out wants in my pants. Everyone laughed and Kevin flipped AJ the bird – AJ quipped no darling I will be doing that to you – AJ winked at Kevin who turned darker red.

Kevin's family will be arriving at 11:30 am – his mom (Julie – 58), dad (David – 57), brother (Chris – 41), his wife (Rose – 41) and 2 kids (Alex – 15 and Adrianne –13) and sister (Katie – 36), her wife (Rachel – 37) and 2 kids (Eli – 10 & Andrew –10), did I get that right? Ok, yes Gina and Kevin are expecting, due in May. Before the chatter begins – JT, you owe our sister and apology and it better be a good one, because if memory serves you and Mo were pregnant when you go married as well. Honestly now that I think about it there is not an O'Brien in this room that was not with child before they wed their spouse. Nanny and papa included – so don't even start. One last thing – I can state with absolute certainty, neither Scott or I will not be pregnant before we get hitched. JT flipped AJ the bird and said – you are getting a little tummy are you sure you're not knocked up too? (eliciting a smack in the head from Mo) JT rubbed his head and continued sissy – I am SORRY for being an ass and I love you. AJ shook his head as he knew that was the best he was going to get from the lunk head.

Next: Chapter 22

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