Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 24

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 24

Mo said – so I guess AJ said the right thing, Scott's ears turned red and he said you have no idea but if anyone complains about the noises coming out of our room tonight, they can fuck the hell right off. AJ move your ass. Becca and Mo cracked the windows as they were certain there would be some sex smells in the room.

AJ and Scott both undid their pants and slid them down as they sat on the couch. TJ immediately moaned out, that thing is not coming close to my ass, Becca looked at him and said – you're a size queen and you know you want that any way you can get – oral or anal, you would probably figure out a way to let him slide that thing in your ear. Mo chuckled, looked at JT and said – don't even try to deny it I see your cock at full mast in your pants – JT said emphatically I would get on all fours and let them spit roast me anywhere anytime – fuck those are two awesome slabs of meat. I had no idea my baby brother was packing so much heat – JT moaned its really not fair to have all that going on and then to be hooked up with someone nearly comparable in every way just with darker hair. Mo I love you with all my heart but these two make me wet too.

AJ turned on the stereo and increased the volume a bit. And Becca call dibs on AJ and Mo went after Scott. The boys leaned back and let their family service their cocks – it was a mad house of sucking, slurping, kissing, fondling, moaning and general sexual mayhem for the next 15 minutes. When AJ and Scott finally came – Mo and JT were servicing AJ, they shared his load but did not swallow. Becca and TJ were on Scott, they shared his load did not swallow. JT and TJ cum swapped with each other while Becca and Mo cum swapped as well. The taste from the two young studs was outstanding. AJ leaned over and finished cleaning Scott up and Scott returned the favor.

The music was turned down, the windows closed and a little air freshener was sprayed to make sure the office did not smell like sex. AJ sheepishly thanked the four older family members for the outstanding blow job; Scott smiled from his core – he looked directly at AJ and said you are the most adorable creature I have ever met, you have no idea the impact you have on people. You could be this huge asshole about everything, yet you are the kindest, gentlest most caring person in the world, it makes me crazy thinking that anyone would force themselves on you - fuck. AJ hugged Scott – maybe we will both be in therapy in North Carolina and thank you for your kind words. JT hugged his little brother and said he was there to support him through whatever was coming. TJ, Mo and Becca hugged the young stud and said they would be there as well for whatever support they needed. AJ thanked them for the support, apologized again for going all Rambo on them.

When the 6 exited the office, Evelyn went directly to intercept AJ, with Mo and JT interceding. Mo took Evelyn into the office, JT joined them after making certain AJ was good. Once there JT explained that something had happened earlier that triggered a memory for AJ and he rightfully took he and Scott's brother to task – his intensity scared the shit out of the two of us, so we disappeared while Scott calmed AJ down. Now the part that you need to not share beyond dad today, will you do that? Evelyn was not sure she could not talk to AJ about it – Mo simply stated if you can't agree, then it will have to wait until AJ is ready to discuss it. Mo and JT stood to leave and Evelyn relented – JT was not convinced so he put it in more specific terms. JT looked directly at his mom and stated if you don't abide by this requirement; AJ will never forgive you and I'm afraid you won't see him ever again it is that serious. Will you agree to abide with AJ's wishes? Know it is only for today he will talk with you either way tomorrow so you choose and if you tell dad the same goes, I have never seen your happy kid more serious in my life and frankly it scared the shit out of me.

Evelyn conceded, she had to know and wanted to be prepared to support her son as she knew he was on edge. JT started the story, between he and Mo, Evelyn had the complete picture of her youngest's rape when he was 13 at the hands of the assistant baseball coach. She was livid at the rapist, confused by her son not saying anything, furious at herself for not being able to figure it out back then, mad at AJ for brushing her off, frustrated that she could not talk to him, but agreed it was the right thing given Gina's wedding in a matter of 90 minutes. She asked JT and Mo if they would help her tell Jonathan and they agreed.

