Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 25

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 25

Gina was crying at this point and choked out `deal, Kevin you're out AJ is in and you can stay with Scott and take care of the kids'. Kevin didn't know what to say, he stood there with his mouth hanging open while AJ and Gina hugged and cried. JT hugged his younger siblings and said – thank God you had someone I am so sorry I missed the signs I love you both. Gina pulled back and looked AJ in the eyes, he said – we have lots to catch up on when you get back from Cancun. Gina and Kevin headed back to the dining room with Kevin whining – that's not fair that I don't get to go to Cancun. Gina smacked him in the back of the head, laughed and told him he needed to keep up and stop being such a dufus.

AJ finished up with the boys' dinner, cleaned them up and took them to their room for a diaper change; he knew today was going to be a problem to get them to take their naps and they would be cranky all day tomorrow. He still did not see Scott, the last time he saw him was during the ceremony, he had been leaning against one of the posts on the covered patio but since then nothing. The diapers changed he decided to put on some more comfy clothes for the boys – jeans and shirts instead of dress clothes. He asked Conor and Caleb what they wanted to do and they said – play with you daddy; can we do a puzzle. AJ enthusiastically said – yes we can, if you go grab one and put it on the table in the TV room I'll be right there, but daddy needs to change too. AJ shooed the kids down the hall and he ducked into his bedroom to pee and change. He had taken care of business and had stripped down to his boxer briefs, he was just putting a leg into his jeans when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his body and pulled him into a naked man. As he leaned into the naked man, he felt lips on his neck and he moaned out – we better hurry before my fiancé starts looking for me; smack, ouch that hurt. Scott smacked AJ's firm ass again and called him a big baby, as far as that fiancé goes, I'm sure you can do me quickly and not get caught. I've been stroking for the last 40 minutes waiting for your sexy ass to finally come in here, because I have an itch that needs scratching and I've heard rumors you have a big cock and it should reach places others can't and you did say you would fuck me senseless to get me to agree to letting our brothers and their wives suck us off.

With that invite, AJ spun around and pushed his underwear down and stepped out of them planting his mouth on this sexy man's full pouty lips. He whispered in the man's ear – do you have condoms and lube – I need to be careful about my fiancé. The throaty reply said – I'm clean, cleaned and lubed already; just fuck me hard and fast, we don't have a lot of time. With that AJ lifted his lover up and slowly buried his cock in that hot tight ass; Scott wrapped his legs around his lover's waist and began raising and lowering himself on that magnificent 12 inch, hard as stone fuck stick on the fifth down stroke Scott came hard.

AJ had seen the pillows and blankets Scott had laid out in the closet and slowly lowered them down so he could get better leverage and take control of the rest of this fuck. Once Scott was on the ground on his back, AJ growled – hard and fast or slow and deep? Scott indicated he was there for the ride and AJ needed to do whatever he wanted to get his nut and he would hold on as this was about AJ not him in his mind. AJ pounded him fast, hard and deep; Scott's second climax tore through him as AJ unloaded a massive load deep in his gut. They were both hot, sweaty, sticky messes. AJ pulled himself out of Scott's well abused hole through some underwear at him and said – slut get dressed and out of here before my fiancé returns. Scott stood up, kissed AJ deeply and scooped up his two loads off his and AJs abdomen with both hands and rubbed it through AJ's carefully styled hair. He playfully slapped AJ and said – I may be a slut but you were buried in my ass just now so I guess that makes you one too.

AJ smacked Scott in the ass and said – I love you slut. Scott grabbed AJ's cock and pulled him into the shower as they both needed to clean up and AJ needed to wash his hair. They took their time washing each other from head to toe, AJ started playing with Scott's cock again trying to keep him in the shower for another round. As Scott was rising to the occasion he reached back and turned the water to cold, instantly killing the mood. AJ pinched Scott's nipple telling him he was a kill joy, but he was probably right that they needed to get back to the party. They dried each other off with AJ trying to get Scott hard again, Scott pushed AJ away and hurried to get clothes back on, calling his fiancé a horn dog as AJ sauntered up behind him rubbing his body against Scott's. Scott turned and gave AJ a passionate kiss and told him he would make it up to him later, pushing his way past AJ who stuck his lip out and pouted – I don't want to go back out there.

