Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 28

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 28

AJ, Evelyn & JJ headed to the patio. The heaters were not on and the temperatures were a little chilly. AJ grabbed Scott and JT to help get the heaters going. Julie and Dave's kids were packing up and heading out as they needed to get to the other side of the family. Everyone else was staying to celebrate Caleb and Conor's 1st birthday before they all headed to NC on Thursday.

Heaters on, kids all watching movies adults on the patio with wine and a game of truth or dare underway – things were taking a turn toward the interesting. Scott pulled AJ's name out of the hat – asking Truth or Dare. AJ was not going to take a dare from Scott; too many options there. Truth, Teddy and JT chimed in with Chicken. AJ looked at them and said – smart not stupid. Scott winked – so rumor has it that you knocked Syd up before you were married, is that true. AJ smiled thought about how best to answer that question given the audience; he perked up and said I think the best response is – O'Brien family tradition. Julie asked him to clarify as she didn't understand the answer. AJ smiled at her and said, well `knocked up before marriage' has a typically bad connotation in society, so if I answer that question by saying Caleb and Conor were conceived based on a family tradition it sounds less torrid. Julie pressed I still don't get it. Ok given we are all family here – the family tradition is to find your love, have sex, get pregnant and then get married – Nanny & Papa, Mimi & Papi, Cheryl & Max, Steph and Jim, JT & Mo, AJ & Syd, Gina & Kevin. Elliott shook his head and chuckled. Eva piped up, well then it must run in Irish families as – Gigi and Pop, Mom & Dad, Elliot & Charlene, Eva & Ryan, Syd & AJ, Eva & Mat all followed the same pattern – find, sex, pregnant, married.

Julie laughed loudly and said to Dave, I TOLD you our family was not the only ones that did it in this order – Julie looked at the group and said her parents, Dave's parents and all their kids followed the same pattern so it must be an Irish tradition – AJ I love the way you think. The older adults went into the kitchen to get warm.

Evelyn, JJ, Charlene, Elliott, Julie, Dave, JR & Miranda retired to the kitchen table and continued talk, drink, laugh and had a great time getting to know each other with no topic off limits. JR and Miranda were put on the spot by Charlene as she was dying to know – how did you two meet? Everyone laughed loudly; Charlene and Elliott were caught off guard. Evelyn, grabbed her friend's hand and said my dear short answer – AJ set them up. Long answer, AJ wanted to set them up and it seem to work without a hitch until we (the O'Brien clan) got involved. Between us and the kids, we backed AJ into a corner and he and Gina rightfully came out swinging – bullying, abuse and some other less than wonderful things came out and ultimately everyone figured out how to deal with it effectively except Stephanie and there was a blow up between her and Gina. Suffice it to say Stephanie and her family left. Charlene hugged Evelyn and said – so that's what Syd would never tell us; she just said that there were things in AJ's life that surface from time to time and they work through them together but know they make him the kind, caring, compassionate and loving human being he is to me and my boys.

There was a very loud whistle from the other room – Charlene looked at JJ and said that whistle you taught him is getting so very old. Evelyn laughed loudly and when she finally calmed down a bit, she said that whistle is my fault and she let loose with her very own extremely loud whistle. Miranda nudged JR and howled – I told you, she would be the cheeky bugger of this group. JJ said you are so absolutely correct; the apple did not fall far from that tree pointing to his wife of 40 years.

The door to the patio opened and the kids were carrying a lighted cake singing happy birthday; when they were done Evelyn blew out the candles and thanked everyone for their well wishes. When she found there were presents, she was not happy in the least – she had all the kids under 10 help her open the presents starting with Carrie and moving down in age. She thanked everyone or their generosity and creativity – there was a lace negligee in the mix and she tossed it to JR and Miranda and said – she had enough split crotch attire Miranda might need it more now that she had something to ride. The older adults lost their minds and their older children all shook their heads and AJ piped up `save a horse ride a cop'. JR jumped out of his chair and ran after AJ – who hurdle the coach and hit the patio door at full tilt; he skirted the pool but ran into the reed boys who helped their dad get AJ into the pool. Unfortunately for the Reed boys, AJ is very strong and has his own sibling posse who made certain Teddy followed AJ, Scott and Grant into the pool. Ultimately all of the adult children and spouses were in the pool, splashing and playing around like kids. Their children were all going on about running around the pool, someone was sure to get hurt with all the horsing around, act your age not your shoe size and on and on...