JT brought Jonathan into the office. They went through the same dance as with Evelyn, in the end he relented and went through the same emotions his wife did. If Jonathan's recollection of the penal code was correct then asshole could not be prosecuted because the rape had not been reported within 1 year and offense happened more than seven years ago. There are some other loopholes but reporting it might find someone else that is within the statute of limitations.

Jonathan hugged his wife, son and daughter in law and said it's time to focus on Gina for now and they would deal with the rest of this tomorrow.

The stage was set, everyone had taken their places; AJ, Kevin and Chris (Kevin's brother) walked out of the pool house to the front of the gathered group of family and friends. The music started up, TJ and Elizabeth (JT & Mo's kids) walked down the aisle carrying the rings and tossing flowers on the ground. JT was next as he was Gina's `Matron of Honor'. Gina walked down the aisle with Evelyn on her left and Jonathan on her right. The ceremony was simple, elegant and better than the elaborate monstrosity that had been planned for Spring. Gina and Kevin looked unbelievably happy. Just before AJ pronounced them Wife and Husband, Caleb walked up to his daddy, tugged on his pant leg, when AJ kneeled to the delight of all Caleb asked when dinner was cause he and Conor were hungwy. AJ hugged the little guy and stood – Gina and Kevin were trying to keep a straight face, but that was short lived when AJ announced – in order to ensure that my youngest can get some food – I now pronounce you Wife and Husband, you may now kiss your man. Gina grabbed Kevin, kissing him fully on the mouth and bending him back over her hip to loud cheers from the group. AJ overheard his big sister telling Kevin – `we are partners in everything and I love you more today than yesterday' Kevin smiled and said `ditto baby, but would you be ok if I took AJ behind the pool house for a quickie.' This elicited a double punch – one from Gina and one from AJ, a wince from Kevin and a quip of `you can't really blame me too much he's hot, but I love you baby. Kevin returned the dipping kiss.

Evelyn could not corral Conor any longer and he made a dash for AJ and Caleb – he was yelling we eat now, we eat now. Gina intercepted him hugged him and told him they indeed could eat now. Gina stood and kissed her brother on the cheek and told him she loved him SOOO much and for god sake feed your kids, everyone can tell you are starving those boys.

AJ tried to quiet the crowd, but there was so much banter it wasn't working. Gina, Kevin, Caleb, Conor, JT, Scott and Evelyn all saw what was coming and put fingers to ears just as a VERY loud whistle erupted from AJ. Several in the crowd asked for a warning next time and Gina retorted – he did but no one was listening and they are now. AJ announced that given Gina and Kevin's wedding was a relaxed family gathering dinner would be on the island shortly, once placed Gina and Kevin would plate first followed by Evelyn, Julie, Jonathan and David. After those six there was no additional order, but it would probably be best to let the little ones eat next as we all know grumpy babies can be challenging. Gina and Kevin would sit at the dining table flanked by their parents and the rest would sit where they could find room – there was seating in the kitchen, dining room, patio and back lawn and everyone should be able to find a seat. There are only 6 highchairs – two standard and 4 table / counter mount and for safety sake on the counter mounts, do not put them on a folding table.

AJ went in to get dinner set, but it was already done – Mo had organized the young adults to take care of everything. She kissed AJ on the cheek and said there are two little guy plates dished up and on the table with counter highchairs ready to go. He looked over at the kitchen table and realized that Caleb and Conor were sneaking olives off their plates. AJ kissed Mo on the cheek and said he was looking forward to her and JT visiting in January; Mo pinched and patted his ass sending him off to take care of his boys. AJ had been looking for Scott since the ceremony began and he could not find him; he would get the boys fed and find his man after. AJ got the boys into their seats and sat between them to help keep the mess to a minimum. Gina and Kevin swung by the table and kissed AJ on the cheeks and said thank you again for pulling this together. No one knew you did this in less than 72 hours. AJ told them they were both more than welcome and that there is an envelope at their place setting as well as a very nice bottle of champagne for them to enjoy. Before they went back to their seats – Gina leaned in and asked if AJ was ok, he brushed it off and Gina whispered in his ear – for now baby brother, for now but we will talk before I leave. AJ smiled and kissed her cheek; fuck she doesn't need to deal with this again.

