Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 13, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 22

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 22

One last thing – I can state with absolute certainty, neither Scott or I will not be pregnant before we get hitched. JT flipped AJ the bird and said – you are getting a little tummy are you sure you're not knocked up too? (eliciting a smack in the head from Mo) JT rubbed his head and continued sissy – I am SORRY for being an ass and I love you. AJ shook his head as he knew that was the best he was going to get from the lunk head.

Before AJ hopped down, he whistled again – yeah, yeah, yeah get over the grumbling. Everyone was warned by Gina this is who I am, so pipe down for a bit. Ok, once you are done with breakfast, please stack your plates on the left side of the sink under the window. Mat, please scrape any food off the plates into the trash compactor and hand them to JT who will rinse them and Charlene if you will load and start the dishwashers, I would really appreciate it.

The rest of you – Here is a diagram of the backyard with the layout of chairs that need to be placed out there, along with the flower arrangements. The chairs are all in the last two bays of the garage, the flowers are in the pool house. Carrie & Tim, please take the younger kids into the media room and keep them entertained, it would be a HUGE help.

Gina, you will get ready in the guest house. If there is something you need that you can't find let me know and we'll figure it out. Kevin once the flowers are out you will use the pool house to get ready.

Mama / Pops – your dress and tux are hanging in my closet; it will be obvious when you open the door.

Elliott and JR – if you would organize getting the outdoor heaters that are on the side of the pool house set up, placement is on the diagram, I would appreciate that.

Mama – will you check on the bread and if it is raised enough grab Cheryl and Stephanie and make the rolls?

Enjoy the rest of your breakfast!

AJ hopped down from the counter and was off to the prep kitchen. Scott grabbed him before he could get too far – steered him to the kitchen table and made him sit and eat the plate of food in front of him. AJ started to protest, but Scott held firm and said its obvious you were up most of the night getting things organized, you have had 3 cups of coffee and no food. Everyone has their assignment and I am not going to have my fiancé getting sick because he could not take 10 minutes and eat. AJ took a bite of bacon and tried to leave and Scott pushed on his shoulders with both hands and said loudly – absolutely not mister. JT, Cheryl, Stephanie and Gina cheered LOUDLY, screaming yes, yes, yes there is a God. Conor and Caleb ran to their dad and yelled at their aunts and uncle – be nice to my daddy. AJ hugged them both and said calmly – boys I love you and they were just trying to take care of me, but you are right they are being bossy pants. JT tried to pick Caleb up, he said NO you mean to my daddy. AJ pushed his chair back and sat on the floor with Conor and Caleb – he pulled them tight and realized there was a lot of chaos going on and the boys were not dealing with it well, especially with the banter with his siblings.

Ok boys do you know who this is – pointing to JT. Conor buried his head into AJs neck and Caleb pointed at him and said he is a mean man. AJ hugged Caleb and said – I'm sorry if daddy and JT scared you. This is JT daddy's older brother – just like Conor is your older brother. Caleb shook his head Conor nice, JT not. AJ thought `shit this is bad'. Ok new approach – Scott will you take the boys into the office – AJ hugged them both and said he would be right there. AJ whispered to Scott – turn on some music and sit with them on the floor. AJ was trying to think, JT was apologizing, everyone was giving advice. AJ grabbed JT's hand and walked outside; JT said if you need to kick the shit out of me go for it, but make sure my kids don't see it. AJ laughed and said JT I'm not going to hit you; I may smack you if you don't shut up for one minute. AJ closed his eyes and thought, JT started to talk and AJ held up his hand. He opened his eyes and said – this is what we are going to try; I can't have Caleb and Conor afraid of you. JT said – fuck this is bad.

AJ, punched his older brother in the arm and told him to get the hell over it. They aren't even one yet, so loud talk scares them and you are loud, louder than even me so pull your head out of your ass. AJ took JT's hand and led him to the office – he climbed on JT's back and had him give him a piggyback ride into the office. After closing the door, AJ climbed down, Conor and Caleb were hiding behind Scott; Caleb told JT to go away. AJ looked him square in the eyes and said – Caleb, JT is not going away, he is daddy's brother and I love him just as much as you love Conor. Will you boys both come here, they remained behind Scott; AJ chuckled – it was clear that they trusted Scott which is a great thing, but they need to know that JT is a good guy sometimes deep down.

AJ again asked the boys to come and sit in his lap – the boys both came from behind Scott and cautiously walked to their dad, keeping a watchful eye on JT. JT stood statue still as he had been warned by AJ that he would beat the crap out of him if he did not follow his instructions to the letter; JT knew in his heart his brother could pummel him easily. The boys stood in front of their dad but hesitated to sit down because their backs would be to JT. AJ asked the boys if they wanted JT to move behind Scott and both nodded their heads. JT moved behind Scott and put his arms around him and chin on Scott's shoulder – he whispered into Scott's ear, AJ wants you to reach your hands up and hug me so the boys see I'm not evil (his words not mine). Scott grinned, hugged JT as the boys sat on AJ's lap. AJ asked if JT could sit next to Scott and the boys nodded again. AJ asked if JT and Scott could sit closer – no answer, just little bodies leaning into daddy. OK they can stay there. Do you have any questions you want to ask – Caleb asked can we leave, answer was a quick no.