AJ cornered Grant who was trying to get away from him – and the dunking began. Grant was taller than AJ, but not nearly as well built and he wound up on the dunked end a number of times. Teddy and JR intervened and they were summarily taken down by AJ and Jim. It was clear that the O'Reilly clan was more plentiful and had the cheeky bugger on their side. There was a sudden blood curdling scream from the house and AJ literally catapulted out of the pool stripping down to his boxers as he headed into the house. He knew right away it was his son Conor, Scott headed in when he saw the panic on AJ's face. As AJ skidded to Conor's side he saw the gash in his right leg and it was bleeding badly with a piece of glass sticking out of the wound. He yelled don't pull it out – he grabbed a clean towel and wrapped it around the leg and stabilized the piece of glass. He yelled for Scott to grab them both sweats as he headed for the car applying pressure to the wound. Mom, make sure Caleb is ok and calm him down; we will call when we know something. Eva – help me strap the car seat please; by the time AJ and Eva had Conor strapped in the car seat Scott was jumping into the front seat next to Eva who grabbed the keys and headed for the hospital. They were at Overlake Medical Center 10 minutes later with AJ carrying his son in his arms and Scott following them in carrying clothes. They were quite the sight as they entered the emergency room; the nurses tried to take Conor from AJ and he said that was not going to happen, just show me where he needs to go. AJ carried his son to an examination room and a doctor was there immediately to check the wound. He complimented the paramedic who wrapped the wound and AJ corrected him that he had done the work.

The doctor said the wound would stitch together nicely and would heal with minimal scarring. AJ thanked him for his opinion, but he wanted Dr. Emanuel to consult as a plastics specialist. His son was not even 1 and he wanted someone that would ensure the scar was invisible unless you knew it was there. The on-call doctor got a little indignant with AJ and he politely asked again – he stated firmly I understand I am standing her in my underwear dripping wet and looking like an 18-year-old child who is the parent of an injured child. I assure you looks are deceiving and either you call him and ask him to consult or I will. The doctor stated flatly that he would not disturb Dr. Emanuel with a request from a negligent parent. AJ turned to Scott and asked for his cell phone – AJ took it, called Charlene and asked for Dr. E's number as I don't have my phone with me. Charlene stated flatly, we are pulling up right now and I will call him on my way in. Not 3 minutes later the attending physician for the afternoon was in Conor's room telling the resident he was being relieved and that their job now as to make Mr. O'Brien and his son as comfortable as possible until Dr. E arrives which should be within a few minutes.

The attending apologized and asked AJ if he would like him to apply pressure to his son's wound while he dressed and cleaned up, which AJ gladly accepted the help, Conor started to cry and AJ leaned in and said – Scott will hold your hand while daddy puts on some clothes. Conor stuck his hand out for Scott; the nurse stopped Scott's approach and stated – only his parents can be in here. AJ blew at this point – he stepped into the nurse's personal space and stated emphatically Scott is his other father. I lost my wife shortly after Conor was born and this man is my life partner and you will step off or I will have your job. She looked at AJ and stated – look here you don't have the power to have my job terminated and hospital policy states that only a parent can be with an injured child. AJ was incensed – he grabbed his phone and called his lawyer – looking right at the nurse he stated without batting an eye – Mr. Reynolds I want you to buy controlling interest in Overlake Medical Center in the next 30 minutes and once the transaction is completed, I expect a call so I can dismiss a rude, condescending and totally asinine nurse named Ms. Sheppard. Yes, I'm certain and the dismissal better not take more than 30 minutes. The attending escorted the nurse from the room and AJ could hear her stating there is no way that son of a bitch faggot had the money to make that happen. He then heard Dr. E's voice asking the attending what was going on and he calmly explained that there was a discussion on hospital policy and the nurse got sideways with Mr. O'Brien. Dr. E looked at the attending and the nurse and said – Mr. O'Brien does have the juice to buy this hospital if he chooses to and fire everyone here, level the building and put up a park. That `son of a bitch faggot' as you referred to him as is the widowed husband of Sydney O'Reilly whose grandmother still owns a large chunk of this hospital and happens to be its Chairwoman of the Board. Dr. E came into the room and there was a commotion in the hallway as the administrator walked past the attending and nurse – stating as she passed `clean out your locker' guards escorted her to her locker and off the premises. The administrator entered Conor's room and pulled AJ aside and apologized on behalf of the staff, administration and board of the hospital. The nurse has been terminated and there is no need for you to buy the hospital, we don't tolerate that type of behavior period. AJ thanked her and returned to Conor. The administrator tapped Scott on the shoulder and apologized to him as well.