AJ went back to his kids and they were doing a decent job of eating and keeping the mess to a minimum – obviously as almost 1-year old twins they were not the neatest with their food but were doing a fine job. Julie and David stopped by to talk with AJ before joining Gina and Kevin – they were thanking him for everything when there was a blood curdling scream from the dining room. AJ continued as if nothing was wrong – he knew what the deal was so he hugged and kissed Julie and shook David's hand just as Kevin and Gina entered the room who looked locked and loaded.

Gina boomed – Aaron Jonathan O'Brien you are in so much trouble right now. AJ stepped around the table with Gina on his heels, the problem he realized very quickly was that Kevin had circled the table from the opposite way and he was trapped, so he decided to stand his ground. By this time everyone attending was pushing into the kitchen / eating / family room area and AJ looked a little concerned and honestly, he had no idea why the two of them looked like they were ready to kill him. Gina started in again with the Aaron Jonathan O'Brien, how dare you, after you do all of this for us in 72 hours no less, asking for nothing, no money, no help, absolutely nothing and then you pile on to that with this – waving the contents of the envelope in her baby brothers face. Kevin was red faced and inches from AJ on the other side – Jonathan and David tried to intercede but had no idea what was going on so it was hard to say or do the right thing. AJ was scanning the crowd looking for Scott, but he was nowhere to be seen. Gina railed again – Scott can't save you on this one baby boy. AJ was truly unsure of what the issue was – he had gotten them the best suite at the Edgewater downtown Seattle tonight, a car service would be at the house in 3 hours to gather them up and return them the next day for Evelyn's birthday and they were leaving on the 27th for a 2-week honeymoon in Cancun all expenses paid by AJ and Scott; totally cleared with both employers.

So being cornered and having no idea what the issue was AJ went on the offensive – Gina Lindal O'Brien Daly you need to calm the hell down, I have no idea what crawled up your butt, before he could go further Kevin and Gina began laughing hysterically. Fuck the both of you, you scared the shit out of me and made me feel like I was 5 again and you were on the war path for some wrong that you perceived I had done. Gina stopped laughing and said in all seriousness, we cannot accept this it is too much. Arranging everything for the wedding, you marrying us, this dinner is gift enough we cannot possibly accept more; this cost you a fortune so thank you for the thought baby boy, but we will have to pass. AJ said under his breath to Gina and Kevin – you two fucking suck and I hate you both – then very loudly so everyone could hear – I did this for you Gina. You have been a pain in my ass since I can remember, you tortured me, you dressed me up like a doll, you beat me senseless, you locked me in tight spaces – you were truly evil. That said, given I was small for my age you beat up the bullies, you defended me to our siblings and parents, you were my best friend at 13 when you were the only one that knew I needed someone, I would not be standing here today if you had not pulled me through the darkness that was then and helped me when Syd died, so to be clear the only way the two of you are NOT going on that honeymoon is if you ditch this stiff here and we go on it together.

Gina was crying at this point and choked out `deal, Kevin you're out AJ is in and you can stay with Scott and take care of the kids. Kevin didn't know what to say, he stood there with his mouth hanging open while AJ and Gina hugged and cried. JT hugged his younger siblings and said – thank God you had someone I am so sorry I missed the signs I love you both. Gina pulled back and looked AJ in the eyes, he said – we have lots to catch up on when you get back from Cancun. Gina and Kevin headed back to the dining room with Kevin whining – that's not fair that I don't get to go to Cancun. Gina smacked him in the back of the head, laughed and told him he needed to keep up and stop being such a dufus.

Next: Chapter 25

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