AJ asked the boys a series of questions, starting with – do you trust daddy, the answer was YES, do you trust Scott, yes. Who is tougher daddy or Scott, daddy. Who is tougher – Scott or JT, silence; Ok Scott and JT flex your muscles, they struck a pose. Who's arms are bigger, Scott. Who is tougher, Scott. So, Scott is tougher than JT and daddy is tougher than Scott, that would make daddy tougher than JT, right. Caleb if daddy is tougher than JT, can he come sit by me? An OK from Caleb, Conor was less sure but did not move. JT slid over next to AJ, Caleb started to fidget and slide away and AJ stopped him. Daddy is tougher than JT, so JT can't/won't hurt you and Scott is right there. Scott now slid over across from AJ. AJ let his hands slide off of the boys, they both tensed a bit, but did not move. AJ leaned in and hugged JT, he did not break the connection for a while. Caleb complained `daddy you sqwuishing me, but he did not move. Conor stood up and walked toward JT and hugged the other side. Caleb turned on his daddy's lap and stood up and hugged JT's head. JT said – Caleb/Conor I'm sorry if I scared you; I would never hurt your daddy or either of you.

Your daddy is my baby brother, he could easily kick by behind but I would die for him. I would not let anyone hurt him. I don't tell him enough, but I love the little squirt. There were tears in JTs eyes when he pulled slightly back from Conor & Caleb. He looked them in the eyes and asked them – do you think I should tell your daddy that he is the best brother anyone could hope for and that I love him to the moon and back? They both nodded and kissed his cheeks, took their little hands and wiped the tears away. AJ rubbed his eyes and said – well? JT looked at him funny and said well what? Scott popped JT in the back of the head and said he was just filling in for Mo. JT hugged his baby brother and told him loud and proud – you are the best and anyone would be lucky to call you brother, thankfully it is my honor and privilege even though I give you crap, I hope you know it. AJ hugged him back and said you are a lucky guy – I am pretty awesome. Scott smacked AJ in the back of the head and said – one JT in the family is enough.

JT picked up the two boys and carried them out of the office and to Carrie in the media room. When he put them down, he said to them – I do love you both, almost as much as I love your daddy. The boys kissed him on the cheeks and went to play with their cousins. Crisis back under control.

AJ went to finish getting dinner prepped and Scott marched him back to the table and said – eat. Nice try but one bite of bacon does not make a meal. The doorbell rang and AJ went to answer it, Scott said `sit' and went to the door. He opened it to Kevin's family – you must be Dave & Julie, welcome. Is there anything we can help you bring in? Have you eaten? Scott held the door and in marched the family – Kevin stepped around the corner as they entered the family room and Evelyn came out of the prep kitchen wiping her hands as she greeted Julie warmly. After the greetings – Dave, Julie and the family asked what they could do to help and JJ directed them to the teams that needed the help. AJ was relegated to finishing his breakfast – which he did not like one bit.

Mo joined AJ at the table and gave him a big hug; you are one hell of a little brother. Your siblings would die for you, but they are definitely intimidated by your presence and I know that is because you take no crap from anyone including Evelyn. She scares me sometimes, how do you stand up to her? Evelyn overheard and said as she went back to work – you two are treading on thin ice. AJ chuckled and said mom – give it a rest, my house my rules. Evelyn laughed loudly – since when is it limited to your house? I was under the impression whenever Aaron Jonathan O'Brien was around it was his sphere, his rules. AJ looked at his mom and said – 21 years to figure that out I guess you can teach and old dog new tricks. Mo and Evelyn both went to pop AJ in the head and he slid masterfully away, but into a good swat in the head from Scott – sit, eat or I'll have to tie your butt to that chair. Evelyn piped up that's good to see – maybe it's changing to Scott Jonathan Reed's rules.

AJ shook his head and said – not likely and ducked as another swat came toward him from Scott, with a swift pull Scott was bent over AJ's lap with a swat across the behind and a whispered – `you want to play with the big dog, he flexed his hardening cock into Scott's abdomen, you got to be faster than that. He scooted his chair forward, trapping Scott over his lap and under the table. Scott demanded to be set free and AJ shook his head and said – make up your mind, either I eat or I don't, which is it; Scott said eat so he settled in AJs hard cock flexing into his abdomen got Scott hard quickly. Now he knew he was in trouble as he was commando and it would be obvious that he was excited when he stood. Teddy walked into the kitchen at this point saw Scott and started laughing – AJ it's good to see that you are reprimanding the little squirt for his antics. Teddy bent over and whispered into Scott's ear and his ears turned beat red. Teddy chuckled and ruffled his baby brother's hair as he walked away.

Everyone went back to work and when AJ slid his chair back, Scott turned his head and gave him the evil eye – but did not make an immediate move to stand. AJ grabbed his ass and pushed his middle into his crack, hitting his rosebud dead center. Scott stood and pulled AJ head into his stomach, which normally would not have been a problem, but AJ was determined to make Scott squirm he knew Teddy was the only one near, so he leaned down and slobbered all over Scott's rock-hard cock head creating a huge wet spot. Teddy walked over to the two men, handing Scott an apron and said you might be able to hide that big ole wet spot. AJ could not help but chuckle. Teddy dropped an apron into AJ's lap and stating – small fry you ain't, cover that up before you poke someone's eye out just sitting there. Teddy leaned in and said conspiratorial I know that dad has seen your man naked and said he is packing some serious meat, which is obvious and baby bro you aren't exactly a fingerling. Teddy said that he and Becca wanted to talk with the boys, they had some things to share that might be of interest.

Next: Chapter 23

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