An hour later and Dr. E had taken care of Conor's leg, given instructions and a referral in North Carolina for follow up. He told AJ he knew he was going to be a great doctor, asked about his specialty and said he should consider pediatric surgery given his demeanor and affinity for children. Dr. E apologized on behalf of the staff and asked that Scott and AJ not judge all of his colleagues by the rantings of a disturbed woman. AJ thanked him and stated his fuse was short and the homophobic rantings set him off, he knew he needed to get a thicker skin and would work on that.

The charge nurse came in with the discharge paperwork, wound care instructions, two prescriptions – 1 for pain and 1 for infection. Billing was handled and they were headed back home; on the way to get in the car the nurse ran at AJ with a knife, she was taken down, cuffed and handed over to the police. AJ thought fuck me – can't there just be a day without drama. Went to strap AJ in and realized this was a new car seat – he looked at Eva and asked here what happened and she told him the other one was soaked in blood and I decided something knew would be less disturbing; the old one will be cleaned and donated to a local shelter.

Charlene had been keeping the family updated the entire time – less the nursing drama. On the way home Eva's phone rang after she answered she immediately put it on speaker; Mom you and Lindal are on with AJ, Scott, Conor and me. Marie told AJ that she was sorry that you had to put up with that nonsense, but she was glad that AJ was willing to put his money where his heart was. Nanny asked how Conor was doing – AJ said everyone was doing well and that he was certain he was going to get taken to task for running out of the house in just my underwear and then running around the hospital without shoes; you know how mom is about that stuff. Nanny and Gran both laughed loudly – with Nanny stating you really are a cheeky bugger. AJ protested, but Scott interrupted stating Nanny you are so right he is a cheeky bugger that leads with his heart and sometimes leaves the head behind. Gran said – AJ don't let that one go, he's gorgeous and smart too; is he packing a big dick? Eva piped in and said mom – that's enough you almost made Scott crash. Lindal chided Eva – leave us old ladies to our dirty minds – you know I bathed AJ so I know he's not doing too bad in the britches – Scott is he doing right by you with that large tool? AJ chuckled and said Nanny – you dirty old lady; leave my big dick out of this conversation or I'll start asking you what lady or gentleman is playing with those `D' titties you carry around with you. Gran said – well I can tell you I sampled the goods as well as Mr. O'Hanlon. Nanny pitched in – even with the blue pill, he struggled to keep up with us old gals as you say.

Eva – interrupted – you all are incorrigible – Mom, Lindal I'm glad you are getting your oil changed and please leave the boys big cocks out of the discussion I don't want to lose an eye today. Mom – I call you on Tuesday to make sure I have your meetings covered for the next two weeks. Enjoy those Irish men and women – I'm sure it will take more than one to keep you lasses happy. Everyone said their goodbyes. Scott laughed his head off – he was crying by the time he pulled into the driveway. When the unloaded, Charlene ran up and took Conor from AJ and cuffed Scott on the head – what the hell were you doing, you almost hit a curb back there. Eva said – sis go easy on him that was mom's fault – she and Lindal were on the phone and she asked Scott if he had a big cock and then Lindal piled on with son are you enjoying AJ's big dick. Of course, your son being the comedian had to ramp it up by asking Lindal who was taking care of her bid `d' cup titties; that resulted in the confirmation that mom, Lindal and a Mr. O'Hanlon had a three way – further it was made clear that even the blue pill was not enough to keep up with the old gals.

So, when you see mom in a couple of weeks you can cuff her in the head and let her know she almost contributed to a second hospital visit for her great grandson. Charlene laughed, apologized to Scott and said – I should have known based on the sex addled brains of this family it had to be something related to that, I wrongly assumed that AJ and Scott were getting handsy in the car with my grandson innocently sitting there. AJ looked at Charlene shoved his hand down Scott's sweatpants, grabbed his cock and stated – mom I only grab Scott's cock when I know we won't cause bodily harm to anyone but ourselves. He guided Scott into the house by his cock. Charlene exclaimed – oh my god, Elliott took Conor and said in passing – you have no one to blame but yourself – you started it by assuming they are just as horny as you are; Charlene stood in the hallway with her mouth open. AJ piped up – Elliott, you must love that mouth it looks like it could suck the chrome off a bumper. AJ ducked and ran as Charlene swung at him – she called after him you are a cheeky bugger.

Next: Chapter 29

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