I would rather stay locked in here with you, even if we just cuddle all night. Scott winked at him from the mirror and told him to get dressed as he was the host of this party; AJ whined that Scott was too, but he disappeared for 40 minutes. AJ tried one last time to entice Scott to stay for another round but he kissed him quickly and rejoined the party. AJ spent the next 15 minutes drying his hair, dressing and rejoining the party; he looked himself up and down in the mirror and realized he was being childish about Scott wanting to join the party – he had after all disappeared because he wanted to jump AJ's body. AJ told himself aloud – give yourself a break it's ok to be a sex hound, you are only 21 but people always think you are older by the way you carry yourself and you will have that hot ass man tonight after the party. His cock twitched at the possibilities; looking down he patted his cock and said `down boy, you will get to play a little later'.

AJ rejoined the party and made certain that everyone was having a great time. He was the consummate host; mama and Julie thanked him for everything he had done for the wedding. He danced with both mothers ensuring that they were the center of attention even if for just a moment on the dance floor. AJ continued to circulate until JR pulled him aside for a glass of bourbon and a chat. JR thanked him for a great day; for making his son so very happy and being so open to he and the rest of his family. AJ hugged JR and said dad it is truly my pleasure you have welcomed me with open arms and I know this has not been easy on any of us but with you and my parents help I believe we are set on the right path – I love your son with all my heart, we have found our rhythm and we both know we will have to continue to work at it. Scott balances my Irish temper and keeps me grounded and I believe that my `come as it may' attitude has lightened his heart and keeps him off balance which is a great thing to watch – his ears are his tell and I love it when they turn pink cause I know he is slightly embarrassed, but is all in with whatever is going on – AJ paused for an extended period of time, JR followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at Scott – he picked up a napkin and wiped AJ's chin. AJ shook his head a bit and looked at JR with a questioning look – JR chuckled and just said you had a little drool on your chin, AJ cast his eyes down but quickly recovered saying I'm sure I did but damn he is fine, just like his daddy – JR's ears turned pink. AJ winked at him and said – gotcha dad. With that he was off tracking his prey – Scott.

Scott was on the edge of the dance floor talking with Mo and JT, when he was grabbed from behind and a hard body was pressed tightly against his backside. His ears turned pink but he cheekily responded, `sir you have me at a disadvantage but I'm intrigued, we best hurry before my fiancé spots us groping near the dance floor'. AJ chewed on his ear lobe and said – dance the night away with me and by nights end this fiancé you speak of will be a memory of the past. AJ spun Scott around and danced him onto the floor; Mo groaned – I wish someone would do that for me. JT grabbed his wife pressing his stiff member into her ass cheeks eliciting a moan of desire and a god that feels good. JT spun his wife onto the dance floor; navigating them close to Scott and AJ – he whispered to his little brother `thank you for reminding me, romance and passion are key to love'. AJ, ever the smart ass – as well as blow jobs from your brother and his wife don't hurt either. He dropped Scott's arms and grabbed both Mo and JT by the ass cheeks and kissed them both quickly. JT blushed 3 shades of red and Mo kissed AJ on the lips and said thank you for being a great brother and turning up the heat on this one – I do believe he has a huge wet spot on his pants. AJ slid his and between he two and thumbed his brothers cock head which was definitely hard as a rock and leaking profusely – he sucked the wetness off his thumb and said indeed my lady.

Scott grabbed his man before anyone could take note and said you are mine for the rest of this song so if you are going to feel anyone up it had better be me. AJ nodded his head and slid his hand down the front of Scott's pants and spent the rest of the song dancing and stroking his lover's meat. When the dance was done – Scott was pitching quite the tent in his pants, AJ kissed his cheek and said – I'm off, don't poke anyone's eye out with that thing. Scott's ears again turned pink, he just shook his head and said to himself – I've fallen for the Tasmanian Devil, shook his head and left the dance floor. Teddy intercepted Scott pulling him aside – he told him he could tell he was happy and that it was great to finally see him off balance, shy, bashful, outgoing and truly HAPPY. Scott shook his head and told Teddy he had finally come to the realization that he had fallen for the cartoon character Taz – AJ was perpetually in motion, always looking out for others, leaving a little chaos in his wake but at the root had a heart of gold and as I know you can attest to – don't ever get on his bad side as it was not a good place to be; most of all the man was so good for him. He gave Teddy a big hug.

Before he could break that hug – AJ `Taz' came up behind him and grabbed him in another bear hug. AJ told Teddy to mind his manners – the office blow job was not to be an ongoing thing. Both Teddy and Scott's ears turned pink – AJ chuckled and said it's a family trait, kissed them both and headed off again as he heard the doorbell ring. Teddy asked Scott in the wake of the Taz – does he ever slow down; Scott answered honestly NO, actually I will take that back as his ears brighten more – after nighttime sex he pulls me into him to cuddle and he is out like a light. It is adorable – I will tell him good night and he is already out; but in reality, he only needs a few hours sleep. Last night he was zonked out at 11 PM but has been awake since this 3 AM this morning and you see what you get. My guess is that when we go to bed tonight, no there won't be sex as the kids will be with us, his head will hit the pillow and he will be out. That said he will be the first one up, coffee made and breakfast well underway. It is really hard to make him breakfast as he is up at the butt crack of dawn and always so damn chipper. Teddy chuckled as he knew his brother was not a morning person and was known as the `grumpy muffin' in the family.

There was an ear-splitting whistle – everything came to a complete standstill and was eerily quiet. AJ boomed – Gina, Kevin front and center please; it is time to bid you adieu for tonight your carriage and driver have arrived. Once Gina and Kevin joined AJ at the patio doors he handed them two flutes of champagne – AJ cleared his throat and said – please raise a glass to Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien-Daly

May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sunshine warm upon your face

The rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of His hand


One last thing sissy – we know you can't get pregnant again so `Save a horse, ride your cowboy' and we'll see you tomorrow for mom's birthday party. Gina slugged him in the shoulder and yelled at Scott – I thought you were a better influence on him than that. She and Kevin dashed for the limo before anyone could slow them down. Scott yelled out I guess she's in a hurry to ride her cowboy. AJ tilted his glass and mouthed – nicely done.

The noise level started to rise again; Scott covered his ears just in time as another ear-splitting whistle came from his man. AJ shook his head and muttered, people people people. Actually, all joking aside – thank you all for being here – Gina and Kevin know you gave up your Christmas traditions to be with them on this very special day – its not what their parents were expecting (pun intended folks) and I'm sure to get an ear full from my mama but I'm heading across country in a few days so she won't be able to tan my hide on a regular basis any longer. A few special thank you's from me for helping pull this whole thing together – first to the Dalys, O'Briens, Reeds & the O'Reillys – thank you all for pitching in and making this a VERY special day it would not have been the same without you.

Next – Julie and Dave, I give your son a hard time but he is a good man because of your influence, kindness and love – you have raised a wonderful family that I am so proud to welcome into the fold. Jon and Evelyn, I'll deny this if it get's back to Gina but you did good with that one – she is a pain in the ass, obnoxious and down right onery, but she is the best big sister one could hope for, nothing against Stephanie or Cheryl they were gone when I came along, I love you mom and dad. Charlene and Elliot – mom and dad 2, AJ's voice caught here, you both have remained part of this crazy family when most folks would have run for the hills, I love having two sets of parents and I'm sure Jon and Evelyn appreciate the help as I know I can be a handful – JT yelled from the back `biggest understatement of the year', then a big splash was heard. AJ yelled `thanks Mo', Mo yelled `I got your back baby brother'. JR – well for those of you who don't know, he is the father of my love Scott; you did a great job with Melissa and Scott. Teddy started to yell something then another splash and Becca – said loudly `I got your back to baby bro'. All kidding aside – this is the best family ever, thank you again for putting your traditions aside to be here for Gina and Kevin. Salute.

Now before you start getting rowdy again – Julie and Dave – you and your family have the guest house; there are two bedrooms and a sofa sleeper. There should be a couple of air mattresses in the closet for the kids. Evelyn & Jon same room as last night. JR – you are in the office tonight, there is a pullout in there that is made up with clean sheets and the bathroom in the hall is yours. Melissa & Grant, Becca & Teddy, Cheryl & Max, Stephanie & Jim – there are name tags on the doors of the other 4 bedrooms down the hall. JT & Mo you are in the pool house. Kids – there are a couple of options – you can sleep in the media room with air mattresses & sleeping bags or you can take those into your mom & dad's rooms. If you need extra blankets – every room should have additional blankets on the shelves in the closets. If there is something I forgot, let me know I will be up for a bit longer, but once I'm out, I'm out. JT and Scott both said – and it will take a bomb to wake him. AJ smiled and said, that is not entirely true; Scott knows how to wake me up after I go to sleep. Scott blushed crimson.

Scott continued – with that out there for everyone, I would really appreciate you indulging me for a moment as he stepped next to AJ. I would like to thank AJ for his tireless efforts to make today VERY special for everyone. He has been up since 3 AM; cooking, organizing and working his cute behind off to make today a surprise for some and a dream for others and everything here was done in 72 hours. A tremendous round of applause ensued – with a minor threat to Scott's body from AJ. Lastly – I believe most of you know that AJ proposed to me this morning and I accepted. I know that AJ was confused by the amount of time it took me to respond, he kissed AJs cheek and continued – it took me well over 5 minutes to respond. AJ turned to Evelyn and said – I was not vocalizing my words, but talking to myself during that time.

To everyone – I was truly pissed off; I thought I had this whole thing planned out and that there was no way AJ would beat me to the punch. Scott was on one knee now. While AJ was planning the wedding I was planning what I was going to do to ask this man to marry me – Scott held up the ring box. I know I already said yes to you, but my heart has been telling me all day that I needed to get on one knee and ask you to be mine for the rest of our lives:

You are the most amazing person I have ever met

You give of yourself without thought or consequence

You rise above adversity


You have a heart of gold

You expect the most from everyone, but give even more

You are the heartbeat of this family – no one else's could sustain us

You are scary when you are mad – in such a good way

You say your piece and move – never a grudge to be held

You make get my motor running with just a look, a touch, a whisper or a whiff of your scent

I want to grow old with you

I want to have a family with you

I want to take life on with us side by side, hand in hand

I know I said this already, but you are FUCKING HOT AS HELL

Your mom, dad and Gina already accepted the proposal – Evelyn didn't much care for the use of `fucking', but she still said yes

I know you already asked me, but I have to know

Will you join your life to mine and spend our remaining days together and be my husband – Aaron Jonathan O'Brien?

AJ held out his hand and let Scott slide an engagement ring on his finger and said – Absolutely now and forever – by the way I believe you are FUCKING HOT AS HELL TOO. Scott stood, he and AJ kissed long and hard. Gina and Eva hugged the two men congratulating them both – as they inspected AJ and Scott's rings the ladies chuckled and asked did you pick the rings out together? AJ and Scott looked at the rings, smiled and said no. Must be that old saying Great bodies think alike. JT said no guys that is Great minds think alike. Mo, Gina, Eva, Stephanie, Cheryl and anyone within arm shot smacked JT in the head and said duh dufus. TJ whispered in JTs ear – I agree with you bro, these guys are all nuts.

Gina and Kevin said another round of goodbyes and this time did leave.

Next: Chapter 26

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